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Republic of Zambia

Ministry of education, science, vocational training and early education



3 - 4 AND 5 - 6 YEARS

Prepared and published by

Curriculum Development Centre
© Curriculum Development Centre 2014

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be

reproduced stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the
copyright holder

First published 2014


Zambia Educational Publishing House
Printed by
Light Industrial Publishing House, Chishango Road
P.O. Box 32708, Lusaka, Zambia

Coordinated by
Peter K. Kasaji
Chief Curriculum Specialist
Evelyn Mudaala Simfukwe
Senior Curriculum Specialist - Early Childhood Education

Michael Chiyaka
Curriculum Specialist - Research and Evaluation
Lazarus Mutale
Curriculum Specialist - Mathematics
Mary Tembo
Rugambwa School, Lusaka,
Tembi Nyoni
Eagles Nest School
Nkumbula M. Mbewe
Maiden School, Lusaka,

Illustrated by:
Blackstone Kaoma and Kelvin Makungu

Graphics Design, Typesetting and Layout by:

Lucille N. Mudenda


The goal of learning in an Early Childhood Education Centre is for it to happen naturally through
real-life experiences at the child’s own pace. Children at this level learn better when they are
actively involved in learning through play. Their knowledge emerges as a result of the activities
they are engaged in as well as the relationships they form in their early life. The early years are a
time of great importance in determining the chances that a child will have for his/her later life.
There are major developmental changes that occur during this period. These results in Children,
who are independent, like to play on their own, have ability to pay attention for a long time,
follow instructions, learn well through imitation, repetition and have active imaginations.

There are two basic types of teaching methods at this level. These are teacher centred and learner
centred. An Early Childhood Education Centre is a social environment in which children learn
about their surroundings and how to play with their peers. Children engaged in active play learn
about taking turns, respecting one another, practicing social skills and learning other fundamental
things without knowing they are doing so. The role of a preschool teacher is to creatively present
core fundamentals while engaging children through play. Play is a child's work; therefore
academic teaching in an Early Childhood Education Centre takes 40% while play takes 60% of
the teaching learning process. Children are allowed to choose the activities that interest them,
which will motivate them to try new things, learn new activities, build confidence, self-esteem
and use their own creativity to learn new skills and the curriculum is very child-centred and more
unstructured than teacher-directed.

Teachers should allow for hands-on activities that promote teamwork and concentration by
creating an appropriate environment that will stimulate learner interest and allow for natural
learning moments for children in the Early Childhood Education Centre. There are various
teaching methods suggested in the syllabus that the teacher can explore and apply during the
teaching learning process at this level. However, teachers are encouraged to be resourceful and
creative to make teaching and learning meaningful.

GENERAL INTRODUCTION..............................................................................4
SECTION A.............................................................................................................7
3 TO 4 YEARS.........................................................................................................7
TOPIC 1 – CLASSIFICATION.............................................................................8
SUB -TOPIC: Matching...............................................................................................................8
SUB-TOPIC: Patterns.................................................................................................................8
TOPIC 2 - NUMBERS...........................................................................................9
SUB-TOPIC: Counting................................................................................................................9
SUB-TOPIC: Counting..............................................................................................................10
SUB-TOPIC – Pre-writing.........................................................................................................11
TOPIC – PLANE SHAPES..................................................................................12
SUB -TOPIC: Lines...................................................................................................................12
SUB-TOPIC: Shapes..................................................................................................................12
SUB-TOPIC: Length and width.................................................................................................14
SUB-TOPIC: Time....................................................................................................................15
TOPIC: COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC.........................................................18
SUB-TOPIC: Money..................................................................................................................18
SECTION B...........................................................................................................20
MATHEMATICS 5 - 6 YEAR OLDS.................................................................20
TOPIC: CLASSIFICATION...............................................................................21
SUB-TOPIC- Grouping.............................................................................................................21
TOPIC - NUMBERS.............................................................................................23
SUB-TOPIC:1 Counting............................................................................................................23
SUB-TOPIC: Pre-Writing..........................................................................................................25
SUB-TOPIC: Addition...............................................................................................................27
TOPIC: SUBTRACTION..........................................................................................................28
SUB-TOPIC: Subtraction..........................................................................................................28
TOPIC – PLANE SHAPES..................................................................................29

SUB-TOPIC – Lines..................................................................................................................29
SUB-TOPIC: Shapes.................................................................................................................31
SUB-TOPIC: Length and width.................................................................................................33
SUB-TOPIC: Weight.................................................................................................................34
TOPIC: COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC.................................................................................34
SUB-TOPIC: Money..................................................................................................................34



SUB -TOPIC: Matching

Matching objects helps learners to develop cognitively and fosters the skill of discrimination
based on given criteria. In this subtopic, learners will learn to match different objects on the basis
of colour regardless of type and shape. Note that the emphasis here is on colour and not on shape
and type.

SPECIFIC OUTCOME: Match objects according to colour

TIME: 30 minutes

 Introduce the lesson by singing the colour song
 Display different objects of different colours or refer to page 1 of the learners’ book.
 Demonstrate to learners how to match objects according to colour
 Put the learners in groups to demonstrate matching of objects according to colour.

 Learners to match objects according to colour.

Assessment - Observe learners as they match objects according colour.

SUB-TOPIC: Patterns

In this lesson learners will manipulate and arrange objects and materials for making patterns in
order to develop their fine motor skills. The learners will develop a sense of sequential
arrangement and spatial relations. Learners will participate in pattern making activities and they
will develop their eye hand coordination.

SUGGESTED TIME: 30 minutes

SPECIFIC OUTCOME: Make patterns using different objects
KEY WORDS: arrangement, patterns and obje cts
TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES: Different objects, paper, colours, templates,
and learners book pages 2, 3 and 4.

