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Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgmt Vol. 9, No. 6, December 2020

Adat Court in the Context of Supply Chain

Legal Pluralism Management in Indonesia
Hazar Kusmayanti, Efa Laela Fakhriah, Bambang Daru Nugroho, Djanuardi
Faculty of Law, Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung,
Jl. Raya Bandung Sumedang KM 21 Jatinangor, Jawa Barat, Indonesia.

Abstract— The Indonesian supply chain legal system bond which comes from congenital factor. The
in which there are three recognized laws, namely the bond is defined as a feeling born from “something
customary supply chain legal system, the Islamic is considered to exist” in the social life [1]. The
supply chain legal system and Western law, the three bond include cognagition: their family, relative, or
laws are mutually sustainable with each other to etnic, racial similarity or type of nation common
achieve the same goal, but in the course of the three
laws follow the rules contained in the law. Scholars
language or certain dialect, regionalism, sect and
call this supply chain legal Plurarism. The issue of even certain habits. 1
supply chain legal pluralism is the resolution of The Indonesian supply chain legal system
customary disputes through adat courts, which there are three recognized laws, namely the
formally there is no supply chain legal juridical customary supply chain legal system, the Islamic
formal in Indonesia. Researchers will try to examine supply chain legal system and Western law, the
the position of Adat Court in the context of supply three laws are mutually sustainable with each other
chain legal pluralism in Indonesia and know the to achieve the same goal, but in the course of the
practice of Adat courts in Indonesia.Supply chain three laws follow the rules contained in the law [2].
legal pluralism launches criticism of what John
Griffiths called the ideology of supply chain legal
Scholars call it supply chain legal plurarism,
centralism. Supply chain legal centralism interprets according to John Griffits, supply chain legal
the law as "state law" which applies uniformly to all pluralism is the existence of more than one orderly
people who are in the country's jurisdiction. Thus, law in force in a social area 2. An Indian scientist
there is only one law and its judicial institution that is named Pooja Parmar 3, has a similar opinion about
enforced in a country, namely state law and state this pluralism:
justice. As is well known, the main problems of state “Most simply, supply chain legal pluralism is
justice are the achievement of the principle of fast, the recognition of the simultaneous
simple and light, convoluted dispute resolution, coexistence of multiple normative worlds,
accumulation of cases and the significant cost of the
parties makes the role of adat justice very necessary.
with the state being only one among other
The types of problem solving offered by the formal creators of supply chain legal meaning. These
supply chain legal system also sometimes get different worlds of right and wrong, of lawful and
views and are considered inadequate and lack the unlawful, of valid and void are constantly
sense of justice of the people who still hold their own create[d] and maintain[ed] by those who
supply chain legal traditions. In practice, customary inhabit them through common
courts in some regions still function well, especially understandings, rituals, language, myths,
for areas that are very thick with customary law and strong interpersonal obligations and
their communities are still subject to customary law. commitments.”
As in Minangkabau, the traditional court is known as
the Density of Nagari Adat, in Aceh known as the
traditional court of Sarak Opat, the local government Tylor gives restrictions that culture is
also supports the existence of a customary court by complex whole included knowledge, belief, art,
establishing regional regulations which limit the moral, law and custom and other abilities and
disputes which must be tried in an adat court or court
Geertz, Clifford 1981 Abangan Santri dan
Keywords— Supply chain legal pluralism, Adat Court,
Priyayi dalam Masyarakat Jawa, Pusaka Jaya, p.
Customary Law 105-157.
Van Vollenhoven, sebagaimana dikutip
1. Introduction dalam buku “Hukum Adat dan Modernisasi
When In more assertive, the conception of Hukum” (Terbitan FH UII, 1998; p. 169)
plural society has been stated by Geertzas society 3
Pooja Parmar, Indigenity and Supply chain
divided into subs system which is stand themselves legal Pluralism in India, (Cambridge Studies In
and each of them bonds into primodial bond is Law And Society), 32 Avenue of the Americas, New
York, First Publish 2015, p. 6.
International Journal of Supply Chain Management
IJSCM, ISSN: 2050-7399 (Online), 2051-3771 (Print)
Copyright © ExcelingTech Pub, UK (
Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgmt Vol. 9, No. 6, December 2020

