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990405 CONTENTS 000

Approved by: Date: Initials:

ME&S – J.A. Kroes 000814 JAK


Introduction 90405.010 04
1 General
2 References
3 Scope
4 Engineering Data & Document Services

MicroStation environment 990405.020 04

1 Configuration tools
2 Configuration
3 Heineken base directory
4 Cell libraries
5 Tutorials
6 Menus
7 Seed files
8 Translation seed file
9 Reference files
10 MDL applications
11 Initial and exit user commands
12 User command index files

Heineken environment 990405.030 04

1 Configuration
2 Software delivery procedure
3 Network configuration
4 Seed file basics
5 Working environment

Drawing initialization 990405.040 05

1 File name
2 Project data
3 Drawing /document data
4 Corresponding data
5 Placement of drawing borders and blocks

Application 990405.050 05
1 Tablet user menu
2 Screen user menu
3 Application references
4 Document delivery
5 Supplement


issued: 000814 revision: 05 page: 1/1

1. General

The contents indicated by the term HN_UTI, is the basis for a multidisciplinary context with programs,
menus, libraries and instructions based on and developed with the CAD package MicroStation.
The first part of the document deals with the configuration of the MicroStation environment.
The Heineken environment is described in the next chapter. It concerns settings and instructions which
apply to all Heineken applications. Finally for each CAD application, a section is present in which the
requirements for that specific application are indicated.

2. References

HMESC 990201.100 - 160 Heineken Document Registration Instructions - have been starting points
for the multidisciplinary context and where important extra references are
made to specific parts of that reference.
HMESC 990401.010 - 070 Drawing Arrangement Instructions - are indispensable instructions to set-
up and complete different type of engineering drawings like diagrams,
layouts and piping plans.
HMESC 990402.010 - 080 Coding Instructions - a guideline to identify and characterise the physical
assets of an Operating Company, of which tag number and line label are
used on drawings.
HMESC 990403 Piping Specification Practice - symbols and spec & insulation codes in
line label are functional entries to the practice, a comprehensive set of
specification means for accessories, tubular goods and piping auxiliaries.
HMESC 990404.010 - 090 Plant Design Guidelines - Best practices based options and examples to
benefit the operation, maintainability and safety within and around certain
process /unit parts.
HMESC 990405.010 - 090 HN_PID - concerns a CAD application based on Heineken engineering
conventions, that is used for the generation of process related diagrams.
HMESC 990406.010 - 090 HN_ECD - reflects a CAD application based on Heineken engineering
conventions, that is used for generation of electrical control diagrams.

3. Scope

Document 990405 describes the utilisation of generic CAD in the engineering environments of HTS
and Heineken affliated companies. It is also a guideline for those who work for the Heineken concern
and in doing so produce engineering documents with a CAD system.
MicroStation runs on various hardware platform /operating system combinations i.e. Interpro / UNIX,
SUN /UNIX, HP /UNIX, PC /DOS , PC /MAC, PC /Windows. The number that is and will be supported
is based on global developments.
Currently the manual applies to PCs running under DOS, Windows 3.11, Windows 95 or Windows NT.
Configuring differences among these platforms are mentioned.
The manual is not meant to be a reference guide for MicroStation and Heineken specific applications.
MicroStation basics are supported by MicroStation User and Reference Guide. For the Heineken
applications references are made to the corresponding user manuals.

4. Engineering Data & Document Services

A hardware platform or operating system other than the application area mentioned above necetate to
contact ED&DS within HTS for the configuration information with respect to such a situation.
Should there be any deficiences in this manual or when questions arise, please contact:

ED&DS: Phone: [31 /0] 71 5456406 /6149

Fax: [31 /0] 71 5457888


issued: 980915 revision: 04 page: 1/1

1. Configuration tools

With a MicroStation delivery a specific directory structure is created. To customise the MicroStation
environment the file - heineken.cfg - is provided by Heineken delivery (see 990405.030). By this file
the variables for Heineken applications are defined and some MicroStation variables are re-defined.
File heineken.cfg will be located in the directory [Home directory]\config\appl\. Be aware that the
standard home directory differs per MicroStation version, platform and environment.
Examples: MicroStation V5: C:\ustation\ config\appl\heineken.cfg
MicroStation 95: C:\win32app\ustation\config\appl\heineken.cfg

2. Configuration

It is recommended to leave the heineken.cfg in tact and to define MicroStation variables to be adapted
and user dependent variables in a separate configuration file (username.cfg) in the same directory.
The Heineken software delivery supplies the local configuration file, which can be edited to a network
version by changing the C: disk definition in the first statement to the desired network disk.
The table below reflects the contents of the standard heineken.cfg with an elucidation and references.

