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I Fiddausi Shuaibu Yunusa with registration number (HND/BMC/19/0054),

hereby declare that this work is the product of my own research effort, undertaken
under the supervision of MALAM SHAFI’U NAFI’U and has not been presented
and will not be presented elsewhere for the award of any certificate. All sources
have been duly acknowledged.

Fiddausi Shuaibu Yunusa Date



This project is dedicated to Almighty Allah who has given me the opportunity and
guidance through every stage of my life and academic persuit, also to my parents
for their moral and financial support toward successful completion of this program
and the entire Muslim Ummah.


My profound gratitude to Almighty Allah, the omnipotent and omnicompetent,

who gave me the ability, capability and strength to withstand the stresses involved
in carrying out this work. Without Him, it won’t have been a reality.

I wish to express my utmost gratitude to my amiable supervisor Malam Shafi’u

Nafi’u, for his fatherly advice, guidance and assistance at ensuring that the
outcome of this project meet required standard.

I acknowledge with sense of humility the contribution of the Head of Department

of Life Science, Kano State Polytechnic, Dr. Badamasi Inuwa and Special thanks
to my level coordinator as well as other lecturers of the Department of Life
Science, Kano State Polytechnic.

I also appreciate the assistance rendered by Malam Muatapha BUK, Malam

Mubarak and MLS Jabir Junaidu Aujara.

With much humbleness and sincere humility, my deepest gratitude goes to my

parents: Late Shu’aibu Muhd (May his gentle soul rest in perfect peace) and
Halima Umar as well as my entire siblings and relatives for their continuous moral
and financial support and encouragement. Your prayers always keep me going
toward success. May Allah (SWA) reward you with jannatul firdaus, Amiin.

Finally, special thanks to my brothers and sisters, friends and colleagues especially
Muhd Sunusi, Dr. Muhd Jamilu Aisha Shuaibu, Fatima Shuaibu, Musa Shuaibu,
Umar Shuaibu and Maryam Shuaibu for the assistance they rendered during the
course of my study.


Insect repelling products such as mosquito incense, liquid vaporizers, creams and
aerosol sprays are used to prevent mosquito bites so as to prevent diseases like
malaria, filariasis, and dengue. Traditional use of plant-based repellents has been in
practice for decades in an attempt to protect against mosquitoes. This study was
carried out to investigate the toxicological effects of four brands of mosquito
repellants (mosquito coil, shooter, orange peel and eucalyptus) on selected
biochemical and histological profile of adult wister rats. Fifteen (15) adult wister
rats were randomly divided into five (5) groups. Group V were considered as
negative control while group I, II, III and IV were challenged with the brands of
mosquito repellants smoke for 8 hours daily by inhalation for 21 days. Laboratory
investigations were carried out using standard protocols. It was observed that the
activities of the liver enzymes (Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT), Aspartate
Aminotransferase (AST) and Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) increased significantly
(p<0.05) in all the experimental rats when compared with the control. The
histopathological alterations examined in the liver tissues of the experimental rats
during the study period include mild necrosis, mild degeneration of hepatocytes
and cellular infiltration from group II, III and IV respectively. Lung tissues of the
challenged rats of group I, II, and IV revealed mild cellular infilterations around
alveolar septa, hyperplasia and bronchiolar epithelial wall degeneration
respectively. Kidney tissues revealed glomeruli distortion, mild haemorrhage and
renal damage from group IV and V respectively. The alterations examined in the
liver, kidney and lung tissues of the experiment rats were period dependent but
independent of mosquito sticks brands which inferred that continuous exposure to
mosquito repellants smoke by inhalation has the potentials to facilitate different
pathological effect with multiple organs toxicity in the long run.

Table of Contents
CHAPTER ONE..........................................................................................................................8
1.0 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................8
1.1 STATEMENT OF RESEARCH PROBLEM........................................................................9
1.2 JUSTIFICATION................................................................................................................10
1.3 AIM AND OBJECTIVES...................................................................................................10
1.3.1 AIM...................................................................................................................................10
1.3.2 OBJECTIVES...................................................................................................................10
1.4 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY....................................................................................11
1.5 HYPOTHESIS.....................................................................................................................11
CHAPTER TWO.......................................................................................................................12
2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW....................................................................................................12
2.1 Synthetic repellents..............................................................................................................16
2.1.1 DEET................................................................................................................................17
2.1.2 Permethrin.........................................................................................................................18
2.2.1 PMD and lemon-scented eucalyptus................................................................................18
2.2.2 Citronella..........................................................................................................................20
2.2.3 Neem and methyl jasmonate.............................................................................................21
2.2.4 Essential oils.....................................................................................................................22
CHAPTER 3..............................................................................................................................25
3.0 MATERIAL TEST..............................................................................................................25
3.1 EXPERIMENTAL RATS...................................................................................................25
3.2 DETERMINATION OF PHYSICAL CHANGE IN ANIMAL..........................................26
3.3 EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN AND PROCEDURE.............................................................26
3.4 BLOOD SAMPLE COLLECTION.....................................................................................27
3.5 BIOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS.............................................................................................27
3.5.1 Procedure for the test (ALP).............................................................................................27

3.5.2 Procedure for the test (AST).............................................................................................27
3.5.3 Procedure for the test (ALT).............................................................................................28
3.6 HISTOPATHOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION...................................................................28
3.7 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS...............................................................................................28
CHAPTER FOUR.....................................................................................................................30
4.0 RESULT..............................................................................................................................30
4.3 Histological Analysis...........................................................................................................32
CHAPTER FIVE.......................................................................................................................37
DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION...............................................37
5.1 DISCUSSION......................................................................................................................37
5.2 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION..................................................................39



Insect repelling products such as mosquito incense, liquid vaporizers, creams and aerosol sprays
are used to prevent mosquito bites so as to prevent diseases like malaria, filariasis, and dengue.
Traditional use of plant-based repellents has been in practice for decades in an attempt to protect
against mosquitoes. Ethno botanical information on the use of plants as repellents is a useful tool
for the development of new products (Maia and Moore, 2011).