habits learned by man as the members of society 4. civil supply chain legal system, customary supply
The reality shows that Indonesian society is multi- chain legal system, and Islamic supply chain legal
etnic society with its population around 226 million system [6]. The civil supply chain legal system
by the end of the new order, it is multicultural which has the character of "written law" 9,
society. There were 300 etnics and diffent developed in Indonesia during the Dutch colonial
languages in this case called the largest archipelago period and has survived to the present time
in the world group. It was roughly estimated that affecting the current supply chain legal products
there was 82,2 % people consist of 14 big ethnic [7]. Even though the colonial period ended 72 years
group. It is also means that traditional rural, coast ago, the impact can still be felt to this day
and etnhical society lived together with considering that some Dutch colonial civil law
metropolitan society. 5 products still exist [8]. Indonesia has a
The level of supply chain legal pluralism characteristic that is customary law as original law
differs from one region to another [3]. The view of that grows and develops from the habits of the
supply chain legal pluralism can explain how people which greatly influences the process of law
diverse laws jointly regulate a case, it cannot be enforcement in Indonesia, and customary law is
denied that other supply chain legal systems very diverse in Indonesia.
outside state law that live in society are recognized Customary law as explained earlier is a
and defended by the community, so through the reflection of the nation's personality is the
view of supply chain legal pluralism, it can be embodiment of the nation's soul from century to
observed how all systems these laws operate century 10. Blackstone also defined common law in
together in everyday life 6. Laws that do not relation to the ‘‘unwritten law’’ of custom, saying
originate in the state play an important role in daily that common law included general customs,
life. At the institutional level there are various particular customs, and certain particular laws. But
types of dispute resolution institutions in addition Blackstone goes on to say that only general
to the State Court [4]. Disputes adjusted by customs are ‘‘the common law, properly so
institutions whose authority is based on adat, called.’’ 11Similarly, James Carter argues that
religion or other social institutions 7. Austin’s definition of law is actually a definition of
Every society throughout the world has a legislation: ‘‘It properly defines legislation – that
supply chain legal system in the territory of his is, law consciously enacted by men.’’ 12 Carter
country [5]. There is no nation that does not have a himself strongly contrasts law with legislation and
national supply chain legal system. National law of asserts that all law is custom. Friedrich Hayek
the nation is a reflection of the culture of the nation sharply distinguishes the spontaneous order of
concerned, because law is the mind of the nation markets from the deliberately designed order of
and grows from the nation's supply chain legal organizations; he then argues that common law and
awareness, the law will appear from the reflection custom are examples of spontaneous order while
of the nation's culture 8. Including Indonesia, which legislation is an example of designed order 13
in Article 1 paragraph (3) of the 1945 Constitution The customs that are owned by the regions
of the Republic of Indonesia, affirms itself as a vary, although the basis and nature are one, namely
state of law as well as having a supply chain legal Indonesia. The Indonesian people are therefore said
system. Interestingly, As explained above, to be Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, which means
Indonesia adheres to three supply chain legal different, but still one. This custom always
systems at once which live and develop in the life develops and always follows the development of
of society and the state administration namely the society and is closely related to the traditions of the
people [9]. Custom is thus the sediment
Tylor, E.B. 1871, Primitive Culture,
Researches into The Development of Mythology 9
Written law is a law that has been written
Philosophy, Religion, Languages Art and Custom, and stated in the statutory regulations of the State
London,Jhon Murray both codified or not codified, for example:
Wasino, Indonesia,From Pluralism To Criminal law is written in the Criminal Code, Civil
Multicultural,Paramitha Journal, July 2013, p.152. law written in the Criminal Code
Sulistyowati Irianto, Sejarah dan 10
Surojo Wignjodipuro, Pengantar dan Azas-
Perkembangan Pemikiran Pluralisme Hukum dan Azas Hukum Adat, Gunung Agung, Jakarta, 1982,
Konsekuensi Metodologisnya. Kumpulan Karya p. 1.
Ilmiah Dalam: Pluralisme Hukum, Sebuah 11
Blackstone’s Commentaries, vol. 1,
Pendekatan Interdisiplin, (Jakarta: Huma, 2005), Introduction section 3.
p.59 12
Carter, Law: Its Origin, Growth, and
Ibid, p. 53. Function (New York: G. P. Putnam, 1907), p.182.
Anto Sumarman, Hukum Adat Perspektif 13
Hayek, Law, Legislation, and Liberty, vol.
Sekarang dan Mendatang, (Yogyakarta: Adi Cita 1 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1973), p.
Karya Nusa, 2003), p. 1. 72–94.
Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgmt Vol. 9, No. 6, December 2020

