KOE-069 Unit-1 Updated

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Module 1: Introduction

Lecture 1:
Course Overview
Course Objectives
1. To help the students having the clarity about human aspirations,
goals, activities and purpose of life.

2. To facilitate the competence to understand the harmony in

nature/existence and participation of human being in the

3. To help the students to develop the understanding of human

tradition and its various components.

Process for Right Understanding: Self-exploration
Whatever is stated is a Proposal (Do not assume it to be true/ false)
Verify it on your own right

1 Verify 2 Experiential Validation
on the basis
Of Live according to it
your 2a 2b
Acceptance Behaviour with Work with
Human Beings Rest of Nature

Mutual Happiness Mutual Prosperity

Which process is Naturally Acceptable to you?

A process of self-exploration, self-verification on your own right, leading to

understanding in yourself
A process of do’s & don’ts, in which you assume what is said, without verification 5
Course Syllabus
Module 1: Introduction.

Module 2: Understanding Human being and its expansion.

Module 3: Activities of the Self.

Module 4: Understanding Co-existence with other orders.

Module 5: Expansion of harmony from self to entire existence.

Module 1: Introduction.

• L1 – Introduction

• L2 - Aim of UHV-III

• L3 – UHV-II Recap – Aspiration

• L4 – UHV-II Recap - HB & Existence

• L5 - Self is Central to Human Existence


Module 1: Introduction

Lecture 2:
Where We Are (Self-evaluation)
thru UHV-II
What We Aim at (Self-evolution)
thru UHV-III
Level. Name Relationship Details
Sum Up
4b. Existence Co-existence Co-existence
Potential for human being to realise
4a. Nature Mutual Fulfillment Harmony, relationship
4 orders Potential for human being to be in harmony
3. Society Right Understanding and Human-Nature relationship
Right Feeling, Potential, through participation of individuals and families in
Prosperity, various societal systems
Fearlessness (Trust),
2. Family Feeling of Co-existence Human-Human relationship
Trust, Respect … Love Potential for right feeling in the Self – mutual happiness
1b. Individual Co-existence of Self-Body relationship
Human Being Self and Body Potential for feeling of self-regulation
1a. Self Continuous Happiness = Will to live with continuous happiness
Happiness, Peace, Potential for right understanding,
Satisfaction, Bliss… right feeling and right thought

Universal Human Values Mutually fulfilling behavior, work and participation…

Shift in Our Assumptions / Understanding through UHV-II

Assumptions Before UHV-II After UHVII

Human Being = Body ? Self Body

Existence = Material ? Units submerged in space

Consciousness Material

Purpose = Happiness Continuous happiness and

[through sensation, feeling prosperity
from other] ? (Happiness is to be in a state
of harmony)

Program = Accumulation of physical To understand and to live in

facility (unlimited!) ? harmony (at all levels of
being – human being, family,
society, nature/existence)
Goal of this Course (UHV-III)
1. To explore the human reality (its being, basic aspiration, its
fulfilment), particularly the Self, in more depth
− Self is central to human existence

2. To explore deeper into the nature and existence as co-existence

− co-existence is central to existence
− everything that we see in nature and existence is the natural
expression and unfolding of this co-existence

3. To understand the role of human being in further detail, in the light of

the above
− To understand the co-existence
− To have the feeling and the thought of co-existence
− To live in co-existence in mutual relation with human being and the
rest of nature
Our Purpose & Program depends on Assumption/ Understanding
In UHV-II, we have seen that knowingly or unknowingly, we have
assumed some purpose in life and we have some program for the
fulfillment of the set purpose.

This setting up of the purpose and program depends upon our

assumptions about:
1. Human Being
2. Existence

We had some assumptions about these two before UHV-II

And now these assumptions have been modified through the process of
self-exploration that we went through in the UHV-II course.

