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Lembar Kerja 1.

Belajar Modul Profesional

Judul Modul English for Public Information
Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB) 1. Public Notice
2. Posters and Banners
3. Ghrapic Organizers
4. Infoghrapic
No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban
1 Daftar peta konsep (istilah dan 1. Prohibition ( the action of prohibiting or
definisi) di modul ini inhibiting or forbidding (or an instance there
of) to do something.
2. Poster
one of the communication media that is used
to convey a message or an information.
3. Banner (typically rectangular advertisement
placed on a Web site either above, below
or on the sides of the Web site's main
content and is linked to the advertiser's own
Web site.)
4. Notice/ caution ( form of functional text used
as instruction or guidance to someone
doing or not doing something.
5. CTA ( Call to Action)
6. Closure (an act of closing: the condition of
being closed).
7. Caution (formal warning that is given to a
person who has admitted the offence).

2 Daftar materi yang sulit Infoghrapic .

dipahami di modul ini
3 Daftar materi yang sering Ghrapic Organizer.
mengalami miskonsepsi
Learning Activity -1

a. What have you learnt from Public Notice?

From the public notice I have learnt the definiton of notice, social function, and how
to make it by understanding the purpose, generic structures , language features of
public notice.

b. What are the social functions you have learnt from notices?
They are used:
 To give an instruction to do something.
 To instruct people to do something.
 To give information / to inform people to….
 To give direction
 To ask people to….
 To advice/to suggest / to recommend people to….
 To remind people to….
 To warn / to give warning
 To ban / to forbid / to prohibit people to…
While the purpose of a notice it self is to announce or display information to a
specific group of people.

c. How are notices structured?

The Generic structures of notice are:
1. Attention gather (optional)
Attention gather means using expressions or phrases that can attract readers’ or
people’s attention such as Notice, Warning, or Caution.
2. Information
Information here can be defined as the messages or information of the text that
want to be delivered to people.
3. Closure (optional).
Closure is an act of closing: the condition of being closed. Closure in notice text
can be defined as a closing statement of notice.

d. What are the language features commonly found in notices?

The Language features of notice can be considered as follows;
1. Using Imperative mood (imperative sentence)
The imperative mood is a verb form which makes a command or a request.
Example;Run!, Get out!; Stop right there!.
2. Using Declarative reference.
Declarative sentences can be in positive or negative form, and in any tense as well
as notice.
Example; High Voltages, For staf only.
3. Spoken / written language features.In writing notice text, we can use spoken or
written language style like the use of personal pronouns, Sentence structure , How
to emphasize ideas,Tone, Vocabulary and Reference to previously stated

e. Can you design your notice in good display?

Yes, I can.

f. Is your notice understandable?

Yes it is, as it have the aspects of good notice, that are attention gather and
informational and it have the characters of notice too, that are written short and easily
to read, using capital form of word and giving a sign/picture.

g. Is your notice exceptional?

Yes it is, as now becouse of pandemy, we have to keep distance between on to another
about 1,5 meters to 2 meters. Keep this sign in the school pick up zone, make parents
and student understand where they should stop and pick their children up, and it will
avoid the crowd
Learning Activity -2

a) How can you define poster and banner?

 Poster
A poster is any piece of printed paper designed to be attached to a wall or vertical
surface. Typically posters include both textual and graphic elements, although a poster
may be either wholly graphical or wholly text. Posters are designed to be both eye-
catching and informative. Posters may be used for many purposes. They are a frequent
tool of advertisers (particularly of events, musicians and films), propagandist,
protester, and other groups trying to communicate a message. Posters are also used for
reproductions of artwork, particularly famous works, and are generally low-cost
compared to original artwork.
 Banner
Banner is a flag or other piece of cloth bearing a symbol, slogan or other message.
Banner is printed on vinyl and are much more durable outside but are more expensive
to produce than posters. Banners can also be printed in much larger sizes, as well as
hung from banner post.

b) What are the social functions of poster and banner?

 social functions of poster
there are many functions of poster:
 to alert and engage the viewer : It needs to challenge and call an audience into
action. In order to achieve this impact; the social poster ought to be swift.
 to challenge and call an audience into action.
 to promote an event : the goal is to visually inspire and entertain by promoting
great content/event.
 social functions of banner
A banner is a flag or pennant that signals something or an announcement so that
everyone can see. They are often connected to a pole or rope such as signal flags on a
ship which give conditions or status of the ship

c) how are poster and banner structured?

 header area
Not all posters require a header or heading. In general, this is the area where a logo
is placed, the logo of a department for which the author is working
 tittle area
A title should be clearly, significant, and not too long. Due to space restrictions it is
often placed next to the logo, which may not be in accordance with your
organization's guidelines.
 Author’s photo and address
There should at least be an address (an e-mail address is often sufficient). Make
sure to mention all authors and their affiliation
 Main Area
The main area can be structured and sub-divided, e.g. by using several columns or
an image across all columns, etc. In this area, you present the poster's main
 Background
This background should be appropriate as regards the poster's topic and not be
distracting at all. If in doubt,
 Fonts
In a poster you can use serif as well as sans serif fonts. For longer texts sans serif
fonts should be avoided, but since you should not use longer text blocks in a poster
both types can be used. Avoid decorative fonts since they are not so legible.