(contemplation) of decency in the community, the (beslissingenleer) of Ter Haar. In essence, this
truth of which has received general recognition in theory states that except for the less important part
the community [10]. Customs in fact already of customary law, namely village regulations and
existed in ancient times, namely the pre-entry of king's decisions, customary law is the overall rules
Hinduism into Indonesia. determined in decisions that have authority
Development in the field of law, statements (gezaghebbend) which are realized in the
often arise, whether in its formation will use implementation without whats happening what
customary law materials which are the laws else 16. Ter Haar's statement actually does not define
themselves? or does it use foreign law? There are customary law but rather emphasizes that the
some scholars who doubt about the ability of applicable customary law originates from the
customary law to be the basis or basis of national decisions of the ruling officials in a community
law [11]. This opinion is based on the argument (such as customary leaders, judges, rallies,
that customary law is an ancient law, and is often traditional land trustees, religious officials and
called primitive law, which is only suitable for use village officials) both inside and outside the dispute
in underdeveloped societies. This opinion raises the in an indigenous community [14]. Civil judges,
consequence that customary law is no longer including civil service officials and customary
suitable when used as law for modern civilization leaders must start from their function in resolving
society [12]. disputes and adjudicating according to the law [15].
Customary dispute settlement can be done So in Indigenous communities in some areas,
either conventionally through the court (litigation) settlement of cases in community life is still largely
or through alternative dispute resolution resolved through adat dispute resolution institutions
mechanisms outside the court (non litigation). and adat Courts. The aim is to create peace and
Procedures for settling civil disputes through the harmony in people's lives, not to determine defeat
court are based on the Het Herzienne Indonesische and victory, for example in the people of Aceh,
Reglement (HIR) which applies to the jurisdiction solving many cases in community life through
of Java and Madura, and Rechts Buitengewesten traditional institutions [16]. The aim is to create
(RBg) for jurisdictions outside Java and Madura, as peace and harmony in people's lives, not to
positive procedural civil law. The procedural law determine defeat and victory. Historical facts show
governing court proceedings is binding and that colonialism in the past caused European law to
compelling (must not be distorted) for the parties dominate the supply chain legal system in many
that apply it, in this case both for the parties former colonies including Indonesia. Formally this
seeking justice and for law enforcement, in this institution is not recognized [17]. A sense of justice
case the judge and supply chain legal counsel of the that is not fulfilled by the formal supply chain legal
parties who litigate [13]. system, for example judges in deciding cases (adat
Non-litigation customary dispute resolution cases) are obliged to explore and understand the
institutions are usually referred to as adat court values of law and justice that live in the community
which is a peace justice institution between (applicable customary law) are not fulfilled [18].
members of customary law communities in The Emergency Law No. 1 of 1951 gradually
customary law communities 14, the authors use the abolished the existence of self-governing courts
term adat adat even though it is not regulated in and traditional courts that had previously been
Law No.48 of 2009 concerning Power Justice recognized in the colonial supply chain legal
(hereinafter referred to as the Law on Judicial system. The limitation or elimination of the
Power) because the term customary justice has existence of private court and customary courts is
been known for a long time before its regulation by getting stronger with the birth of Law No. 19 of
the Dutch Colonial and was regulated in the supply 1964 concerning the Basic Provisions of Judicial
chain legal system in Indonesia until 1951. 15 Power. But its existence is very important to
overcome the problems of adat and the
One theory of the formation of customary accumulation of cases in the district court, therefore
justice is implicit in the decision theory researchers want to examine the position of
customary justice in the context of pluralism in
Indonesia and its practice in Indonesia.
Sudikno Mertokusumo, Mengenal Hukum, Based on the description above, in this study the
(Yogyakarta: Liberti, 1999), p.3. (Fatur Rahman, researchers limited two problems, namely:
Eksistensi Peradilan Adat Dalam Peraturan 1. What is the position of Adat Court in the context
Perundang-undangan di Indonesia, Jurnal Hukum of supply chain legal pluralism in Indonesia?
Samudra Keadilan Volume 13 No.2 Juli-Desember
Efa Laela Fakhriah, Eksistensi Hakim
Perdamaian Desa Dalam Penyelesaian Sengketa di Otje Salman Soemadiningrat,

Pengadilan Negeri, Jurnal Sosiohumaniora Vol.18 Rekonseptuaisasi Hukum Adat Kontemporer,

No.2 Juli 2016, p. 92. Alumni, 2015, p. 120.
Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgmt Vol. 9, No. 6, December 2020