Lesson 1: Patterns Making

 Introduce the lesson by either singing a song, saying a poem or playing a game related to

 Demonstrate pattern making to learners using different objects e.g. cylindrical tins, shape
templates etc
“Use of wet sand would make the patterns come out clearly and nice “when making
patterns on the ground.
 Ask learners to make patterns on the ground using different objects such as cans, building

Activity: - Learners to make patterns by using cans, templates, building blocks etc
Assessment: Observe learners as they make patterns.

NOTE: The teacher is advised to be liberal in the selection of objects to be used in pattern
making. in order to foster learner creativity, it is advisable that the teacher asks learners to come
up with their own pattern.


SUB-TOPIC: Counting


In this lesson, learners will count numbers 1 to 10. Learners will learn numbers through various
day to day activities. They are also expected to recognize numbers, symbols or numerals 1 to 5
identification, matching, and comparing. Learners will be engaged in various mathematical
activities that will help them develop an understanding of number value up to 5 and be able to
sequence numbers in a logical manner. This will help them acquire critical thinking and problem
solving skills.

SPECIFIC OUTCOME - Count orally up to 10 objects.

KEY WORDS - Number names 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
Note: Do not introduce numerals at this stage. As teachers you are strongly advised to repeat the
lessons depending on the performance of your learners to help concretise the idea of counting.
Teachers are strongly advised to repeat the lessons depending on the performance of the learners
to help concretise the idea of number recognition which is a pre-requisite to the other topics yet
to come.

The teacher is also advised to generate as many lessons as possible depending on the learners’
performance and not only sticking to the two suggested lessons.

TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES –learners’ book, concrete objects such as

pencils, stones, etc.

Lesson 1 – Numbers 1 - 5
 Introduce the topic to the learners by singing a number song e.g. one little finger dancing
 Demonstrate how to count up to 5 using concrete objects refer to page 5 of the learners

 Ask learners to pick 5 objects from their learning environment and count them

 Learners to count up to 5 using concrete objects
 Individual learners to count numbers and objects orally up to 5.

Assessment - Observe learners as they count numbers 1 up to 5.

Lesson 2 – Numbers 1 - 10
 Ask the learners to sing a number song from 1 to 5 e.g. (one little finger dancing round)
 Demonstrate to the learners how to count from 1 to 10.
 Ask the learners to count from 1 to 10 objects (refer to page 6 of the learners’ book).

 Learners to count orally from 1 up to 10 using concrete objects
 Individual learners count orally from 1 to 10 using concrete objects.

Assessment - Observe learners as they count concrete objects from 1 up to 10.

SUB-TOPIC: Counting
SPECIFIC OUTCOME: 2 - Use numerals 1 up to 5 to symbolise quantities of objects
KEY WORDS: - Number symbols, numerals 1 to 5

TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES: - Number value chart, concrete objects, and
learner’s book

Lesson 1 - Numbers 1 to 3
 Introduce the lesson by singing a number song one little, two little Zambian.....
 Display the number chart to the learners.
 Ask the learners to identify the number symbols from 1 to 3 in relation to the actual
number of objects (refer to page 7 and 8 of the learners’ book).

 Singing number song (one little - two little - three little Zambian boys and girls)

 Learners to identify numerals from 1 up to 3

Assessment - Observe the learners as they take part in number recognition activities.

Lesson 2 – Numbers 4 and 5

 Revise the previous lesson on number recognition from 1 up to 3
 Introduce the numbers 4 and 5 to the learners.
 Ask the learners to count the numbers up to 5 using objects.

 Ask the learners to identify the number symbols 4 and 5 in relation to the actual number
of objects.
 Display a number value chart or refer to page 7 and 8 of the learners book.
 Ask learners to identify numbers 4 and 5 on the number value chart.
 Learners to sing the number song.
 Learners to identify the numbers 4 and 5
 Learners to count numbers and objects one by one up to 5.

Assessment - Observe the learners as they count and identify the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
-Learners to match objects to numerals

SUB-TOPIC – Pre-writing

In this lesson, it is important for the individual learners to do the activities practically. This is
aimed at helping them to develop Psychomotor and mathematical skills through eye- hand
coordination to prepare them for number writing.

SPECIFIC OUTCOME – Trace numbers from 1-5

SUGGESTED TIME: - 2 hours 30 minutes
KEY WORDS – number sequencing, tracing and scribbling

TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES: - Concrete Objects and Number Value Chart

Lesson 1 - Trace number 1

 Revise the previous lesson with a song.
 Introduce the lesson to the learners by a demonstration on how to write numbers through
pre-writing activities such as tracing and scribbling.
 Ask learners to demonstrate how to write the number “one” as shown on page 9 of
learners’ book.
 Ask learners to trace number 1 in their book

 Learners to identify the number “1” from the number value chart.
 Learners to trace number symbol “1” prepared in their books.

Assessment: - Observe learners as they trace the number symbol “1” in their books.

Lesson 2 – Trace number 2

 Revise the previous lesson on pre-writing.
 Ask the learners to sing a number song and a writing song, e.g. (trace in a side outside
 Demonstrate to the learners how to write number “2” as shown on page 10 of learners
 Ask the learners to trace the number “2” in their books.

 Learners to sing a song about number songs.
 Learners to identify the number “2” from the number value chart.
 Learners to trace number symbol “2” prepared in their books

Assessment - Observe learners as they write the number “2”

Note: Prepare similar lessons for the numbers 3, 4 and 5 as shown on pages 11, 12 and 13 of the
learners book respectively.



In this topic basic lines are introduced to the learners so that they can have an understanding of
shapes in the near future. Lines are important to the learners as these can help them when asked
to write and follow certain orders of measurement. Different types of lines can help the child to
be able to prepare for writing activities and develop fine psychomotor skills.