The active ingredient in mosquito coil is pyrethrum powder which is highly popular with low
income people in Asia, African and south America (weili et al., 2003). Effect of burning one
mosquito coil is equivalent to 75 to 137 cigarette (Chen et al., 2008). The gas phase of mosquito
stick smoke have been reported to contain carbonyl compounds (formaldehyde and acetaldehyde
with properties that can produce strong irriting effect on the upper respiratory tract (Garbar et
al., 2007a).

Rats exposed to mosquito smoke had high level of urea and creatinine, which were then followed
by a large rise in white blood cell count (Garba et al., 2007). Number of blood cells (Garba et al.,

Mosquito and parasites that are resistance to treatment strains have made it possible to look for a
new iteams. (Nwane et al. 2009).

Orange peel primary placed in the trash, where they inevitable make their ways into wasteful
mounds. Product curiously the chemical composition of the peel has medicinal effect (muhtadi et
al., 2015). Phenolic compound and vitamins C are abundant in oranges substance include
flavonoids and pectin, narirutin, naringin, eriocitrin, and hesperidin. The peels are commonly
used as a mosquito repellant. However, are not being updated for commercial production
collected, dried and used locally as repellants.

The leaf of eucalyptus can produce essential oil have many pharmacologcal aids of asthma
reducing inflammation, wound healthy burn, ulcer, acne and diabetes (Agarwal and lakshmi,

Kim et al (2018) showed that eucalyptus smoke particles caused greater lung neutrophilic
inflammation in mice. Saponins, tannins, steroids and flavonoids have been found inthe leaf
extract of eucalyptus. Alkaloids and flavonoids possess antimicrobial activity (Sartorelli et al,


Animal studies with long term exposure to mosquito coil showed abnormal growth of skin cells,
poor weight gain, lung, Liver and kidney damage as well as respiratory effect due to the
exposure of the smoke.

It has also been reported that the toxicity of mosquito coil smoke is caused by its combustion
products such as sub-micron particles coated with heavy metals, allethrin and a wide vapor like
phenol, o-cresol, benzene and toluene.

It has been reported that results showed increased levels of alanine aminotransferase which could
indicate acute liver problems.


This study will be carried out to evaluate and compare the toxic effects of two locally used
mosquito repellents (dry orange peels and dry rice husk) and two commercial coil (Nigerian
brand company),containing 0.05% merperfluthrin, a mosquito incense and stick shooter contain
D -allethrin 0.3% and wood powder 99.2% as active ingredients


1.3.1 AIM

To determine the behavioural changes in experimental rats exposed to commercial and local
mosquito repellants


1. To determine the biochemical changes (AST, ALP, ALT,) in Experimental rats exposed to
commercial and local mosquito repellants.

2. To determine The Histopathological alternation in livers, lungs, and kidneys on Experimental
rats exposed to commercial and local mosquito repellants.
3. To evaluate the behavioral changes in Wister rats exposure to commercial and local mosquito


 To compare among local and commercial mosquito repellants which one has the high
toxicological effect in biochemical of liver, kidney and lung of albino rats.

 There is significant differences between commercial and local mosquito repellant



Parasites since antiquity (Khater HF, 2017) are a serious threat for millions of humans and
animals worldwide which bring about chronic debilitating, periodically disabling disease and are
responsible for the overwhelming financial loss (Khalifa NO et al., 2014). Mosquitoes (Diptera:
Culicidae) (Khater H, 2013) are among them as they can act as vectors for serious parasites and
pathogens, including malaria, filariasis, and important arboviruses, such as dengue, yellow fever,
chikungunya, West Nile virus, and Zika viruses (Benelli G, Mehlhorn H, 2016). Mosquito
control and personal protection from mosquito bites are the most meaningful measures for
controlling several life-threatening diseases transmitted exclusively by bites from bloodsucking
mosquitoes. Repellents evolved, dates back to antiquity; the Pharaoh Sneferu, reigned from
around 2613–2589 BCE and the founder of the fourth dynasty of Egypt, and Cleopatra VII, the
last pharaoh of ancient Egypt, used bed nets as protection against mosquitoes; the ancient
Egyptians used essential oils (EOs) for repelling insects, medicinal benefits, beauty care, and
spiritual enhancement and in literally all aspects of their daily life (Khater HF, 2017). Insect-
repellent plants have been applied traditionally for thousands of years through different
civilizations (Khater H, 2017). Such plants were used in various forms such as hanged bruised
plants in houses, crude fumigants where plants were burnt to drive away mosquitoes, and oil
formulations applied to the skin or clothes (Moore SJ, and Debboun M, 2007). Smoke is
undoubtedly the most extensively exploited means of repelling mosquitoes, typically by burning
plants in rural tropics and by utilizing spiral-shaped incenses like Katori Senk, an archetypal icon
of the humid Japanese summers (Islam J et al, 2017). Mosquitoes have been considered as a
major obstacle to the tourism industry and socioeconomic development of developing countries
particularly in the tropical and endemic regions (Lupi E et al., 2013). Mosquito problems are
ancient as old as the pyramids, and the presence of malaria in Egypt from circa 800 BCE onward
has been confirmed using DNA-based methods, and antigens produced by Plasmodium
falciparum leading to tertian fever in mummies from all periods were detected, and all mummies
were suffering from malaria at the time of their death (Khater HF, 2017). Herodotus noted down
that the builders of the Egyptian pyramids (circa 2700–1700 BCE) were given large amounts of
garlic almost certainly to protect them against malaria (Khater HF, 2017). Despite recent

