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Thrusday 2/15/2024 – Recount Text

Name : Muhammad Lutfi

Class : X-A

No : 17

Orientation :

Saturday, 14 January 2023. I participated Mathematics Competition (KoMat) 2023. The

competition was held at SMP Negeri 195 Jakarta, Duren Sawit, East Jakarta. The level of competition was
regional Jakarta Timur 1 (Cakung, Pulogadung, Jatinegara, Matraman and Duren Sawit). This competition
organized MGMP Matematika Jakarta Timur 1. I wasn't alone, but my friend also participated in this
competition. We were all representatives of SMPN 144 Jakarta.
Events :
I started from 5.40 AM from home. Then, arrive at the location 6.10 AM. My friends go from home
to the location at same time, and my friend earlier than me and longer than me. 7.00 AM is opening
ceremony. We participated for next instructions and hoped best the competition. Then, 8.00 AM start of
competition. I was in room 5 from room 18 available. I started this for elimination round and hoped that
pass go to semifinal round.
Finally, 9.30 AM I finished the competition (elimination round). 11.00 AM is announcement for
the next selection. I was successfully to go semifinal round. From 500+ participants, only 50 participants
go to semifinal round. Then, I was in room 3 and I started for selection round. At the same time, I hoped
that pass go to final round.
1.00 PM, I finished the semifinal round. I prayed at the mosque and hoped to the best value for
final round. The announcement announced 3.00 PM, and I passed to next level (final round). I was not
expect this. From 50 participants, only 10 participants. I was finalist for this competition.
Reorientation :
5.00 PM, final competition is end, i prayed back at the mosque and hoped back to the best value,
and hoped to the champion. Finally, 6.00 PM is final announcement and all at once closing ceremony. I
was two side from hear announcement. First side, I was happy ini this moment and my effort success to the
finalist. Second side, I was not lucky and win top 3. Then, I was sad for the results. But, I was proud of my
efforts in this competition!

Thank you.

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