SUGGESTED TIME: 1 hour 30 minutes

SPECIFIC OUTCOME: Trace different types of lines
KEY WORDS: - straight, zigzag, wave lines

TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES: - chart showing different types of lines, string,
and any other real life situations in the school environment (e.g. edge of the door, edge of a
learners book)
Lesson 1 – Straight line
 Introduce the lesson with a song, e.g. ”we are marching ...”
 Display real objects which can be used to make the lines given e.g. string, stick, etc,
 Demonstrate how to make straight lines.
 Identify straight lines from a chart with different types of lines.
 Put learners in groups and let them make straight lines using the strings.
 Ask learners to trace straight lines prepared in their books (refer to page16 and 17 of the
learners book)
 Learners to sing a song “we are marching...”
 Learners in groups to make straight lines using the strings.
 Learners to trace straight lines in their books
 Learners to identify straight lines in the classroom environment.

Assessment - Observe learners as they trace a straight line.

Note: Prepare similar lessons to cover zig-zag and wave line


Almost everything in our environment is made of a certain shape. Therefore, it is important for
learners to know about different shapes because they will acquire some psychomotor skills
through drawing shapes.

SPECIFIC OUTCOME: - Colour basic shapes

KEY WORDS: - Circle, square, triangle, rectangle

TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES - Chart with basic shapes, templates, real
objects, hula hoop.

Lesson 1 – Colour a circle

 Sing a song about shapes (small circle, big circle mum, dad I love you).
 Display real object of a circle shape e.g. bicycle rims, bangles, ring hula hoop.
 Display a chart for basic shapes
 Ask learners to identify a circle on the chart showing basic shapes (refer to page 18 of the
learners book)
 Ask the learners to stand in a circle.
 Ask learners to colour circle in their books
 Learners to sing a shape song (small circle ,big circle, mum, dad I love you
 Learners to identify a circle from the chart.
 Learners to colour circle in their books.

Assessment - Observe learners as they colour circle in their books.

Lesson 2 – Colour a Square

 Revise the previous lesson on circle
 Display real objects of a square shape e.g. cardboard cut-out, square templates.
 Ask learners to identify a square on the chart for basic shapes or refer to page 19 of the
learners’ book)
 Ask learners to colour a square drawn in their books
 Learners to sing a shape song.
 Learners to identify a square from the chart
 Learners in groups to colour a square in their books

Assessment - Observe learners as they colour squares in their books.

Lesson 3 – Colour a Rectangle

 Revise on the previous lesson on a triangle.

 Ask learners to sing a shape song.
 Display rectangular objects e.g. rectangular table top, A4 paper, rectangle templates or
refer to page 20 and 21 of the learners’ book.
 Ask learners to identify the rectangle from the displayed objects.
 Ask the learners to colour the rectangular shape in their books.

 Learners to sing a song on shapes and do actions e.g.(this is a square that looks like a
 Learners to identify a rectangle among other shapes on the chart.
 Learners to colour the rectangular shapes in their books.

Assessment - Observe the learners as they colour rectangular shapes in their books.

Lesson 4 – Colour a triangle

 Revise on the previous lesson on a square.
 Ask learners to sing a shape song.
 Display triangular objects e.g. car triangle, mathematical set triangle.
 Ask learners to identify a triangle from the displayed objects or refer to page 22 of the
learners’ book.
 Ask the learners to colour the triangle(s) shape from their books.

 Learners to sing a song on shapes e.g. (this is a square that looks like ......)
 Learners to identify a triangle among other shapes.
 Learners to identify the triangle in their books.

Assessment - Observe the learners as they colour triangle in their books.


SUB-TOPIC: Length and width

This lesson will focus on engaging learners in activities on measuring time weight, lengths and
width using non standard units of measurement. At this level the key concepts learners can be
introduced to, are short and long. The learners are expected to compare and contrast different
lengths of objects.

SPECIFIC OUTCOME: compare length and width objects.

SUGGESTED TIME: 30 minutes
KEY WORDS: Long, and Short

Lesson 1

 Introduce the lesson to the learners by getting objects of different length (long side) and
width (short).
 Put learners in groups and ask them to compare objects which are longer than the other in
their learning environment e.g. sides of book, ruler, door sides etc (refer to page 23 of the
learners book)

 Learners to identify sides of an object that are long (length) and short (width).
 Learners in groups to compare long and short sides of objects in their immediate

Assessment - Observe learners as they compare length and width of objects in the environment.

Day and night comes with different happenings. Therefore it is important for learners to
appreciate different activities done at different times of the day. Time is important because it
helps learners appreciate the aspect of planning.

SPECIFIC OUTCOME -Tell time by activities of the day.

SUGGESTED TIME: 1 hour 30 minutes
TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES: - chart (showing activities of the day and the
activities of the night)
KEY WORDS: - Morning, afternoon, night.

Lesson 1 – Morning
 Introduce the lesson by singing a song e.g. “this is the way we brush our teeth’, brush...
 Ask the learners to mention the activities they do in the morning
 Display a chart showing activities done in the morning or refer to page 24 of the learners
 Explain to learners what happens in the morning
 Ask the learners to identify the food they eat in the morning
 Ask learners to colour the type of food they eat in the morning.

 Learners to mention the activities they do in the morning
 Learners to identify the type of food they eat in the morning.
 Learners to colour the type of food they eat in the morning.