HEINEKEN.CFG CONTENTS (italic remarks excluded) REMARKS

Required start variable:
HN_DIR = C:/HN/ (local configuration) See section 3
Heineken application variables:
HN_UTI = $(HN_DIR)UTI/ Generic part for all applications
HN_PID = $(HN_DIR)PID/ Process & Instrument Diagrams
HN_ECD = $(HN_DIR)ECD/ Electric Control Diagrams
HN_CPD = $(HN_DIR)CPD/ Packaging Specifications
HN_EMB = $(HN_DIR)EMB/ Distribution Networks
HN_TNK = $(HN_DIR)TNK/ Tank Inquiry Drawings
Adapted MicroStation variables:
MS_CELL = $(HN_DIR)CEL/ See section 4
MS_SEEDFILES = $(HN_DIR)UTI/ See section 7
MS_RFDIR = $(HN_DIR)REF/ See section 9
MS_MDL > $(HN_DIR)MDL/ See section 10 (mind the > sign)
MS_INIT = $(HN_UTI)EXTINIT See section 11
MS_EXIT = $(HN_UTI)EXTEXIT See section 11
MS_DATA > $(HN_DIR)NDX/ See section 12 (mind the > sign)
Variables to be superseded due to MS_DATA re-definition

 The order of variable definition is required according to the category order above.
 Notice the usage of the “/” instead of the obliged “\” delimiter in DOS /Windows directory paths.
 Sections 3 -12 on page 2 elucidate important MicroStation variables.


issued: 980915 revision: 04 page: 1/2

3. Heineken base directory

The variable HN_DIR is used to specify the base directory where all Heineken software is located.
Change the drive letter when a different location is used than C in case of a network configuration.

4. Cell libraries

MS_CELL points to a directory in which MicroStation looks first whenever a cell library is specified
without a directory path. In heineken.cfg MS_CELL is set to the directory with Heineken cell libraries.
Multiple directories can be defined if more than one directory should be searched.
g.e. MS_CELL >C:/MYCELLS/ ;Be searched after earlier definitions
MS_CELL <C:/MYCELLS/ ;Be searched before earlier definitions

5. Tutorials

The variable MS_TUTLIB defines the default cell library for tutorials. The variable is superseded in the
heineken.cfg by pointing to hntutlib.cel on the MS_CELL directory.

6. Menus

Variable MS_MENU offers a separate cell library in which menus loaded by am=xxxxx,cm or, m1-3 are
stored. The variable is re-defined in heineken.cfg to hnmenlib.cel in the MS_CELL directory.

7. Seed files

Seed files, from which new files are copied, are stored in a default directory defined by MS_SEED.
The variable is superseded in heineken.cfg, pointing to a directory with generic drawing information

8. Translation seed file

MS_TRANSEED is a feature that enables the usage of a specific seed file during the import of CAD
drawings from other packages than MicroStation.

9. Reference files

For reference files MS_RFDIR is available. The feature is looking first in the directory of the master file,
when a reference file will be attached without specifying a path. MicroStation successively searches in
the current directory and the MS_RFDIR directory. Multiple directories can be defined by MS_RFDIR
using the “>“or “<“ definition sign.
Reference border files are stored in the MS_RFDIR as defined in heineken.cfg. The use of reference
files with engineering information can be executed via two options that are described in HMESC

10. MDL applications

For the storage of MDL applications MS_MDL is defined (MicroStation delivery). In heineken.cfg an
extra search path has been defined for MS_MDL by means of the ”>“ sign.

11. Initial and exit usercommands

When MicroStation is started and exited usercommand are executed through MS_INIT and MS_EXIT.
The procedure is used among others to add /remove the Heineken menu from the MicroStation
command window.

