VTAMPS 16 SS Set 3 (Corrected Solution Manual) PDF

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1. In denoting the product of two 3-digit numbers, the multiplication sign in between was
accidentally omitted, resulting in a 6-digit number. If the 6-digit number is equal to 3
times the original product, find this 6-digit number.
Answer: 167334
Solution. Let the two 3-digit number be m and n, respectively. Then the 6-digit number
is 1000m + n. It is given that 1000m + n = 3mn, which is the same as (3n − 1000)m = n.
Let 3n − 1000 = k. Then

1000 = 3n − k = 3km − k = k(3m − 1).

As 3m − 1 ≥ 3(100) − 1 = 299 and 3m − 1 is a factor of 1000, we must have 3m − 1 = 500

or 3m − 1 = 1000. The latter does not have an integer solution, while the former gives
m = 167. In that case, we have k = 2 and hence n = 334. Therefore, the 6-digit number
is 167334.

2. There are 12 lamps, initially off, each of which comes with a switch. When a switch is
pressed, a lamp which is off will be turned on, and a lamp which is on will be turned off.
One is allowed to press exactly 5 different switches in each round. What is the minimum
number of rounds needed so that all lamps will be turned on?
Answer: 4
Solution. Suppose all the lamps are turned on after n rounds. Then we have pressed the
switches 5n times in total. Note that each lamp should change state for an odd number
of times. As there are 12 lamps, the total number of times the lamps have changed state
should be an even number. This forces n to be even. Clearly, n ̸= 2 since at most
5 × 2 = 10 lamps can be turned on in 2 rounds. On the other hand, we can turn the
lamps on in 4 rounds as follows:

Round 1 : Press switches 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

VTAMPS 16 Senior Secondary Set 3

Round 2 : Press switches 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Round 3 : Press switches 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
Round 4 : Press switches 7, 8, 9, 10, 12

Therefore, minimum number of rounds needed so that all lamps will be turned on is 4.

3. A positive integer is said to be ‘good’ if each digit is 1 or 2 and there is neither four
consecutive 1’s nor three consecutive 2’s. Let an denote the number of n-digit positive
a10 − a8 − a5
integers that are ‘good’. Find the value of .
a7 + a6
Answer: 2
Solution. Let pn be the number of n-digit ‘good’ positive integers ending with 1 and qn
be the number of n-digit ‘good’ positive integers ending with 2. Hence, an = pn + qn .
Furthermore, a ‘good’ positive integer must end with 21, 211, 2111, 12, or 122. This leads
to the recurrence relations pn = qn−1 + qn−2 + qn−3 as well as qn = pn−1 + pn−2 . It follows

pn = (qn−2 + qn−3 ) + (qn−3 + qn−4 ) + (qn−4 + qn−5 ) = qn−2 + 2qn−3 + 2qn−4 + qn−5
qn = (pn−2 + pn−3 + pn−4 ) + (pn−3 + pn−4 + pn−5 ) = pn−2 + 2pn−3 + 2pn−4 + pn−5

Adding pn and qn we have an = an−2 + 2an−3 + 2an−4 + an−5 . In particular,

a10 − a8 − a5
a10 = a8 + 2a7 + 2a6 + a5 =⇒ = 2.
a7 + a6

4. A positive integer is said to be a ‘palindrome’ if it reads the same from left to right as
from right to left. Find the sum of all 4-digit palindromes.
Answer: 495000
Solution. Each 4-digit palindrome is of the form abba, where a ranges from 1 to 9 and b
from 0 to 9. Hence the sum of all 4-digit palindromes is equal to

9 X
9 9 9 9
(1001m + 110n) = 1001m + 110n
n=0 m=1 n=0 m=1 m=1
X 9 · 10
= 1001 · + 9 · 110n
X9 9
= 1001 · 45 + 9 · 110n
n=0 n=0
9 · 10
= 10 · 1001 · 45 + 9 · 110 ·
= 495000

VTAMPS 16 Senior Secondary Set 3

5. Some families form teams to join a competition. Each family consists of the father, the
mother, and not more than 5 children. There is a prize for the best father, the best mother,
and the best child, with the restriction that each family may win at most one prize. It
turns out that there are 7770 different possible combinations for the prize winners. What
is the total number of children joining the competition?
Answer: 37
Solution. Suppose that there are n families in total and m children. There are m choices
to the best child, then n − 1 choices for the best mother since the best mother cannot be
from the same family as the best child, and similarly n − 2 choices for the best father.
Hence, we have m(n − 1)(n − 2) = 7770. Now, as m ≤ 5n, we have

7770 ≤ 5n(n − 1)(n − 2) < 5n3 .

