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All `Mechs with 3049 date have the Clan Invasion symbol, should be Succession War

cLNT-2-4T - No date in MUL (NCK: remains a mystery) (Mael: The MUL is an OOC data
source. It shouldn't be unknown)

DV-6M Dervish - 3039 states that "During the Reunification War, funds provided by
the Terran Hegemony allowed the other League Member States to upgrade their last
original-model Dervishes, generally found lingering in backwater militias, to the
DV-6M standard." and "Given a major update later in the twenty-sixth century" so
date should be well before 2610.
NCK: working on this one, Jihad Secrets and TR3039 conflict.

WFT-2 Wolf Trap - BV should be 1227 (Neither WFL-1 nor Wolf Trap 1 have 1227?)
Oops. Should be the Wolf Trap 2. Pretty sure atleast :)

CES-3S Caesar - BV should be 1909 (RS Change)

CES-4R Caesar - BV should be 2024 (RS Change)
CTF-5D Cataphract - BV should be 1742 (RS Change)
CP-11-C Cyclops - Date should be 3050+(c3 equipment has a 3050 Date)
MAL-1K Mauler - BV should be 1622 (RS Change)
MAL-2R Mauler - BV should be 1586
BNC-9S Banshee - RS Source should be RS3050Uu-I. BV should be 2496.
ANH-3A Annihilator - BV should be 1712 (RS Change)
Annihilator C - Source should be RS3050Uu-I
Annihilator C2 - RS Souce should be RS3050Uu-I. Source should be either HistOK or
TR 3050U, not RSOK

MON-69 Mongoose - Date is odd. FF armor is extinct, but BAP isn't.

MON-70 Mongoose - Date is odd. FF armor is extinct, but BAP isn't.
MON-76 Mongoose - Wasn't this released WELL before the Jihad? (like originally in
RS: Upgrades or something? It shows up in the FM:U RATs for the FRR and WoB). Maybe
that date should be 3067?
BL-6b-KNT Black Knight - Bump date to 2760 (Intro date of ERPPC)
THG-11E Thug (Reich) - No date
Daishi A - BV should be 2855 (Extra AMS BV issue)

The following should have dates of 3062+ due to c3i

HSR-500-D Hussar
CRB-30 Crab
KTO-19 Kintaro
CHP-3P Champion
LNC-04 Lancelot
EXT-5E Exterminator
FLS-9C Flashman
HGN-736 Highlander

Phantom F - Date is 3068, MUL uses Clan Invasion Icon. BV should be 1375.
Pouncer F - Date is 3068, MUL uses Clan Invasion Icon. Should be Jihad Icon. BV
should be 1308
Naga Prime - BV should be 1840
Naga A - BV should be 1988
Naga B - BV should be 2021
Naga C - BV should be 1805
Naga D - BV should be 1860
Hellhound (Conjuror) (Standard) - RS source should be 3055Uu
HCA-4U - BV should be 1796
HCA-6P - BV should be 2366
GTR-1 Great Turtle - BV should be 3152
GTR-2 Great Turtle - BV should be 2355
The following designs had an incorrect BV most likely due to being generated
before the latest errata. Correct BV is provided.
PRC-2N Porcupine - 901
LNG-3 Longshot - 955
LNG-3C Longshot - 971
SVR-5X Silver Fox - 1432
VKH-1 Volkh - 1635
VKH-7 Volkh - 1578
BMB-1X Bombard - 1653
PWR-1X Prowler - 2042
PWR-1X1 Prowler - 1945
PAL-2 Paladin - 1642
SP1-X Spatha - 2201
SQS-TH-002 Sasquatch - 1993
SQS-TH-003 Sasquatch - 1667

RFL-3N Rifleman (Legend-Killer) - listed in MUL has Rifleman "Legend-Killer".

Should be RFL-3n Rifleman "Legend-Killer" with a BV of 1101 and a RS source of
RFL-3N Rifleman (Legend-Killer 2) - Not in MUL, BV should be 1209, with a RS source
of 3055Up
RFL-3N-2 Rifleman II (Legend-Killer) - Not in MUL,BV should be 1768, with a RS
Source of 3055Up

GLD-1R (Keller) Gladiator - Change name to match RS - BV should be fixed to match

new RS (1553 or 1557)
GLD-2R Gladiator - BV should be 1184 to match the new RS
KSC-5X Koschei - Should be Advanced

HYN-KTO Hyena - No date in MUL yet

BLR-2G Warlord - BV should be 2033 on MUL (New RS)
PKM-2C Patriot - BV should be 1613 (According to RS and SSW)
PKM-2D Patriot - BV should be 1699 (According to RS and SSW)
PKM-2E Patriot - BV should be 1443 (According to RS and SSW)
C-GRG-OE Grigori Eminus - Should be Advanced instead of Experimental
C-GRG-O Grigori Tamiel - Should be Advanced instead of Experimental
C-PRT-OE Preta Eminus - Should be Advanced

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