Assessment - Observe the learners as they mention the activities done and food eaten in the

Lesson 2 -Afternoon
 Revise the previous lesson on activities done in the morning
 Introduce the lesson by singing a song ( farewell song for the teacher)
 Ask the learners to mention the activities they do in the afternoon

 Display a chart showing activities done in the afternoon or refer to page 25 of the learners
 Explain to learners what happens in the afternoon
 Ask the learners to identify the food they eat in the afternoon
 Ask learners to colour the type of food they eat in the afternoon

 Learners to mention the activities they do in the afternoon
 Learners to identify the type of food they eat in the afternoon
 Learners to colour the type of food they eat in the afternoon

Assessment - Observe the learners as they mention the activities done and food eaten in the

Lesson 3 – Night
 Revise the previous lesson on activities done in the afternoon
 Ask learners to discuss how they can tell that it is night time.
 Ask learners to identify the activities they do in the night (refer to page 26, 27 and 28 of
the learners book).
 Learners to mention activities they do in the night, e.g. praying, watching TV, telling
stories with grandmother/father before sleeping, sleeping.
 Learners to mention what they see in the sky at night. e.g. moon, stars
 Learners to identify the moon and stars on the chart.
 Learners to trace and colour the moon, the stars prepared in their books.

Assessment: - Observe the learners as they identify the activities of the night.

Lesson-1 Sunday and Monday

Specific outcome: - Tell days in a week
 Introduce the lesson by asking the learners to sing the days of the week song i.e.”
Sunday, Monday...”
 Ask the learners to tell the activities they do on Sunday and on Monday e.g. Sunday ...we
go to church, on Monday we go to school ( refer to pages 29 and 30 of the learners book).
 Display the chart showing the days of the week.

 Learners to sing a song on days of the week.
 Learners to tell the activities they do on Sunday and on Monday e.g. Sunday ...we go to

Assessment: Listen to the learners as they mention the activities they do on Sunday and on

Lesson-2 - Tuesday

Specific outcome: - Tell days in a week
 Revise the previous lesson on activities done on Monday and on Sunday
 Introduce the lesson by asking the learners to sing the days of the week song i.e.”
Sunday, Monday...”
 Ask the learners to tell the activities they do on Tuesday e.g. ..... On Tuesday we go to
school (refer to page 30 of the learners book).
 Display the chart showing the days of the week.

 Learners to sing a song on days of the week.
 Learners to tell the activities they do on Tuesday e.g. Tuesday ...we to school

Assessment: listen to the learners as they mention the activities they do on Tuesday.

Lesson-3 - Wednesday
Specific outcome: - Tell days in a week
 Revise the previous lesson on activities done on Tuesday
 Introduce the lesson by asking the learners to sing the days of the week song i.e.”
Sunday, Monday...”
 Ask the learners to tell the activities they do on Wednesday e.g. Wednesday ...we go to
school refer to page 30 of the learners’ book.
 Display the chart showing the days of the week.

 Learners to sing a song on days of the week.
 Learners to tell the activities they do on Wednesday e.g. Wednesday ...we go to school

Assessment: listen to the learners as they mention the activities they do on Wednesday
Lesson-4 - Thursday
Specific outcome: - Tell days in a week
 Revise the previous lesson on activities done on Wednesday

 Introduce the lesson by asking the learners to sing the days of the week song i.e.”
Sunday, Monday...”
 Ask the learners to tell the activities they do on Thursday e.g. Thursday we go to school.
 Display the chart showing the days of the week or refer to page 30 of the learners’ book.

 Learners to sing a song on days of the week.
 Learners to tell the activities they do on Thursday e.g. ...we go to school

Assessment: listen to the learners as they mention the activities they do on Thursday

Lesson-5 – Friday and Saturday
Specific outcome: - Tell days in a week
 Revise the previous lesson on activities done on Thursday

 Introduce the lesson by asking the learners to sing the days of the week song i.e.”
Sunday, Monday...”
 Ask the learners to tell the activities they do on Friday and Saturday e.g. Friday we go to
school on Saturday we……….
 Display the chart showing the days of the week.
 Ask the learners to say the days of the week randomly
 Ask the learners to state the number of days in a week(refer to page 30 and 31 of the
learners book).

 Learners to sing a song on days of the week.
 Learners to tell the activities they do on Friday and Saturday
 learners to say the number of days in a week

Assessment: listen to the individual learners as they mention the days of the week and the
activities done on those days.



Learners will learn the concept of buying and selling under this topic. This sub-topic is based on
teaching the learners about Zambian Coins and their significance. Learners will appreciate the
value of money.

SPECIFIC OUTCOME: Identify Zambian Coins.

KEY WORDS: Ngwee, Money, Coin, Kwacha
TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES: coins, chart showing various Zambian coins
and learners book page 32.

Lesson 1 – Zambian Coins

 Introduce the lesson by singing a money song e.g. kwacha, ngwee coin.
 Display small denominations of money i.e. 5 Ngwee, 10 Ngwee, 50 Ngwee, K 1., K2 K5
 Ask the learners to identify the coins from 5 Ngwee up to K 1.00 Zambian Currency.
 Ask the learners to discuss about the uses of money.

 Learners to sing a money song
 Learners to mention any small denominations of money which are coins i.e. 5 Ngwee,
10 Ngwee, 50 Ngwee and K1.00 (one kwacha), K2, K5

 Learners to identify the displayed Zambian Coins
 Learners to discuss about the uses of money.

Assessment: - Observe learners as they identify Zambian currency coins.

5 - 6 YEARS


SUB-TOPIC- Grouping

Classification involves comparing, sorting and grouping according to the given criteria. it is
important to learners because it helps them arrange and group different objects. As learners
participate in activities they develop well eye/hand coordination by the use of sensory, fine
motor skills as well as discrimination skills.