2. What is the general pattern of adat dispute Judges. (2) Provisions in the paragraph upfront do
resolution mechanisms in several customary courts not reduce the right of litigation to submit a case at
in Indonesia? any time to the Judges referred to in the provisions
of article 1, 2 and 3 (higher judges) (3) Judges
2. Literature Review or Previous referred to in paragraph (1) adjudicate cases
according to customary law, they may not pass
Studies sentence. Furthermore, it was stressed that besides
the state courts there were no longer any trials that
If examined from its history, the term were conducted by non-state court bodies.
'customary justice' has agreed to its agreement Settlement of cases outside the court on the basis of
before Indonesia's independence, higher through peace or through referees (arbitrage) is still
legislation during the Dutch East Indies permissible [19].
government. Currently there are five types of The old supply chain legal basis for the
justice, namely the Gubernnement-rechtspraak, implementation of customary justice before the
Indigenous Courts (Inheemsche Rechtspraak), State Court is the old Article 75 RR 46 which states
Swapraja Courts (Zelfbestuurrechtspraak), that if the Governor General does not treat
Religious Courts (Godsdienstige Rechtspraak) and European legislation for the Bumiputera group does
Supply chain legal Courts Existence of the colonial not declare voluntarily submitting to European civil
court since the Dutch have existed. this is regulated law, then for the Bumiputera group, Judges must do
in article 130 Indische Staatsregeling, a basic customary (civil) law, if adat law does not conflict
regulation in the Dutch government that determines with the basic principles of justice that are
in addition to the trials by the Dutch government, commonly used [20]. But if the rules of customary
and is allowed to apply in the regional courts which law contradict the foundations of justice or if the
are directly under the Dutch East Indies case concerned is not customary customary law
government and the Swapraja court. Definition of rules, then it must use the general principles of civil
Adat Courts The term "justice" (rechtspraak) law and European commercial law as a guide 18. If
basically means "discussion of law and justice" in examining a case the Judge considers that the
conducted by the court system (consultative) to customary law used is contrary to the principles of
settle cases outside the court and / or before the justice and propriety that are generally recognized
court. When talking about customary law, it is or according to the term Raffles as long as it does
called "Customary Law Courts" or "Customary not contradict the "universal and acknowledged
Courts" only 17. principles of natural justice" then based on Article
Traditional justice can be carried out 75 paragraph (3) jo paragraph (6) of the old RR,
individually by members of the community, by then the customary law can be set aside. As said by
family or neighbors, Chairperson of Relatives or Prof. Dr. Mr. R. Soepomo 19, that:
Chief Adat (Adat Judge), Chairperson of the "Judges, according to their functions, are even
Village (Judge of the Village) or by administrators obliged to consider whether the existing
of the organization's association. Likewise customary law rules that are familiar with the
customary justice can be carried out by official matter being confronted are still in harmony
Judicial Bodies, namely the State Courts such as by or are in conflict with the new social reality
the General Courts (District Courts, High Courts (sociale werkelijkheid) related to the growth
and or Supreme Courts), Religious Courts, State of new situations in society."
Administrative Courts or Military Courts as
regulated in the Law on Courts in Environments Bushar Muhammad further explained that the
General Judiciary (Law No.13 of 1965) and Law causes of indigenous peoples prefer to resolve adat
on the Supreme Court (Law No.14 of 1985) offenses through adat justice are: A supply chain
Resolving cases of dispute peacefully is a legal action or an offense if resolved through adat
traditional Indonesian supply chain legal culture. courts, violations that cause disruption to the
What is meant by this effort to settle a peaceful balance and peace of the community can be
case is that in the days of the Dutch East Indies it resolved immediately 20. Settlement through adat
was called 'Adat Justice' (Dorpsjustitie), as justice is not the same as settlement through
regulated in Article 3a RO (Rechterlijke positive law because settlement through adat
Organisatie) mentioned that: (1) All cases
according to customary law meant the authority of
judges from small supply chain legal community 18
Ibid, Hilman Hadikusuma, p. 238.
(Village Judges) continue to be tried by these 19
Tolib setiady, Intisari Hukum Adat
Indonesia Dalam Kajian Kepustakaan, Alfabeta,
Bandung , 2013, p. 369.
Hilman Hadikusuma,. Pengantar Ilmu
17 20
Bushar Muhammad, , Asas-Asas Hukum
Hukum Adat Indonesia, Mandar Maju, Bandung, , Adat Suatu Pengantar, Pradnya Paramita, Jakarta.
2014, p. 237. 1976, p. 55.
Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgmt Vol. 9, No. 6, December 2020

regarding criminal justice always weighs social and Other laws that accommodate implicit
cultural values as well as a sense of justice and recognition of customary law are listed in Law No.
propriety that live in indigenous peoples, whereas 4 of 2014 concerning Villages, which regulates
settlement through positive law regarding criminal Customary Village Regulations. Adat Village
punishment of perpetrators generally only imposes Regulations are adjusted to customary law and
a type only basic crime. customs norms that apply in Adat Village as long
as they do not conflict with the provisions of the
I Made Widnyana 21 stated about the legislation. Provisions regarding Indigenous
settlement carried out through adat that: Village Regulations only apply to traditional
Criminalization by criminal judges on offense villages. However, please note, the provisions on
(adat) is felt to be less reflective of social and Villages also apply to Customary Villages as long
cultural values as well as a sense of justice and as they are not regulated in any special provisions
propriety that lives in the indigenous peoples regarding Customary Villages. The regulation and
concerned, because in general they only impose administration of the Adat Village Government
criminal types principal only. This is seen as not shall be carried out in accordance with the original
being able to restore the disturbed balance of the rights and customary law in force in the surviving
cosmos, because to restore it can only be done Adat Village and in accordance with the
through fulfilling customary obligations [21]. development of the community and not in conflict
The position of traditional justice in the with the principle of the administration of the Adat
national civil justice system has a long history. Village Government in the principles of the Unitary
Distinction in the public or private sphere arises State of the Republic of Indonesia.
when the verdict of an adat court is in contact with The Adat Village Government carries out the
that of the national justice system. Until now, the functions of the Adat Village Consultation and
interaction between the two has not been ideal, Deliberation in accordance with the original
both at the level of norms and practice [22]. The arrangement of the Adat Village or is formed in
unification policy of the judiciary has become one accordance with the initiative of the Adat Village
of the causes of the customary justice which is community. Article 103 of Law No. 6 of 2014
slowly being abandoned. The Judicial Power Law concerning Villages (hereinafter referred to as the
opens up the possibility of peaceful settlement of Village Law) regulates the authority of Indigenous
civil cases as a spirit manifested in the civil justice Villages based on original rights which include:
system [23]. Therefore, it needs to be assessed from a. governance arrangements and implementation
the supply chain legal-normative side regarding the based on original arrangement;
existence of adat courts and empirically through the b. regulation and management of customary or
implementation of these rules in the Indonesian customary territories;
civil justice system 22 c. preservation of the cultural and social values
In the article Adat Judge Asks for State of the Adat village;
Recognition 23, Deputy Chairman of the North d. settlement of customary disputes based on
Jakarta District Court Lilik Mulyadi (who was in customary law in force in the Customary
office at the time) explained that adat institutions Village in an area that is in harmony with the
are recognized in the Indonesian justice system. His principles of human rights by prioritizing
confession can be seen from judges who have settlement by deliberation;
explored adat values when making decisions. e. the holding of a tribal peace court hearing in
Furthermore, Lilik said that the resolution model is accordance with the provisions of the
that if a case is finished in an adat institution, then legislation;
the case is considered finished. If it doesn't turn out f. maintenance of peace and order of the
well, then proceed to the national court [24]. Customary Village community based on
customary law in force in the Customary
I Made Widnyana, The Living Law As
Found In Bali, Fikahati Aneska, 2012, p. 5.
Tody Sasmitha Jiwa Utama, Sandra Dini 3. Research Materials and Method
PERADILAN ADAT TERHADAP SISTEM The method of approach used in this research
PERADILAN PERDATA INDONESIA, is normative juridical is descriptive analytical specifications, with the technique of Collecting
19 Study Data Collection by collecting data in the
23 form of legislation, literature studies and other documents relating to shared assets in order to
f8c5981/hakim-adat-minta-pengakuan-dari-negara, obtain theories and information in the form of
04/04/2019 formal law.
Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgmt Vol. 9, No. 6, December 2020

