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Review Article

Psychopathology 2020;53:254–263 Received: May 12, 2020

Accepted: September 2, 2020
DOI: 10.1159/000511349 Published online: November 9, 2020

Technology-Based Psychosocial Interventions

for People with Borderline Personality Disorder:
A Scoping Review of the Literature
Álvaro Frías a, b Laia Solves a, b Sara Navarro a, b Carol Palma a, b
Núria Farriols a, b Ferrán Aliaga a, b Mònica Hernández b Meritxell Antón b

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Aloma Riera b
a Facultat de Psicologia, Ciències de l’Educació i de l’Esport Blanquerna, University of Ramon-Llull, Barcelona, Spain;
b Adult
Outpatient Mental Health Center, Consorci Sanitari del Maresme, Hospital of Mataró, Mataró, Spain

Keywords studies (7/15) were referred to as dialectical behavior thera-

Borderline personality disorder · Software · Clinical research · py-based software; most studies (13/15) were focused on the
Technology-based interventions · Psychosocial treatments initial stage of the clinical research cycle (feasibility/accep-
tance/usability testing), reporting good results at this point;
more than one-third of the studies (6/15) tested mobile
Abstract apps; there is emerging evidence for Internet-based inter-
Evidence-based psychosocial interventions for borderline ventions and real-time fMRI biofeedback but only little evi-
personality disorder (BPD) still face multiple challenges re- dence for mHealth interventions, virtual and augmented re-
garding treatment accessibility, adherence, duration, and ality, and computer-based interventions; there was no com-
economic costs. Over the last decade, technology has ad- putational technology-based clinical research; and there
dressed these concerns from different disciplines. The cur- was no satisfaction/preference, security/safety, or efficiency
rent scoping review aimed to delineate novel and ongoing testing for any software. Taken together, the results suggest
clinical research on technology-based psychosocial inter- that there is a growing but still incipient amount of technol-
ventions for patients with BPD. Online databases (PubMed, ogy-based psychosocial interventions for BPD supported by
Cochrane Library, EMBASE, Web of Science, PsycInfo, and some kind of clinical evidence. The limitations and directions
Google Scholar) were searched up to June 2020. Technolo- for future research are discussed. © 2020 S. Karger AG, Basel
gy-based psychosocial treatments included innovative com-
munication (eHealth) and computational (e.g., artificial intel-
ligence), computing (e.g., computer-based), or medical (e.g.,
functional magnetic resonance imaging [fMRI]) software. Introduction
Clinical research encompassed any testing stage (e.g., feasi-
bility, efficacy). Fifteen studies met the inclusion criteria. The Rationale
main findings were the following: almost two-thirds of the Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is character-
studies (9/15) tested software explicitly conceived as adjunc- ized by pervasive affective, interpersonal, identity, cogni-
tive interventions to conventional therapy; nearly half of the tive, and behavioral instability as well as high rates of sui- © 2020 S. Karger AG, Basel Álvaro Frías Adult Outpatient Mental Health Center
Consorci Sanitari del Maresme
Cirera Road 320, ES–08304 Mataró (Spain)
afrias @
cidal and self-harm behaviors [1]. Its prevalence in the these patients, either as an adjunctive or as an alternative
general population is estimated to range from 1.2 to 2% innovative therapy, can make therapy more accessible,
[2]. Those affected are often severely impaired in their complete, flexible, comfortable, accurate, and ultimately
social and professional functioning [3]. BPD also consti- cost-effective. Similar to the aforementioned mental dis-
tutes a high economic burden on society [4]. orders, current clinical research on technology-based
Several psychosocial treatments for BPD have been de- psychosocial treatments for BPD is also providing grow-
veloped and positively tested, including dialectical behav- ing but initial clinical evidence [8]. At present, the num-
ior therapy (DBT), schema therapy, mentalization-based ber of ongoing projects warrants a review to establish an
therapy, and transference-focused psychotherapy [5, 6]. overall vision of this issue.
These treatments notably take a long time to administer,
requiring several years for completion. Some of these pa- Objectives
tients discontinue therapy in the beginning or abruptly There were no prior scoping reviews aimed at address-
[7]. Meanwhile, implementation and dissemination are ing technology-based psychosocial interventions for peo-
slow, and most patients with BPD do not receive these ple with BPD. Hence, the present paper sought to fill this
treatments. Within this context, technology-based psy- gap in the literature by performing an up-to-date review