12. User command index files

The MS_DATA variable points to a directory with setting files but is also used for user command index
files. To manage index files in an efficient way, the MS_DATA variable is superseded in heineken.cfg,
which requires the re-definition of variables for the setting files mentioned.


issued: 980915 revision: 04 page: 2/2

1. Configuration

After the MicroStation environment, the Heineken environment is configured. Notice that MicroStation
offers many variables that can be set to make it more user-friendly, but which do not influence the
essentials of the Heineken environment. A starting point for the Heineken environment is that with
MicroStation upgrades all Heineken software and data will be kept in tact for a smooth continuation.
< File heineken.cfg >
Entity 990405.020 explains the heineken.cfg file for PCs both as stand-alone unit and network client.
Important is that what has been defined in heineken.cfg refers to the correct directories and that these
directories have been loaded with the correct software and data.
< Directory structure >
MicroStation creates its own directory structure at delivery. Directories for the Heineken applications
should be added to that structure, see below. It is required to set up the directory structure according to
the configuration that applies. STANDALONE NETWORK

Drawings Path: C:\DGN C:\DGN (on PC)

Applications Path: C:\HN H:\HN (on server)
Sub-directories (both): \CEL \CPD \ECD \EMB \MDL \MEN \NDX \PID \REF \UTI \TNK

2 Software delivery procedure

Automatic delivery procedures are available for the subdeliveries:

1. HN_UTI delivering the generic soft /firmware issues bulleted below
2. HN_PID application for process related diagrams see entity
3. HN_ECD application for electrical control diagrams see entity
HN_UTI dellivery:
 Heineken seed files on HN_UTI;
 Menu and tutorial cell_libraries, HN_UTI user commands and help files;
 On MS_REFDIR directory the reference border files A4 - A0.dgn and X1 - X2.dgn;
 Programs & help files for directory HN_MDL to initialise drawings, see HMESC 990405.040;
 <Drawing data review> and <Show reference files> features, see HMESC 990405.050;
 File hnuse.dgn, containing the hnuse menu, see HMESC 990405.050;
The procedure should be started by keying in (from A:): HNINSTAL [MicroStation directory]
The parameter after command HNINSTAL is optional and can be omitted for the default path
C:\USTATION. After two infrastructural questions the HN_UTI delivery can be continued by answering
the questions:
1 Install Heineken HN_UTI menu and tutorial cell_libraries? [y/N]
2 Install seed files, seed, seed 2d, seedz and seed3d [y/N]
3 Install HN_UTI user commands and help files [y/N]
4 Install reference files A0-A4 and X1-X2 [y/N]
5 Install menu drawing file HNUSE.DGN [y/N]
6 Install review and showref options [y/N]
7 Install Heineken MDL drawingblock utilities [y/N]
8 Subdeliver HN_PID --> hnpid.cel [y/N] (see 990405.050)
9 Subdeliver HN_PID --> hnpid.ndx [y/N] (see 990405.050)
10. Install new HEINEKEN.CFG (old file is renamed to HEINEKEN.OLD) [y/N]

3 Network configuration

To a network configuration the recommendations below applies:

 To consult 990405.030 for the network adaptation of heineken.cfg.
 In case of more MicroStation licenses, to consider a license pool on server.
 CAD drawings to create and to modify locally on a directory of the client workstation.
 To store final versions of drawings in a transparent directory structure on server.
 To make server drawings available by a check in /check out mechanism.


issued: 980915 revision: 04 page: 1/2

4. Seed file basics

This part deals with the contents of the seed files. A design file header, see below, is essential for
MicroStation files. A type 64 element completes the header present in every Heineken seed file. It is
256 words /512 bytes long and is used to store project, drawing, corresponding and application data.
Design file header: 1 type 9 File header level = 8
2 type 8 Digitiser set-up level = 0
3 type 10 Level symbology level = 0
4 type 9 File header level = 1
5 type 64 Application level = 0 ;Heineken specific type
Seed file settings: Locks : text node off
axis off
unit on
snap on
keypoint on
grid off
angle off
scale off
graphic group off
level off
bore locate off
fence contents inside on
Fast display : curve/arc off
(all views) text off
font off
cell off
Display : weight on
pattern on
text node off
enter data fields off
level symbology off
dimensioning data on
construction lines on
grid on
Active settings: solid/hole solid
class pri
grid rate 10
grid unit 10
unit round-off 5
Data readout : co-ordinates format Master Unit
co-ordinates accuracy 0.123
angles format DD.DDD
angles mode Conventional
angles accuracy 0.123
Working units : master units MM
sub units MM
MM per MM 1
positional units per MM 1000
5 Working environment