 Logo
logo must be included to build readers’ awareness and recognition. Make sure that
it’s visually dominant, but not as dominant as the value proposition and the call to
 Value Proposition
It should take up the most space and be the first thing that attracts the viewers’
eyes. The value proposition is big, bold, and commands attention above all else
 Body copy
You don’t need to, and should NOT, put every bit of information on the banner
itself. Include just enough information to get the readers interest and leave them
wanting more. It may take some creative, original verbiage to convey all you need
to in about 10 words. A banner should provide a clear, concise description of the
product or event, giving just enough information to want to learn more.
 Image
Images should help bring a sense of visual urgency to the text by using contrasting,
bold colors or a sense of clarity to a nontangible service. However, it is not always
necessary to use photos or images in your banners. Text of banner with nice
typography on a contrasting background can be just as effective

d) What are the language feature?

 Short Text Elements It is suggested to keep text elements to 50 words or even
fewer (depends on the size of poster). Do not write too long, you can make it
shorter by using some pictures or images, or even graphs
 Phrases and Active voice Use phrases rather than full sentences. Try to always use
active voice. In most English sentences with an action verb, the subject performs
the action denoted by the verb.
 Serif font for text and san-serif font for title and Heading (Optional) A serif is a
decorative line or taper added to the beginning and/or end of a letter’s stem, which
creates small horizontal and vertical planes within a word
Use Simpe Tense We use the present simple tense to express the following ideas:
 To state facts or general truths
 To express habits or customs
 To relate future plans (often regarding programs and timetables)
 To tell jokes and stories or to report sporting events in real time. b. Use Simple
Phrases or Statement .

The use of simple phrases or statement here is as the slogan that reflects the program
or event showed in the banner. This is usually written in large font in order to grab the
readers’ attention

e) Can you design an effective poster and banner in good and eye- catching
Yes, I can.



f. Are your created poster and banner understandable?

Yes, both of them are understandable. The poster and banner have described the
background for the project, the aim of the project and the methods and protocols to be
Learning Activity 3

a. What have you learnt infographic organizers?

Infographics is beneficial mechanism to present data in visual manner that
enable the informations like stories, bring ideas, or explore issues to be more

b. What are the social functions you have learnt from graphic organizers?
The social functions are Statistical Infographics (visualizes survey results, presents
data from some sources, argues some issues with relevant data, and etc.),
Informational Infographics (informs a concept or gives an overview of a topic),
Timeline Infographics(visualizes the history of something, highlights important
dates, or gives an overview of an event), Process Infographics (provides a
summary or overviews of the steps in a process), Geographic Infographics
(visualizes locationbased data or demographic data), Comparison Infographics
(compares options in an unbiased way or to make one option seem better),
Hierarchical Infographics (arranges information from greatest to least) and List

c. How are graphic organizers structured?

 Headline (Title) tells about the whole gist of your infographic,
 Beginning (Introduction) describes an infographic and grasps your reader .
 Middle (Main Infographic Content) breaks the message down into smaller
sections by using subtopics, subheadings, supporting sentences, and data visual
 End (Conclusion) summarizes and reinforces argument
 Sources and Footnotes cite the sources of infographic.

d. What are the key features commonly found in a graphic organizer?

 Complex information is conveyed in a simple-to-understand manner through a
visual display. In other words, a large amount of information can be converted
into easy-to-read display. In short, they show instead of tell how information is
structured. It facilitates students’ understanding in an easier way.
 Analytical, critical, planning, and creative thinking skills are concerned. By
using graphic organizers, the learner has to identify the relationships between
items, see the meaning, prioritize the information, and decide the items should
be placed. It leads to form their learning strategy better.
 The organizers are made to be easily edited, revised, and added.
 Graphic organizers have multiple uses such as planning, brainstorming,
studying, or summarizing. They can be used in writing or reading skill.
 Most graphic organizers use short words or phrases, or drawings, so they can
appropriately be used with all levels of learners.

e. Can you design your graphic organizer in an informative display?

Yes, I can.

f. How can you define your graphic organizer understandable?

 The information is clear
 It contains the event
 it conntains the cause and effect pattern

g. How can you say your graphic organizer exceptional?

 It contains clear information/detail
 ts design is elegant
Learning Activity 4

a. How can you define infographics?

The definnition of Infographic is a medium that can represent a data visual
information in the form af graphic.
b. What are some social functions of infographics?
 Satistical infographic (to visualize survey result, present data from some sources,
argue issues with relevan data, and etc.
 Informational Infographics ( inform concept or to give overview of topic )
 Timeline Infographics (to visualize the history of something, to highlight
importance dates, or to give overview of an event )
 Process Infographic (providing a summary or overview of the steps in a process)
 Geographic Infographics (visualize location on map by using icons and brief
 Comparison Infographics ( to compare options in an unbiased way or to make one
option seem better )
 Hierarchical Infographics (to arrange information from greates to last )
 List Infographic ( to share vollection of tips, or a list of resources, or a list of
examples ).

c. How is an infographic structured?

 Headline/title (tell about the whole gist of your infographic)
 Beginning/Introduction (sentences describing your infographic, introduction should
grasp your reader ).
 Middle/Main Infographic Content ( breaks the message down into smaller section by
using subtopics, subheadings, supporting sentences, and data visual elements.
 End/Conclusion (summarized and reinforce argument)
 Soueces and Footnotes (cite the sources of infographic )

d. What are the language features of a successful infographic?

A succesfuli infographic should be informative, accurate, and revealing the message, use
the language that invites people to explore the information and help them to relevance
and context. And also have clearest language and the simple techniques.

e. How will you design a good infographic?