SUGGESTED TIME – 1 hour 30 minutes

SPECIFIC OUTCOME 1:- Group familiar objects according to their type size, colour and
KEY WORDS: Colour, size, shape, group

TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES: Different Objects (of different sizes, colour
and shapes), learners’ books pages 1, 2 and 3.

Lesson1- Grouping by colour

 Introduce the lesson with a song (red, green,) or any colour song
 Display different objects of different colours.
 Demonstrate how grouping of colours is done.
 Put learners in small groups as desired
 Ask them to group objects according to colour

 Learners to sing the song (red, green) or any other colour song.
 Learners to group different objects according to colour in groups.

Assessment - Observe as learners group different objects by colour.

Lesson 2- Grouping by size

 Revise the previous lesson on grouping by colour.
 Introduce the lesson with a song (small circle x2,big circle)
 Display different objects of different sizes.
 Demonstrate how grouping by size is done.
 Put learners in small groups as desired.
 Ask learners to group objects according to size

 Learners to sing the song (small circle x2,big circle)
 Learners to group different objects according to size.

Assessment - Observe learners as they group different objects by size.

Lesson 3- Grouping by shape
 Revise the previous lesson on grouping by size.
 Introduce the lesson by singing a shape song
 Display different objects of different shapes
 Demonstrate how grouping by shape is done
 Put learners in small groups as desired.
 Ask learners to group objects according to shape

 Learners to sing the shape song
 Learners to group different objects according to shape

Assessment - Observe learners as they group different objects according shape

SUB TOPIC: Matching

Matching objects helps learners to develop cognitively and fosters the skill of discrimination
based on given criteria. In this subtopic, learners will learn to match different objects according
to shape. Note that the emphasis here is on shape and not colour and type.

SPECIFIC OUTCOME 3: -Match familiar objects according to their shape.

KEY WORDS: Shape, and Match

TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES: Picture Cards Shape templates, learners books
page 3.

Lesson 1 – Matching by Shape

 Introduce the lesson by showing learners objects that are similar in shape from the
 Display a chart with different shapes
 Ask the learners to identify similar shapes from the displayed chart.
 Demonstrate how to match similar shapes.
 Prepare individual work for learners to match similar shapes.

 Learners to identify shapes that are similar from the environment
 Learners to identify similar shapes from the displayed chart.
 Learners to match similar shapes
Assessment - Observe learners as they match shapes according to their similarity


SUB-TOPIC:1 Counting

In this topic learners learn numbers through various day to day activities. They are also expected
to recognize number symbols or numerals 1 to 20, identification and counting. Learners will be
engaged in various mathematical activities that will help them develop an understanding of
numbers 1 to 10 and be able to sequence numbers in a logical manner. This will help them
acquire critical thinking and problem solving skills.

SPECIFIC OUTCOME 1: Count orally up to twenty (20) objects

SUGGESTED TIME: 1 hour 30 minutes
KEY WORD - Counting, concrete Objects.

TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES - Number chart, concrete objects, and number

Lesson 1 – Counting from 1 up to 10

 Introduce the lesson to the learners by singing a number song “number one where are
you”, or any number song.
 Revise the counting of numbers from 1 to 10 orally.
 Ask learners to pick 10 concrete objects from their learning environment.
 Ask the learners to count the numbers up to10 on the chart or on page 4 of the learners
 Ask the learners to count objects from 1 to 10.
 Learners to sing a counting song e.g. 1 little, 2 little, 3 little Zambians or any counting
 Learners to count objects from 1 to 10 orally.
 Learners to pick 10 objects from their learning environment.
 Learners to count from 1 up to 10 (ten) concrete objects they picked.

Assessment - Observe how learners are counting the 10(ten) concrete objects.

Lesson 2 – counting from 11 up to 20

 Introduce the lesson by pre-testing on the previous lesson on number counting up 10.
 Count with the learners orally from 11 up to 20
 Ask the learners to count numbers orally from 11 to 20
 Ask the learners to count objects from 1 up to 20
 Ask individual learners to count orally from 1 up to 20


 Learners to sing a number song e.g. one little, little 3, little Zambians.
 Learners to count numbers from 11 up to 20 orally
 Learners to count objects from 1 up to 20.
 Learners to count individually 1 to 20

Assessment: Listen as individual learners’ count numbers from 1 up to 20.

NOTE: the teacher may wish to break this lesson into smaller units.

SPECIFIC OUTCOME 2:- Use numerals 1 to 20 to symbolize quantities of objects

SUGGESTED TIME: 1 hour 30 minutes

Lesson 1 Number recognition 6 to 10

 Revise the lesson on number recognition from 1 up to 5 on page 5 of the learners’ book.
 Ask the learners to count the numbers up to 10 using concrete objects.
 Ask the learners to identify the numeral 6 to 10 in relation to the actual number of
 Display a number value chart and ask learners to identify numbers 6 to 10 on the chart or
on page 8 and 9 of the learners’ book.

 Learners to sing the number song.
 Learners to count numbers and objects one by one up to 10.
 Learners to identify the numerals 6 up to 10

Assessment - Observe the learners as they relate quantities of objects to numerals.

Lesson 2 – Number recognition 10 to 15

 Revise the previous lesson on recognition of numbers from 6 to 10
 Ask the learners to sing a number song.
 Ask the learners to count the numbers up to 10 using concrete objects.
 Display the number value chart.
 Demonstrate number recognition using the number chart and the objects displayed
 Ask the learners to identify the numerals from 11 to 15 in relation to the actual number of
objects as shown on page 10 of the learners’ book.
 Ask the learners to match the number symbols to the actual number of objects.

 Learners to sing a number song
 Learners to identify the numerals from 11 to 15 in relation to the actual number of
 Learners to match number symbols from 11 to 15 in relation to the actual number of

Assessment – Observe learners as they relate numerals 11 to 15 to quantities of objects.