In the MicroStation Manager select the style option Command Window. The MicroStation Manager is
the dialog box that appears to select a drawing when MicroStation is started.
Some changes should be made to the default MicroStation preferences by selecting the preferences
dialog box through menu option Workspace Preferences and in this dialog box:
1. In the Input category clear the Start in Parse All Mode button.
2. In the Text category select key-in in the Text Editor Style.
A separate workspace for the Heineken applications can be created. MicroStation settings can be
managed separately in this way. The MicroStation manual should be consulted for that option.


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1. File name

Drawings can be created on every directory in the working area of MicroStation. That means on
configured PC’s and workstations and on directories mounted in a network. This leaves possibilities for
the utilisation of project, plant and user directories and also sharing directories by more disciplines.
File name instructions:
 Files and file names for drawings should meet HMESC 990201.100.
 Drawing numbers and number ranges are issued by ED&DS, see 990405.010
 Converting nine character file names to eight character DOS file names, see 990405.120
After creating and entering a new drawing, further initialisations should be made.

2. Project data

2.1 Dialog boxes

To initialise a drawing, select the <Heineken> menu option in the MicroStation menu bar. Through
<Drawing block> <Project Data> a dialog box is displayed on screen and project data is asked for.

2.2 Project data explanation

Site Code: Official code for production site; maximal 3 characters.

Site Name: Official name for production site; maximal 20 characters.
Project Reference: Project code; 5 characters (maximal), 2 and 3 digits long.
Project Name: Maximal 26 characters.
Administration Original: HTS or subsidiary (site code); maximal 6 characters.
Made By: HTS, subsidiary or third party; maximal 6 characters
Discipline: /Mechanical /Electrical /HMESC
Language: /Dutch /English /French /Spanish

Note 1: A graphical type 64 element has to be present in the header of a drawing file; otherwise an
error message will appear. This condition is accomplished. by using Heineken seedfiles.
Note 2: Discipline and language have to be selected correctly, because depending on that
information the next step in the initialising process will be made.


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3. Drawing /document data

3.1 Dialog boxes

To enter drawing data the menu selection <Heineken> <Drawing block> <Drawing Data> is followed.
Depending on the discipline selection from project data initialisation a discipine specific dialog box is
shown. The upper part of the dialog boxes is filled in with output data only and some other fields are
filled in automatically. On the next page the data fields are explained.

The dialog box for MECHANICAL is used for

(process) diagrams, layouts, arrangement
drawings. Mechanical drawing types have
been standardised and are applied as fixed
text in <description 3>.

The dialog box for ELECTRICAL is used for

all type of electrical diagrams. With the
option <Auto> the automatic fill in can be
obtained for <description 1-3>. For fill in
patterns per drawing type see the HN_ECD
application part 990407.040.

The dialog box for HMESC is used for the

specification of standards.This category of
documents is registered by HMESC classi-
fication /identification.


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3.2 Drawing data explanation