 Plan your infographic design
 Write interesting title
 Use the right infographic layout for data
 Follow data visualization best practice
 Use photography in your infographic design.
Lembar Kerja 2 Profesional
Judul Modul English for Personal
Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB) 5. Persoal Letter
6. Invitation
7. Announcement
8. Advertisement
No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban
1 Daftar peta konsep (istilah dan 8. Heading salitation ( greeting )
definisi) di modul ini 9. EFL (English as a Foreign Language)
10. A personal letter is a type of letter which
concerns about personal matter, and it is
addressed to a person who is known well.
11. Endorsements (visuals and even people)
2 Daftar materi yang sulit dipahami Advertisement
di modul ini
3 Daftar materi yang sering Announcement
mengalami miskonsepsi
Reflection 1 Activity Personal Letter

You have learnt all materials about personal letter given in this first learning
activity. Please you write your reflection on the sheet provided.

 In this activity, I learned about a personal letter or a friendly letter is a type of

letter which concerns about personal matter, and it is addressed to a person who is
known well. A type of letter (or informal composition) that usually
concerns personal matters (rather than professional concerns) and is sent from one
individual to another. It's longer than a dashed-off note or invitation and is often
handwritten and sent through the mail.Personal letter may help you to maintain and
build personal relationship with a person you know well.

 The key features of personal letter include personal letter include are use the correct
tense and grammar. Also, use the simple tense (present or past simple tense), the
language style is very personal (first person and second person mostly used),
contractions may be used.

 What I like most about this activity are I got to know the element and I can improve
my skill to write about personal letter. The video tell us the details of making
appropriate letter based on its contextual situation and function.

 What I need to improve more are personal development skills can be soft or
technical skills, select which skills to develop by performing a self-analysis on your
areas for improvemeent and necessary skills to advance in your career or industry.
Reflection 2 Invitation Text

 In this activity, I have learned about invitation is a written or verbal request inviting
someone to go somewhere or to do something. I also have to observe and
comprehend the text structure, the language features, the social function of a number
of invitations regarding to their contexts of situation. I also produce a number of
invitations which are contextually acceptable social function,text structure and
language features. I also analyze the parts of invitations to see how different structures
of invitations present to meet their social / language purposes.

 The key features of invitation are applying and comparing the social functions, the
text structures and the language features of a number of invitations, and making a
number of invitations which are contextually acceptable social function, text structure
and language features in regard to the contexts of situation

 What I like most about this activity is the material teach us in detail in making
informal letters and procedures for making a complete letter, Moreover the video are
very useful for us to explain the material.

 What I need to improve more are:

a. Subject line
b. Personalize your email invitation
c. Keep the email content short
d. Call to action
e. Send remainder emails
Reflection 3 Announcement Text

You have learnt all materials about personal letter given in this first learning
activity. Please you write your reflection on the sheet provided

 In this activity, I have learned Announcement text is a statement made to the public or
to the media which gives information about something that has happened or to the
media that will happen. that will happen. The containsannouncement are information
on the day, date, and time of the event or activity to be held. Location. Contains
information on where the event or activity will be held. Contact Person. Contains
information on the name of the person or address that can be contacted

 The key features of announcement include there are :

 Using simple present tense and simple future tense.
 Using exact noun
 Pronouncation and intonation(spoken announcement)
 Spelling and punctuation

 What I like most about this activity are

a. facts or statistics
b. diagrams or charts
c. lengthy explanations
d. humorous jokes
e. appealing images

 What I need to improve more are

 Stop giving announcement
 Focus on know, feel and do
 Be authentic
 Know your giftings
 Know your growth area
 Continue to ask and feedback
 Practice
 Use stories
 Focus on non-verbal cpmmunication.
Reflection 4 Advertisement

You have learnt all materials about advertisement given in this first learning
activity. Please you write your reflection on the sheet provided

 In this activity, I have learned advertisement is a public announcement commonly

found in a newspaper, television, or internet advertising. Sometimes it is about a
product, services, or an event for sale.

 The key features of advertisement include there are :

a) Paid Form
Only that attempt of the seller on which he/she has spent some money to
communicate information to the consumer is called advertising. If without incurring
any expenditure some information relating to some product or service is published, it
will not be called advertising.
b) Impersonal presentation
Advertising is non-personal presentation of information. In other words, the
advertiser and the consumer do not come into personal contact. Advertising is a
monologue and not a dialogue.
c) Speedy and mass communication
Advertising is a speedy medium of communication. Besides being speedy, its
operational area is very vast. In other words, it reaches millions of people
d) Identify sponsor
Another feature of advertising is that its sponsor can be identified. Whenever we
come across an advertisement, its sponsor is easily recognized. Obviously, its
sponsor can be either the seller or the producer of that product or service. If due to
some reason it is difficult to identify the sponsor, then that information cannot be
called advertising. It will be called propaganda or publicity.

 What I like most about this activity are to inform the consumers about their product
and convince customers that a company's services or products are the best, enhance
the image of the company, point out and create a need for products or services,
demonstrate new uses for established products, announce new products and programs.

 What I need to improve more are high quality product data is the key to unlocking the
potential of display advertising. If retailers want to improve the success of their
display advertising, they need to use product data, consumer behaviour insights and
real-time information in more innovative ways. And I wants to see good adverts that
target us with content that is useful rather than annoying, relevant rather than
mistimed, and personalised as opposed to generic.
LK 3: Lembar Kerja Modul Profesional
Judul Modul English for Social Communication
Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB) 9. Descriptive Text ( person and animal)
10. Descriptive Text ( things and places)
11. Report Text (Classifying report &
compositional report)
12. Report Text (Comparative report &
historical report)
No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban
1 Daftar peta konsep (istilah dan 12. LA (learning Activity)
definisi) di modul ini 13. Introduction ( first part)
14. Main Section (the second part)
15. Descriptive Text ( a text that explains
about what a person or an animal)
16. Court (crime)
17. Report ( a text which a present
information about something as it is)
2 Daftar materi yang sulit dipahami 1. Report Text (Classifying report &
di modul ini compositional report)
2. Report Text (Comparative report &
historical report)
3 Daftar materi yang sering 1. Report Text (Classifying report &
mengalami miskonsepsi compositional report)
2. Report Text (Comparative report &
historical report)