considerable efforts to control vector-borne diseases, malaria alone produces 250 million cases
per year and 800,000 deaths including 85% of children under 5 years (Yadav NP et al, 2014).
Global warming has moved the mosquitoes on the way to some temperate and higher altitudes,
affecting people who are vulnerable to such diseases [Reiter P, 2008]. Recently, malaria is a
great problem in Africa, but it was well controlled in Egypt (Khater HF, 2017). Ahead of the
development and commercial success of synthetic insecticides in the mid-1930–1950s, botanical
insecticides were the leading weapons for insect control. Synthetic insecticides are distinguished
by their efficacy, speed of action, ease of use, and low cost. Therefore, they drove many natural
control methods as botanicals, predators, and parasitoids to shadows (Pavela R and Benelli G,
2016). Insecticidal treatment of house walls, in particular, could provide a very helpful reduction
of mosquito incidence, but such measures need financial and organizational demand, but poor
rural areas in endemic regions do not have sufficient resources for such costly protective
measures. Because of health and environmental concerns (Khater HF, 2012), there is an urgent
need to identify new nonhazardous vector management strategies that replace harmful chemical
insecticides and repellents. There are no vaccines or other specific treatments for arboviruses
transmitted by mosquitoes; therefore, avoidance of mosquito bites remains the first line of
defense (Pavela R and Benelli G, 2016). Hence, the use of the mosquito repellents (MRs) on
exposed skin area is highly recommended. Insect repellents usually work by providing a vapor
barrier deterring mosquitoes from meeting the skin surface. Insect repellents had been used for
thousands of years against biting arthropods. Several species of primates were observed
anointing their pelage via rubbing millipedes and plants as Citrus spp., Piper marginatum, and
Clematis dioica. Wedge-capped capuchins (Cebus olivaceus) were observed rubbing the
millipede Orthoporus dorsovittatus onto their coat during the period of maximum mosquito
activity (Weldon PJ et al, 2003). Such millipede contains benzoquinones and insect-repellent
chemicals, and it was hypothesized that the anointing behavior was intended to deter biting
insects. Laboratory studies revealed a significant repellent effect of benzoquinones against Aedes
(Stegomyia) aegypti (the yellow fever mosquito) and Amblyomma americanum (the lone star
tick). Such anointing behavior to deter blood-feeding arthropods is also common among birds,
and it could be genetically expressed as an “extended phenotype” as it has an obvious adaptive
advantage. Evidence for this lies in the fact that benzoquinones applied to filter paper elicited
anointing activity among captive-born capuchins (Moore SJ and Debboun M, 2007). The World

Health Organization (WHO) also recommends repellents for protection against malaria as the
resistance of Plasmodium falciparum to anti-malarial drugs such as chloroquine is increased.
Most of the commercial MRs are prepared using non-biodegradable, synthetic chemicals like
N,N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide (DEET), dimethylphthalate (DMP), and allethrin which may
lead to the environment and, hence, the unacceptable health risks in the case of their higher
exposure. With an increasing concern for public safety, a renewed interest in the use of natural
products of plant origin is desired because natural products are effective, environmentally
friendly, biodegradable, inexpensive, and readily available (Pavela R and Benelli G, 2016).
Repellent application is a reliable mean of personal protection against annoyance and pathogenic
infections not only for local people but also for travelers in disease risk areas, particularly in
tropical countries; therefore, this chapter focused on assets and liabilities, safety, and future
perspective of synthetic and natural MRs that could potentially prevent mosquito-host
interactions, thereby playing an important role in reducing mosquito-borne diseases when used
correctly and consistently.
2.1 Synthetic repellents

The history of synthetic repellents had been reviewed (Moore SJ and Debboun M, 2007); before
World War II, MRs was primarily plant-based with the oil of citronella being the most widely
used compound and the standard against which others were evaluated. At that time, the
emergence of synthetic chemical repellents starts. There were only three principal repellents:
dimethylphthalate discovered in 1929, Indalone (butyl-3,3- dihydro-2,2-dimethyl-4-oxo-2H-
pyran-6-carboxylate) patented in 1937, and Rutgers 612 (ethyl hexanediol), which became
available in 1939. Later on and for military use, 6-2-2 of M-250 (a mixture of six parts DMP and
two parts each Indalone and Rutgers 612) was used (Islam J et al, 2017). The event of World
War II was the primary switch on in the development of new repellent technologies because the
Pacific and North African theaters posed significant disease threats to allied military personnel.
Over 6000 chemicals had been tested from 1942 to 1947 in a variety of research institutions led
to the identification of multiple successful repellent chemistries. Such great aim established
several independent research projects that inevitably identified one of the most effective and
widely used insect repellents to date, DEET. From then on, several compounds have been
synthesized relying on previous research, which identified amide and imide compounds as highly
successful contact repellents. Among these are picaridin, a piperidine carboxylate ester, and

IR3535, which are currently considered DEET competitors in some repellency bioassays [Norris
EJ and Coats JR, 2017].
2.1.1 DEET