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chosocial interventions may be an adequate way to over- of those ongoing studies in BPD that tested any type of
come treatment barriers and limitations for people with technology (as described in the above section) through
BPD [8]. any stage of the clinical research cycle (from feasibility/
In general, current developments of healthcare tech- usability/acceptance to efficiency testing).
nology for mental health comprise a wide range of disci-
plines, including, but not limited to: (1) information and
communication technology or eHealth: Internet-based
treatments (website-based, virtual therapeutic communi- Information Sources
ties); mHealth (mobile app-based, wearable biosensor de- A literature search was carried out through the PubMed,
vices); telehealth (videoconferencing, email messages); Cochrane Library, EMBASE, Web of Science, PsycInfo, and
(2) computing technology: computer-based; serious Google Scholar databases from inception to June 2020. The terms
employed included indexing terms (e.g., MeSH) and free texts:
games; virtual reality; eye-tracking; (3) computational (borderline personality) AND (ehealth OR mhealth OR mobile
technology: artificial intelligence; machine learning; deep app OR computer-based OR Internet-based OR technology OR
learning; and (4) medical technology: functional magnet- artificial intelligence OR biofeedback OR machine learning OR
ic resonance imaging (fMRI) [9–12]. The integration of virtual reality OR telehealth OR serious games OR wearable device
these types of technology into the current psychosocial OR eye-tracking OR digital OR big data OR fMRI).
treatments for mental disorders has increased rapidly Eligibility Criteria
over the last 10 years, with ongoing clinical research Studies were selected if they included the following three char-
mostly from initial stages of testing (feasibility/accep- acteristics: (1) participants: subjects with a main diagnosis of BPD
tance/usability studies) rather than from later stages (ef- confirmed by semi-structured clinical interviews; (2) interven-
ficacy/effectiveness studies). Except for the sound evi- tions: technology-based psychosocial treatments consisting of in-
novative communication (eHealth) and computational (e.g., arti-
dence on Internet-based interventions for depression and ficial intelligence), computing (e.g., computer-based), or medical
anxiety disorders [13], such clinical research is providing (e.g., fMRI) software; and (3) outcomes: findings from any stage of
promising but still not well-established clinical evidence the clinical research cycle (e.g., feasibility, efficacy, safety, satisfac-
for transdiagnostic psychiatric symptoms (e.g., suicidal tion, efficiency). Also, studies were to appear in a peer-reviewed
ideation) and common mental disorders (e.g., schizo- journal and to be accessible in the English language.
phrenia, bipolar disorder, eating disorders, substance use Study Selection
disorders, anxiety disorders, major depression, posttrau- Detailed data of the study selection process are shown in Figure
matic stress disorder, autism spectrum disorders, atten- 1. Thirty-six papers were initially collected, but at the end of the
tion deficit hyperactivity disorder) [14–16]. process 21 papers had been removed. Thus, 15 papers were in-
As mentioned above, technology-based psychosocial cluded in the current scoping review.
interventions may also be an optimized way to solve po- Data Items
tential problems associated with conventional face-to- Data from each of the selected papers was separately recruited,
face treatments in people with BPD [8]. The integration classified, and described according to:
of technology into the evidence-based treatments for

Technology-Based Psychosocial Psychopathology 2020;53:254–263 255

Interventions for BPD DOI: 10.1159/000511349
Color version available online
Records identified through database Additional records identified through
searching other sources
(n = 39) (n = 0)

Records after duplicates removed

(n = 36)

Records excluded (12):

Records screened 12 papers only related to diagnosis

(n = 36) and classification in borderline

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personality disorder

Full-text articles excluded (9):


Full-text articles assessed

for eligibility 1 paper edited in German language
(n = 24) 1 paper only focused on content
1 paper did not have patients’/users’
3 papers were theoretical
descriptions of the software
Studies included in 3 papers were related to somatic

systematic review treatments

(n = 15)

Fig. 1. Flowchart of study selection.