By inspection, this implies that n > 12. Since (n − 1)(n − 2) is a factor of 7770, it is easy
to check that the only possibility is n = 16, which corresponds to m = 37.

VTAMPS 16 Senior Secondary Set 3


6. Factor x3 + 12x2 + 39x + 28 completely.

Answer: (x + 4)(x + 7)(x + 1)
Solution. Observe that

x3 + 12x2 + 39x + 28 = x3 + 12x2 + (48x − 9x) + (64 − 36)

= (x3 + 12x2 + 48x + 64) − 9x − 36
= (x + 4)3 − 9(x + 4)
= (x + 4)[(x + 4)2 − 9]
= (x + 4)[(x + 4) + 3][(x + 4) − 3]
= (x + 4)(x + 7)(x + 1)

Therefore, x3 + 12x2 + 39x + 28 = (x + 4)(x + 7)(x + 1).

7. Given real number x = 2 + , find the minimum value of x.
4 + ···

23 − 3 93
Solution. Let x be the expression. Observe that

4x + 1
11x + 3
26x + 7
11x + 3
11x + 3x = 26x + 7
11x2 − 23x − 7 = 0

Using the quadratic formula to solve for the value of x, we have

p √ √
23 ± 232 − 4(11)(−7) 23 ± 837 23 ± 3 93
x= = = .
2(11) 22 22

23 − 3 93
Hence, the minimum value of x is given by x = .

VTAMPS 16 Senior Secondary Set 3

√ √
8. Find the value of x if log2 x2 log2 2 10
− log2 x3 log2 5
= 24.
Answer: 256
Solution. Using the properties of logarithms, we have
√ √
log2 x2 log2 2 10
− log2 x3 log2 5
= 24
log2 xlog2 40 − log2 xlog2 5 = 24
(log2 40)(log2 x) − (log2 5)(log2 x) = 24
log2 x(log2 40 − log2 5) = 24
log2 x(log2 8) = 24
3 log2 x = 24
log2 x = 8
x = 28
x = 256.

9. Find the minimum value of positive integer k such that (k 2 − 1)x2 − 6(3k − 1)x + 72 = 0
has two distinct real roots.
Answer: 2
Solution. For the quadratic equation to have two distinct real roots, the discriminant
must be greater than zero. That is,

[−6(3k − 1)]2 − 4(k 2 − 1)(72) > 0

36(k − 1)2 − 288(k 2 − 1) > 0
(3k − 1)2 − 8(k 2 − 1) > 0
9k 2 − 6k + 1 − 8k 2 + 8 > 0
k 2 − 6k + 9 > 0
(k − 3)2 > 0

This means that k > 3 or k < 3. Since k ̸= ±1, therefore, the minimum value of positive
integer k is 2.

VTAMPS 16 Senior Secondary Set 3

x + 22 290 26 − y
10. Let x and y be real numbers such that + = . Find the value of xy.
y yx x
Answer: −143
Solution. Multiplying xy both sides of the equation we have
x + 22 290 26 − y
xy · + = · xy
y yx x
x2 + 22x + 290 = 26y − y 2
x2 + 22x + y 2 − 26y + 290 = 0
(x2 + 22x + 121) + (y 2 − 26y + 169) = 0
(x + 11)2 + (y − 13)2 = 0

As x, y ∈ R, we must have x = −11 and y = 13. Thus, xy = (−11)(13) = −143.