Let us look at some details of this shift in our assumptions/


Shift 1
UHV-II is focused on:
1. To initiate the process of self-exploration in you
2. The realization that human being is co-existence of Self and
Which in turn leads to the following shift in perception
Assumption: ‘Human Being is Knowing: ‘Human Being is
Body’ coexistence of Self and Body’
Purpose: Expectation to live with Purpose: Desire to live with
continuous happiness (effort to be continuous happiness (effort to be
made outside and not within – I am OK, made within and then outside)
problem is with others) Continuous happiness = To be in
Seeking happiness through physical harmony at all levels of being
facility, sensation & feeling from other Physical facility is required only for
Requirement of physical facility is nurturing, protecting and right
undefined/unlimited utilisation of body. Need of PF is
Program: Accumulation of physical defined, limited in quantity
facility (unlimited!) Program: To understand & to live
in harmony at all levels of being 14
Shift 1
Before UHV-II After UHV-II
Assumption Human being is a Human being is the co-
physical entity, the Body existence of Self and Body

Goal Happiness through Happiness and prosperity

physical facility / (continuous)
sensation (transitory)

Program Getting favourable Right understanding,

sensation, accumulation relationship and physical
of physical facility facility

UHV-III is designed for the further shift
The focus of UHV-III is to help for the second shift to take place, i.e. to
see that:
‘The Self (I) is central to human existence
Body is used as an Instrument'
Need of Human being is continuous happiness [Need of the Self(I)]
Which is fulfilled by

1. Understanding co-existence [Activity of Self(I)]

2. Feeling & thought of co-existence
This is expressed naturally in the form of

1. Mutually fulfilling behavior with human being

2. Mutually enriching work with rest of nature
3. Participation in larger order
leading to undivided society and universal human order
Total Shift through UHV-II and UHV-III

Assumptions After UHV-II Expected after UHV-III

Human Being = Self Body Self is central. Body is used
as an instrument
Existence = Units submerged in space Units submerged in space

Consciousness Material Consciousness Material

Purpose = Continuous happiness and Continuous happiness

prosperity (Happiness is to be in a
(Happiness is to be in a state state of co-existence)
of harmony) - Prosperity is a part of it

Program = To understand and to live in To understand co-existence

harmony (at all levels of To have the feeling and
being – human being, family, thought of co-existence
society, nature/existence) To live in co-existence
Understanding through UHV-III
‘The Self (I) is central to human existence
Body is used as an Instrument'
− Desire of Human being is for
continuous happiness (to be in harmony) – Need of Self(I)
− Which is fulfilled by – Activity of Self(I)
1. Understanding of co-existence
2. Feeling and thought of co-existence

Two important points to be noted are:

1. The need for the feeling of prosperity is a part of being in a state of
continuous happiness (to be in harmony at all levels)
2. Expression in mutual relation with human being and rest of nature, in
terms of behaviour and work, is a natural outcome of understanding of
co-existence and feeling & thought of co-existence

Module 1: Introduction

Lecture 3:
Recapitulation from UHV-II –
Basic Human Aspiration
and its Fulfilment
Our Exploration and Understanding from HVPE (UHV-II)
The foundation course in HVPE is a prerequisite for this course.

Therefore, before we proceed, let us recall some of the basic concepts

(relating to certain basic realities) that we have explored in the HVPE
(UHV-II) course and which are going to be used and further developed
in this course.

Basic Human Aspiration and its Fulfillment
1. The basic human aspiration is for continuity of happiness and

2. This is fulfilled by living in human consciousness, by ensuring

right understanding, right feeling and physical facility

3. Transformation from animal consciousness to human

consciousness is ensured through human education-sanskar

4. Living with human consciousness provides the base for ensuring

justice and order leading to undivided society and universal human

Role of Education-Sanskar: To Enable Transformation

Transformation& Progress
in the self

with human (lqfo/kk)
beings with rest of nature
tho psruk
(mHk; lq[k) (mHk; le`f)) 28
Role of Education-Sanskar: To Enable Transformation
Basic Human Desire:
Happiness and prosperity → continuity
It is fulfilled by (program for fulfillment): Self
1. Right understanding in the Self (I)
2. Right feeling in relationship
3. Recognition of required physical facility
and its fulfillment with rest of nature