(1) Type of technology-based psychosocial intervention: (a) In- research. For these reasons, a meta-analysis was not considered as
formation and communication technology: Internet-based (web- the best choice. Also, a systematic review was ruled out because this
site-based, virtual therapeutic communities); mHealth (mobile was a novel field of research. Accordingly, a scoping review was
app-based, wearable biosensor devices); telehealth (videoconfer- considered as the more appropriate approach.
encing, email messages). (b) Computer technology: virtual/aug- A mixed approach to synthesize and categorize the findings
mented reality; serious games; eye-tracking; computer-based. (In- was created based on the following classification methods: (1)
ternet-based and computer-based were separately classified be- technology readiness level [17]; (2) software testing research [18];
cause the former does not necessarily need to be installed on the and (3) evidence-based medicine [19]. This mixed approach was
computer. In addition, computer-based technologies were nor run considered better than one of them alone because it comprised dif-
via the Internet.) (c) Computational technology: artificial intelli- ferent aspects to take into account when analyzing each type of
gence; machine learning; deep learning. (d) Medical technology: clinical research from technology-, software-, and medicine-based
fMRI. standpoints altogether.
(2) Type of clinical research: (a) Feasibility/acceptance/usabil- The proposed mixed approach was called the research develop-
ity testing. (b) Efficacy/effectiveness testing. (c) Satisfaction/pref- mental level (RDL). Papers were scored according to the metrics
erence testing. (d) Security/safety testing. (e) Efficiency testing for each stage of the clinical research cycle listed in Table 1. The
(cost-effectiveness). total score may range between 0 and 20. Depending on the total
score, the RDL of each paper was classified as follows: 0–3 (imma-
Additional Analyses ture), 4–8 (emerging), 9–12 (promising), 13–16 (adequate), and
The included studies were thought to be too different in type of 17–20 (validated).
technology-based psychosocial intervention and type of clinical

256 Psychopathology 2020;53:254–263 Frías/Solves/Navarro/Palma/Farriols/

DOI: 10.1159/000511349 Aliaga/Hernández/Antón/Riera
Table 1. Metrics for each stage of the clinical research cycle

Type of clinical research Points

Feasibility/usability/acceptance testing
Feasibility testing 1
Usability and/or acceptance testing 1
If based on single-case study 0
pilot study 0.5
multiple user groups 1
Efficacy/effectiveness testing
Randomized controlled trial 4
if multicenter 1
if active control treatment 1
Open trial 3
Satisfaction/preference testing valid for efficacy/effectiveness study 2

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Safety/security testing valid for efficacy/effectiveness study 3
Efficiency testing cost-effectiveness analysis 5
Additional metric software testing in full or beta version 1

Data Collection and Classification Process [25]. All of them should be used as unguided self-man-
Studies were selected by the first two authors of the current pa-
per independently. At the end of the selection process, both re- agement interventions. Three were DBT-based, to be de-
searchers had gathered the same 15 papers. Regarding the pro- livered as an adjunctive tool to conventional DBT therapy
posed RDL classification, one of the papers was scored differently (EMOTEO, DBT Coach, mDiary app); another was based
by the researchers, but this was clarified after reviewing the study on biofeedback using a smartwatch (wearable biosensor
together. device) and was aimed at ameliorating emotional dysreg-
ulation (Sense-IT); and the last one included content
from cognitive-behavioral therapy for crisis intervention
Results (B·RIGHT). All of them obtained data supporting their
acceptance and/or usability. In addition, two of them also
Detailed data of the results can be seen in Table 2. It proved their feasibility (DBT Coach and EMOTEO), and
includes 15 studies with accurate information based on three also included a web server (overview screen) for
the following variables: (1) type of technology (e.g., mo- therapists and/or patients (B·RIGHT, Sense-IT, mDiary
bile apps, web-based); (2) project name and authors; (3) app). (2) Wearable biosensor devices. Except for the study
type of treatment and target symptom (e.g., biofeedback, referred to above by Derks et al. [21], no software with
cognitive remediation); (4) distinctive features (e.g., un- clinical research was found.
guided self-management, beta version); (5) feasibility, us- Internet-Based Interventions. (1) Website-based inter-
ability, and acceptance testing (if performed); (6) efficacy ventions. There were two types of software (both beta ver-
and effectiveness testing (if performed); (7) total score sions) with some kind of clinical evidence (RDL: emerg-
(quantitative measure based on the proposed RDL); and ing). One of them, PRIOVI, was a guided self-manage-
(8) RDL (qualitative data based on the proposed RDL). ment intervention based on schema therapy and to be
used as an adjunctive intervention. PRIOVI reported data
Psychosocial Interventions Based on Information and proving its feasibility and acceptance [26, 27]. The other
Communication Technology software tested the effectiveness of a DBT psychoeduca-
mHealth-based Interventions. (1) Mobile app-based tion program as an unguided self-management interven-
interventions. There were five types of software (three tion. A randomized controlled trial showed that the web-
beta versions and two full versions) with little clinical ev- based intervention conferred additional and sustained
idence (RDL: immature): B·RIGHT [20], Sense-IT [21], improvements in BPD symptoms at 1-year follow-
EMOTEO [22], DBT Coach [23, 24], and mDiary app up when compared with a wait-list control group [28].

