Grade 7 SST Schemes Term 2

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TEACHER………………………………………. GRADE…………7……………………….. TERM: 2 YEAR 2024

W Les Strand Sub-strand Specific-Learning Learning Experience Key Inquiry Learning Assessment Reflecti
ee son outcomes Question(S) Resources Methods on
1 1 People Early By the end of the lesson, the Individually, in groups What are the Pictures Oral
and civilization; learner should be able to: or in pairs, learners are factors that led Charts questions
Populatio Kingdom, a) Define kingdom, state and guided to: to the growth Realia Oral Report
n State and Empire. of Zimbabwe, Computing Observation
Empire in b) Identify the factors that led - Define kingdom, state Egypt and devices
Early to the growth of Zimbabwe, and Empire. Kongo Spotlight sst
Civilization Egypt and Kongo kingdom. kingdom? bk 7
c) Draw a diagram showing -Identify the factors that
in Relation
the factors that led to the led to the growth of
to Great
growth of Zimbabwe, Egypt Zimbabwe, Egypt and
Zimbabwe, and Kongo kingdom Kongo kingdom.
Ancient d) Appreciate the factors that
Egypt and led to the growth of - Draw a diagram
Kingdom of Zimbabwe, Egypt and showing the factors that
Kongo Kongo kingdom. led to the growth of
Zimbabwe, Egypt and
Kongo kingdom

2 People Location of By the end of the lesson, the Individually, in groups What are the Photographs Oral
and Selected learner should be able to: or in pairs, learners are contribution of Pictures questions
Populatio Ancient a) Locate the Ancient Egypt, guided to: Early African Video clips Oral Report
n Kingdoms the Great Zimbabwe and the - Locate the Ancient Civilization to Maps Observation
on a Map of Kingdom of Kongo from a Egypt, the Great the Charts
Africa map. Zimbabwe and the Development Realia
b) Discuss how Africa Kingdom of Kongo from of Modern Computing
contributed to the modern a map.
World? devices
world civilization. - Discuss how Africa
Spotlight sst
c) Draw the map of Africa and contributed to the
locate the Ancient Kingdom modern world bk 7
of Egypt, the Great civilization.
Zimbabwe and the Kingdom - Draw the map of Africa
of Kongo. and locate the Ancient
d) Appreciate the contribution Kingdom of Egypt, the
of Early Civilization to the Great Zimbabwe and the
Development of Modern Kingdom of Kongo.

3 People Social By the end of the lesson, the Individually, in groups Who are the Pictures Oral
and Organization learner should be able to: or in pairs, learners are Ogiek people? Video clips questions
Populatio of Selected a) Explain the Ogiek and the guided to: Realia Oral Report
n African Zulu people. - Explain the Ogiek and Who are the Computing Observation
Communitie b) Discuss the Ogiek and the the Zulu people. Zulu people? devices
s up to 1900 Zulu social organization up - Discuss the Ogiek and Spotlight sst
to 1990 the Zulu social bk 7
c) Draw the map of Africa and organization up to 1990
indicate areas settled by the - Draw the map of Africa
Ogiek and the Zulu. and indicate areas
d) Appreciate the importance settled by the Ogiek and
of social organization. the Zulu.

4 Interpers Types of By the end of the lesson, the In pairs, learners to How do you Pictures Oral
onal relationships learner should be able to: identify types of relate with Flash cards questions
Relations in our lives a) Identify types of relationships in our others at Photographs Oral Report
hip Skills relationships in our lives. lives. home, in Charts Checklist
b) Discuss the skills which can In groups, learners are school and in Digital devices Observation
help you maintain strong, guided to discuss the the Mentor; Life
healthy and long lasting skills which can help you community? Skills
relationships. maintain strong, healthy Education
c) Draw a circle showing levels and long lasting Learner’s
of relationships in their life. relationships Book Grade 7
d) Appreciate different types of Individually, learners page 35-37
relations in our lives. are guided to draw a
circle showing levels of
relationships in their

