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Teaching Statement


As an educator at the University of Denver, my primary goal is to create an inclusive and

supportive learning environment where all students feel valued and empowered to achieve
their full potential. In teaching economics, I am committed to fostering diversity, equity, and
inclusion (DEI) through thoughtful curriculum design, inclusive teaching practices, and
active engagement with diverse perspectives.

Curriculum Design

My approach to curriculum design in economics courses is grounded in the belief that diverse
perspectives enrich the learning experience. To this end, I ensure that my syllabus includes a
broad range of economic theories and viewpoints, highlighting contributions from economists
of diverse backgrounds, including women, minorities, and scholars from developing
countries. This approach not only broadens students' understanding of economic concepts but
also underscores the importance of diversity in the field.

For example, in my introductory courses, I incorporate case studies and research from various
cultural and socioeconomic from various contexts. This helps students appreciate how
economic principles apply differently across the globe and within different communities. In
advanced courses, I introduce literature on economic disparities and policies aimed at
promoting equity, encouraging students to critically analyze and propose solutions to real-
world issues.

Inclusive Teaching Practices

Creating an inclusive classroom environment requires intentional strategies to ensure that all
students feel respected and heard. I employ several techniques to promote inclusivity in my

1. Active Learning and Engagement: I use active learning techniques such as group
discussions, debates, and collaborative projects to encourage participation from all
students. These activities are designed to draw on the diverse experiences and
perspectives of the class, fostering a richer understanding of the material.
2. Culturally Responsive Teaching: I make a concerted effort to understand the
cultural backgrounds of my students and incorporate relevant examples and references
in my teaching. This not only makes the content more relatable but also validates the
experiences of students from diverse backgrounds.
3. Accessible Materials: I ensure that all course materials are accessible to students
with disabilities. This includes providing readings in multiple formats, using
captioned videos, and ensuring that online resources are compatible with screen
4. Bias-Free Assessment: I design assessments that are fair and unbiased, using a
variety of methods to evaluate student performance. This includes traditional exams,
written assignments, and presentations, allowing students to demonstrate their
understanding in ways that suit their strengths.
Supporting Diverse Perspectives

One of the core aspects of my teaching philosophy is the active engagement with and support
of diverse perspectives. I encourage students to bring their unique viewpoints to class
discussions and create a safe space for expressing differing opinions. This is facilitated by:

1. Open Dialogue: I foster an environment where open dialogue is encouraged and

differing viewpoints are respected. This helps students develop critical thinking skills
and learn to engage constructively with ideas that differ from their own.
2. Guest Speakers and Panels: I regularly invite guest speakers from diverse
backgrounds and professions related to the courses I am teaching to provide students
with a wide range of perspectives on economic issues. These speakers share their
experiences and insights, enriching the learning experience and providing role models
for students.
3. Community Engagement: I incorporate community-based projects into my courses,
encouraging students to engage with local communities and understand economic
issues from the ground up. This hands-on approach helps students see the real-world
impact of economic policies and the importance of inclusive economic development.


In conclusion, my commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion in teaching economics at

the University of Denver is reflected in my curriculum design, inclusive teaching practices,
and support for diverse perspectives. By fostering an environment that values and leverages
diversity, I aim to equip my students with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in a
diverse and interconnected world. My ultimate goal is to empower all students to contribute
meaningfully to the field of economics and to society as a whole.

Aswin Rivai, PhD

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