The information below is used to complete the drawing data initialisation. If a data type or key-in is
discipline specific, the data type has been marked by discipline (Mechanical /Electrical /HMESC).
Drawing number: M /E For a file name meeting HMESC 990201.100 a six digit number will
be inserted automatically, otherwise a number can be keyed in.
Document number H An HMESC based registration number and index to number (3 char.)
Sheet /page number: The same remark as for drawing number, a 2 or 3 digit number will
be inserted automatically or can be keyed in (01 up to maximal 600).
Sheet /page numbering 0 or 00 is not permitted.
Number of sheets: Default one, the real number of sheets can be keyed in (max. 600).
Issue actual: M /E Default ‘A’ for first issue or actual issue to be keyed in (max. 2 char.).
Format (border): The possibilities are Z3 - Z6, A4 - A0, X1 and X2 border sizes.
Drw scale factor: Default one or actual scale factor to be keyed in. Diagrams are set up
with a reference scale, but in the title block ‘NONE’ will be displayed
Process part: M /E Combination of process part (max 3 digits) and process unit (max 4
digits), displayed by minimal two digits each, joined with the sign:
• dot indicates process part and process unit
- dash indicates from process part up to process part
/ slash indicates process part and process part
# > dot with process unit trimmed to three digits minimal
$ > dot with process unit trimmed to four digits
blank indicates a process part only.
Panel name: E An electrical data type which is built up with max. 3 digits with one
character as prefix and optionally one character as suffix.
Panel type: E Ditto max. 25 characters long obtained by selection box.
List number: E Ditto (X + max. 2 digits).
Revision H A number (01-99) for revision
Issued H Issue date (dd-mm-yy) for current revision
Department: 20 character name for the department concerned.
Drawing /document type: Desired drawing type is selected (based on discipline and language).
M For mechanical drawings it will appear in description 3.
E For the ECD application the AUTO option is available by which
information automatically is inserted in the descriptions.
Description 1: 30 character description in the title block.
Description 2: Ditto for line 2 in the title block.
Description 3: Ditto for line 3 in the title block ./ M > drawing type automatically.
Derived from: M /E 14 character field that can be filled in, g.e. the old drawing number.
Drawn by: 14 character field in which the name of the designer should be stated.
Admin. original: "HTS" or site code as the owner of the master.
Admin. code 1: Geo code, 2 characters combined with 4 digits.
Admin. code 2: Application code, acc. HMESC 990201.130
Admin. code 3: Discipline, acc. HMESC 990201.140
Note 1: Discipline and language have to be filled in correctly in the PROJECT DATA dialog box
otherwise invoking the DRAWING DATA dialog box will fail or at drawing type a wrong name
and /or the wrong language will be displayed.
Note 2: All not numeric text will be saved in capitals except the text for descriptions 1, 2 and 3.


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4. Corresponding data

The type 64 drawing element can contain eight numbers for corresponding drawings. To define the
correspondences menu selections <Heineken> <Drawing block> <Corresponding Data> are followed.
Depending on the discipline choise in project data initialisation, a specific dialog box is shown.

Shown are the default types of drawing for both the

disciplines mechanical and electrical to which can be


After placing a
Cell, it is possible
to change the
description fields
with the <fill-in
single enter data
field> command

5. Placement of
drawing borders and blocks

The project, drawing and corresponding initialisations enable the automatic placement of drawing
borders and blocks. By <Heineken> <Drawing block> <Place> a screen menu appears by which
placement options can be activated. To acomplish the options the references below are used:
 HMESC 990201.110 - Reference borders
Standard border sizes: A0-A2, X1-X2 and Z3-Z6
 HMESC 990201.120 - Title blocks
A title block is composed of fixed text and variable text. Fields 21-46 can be filled in freely and
fields 1-20 by program, because these represent information from the type 64 header etement.
 HMESC 990403.030 - Corresponding blocks
The coresponding blocks in CAD environment are executed with fixed text for the drawing
numbers and variable text (enter data fields) for the type of drawings that are referenced to.
 HMESC 990405.060 - HNUSE change commands
The drawing header and drawing blocks placed contain redundant data. To keep that data
consistent an update in only one direction applies through the <change title block> and <change
crp block> commands from the HNUSE tablet menu.

Depending on the active information - format - drawing scale - discipline - drawing type - a
border drawing will be placed with the lower left corner of the outer border on position 0,0.
With the <place title block> command a title block cell will be placed and filled in. A reference
border is required for the position, rotation and scale of the drawing block.

The same functionality with <place format> extended with the placement of the title block that
is required, followed by an automatic insert.
Depending on - angle - scale- discipline - type of drawing - a text block for corresponding
data is placed on a selected point.