2 1 People Comparison By the end of the lesson, the Individually, in groups What are th Atlas Oral
and of the Social learner should be able to: or in pairs, learners are similarities in Photographs questions
Populatio Organization guided to: social Pictures Oral Report
n of the a) Discuss the Asante organization Video clips Observation
Selected social organization up to - Discuss the Asante among the Maps
African 1900 social organization up to Ogiek, Zulu Charts
Communitie b) Make a class 1900 and Asante? Computing
s up to 1900 presentation of the devices
comparison of the Social - Make a class
Spotlight sst
Organization of the presentation of the
comparison of the Social bk 7
Selected African
Communities up to Organization of the
1900 Selected African
c) Have fun and enjoy Communities up to 1900
class discussion.
2 People Kenyan And By the end of the lesson, the Individually, in groups Why do you Atlas Oral
and African Rich learner should be able to: or in pairs, learners are think the Photographs questions
Populatio Cultural guided to: cultural Pictures Oral Report
n Diversity a) Identify activities that diversities are Maps Observation
Among promote positive - Identify activities that important in Realia
Communitie interactions among promote positive our society? Computing
s various communities in interactions among devices
Africa. various communities in
Spotlight sst
b) State the importance of Africa.
bk 7
cultural diversities in
our society. - State the importance of
c) Draw pictures that show cultural diversities in
rich cultural Diversity our society.
Among African
Communities. - Draw pictures that
d) Appreciate and promote show rich cultural
positive interactions Diversity Among African
among various Communities.

3 People Human By the end of the lesson, the Individually, in groups What are Atlas Oral
and Diversity learner should be able to: or in pairs, learners are personality Photographs questions
Populatio and guided to: attributes? Pictures Oral Report
n Inclusion a) Identify personality Video clips Observation
attributes which make - Identify personality Maps
individuals different from attributes which make Charts
others. individuals different Realia
b) List different components of from others.
Human Identify in a
Multicultural Society. - List different
components of Human Spotlight sst
c) Design a table to categorise
Identify in a bk 7
the desirable and
undesirable personality Multicultural Society.
d) Appreciate different - Design a table to
personality attributes which categorise the desirable
make individuals different and undesirable
from others. personality attributes.

4 Interpers Importance By the end of the lesson, the In pairs, learners to What is the Pictures Oral
onal of value- learner should be able to: identify the importance importance of Flash cards questions
Relations based of having value based value-based Photographs Oral Report
hip Skills relationships a) Identify the importance of relationships. relationships Charts Checklist
in our lives having value based in our lives? Digital devices Observation
relationships. In pairs, learners to
b) Mention situations in life mention situations in life Mentor; Life
which require effective which require effective Skills
communication. communication Education
c) Create a skit showing the Learner’s
benefits of healthy In groups, learners to Book Grade 7
relationships. create a skit showing the page 38-41
d) Appreciate the importance benefits of healthy
of having value based relationships.

3 1 People Ways of By the end of the lesson, the Individually, in groups What can we Atlas Oral
and applying learner should be able to: or in pairs, learners are do to empower Pictures questions
Populatio Inclusion in guided to: the Video clips Oral Report
n Day –to- ay a) Identify ways in which we marginalized Maps Observation
Interaction can apply inclusion in day to - Identify ways in which communities Charts
day interaction. we can apply inclusion in society? Realia
b) Discuss ways through which in day to day interaction. Computing
we can show respect to devices
others so that we can - Discuss ways through
Spotlight sst
promote social cohesion in which we can show
respect to others so that bk 7
our society.
c) Appreciate individual we can promote social
differences for social cohesion in our society.
cohesion in the society.