Lesson 3 – Number recognition 15 to 20
 Revise the previous lesson on recognition of numerals 11 to 15
 Ask the learners to sing a number song.
 Ask the learners to count the numbers up to 20 using concrete objects.
 Display the number value chart.
 Demonstrate number recognition using the number chart and the objects displayed
 Ask the learners to identify the numerals from 16 to 20 in relation to the actual number of
objects as shown on page 11 of the learners’ book.
 Ask the learners to match the numerals to the actual number of objects.

 Learners to sing a number song
 Learners to identify the numerals from 16 to 20 in relation to the actual number of
 Learners to match numerals from 16 to 20 in relation to the actual number of objects.

Assessment – Observe learners as they relate numerals 16 to 20 to quantities of objects.

SUB-TOPIC: Pre-Writing

In this subtopic, it is important for learners to use the activities which prepare them for number
writing. It aims at helping learners to develop cognitive and mathematical skills which will foster
number writing.


Lesson: 1
SPECIFIC OUTCOME 1: Mould numerals 0 to 9
KEY WORDS: Mould, numbers, model

TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES: Learners book, plasticine, clay

 Ask the learners to sing a number song
 Introduce the learners by asking learners to recognize number models or templates
 Demonstrate how to mould numerals from 0 to 9
 Ask learners to mould numerals from 0 to 9

 Learners to sing a number song
 Learners to recognise number models or templates from 0 to 9
 Learners to mould numerals from 0 to 9

Assessment: observe learners as they mould numerals 0 to 9.

NOTE: The teacher could break this lesson into smaller units of maybe in two or three moulding

SPECIFIC OUTCOME 1: Trace numbers from 1-20

SUGGESTED TIME: 1 hour 30 minutes
KEY WORDS – Tracing Numbers

TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES: - number chart, learners’ book, and number

Lesson 1 – Trace and write numbers 6 to 10

 Revise tracing of numbers from 1 to 5 which was done in the previous level and as shown
on pages 13 and 14 of learners’ book.
 Introduce the lesson by asking learners to recognise numbers 6 to 10 on the number
 Demonstrate how to trace numbers from 6 up to 10 as shown on pages 15 and 16 of the
learners’ book.
 Ask learners to trace numbers from 6 up to 10.
 Ask learners to write numbers from 6 up to 10.

 Learners to recognise numbers from 6 to 10 on the number cards
 Learners to trace numbers from 6 up to 10

Assessment: - Observe learners as they trace numbers 6 to 10.

Lesson 2 – Trace and write numbers 11 to 15

 Revise the previous lesson on tracing numbers from 6 up to 10
 Display the number cards 11 to 15,
 Demonstrate how to trace numbers from 11 up to 15
 Ask learners to trace numbers from 11 up to 15 as shown on pages 17 and 18 of the
learners book
 Ask learners to write numbers from 11 up to 15.

 Learners to recognise numbers from the number chart
 Learners to trace numbers from 11 up to 15
 Learners to write numbers from 11 up to 15

Assessment: - Observe the learners as they write the numbers from 11 to 15.

Lesson 2 Trace and write numbers 16 to 20

 Revise the previous lesson on pre-writing numbers from 11 up to 15
 Display a number cards,

 Demonstrate how to write numbers from 16 up to 20 through pre-writing activities such
as tracing.
 Ask learners to trace numbers from 16 up to 20 as shown on pages 19 and 20 of the
learners book
 Ask learners to write numbers from 16 up to 20.

 Learners to recognise numbers from the number cards
 Learners to trace numbers from 16 up to 20
 Learners to write numbers from 16 up to 20

Assessment: - Observe learners as they write numbers from 16 up to 20.


SUB-TOPIC: Addition

In this subtopic learners will learn grouping and putting objects together. The sub topic aims at
helping learners develop the concept of addition (putting objects together) which will help them
acquire problem solving skills.

SPECIFIC OUTCOME 1: - Demonstrate the concept of addition using the concrete objects.
KEY WORDS - Put together, group and counting.


Concrete objects, learners’ book pages 21 and 22, number chart, and number cards.

Lesson 1 –
 Introduce the lesson with an addition song e.g. “finger one where are you”
 Display objects for learners to use during the lesson on addition
 Demonstrate to the learners how to put objects together up to a sum of 9.
 Put learners in groups and ask the groups to put the objects together up to a sum of 9.
 Ask individual learners to put the objects together up to a sum of 9

 Learners to sing a song on addition
 Learners in group to put the objects together up to a sum of 9.
 Individual learners to put the objects together up to sum of 9

Assessment - Observe learners as they put objects together up to a sum of 9.


Lesson 2

 Revise the previous lesson on putting objects together
 Introduce the lesson with an addition song e.g. “finger one where are you”
 Display objects for learners to use during the lesson on addition
 Introduce the plus (+) and equal signs (=) alongside objects and numerals as shown on
page 23 of the learners book.
 Demonstrate how to add numbers alongside objects using the plus (+) and the equal(=)
signs using objects up to a sum of 9
 Ask individual learners to add numbers using the plus (+) and equal(=) signs up to the
sum of 9 as shown on page 23 and 24 of the learners book.

 Learners to sing a song on addition
 Learners in groups to add numbers using the plus (+) and equal (=) signs up to a sum of 9
alongside objects and numerals.
 Individual learners to add numbers add numbers using the plus (+) and equal (=) signs
up to a sum of 9 alongside objects and numerals

Assessment - Observe learners as they add numbers using the plus (+) and equal (=) signs up to
a sum of 9 alongside objects and numerals


SUB-TOPIC: Subtraction

In this subtopic learners will learn that objects can not only be ‘put together’ but they can also be
‘taken away’ or reduced in value. The sub topic aims at helping learners develop the concept of
subtraction (taking objects away) which will help them acquire problem solving skills.

