REFLECTION-PAPER - Audiolingual Methd

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Course Title: English Grammar Approaches for English Language Learners

TOPIC: The Audiolingual Method

A. The-Three (3) most significant learning that I got from the topic.

The significant learning that I got in this topic are the following:
1. The Audiolingual Method is an approach to teaching foreign languages wherein
students listen to the teacher speaking in the target language and then repeat what
they hear. This method aims to facilitate language learning through imitation and
repetition of language patterns and structures.
2. The learning theory of Audiolingualism is behavioral psychology which is an
empirically based approach to the study of human behavior. Behaviorist psychology
states that people are conditioned to learn many forms of behavior, including
language, through the process of training or conditioning.
3. The Audiolingual Method principle prioritizes oral proficiency through repetitive
listening and mimicry. It relies on behaviorist principles, emphasizing habit formation
and error correction. Scripted dialogues and drills reinforce vocabulary and grammar,
aiming for near-native fluency. It favors immersion in the target language and minimal
native language use.

B. These learning are of value to me personally because

As a language teacher, the Audiolingual Method offers several valuable components

that can enhance language learning experiences for learners. Audiolingual Method's
use of pattern practice is beneficial for reinforcing vocabulary and grammar. By
providing learners with structured opportunities to manipulate language patterns
through substitution drills, transformation exercises, and question-answer sequences,
teachers can help learners use their understanding of English language rules and
conventions. The method's emphasis on error correction and accuracy is valuable for
learners. Clear and immediate feedback on language use helps learners identify and
correct mistakes, leading to improved language accuracy over time. This focus on
accuracy is particularly important in English, where precision in language use can
significantly impact communication effectiveness. The target language environment
can be valuable for learners, as it creates opportunities for authentic language
exposure and practice. By minimizing the use of students' native language during
lessons and encouraging interaction in English, teachers can create an immersive
learning environment that supports language acquisition.

C. I would like to react or comment on the topic

My reaction/comment about Audiolingual Method was its effectiveness in teaching

English as the language. Its limitations suggest to more balanced and flexible
approach, incorporating elements of communicative language teaching and learner-
centered methodologies, it is more suitable for achieving long-term language
proficiency and communicative competence in English learners as it targets on the
specific language.

D. I have discovered about myself, about the topic/seminar/training:

As a teacher, I have found that the Audiolingual Method is a useful tool for teaching
the language and grammar patterns through frequent practice. I've seen how
organized drills and instantaneous error correction help learners become more
proficient speakers and pronouncers. This learner-centered approach guarantees that
my learners gain both fluency and communicative competency in target language by
offering a better-rounded and interesting learning environment.

E. My understanding changed in a way:

After discussing the Audiolingual Method, I've reflect on my teaching approach and
balance between structured drills and communicative activities. I will prioritize
authentic communication, error tolerance, and student engagement. This adjustment
allows for a more flexible and student-centered learning environment, fostering both
language proficiency and communicative competence in English. It would prompt me
to reflect on my teaching practices and make adjustments to ensure that I provide a
well-rounded and engaging learning experience that fosters both language proficiency
and communicative competence in my students.

F. Some issues in the topic are:

The Audiolingual Method encounters difficulties in far-flung schools because of a lack

of resources, including technology and audio content. The method's minimal use of
the learners' native language may hinder comprehension in communities where
English is not widely spoken. It also affect the learners pronunciation that varies to
their native language/ mother tongue. The method's emphasis on repetitive drills may
not adequately prepare learners for real-life communication situations.

G. My changed understanding express itself in my job in a way:

My changed understanding of the Audiolingual Method reflects in my job through a

more nuanced approach to language teaching. I still value its emphasis on oral
proficiency and grammar drills, I now recognize the need for a balanced methodology.
I integrate the Audiolingual Method, such as structured repetition and error correction,
with communicative language teaching techniques to foster authentic communication.
I prioritize creating a supportive learning environment that accommodates diverse
learning styles and encourages active student participation. By adapting the
Audiolingual Method to meet the needs of my students and incorporating modern
pedagogical insights, I aim to provide a more engaging and effective language
learning experience.

H. Additional discoveries, insights, questions


Other discovery that I observed in Auidiolingual Method is the importance of adopting

a flexible and balanced approach to language teaching, integrating its elements with
other methodologies to cater to the diverse needs and contexts of learners.
Incorporating other communicative language teaching techniques and methods can
create a more engaging and effective learning experience for learners.


This approach views language learning as a structural process, focusing on imitation

and repetition to internalize language structures. It adherence to scripted dialogues
and drills may limit students' autonomy and creativity in language use. Educators can
draw upon its principles while recognizing the need for a more holistic and learner-
centered approach that incorporates communicative activities, cultural relevance, and
authentic language use to promote effective language acquisition and proficiency.


I have two (2) questions about Audiolingual methed:

1. How does the Audiolingual Method address the challenge of promoting authentic
communication and cultural relevance in language learning contexts?

2. What are the potential advantages and limitations of implementing the Audiolingual
Method in far-flung or resource-constrained areas compared to more technology-
dependent approaches?

How do I intend to apply my learning’s from this session/interaction? What

possible next steps can be initiated by Department of Education?

As a teacher, I want to put what I've learned about the Audiolingual Method to use by
combining its useful components with other modern methods of teaching languages.
As stressed by the Audiolingual Method, I will give priority to oral skills and
grammatical mastery through organized drills and instant error correction. In order to
enable meaningful language engagement for students in all circumstances, I will
work to create learning resources that are both accessible and culturally appropriate.
I'll provide an atmosphere that enables students to grow in their ability to
communicate in the target language as well as their linguistic proficiency.

The Department of Education can take several next steps to enhance language
education. First, they should review language curriculum to integrate effective
elements of the Audiolingual Method with modern teaching techniques. Second,
provide comprehensive training for language educators to familiarize them with these
methodologies and incorporate technology into instruction. Third, develop and
disseminate instructional materials that promote cultural relevance and authenticity
in language learning. Integration of technology to enhance access to resources and
facilitate interactive language practice.

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