DEET (N,N-diethyl-3-methylbenzamide) is the standard and most effective broad-spectrum

insect-repellent component with a long-lasting effect on mosquitoes, ticks, as well as biting
flies, chiggers, and fleas. DEET was discovered as a mosquito repellent by the US Department of
Agriculture and patented by the US
Army in 1946. It was allowed for public use in 1957, and since then it has been a
standard repellent for several insects and arthropods (Lupi E, et al., 2013). DEET is the most
studied insect repellent and mainly used as a positive control to compare the efficacy of many
repellent substances. DEET has a dose-dependent response: the higher the concentration, the
longer the protection. DEET, 20–25%, is the conventional concentration used in commercial
products. The shorter protection time depended on the mixture as well (Lupi E, et al., 2013). In
fact, DEET plays a limited role on disease control in endemic regions because of its high cost,
unpleasant odor, and inconvenience of the continuous application on the exposed skin at high
concentrations (Deletre E et al., 2016).
2.1.2 Permethrin

Permethrin is a pyrethroid insecticide derived from the plant Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium. It

was registered in the US in 1979 as both repellent and insecticide. Recently, it is the most
common insecticide available for use on fabrics such as clothing, bed nets, etc. for its exclusive
role as a contact insecticide via neural toxicity and equally as an insect repellent (Islam J et al.,
2017). The protection offered against a broad range of bloodsucking arthropods with negligible
safety concerns ranked permethrin-treated clothing an important arthropod protection technique
especially when used in combination with other protection strategies as applying topical
repellents (Islam J et al., 2017).
2.2.1 PMD and lemon-scented eucalyptus

Compound p-menthane-3,8-diol (PMD is derived from lemon-scented eucalyptus

(Eucalyptus citriodora, Myrtaceae) leaves, and its importance as a repelling agent
is increasing due to its good efficacy profile as well as its natural basis. PMD is a

potent and commercially available repellent discovered in the 1960s via mass screening of plants
for repellent activity, for instance, lemon eucalyptus and Corymbia citriodora (Myrtaceae)
formerly known as Eucalyptus maculata citriodora. Lemon eucalyptus EO contains 85%
citronellal and is already used in cosmetic industries due to its fresh smell. It was discovered
when the waste distillate remaining after hydro-distillation of the EO was far more effective at
repelling mosquitoes than the EO itself, and it provides very high protection from a broad range
of insect vectors for several hours as well [Maia MF and Moore SJ, 2011]. The EO from C.
citriodora also contains active constituents like citronella, citronellol, geraniol, isopulegol, and _-
pinene which play important roles in repelling both mosquitoes and ticks. Such compounds
provide short-term repellency against mosquitoes, but PMD has a longer protection time than
other plant-derived compounds because it is a monoterpene with low volatility than volatile
monoterpenes found in most EOs and does not tend to evaporate rapidly after skin application
(Lupi E et al., 2013). There have been attempts to commercialize and market the
insecticides/repellent products containing eucalyptus oil as such or based upon them. Crude
eucalyptus oil was primarily registered as an insecticide and miticide in the USA in 1948, and 29
of such compounds have been registered in the USA until the year 2007 for use as natural
insecticide/insect repellent/germicide. Only four products of them have been active, whereas 25
have been canceled. These include Citriodiol, Repel essential insect repellent lotion (two
variants), Repel essential insect repellent pump spray, and Repel insect repellent 30 by the
United Industrial Corp., USA. Some eucalyptus-based products include the following:
Quwenling is successfully
marketed as an insect repellent in China and provides protection against anopheles
mosquitoes parallel to DEET and has exchanged the widely used synthetic repellent
dimethylphthalate; Quwenling contains a mixture of PMD, citronellol, and isopulegone.
Mosiguard Natural contains 50% eucalyptus oil, Buzz Away is a commercially available product
in China based on citronellal, and MyggA1 Natural is based on PMD from lemon eucalyptus and
is shown to repel ticks. More details are widely discussed (Batish DR et al., 2008).
2.2.2 Citronella

The name “Citronella” is derived from the French word “citronelle” around 1858. It was
extracted to be used in perfumery and used by the Indian Army to repel mosquitoes at the
beginning of the twentieth century and was then registered for commercial use in the USA in

1948. Today, citronella (5–10%) is one of the most widely used natural repellents on the market;
such concentrations are lower than most other commercial repellents, whereas higher
concentrations can cause skin sensitivity. Among plant-derived substances, products containing
Citriodiol showed the most effective repellent profile against mosquitoes. EOs and extracts
belonging to plants in the Citronella genus (Poaceae) are commonly used as ingredients of plant-
based mosquito repellents, mostly Cymbopogon nardus that is sold in Europe and North America
in commercial preparations (Maia MF and Moore SJ, 2011). Citronella contains citronellal,
citronellol, geraniol, citral, _-pinene, and limonene giving an effect similar to that of DEET, but
the oils rapidly evaporate causing loss of efficacy and leaving the user unprotected. Among
plant-derived substances, products containing Citriodiol showed the most effective repellent
profile against mosquitoes. For travelers heading to disease-endemic areas, citronella-based
repellents should not be recommended, but if efficacious alternatives are prohibitively expensive
or not available, the use of citronella to prevent mosquito bites may provide important protection
from disease vectors. Even though citronella-based repellents only give protection from host-
seeking mosquitoes for a short time (2 h), formulations could prolong such time (please see the
formulation section).
2.2.3 Neem and methyl jasmonate