Technology-Based Psychosocial Psychopathology 2020;53:254–263 257

Interventions for BPD DOI: 10.1159/000511349
Table 2. Clinical research in technology-based psycho interventions for BPD

Type of Project name and Type of treatment and target Distinctive features Feasibility, usability, and Efficacy and effectiveness Total RDL6
technology reference symptom acceptance testing testing score6

Mobile apps B·RIGHT (Frías et al. crisis intervention for emotional beta version (1 point); cognitive- pilot study with 25 patients none 2.5 immature
[20], 2020, Spain) crises behavioral-based intervention; includes a (0.5 points); U: good1 (1 point)
chatbot in the mobile app and a web
server (overview screen) for therapists;
unguided self-management intervention

Sense-IT (Derks et al. biofeedback (heart rate) for beta version (1 point); biofeedback-based multiple user groups (patients, none 3 immature
[21], 2019, The emotional dysregulation intervention; includes wearable device therapists, expert users;
Netherlands) (smartwatch) and a web server (overview 1 point); U: good for all types
screen) for patient/therapist; unguided of user groups1, 2 (1 point)
self-management intervention

mDiary app (Helweg- adjunctive (self-monitoring and beta version (1 point); DBT-based multiple user groups (patients, none 3 immature
Joergensen et al. [25], psychoeducation) to usual DBT intervention; includes a web server therapists) (1 point); U:
2019, Denmark) for emotional dysregulation and (overview screen) for patient/therapist and acceptable1 (higher scores by
self-harm GPS; unguided self-management patients than by therapists,
intervention and GPS considered invasive
by patients) (1 point)

DBT Coach (Rizvi et al. adjunctive to usual DBT for *prototype, **full version (in stores) *multiple user groups none *3; immature
[23], 2011, United improving mindfulness skills (1 point); DBT-based intervention; (patients, therapists; 1 point); **3.5

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States*; Rizvi et al. [24], training for comorbid SUD* unguided self-management intervention **pilot study with 16 patients
2016, United States**) and NSSI** (0.5 points); F: *decreased
urge to use substances after
10–15 days (1 point);
**decreased urge to self-harm
and NSSI after 6 months
(1 point); U/A: *usable and
helpful for patients and
therapists3 (1 point); **usable
and helpful, but not enjoyable3
(1 point)

EMOTEO (Prada et al. adjunctive to usual DBT for full version (in stores; 1 point); DBT-based pilot study with 16 patients none 3.5 immature
[22], 2017, Switzerland) regulating aversive tension intervention; unguided self-management (women) (0.5 points); F:
intervention decreased aversion tension
after 6 months (1 point); U/A:
usable and helpful3 (1 point)

Web-based not reported (Zanarini DBT-psychoeducation for BPD beta version (1 point); DBT-based none RCT on effectiveness 5 emerging
et al. [28], 2018, United symptoms intervention; program is laid out like a (4 points); sample:
States) book; unguided self-management symptomatic volunteers
intervention (women) recruited
through ads by one
research center; arms:
web-based (n = 40) vs.
waitlist (n = 40);
procedure: 3‑month
treatment + 1‑year
follow-up; outcome:
additional and
maintained decline in
overall BPD symptoms4;
ES: medium (OR = 0.05);
attrition: <5%