Reflection Descriptive Text (person and animal)

Please write your reflective summary below!

a) In this Learning Activity 1, I have learned about Descriptive Text what a person or an
animal, is like. It is about sensory experience, how something looks, sounds, shapes.
Mostly it is about visual experience, but description also deals with other kinds of
perception. It can be said that the descriptive text is a meaningful text that describes
particular person or animals.

b) The key features of descriptive text (describing things and places) are:
 Focus on specific participants as the main character
 Use present tense as dominant tenses
 Use linking verbs or relational process frequently (is, are, has, have, belongs to) in
order to classify and describe appearance or qualities and parts or functions of
 Use action verbs or material process and behavioural process in giving additional
description regarding action and behaviour done by the participants in text
 Use mental verb or mental process when describing feelings
 Use nominal group frequently to describe;
 Use adjective and adverbs to add information to nouns and add information to verbs to
provide more detailed description about the topic
 Use adverbial phrases to add more information about manner, place,or time and
sometimes realized inembedded clause which functions as circumstances

c) What I like most about Learning Activity 1 are give some information and
clarification about descriptive texts.

d) I like it because I know knowledge about detailed information of the descriptive

texts with contextually different social functions, text structures, and lexico-
grammatical features

e) What I need to improve or learn more are writing descriptive text in five aspects. The
aspects were: content, organization, vocabulary, grammar, and mechanics. The most
significant improvement was in the aspect of organization and grammar.
Reflection Descriptive Text (things and places)

Please write your reflective summary below!

a) In this K.B.2 activities, I have learned descriptive text is a meaningful text that
describes and reveals particular thing or place. We also have identified stages and
language features of descriptive text.The purpose of the text to give a visual picture
of a thing, such as my favourite books that describe specific books, or a picture of a
tourism place, such as Komodo National Park by explaining its features, forms,
types, location, or anything related to what the writer describes. The purpose of the
descriptive text is clear, that is to describe, represent or reveal an object, either
abstract or concrete.

b) The key features of descriptive text (describing things and places) are
 Definition
To know the definition of this kind of text, you are supposed to watch and listen
attentively the given videos.
 social function
To give information about a particular entity by describing its features,
history, and special characteristics. To give information about things by
describing physical attributes, behaviors, uses, etc.
 generic structure
A descriptive text is made up of identification or general statement and description
element. Identification introduces and identifies specific objects (a person, thing,
place, animal, or event) intended to be described. Description describes the intended
objects using descriptive details or information about the objects’ characteristics,
appearances, personality, habits, or qualities.

c) What I like most about K.B.2 activities are to read some informations about
descriptive text and to watch some appropriate videos with the material.

d) I like it because, I know the definition of descriptive text and the elements of
decriptive text, such as social function, generic structure and language features of
descriptive text. And also I know how to make a good descriptive text about things
and places according to the key features.

e) What I need to improve are to practice how to write a good descriptive text,
especially the description of thing and place and to analyze the key features of
descriptive text, which are social function, generic structure, and language features of
descriptive text.
Reflection Report Text (Classifying report & compositional report)

Please write your reflective summary below!

a) In this L.A.3 activities, I have learned how to identify report text (classifying report
and compositional report). You also have identified stages and language features
of report text. In discussion forum, you have learned how to explore report text
(classifying report and compositional report) in the classroom context.
b) The key features of report text (classifying report andcompositional
report) are :
 Definition
To know the definition of report text, you have to watch videos or read the provided
texts in this learning materials.
 Social Function
classifying report and compositional report.
 Generic Structure
The major focus is on a “thing” (or, more accurately, a class of things whether
natural or made) rather than a sequence. Report texts are often referred to as
information repots. We use the term ‘information report’ as a general term to refer to
all of different kinds of report texts
 Language Features
the use of words, phrases, sentences, and technical terms which are mostly found in
the text.

c) What I like most about L.A.3 activities I know understanding the definition of genre
text, that is report text, specifically in classifying report and compositional report and
watching the videos in this module.

d) like it because I know the definition of genre text, that is report text specifically in
classifying report and compositional report, I can identify the key features (definition,
social function, generic structure) that are mostly applied about classifying report and
compositional report) and the videos give me some information.

e) What I need to improve or learn more are I can exploring report especially classifying
report and compositional report.
Reflection Report Text Comparative Report and (Historic Report)

Please write your reflective summary below!

a) In this L.A.4 activities, I have learned how to identify report text (comparative report
and historical report). We also have identified stages and language features of
report text. In discussion forum, we have learned how to explore report text
(comparative report and historical report) in the classroom contex.

b) The key features of report text (comparative report and historical report) are:
 Definition (classifying and compositional report texts)
 Social Function (To identify the similarities and differences between two
or more classes or things, To give information about the way things were in
relation to a particular historical period or site.
 Generic Structure (On the basis of content, Comparative reports are typically
structured as follows: General Statement , Description.
 Language Features ( Generalised participants are initially represented in
simple noun groups), Relating verbs that link an entity with its attributes, Timeless
present tense (with the exception of an historical report), Attitudinal vocabulary is
unusual as the emphasis is on facts rather on opinions

c) What I like most about L.A.4 activities are how the module provides the material
readable and easy to understand.

