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A person you admire

I’m going to talk about my mom, who I think is the most wonderful person I’ve
ever known. Currently, I’m living away from home since I’m going to university,
but I still talk to her every day. She’s my source of inspiration and wisdom. ( sự
thông thái)

My mom is a great person. Not only is she smart and resilient ( kiên trì) but
she’s also generous to other people around her. She was born in
an impoverished ( nghèo khó) family as my grandparents didn’t have much.
She’s always told me that her only escape ( lối thoát) was education.

My mother is an early bird (dậy sớm) . She usually wakes up sooner than other
members to do household chores, goes to the market, and prepares lunch boxes
for my brother and me.

I still remember vividly that when I was a high school student, my friends were
always surprised about the lunch box that my mother had prepared for me. They
envy me because their moms can’t get up early and make a nutrition lunch box
like that for them

As a mother, she always teaches me to be fair and honest. I truly believe these
characteristics have helped me a lot in life. And she’s the first person who comes
to me whenever I feel unhappy.

These are the reasons why I admire my mom.


I am going to talk about my mother who has played an essential role in my life. She
is my guardian (người bảo vệ) , my friend, and my role model (hình mẫu).

My mother is in her forties now, but she still maintains a youthful look (trẻ trung) .
In terms of personality, she is an extremely compassionate and kind-hearted person
who always takes care of her children. She really is a mother and a friend to me as she
always gives me valuable advice and is willing to stand by me through all the ups
and downs (những thăng trầm) of my life. Although sometimes she drives me
crazy (khiến tôi điên đầu) due to her being a perfectionist, I still hold so much pride
and respect for her.

I am also influenced by her strong will (quyết tâm) . Ever since she was young, she
had to learn to be independent as my grandparents were very busy and constantly on
the go (đi đâu đó) . She had to take care of almost everything: her younger brother,
household chores and herself. Such challenges shaped her (biến đổi) into the strong
person that she is now.

Her determination ( sự kiên định) , as well as her perseverance ( sự nỗ lực), are

really something for us to look up to. And I keep reminding myself every day to be as
strong as my mother, a real-life “wonder woman.” (nữ anh hùng đời thực)

Qiuz Program or Tivi Show

So I’m going to talk about a quiz show called “Who is the millionaire?”. You should
know what it’s like because the format is very popular all around the world.

At the start of the show contestants ( các thí sinh) are gathered ( tập hợp) and
will have to answer a multiple choice question to decide who gets to be in the Hot
seat. Naturally( tất nhiên) it’s the person who answers accurately (chính xác)
within the shortest time.

When a contestant is selected, he or she will proceed( đi đến) to sit in a chair in

the centre and have the opportunity to answer in total 15 questions that get
harder over time. For every answer that you get right, you’ll be awarded (quyết
định) an amount of money. Apparently ( nhìn bên ngoài) if you’re not sure about
one particular question, you can always stop the game and go home with the
money. But if you’re feeling adventurous( phiêu lưu) you can just go with your
instinct (bản năng) . And there’s always three “aids” ( trợ giúp) you can use, for
example you can call your friends for help, or choose to have half of the options

It’s great fun to watch and I assume ( cho rằng) also great fun to play! I don’t
remember if anyone managed to pass all 15 questions but there must’ve been a
few people.
On the first day of a month, my family always visits Vi Lai restaurant. Although I
don’t remember where exactly it is located, I think it’s around Ly Thuong Kiet
The food there is excellent as the vegetables are prepared in different ways. One
of my favorite appetizers ( món khai vị) is the mushroom soup which contains
ingredients like chestnuts ( hạt dẻ) or mushrooms. It’s a little bit salty, blended
( hòa quyện) with a light sweetness ( vị ngọt nhẹ) . After that, when my family
moves on to the main dish, we often order the signature (đặc trưng) salad there.
The components ( các thành phần) like pickled radish (củ cải muối) , gong cai
vegetable (rau chùm ngây) , and lotus petiole (ngó sen) are nicely mixed with a
combination of sourness ( vị chua) and sweetness.
Another dish that I’m pretty much into is the beef steak there. I can see the
sizzling (xèo xèo) beef steaks were done on the barbecue (vỉ nướng). When the
dish is served ( được dọn ra) , a chunking piece of beef (miếng thịt bò to tướng)
look mouth – watering and all of the members do enjoy this.
Apart from the food in this restaurant, the employees are also professional as
they never let us wait for more than 2 minutes, even on their busiest day, so I do
appreciate ( đánh giá) them a lot. Furthermore, when we first experienced the
service, the employees gave my family a lot of useful advice on what dishes we
should eat together, which is the determinant (yếu tố) that makes me want to
come back.
Personally speaking, if anyone asks me about the best restaurant , I will
recommend Vi Lai restaurant to them as the quality is superb. ( quá tuyệt vời)
Well, to be honest, I am a frugal spender (người chi tiêu tiết kiệm) who never
gets the idea of blowing money on unnecessary things (tiêu tiền hoang phí) . But
recently, I couldn’t help overspending (tiêu tiền nhiều hơn dự tính) on a new
phone which both the salesperson and I successfully convinced myself as “worth
every penny”.(đáng giá)
If I’m not mistaken, about 2 weeks ago, my 5-year-old phone started showing
some technical glitches ( trục trặc) and errors and a spotty ( ko tốt) cell phone
signal. I tried to take it to the phone repair shop but it was beyond repair, So I had
no other choice but to buy a new one.
At the time, Apple just launched their latest phone model – the absolutely
gorgeous iPhone 13. Needless to say, it instantly caught my eye with its exquisite
( tinh tế) and sophisticated design. But what truly stands out on the iPhone 13 is
the cameras which produce exceptional photo quality. As a big fan of
photography, this dual—camera setup would come really handy ( tiện) for me.
However, it actually cost an arm and a leg (tốn rất nhiều tiền) and I knew I would
have to live on a tight budget (chi tiêu tiết kiệm) for several months to make up
for such a huge spend. But I wanted this phone so bad and I thought I should spoil
myself a bit after nerve-racking ( mệt mỏi) months of toiling away( làm việc vất
vả) at work and so I went for it( làm việc gì đó một cách quyết đoán)
Now looking back, I believe I made the right decision as this phone has improved
my life immensely to the point that it has become pretty much indispensable ( ko
thể thiếu) . I no longer have to put up with ( chịu đựng) the slow speed, the poor
battery life and the constant app crashes. I can now perform literally and task on
my phone smoothly and quickly so it would not be an overstatement to say that
this phone is an absolute life-saver( vị cứu tinh)