VTAMPS 16 Senior Secondary Set 3


11. What is the smallest integral value n that satisfies the inequality n2025 ≥ 20241350 ?
Answer: 161
Solution. Note that

n2025 ≥ 20241350
(n3 )675 ≥ (20242 )675
n3 ≥ 20242
n3 ≥ 4096576

The least perfect cube greater that 4096576 is 1613 = 4173281. Hence, n ≥ 161 and
therefore, the smallest integer value that satisfies the inequality is n = 161.

12. Find the remainder when 11112024 is divided by 11111.

Answer: 10
Solution. Observe that

11112024 mod 11111 ≡ (−10000)2024 mod 11111

≡ (104 )2024 mod 11111
≡ 108096 mod 11111
≡ 105·1619+1 mod 11111
≡ (105 )1619 · 10 mod 11111
≡ (1)1619 · 10 mod 11111
≡ 10 mod 11111.

Therefore, the remainder must be 10.

13. Find the last two digits of 8 × 20 × 32 × · · · × 2024 where 8, 20, 32, . . . , 2024 form an
arithmetic sequence of common difference 12.
Answer: 00
Solution. Note that 8, 20, 32, . . . , 2024 form an arithmetic sequence with 169 terms and
common difference 12. Since 12 and 25 are relatively prime, at least one of the terms is
divisible by 25. Also, note that each term is congruent to −1 mod 3. As there are 169
terms, the product is also congruent to −1 mod 3. Since it is divisible by 25, therefore
the last two digits must be 00.

VTAMPS 16 Senior Secondary Set 3

14. Let p and q be integers such that p+q = 2024. If both roots of the equation 11x2 +px+q =
0 are positive integers, find the sum of all possible values of p.
Answer: −2552
Solution. Let α and β be the roots of the equation 11x2 + px + q = 0. Then we have

p q
α+β =− and αβ = .
11 11

This gives us

2024 = p + q
2024 = −11(α + β) + 11αβ
184 = αβ − α − β
185 = αβ − α − β + 1
185 = (α − 1)(β − 1)

As α and β are positive integers, the two factors α − 1 and β − 1 may be 1 and 185, or 5
and 37. Hence, α and β may be 2 and 186, or 6 and 38. These corresponds to p = −2068
and p = −484, respectively. Therefore, the sum is −2068 − 484 = −2552.

15. Find the smallest 4-digit solution of the congruence system

 5x ≡ 1 mod 3

7x ≡ 1 mod 5.

3x ≡ 1 mod 7

Answer: 1013
Solution. Note that
 

 5x ≡ 1 mod 3 
 x ≡ 2 mod 3
 
7x ≡ 1 mod 5 =⇒ x ≡ 3 mod 5

 

3x ≡ 1 mod 7 x ≡ 5 mod 7
 

Let m = m1 · m2 · m3 = 3 · 5 · 7 = 105. Also, note that

M1 = m ÷ m1 = m2 · m3 = 5 · 7 = 35
M2 = m ÷ m2 = m1 · m3 = 3 · 7 = 21
M3 = m ÷ m3 = m1 · m2 = 3 · 5 = 15

VTAMPS 16 Senior Secondary Set 3


35M1−1 ≡ 1 mod 3 =⇒ M1−1 ≡ 2 mod 3

21M2−1 ≡ 1 mod 5 =⇒ M2−1 ≡ 1 mod 5
15M3−1 ≡ 1 mod 7 =⇒ M3−1 ≡ 1 mod 7


x ≡ [(35 · 2 · 2) + (21 · 1 · 3) + (15 · 1 · 5)] mod (3 · 5 · 7)

≡ (140 + 63 + 75) mod 105
≡ 278 mod 105
≡ 68 mod 105

Therefore, the smallest 4-digit solution is x = 9(105) + 68 = 1013.

VTAMPS 16 Senior Secondary Set 3


16. Find the area enclosed by the graph x2 + y 2 = |x| + |y| on the xy-plane.
Answer: 2 + π or π + 2
Solution. Observe that the graph is symmetric with respect to the x-axis, y-axis, and
the origin. Hence, we only need to consider the first quadrant. In the first quadrant, the
equation of the graph can be written as
 2  2
2 2 1 1 1
x +y =x+y =⇒ x− + y− = ,
2 2 2

which is a circle passing through (0, 0), (1, 0), and (0, 1). By symmetry, the whole graph
can be constructed as shown below.