d) I like it because, I know the definition of report text specifically in comparative

report and historical report. The social function that is the function of the text in
social communication, as well as the language features that are mostly found in
this text type are great importance of language learners.

e) What I need to improve more are how to make my students easily to distinguish
between descriptive text and report text. In my class, some of my students are
confused how to distinguish these text because as we know, in general, report text is
one type of text that categorized as “factual texts” the kind of text is often said as
“twin brother” of descriptive text.
LK 4 Modul Profesional
Judul Modul English for Entertaiment
Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB) 13. Biography
14. Historical Recount
15. Fables
16. Legends
No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban
1 Daftar peta konsep (istilah 19. CV (curiculum Vitae )
dan definisi) di modul ini 20. PUTERA (Pusat Tenaga Rakyat)
21. W's ( Who, What, When, Where and Why/How )
22. Historical recount ( closely related to the history
of a place or an object which is very memorable
and considered important throughout life).
23. A fable (a fictional story, poems or prose, with a
specific moral or lesson that is conveyed to the
24. Legendus (legend)
25. Biographical coverage (legacy writing)
26. Orientation ( introduction)
27. Re –orientation ( closing)
28. PNI (Indonesian National Party)
29. PUTERA (Pusat Tenaga Rakyat)
2 Daftar materi yang sulit Historical Recount
dipahami di modul ini
3 Daftar materi yang sering Fables
mengalami miskonsepsi

1) In this activity, I have learned about Biographies are the one genre that can open their
eyes and hearts to people who have made a difference in the world. They can learn
about lives and eras of both the past and present.

2) The key features of Biography Include are:

 Use of simple past tense. A simple form of events that occurred in the past. Use the
second verb form (verb 2).
 Temporal sequence and temporal conjunction are used as s a link between one
sentence with another sentence in chronological order.
 Focus on Specific participant
 Use of Action verbs. Group of words that describe something that is actively done
by a character.

3) What I like most about this activity is characteristic of biography because from it I
know their life history, but are told by other people in the perspective of third
people.Based on research, the text is based on the fact that a character's life experience
contains the story or history of a character in his or her life, whether it is in the form of
strengths, problems or deficiencies written by other people so that it should be an
example. It describes the person's surroundings (where, when and how the person

4) What I need to learn more are Grammar and language features and generic structure
because two elements above is difficult .

1) In this activity, I have learned about historical recount is closely related to the history
of a place or an object which is very memorable and considered important throughout
life. This type of the text is a kind of recount which explains about the chronological
events occurred in the past.

2) The key features of Biography Include are:

 The participant of historical recount must be specific, it could involve persons,
animals or things).
 he of use correct pronouns referring to the participants of the text.
 It deals with the use of material processes or actions verbs.
 It uses some adverb phrased to mention location, manner, and frequency, such
as in the afternoon, carefully, and never.
 It used the past tense in the sentences because historical recount tells the
readers about past events,
 It also requires the use of adjectives to describe the objects.
 The use of evaluative words are absolutely needed to assess the significance
of something,
 The historical recount should be focusing on the ordered events which
were signaled by the use of time connections like after that, ,after, before,
finally, etc

3) What I like most about this activity is Characteristics of Historical Recount because,
Before you have more activities on historical recount, you should be able to
recognize the characteristics of the historical recount, namely;
 Retelling the past historical events
 Upholding the history of a place or an object
 Written scientifically or imaginatively
 Purposing to informing or entertaining (can be both)

4) What I need to learn more are Generic Structure and Grammar and language
features. I think this elements are difficult .

1) In this activity, I have learned about A fable is a story featuring animals, plants or
forces of nature which are aanthropomorphized (given human qualities). A fable
always ends with a moral value which was intended as the lesson. This is the lesson
that is intended to be learnt through reading the story. Fables can relate to everyone
and connect us with other culture. They are often passed into our culture as myths or
legends and are used to teach us about morals.

2) The key features of Fables Include are:

 Using commn and nonspecific setting
 Often taking place outside
 Using past action verb: Climbed, Turned, Brought
 Using specific noun as pronoun of person, animal in the story.
 Using adjectives which are for noun phrase.
 Using time connectives and Conjunctions to arrange the events.
 Examples: Then, before, after, soon, etc.
 Using adverbs and adverbial phrase to show the location of events.
 U sing dialogue to elicit an emotional response from the reader.
 Using Past Tense
 Ending in happy resolution
 Using of variety of simple, compound and complex sentences

3) What I like most about this activity are description and Characteristics of Fables.
Because, the material about it is interesting to knowledge.

4) What I need to learn more are Generic Structure, Grammar and language features,
Common animal characters used in fables, Moral values of the fable

1) In this activity, I have learned about A legend is a story about human events or actions
that has not been proved nor documented in real history. Legends are retold as if they
are real events and were believed to be historical accounts. Legend can relate to
everyone and connect us with other culture. They are often passed into our culture as
myths or legends and are used to teach us about morals. Legends are about people and
their actions or deeds. The people lived in more recent times and are mentioned in

2) The key features of Fables Include are:

 The use of Adjective that form the noun phrase. Example: the strong crocodile
 Time connectives and conjunction. Example: A long time ago
 The use of adverb and adverbial phrases to indicate the location of the incident or
 The use of action verbs in the past tense.
 The used of saying verbs that mark remarks.
 The use of thinking verbs that mark the thoughts, perceptions or feelings of the
characters in the story.
 The use of dialogue to elicit an emotional response from the reader

3) What I like most about this activity are description about legend, Function of Legend, and
Characteristics of Legend.