Well, to be honest, I am a frugal spender (người chi tiêu tiết kiệm) who never
gets the idea of blowing money on unnecessary things (tiêu tiền hoang phí) . But
recently, I couldn’t help overspending (tiêu tiền nhiều hơn dự tính) on a new
It was around my birthday time, but also it was time to get a gift for myself. After a long year of hard
study, I felt it was time to spoil myself a little bit.

If I’m not mistaken, about 2 months ago, my 3-year-old phone started showing
some technical glitches ( trục trặc) and errors and a spotty ( ko tốt) cell phone
signal. I tried to take it to the phone repair shop but it was beyond repair and I
knew it was time for an upgrade . So, I carefully saved up money throughout the year so make sure
I could provide this for myself at the end of the year. The day before my birthday I went to the Apple
Store. At the time, Apple just launched their latest phone model –iPhone 11.
Needless to say, it instantly caught my eye with its exquisite ( tinh tế) and
sophisticated design. I knew it was going to be a lot of money but I was aware that those
products last for a very long time, that’s why I decided to get it. Now looking back, I believe I
made the right decision as this phone has improved my life immensely to the
point that it has become pretty much indispensable ( ko thể thiếu)

Alright I am going to talk about a memorable ad that I remember well, although it
was aired( phát sóng) quite a while ago. The advertisement is about Comfort, a
brand of fabric softener( nước xả vải) made by a company called Unilever.
Honestly, I am not entirely sure when I first saw this advertisement. If I’m not
mistaken, it was a couple of years ago when TV commercials( quảng cáo trên
truyền hình) were in their prime. ( trên thời kỳ đỉnh cao)
The most interesting thing about this ad is its meaningful message. While other
commercials( quảng cáo) at the time tended to be short and focused on
humor( hài hước) to attract customers, Unilever paid attention to the content
and built a story around Lily, a caring housewife, and Andy, a famous rock star.
Despite his fame( danh tiếng, nổi tiếng) and success, Andy never forgets his
family, because deep down( trong sâu thẳm) he always feels his partner’s love
just from the smell of Comfort’s long-lasting freshness( tươi mát dài lâu). The
company even created a series of ads, instead of just one, to deliver( truyền tải)
the message better. I think this was a costly but effective strategy, as Comfort
soon became a household name( cái tên quen thuộc) after this campaign.

I would like to describe my favorite weather which is winter. This type is usually
disliked by all, albeit( mặc dù) there is something that I appreciate( đánh giá cao)
about it.
The peak of winter around the time of Christmas is the most amazing. This type of
weather makes me wanna cuddle the blanket( trùm chăn) and have the most
amazing coffee in my city.
This weather should be around the end of September till the initial( đầu năm) few
weeks of January
As I have mentioned before, having coffee is my favorite thing to do during this
season. Furthermore, I love to have the hot chocolate my mother makes
There is some form of positive vibration( rung động tích cực) that I receive in this
type of season. Every time I go out of my house the chilling weather just lifts my
mood up.
This weather gives me more reason to just stay in my bed and read books. This is
the season I look forward to the most since it's when I can do the most fun things
and have the most thrilling( thú vị) experiences.
This time of year helps me feel refreshed in a way that brings me a renewed
sense of joy and vitality( vui vẻ và tràn đầy sức sống). During this time of the
year, I experience the biggest happiness.

I am going to talk about a book that l’ve read recently. It is a Vietnamese coming-
of-age( lứa tuổi mới lớn) novel called “Blue Eye”. The novel revolves around an
unrequited( đơn phương) love story between Ngạn, a country boy, and Hà Lan,
his neighbor, childhood friend and lifelong crush.

Ngạn and Hà Lan grow up together in a remote village in the Central region of
Vietnam. Ngạn develops a strong love, which later becomes obsession, towards (
hướng về) Hà Lan, the girl whose eyes he adores( si mê) since the very first time
they meet. Although they spend their childhood and adolescence( tuổi niên
thiếu) together, they later lead a very different life during their
adulthood( trưởng thành). While Ngạn still cherishes( ấp ủ) the slow-paced
life( nhịp sống chậm) of his village, Hà Lan fails to resist( không cưỡng lại) the
allure( hấp dẫn) and glamour of the city life. She ends up falling in love with a
playboy named Dũng, has a baby with him and leaves the child under the
protection of her grandmom. Ngạn raises her daughter like his own child just to
realise at the end of the story that he is just trying to create another version of his
beloved Hà Lan.
I really love this novel since I can see parts of younger self in it.

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