PRIOVI (Fassbinder et adjunctive to usual and beta version (1 point); ST-based *single-case study; **multiple none *2; *immature;
al. [26], 2015, Germany*; individual ST for BPD intervention; includes a clinician-facing user groups (patients, **4 **emerging
Jacob et al. [27], 2018, symptoms interface; guided self-management therapists) (1 point); F:
The Netherlands**) intervention *improved BPD symptoms,
functioning, and schema
modes after 6 months
(1 point); **improved BPD
symptoms after 12 months
(1 point); A: **helpful for all
types of user groups2 (1 point)

Virtual not reported (Falconer adjunctive to usual group MBT beta version (1 point); MBT-based pilot study with 15 patients none 3.5 immature
reality et al. [29], 2017, United for improving mentalization intervention; includes virtual desktop and (0.5 points); F: mentalization
Kingdom) avatar software; delivered in a clinic and measures remained
guided by a therapist unchanged after 4 sessions
(1 point); A: helpful2 (1 point)

not reported (Nararro- adjunctive to usual DBT for beta version (1 point); DBT-based single-case study; F: higher none 2 immature
Haro et al. [30], 2016, improving mindfulness skills intervention; includes goggles and mindfulness scores after
Spain) training headphones; delivered in a clinic and 4 sessions (1 point)
guided by a therapist

258 Psychopathology 2020;53:254–263 Frías/Solves/Navarro/Palma/Farriols/

DOI: 10.1159/000511349 Aliaga/Hernández/Antón/Riera
Table 2 (continued)

Type of Project name and Type of treatment and target Distinctive features Feasibility, usability, and Efficacy and effectiveness Total RDL6
technology reference symptom acceptance testing testing score6

Computer- CACR (Vita et al. [31], computer-based cognitive beta version (1 point); cognitive pilot study with 15 (TAU + none 2.5 immature
assisted 2018, Italy) remediation therapy for remediation-based intervention; delivered CACR) vs. 15 (TAU) patients
neurocognitive impairments in a clinic and guided by a therapist (0.5 points); F: CARC
and psychosocial dysfunction improved working memory
and functioning, but not BPD
symptoms after 4 months
(1 point)

CBST (Wolf et al. [32], computer-based therapy beta version (1 point); DBT-based pilot study with 13 (skills none 2.5 immature
2011, Germany) adjunctive to conventional intervention; includes a CD-ROM; training group + CBST) vs. 11
group DBT for facilitating the self-help program (skills training group) patients
learning process in skills (0.5 points); F: CBST
training improved skills acquisition
after 6 months (1 point)

fMRI not reported (Paret et al. real-time fMRI neurofeedback full version (1 point); biofeedback-based *pilot study with 8 patients *open trial on efficacy *2.5; *immature;
[33], 2016, Germany*; training (amygdala intervention; includes thermometer bar (0.5 points); F: fMRI (3 points); sample: 26 **4 **emerging
Zaehringer et al. [34], hemodynamic activity) for for amygdala activation; delivered in a neurofeedback training patients (women)
2019, Germany**) emotional dysregulation clinic and guided by a therapist improved dissociation and recruited by one research
lack of emotional awareness center; arm: fMRI
after 4 sessions (1 point) neurofeedback training;

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procedure: 4‑session
treatment + 1.5‑month
follow-up; outcome:
maintained decline in
overall BPD symptoms
and emotional
dysregulation4, 5; ES:
medium (eta2: 0.14–0.18);
attrition: 2 people

A, acceptance; BPD, borderline personality disorder; CACR, computer-assisted cognitive remediation; CBST, computer-based skills training; CD-ROM, compact disc with read-only memory; DBT, dialectical
behavior therapy; ES, effect size; F, feasibility; fMRI, functional magnetic resonance imaging; GPS, Global Positioning System; MBT, mentalization-based therapy; NSSI, nonsuicidal self-injury; OR, odds ratio; RCT,
randomized controlled trial; RDL, research developmental level; ST, schema therapy; SUD, substance use disorder; TAU, treatment as usual; U, usability. 1 Subjective Usability Scale. 2 Qualitative interviews. 3 Satis-
faction and Usability Survey. 4 Zanarini Rating Scale for Borderline Personality Disorder. 5 Emotion Regulation Scale. 6 RDL (scores): immature (0–3), emerging (4–8), promising (9–12), adequate (13–16), and vali-
dated (17–20).