Deluded Self
Human Consciousness provides base for Universal Human Order
in the Self ekuo psruk
– Understanding Harmony
in Individual, Family,
Society, Nature/Existence

with Human with Nature
Being - From Family
- from Family to Order to World
World Family Family Order


Expected Transformations
Following transformations have to take place-
1. Personal Transformation
(Transformation in Consciousness)

2. Societal Transformation
(Transformation in the Society)

Personal Transformation

Societal Transformation

Animal Consciousness to
Human Consciousness

Human Education


Self-exploration as the Methodology- can be viewed as

B1 – Dimension of Realisation
2. Verify the Proposal
on the basis of your Natural Acceptance

1. Proposal
from outside B2 – Dimension of Thought
3. Experiential verification
by living accordingly

Behaviour Work

Mutual Happiness Mutual Prosperity

Mutual Fulfillment Mutual Enrichment


Module 1: Introduction

Lecture 4:
Recaptulation from UHV-II –
Understanding about Human Being
and Existence
In this session, we wll try to recaptulate our understanding about
1. Human Being &
2. Existence
particularly, of those aspects which are of immediate concern in this
course, i.e. aspects which we are going to investigate in further depth.

The Concluding Observation of this session is:

The most important part in ensuring harmony in human being and
human conduct is
Ensuring Right understanding & Right feeling in the self i.e.
Self is Central to Human Existence
Which we are going to discuss in the next lecture

Human Being Self (I) Co-existence Body
Ekkuo eSa lgvfLrRo “kjhj
Need Happiness (e.g. Respect) Physical Facility (e.g. Food)
vko';drk lq[k ¼tSls lEeku½ lqfo/kk ¼tSls Hkkstu½
In Time Continuous Temporary
dky esa fujUrj lkef;d
In Quantity Qualitative (is Feeling) Quantitative (Required in
ek=k esa xq.kkRed ¼Hkko gS½ Limited Quantity)
Ekk=kRed ¼lhfer ek=k esa½
Fulfilled By Right Understanding & Physio-chemical Things
iwfrZ ds fy, Right Feeling lgh le>] lgh Hkko HkkSfrd&jklk;fud oLrq

Activity Desire, Thought, Eating, Walking…

fØ;k Expectation… [kkuk] pyuk---
bPNk] fopkj] vk”kk---
In Time Continuous Temporary
dky esa fujUrj lkef;d
Response Knowing, Assuming,
Recognising, Fulfilling Recognising, Fulfilling
tkuuk] ekuuk] igpkuuk] fuokZg djuk igpkuuk] fuokZg djuk

Consciousness pSrU; Material tM+ 39

Knowing & Assuming (Accepting)
Knowing, Assuming, Recognizing, Fulfilling

Problem leL;k

KNOWING To see the reality as it is, in its completeness, by direct observation
It is definite, has continuity and universality
ASSUMING What I accept about that reality
(acceptance can be on the basis of knowing or
acceptance can also be without knowing,
i.e. one has not seen the reality or not seen it in its completeness
and assumed something about it)
RECOGNISING The relationship with that reality (human being or rest of nature)
FULFILLING The relationship with that reality (human being or rest of nature)
Knowing & Assuming
Knowing, Assuming, Recognizing, Fulfilling

Preconditioning or
Problem leL;k Assuming without Knowing

Assumptions keep changing

Conduct is indefinite
(Dependence, Partantrata)
Knowing through self-verification
lek/kku – on the basis of Natural Acceptance &
– on the basis of living accordingly

Assumptions are definite (on the basis

of Knowing)

Conduct is definite (Swatantrata)