Now, the area bounded by the curve can be thought of as a square of side length 2

plus the four semicircles of diameter 2. Therefore, the are enclosed by the graph of the
equations is
√ 2 √ !2
1 2
2 +4· π· = 2 + π.
2 2

VTAMPS 16 Senior Secondary Set 3

17. A triangle has side lengths 23, 24, and 25. Find the area of the inscribed circle. (Answer
in terms of π)
143 143π
Answer: π or
3 3
Solution. Solving for the semiperimeter of the triangle, we have

23 + 24 + 25
s= = 36.

Hence, utilizing the area of the triangle using the semiperimeter and the area of the
triangle using the Heron’s formula. we have

√ √ 429
36r = 36 · 13 · 12 · 11 =⇒ 36r = 12 429 =⇒ r= .

Therefore, the area of the inscribed circle is

√ !2
429 429 143
A = πr2 = π = π= π sq. units.
3 9 3

18. A triangle has sides with lengths 3x, 5x, and 7x. If the radius of an inscribed circle is r,
find the value of .

Solution: Solving for the semiperimeter of the triangle, we have

3x + 5x + 7x 15x
s= = .
2 2
We can use both formulas A = sr and A = s(s − 3x)(s − 5x)(s − 7x) for the area of
the triangle and combine to obtain
sr = s(s − 3x)(s − 5x)(s − 7x)
15xr 15x 15x 15x 15x
= − 3x − 5x − 7x
2 2 2 2 2
15xr 15x 9x 5x x
= · · ·
2 2 2 2 2

15xr 15 3x2
2 √ 4
r 3
= .
x 2

VTAMPS 16 Senior Secondary Set 3

19. Find the exact value of cot 15◦ cot 75◦ . (Answer in simplest surd form.)
Answer: 1
Solution. Using trigonometric identities, we have

cos (45◦ − 30◦ ) cos (45◦ + 30◦ )

cot 15◦ cot 75◦ = ·
sin (45◦ − 30◦ ) sin (45◦ + 30◦ )
cos 45◦ cos 30◦ + sin 30◦ sin 45◦ cos 45◦ cos 30◦ − sin 30◦ sin 45◦
= ·
◦ cos 30◦ − sin 30◦ cos 45◦ sin 45◦ cos 30◦ + sin 30◦ cos 45◦
√ √ 45 √ √ √ √
2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2
· + · · − ·
= √2 √2 2 √2 · √2 √2 2 √2
2 3 1 2 2 3 1 2
· − · · + ·
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
√ √ √ √ ! √ √ √ √ !
6+ 2 6+ 2 6− 2 6− 2
= √ √ ·√ √ √ √ ·√ √
6− 2 6+ 2 6+ 2 6− 2
√ ! √ !
8+4 3 8−4 3
4 4
 √   √ 
= 2+ 3 2− 3

cot 15◦ cot 75◦ = 1

20. An interior angle of an n-sided regular polygon is (18n + 12)◦ . Find the maximum value
of n.
Answer: 6
Solution. Recall that the sum of the interior angles of an n-sided polygon is 180(n − 2)◦ .
If each of the interior angle measures (18n + 12)◦ , then

180(n − 2) = n(18n + 12)

30(n − 2) = n(3n + 2)
30n − 60 = 3n2 + 2n
3n2 − 28n + 60 = 0
(3n − 10)(n − 6) = 0

Since n must be a positive integer, therefore, the maximum value of n is 6.

VTAMPS 16 Senior Secondary Set 3


21. A fair 6-face dice is thrown 3 times. Find the probability that the sum of numbers
obtained is not a multiple of 6.
Solution. The total number of possible outcomes in throwing a fair 6-faced dice 3 times
is 63 = 216. Observe that for the sum to be a multiple of 5, the sum must be 6, 12, or
18. Now,

sum of 6 : (4, 1, 1), (3, 2, 1), (2, 2, 2)

sum of 12 : (6, 5, 1), (6, 4, 2), (6, 3, 3), (5, 5, 2), (5, 4, 3), (4, 4, 4)
sum of 18 : (6, 6, 6).


