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Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity | Professionalism | Spirituality


Technology for Teaching and Learning II

Name: Evelyn M. Gonzales Date Started: May 4, 2024

Course & Section: BTLED ICT 3D Date Submitted: May 7, 2024
Activity No. : 2 Rating:

Cascading of Intended Learning Outcomes

Instruction: Complete the table below by providing data for the program and course
intended learning outcomes.
Note: Provide a short discussion on your answer.

Institutional Intended Program Intended Course Intended Learning

Learning Outcome Learning Outcome Outcome

Produce high-impact Develop latest technological Design and execute

technologies from research competence for creativity technological solutions to
and innovations. and problem solving. meet educational difficulties.

Intensify human capability Develop a culture of lifelong Engage in ongoing

development for research learning and research professional growth through
and innovation. capability enhancement. research and innovation

Develop and sustain a culture Develop a mindset focused Conduct research initiatives
of research and innovation. on research and use ethical in accordance with ethical
research methods. rules, and develop an
innovative culture.

Short Discussion:
The interconnection is demonstrated by how each level of learning outcomes builds
on. The Institutional ILO establishes the overall vision; the Program ILO translates this vision
into program-specific objectives; and the Course ILO specifies how these objectives are met
within individual courses. Together, they provide an organized structure that directs students
toward the institution's ultimate objectives.
Based on the answers in the table, it seeks to develop significant new technologies
through research and innovation. Then it concentrates on teaching kids the latest abilities
required to be innovative and solve problems utilizing technology. Students learn how to create
and implement technological solutions to educational difficulties. It also motivates students to
continue their education and improve their research and problem-solving skills throughout
their life. Finally, it emphasizes the significance of maintaining a culture in which individuals are
always brainstorming new ideas and conducting appropriate research. Overall, this method
helps pupils develop skills in handling real-world challenges, particularly in schooling.
Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity | Professionalism | Spirituality

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