CCCH 9044 Presentation Zhu Runze-3

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ccch 9044 presentation points

jewerly and 布品起源

what, why, how?

Hufu, Mili, jewelries

What to say:

Hello everyone, we are group 3. I am Zhu Runze Leon, this is xxx, xxx, xxx. Our topic
is Acculturation under Cosmopolitan: How did the accessories evolve under the
cosmopolitan attitude of Tang dynasy?

Tang dynasty was recognized as an Asian metropolitan converging Eastern and

Western culture throughout decades. It is a period when activities and events among the Silk
Road reached its peak, especially for the trade of art and culture. For example, Chinese
monk Xuanzang’s pilgrimage to the West and returned creating Da Tang Xi Yu Ji, signifying
Buddhism culture exchange. The extensive development of Dunhuang Mogao Caves,
transmission of artifacts and goods along the Silk Road further suggested the incessant and
perpetuate influence of exotic cultures to the Chinese society. In response, the Tang society
was overall inclusive and open to ethnic minorities by allowing the coexistence of various
cultures as well as embracing culture diversity, manifesting its cosmopolitan characteristic
and attitude.
Acculturation is defined as a process in which an individual or object adopts, adapts
and adjusts in accordance to a new cultural environment as a result of being placed into a
new culture, or when another culture is brought to it.
Tang society valued accessories to show their social status, standard of beauty and
cultural appreciation. While the increasing demand resulted in mass production and creation
of exquisite as well as fine accessories, these extravagant accessories have showcased
aesthetic and cultural elements as well as crafting skills different from traditional Chinese
Han-style accessories. Given the cultural background of Tang Dynasty, accessories are
believed to be one of the art products with a hybridized cultural identity.
In light of this, several questions are raised: How did the Tang society counteract to
these external cultures simultaneously? How did the cosmopolitan attitude shape a
hybridized cultural phenomena in the society? Are there any process of acculturation
We will focus on two major categories of Tang accessories in the following
presentation. The first section gives a general overview on the evolution of hat accessories
worn by women in the Tang dynasty. Followed by a critical analysis regarding the factors
leading to the phenomenon of women wearing Hu costume in the Tang Dyansty. Ultimately
unraveling the connection between culture, politics and the society while counteracting the
influence brought by new cultures that corresponds to acculturation; The second section
brings out the development of two Buddhist jewelries during the Tang dynasty, that is Yingluo
and xxx respectively. Originated from Central Asian regions, they have undergone a series
of change and development when it came into contact with Chinese culture. Hence, a
comparative analysis in terms of the change of aesthetic features will be carried out so as to
find out certain traces of acculturation. I will now pass my time to Carla and Carrie to talk
about hats and hu costumes during the Tang Dynasty.

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