Animal Consciousness: Living by Preconditioning & Sensation
Force / Power Activity Self verification
cy@“kfDr fØz;k on the basis of
Self (I) eSa 1. Realization
vuqHko 3
2. Understanding lgt Loh—fr
Preconditioning 1 cks/k ds vkËkkj ij
ekU;rk 3. Desire Imaging tkap dj
bPNk fp=.k
4. Thought Analysing
fopkj fo'ys"k.k
5. Expectation Selecting/Tasting Imagination
vk'kk p;u@vkLoknu
Information dYiuk”khyrk
Body 'kjhj 2 Sensation
Behaviour O;ogkj Work dk;Z Lakosnuk


Existence vfLrRo ¾ Co-existence lg&vfLrRo

Ever Present fuR; orZeku

Units Submerged in Space
bdkbZ;ka lai`Dr O;kid
Limited in Size lhfer vkdkj Unlimited vlhe All Pervading
Activity, Active fØ;k] fØ;k'khy No Activity fØ;k”kwU; ¼“kwU;½

Material tM+ Consciousness pSrU;

Recognising, Knowing, Assuming,
Fulfilling Recognising, Fulfilling
Temporary Continuous Unbounded in Time & Space
vfuR; fujarj fuR;
(= Co-existence = Units submerged in Space)

Units (Nature) Space (All-pervading)

Limited in size Unlimited
This is
Activity No activity
already in
Energized harmony
Recognises the relationship and fulfills

Material tM+ Consciousness (Self) pSrU;

Temporary Continuous
Recognising, Fulfilling Knowing, Assuming,
Recognising, Fulfilling

Only this part

Physical Order Bio Order
+ is remaining
Animal Order And it has to
Atom Cell happen in
+ the Self by
Molecule Plant
Human Order the Self

Linear – Not Cyclic

Molecular Structure Animal Body Right Understanding &
Right Feeling

Lump Fluid Human Body

No Development Definite Human Conduct

Cyclic uf”pr Ekkuoh; vkpj.k 46
Existence Universal
(= Co-existence = Units submerged in Space)
Units (Nature) Space (All-pervading)
Limited in size Unlimited सार्वभौम
Activity No activity
Self-organized Self-organization is available
Energized Energy in equilibrium
Recognises the relationship and fulfills Transparent

Material tM] xBu'khy Consciousness (Self) pSrU;] xBuiw.kZ

Temporary Continuous
Recognising, Fulfilling Knowing, Assuming, +
Recognising, Fulfilling +
Animal Order
Human Order
Physical Order Bio Order

Development fodkl
Not Cyclic xBuiw.Kz
Atom Cell

Molecule Plant

Molecular Structure Animal Body

Lump Fluid Human Body

Composition – Decomposition
Concluding Observation
Having recalled the basic understanding about
1. Human Being &
2. Existence

The Concluding Observation of this session is:

The most important part in ensuring harmony in human being and
human conduct is

Ensuring Right understanding & Right feeling, thought in the self

Self is Central to Human Existence

This is what we are going to elaborate in the next lecture &

This will be th running theme & thread of the whole course


Module 1: Introduction

Lecture 5:
Human Being –
Self is Central to Human Existence
Body is an Instrument of the Self
Human Being Self Co-existence Body
Ekkuo eSa lgvfLrRo “kjhj
Need Happiness (e.g. Respect) Physical Facility (e.g. Food)
vko';drk lq[k ¼tSls lEeku½ lqfo/kk ¼tSls Hkkstu½
In Time Continuous Temporary
dky esa fujUrj lkef;d
In Quantity Qualitative (is Feeling) Quantitative (Required in
ek=k esa xq.kkRed ¼Hkko gS½ Limited Quantity)
Ekk=kRed ¼lhfer ek=k esa½
Fulfilled By Right Understanding & Physio-chemical Things
iwfrZ ds fy, Right Feeling lgh le>] lgh Hkko HkkSfrd&jklk;fud oLrq

Activity Desire, Thought, Eating, Walking…

fØ;k Expectation… [kkuk] pyuk---
bPNk] fopkj] vk”kk---
In Time Continuous Temporary
dky esa fujUrj lkef;d
Response Knowing, Assuming,
Recognising, Fulfilling Recognising, Fulfilling
tkuuk] ekuuk] igpkuuk] fuokZg djuk igpkuuk] fuokZg djuk

Consciousness pSrU; Material tM+ 50

Self Body
Consciousness INFORMATION Material

Transaction between the Self and the Body-

▪The Self is giving some Instruction to the Body e.g. get up, walk etc.
▪The Self is reading some Sensation from the Body e.g. sensation of pain,
etching etc.