4) What I need to learn more are about the Generic Structure, Grammar and language
LK 5 Modul Profesional
Judul Modul English for Practical Use
Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB) 17. Procedure Text ( manual)
18. Procedure Text ( recipe)
19. Itinerary
20. News Item
No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban
1 Daftar peta konsep (istilah 30. Goal ( aim)
dan definisi) di modul ini 31. Materials(equipments)
32. A manual ( a book or pamphlet that contains
information about a program or piece of
33. Steps(methods).
34. BMR (basal metabolic rate)
35. Procedure text ( the text which gives the
steps or procedures on how to do
2 Daftar materi yang sulit Hirostical Recount
dipahami di modul ini
3 Daftar materi yang sering Fables
mengalami miskonsepsi
Reflection Procedure Text ( Manual)

1) What do you know about procedure text?

I know the procedure text that is designed to describe how something is achieved through
a sequence of actions or steps. It explains how people perform different processes in a
sequence of steps.

2) What are the social function of procedure text?

The followings are the social function of procedure text:
 It is used to describe how something is done in sequenced steps.
 It provides a series of steps in sequence that explain the readers how to do something
while allowing them to reach the outcome successfully.
 The communicative purpose of the text is to tell the steps of making or doing

3) How is procedure text constructed?

There is an introductory statement or title that gives the aim or goal of the procedure,
followed by a list of materials that will be needed to complete the procedure. The final
section is a sequence of steps, in the order they need to be completed, to achieve this goal.

4) What are the lexico-grammatical feature commonly found in procedure text?

there are several language features that are commonly used in constructing a procedure
text. The description of each feature is depicted below.
 Generally using simple present tense.
In the simple present, most regular verbs use the root form, except in the third-person
singular (which ends in -s).
 Using adverbial of sequence or using temporal adjective.
We use the sequence adverbs to describe the order in which two or more actions
happen. For example first, second, the last, etc.)
 Using imperative sentences or command.
Imperative sentences are used to issue a command or instruction, make a request, or
offer advice.
 Using conjunctions to link a process to another process.
Some of the conjunctions that show a sequence of process here are such as then, after
that, etc.
 Using adverb of time to express details of time.
The adverb of time in this part means the duration or the length. It can be stated in
second, minute, or hour.
5) Can you construct in manual?
Yes, I can.
How To Use An Electronic Iron

Materials :

Steps :
 Prepare the iron, the clothes, a place mat or any flat surface board, some clothing hanger.
 Plug the iron cable into an electricity socket and wait until the iron get warmer.
 Place the clothes on the place mat.
 Apply the iron on the clothes surface evenly.
 Flip the clothes and apply the iron on the other side of the clothes evenly.
 Put the clothes on the clothing hanger
 Continue with another clothes.

6) Is your manual easy to understand?

Yes, it is eay to understand because the manual Generally using simple present tense.

Reflection Procedure Text ( Recipe)

a. How can you define recipe?

Procedure text is the text which gives the steps or procedures on how to do something.
Generally speaking, a recipe is a list of ingredients and a set of instructions that tell you
how to cook something.

b. What are the social functions of recipe?

Recipe is text that explains or helps us how to make something. The followings are the
social function of recipe;
 Recipe is used to describe how food is completely made or cooked through a sequence
of series.
 Communicative purpose of recipe is to describe how food is completely made through a
sequence of actions or steps.

c. How is recipe structured?

A recipe really only needs either ingredients or directions ( the preparation method) to be
considered complete. At a minimum most recipes have a title, ingredients list, and
preparation method.
1. Recipe Title
The title of the recipe is the name used to refer to the recipe throughout the text of the
book, including the table of contents and the index. The name should usually be simple
and declarative, quickly conveying what the recipe is for
2. Ingredient List
The ingredient list is one of the most important parts of a recipe. It lays out all the
ingredients that a reader will need to recreate the recipe at home. It should contain the
amount of the ingredient needed, as well as the name of the ingredient.
3. Preparation Method
It explains to the reader, step by step, exactly what they need to do to prepare the dish
at home.

d. What are the language features commonly found in recipe?

Language Features of recipe are:
 Using simple present tense.
 Using adverbial of sequence or - Using temporal adjective.
 Using imperative sentences or ommand
 Using action verbs.
 Using conjunctions to link a process to another process.
 Using adverb of time to express details of time

e. Can you create a good recipe?

Yes, I can.
How to Make Healthy Juice

 3 celery stalks
 1 apple, cut into pieces

 ½ cucumber, cut into pieces

 1 pear, cut into pieces

How to make:
1. Cut all the ingredients into small pieces and put them in a blender.
2. Turn on the blender wait until all the ingredients are soft.

3. After softening, serve the juice.

4. If you want a waste-free drink use a sieve.

5. Add a few drops of lemon.

f. Is created recipe understandable?

Yes it is. My recipe is understandable because use simple sentences. The sentences also
use familiar words.
Reflection Itinerary

a. How can you define itinerary?

A detailed plan for a journey, including a list of places to be visited, and often other
information such as the dates, places of residence, and transportation to be used during
the journey; as, the catacombs aren't on our itinerary.

b. What are some social functions of itinerary?

 To make a well-prepared program or travel
Making an itinerary will force you to do a research ahead of time. Through this, you
might even learn of destinations, festivals or exhibitions.
 To make an effective journey or travel
By having an itinerary, you will know well about the places you are going to visit and
how to get there and when you will go and go back from a place to another places, so
that it will maximize your time in enjoying the travel as you have recognized the
 To be a guideline in spending time during travelling
An itinerary is usually used as a guideline for someone in spending the time while
they are having vacation.

c. How is an itinerary structured?