SPECIFIC OUTCOME 1: - Demonstrate the concept of subtraction using concrete objects.

KEY WORDS - Put together, take away, group and counting.


Concrete objects, number chart, learners’ books and number cards. (Refer to learners book pages
25 and 26 of the learners’ book)
Lesson 1
 Introduce the lesson with a subtraction song e.g. “five green bottles standing on the wall,
but if one green bottle should accidently fall . . .”
 Display objects for learners to use during the lesson on subtraction
 Demonstrate to the learners how to subtract objects with minuend of up to 9 as shown on
pages 27 and 28 of the learners’ book.
 Put learners in groups and ask the groups to subtract objects with minuend of up to 9.
 Ask individual learners to subtract objects with minuend of up to 9

 Learners to sing a song on subtraction
 Learners in groups to subtract objects with minuend of up to 9.
 Individual learners to subtract objects with minuend of up to 9

Assessment - Observe learners as they subtract objects with minuend of up to 9.

Lesson 2
 Revise the previous lesson on subtracting objects.
 Introduce the lesson with a subtraction song e.g. “five green bottles standing on the wall,
but if one green bottle should accidently fall . . .”
 Display objects for learners to use during the lesson on subtraction
 Introduce the minus (-) and equal signs(=) alongside objects and numerals
 Demonstrate how to subtract numbers alongside objects using the minus (-) and the
equal(=) signs using objects with minuend of up to 9
 Ask individual learners to subtract numbers using the minus (-) and equal(=) signs
with minuend of up to 9

 Learners to sing a song on subtraction
 Learners in groups to subtract numbers using the minus (-) and equal (=) signs with
minuend of up to 9 alongside objects and numerals.
 Individual learners to subtract numbers using the minus (-) and equal (=) signs with
minuend of up to 9 alongside objects and numerals

Assessment - Observe learners as they subtract numbers using the minus (-) and equal (=) signs
with minuend of up to 9 alongside objects and numerals



Lines are important to learners as this helps them to appreciate drawing of plane shapes. Lines
are important to learners because they help them to appreciate the drawing of plane shapes which
will eventually help them to understand structures of things around them. The knowledge the
learners acquire also helps them to develop fine motor skills and creative skills.

SPECIFIC OUTCOME 1: – Draw different types of lines

SUGGESTED TIME: 2 hours 30 minutes
KEY WORDS: Straight lines, wave lines, zigzag lines, wavy lines
TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES: string, chart showing different lines, learners’
book, charts showing basic shapes

Lesson 1 - Drawing a straight line

 Introduce the lesson by asking the learners to sing a song e.g. we are marching

 Display a chart showing different types of lines and objects.

 Ask learners to identify straight line(s) from the displayed chart
 Demonstrate how to draw a straight line
 Ask learners to draw a straight line

 Learners to sing a matching song
 Learners to identify a straight line from the chart or from page 29 of the learners book.
 Learners to draw straight lines.

Assessment - Observe learners as they draw the straight lines.

Lesson 2 –Drawing a zig-zag line

 Revise the lesson on drawing a straight lines
 Introduce the lesson by asking the learners to sing a song e.g. we are marching
 Display a chart showing different types of lines and objects.
 Ask learners to identify zig-zag line(s) from the displayed chart
 Demonstrate how to draw a zig-zag line
 Ask learners to draw a zig-zag line

 Learners to sing a matching song
 Learners to identify a zig-zag line from the chart or from page 30 of the learners book.
 Learners to draw zig-zag lines.

Assessment - Observe learners as they draw the zigzag lines.

Lesson 3- Drawing wavy lines

 Revise the lesson on drawing a straight line
 Introduce the lesson by asking the learners to sing a song e.g. chinjoka chaenda enda
(The snakes is moving)
 Use a string to show the learners how a wavy line looks like
 Display a chart showing different types of lines and real objects
 Ask learners to identify wavy line(s) from the displayed chart or from a learners book on
page 31.
 Demonstrate how to draw a wavy line
 Ask learners to draw a zigzag line.

 Learners to sing a song
 Learners observe the wavy line made using a string
 Learners to identify a wavy line from the chart

 Learners to draw wavy lines.

Assessment - Observe learners as they draw the wavy lines.


Shapes are important to learners because they help them to learn about the structures of things
around them. The knowledge the learners acquire also helps them to develop fine motor skills
and creative skills.

SPECIFIC OUTCOME: 1 - Identify basic shapes

SUGGESTED TIME: 1 hour 30 minutes

Lesson 1:- Identify a circle

 Introduce the lesson by singing a shape song e.g. small circle, small circle big circle mum
 Display circular concrete objects e.g. bangles, bicycle rim, coins, hula hoops
 Display a chart showing the three basic shapes( circle, rectangle, triangle)
 Ask the learners to identify the circle(s) on the chart
Learners’ activities
 Learners to sing a shape song
 Learners observe circular concrete objects
 Learners to identify the circle(s) on the chart or refer to page 33 of the learners book.

 Observe individual learners as they identify circle(s) from the environment.

Lesson 2:- Identify a rectangle

 Revise the previous lesson on the identification of circle
 Introduce the lesson by singing a shape song
 Display rectangular concrete objects e.g. rectangular biscuit, exercise books,etc
 Ask learners to identify rectangular shapes from the environment

Learners’ activities
 Learners to sing a shape song
 Learners to identify rectangular objects from the environment or on page 34 of the
learners’ book.
 Learners to draw and colour the square

 Observe learners as they identify rectangles from the environment

Lesson 3:- Indentify a triangle

 Revise the previous lesson on the identification of circle
 Introduce the lesson by singing a shape song
 Display triangular concrete objects e.g. car triangles,
 Display a chart showing the three basic shapes( circle, rectangle, triangle)
 Ask the learners to identify the triangle(s) on the chart (refer page 36 of the learners’
Learners’ activities
 Learners to sing a shape song
 Learners observe triangular concrete objects, set squares
 Learners to identify the triangles(s) on the chart or from the learners’ book page 36.