The aromatic plants of the Meliaceae family which include neem, Azadirachta indica, Carapa
procera, Melia azedarach, Khaya senegalensis, and Trichilia emetic contain substances of the
limonoid group and insecticidal and repellent effects on insects (Pavela R and Benelli G, 2016).
Neem provided a protection of 98.2% for 8 h against An. darlingi. Regardless of being not
approved by US EPA for use as a topical insect repellent, neem is widely advertised as a natural
alternative to DEET, and it has been tested for repellency against a wide range of arthropods of
medical and veterinary importance. Mite Stop, based on a neem seed extract, had a considerable
repellent effect on bloodsucking mosquitoes, tabanids, ceratopogonids, simuliids, as well as
licking flies (Al-Quraishy S et al., 2012). Several field studies from India have shown the very
high efficacy of neem-based preparations, contrasting with findings of intermediate repellency
by other researchers. However, these contrasting results may be due to differing methodologies
and the solvents used to carry the repellents. Methyl jasmonate (MJ) is derived from the
nonvolatile jasmonic acid and has the ultimate vapor pressure for a repellent (0.001 mmHg at
25°C) which is quite higher than DEET. It repels only Cx. quinquefasciatus but does not repel

Ae. aegypti, An. gambiae, Phlebotomus flies, and Glossina morsitans, which restricts the
application of MJ to C. quinquefasciatus mosquitoes only. On the other hand, MJ has been found
to cause aversion in a number of ticks such as nymphal I. ricinis and Hyalomma marginatum
rufipes Koch, etc. (Bissinger BW and Roe RM, 2010).
2.2.4 Essential oils

EOs is used against insects (Khater HF et al., 2018) throughout the globe. EOs are distilled from
members of the Lamiaceae (mint family), Poaceae (aromatic grasses), and Pinaceae (pine and
cedar family). EOs could be used for farm animal protection against nuisance flies and lice
(Khater HF, 2009). Almost all of the botanical repellents are also used for food flavoring or in
the perfume industry, indicating that they are safer than DEET. The most effective oils include
thyme, geraniol, peppermint, cedar, patchouli, and clove that have been found to repel malaria,
filarial, and yellow fever vectors for a period of 60–180 mins. Most of these EOs are highly
volatile, and this contributes to their poor longevity as mosquito repellents. As a result, repellents
containing only EOs in the absence of an active ingredient such as DEET should not be
recommended as repellents for use in disease-endemic areas, whereas those containing high
levels of EOs could cause skin irritation, especially in the presence of sunlight (Maia MF and
Moore SJ, 2011). Although EOs effectively repel mosquitoes as irritants, repellents, antifeedants,
or maskants, unfortunately, relatively few have been commercialized, despite being widely used
in candles and as topical insect repellents. Botanical, herbal, or natural-based repellents include
one or several plant EOs. These oils are considered safe by the EPA at low concentrations but
provide a limited duration of protection against mosquitoes (<3 h). Citronella (discussed
previously) is the principal and sometimes only active ingredient in many plant-based insect
repellents (Khater H, 2013). Eucalyptus oil is used as an antifeedant mainly against biting insects
as eucalyptus-based products used on humans as insect repellent can give protection from biting
insects up to 8 h depending upon the concentration of the essential oil. Such repellent activity
could be extended up to 8 days when eucalyptuses EOs are applied on the clothes. Eucalyptus oil
(30%) can prevent mosquito bite for 2 h; however, the oil must have at least 70% cineole content
(Batish DR et al., 2008). On the other hand, E. citriodora EO alone showed an insufficient
protection against the three main mosquito species (Lupi E et al., 2013).


3.0 Methodology

A total of fifteen (15) adult rat was divided into five group of three rats each were been used. For
this research, the rats were procured from biological science department, Bayero University
Kano. Commercial mosquito coil super kill band and mosquito incense stick shooter company
Nigeria which were very much available in the market was used in the research, the band
contained 0.5% of Meperfluthrin and 0.1% D-Alletrin and mosquito incence stick shooter
contain D- trans allerthrine 0.3%. Wood powder 99.2%. Eucalyptus Citriodora leaves was gotten
from Gezawa in Kano, Nigeria. While the orange peels was accessed from an orange vendon at
Na’ibawa yanlemo Kano Nigeria and then the eucalyptus citriodora leaves and orange peel were
allowed to dry in a shade for eight days.

The experimental rats was divided into groups 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, and They were kept in
undisturbed cages of size 50.20cm by 30.40cm by 24cm with 5 meters distance to each other and
a cross ventilation for 8 hours daily for 21 days. The cages was covered all round with a wire
mesh and a window provided on top of the cages to allow for ventilations. Each group was kept
in a different room. The rats in group 1, 2, 3 and 4 was expose to mosquito coil, mosquito
incense stick shooter, orange peel, and eucalyptus citrodora leaves respectively for 28 days,
while those in group 5 as a control was not exposed to any mosquito repellent. The rat was
exposing to eight hours (8 hrs) daily by allowing the repellant slowly on top of a mesh wire
under which hot charcoal is provided throughout the research period in an attempt to minimize
average period of time that the repellants are used by human at night small clay bowl was used to
burn the charcoal. The rat in each group was examined in any clinical sign associated with the
exposure to the different smoke.

Table: commercial mosquito repellents and local mosquito repellents used for the research.


1 Mosquito coil Nigeria 0.5%
Super kill Merperfluthrin

2 Mosquito incense Nigeria D-trans allethrin:0.3%wood powder 99.2%.

Stick (Shooter)

3 Orange peel Nigeria

4 Eucalyptus citriodora leaves Nigeria


A total of fifteen (15) adult rat was divided into five group of three rats each were been used. For
this research, the rats were procured from biological science department, Bayero University
Kano. The rat was keep in a research laboratory in the department of pharmacology (AKTH)
and acclimatize for one week to adopt to their new environment and physiological parameters
was observed daily to rule out any ailment that may render them unfit for the research.