22. In a test, a question required students to draw a triangle in which the largest and the smallest
interior angles differ by 54◦ , and then compute the sum of any two of the interior angles of
the triangle drawn. The sum obtained by two students were x◦ and y ◦ , respectively. Find the
greatest possible value of x − y.
Answer: 72◦
Solution. Let the interior angles be a◦ , b◦ , and c◦ in increasing order. The we have c = a + 54
and b = 180 − a − (a + 54) = 126 − 2a. As b lies between a and c, we have

a ≤ 126 − 2a ≤ a + 54 =⇒ 24 ≤ a ≤ 42.

To maximize x − y, we should maximize x and minimize y. To maximize x, we add up b and c

with a as small as possible, giving

x = b + c = 180 − a ≤ 180 − 24 = 156 =⇒ x ≤ 156.

On the other hand, to minimize y, we add up a and b and since a + b = 126 − a, we seek to
make a as large as possible giving

y = a + b = 126 − a ≥ 126 − 42 = 84 =⇒ y ≥ 84.

It follows that the greatest possible value of x − y is 156 − 84 = 72.

23. Balls A, B, C, D, E are to be put into seven boxes numbered 1 to 7. Each box can contain at
most one ball. Furthermore, it is required that the box numbers for balls A and B must be

VTAMPS 16 Senior Secondary Set 3

consecutive, and that the box numbers for balls C and D must also be consecutive. In how
many different ways can the balls be put into the boxes?
Answer: 240
Solution. We first choose 4 boxes to place balls A, B, C, D. There are 10 possible combinations,
1234, 1245, 1256, 1267, 2345, 2356, 2367, 3456, 3467, 4567.

Once the 4 boxes are chosen, there are 4 ways to place ball A, and then 1 way to place ball
B (once ball A is placed there is only one possible position for ball B in order that balls C
and D can be placed in boxes with consecutive numbers), and finally 2 ways to place balls
C and D. There are 3 remaining boxes in which ball E can be placed. Hence the answer is
10 × 4 × 2 × 3 = 240.

24. Find the number of even integers between 30, 000 and 90, 000 in which no digit is repeated.
Answer: 9072
Solution. Let x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 be the required even integer. Observe that the first digit x1 can
be chosen from {3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} and the fifth digit x5 can be chosen from {0, 2, 4, 6, 8}. Since
{3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8} ∩ {0, 2, 4, 6, 8} = {4, 6, 8}, we divide the problem in two disjoint cases:
Case 1: x1 ∈ {4, 6, 8}
In this case, x1 has 3, x5 has 4 choices, and x2 x3 x4 has 8 P3 = 336 choices. Hence, there are
3 · 4 · 336 = 4032 choices if x1 ∈ {4, 6, 8}.
Case 2: x1 ∈ {3, 5, 7}
Here, x1 has 3 choices, x5 has 5 choices, and again x2 x3 x4 has 8 P3 = 336 choices. Thus, there
are 3 · 5 · 336 = 5040 choices if x1 ∈ {3, 5, 7}.
Combining the two cases, there are a total of 4032 + 5040 = 9072 even number between 30, 000
and 90, 000 in which no digit is repeated.

VTAMPS 16 Senior Secondary Set 3

25. Given (a, b, c, d) is a set of integers and all of them are greater than 2. Find the number of
solution set(s) of a + b + c + d ≤ 24.
Answer: 1820
Solution. Since the integers a, b, c, d > 2, we have a + b + c + d ≤ 16. For a + b + c + d = 16,
the number of solution sets is C4−1 = C315 = 455. For a + b + c + d < 16, there exists another
positive integer e such that a + b + c + d + e = 16. Hence, the number of solution sets is
C5−1 = C415 = 1365. Therefore, combining the two cases, the number of solution set satisfying
a + b + c + d ≤ 24 where a, b, c, d > 2 is 455 + 1365 = 1820.

VTAMPS 16 Senior Secondary Set 3

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