2 People Peace and By the end of the lesson, the Individually, in groups What is Photographs Oral
and conflict and learner should be able to: or in pairs, learners are conflict? Pictures questions
Populatio resolution a) Define conflict. guided to: Video clips Oral Report
n b) Identify contribution of Maps Observation
peace to personal - Define conflict. Computing
development. devices
c) Recite the in learner’s book - Identify contribution of Spotlight sst
about personal peace. peace to personal
bk 7
d) Appreciate the importance development.
of peace and conflict
resolution. - Recite the in learner’s
book about personal

3 People Personal By the end of the lesson, the Individually, in groups Which Atlas Oral
and characteristi learner should be able to: or in pairs, learners are approaches Photographs questions
Populatio c that a) Identify personal guided to: can help to Pictures Oral Report
n express a characteristic that express a promote one’s Video clips Observation
state of state of peace for mutual - Identify personal inner peace for Maps
peace for wellbeing. characteristic that harmonious Charts
mutual b) Discuss the approaches that express a state of peace living? Realia
can promote an individual’s for mutual wellbeing.
wellbeing Computing
inner peace for harmonious - Discuss the approaches Spotlight sst
living. that can promote an bk 7
c) Appreciate different individual’s inner peace
approaches that can for harmonious living.
promote One’s Inner peace
for harmonious living.

4 Interpers Characteristi By the end of the lesson, the Learners to identify How can Pictures Oral
onal cs of learner should be able to: characteristics of effective Flash cards questions
Relations effective a) Identify characteristics of effective verbal and non- communicatio Photographs Oral Report
hip Skills verbal and effective verbal and non- verbal communication. n help you to Charts Checklist
non-verbal verbal communication. In pairs, learners to live Digital devices Observation
communicati b) Outline the benefits of outline the benefits of harmoniously
on communicating effectively communicating in school? Mentor; Life
in different situations. effectively in different Skills
c) Play the game, “Whisper situations. Education
game” “You do not say” In groups, learners to Learner’s
d) Appreciate the benefits of play the game, “Whisper Book Grade 7
communicating effectively game” “You do not say” page 41-45
in different situations.

4 1 People Promoting By the end of the lesson, the Individually, in groups What is the Atlas Oral
and peace at learner should be able to: or in pairs, learners are importance of Photographs questions
Populatio personal guided to: having peace Pictures Oral Report
n level for a) State the importance of at the Maps Observation
harmonious enhancing peace at the - State the importance of individual Charts
living individual level. enhancing peace at the level? Realia
b) Discuss how individuals individual level. Computing
can promote peace at devices
personal level for - Discuss how
Spotlight sst
harmonious living. individuals can promote
peace at personal level bk 7
c) Appreciate the
importance of for harmonious living.
enhancing peace at the
individual level.

2 People Slavery and By the end of the lesson, the Individually, in groups What is Atlas Oral
and Servitude learner should be able to: or in pairs, learners are slavery? Photographs questions
Populatio guided to: Pictures Oral Report
n a) Define slavery and What are the Maps Observation
servitude. - Define slavery and forms of Charts
b) Identify the different servitude. slavery and Computing
types of slavery and servitude in devices
servitude. - Identify the different Traditional
Spotlight sst
c) Discuss the factors that types of slavery and African
bk 7
led to the development servitude. society?
of the Indian Ocean
Slave Trade. - Discuss the factors that
d) Have a desire to learn led to the development
more about slavery and of the Indian Ocean
servitude. Slave Trade.

3 People The By the end of the lesson, the Individually, in groups Why has Atlas Oral
and Organization learner should be able to: or in pairs, learners are slavery and Photographs questions
Populatio of the India a) Explain how the Indian guided to: servitude been Pictures Oral Report
n Ocean slave Ocean slave trade was existing for Video clips Observation
trade in the organized from the slavers - Explain how the Indian thousands of Maps
15th Century to collaborators. Ocean slave trade was years? Charts
b) Describe the injustices organized from the Realia
committed on the Africans slavers to collaborators.
during the Indian Ocean devices
slave trade in the 15th - Describe the injustices
committed on the Spotlight sst
Africans during the bk 7
c) Have a desire to learn more
about slavery and servitude. Indian Ocean slave trade
in the 15th Century.

