ttl2 Activity 1

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Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity | Professionalism | Spirituality


Technology for Teaching and Learning II

Name: Evelyn M. Gonzales Date Started: May 4, 2024

Course & Section: BTLED ICT 3D Date Submitted: May 7, 2024
Activity No. : 1 Rating:

OBE Framework
Instruction: In your own perception, discuss the given framework below in not less than 300
words. You may use separate sheet of paper if necessary.

The Outcome-Based Theoretical Framework provides a clear method for aligning

learning goals across different education levels. It starts with Institutional Intended Learning
Outcomes (ILOs), which are broad goals based on standards like the National Competency-
Based Teacher Standards (NCBTS). These ILOs ensure that the curriculum matches the school’s
mission and goals. From these, more specific Program Intended Learning Outcomes (PILOs) are
created. PILOs tailor the general institutional goals to fit the particular needs of the teacher
education curriculum, turning broad aims into precise learning objectives.
Next, the framework focuses on Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs), which
further specify the PILOs for individual courses in the teacher education program. CILOs outline
what students should know, be able to do, and understand by the end of each course. This step-
by-step alignment from institutional to program to course levels ensures a consistent and
unified educational experience, guiding students towards the desired learning outcomes.
Outcome-Based Learning Tasks are essential in this method. They help students interact
with and use the knowledge and skills described in the Course Intended Learning Outcomes.
These tasks include discussions, projects, and hands-on activities, directly linking students to
the specific learning goals.
Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity | Professionalism | Spirituality

Furthermore, the framework highlights the role of assessment in the learning process,
with Assessment referring to Outcome-Based Learning Tasks. This iterative process ensures
that assessment methods are appropriate for the learning objectives and intended outcomes,
while also providing feedback to both students and educators to monitor progress and enable
continual development. Overall, the Outcome-Based Theoretical Framework is a comprehensive
guide for educators to create, administer, and evaluate effective teaching and learning
experiences in teacher education programs.

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