The analytical method used in this study is systems is autonomous and its existence does
qualitative juridical, namely by reviewing data not depend on state law 27.
based on supply chain legal aspects without using Emil Ola Kleden writes about the
diagrams or statistics and then given descriptively weak and strong supply chain legal pluralism
in regular and logical sentences. Then the primary in Indonesia as follows: 28
data is used as secondary data support to draw “the new era, where the state is very
conclusions based on applicable laws and afraid, represents a state of weak
regulations 24. pluralism, where state law is above all.
While in the reformation era in 1998,
which was marked by the devolution of
4. Result and Discussion power or the actual transfer of power by
the Central Government (Jakarta) to a
Position of Customary Courts in the Context of lower level of government, represented a
Supply chain legal Pluralism in Indonesia strong pluralism in which customary law
Supply chain legal pluralism as explained and sharia law began to take place in the
is defined as the diversity of laws, not only public sphere. "
state and customary law but also includes At this time the new supply chain legal
customary and religious law. The idea of pluralism approach considers the old approach
supply chain legal pluralism as a concept cannot be used anymore. In this redefinition it
began to bloom in the 1970s along with the is shown that laws from various levels and
science of supply chain legal anthropology. In various worlds move into infinite territory and
theory, supply chain legal pluralism can be there is strong interaction, contestation and
divided into two types. The first type of mutual adoption between international,
pluralism is commonly called "relative" national and local law. Transnational law is
(vanderlinen), "weak" pluralism (Jhon created 29.Pluralism in a new perspective can be
Griffiths) or "state law" pluralism (Woodman) formulated as follows:
, referring to a supply chain legal “..its mainly undestood as the
construction in which dominant rule of law coexistence of state, international and
gives space, either implicitly or explicitly , for transnational law anda analysis remain
other types of law such as customary law and limites to the question of wether such
religious law. State law validates and transnational connection influence state
recognizes the existence of other laws and law at the national level 30
includes them in state law. If the existence of
supply chain legal pluralism depends on the Article 36 A of the 1945 Indonesian
recognition of state law, this condition is called Constitution confirms that the symbol of the
"weak supply chain legal pluralism" 26. State is Garuda Pancasila with the motto Unity
Meanwhile, the second type called "strong" or in Diversity. This has an important meaning, as
descriptive pluralism (Jhon Griffits) or in Jimly Asshidiqie said, so far it has never been
Woodman's term is called "in" pluralism, regulated, so the mention of Garuda Pancasila
supply chain legal pluralism refers to a as a state symbol is only based on unwritten
situation in which two or more supply chain conventions 31. According to Wertheim, Unity
legal systems coexist with each of their basic in Diversity means "unity and difference" is
legitimacy and validity. A condition can be the official motto of the Republic of Indonesia.
said to be strong supply chain legal pluralism, This expression expresses a strong desire, not
if each of the diverse supply chain legal
Kurnia Warman, Kedudukan Hukum Adat
Dalam Realitas Pembangunan Hukum Agraria
Soerjono Soekanto dan Sri Mamudji, 28
Emil Ola Kleden, Masyarakat Adat dan
Penelitian Hukum Normatif, Suatu Tinjauan Pyoyek Pembangunan di Merauke, Jakarta,
Singkat, PT. Radja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta: Epistema Institue, 2012, p. 140-141.
1995, p. 19. 29
Sulistyowati Irianto, Pluralisme Hukum
Gordon R Woodman, Mungkinkah Dalam Perspektif Global, Jurnal Law, Society and
Membuat Peta Hukum, dalam Tim Huma, Development, Vol. 1 No.3 Agustus 2007, p. 3.
Pluralisme Hukum, sebuah Pendekatan 30
Benda-Beckman F, K Benda-Beckmann
Interdisplin, Jakarta, Ford Foundation-Huma, 2005 and Anne Griffiths, Mobile People Mobile Law.
p. 152. Expanding Supply chain legal relations in
Jhon Griffits, Memahami Pluralisme Contracting World USA: Ashgate 2005, p. 6.
Sebuah Deskripsi Konseptual, dalam Tim Huma 31
Jimly Asshiddiqie, Konsolidasi Naskah
Pluralisme Hukum Pendekatan Interdisplin, UUD NKRI 1945, Yasrif Watampone, Jakarta,
Jakarta, Ford Foundation-Huma, 2005 p.74-75. 2003,p.80
Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgmt Vol. 9, No. 6, December 2020