Instruction is an information given by the Self and

Sensation is an information received by the Self

The transaction between the Self and the Body is only of information
(no material transaction is taking place)

Decision for transaction-

▪ The decision to send instruction to the Body is made by the Self
▪ The decision to read sensation from the Body is made by the Self

The decision for every transaction is made by the Self

Self Body
Consciousness INFORMATION Material

I am My body is
I want to live My body is used as an instrument

Self Body
Consciousness INFORMATION Material

I am My body is
I want to live My body is used as an instrument
I want to live with continuous Physical facility is required for
happiness nurturing, protection and right
utilization of the body
To understand and to live in harmony Production, protection and right
at all levels of being (from self to utilization of physical facility is a
entire existence) is my program of part of my program (<1/4th)
action for continuous happiness

Self Body
Consciousness INFORMATION Material

I am My body is
I want to live My body is used as an instrument
I want to live with continuous Physical facility is required for
happiness nurturing, protection and right
utilization of the body
To understand and to live in harmony Production, protection and right
at all levels of being (from self to utilization of physical facility is a
entire existence) is my program of part of my program (<1/4th)
action for continuous happiness
I am the: I use the body as an instrument
Seer, Doer, Enjoyer (Experiencer) for fulfillment of my program
nz’Vk] drkZ] HkksDrk

I am the Seer
“Seer” means the one that sees / understands

e.g. If you are given something in your hand and you conclude that it is
a pen, it is not your eyes that concluded this. It is you that concluded
this. The Self sees via the eyes – the eyes don’t see themselves

Like that all the 5 senses are just the instruments that enable the
Self to see something outside

Just like you see outside, you can also see ‘within’, without using the
sensation in the body as a means to see
e.g. You can ‘see’ that you are feeling happy, getting angry...

Thus, it is the Self who ‘sees’ or understands, sometimes with the

help of the body, sometimes without the help of body

In the process of seeing, the Body is used as an instrument

I am the Doer
“Doer” means the one that does, who takes decision to do

Self is the one who decides. Self decides what to do, what not to do...

the body is used to express the decision of the self, If required

e.g. Self instructs the body to walk and body walks

Self may or may not use the body to execute its decision
e.g. what I think is my decision. I do that thinking within myself (there is
no role of the body in this)

The Body is used as an instrument, as and when required

I am the Enjoyer (Experiencer)

“Enjoyer” means the one that experiences happiness /


I am the one that feels enthused or depressed. I am the one that

feels angry or delighted...

I am the enjoyer, the experiencer

Self Body
Consciousness INFORMATION Material

I am My body is
I want to live My body is used as an instrument
I want to live with continuous Physical facility is required for
happiness nurturing, protection and right
utilization of the body
To understand and to live in harmony Production, protection and right
at all levels of being (from self to utilization of physical facility is a
entire existence) is my program of part of my program (<1/4th)
action for continuous happiness
I am the: I use the body as an instrument
Seer, Doer, Enjoyer (Experiencer) for fulfillment of my program
nz’Vk] drkZ] HkksDrk
The Self is The Body is
central to human existence an instrument of the Self
Sum Up
The need of the Self is continuous happiness
For this, the program of the Self is:

To understand harmony & at all levels of being

To live in harmony
1. As an individual, human being
2. As a member of the family
3. As a member of society
4. As an unit in nature/existence
Human Being is co-existence of Self and Body
Self is the seer, doer and enjoyer–
it is central to human existence

Understanding of harmony, feeling of harmony is at the level of Self

The Body is used as an instrument of the Self

The transaction between Self and Body is only in the form of information, and is decided by the self


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