Commercial mosquito coil super kill band and mosquito incense stick shooter company Nigeria
which were very much available in the market was used in the research, the band contained
0.5% of Meperfluthrin and 0.1% D-Alletrin and mosquito incence stick shooter contain D- trans
allerthrine 0.3%. Wood powder 99.2%. Eucalyptus Citriodora leaves was gotten from Gezawa in
Kano, Nigeria. While the orange peels was accessed from an orange vendon at Na’ibawa
yanlemo Kano Nigeria and then the eucalyptus citriodora leaves and orange peel were allowed to
dry in a shade for eight days.


The weight of experimental and control rat was taken before and after the research of any
physical and behavioral changes such as; body weigh changes, loss of hairs, coughing and
sneezing as adop.ted by Muhammad Yakasai (2017)


The experimental rats was divided into groups 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, and They were kept in
undisturbed cages of size 50.20cm by 30.40cm by 24cm with 5 meters distance to each other and
a cross ventilation for 8 hours daily for 21 days. The cages was covered all round with a wire
mesh and a window provided on top of the cages to allow for ventilations. Each group was kept
in a different room. The rats in group 1, 2, 3 and 4 was expose to mosquito coil, mosquito
incense stick shooter, orange peel, and eucalyptus citrodora leaves respectively for 28 days,
while those in group 5 as a control was not exposed to any mosquito repellent. The rat was
exposing to eight hours (8 hrs) daily by allowing the repellant slowly on top of a mesh wire
under which hot charcoal is provided throughout the research period in an attempt to minimize
average period of time that the repellants are used by human at night small clay bowl was used to
burn the charcoal. The rat in each group was examined in any clinical sign associated with the
exposure to the different smoke.


At the end of the exposure period of 21 days, the experimental rats were put to sleep with
chloroform and prominent jugular vein was adopted by Nafiu et al, (2020). Blood samples was
collected from challenged and control group with heparanized plastic syringe, fitted with 21
gauge hypodermic needle


Liver function test

The blood sample was collected in lithium heparin bottles container for biochemical analysis.
Serum obtained by centrifugation at 5000rpm for 4mins was used to analyze Aspartate
aminotransferase (AST), Alkaline phosphatase (ALP), Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) activities
using randox kits as adopted by Ezenwaji et al. (2013)

3.5.1 Procedure for the test (ALP)

Firstly using the semi-automated spectrophotometer machine (Model: mindray BA-88A) we

used a clinical pipette and aspirated the reagent (RandoxALP) 5000µ/l into a plain clean dried
container, we then aspirated 1000µ/l of the serum sample into the 5000µ/l container and also
1000µ/l of distilled water was added into it. Then when the machine is set and ready for use it
then aspirated the prepared sample (combination of serum and the reagent) after four minute
(4min) of analysis a result was printed out.
3.5.2 Procedure for the test (AST)

Using the same semi-automated spectrophotometer machine (Model: mindray BA-88A) we used
a clinical pipette and aspirated the reagent which is two in number (RandoxAST). 4000µ/l was
taken from the first reagent and then added into a plain clean dried container, and then 1000µ/l
was taken from the second reagent. we then aspirated 1000µ/l of the serum sample into the
5000µ/l container and also 1000µ/l of distilled water was added into it. Then when the machine
is set and ready for use it then aspirated the prepared sample (combination of serum and the
reagent) after three minute (3min) of analysis a result was printed out.
3.5.3 Procedure for the test (ALT)

Using the same semi-automated spectrophotometer machine (Model: mindray BA-88A) we used
a clinical pipette and aspirated the reagent which is two in number (RandoxALT). 4000µ/l was
taken from the first reagent and then added into a plain clean dried container, and then 1000µ/l
was taken from the second reagent. we then aspirated 1000µ/l of the serum sample into the
5000µ/l container and also 1000µ/l of distilled water was added into it. Then when the machine
is set and ready for use it then aspirated the prepared sample (combination of serum and the
reagent) after three minute (3min) of analysis a result was printed out.


The biopsies of rats liver was conducted using the method described by Auwiora (2010). The
organs were fixed with 10% neutral buffered formalin, dehydrated with ascending grade of
alcohol(70%, 80%, 90% and 100%)cleaned with xylen, embedded in molten paraffin wax. The
tissue blocks was sectioned using a microtome (HistoCore149 Multicutmodel). The section
tissues were stain with Haematoxylin and Eosin (H and E) stains. The stain slides were examine
for histopathological lesions using light-camera microscope (LEICA DM 2500 model).

3.6.1 Fixation

The tissues were excised, rinsed with deionised water. Care was taken to preserve shape,
structure and chemical constituents of the cells and tissue even after death. Preservation was
carried out using 10% neutral buffered formalin as the compound fixative for histological
3.6.2 Tissue Processing

An automatic tissue processor was used. The selected tissues were dehydrated, cleared,
impregnated and embeded in paraffin wax. Dehydration involve passing the tissues through
increasing strengths of alcohol, starting from 70% through 90% to absolute I and absolute II for
one hour in each case. Clearing was carried out to achieve de-alcoholization. The tissues were
passed through two changes of toluene for an hour in each change. During impregnation, the
clearing agent was eliminated from the tissues while molten paraffin was used to replace it.
These was achieved by passing of the cleared tissue through changes of paraffin wax molten at
54°C for an hour in each case. The final processing stage was the embedding of tissues in
paraffin wax. (This is necessary to hold the tissue in position and ensure that tissues will not
crumble during sectioning). The processed tissues were rendered stiff enough for sectioning.
3.6.3 Tissue Sectioning