only among political leaders but also among The State of Indonesia as a state of law
various layers of the population, to achieve implements several supply chain legal systems
unity, even though there is a heterogeneous such as civil law, common law, Islamic law
character in the newly formed society that will and customary law. This reality shows the
require the same cultural characteristics that existence of supply chain legal pluralism in the
underlie herterogenity. 32 application of the national supply chain legal
system [28]. The practice of plural law has
The view of supply chain legal pluralism indeed been in effect since independence.
can explain how diverse laws together regulate Customary law is enforced in Indonesia
a case [25]. It is undeniable that other supply because customary law is original law that was
chain legal systems outside state law that live born from culture and lives in the midst of
in society are recognized and defended by the Indonesian society. Van Vollenhoven in his
community, so through the view of supply book Het Adatrecht van Nederlandsch,
chain legal pluralism it can be observed how customary law is the overall rules of behavior
all these supply chain legal systems operate that apply to the sons of the earth and
together in daily life 33. Laws that do not foreigners who have coercion and sanctions,
originate in the state play an important role in and are not codified. Meanwhile, Islamic law
daily life [26]. At the institutional level there was implemented in Indonesia since the entry
are various types of dispute resolution of Islam in the archipelago [29]. The majority
institutions in addition to the State Court. of Indonesia's population adheres to Islam, so
Disputes adjusted by institutions whose Islamic law or Islamic law dominates the law
authority is based on adat, religion or other of the Indonesian population, especially in
social institutions. 34 terms of marriage law, inheritance law and
family law 36
Indonesia as a democratic state of law, in
general has three forms or fields of law that Basically, supply chain legal pluralism
live in society, customary law, religious law launches criticism of what John Griffiths called
and positive law. Hundreds of years before the the ideology of supply chain legal centralism.
Dutch entered to colonize and bring their Supply chain legal centralism interprets the
supply chain legal order model to Indonesia, law as "state law" which applies uniformly to
this nation already had their own supply chain all people who are in the country's
legal order, that law was called adat law [27]. jurisdiction 37.. Thus, there is only one law and
Customary law is a collection of social rules its judicial institution that is enforced in a
that are made and maintained in which this law country, namely state law and state justice. As
is one of the incarnations of the Indonesian is well known, the main problems of state
soul from century to century which is owned justice are the achievement of the principle of
by different regions, ethnic groups of fast, simple and light, convoluted dispute
Indonesia. The Indonesian Nation is called resolution, accumulation of cases and the
Bhineka (different among the tribes of the significant cost of the parties makes the role of
nation), Tunggal Ika (but still one too, namely adat justice very necessary [30]. The types of
its basic and Indonesian nature), the problem solving offered by the formal supply
conception of customary law is assumed to chain legal system also sometimes get different
have existed, lived and grew among views and are considered inadequate and lack
Indonesian people 35. the sense of justice of the people who still hold
their own supply chain legal traditions;

In most Indonesians there is a tendency

Wartheim WF, Masyarakat Indonesia to resolve disputes in a peaceful manner. This
dalam Transisi Studi Perubahan Sosial, Tiara method is recognized as effective in resolving
Wacana, Jakartam 1999, p. 6. disputes or disputes. As well as being able to
Sulistyowati Irianto, Sejarah dan eliminate feelings of revenge 38, as well as
Perkembangan Pemikiran Pluralisme Hukum dan
Konsekuensi Metodologisnya. Kumpulan Karya
Ilmiah Dalam: Pluralisme Hukum, Sebuah 36
Teguh Prasetyo, 2013, Hukum dan Sistem
Pendekatan Interdisiplin, (Jakarta: Huma, 2005), p. Hukum Berdasarkan Pancasila, Yogyakarta: Media
59. Perkasa, p. 75.
Ibid, p. 53. 37
Anonim, Laporan Khusus :Hukum Adat di
Riskon As Shiddiqiue, http://syariah.uin- Persimpangan Jalan, Buetin Komisi Yudisial, Vol.IV, Vol.1 agustus 2009, p. 32.
fakultas/entry/antara-hukum-adat-hukum-agama- 38
Ahmadi Hasan, Penyelesaian Sengketa
dan-hukum-positif (31/12/2019) Melalui Upaya (Non Ligitasi) Menurut Peraturan
Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgmt Vol. 9, No. 6, December 2020