(2) Virtual therapeutic communities. No software with (RDL: immature): cognitive-based cognitive remediation
clinical research was found. therapy proved its feasibility as an adjunctive therapy to
Telehealth. (1) Videoconferencing. No software with treatment as usual (TAU) [31], and a DBT-based therapy
clinical research was found. (2) Email messages. No soft- showed its feasibility as an adjunctive intervention to
ware with clinical research was found. conventional DBT-based treatment [32].

Psychosocial Interventions Based on Computing Psychosocial Interventions Based on Computational

Technology Technology
Virtual and Augmented Reality. There were two types Artificial Intelligence Algorithms. No software with
of virtual reality software (beta version) with little clinical clinical research was found.
evidence (RDL: immature). One was an adjunctive men- Machine Learning and Big Data. No software with
talization-based therapy whose data proved its accep- clinical research was found.
tance, but feasibility was not completely confirmed (out- Deep Learning and Neural Networks. No software with
come measures remained unchanged after the four ses- clinical research was found.
sions [29]); the other was an adjunctive DBT-based
therapy that showed preliminary feasibility in a single- Psychosocial Interventions Based on Medical
case study [30]. Technology
Serious Games. No software with clinical research was Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. There was
found. one type of software (full version) with some kind of clin-
Eye-Tracking. No software with clinical research was ical evidence (RDL: emerging). Initially, real-time fMRI
found. neurofeedback training for amygdala hemodynamic ac-
Computer-Based Interventions. There were two types tivity was found to be feasible [33]. Then, the same re-
of software (beta version) with little clinical evidence search group performed an open trial showing sustained

Technology-Based Psychosocial Psychopathology 2020;53:254–263 259

Interventions for BPD DOI: 10.1159/000511349
improvements in BPD symptoms at 1.5-month follow-up vention with an inactive control group (waitlist). In ad-
after using the same fMRI neurofeedback training [34]. dition, these studies on effectiveness and efficacy should
Other Medical Technology. No other medical software include data from satisfaction/preference and safety/se-
with clinical research was found. curity testing. Particularly, mobile app-based psychoso-
cial treatments for BPD need further empirical evidence
beyond the current studies [37]. Studies on efficiency
Discussion testing were obviously lacking and should be implement-
ed because healthcare institutions with BPD patients as
Summary of Evidence part of their clinical services may prioritize cost-effective
This scoping review aimed to delineate an up-to-date software. This scoping review also supports the prioriti-
description of the ongoing technology-based psychoso- zation of Internet-based interventions, not only due to
cial treatments for BPD with some kind of clinical re- the current empirical evidence, but also because they are
search: (1) almost two-thirds of the studies (9/15) tested more scalable and useful than other promising technolo-
software explicitly conceived as adjunctive interventions gies (e.g., fMRI feedback) from a public health perspec-
to conventional therapy; (2) nearly half of the studies tive.