The followings are the generic structure of itinerary:
 Tour program
 Timetable
 Duration
 Destination
 4As (attraction, accessibility, accommodation, and amenities)

d. What are the language features of a successful itinerary?

As itinerary is one of procedure text samples, it usually implements the following
 Use simple present tense
In an itinerary, it always uses verb base (infinitive). Look at the following samples of
simple present tense. He goes to school every morning.
 Use action verb
An action verb can express something that a person, animal or even object can do. To
determine if a word is an action verb, look at the sentence and ask yourself if the word
shows something someone can do or something someone can be or feel.
 Use imple sentece or phrase

e. How will you design a good itinerary?

design a good itinerary are:
 Do the research about the place or destination that you want to visit.
 Divide a city into sections.
 Choose the transportation and accommodation that will be use in the tour place.
 Create a calendar for each day of your vocation.
 Make a flexible schedule.
 Don’t forget the extras (add your flight number, hotel addresses, map, etc. to your
itinerary file for easy access).

Reflection News Item

a. How can you define news item text?

News item is one example of authentic materials that can be used in teaching and learning
process. Through news item text students can be easily enganged with the materials
because they are viewing articles and news that are happening around them.

b. What are the social functions of news item?

The order in news item can be based on time, place or the events themselves. The social
function of news item is to inform readers, listeners or viewers about events of the day
which is considered newsworthy or important.

c. How is news item structured?

 Main Events / Newsworthy event(s): it recounts the event in summary form.
 Elaboration / Background event(s): they elaborate what happened, to whom, in what
 Resource of Information (Source): it contains comments by participants in, witnesses
to and authorities expert on the event.

d. What are the language features commonly found in news item?

In this section, you will learn about the language features of news item are:
 Using action verbs
Action verb, as you have guessed, is a verb that expresses an action. Any verb that
describes what someone or something does is an action verb. An action verb can be
physical or mental. For example; go, leave, meet, run, etc.
 Using saying verb
Saying verbs are verbs such as say or ask which we typically use to report what
someone said.Here are some examples of saying verbs:
- "Why can’t I sleep?" he asked.
- Miss Lee said that it looked like a job for Granny Gong. [indirect speech]
- He told me that he couldn't sleep.
 Using passive voice
A verb is said to be in the passive voice when its subject does not perform the
action of the verb. In fact, the action is performed on the subject.
 Using adverb
An adverb is a word that modifies verbs, adjectives and other adverbs. Basically, most
adverbs tell you how, in what way, when, where, and to what extent something is done.
 Tense
Using Past tense in explaining news events. But if it is a fact that until now still happen
or still in the form of fact, then can use simple present tense.
 Language
The language in news item is supposed to be clear and precise. However, detailed
language is needed especially in backrgound section.

e. How will you make a good news item text?

 First, I have to find any experiences based on a real situation
 Second, I may do an interview to find general information
 Third, Find more details information by asking the victims, witnesses or authorities.
 Fourth ,Make a good and interesting headline.
 Finally, Compose some paragraphs of news item text based on the information are

LK 6: Modul Profesional
Judul Modul English for Academic Context
Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB) 21. Analytical Exposition Texts
22. Hortatory Exposition Texts
23. Explanation Texts
24. Discussion Texts
No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban
1 Daftar peta konsep (istilah dan 36. LA ( Learning Activity)
definisi) di modul ini 37. Analytical Exposition is a text that elaborates
the writers idea about the phenomenon
38. Thesis(opinion)
39. Advertisements (small functional texts)
40. Vocabulary (Mini-Dictionary)
41. GO (Graphic organizers)
42. LTTE (Letter to the Editor)
43. Discussion text ( a text which presents a
problematic discourse).
44. An argumentive text (A text where the writer
is either 'for' or 'against' an issue or subject, or
presents the case for both sides. It could be
that both sides are presented equally balanced,
or it could be that one side is presented more
forcefully than the other).
45. Analytical Exposition (A text that elaborates
the writer’s idea about the phenomenon
surrounding. is intended by the writer/speaker
to persuade the audience that his/her idea is
indeed an important issue by developing an
argument to support it).
46. Brochures (Advertising pieces mainly used to
introduce a company, products or services to a
target audience).
47. Hortatory Exposition (A type of English text
that influences the reader to do something or
act in a certain way. In Hortatory Exposition,
there are some opinions about certain things to
reinforce the main ideas of the text).
48. Explanation text (A text which tells processes
relating to forming of natural, social, scientific
and cultural phenomena. Explanation text is to
say 'why' and 'how' of the forming of the
2 Daftar materi yang sulit dipahami 3. Analytical Exposition Texts
di modul ini 4. Hortatory Exposition Texts

3 Daftar materi yang sering 3. Analytical Exposition Texts

mengalami miskonsepsi 5. Hortatory Exposition Texts
Learning Journal:
1. Within this learning material and activity, I have learned Analytical Exposition is a text
that elaborates the writer’s idea about the phenomenon surrounding. An Analytical
Exposition is intended by the writer/speaker to persuade the audience that his/her idea is
indeed an important issue, and to analyze the topic that the thesis/opinion is correct by
developing an argument to support it.

2. The key features of the material include are:

Generic Structures
An Analytical Exposition consists of three components:
 Thesis: Introducing the topic and indicating the writer‘s point of view.
 Argument: Explaining the argument to support the writer‘s position. The number of
arguments may vary, but each argument must be supported by evidence and
 Reiteration: Restating the writer‘s point of view / to strengthen the thesis. We can
make conclusion in reiteration

Social Function
An Analytical Exposition is intended by the writer/speaker: To convince the audience
that his/her idea is an important matter.