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990405 APPLICATION 050

1. Tablet user menu

In addition to the standard MicroStation paper menu a user menu has been developed. Some key-ins
of frequent occurrence, a couple of User Commands and the attachment of generic and application
requirements are provided with the attachment of the menu.
The attachment is achieved by keying in am=hnuse,m1 and giving two data points for left lower side
and right upper side (actually the right upper side of the most right upper side command box).
The picture below shows the user menu in conjunction with the MicroStation paper menu placed on
the menu tablet. The space on the left hand and bottom side of the MicroStation paper menu is used
for paper application menus.
The right hand menu part:
- Level selection
- Construction commands
- Terminator commands
- Text size selection
- Scale selection
- Line weights /styles
- Line colours
- Get symbology
The left hand menu part:
- Registration tutorials
- Title block commands
- Attachments HN_XXX
- Angle selection
- Colour commands
- Plot commands
- Level selection

Space for

Space for application menus

The hnuse menu has been developed in the eighty years but is still useful. The development of
MicroStation however has delivered basic functionality as replacement for some of the hnuse menu
options. MDL interfacing covered the specific Heineken tutorial functionality in the meantime, see
HMESC 9904005.040 – Drawing initialisation.
The menu will be supported till every menu option could be chosen from screen (pop-up menus, dialog
boxes, tool bars, etc.)


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990405 APPLICATION 050

2. HN_UTI screen menu

To activate the HN_UTI screen menu select the <Tools> <Heineken Utilities> option in the
Microstation menu bar.

The HN_UTI screen menu contains several useful commands.


With <CHANGE TITLE BLOCK> the drawing data in the drawing border can be altered.
The data in the revisions area of the title block can not be altered with this command. Use <FILL IN
Note : Don’t use the Drawing Data dialog box to change the drawing data, because these
changes will not be reflected in the title block.


With <CHANGE CORRESPONDING DATA BLOCK> the corresponding drawings in the corresponding data
block can be altered.
Note : Don’t use the Corresponding Data dialog box to change the drawing data, because these
changes will not be reflected in the corresponding data block.


Use the <PLACE FILM CROSS> command to place a filmcross over the issue letter when a drawing
has been microfilmed.


The <OPEN NEXT SHEET> command can be used to open the next sheet of a drawing number. When
a sheet number is typed in, any sheet within the same drawing package can be opened.
Examples : Drawing 12345602.dgn will be opened if 12345601.dgn is the current drawing.
Drawing 12345624.dgn will be opened when 24 is typed in.


With the <PLACE HOLD> cloud command a hold cloud can be placed around an area in the drawing.

Use this command to repair a gap in a line. The lines to be connected must be inline.

SET TEXT SIZE 1.8– 10.0

These five buttons set the text size to a standard text size of 1.8, 2.5, 3.5, 5.0 or 10.0 mm. The
actual drawing text size is the standard text size multiplied by the drawing scale from title block.

Cell selector with miscellaneous cells.


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990405 APPLICATION 050

3. Application references

HN_LAY: The HN_LAY application utilises the HN_UTI formware as kernel. Instructions about the
usage of CAD essentials like levels and reference files complete the working conditions.
Reference: HMESC 990401.040 Layout Arrangement Instructions

HN_PID: The HN_PID application is used to generate P&IDs (Process & Instrument Diagrams);
Process, Routing, Engineering and Distribution Diagrams.
Requirements: hnpid.cel: Cell library with P&ID symbols
hnpid.ndx: P&ID user command index file
hnpid.tbl: P&ID defined colour table
hnpid1 ): Paper menu with P&ID commands
hnpid2 ): Paper menu with P&ID components
Z3-Z6.dgn: Four reference borders for P&ID
User Commands: Programs and help files for directory HN_PID
References: HMESC 990401.020 Diagram Arrangement Instructions
HMESC 990406 P&ID User Manual

HN_ECD: The HN_ECD application is used to generate Electrical Control Diagrams. The
application is also suitable for instrumentation diagrams.
Requirements: hnecd.cel: Cell library with electrical symbols
hnecd.ndx: ECD user command index file
hnecd.tbl: ECD defined colour table
hnecd ): Paper menu with ECD commands
ecdfr1-8.dgn: Eight reference borders for ECD
User Commands: Programs and help files for directory HN_ECD
Reference: HMESC 99.04.07 ECD User Manual

HN_CPD: The HN_CPD application is used for setting up distribution networks and optimising
transport between zones (production facilities) and nodes (consumers).
Requirements: hncpd.cel: Cell library with CPD cells
hncpd.ndx: CPD user command index file
hncpd.tbl: CPD defined colour table
hncpd ): Paper menu with CPD commands & components
User Commands: Programs and help files for directory HN_CPD
Reference: CPD User Manual is available in Dutch.