4 Interpers Situations By the end of the lesson, the Learners to identify Which values Pictures Oral
onal that require learner should be able to: values that enhance enhances Flash cards questions
Relations negotiation a) Identify values that enhance negotiations negotiations? Photographs Oral Report
hip Skills negotiations. In groups, learners to Charts Checklist
b) Describe different situations describe different Digital devices Observation
that require negotiations in situations that require Mentor; Life
our daily lives. negotiations in our daily Skills
c) Role play situations that lives Education
require negotiations. In groups, learners to Learner’s
d) Appreciate the values that role play situations that Book Grade 7
enhances negotiation in life. require negotiations page 46-48
5 1 People Geographica By the end of the lesson, the Individually, in groups How does Atlas Oral
and l extent of learner should be able to: or in pairs, learners are slave trade and Photographs questions
Populatio regions guided to: servitude Pictures Oral Report
n covered by a) Identify the geographical - Identify the undermine Video clips Observation
the Indian regions covered by the geographical regions human rights? Maps
Ocean Slave Indian Ocean Salve trade in covered by the Indian Charts
trade in the the 15th Century. Ocean Salve trade in the Realia
b) Write an essay on how they 15th Century.
15th Century Computing
can promote human dignity - Write an essay on how
for a just and peaceful they can promote human
dignity for a just and Spotlight sst
peaceful world. bk 7
c) Draw a sketch map of Africa
indicating the geographical - Draw a sketch map of
extent of the regions Africa indicating the
covered by the Indian geographical extent of
Ocean slave trade. the regions covered by
d) Have a desire to learn more the Indian Ocean slave
about slavery and servitude. trade.

2 People Population By the end of the lesson, the Individually, in groups What is Photographs Oral
and distribution learner should be able to: or in pairs, learners are population Pictures questions
Populatio in Africa; a) Define population guided to: distribution? Maps Oral Report
n Factors distribution. - Define population Charts Observation
influencing b) Explain the meaning of distribution. Computing
population relief, climate and soil. - Explain the meaning of devices
distribution c) Discuss how relief, climate relief, climate and soil. Spotlight sst
and soil influence - Discuss how relief,
in Africa bk 7
population distribution in climate and soil
Africa. influence population
d) Appreciate the factors that distribution in Africa.
influence population
distribution in Africa
3 People Factors By the end of the lesson, the Individually, in groups What are the Pictures Oral
and influencing learner should be able to: or in pairs, learners are factors that Charts questions
Populatio population a) Discuss how vegetation, guided to: influence Realia Oral Report
n distribution drainage and urbanization - Discuss how population Computing Observation
in Africa influence population vegetation, drainage and distribution in devices
distribution in Africa. urbanization influence Africa? Spotlight sst
b) Make posters about the population distribution bk 7
factors influencing in Africa.
population distribution in - Make posters about the
Africa factors influencing
c) Appreciate the factors that population distribution
influence population in Africa
distribution in Africa
4 Interpers Life skills By the end of the lesson, the In pairs, learners to state What is the Pictures Oral
onal that enhance learner should be able to: life skills that enhance importance of Flash cards questions
Relations negotiation a) State life skills that enhance negotiation during social negotiation Photographs Oral Report
hip Skills during social negotiation during social interactions skills in day- Charts Checklist
interaction interactions. to-day life? Digital devices Observation
b) List down the importance of In groups, learners to
negotiation skills in their list down the importance Mentor; Life
day-to-day life. of negotiation skills in Skills Education
c) Draw a circle showing life their day-to-day life Learner’s Book
skills that enhance Grade 7 page 48-
negotiation during social Learners to draw a circle 51
interaction. showing life skills that
d) Appreciate the importance enhance negotiation
of negotiation skills in their during social interaction
day-to-day life.
6 1 People Settlement By the end of the lesson, the Individually, in groups Why do people Oral
and patterns in learner should be able to: or in pairs, learners are settle in Pictures questions
Populatio Africa a) Use a map and locate guided to: certain places Maps Oral Report
n densely and sparsely - Use a map and locate and not Charts Observation
populated areas on a map of densely and sparsely others? Realia
Africa. populated areas on a Computing
b) Explain linear, nucleated map of Africa. devices
and dispersed settlements. - Explain linear,
Spotlight sst
c) Draw the different types of nucleated and dispersed
bk 7
settlements patterns. settlements.
d) Appreciate patterns of - Draw the different
population settlement in types of settlements
Africa. patterns.