formal law causes a lack of adaptability in The practice mechanisms for resolving
absorbing the needs of a sense of justice of the civil disputes in traditional justice in Kerapatan
local community [31]. role in creating order Nagari Padang are as follows:
security and peace. the existence of adat justice
has become increasingly important amidst the Minangkabau is a traditional
state's situation which has not yet been able to environment in the province of West Sumatra
fully provide case settlement services through and its surroundings. The understanding of
formal channels to remote villages. In addition, Minangkabau is not exactly the meaning of
the capacity of formal justice is also heavy due West Sumatra. This is because the word
to a very serious case buildup [32]. Minangkabau contains more socio-cultural
meanings, while the word West Sumatra
So customary justice is very necessary contains more geographical administrative
because the essence of Adat Court is based on meanings [35]. Thus it can be understood that,
peace within the customary law community. Minangkabau is located in the administrative
The supply chain legal spirit of this principle is geography of West Sumatra and also extends
actually in accordance with the characteristics out of the West Sumatra region, namely the
of customary law which tends to prioritize the western part of Jambi's geographical area. Both
balance (evenwicht or harmonie) of cosmic of these are included in the Minangkabau
life. The relevance of this statement can be socio-cultural environment because the socio-
seen from Soepomo's opinion as quoted by cultural community is generally the same as
Bushar Muhammad 39. The essence of the people in West Sumatra 41.
customary justice is in line with Pancasila, as
the concept of unity or harmony, especially the Nagari adat density (KAN) is an
third principle, Indonesian Unity [33]. institution of density from ninik mamak that
has been inherited from generation to
Mechanisms for the Settlement of generation as long as adat functions to preserve
Customary Disputes through Customary adat and resolve disputes between sako and
Courts in Indonesia pusako. 42 The density of the nagari adat
In practice, customary justice is often (KAN) is the highest institution in the
clashed with formal law, where historical facts Minangkabau nagari adat, proposed 43.
show that colonialism in the past caused
European law to dominate the supply chain Article 1 point (15) of the Regional
legal system in many former colonial countries Regulation of the Province of West Sumatra
including Indonesia. However, even though Number 16 of 2008 concerning Ulayat Land
this institution is formally not recognized, in and Utilization states:
reality, this mechanism becomes another
alternative that is often pursued by justice "The Nagari Indigenous Density (KAN),
seekers, especially in societies that are still or another similar name, is the highest
based on traditional patterns of life with norms representative institution of nagari consultation
that become the order [34]. A sense of justice and customary nagari existing and passed
that is not fulfilled by the formal supply chain down through the generations as long as adat
legal system, can sometimes be fulfilled by among the people in West Sumatra, then in this
traditional justice mechanisms which in the regional regulation abbreviated KAN".
framework of the applicable supply chain legal Nagari adat density (KAN), is the highest
system are informal justice 40. council in Nagari, various unresolved issues at
the lower level are decided in Nagari adat
Traditional Nagari Padang Density density (KAN) 44. Ratification of the density of

Helmy Panuh, Op.Cit, p. 15.
Sofjan Thalib, Studi Pelaksanaan
Perundang-Undangan, Jurnal AL-BANJARI Vol. Pemerintahan Nagari Dan Efektifitasnya Dalam
5, No. 9, Januari – Juni 2007 Pelaksannan Pemerintah Di Sumatera Barat,
Mohammad Jamin, Eksistensi Peradilan Batlibang, Padang, 2002, p. 36.
(desa) Adat, berdasarkan dengan Undang-undang, 43
Idrus Hakimi, Pegangan Penghulu, Bundo
UNS press, Surakarta, 2016, p. 2. Kandung Dan Pidatoalua Pasambahan Adat di
Eva Achjani Zulfa, EKSISTENSI Minangkabau, Remaja Karya, Bandung, 1988, p.
Interview : Bapak HS. Datuak Marah Bangso, Wali Nagari Kinali Kabupaten Pesaman
h_dr._eva_achjani,_sh.,mh.pdf, p.1. Barat, pada tgl 17/09/2019
Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgmt Vol. 9, No. 6, December 2020