HN_EMB: The HN_EMB application is used to generate packaging specifications for bottles, pallets
and crates.
Requirements: hnemb.cel: Cell library with packaging cells
hnemb.ndx: EMB user command index file
hnemb.tbl: EMB defined colour table
hnemb ): Paper menu with EMB commands & components
hmesc A3-A4.dgn: Reference borders for HMESC sheets
User Commands: Programs and help files for directory HN_EMB
Reference: No user manual available

HN_TNK: The HN_TNK application is used for setting up inquiry drawings for tanks.
Requirements: hntnk.cel: Cell library with tank symbols
hntnk.ndx: Tank user command index file
hntnk: ): Paper menu with TNK commands & components
User Commands: Programs and help files for directory HN_TNK
Reference: HMESC 990403.200 Tank Specification Practice (study).
) As cell present in hnmen.cel.


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990405 APPLICATION 050

4. Document delivery

By following the instructions in this manual any party using the HN_UTI program will be able to comply
with Heineken specifications for the general set-up of drawings.
Engineering results should be delivered at HTS in accordance with HMESC 990201.100.

5. Supplement

REVIEW: Optionally a C-based feature is available for extracting information from drawings. The
review program shows project and document information formatted on screen, see
example below. The program can be activated by keying in "review filename" on the
DOS prompt; the extension .dgn can be omitted.
Example REVIEW program:

Project number : P7556 01 001 Project name : CAD CONTEXT

Site code : TUA Site : TUAS
Made by : HTS Discipline : MECHANICAL
Drawing number :593102 Sheet no : 1 of 1
Format :Z6 Issue actual :B
Drawing scale :1 Issue filed :A
Process part :26.00
Department :TANKROOM
Derived from : Admin. original : HTS
Drawn by :L. BEZEM Administr. code : C 0400/0625/220
Process diagram :888888 Accessory list : 999999
Engineering diagram : Pump list :
Distribution diagram : Instrument list :
Electrical diagram : Material list :

SHOWREF: Similarly a feature is available which shows the attached reference files of a design file,
by keying in "showref filename"; the extension .dgn can be omitted.

Access: The features are stored on directory HN_UTI.

Global access g.e. by means of Windows Explorer, can be established through operating
system dependent configuration features.


issued: 000814 revision: 05 page: 4/4

1. Introduction

Within application systems, operating systems determine the possibilities and restrictions with respect
to file names. Window systems nowadays provide much flexibility in file name conventions. Current
instruction still originates from the situation that engineers were dependent on 8 bit operating systems,
mainly DOS.

2. Regulations:

1 The rules described in HMESC 990201.100 - Heineken Drawing Registration Regulations also
apply to file names for DOS and other 8-bit operating systems
2 Thus a file name for a digital drawing is the combination of its unique 6_digits document number
and its sheet number. The number of characters in a file name is 6 (single sheet), 8 (sheet no
01-99) or 9 (sheet no 100-600).
3 Nine character file names should be converted to eight character DOS file names by converting
the sheet numbers above and including 100 according to the conversion rules and conversion
table shown below.
4 Within a drawing (title block and correspondences) the original sheet number is used.

2. Conversion rules

• The conversion rules are based on a maximum of 600 sheets per drawing (package).
• Numbers 0-24 ≙ characters A-Y ; 0 ≙ A 4 ≙ D 12 ≙ L 20 ≙ U 24 ≙ Y
• [(n-100) /25] [remainder] = XY ; g.e. 136 >> 36/25=1 remainder = 11 >> BL
• n = 100+X25+Y1 ; NK ≙ [13,10] >> 100+1325+101 = 435

3. Conversion table


A 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124
B 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149
C 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174
D 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199
E 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224
F 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249
G 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274
H 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299
I 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324
J 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349
K 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374
L 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399
M 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424
N 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449
O 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474
P 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499
Q 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524
R 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549
S 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574
T 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599
U 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624
V 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649
W 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674
X 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699
Y 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724
Z 725 726 726 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749


issued: 980915 revision: 03 page: 1/1

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