2 People Field work; By the end of the lesson, the Individually, in groups What is Pictures Oral
and Types of learner should be able to: or in pairs, learners are fieldwork? Computing questions
Populatio Fieldwork in a) Identify types of guided to: devices Oral Report
n Social fieldwork. - Identify types of Spotlight sst Observation
Studies b) Conduct a field study fieldwork. bk 7
around their school. - Conduct a field study
c) Enjoy conducting a field around their school.

3 People Methods of By the end of the lesson, the Individually, in groups What is data Oral
and Data learner should be able to: or in pairs, learners are collection? Video clips questions
Populatio collection a) Define data collection and guided to: Charts Oral Report
n and data recording. - Define data collection What is data Computing Observation
recording in b) Analyse various methods of and data recording. recording? devices
Fieldwork data collection and data - Analyse various Spotlight sst
recording. methods of data bk 7
c) Recommend methods of collection and data
recording data during recording.
different types of - Recommend methods
fieldworks. of recording data during
d) Appreciate the methods of different types of
Data collection and fieldworks.
recording in Fieldwork
4 Interpers Ways of By the end of the lesson, the In pairs, learners to state Have you ever Pictures Oral
onal making learner should be able to: the ways of making resolve a Flash cards questions
Relations peace with a) State the ways of making peace with oneself under conflict? Photographs Oral Report
hip Skills oneself peace with oneself under different circumstances Digital devices Checklist
under different circumstances. Observation
different b) Role play peaceful conflict In groups, learners to Mentor; Life
resolution strategies. role play peaceful Skills
circumstanc c) Have a desire to live conflict resolution Education
es peacefully. strategies Learner’s
d) Appreciate the importance Book Grade 7
of making peace. page 51-54
8 1 People Methods of By the end of the lesson, the Individually, in groups What is data Pictures Oral
and data analysis learner should be able to: or in pairs, learners are analysis? Video clips questions
Populatio and a) Explain the meaning of data guided to: Charts Oral Report
n presentation analysis and data What is data Realia Observation
in fieldwork presentation. - Explain the meaning of presentation? Computing
b) Examine the different data analysis and data devices
methods of data analysis presentation. Spotlight sst
and data presentation in bk 7
fieldwork. - Examine the different
c) Appreciate the methods of methods of data analysis
data analysis and and data presentation in
presentation in fieldwork fieldwork.

2 People Challenges By the end of the lesson, the Individually, in groups What Oral
and and learner should be able to: or in pairs, learners are challenges do Pictures questions
Populatio solutions in guided to: you face Maps Oral Report
n carrying out a) Explore possible during Charts Observation
fieldwork challenges that they are - Explore possible fieldwork? Realia
likely to encounter challenges that they are Computing
during fieldwork. likely to encounter devices
b) Suggest possible during fieldwork. Spotlight sst
solutions to the bk 7
challenges they have - Suggest possible
identified. solutions to the
c) Have a desire to carry challenges they have
out field work. identified.

3 People Procedures By the end of the lesson, the Individually, in groups Which Oral
and of carrying learner should be able to: or in pairs, learners are procedure o Photographs questions
Populatio out guided to: you use to Pictures Oral Report
n fieldwork in a) Define procedure. carrying out Video clips Observation
Research b) Identify the procedure - Define procedure. fieldwork in Realia
of carrying out Research? Computing
fieldwork in research. - Identify the procedure devices
c) Prepare a chart to of carrying out fieldwork Spotlight sst
illustrate the steps to be in research.
bk 7
followed when planning
for field work and - Prepare a chart to
undertaking the actual illustrate the steps to be
field work. followed when planning
d) Have a desire to for field work and
carrying out fieldwork. undertaking the actual
field work.

