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Final Verbal Test Information

TeachCast Adult Level 2.1

Objective Description Example
Size Adjectives Student can discuss size of items. I order a . . . because. . .
Student can give their opinion and state a I think. . .
Giving Opinions
reason. Yes/no, because. . .
Student can discuss their use of banking I use. . .
services. Yes/no, because. . .
Student can give directions or discuss It is near the. . .
Giving Directions
locations. There is a. . .next to the. . .
I prefer to take. . .
Public Transportation Student can discuss public transportation.
I use. . .
Student can discuss types of drinks and My favorite is. . .
Discussing Drinks
their preferences. I have tried. . .

The questions are understood, and the answers were relevant to the
Pronunciation Pronunciation is understandable to the listener.

Vocabulary Vocabulary is well chosen and appropriate for the response.

Intonation and Rhythm Rise and fall, stress, and timing were appropriate to the responses.

Confidence Eye contact, volume, and lack of hesitation display confidence.

Note: Hal yang perlu diperhatikan:

• Please turn your camera and • Peserta HARUS menyalakan kamera dan MIC selama tes
microphone on for the test. berlangsung.
• You MUST answer using the language • Peserta HARUS menjawab pertanyaan dengan
and same verb tense from the menggunakan verb tenses yang sesuai dengan
question. pertanyaan dari guru TeachCast.
• You MUST answer with more than one • Peserta HARUS menjawab pertanyaan lebih dari satu
word. kata.
• Answers can be simple information or • Jawaban dapat berupa informasi atau deskripsi
descriptions. sederhana.
• You may ask the teacher to repeat the • Peserta boleh meminta guru mengulangi kembali
question. pertanyaan apabila peserta kurang paham dengan
• The test will take 6 minutes. pertanyaan tersebut.
• All questions are based on the material • Tes akan berlangsung dalam watku 6 menit per peserta.
taught by the TeachCast teacher. • Semua pertanyaan dalam tes diambil berdasarkan materi
yang sudah diajarkan di kelas oleh guru TeachCast.

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