The Tissue blocks were sectioned using a microtome (HistoCore 149 Multicut) manufactured by
Leica Biosystems, Care was taken to ensure that the gauge controlling the thickness of sections is
properly set. The thickness of sections was set at 15μm. The microtome was set to produce a
cutting rhythm that will form a ribbon of about 1.5cm long. The sections were spread out in a
water bath at 45°C. The sections were successfully attached to the slide using bovine albumen

adhesive. Slides was prepared and incubated at 50°C to dry and fix the sections. The slides were
then ready for staining after three hours.
3.6.4 Staining of Sections

The sectioned tissues were stained with Haematoxylin and Eosin (H and E) stains. The stained
slides were examined for histopathological lesions using light-camera microscope (LEICA DM
2500 model). From each sample, 3 sections of each tissue were examined by light microscope
for the presence of histological alterations. Microtome sections (5μm) were stained with
Haematoxylin and Eosin stains, examined with Leica DM 750 microscope and
photomicrographed with LEICA ICE 50 HD camera.

Statistical analysis was carried out using IBM SPSS statistical software. The results was
expressed as mean(±SEM) using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). T-test was used to
compare the significance difference between commercial and local mosquito repellant
Differences were consider significant at p<0.05.



4.1 Toxicological implication of inhaled local and commercial mosquito repellants on Mean
Body Weight.
During the study period, there was significant difference (p<0.05) between the mean body
weight of the rats challenged with local and commercial mosquito repellants smoke when
compared to the control group which recorded increase in weight (Table 1). With regards to the
physical and behavioural changes at the beginning of the treatment, the experimental rats were
examined to be active, with normal feeding on the first day. However, after 2 weeks exposure
feeding habit decreased with regular sneezing, coughing and body weakness which continued for
the remaining period of exposure. None of the above behavioural changes was observed in the
control group.

Table 1: Mean Weight of Experimental rats before and after exposure to Mosquito repellant

Group ID Mean weight Mean weight after Mean weight gain/loss

before exposure exposure after exposure
G1 161.2 ± 1.91 147.3 ± 0.11 13.90 ± 1.80

G2 140.0 ± 0.61 133.89 ± 0.67 - 6.11 ± 0.06

G3 152.11 ± 1.21 141.7 ± 1.78 - 10.41 ± 0.57

G4 245.10 ± 0.01 230. 10 ± 0.52 - 15.00 ± 0.51

G5 (Control) 176.3 ± 0.21 178.57 ± 1.10 - 2.27 ± 0.89

4.2 Biochemical Analysis
The mean liver AST of the experimental rats increased at 28 days when challenged to different
brands of mosquito incense sticks smoke (Table 2). Lowest activity was obtained in the control
group of 46.6±0.95U/L and the highest of 71.7 ± 0.57U/L was obtained in group IV. The AST
activity between control and treatment did not differ significantly (P>0.05). The activity ALT
was highest (78.3 ± 5.51U/L) in experimental rats challenged in group IV (Table 2). The lowest
values were observed at Group I, II, and Group III which were 45.0 ± 2.00U/L, 54.0 ± 2.00U/L
and 66.3 ± 2.08U/L respectively as against the control value of 34.7 ± 0.61U/L. Statistically
there was no significant difference between the groups (P>0.05). The activity of ALP also show
no mosquito repellants dependent in which the highest value obtained at Group IV of 68.0 ±
1.00u/l followed by the Group III with 62.7 ± 1.15u/l and Group II 55.0 ± 1.00u/l respectively as
against the lowest value from the control group of 42.8 ± 0.38u/l. The value obtained differed
significantly (P<0.05).

Table 2: Mean Concentrations of Biochemical Indices of Experimental Rats Exposed to different

Mosquito Repellants.


Group 1 53.0 ± 1.00a 45.0 ± 2.00a 49.3 ± 1.53a

Group 11 60.0 ± 1.00a 54.0 ± 2.00a 55.0 ± 1.00a

Group 111 66.7 ± 1.53a 66.3 ± 2.08a 62.7 ± 1.15a

Group 1V 71.7 ± 0.57a 78.3 ± 5.51a 68.0 ± 1.00a

Group V (Control) 46.6 ± 0.95a 34.7 ± 0.61a 42.8 ± 0.38a

Table 3: behavioral changes on experimental rats

AST GROUPS G1 AND G2 2 56.50 ± 4.94
G3 AND G4 2 69.17 ± 3.53
ALT GROUPS G1 AND G2 49.50 ± 6.36
G3 AND G4 72.30 ± 8.48
ALP GROUPS G1 AND G2 2 52.17 ± 4.01
G3 AND G4 2 65.33 ± 3.77

4.3 Histological Analysis

mosquito repellants smoke for 28 days revealed normal tissue architecture without any visible
lesion in the control samples (Plate K5) when compared with experimental groups. Glomeruli
distortion and mild haemorrhage and renal damage were the significant changes examined in the
kidney tissues of group III and IV rats. Statistically there is no significant difference (P>0.05)
between experimental samples.
Photomicrograph section of control rat’s pulmonary tissues showed normal alveolar sacs
architecture without any discernible lesions (plate lung 5). Nevertheless, mosquito repellants
smoke inhaled by experimental rats from group II, III and V revealed inflammatory cells
disruption around alveolar septa (plate lung 2), hyperplasia (plate lung 3) and degeneration of
bronchiolar epithelial wall (plate lung 4) respectively.
Liver tissue had normal appearance with normal hepatocytes, morphology, vacuolation and
hepatic cord arrangement in the control samples without any discernible changes (Plate Liver 5).
Histological analysis of the rat’s liver challenged with mosquito incense sticks s moke for 28
days showed mild necrosis (plate Liver 2), degeneration of hepatocytes (plate Liver 3) and
cellular infiltration (plate Liver 4) from group II, III and IV respectively.