4 Interpers Engaging in By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners to Why is it Pictures Oral
onal peacebuildin learner should be able to: state the importance of important to Flash cards questions
Relations g promoting a culture of maintain Photographs Oral Report
hip Skills relationships a) State the importance of peace with self and peace with self Charts Checklist
and promoting a culture of others in the society. and others? Digital devices Observation
activities in peace with self and
the society others in the society. In pairs, learners to Mentor; Life
b) Describe ways of describe ways of making Skills Education
making peace with peace with oneself Learner’s Book
oneself. Grade 7 page 54-
c) Recite the poem, “A In groups, learners to 56
culture of Peace” Recite the poem, “A
Engage in peacebuilding culture of Peace”
relationships and activities in
the society. Individually, in pairs or
in groups, learners to
engage in peacebuilding
relationships and
activities in the society.

9 1 People Significance By the end of the lesson, the Individually, in groups Why is it Photographs Oral
and of Fieldwork learner should be able to: or in pairs, learners are important to Pictures questions
Populatio in a) State the importance of guided to: study Video clips Oral Report
n investigating fieldwork in Investigating fieldwork? Computing Observation
phenomena phenomena. - State the importance of devices
b) Prepare a chart on the fieldwork in Spotlight sst
importance of fieldwork. Investigating bk 7
c) Appreciate the importance phenomena.
of fieldwork in Investigating
phenomena - Prepare a chart on the
importance of fieldwork.
2 Resources Early By the end of the lesson, the Individually, in groups What is Photographs Oral
and Agriculture learner should be able to: or in pairs, learners are agriculture? Pictures questions
Economic guided to: Video clips Oral Report
Activities a) Define agriculture. Realia Observation
b) Use a map, locate the areas - Define agriculture. Computing
where early agriculture was devices
practiced. - Use a map, locate the Spotlight sst
c) Draw and name the crops areas where early
bk 7
grown and animals kept in agriculture was
selected regions during practiced.
early agriculture.
d) Appreciate the areas where - Draw and name the
agriculture was practiced. crops grown and animals
kept in selected regions
during early agriculture.
3 Resources Methods of By the end of the lesson, the Individually, in groups Which Atlas Oral
and Irrigation learner should be able to: or in pairs, learners are methods of Photographs questions
Economic used in guided to: irrigation is Pictures Oral Report
Activities Ancient a) Identify the methods of used in Video clips Observation
Egypt irrigation used in - Identify the methods of ancient Egypt? Maps
Ancient Egypt. irrigation used in Charts
b) State the importance of Ancient Egypt. Why do people Realia
domestication of plants keep animals
and Animals. - State the importance of and grow
c) Draw diagrams to domestication of plants plants?
and Animals. Spotlight sst
illustrate the methods of
bk 7
irrigation used in
ancient Egypt. - Draw diagrams to
d) Appreciate the methods illustrate the methods of
of irrigation used in irrigation used in
Ancient Egypt. ancient Egypt.

4 Interpers Situations By the end of the lesson, the Learners to define What is Pictures Oral
onal that require learner should be able to: assertiveness. assertiveness? Flash cards questions
Relations assertiveness Photographs Oral Report
hip Skills in our lives a) Define assertiveness. In groups, learners are Charts Checklist
b) Identify situations in guided to identify Digital devices Observation
their life at home, situations in their life at
school or in the home, school or in the Mentor; Life
community that need community that need Skills Education
assertiveness. assertiveness. Learner’s Book
c) Outline the process of Grade 7 page 57-
become assertiveness. In groups, learners to 60
d) Make a resolution to outline the process of
improve in areas where become assertiveness.
they feel they are not
assertive enough. in groups, learners to
make a resolution to
improve in areas where
they feel they are not
assertive enough.