Assessment: Observe individual learners as they identify triangles from the environment.

Specific outcome 2: Trace and colour basic shapes

Lesson 1:- Trace and colour Circle

 Introduce the lesson by singing a shape song e.g. small circle, small circle big circle mum
 Display circular concrete objects e.g. bangles, bicycle rim, coins, hula hoops
 Display a chart showing the shape of a rectangle,
 Demonstrate to the learners how to trace a and colour a circle
 Ask the learners to trace and colour the circle(s) a circle
Learners’ activities
 Learners to sing a shape song
 Learners observe circular concrete objects
 Learners to identify the circle(s) on the chart or on page 33 of the learners book.
 Learners to trace and colour the circle

 Observe individual learners as they trace and colour a circle(s)

Lesson 2:- Trace and Colour a Rectangle

 Revise the previous lesson on the tracing and colouring of a circle
 Introduce the lesson by singing a shape song
 Display rectangular concrete objects e.g. rectangular table top, exercise books,
 Display a chart showing a rectangle shape
 Demonstrate to the learners how to trace and colour a rectangle
 Ask the learners to trace and colour a rectangle
Learners’ activities
 Learners to sing a shape song
 Learners to o bserve rectangular concrete objects
 Learners to identify a rectangle from the chart or on page 34 and 35 of the learners’ book.
 Learners to trace and colour a rectangle

 Observe individual learners as they trace and colour a rectangle

Lesson 3:- Trace and colour a triangle

 Revise the previous lesson on the tracing and colouring of a rectangle
 Ask learners to sing a shape song
 Display triangular concrete objects e.g. car triangle, road signs,
 Display a chart showing a triangle shape
 Demonstrate to the learners how to trace and colour a triangle
 Ask the learners to trace and colour a triangle
Learners’ activities
 Learners to sing a shape song
 Learners to observe triangular concrete objects
 Learners to identify a triangle from the chart.
 Learners to individually trace and colour a triangle

 Observe individual learners as they trace and colour a triangle


SUB-TOPIC: Length and width

This lesson will focus on engaging learners in activities on measuring weight, lengths and width
using non standard units of measurement. At this level the key concepts learners can be
introduced to, are short and long. The learners are expected to compare and contrast different
lengths and weights of objects. In addition they will be expected to use strings to measure the
length of objects

SPECIFIC OUTCOME 1: Compare length and width of objects.

SUGGESTED TIME: 30 minutes
KEY WORDS: short, long, measure
TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES: Learners book, string, stick, crayons

Lesson 1

 Introduce the lesson to the learners by getting objects of different length (long side) and
width (short).
 Put learners in groups and ask them to compare objects which are longer than the other in
their learning environment e.g. sides of book, ruler, sides of door etc
 Demonstrate how to measure lengths of objects using the string or stick
 Ask learners to measure length of objects using a stick or a string and where necessary
assist them

 Learners to identify sides of an object that are long (length) and short (width).
 Learners in groups to compare long and short sides of objects in their immediate
 Learners to measure length of objects using a stick or a string

Observe learners as they measure length and width of objects using strings and sticks.


BACKGROUND - Every object has its own weight. Therefore it is important for the learners to
appreciate the weight of objects using non-standard measurement. The terms used when
weighing objects are heavy and light. Comparing weights of different objects will help learners
discriminate their weight.

SUGGESTED TIME: 30 minutes

SPECIFIC OUTCOME - Learners to compare the weight of different objects.
TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES: Real objects e.g. paper, stone, vita foam,
mango, maize cob
KEY WORDS: Heavy, light, different, non- standard units

Lesson 1
 Introduce the lesson by asking learners to pick two or more objects from their learning
environment (stones, sticks and containers)
 Ask learners to display objects for comparing weights e.g. sticks and banana or paper
and stone
 Instruct learners to lift two objects and compare their weights.
 Put learners in groups to compare the weights of different objects in their learning
 Teacher can make an explanations referring to see- saw in comparing weights of learners


 Learners to compare the weights of provided objects.

 Learner to compare weights of any two objects from the environment
 Learners to compare objects of the same weight provided by the teacher.

Assessment - Observe learners as they compare weights of objects from their immediate



Learners will learn the concept of buying and selling under this topic. This sub-topic is based on
teaching the learners about Smaller Denominations of Zambian Notes and their significance.
Learners will appreciate the value of money and how to take care of it.

SPECIFIC OUTCOME: Identify Zambian currency Notes up to K20.

SUGGESTED TIME: 30 minutes
KEY WORDS: Ngwee, Money, Coin, Kwacha

TEACHING AND LEARNING RESOURCES: coins, Zambian Notes, Chart showing various
Zambian coins, learners’ book pages 38 and 39.

Lesson 1 – Zambian Notes

 Introduce the lesson by singing a money song e.g. kwacha, ngwee coin.
 Display small denominations of money i.e. K2, K5, K10 and K20 notes.
 Ask the learners to identify the notes from K2 up to K20
 Ask the learners to discuss about the uses of money.

 Learners to sing a money song
 Learners to mention any small denominations of Zambian notes up to K20.
 Learners to identify the displayed Zambian Notes
 Learners to discuss about the uses of money.

Assessment: - Observe learners as they identify Zambian Notes up to K20.

NOTE: Teachers are advised to break this lesson into smaller units as they deem it fit.


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