Language Features
Analytical Exposition has its characteristics, especially in terms of grammar,
vocabulary, and expressions.
Grammatical points that are most often used:
 Use of internal conjunction
 Use of causal conjunction
 Use of the Simple Present Tense
 Use of relational process
 Use of compound and complex sentences
 Use of words that link argument
A few words/phrases that often appear:
 (Once) again
 Consequently

3. What I like most of this material and activity are the material easy to clear and

4. What I need to improve more are Generic Structures an Language Features to make good
analytical exposition.


1. Within this learning material and activity, I have learned Hortatory Exposition is a type of
English text that belongs to the class of Argumentation. Hortatory Exposition is a type of
English text that influences the reader to do something or act in a certain way. In
Hortatory Exposition, there are some opinions about certain things to reinforce the main
ideas of the text.

2. The key features of the material include are:

a. Generic Structure

A Hortatory Exposition consists of three main components:

 Thesis: Statement or announcement of concerned issue.
 Arguments: Reasons for concern that will lead to recommendation.
 Recommendation: Statement of what should or should not happen or be done based
on the given arguments.
b. Social Function
A Hortatory Exposition is intended by the writer/speaker:
To persuade the audience that something should or should not be the case or be done.
c. Language Features
Hortatory Exposition has its characteristics, especially in terms of grammar,
vocabulary, and expressions.
Grammatical points that are typical of this text type:
 Use of The Simple Present Tense
 Use of passive sentences
 Use of modals and adverb: certainly, surely, etc.
 Use of subject pronoun (e.g. I and we)
 Use of temporal connectives an causal connectives
 Use of evaluative language

3. What I like most of this material and activity is to read some information about hortatory
exposition text and to watch some appropriate videos with the materials. By the reading
and watching some videos, I know the definition of hortatory exposition and the key
features of fable, which are social function, generic structure and language features of
hortatory exposition.

4. What I need to improve more are generic structure, grammar and language features of
hortatory exposition.

Learning Activity (LA) –3 EXPLANATION TEXTS

1. Within this learning material and activity, I have learned Explanation is a text which tells
processes relating to forming of natural, social, scientific and cultural phenomena.
Explanation text is to say 'why' and 'how' of the forming of the phenomena. It is often
found in science, geography and history text books.

2. The key features of the material include are:

Generic Structure
An Explanation text comprises three main parts:
 General statement; stating the phenomenon issues which are to be explained.
 Sequenced explanation; stating a series of steps which explain the phenomena.
 Concluding statement.

Social Function
An Explanation Text is intended by the writer/speaker: To explain the audience how and
why something works or happens.

Language Features
Explanation text has its characteristics, especially in terms of grammar, vocabulary,
and expressions.
The grammatical points that are typical of this text type:
 Use of passive voice pattern
 Use of the Simple Present Tense
 Use of technical terms
 Use of words that show cause and effect
 Use of abstract noun
 Use of action verb
 Use of noun phrases

Mini-Dictionary [Vocabulary]
Notice a few words/phrases that often appear:
 First /ˈfɜːst/
 Then /ðen/
 Next /nekst/
 As a consequence /es ə kənsɪ.kwəns/
 Because /bɪˈkəz/; /bɪˈkɒz/

Common Expressions
Expressions with the following style are typical to Explanation Text:
 For example /fɔːr ɪgˈzɑːmpl/
 These include /ðiːz ɪnˈkluːd/
 For instance / fɔːr ˈɪnstəns/

3. What I like most of this material and activity are , I know the definition of Explanation
Texts and the key features of fable, which are social function, generic structure and
language features of Explanation Texts

4. What I need to improve more are Generic Structure nd Language Features of Explanation

Learning Activity (LA) – 4 DISCUSSION TEXTS

1. Within this learning material and activity, I have learned Discussion text is a text which
presents a problematic discourse. This problem is discussed from different points of
view. It presents pro and contra opinion on certain issue.
2. The key features of the material include are:
Generic Structure
A discussion text comprises three main parts:
 General statement to introduce the audience to the topic of discussion – it can
include a question and the view of the author can be expressed here (called the
discussion‘s thesis)
 A series of paragraphs that have points for and against the topic – the text may have
paragraphs on the for side followed by paragraphs on the against side, and within the
paragraphs there should be evidence to support the point of view.
 A concluding paragraph that sums up the discussion and gives the opinion of the
author of the text.

Social Function
A Discussion Text is intended by the writer/speaker to present (at least) two points of
view about issue or problem; to present arguments from differing points of view about
issue or problem.
Language Features
Discussion text has its characteristics, especially in terms of grammar, vocabulary, and
The grammatical points that are typical of this text type:
 Use of the Simple Present Tense
 Use of medium to high degrees of modality.
 Use of quoted and reported speech to support arguments.
 Use of passive voice to change focus of sentences.
 Focus on beginning of sentences.
 Use of complex combination of clauses.
 Use of complex sentences.

Mini-Dictionary [Vocabulary]
Notice a few words/phrases that often appear:
 Argue /ˈɑːɡ.ju; /
 Possibly /ˈpɒsɪblɪ/
 Exactly /ɪɡˈzæ
 However /ˌhaʊˈev.ər/
 ….but /bʌt/; /bət/

Common Expressions
Expressions with the following style are typical to Discussion Text:
 Let's begin/start with ... /lets bɪˈɡɪn/; / lets stɑːt wɪð/ /
 This might mean /ðɪs maɪt miːn/
 Some people say /sʌm ˈpiː.pəl seɪ/

3. What I like most of this material and activity are the discussion of the material are quite
detail and the example also understandable.

4. What I need to improve more are Generic Structure nd Language Features of

Explanation Texts.

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