Research findings revealed that liver enzymes (AST, ALT and ALP) in the blood of all the
experimental rats were altered significantly (P < 0.05) when challenged with mosquito repellants.
Increased activity of these hepatic enzymes when compared with control could be associated
with hepatic damage as reported by Idowu et al. (2013) and Abdullah et al. (2017). This might
be due to the effect of active ingredient in the mosquito repellants smoke allethrin or its by-
product pyrethrum derived from pyrethroid metabolism on the membrane phospholipids of
hepatocytes as obtained in group IV eucalyptus smoke. Allethrin has been reported to increase
membrane fluidity in a living cell which allows passing through cellular enzymes within the
extracellular matrix which facilitate transaminases activity in blood (Akunna et al., 2013 and
Abdullah et al., 2017). Similar observations were reported by Karthikeyan et al. (2006) and
Anvita et al. (2006) in mice, exposed to mosquito repellent mat vapour. In the present study,
increase in the activity of ALT, AST and ALP in the challenged groups mosquito repellants
smoke especially group II, III, and IV could also be attributed to hepatic injury, myocardial

infarction and cardiovascular diseases as reported by Narendra et al. (2007). This is in line with
the finding of Abubakar and Hassan (2007) who reported increased in liver enzymes (ALT, AST
and ALP) due to exposure to different brands of mosquito coil (Swam, Rambo and Cork) smoke.
Mossa et al. (2013) depicted that increased level of serum enzymes (ALT, AST and ALP) were
due to exposure to pyrethriod-based insecticides and combination of different pyrethriod-based
insecticides (Tetramethrin and Sumithrin). The increased activity of liver enzymes in the
experimental rats exposed to group I, II, III and IV might also be due to the presence of toxic
chemicals in mosquito repellants smoke that possibly interfere with catalytic interconversion of
amino acids and α- ketoacids by amino group in ALT as reported by Molina et al. (2005).
During the study period, liver histology of experimental rats revealed hepatic disruption
characterized by mild necrosis, degeneration of hepatocytes and cellular infiltration. The mild
necrosis could be due to intracellular accumulations within the liver tissues as reported by
Muhammad et al. (2014) and Abdullah et al. (2017). Histological alterations identified in the
liver tissues of group I, II, III and IV mosquito repellants smoke inferred that it contains toxic
compounds as reported by Sani and Ibrahim (2016). The hepatic cellular infiltrations examined
in group III could be attributed to the inflammatory reaction in the liver cells as reported by
Uthman et al. (2016).
Histological studies revealed mild lung damage evidenced by inflammatory cells disruption
around alveolar septa, hyperplasia and degeneration of bronchiolar epithelial wall in challenged
rats when exposed with group I, II, III and IV mosquito repellants smoke. Disruption of
inflammatory cells around alveolar septa, hyperplasia might be due to inflammatory processes
taking place as a result of irritation of pulmonary tissues by toxic chemicals from the mosquito
repellants smoke as reported by Idowu et al. (2013), and Ghani and Shahbaz (2014). Similar
observation was reported by Abubakar and Hassan (2007) in their work on toxicological effects
of some mosquito coils brands in experimental rats. The body weakness experienced by the
experimental rats may perhaps be due to toxic chemicals in mosquito sticks smoke. Abdullah et
al. (2017) reported the presence of carbon particles, heavy metals and aldehydes in the peripheral
region of lung
this leads to cellular injury and mucus membrane destruction in mice model exposed to mosquito
coil. In the present findings, degeneration of bronchiolar epithelial wall might cause reduced

oxygen carrying capacity of erythrocytes, leading to reduced cellular metabolism which may
explain the body weakness
experienced by the experimental rats as reported by Okine et al. (2004) and Yuonis et al. (2015).
Epidemiological studies have shown that long-term exposure to mosquito coils smoke can induce
asthma and persistent wheeze in children (Pankaj and Prahlad, 2004).
Damage to the kidney tissues with group III and IV mosquito repellants smoke could be due to
decline in erythropoietin production which leads to high urea within kidney tissue and could lead
to glumeruli distortion as reported by Nwanjo et al. (2005). This may perhaps revealed
degeneration of fat as a result of alteration in metabolic activities within the kidney tissues.
Similar observation was reported by Liu et al. (2003). Mild haemorrhage haemorrhage and renal
damage examined in the kidney tissues with group III may be due to Inflammatory response the
kidney cells are exposed to or due to the presence of irritant in the insecticides repellants such as
pyrethrins and sulphates which have been reported to induce inflammatory response in kidney
tissues (Abubakar and Hassan, 2006). Taiwo et al. (2008) reported severe multifocal congestion,
interstitial mononuclear cellular infiltration and wide spread fibrosis in kidney tissues of exposed
rats to mosquito coil.




 Research finding concluded that inhaling smoke from burning new brands of mosquito incense
stick containing meperfluthrin, pyrethrum and allethrin for long term may not be safe as it
revealed different pathological effect (biochemical and histopathological) in experimental rats.

 It is therefore recommended that further research should be carried out to assess the mechanism
of toxicity, reversibility or irreversibility of the damage.

 Further study should also look into the effects of the new brands of mosquito incense stick smoke
using other bio-indicators of pollution.


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