10 1 Resources Agriculture By the end of the lesson, the Individually, in groups What was the Oral
and as an learner should be able to: or in pairs, learners are importance of Atlas questions
Economic economic guided to: domestication Photographs Oral Report
Activities activity a) Collect or download of plants and Pictures Observation
pictures and - Collect or download animals in Video clips
photographs of animals pictures and Africa? Maps
kept and crops grown photographs of animals Charts
during early agriculture. kept and crops grown
b) Make a journal of the during early agriculture.
pictures collected.
- Make a journal of the devices
c) Make a poster on
pictures collected. Spotlight sst
animals kept and crops
grown during early bk 7
agriculture. - Make a poster on
d) Appreciate Agriculture animals kept and crops
as an Economic Activity. grown during early

2 Resources Economic By the end of the lesson, the Individually, in groups Which Atlas Oral
and organization learner should be able to: or in pairs, learners are economic Photographs questions
Economic of selected guided to: activity was Pictures Oral Report
Activities African a) Identify the economic carried out by Video clips Observation
Communitie activities practiced by - Identify the economic the Ogiek Maps
s up to 1900 the Ogiek Community. activities practiced by community? Charts
b) Discuss the importance the Ogiek Community. Realia
of economic activities Computing
carried by the Ogiek - Discuss the importance
community. of economic activities
carried by the Ogiek Spotlight sst
c) Draw the map of Africa
community. bk 7
and indicate areas
occupied by the Ogiek
community. - Draw the map of Africa
d) Appreciate the and indicate areas
economic activities occupied by the Ogiek
carried by the Ogiek community.

3 Resources Economic By the end of the lesson, the Individually, in groups Which Oral
and activities learner should be able to: or in pairs, learners are economic Atlas questions
Economic practiced by guided to: activity did the Photographs Oral Report
Activities the Zulu a) Identify the economic Zulu Pictures Observation
community activities practiced by - Identify the economic practiced? Video clips
the Zulu Community. activities practiced by Maps
b) Discuss the importance the Zulu Community. Charts
of economic activities Realia
carried by the Zulu - Discuss the importance
community. of economic activities
carried by the Zulu devices
c) Draw the map of Africa
community. Spotlight sst
and indicate areas
occupied by the Zulu bk 7
community. - Draw the map of Africa
d) Appreciate the and indicate areas
economic activities occupied by the Zulu
carried by the Zulu

4 Interpers Displaying By the end of the lesson, the Individually, learners to What is the Pictures Oral
onal assertiveness learner should be able to: write down incidents process of Flash cards questions
Relations in our daily that happened to becoming Photographs Oral Report
hip Skills interactions a) Write down incidents her/him recently where assertive? Charts Checklist
that happened to they applied Digital devices Observation
her/him recently where assertiveness.
they applied Mentor; Life
assertiveness. In groups, learners are Skills Education
b) Discuss how guided to discuss how Learner’s Book
assertiveness helps in assertiveness helps in Grade 7 page 61-
making good decisions. making good decisions. 63
c) Display assertiveness in
their daily interactions.

11 1 Resources Economic By the end of the lesson, the Individually, in groups Which Photographs Oral
and Activities learner should be able to: or in pairs, learners are economic Pictures questions
Economic practiced by guided to: activity did the Video clips Oral Report
Activities the Asante a) Identify the economic Asante Maps Observation
Community activities practiced by - Identify the economic practiced? Charts
the Asante Community. activities practiced by Realia
b) Discuss the importance the Asante Community. Computing
of economic activities devices
carried by the Asante - Discuss the importance
Spotlight sst
community. of economic activities
carried by the Asante bk 7
c) Draw the map of Africa
and indicate areas community.
occupied by the Asante
community. - Draw the map of Africa
d) Appreciate the and indicate areas
economic activities occupied by the Asante
carried by the Asante community.

