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NAME----------------- Time: 3Hours Marks:85
Q#1. Each question has four possible answers. Choose the correct answer.

1 . Work done per unit charge is called:

a) Electric flux b) Electric potential c) Electric Intensity d) None of the above

2. A capacitor of capacitance 2μF is connected with a battery of 12 volt, the charge stored is equal to:

a) 2.5x10-5C b) 2.4x10-6C c) 2.4x10-5C d) 2.4x105C

3. Maximum power is delivered to a load when internal resistance of source is :

a) Less than load resistance b) Equals the load resistance

c) Greater than load resistance d) Does not depend on load resistance
4. In cathode ray oscilloscope, the beam of particles used is:

a) Protons b) Neutrons c) Electrons d) Alpha particles

5. In order to increase the range of voltmeter, the series resistance is

a) Kept constant b) Decreased c) Increased d) None of these

6. If the angle between velocity and magnetic field 900, motional emf will be,

a) Maximum b) Minimum c) Zero d) None of these

7. Which one of the following works like a motor?

a) Galvanometer b) Ammeter c) Voltmeter d) All of above

8. Power dissipated in AC circuit is given by

a) b) c) d)
9. At high frequency, the current through a capacitor of AC circuit will be

a) Large b) Small c) Infinite d) Zero

10. A dopped semi conductor is called:

a) P type b) N type c) Extrinsic d) Intrinsic

11. Photodiode is used for the

a) Detection of heat b) Detection of light c) Detection of sound d) Detection of radio waves

12. LED emits light only when

a) reverse biased b) forward biased c) unbiased d) all of these

13. The rest mass of a photon is:

a) Zero b) Very small c) Equal to the mass of electron d) Infinite

14. Each photon is associated with radiation of:

a) Intensity b) Frequency c) Resistance d) Momentum

15. The electrons may have any amount of energy

a) First shell electrons b) free electrons c) orbital electrons d) fifth shell electrons
16. Isotopes differ from one another in the number of

a) Protons b) Electrons c) Neutrons d) Positrons

17. A device which shows the visible path of ionizing particle is called:

a) G.M Counter b) Solid detector c) Scalar d) Wilson-Cloud Chamber


Q#2: Give short answers of any eight of the following short questions. (8×2=16)
i. The potential is constant throughout a given region of space. Is the electrical field zero or non-zero in this region? Explain.
ii. The time constant of a series RC circuit is t = RC. Verity that an ohm times farad is equivalent to second.
iii. What is meant by an Electron volt? Write its formula.
iv. Electric lines of force never cross. Why?
v. Why does the picture on a T.V screen become distorted when a magnet is brought near the screen?
vi. How can you use a magnetic field to separate isotopes of chemical element?
vii. Why is the resistance of an ammeter should be very low?
viii. How can a loop be current loop be used to determine the presence of a magnetic field in a given region of space?
ix. How would you position a flat loop of wire in a changing magnetic field so that there is no emf induced in the loop?

x. Show that  and have the same units.

xi. Why self induced emf is called back emf?
xii. Does the induced emf always act to decrease the magnetic flux through a circuit?
Q#3: Give short answers of any eight of the following short questions. (8×2=16)
xiii. Draw a stress-strain curve for a ductile material and define the terms: Elastic limit. Yield point and ultimate tensile stress.
xiv. Define modulus of elasticity. Show that the units of modulus of elasticity and stress are same. Also discuss its three kinds.
xv. Why charge carriers are not present in the depletion region?
xvi. The anode of a diode is 0.2 V positive with respect to its cathode. Is it forward biased?
xvii. Explain crystalline and glassy solids with examples.
xviii. What is the net charge on a n-type or p-type substance?
xix. DC cannot flow through a capacitor continuously. Why?
xx. When 10 V are applied to an A.C circuit, the current flowing in it is 100 mA. Find its impedance.
xxi. What is the resonant frequency of a circuit which includes a coil of inductance 2.5 H and a capacitance 40 F?
xxii. While charges are present in metals but current is zero before applying the battery
xxiii. Do bends in a wire affect its electrical resistance? Explain
xxiv. What are the difficulties in testing whether the filament of a lighted bulb obeys Ohm’s law?
Q#4: Give short answers of any six of the following short questions. (6×2=12)
xxv. Photon A has twice energy of photon B. What is the ratio of the momentum of A to that of B?
xxvi. Why does the wave nature of a ball not be visible?
xxvii. Can the electron in the ground state of hydrogen absorb a photon of energy 13.6 eV and greater than 13.6 eV?
xxviii. How can radioactivity help in the treatment of cancer?
xxix. The half-life of Sr is 9.70 hours. Find its decay constant.
xxx. Will higher frequency light eject greater number of electrons than low frequency light?
xxvii. What is the range of radioactive particles? Discuss the factors affecting the range of a particle.
xxxi. How can the spectrum of Hydrogen contain so many lines when Hydrogen contains only one electron?
xxxii. If someone accidentally swallows an -source and a -source which would be the more dangerous to him? Explain why?

SECTION II (8×3=24)

Note: Attempt any three long questions of the following.

Q#5: (a) What is Wheatstone bridge? How can it be useful to calculate the unknown resistance?
(b) Two point charges q1 = -1.0 x 10-6C and q2 = + 4.0 x 10-6C are separated by distance of 3.0m. Find
and justify zero field location.

Q#6: (a) How can you determine e/m of an electron? Explain.

(b) The current in a coil of 1000 turns is changed from 5 A to zero in 0.2 s. If an average emf of 50 V is induced during this
interval, what is self instance of the coil? What is the flux through each turn of coil when current of 6 A is flowing?

Q#7: (a) What is transistor? Explain its construction with its working as an amplifier.
(b) Find the value of the current flowing through a capacitance 0.5 µF when connected to a source of 150V at 50Hz?

Q#8: (a) What is photoelectric effect. Discuss in detail

(b) What stress would cause a wire to increase in length by 0.01% if the Young’s modulus of wire is
12x1010 Pa. What force would produce this stress if the diameter of the wire is 0.56 mm.

Q#9: (a) Derive the relation for the quantized radii and quantized energies for the electron in hydrogen atom.
(b) If U decays twice by -emission, what is the resulting isotope?

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