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(7/15) were referred to as DBT-based software; (3) most Proposed New Approaches to Technology-Based Psy-
studies (13/15) were focused on the initial stage of the chosocial Treatments in BPD. Regardless of the findings
clinical research cycle (feasibility/acceptance/usability of the current scoping review and considering prior re-
testing), reporting good results at this point; (4) more search using technology for other mental health problems
than one-third of the studies (6/15) tested mobile apps; than BPD, several symptom-specific treatments for BPD
(5) clinical evidence was stronger for studies on web- are proposed. First, virtual reality may be used in order to
based interventions than in studies on other technology; induce positive emotions in BPD patients when depressed
(6) there was no computational technology-based clinical or when dealing with comorbid disorders such as post-
research; and (7) there was no satisfaction/preference, se- traumatic stress disorder or agoraphobia [11]. Second,
curity/safety, or efficiency testing for any software. telehealth may be suitable for BPD patients who are living
in remote places or during confinement [38]; virtual ther-
Limitations apeutic communities may be pertinent for treatment-na-
Studies on feasibility, acceptance, and usability had ïve patients or those socially isolated as a way to offer psy-
several limitations. (1) Four studies only employed a us- choeducation and emotional support, as long as these In-
er-centered approach instead of multiple user groups for ternet forums are moderated by a trained clinician and
usability and acceptance testing [20, 22, 24, 29]. Specifi- participants have already been diagnosed with BPD rath-
cally, provider (therapist) opinions should be always tak- er than self-diagnosed [39]. To these ends, there is a need
en into consideration because they are responsible of im- for integrative technology and scalability. For instance,
plementing the new technology in the healthcare setting some technology used for assessment may also be incor-
[25]. (2) None of the studies assessed baseline cognitive porated for intervention in BPD (e.g., eye-tracking, fMRI)
intelligence as a potential moderator variable associated [40, 41]. Likewise, adaptations of proved technology in
with the referred outcomes [35]. (3) Generalization of other mental disorders (e.g., mDiary for bipolar disorder)
findings was limited because most samples predominant- may be considered. Similarly, transdiagnostic software
ly consisted of women and two studies were based on sin- (e.g., for self-harm) may be valuable for treating patients
gle-case studies [26, 30]. with BPD [25, 42]. Ultimately, convergences between dif-
ferent but complementary technology should be priori-
Recommendations for Future Research tized (e.g., wearable devices plus mobile apps; virtual real-
Future Research on Existing Technologies. Studies on ity plus Internet-based) [21]. Specifically, the addition of
effectiveness and efficacy are still pending in all software serious games into mobile app-based and Internet-based
with prior data from feasibility, acceptance, and/or us- interventions is warranted in order to promote real-world
ability testing [36]. For those adjunctive interventions, utilization (user engagement) of the former software, tak-
these types of studies should include a combination ther- ing into account that these patients are prone to boredom
apy (TAU + technology-based treatment) and compare susceptibility [13]. An alternative approach may be the
it with TAU alone. For those alternative interventions, gamification of this software by including gamified chat-
studies should first compare the technology-based inter- bots, which somehow partly replace therapeutic alliance

260 Psychopathology 2020;53:254–263 Frías/Solves/Navarro/Palma/Farriols/

DOI: 10.1159/000511349 Aliaga/Hernández/Antón/Riera
as a core element for patients with special needs of inter- forts should be made to complete the clinical research
personal dependency [43]. cycle for this technology on the basis of both user (pa-
Proposed Contraindications to Technology-Based Psy- tient) and provider (therapist) recommendations. Ulti-
chosocial Interventions in BPD. Due to the lack of safety mately, these types of interventions should be symptom-
and security testing, the following potential contraindica- specific and solve real-world problems with an adequate
tions should be considered in people with BPD treated and personalized risk-benefit balance.
with technology-based psychosocial interventions. These
contradictions do not emerge from the included studies,
but are developed from other research on Internet inter- Conflict of Interest Statement
ventions on other mental disorders. (1) Mobile apps and
Á. Frías received grants from the CaixaImpulse program (LCF/
web-based treatments should be delivered cautiously
TR/CI18/50030016), the Fundació Blanquerna-University of Ra-
with those at risk or already having comorbid behavioral mon-Llull, and the Col·legi Oficial de Psicologia de Catalunya for
addictions such as nomophobia, Internet addiction, and/ the technical development of the mobile-app B·RIGHT. For the
or gaming disorder [44–46]. (2) Virtual therapeutic com- remaining authors non conflicts of interest are declared.
munities should be avoided or monitored in those with

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higher baseline hostility levels, who in turn are at greater
risk of online peer rejection and also cyberbullying [47, Funding Sources
48]. (3) Virtual reality should be implemented cautiously
Á. Frías received funds (SLT008/18/00175) for editing and
for those with higher baseline dissociation levels due to proofreading the manuscript from the Pla Estratègic de Recerca i
the immersion and absorption effects of this technology Innovació en Salut (PERIS 2019-2021) of the Department of
[49]. (4) Wearable biofeedback devices should be special- Health, Generalitat de Catalunya. For the remaining authors no
ly monitored in those with higher baseline neuroticism funding is declared.
levels and trait anxiety because of the risk of paradoxical
reactions (anxiety) and compulsive behaviors (reassur-
ance). (5) The use of screen view monitors for therapists Author Contributions
(connected to mHealth devices) should always be dis-
Á. Frías wrote the paper with L. Solves. S. Navarro, A. Riera, M.
cussed with patients in general and those with greater Hernández, and M. Antón drafted the manuscript. All authors
paranoid ideation specifically, who may feel that such contributed to the reviewing of the final version of the manuscript.
treatments are invasive. In particular, this subgroup has
special “psychoeducation” needs regarding confidential-
ity and data protection/security [50]. In order to prevent
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