the nagari adat (KAN) regarding a problem is To maintain the enactment of customary
the highest endorsement, in this case certainly law in the community, it is needed an adat
related to adat issues. institution [39]. In the Gayo Community in
Central Aceh District, this traditional
Article 1 Number 13 Bylaw No. 2/2007 institution is called Sarak Opat. This
Concerning the Principals of the Nagari institution was created by the community to
Government explained that the Nagari regulate relations between individuals and
Indigenous Density Institution (KAN) is a community groups [40]. Based on Article 1
mamak ninik density institution that has letter d of the Central Aceh District Qanun
existed and has been passed down through Number 9 of 2002 concerning Gayo
generations as long as adat functions to Customary Law, it states that an adat
preserve the adat preservation and to resolve institution is a customary social organization
disputes between sako and pusako in nagari. formed by a certain customary law community
This explains that the Nagari Indigenous [41], has certain territories and assets of its
Density (KAN) is believed to solve the sako own and has the right and authority to regulate
and pusako affairs that occur in the and administer and settling matters related to
community. However, in reality in the dispute Gayo custom 46.
resolution process, Nagari Adat Density
(KAN) did not immediately accept the dispute The existence of the Sarak Opat in
to be resolved in Nagari Adat Density (KAN), Central Aceh District was initially based on the
but was first asked to be resolved in Decree of the Regent of the Central Aceh
deliberations at the family, clan and input Region, on March 15, 1992, Number 045/12 /
level. As the traditional proverb says karuah in SK / 92 concerning the Gayo Indigenous
pajaniah, kusiuk is salasaikan, but if one of the Institution in Central Aceh District, where the
parties to the dispute is not or feels less composition of the Sarak Opat was stipulated
satisfied with the decision received, then rises as stated in Article 4 , 5, 6 and 8.
to a higher level namely the Density of Nagari
Adat (KAN) to help resolve the dispute 45. In Article 4 of the Regent's Decree, the
existence of Sarak Opat is explained at the
Traditionally the resolution of disputes regional / district, sub-district and village
that occur in indigenous communities is levels. Then in Article 5, it is explained that
resolved by the term maxim minang bajanjang the Sarak Opat, consisting of the Regent Head
naiak batanggo down. Bajanjang naiak means of the Region as Reje, Chairperson of the
that every dispute needs to be resolved through Indonesian Ulema Council of Central Aceh
the lower paliang level process first. As from Regency (now the Ulama Consultative
the house level, then it is settled or deliberated Council) as Imuem, Chairperson of the
at the Nagari Adat Density institution or called Customary and Cultural Institution (LAKA) of
KAN. Batanggo is down, meaning that the the Central Aceh Branch as Petue and the
results of deliberations or the results of dispute Council of Central Aceh Regional
resolution by ninik mamak or the person who Representatives of the Central Aceh Regency
is in the land is expected to be obeyed by the Level II as the People In Article 6, it was
disputing party. mentioned about the Sarak Opat at the district
level consisting of: Camat as Reje,
As explained earlier, the settlement of Chairperson of the Indonesian Ulema Council
disputes on high heirlooms must be settled as Imuem, Chairperson of the Customary and
from the lowest level first [36]. Starting from Cultural Institutions as Petue and District
the level of the house, village, tribe and finally Community Leaders as the people (even
the nagari level. In this case the mamak houses agreed) [42].
of both parties were first settled [37]. If it is
not resolved, then proceed to the head of the In the Gayo community, this traditional
pariuk in the tribe, if it is still not resolved, institution functions as a regulator, organizer
then the dispute will proceed to the adat nagari and guardian of community harmony. In the
(KAN) density by submitting an application Gayo Customary Law system there is no
first [38]. distinction between criminal law and civil law
[43], so that all disputes that occur in the
Lembaga Adat Sarak Opat
Syukri, Sarak Opat, Sistem Pemerintahan
Tanah Gayo dan Relevansinya Terhadap
Interview: Bapak Dt. Majo Setyo, Penghulu Pelaksanaan Otonomi Daerah, (Jakarta: Hijri
Suku Koto Paliang pada tgl 17/03/2019 Pustaka Utama, 2006), p. 126.
Int. J Sup. Chain. Mgmt Vol. 9, No. 6, December 2020

community if resolved by custom are resolved lack the sense of justice of the people who still hold
through the Sarak Opat adat institution 47. their own supply chain legal traditions.
Specifically in Article Article 9
paragraph (1) of Central Aceh Regency Qanun In practice, customary courts in some regions still
Number 10 of 2002 Concerning Gayo function well, especially for areas that are very
Customary Law, it is explained that Sarak thick with customary law and their communities
Opat is located as a container for the Gelung are still subject to customary law. As in
Preje (Regency), District and Village Minangkabau, the traditional court is known as the
Governments as a forum for deliberation / Density of Nagari Adat, in Aceh known as the
consensus consisting of Reje, Imem, Petue and traditional court of Sarak Opat, the local
Rayat Even Mupakat. In the people of Central government also supports the existence of a
Aceh Regency, if a problem occurs, Sarak customary court by establishing regional
Opat acts as an institution for solving regulations which limit the disputes which must be
problems, this has been practiced for tried in an adat court or court country.
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