2 Resources Comparison By the end of the lesson, the Individually, in groups What are the Photographs Oral
and of the learner should be able to: or in pairs, learners are differences Pictures questions
Economic Economic guided to: between Video clips Oral Report
Activities Activities of a) Identify the similarities Ogiek, Zulu Maps Observation
the selected in Economic Activities - Identify the similarities and Asante? Charts
African among Ogiek, Zulu and in Economic Activities Computing
Communitie Asante. among Ogiek, Zulu and devices
b) Discuss the differences Asante.
s Spotlight sst
in economic activities bk 7
practiced by the Ogiek, - Discuss the differences
c) the Ogiek, Zulu and in economic activities
Asante Zulu and Asante practiced by the Ogiek,
d) Make posters on the Zulu and Asante Zulu
economic activities by and Asante
e) Appreciate the
Economic Activities of - Make posters on the
the Selected African economic activities by
Communities Appreciate the
3 Resources Internal By the end of the lesson, the Individually, in groups What would Pictures Oral
and Dynamics learner should be able to: or in pairs, learners are you do if you Video clips questions
Economic and guided to: had money? Maps Oral Report
Activities Transformat a) Explain the meaning of Computing Observation
ion in Africa internal dynamics. - Explain the meaning of devices
b) Define money. internal dynamics. Spotlight sst
c) Discuss transformations bk 7
brought about by the - Define money.
introduction of money
in Africa. - Discuss
d) Appreciate the uses of transformations brought
money. about by the
introduction of money in

4 Interpers Situations By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners to How do people Photographs Oral
onal that require learner should be able to: state situations that show Charts questions
Relations empathy require empathy empathy? Digital devices Oral Report
hip Skills a) State situations that Mentor; Life Checklist
require empathy. In groups, learners to Skills Observation
b) Identify different ways identify different ways of Education
of cultivating empathy. cultivating empathy. Learner’s
c) Role play situations that Book Grade 7
require empathy. In groups, learners to page 63-65
Have a desire to show empathy. role play situations that
require empathy
12 1 Resources Uses of By the end of the lesson, the Individually, in groups Why do we Pictures Oral
and money learner should be able to: or in pairs, learners are need money? Computing questions
Economic guided to: devices Oral Report
Activities a) Identify the uses of Spotlight sst Observation
money. - Identify the uses of bk 7
b) Prepare a chart on the money.
uses of money.
c) Appreciate the uses of - Prepare a chart on the
money. uses of money.
2 Resources Comparison By the end of the lesson, the Individually, in groups What are the Atlas Oral
and of use of learner should be able to: or in pairs, learners are similarities Photographs questions
Economic money in a) Identify the similarities guided to: and Pictures Oral Report
Activities currency between currency trade and differences Video clips Observation
trade and barter trade. - Identify the similarities between Maps
Barter Trade b) Explain how the between currency trade currency trade Charts
in Africa introduction of money and barter trade. and barter Realia
economy promoted - Explain how the trade?
businesses in Africa. introduction of money
c) Role-play currency trade economy promoted
businesses in Africa. Spotlight sst
and barter trade in Africa.
- Role-play currency bk 7
d) Have fun and enjoy role-
playing. trade and barter trade in

3 Resources Uses of By the end of the lesson, the Individually, in groups What would Video clips Oral
and Money learner should be able to: or in pairs, learners are you do if you Maps questions
Economic Wisely for a) Explain how they can use guided to: had money? Charts Oral Report
Activities Economic money wisely in our - Explain how they can Computing Observation
Gain everyday life for economic use money wisely in our devices
gain. everyday life for Spotlight sst
b) Make posters on how to use economic gain. bk 7
money wisely for economic - Make posters on how
gain. to use money wisely for
c) Appreciate the uses of economic gain.
money wisely for economic

4 Interpers Need for By the end of the lesson, the In groups, learners to Why is Pictures Oral
onal values in learner should be able to: identify the values that empathy an Flash cards questions
Relations developing will help them show important skill Photographs Oral Report
hip Skills empathy a) Identify the values that will empathy practice in our daily Charts Checklist
help them show empathy empathy in their daily interactions? Digital devices Observation
practice empathy in their lives.
daily lives. Mentor; Life
b) State the importance of In groups, learners are Skills Education
empathy in social guided to state the Learner’s Book
interactions. importance of empathy Grade 7 page 65-
c) Share real situations in in social interactions 67
which they demonstrated In groups, learners to
empathy. share real situations in
d) Appreciate the importance which they
of empathy. demonstrated empathy.

13- END TERM 2


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