Self Assessment Reflection - Edited

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Self assessment Reflection

Student’s name
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Due date

a. What did you learn about yourself from completing the behaviour profile survey?

i. What were your general impressions when you reviewed how you rated yourself?

One of the general impressions from rating myself was being honest and sincere. I realized that I was

not biased on any of the things despite the temptation to do so. The survey aimed to assist me learn

more about myself and I ensure that everything I mentioned is in line with my personality. The

assessment enabled me understand that I have both the strength and weaknesses. The impressive

thing about me is that the strengths were more than the weaknesses. Once I work on the weak areas

then I stand a better chance of reaching a point close to perfection.

ii. What were your three specific characteristics (1-30 on chart) of most strength?

Does this surprise you? Why or why not? (Support your findings with at least one


Good listener: Based on the assessment, I realized that am a good listener. Listening to others is

excellent and assists in maintaining good relationships with others. A good listener like myself is

more likely to be resourceful in cases where there is need for teamwork. As a good listener, I give

others time to air their views or opinions on different aspects before I proceed to weigh in on the

same. Besides the high score as per the assessment, I always ensure that I give others time to talk

before I share my thoughts on anything in the end (Mizner, 2015).

Being aware of other people’s moods and feelings: Understanding other people’s feelings and

moods is also another major area of strength I depicted from the assessment. I ensure that I read the

feelings and the mood of those around me before undertaking any duty. Persons like me who read

moods and feelings before any discussion is made are more bound to relate well with others in any

scenario that they find themselves in.


Being dependable: Whenever I work on anything, I always ensure that I stay on the job and doing

what is expected of me. In any organization, workers prefer working with individuals who can be

considered dependable. Once we agree with someone on anything then I ensure that I fulfill the

promise to the latter. Dependability is among the aspects that separate persons in a specific setup.

Dependability makes people to entrust in you in different scenarios or situations. When an individual

is not dependable most of the people will not waste their time and effort entrusting value aspects of

their lives with them.

iii. What were the three specific characteristics that would require further personal

and professional development? Does this surprise you? Why or why not?

(Support your findings with at least one citation)

Noticing and following appropriate rules: According to the assessment results, I noted that I am

very poor when it comes to noticing and following the appropriate rules. I occasionally ignore certain

rules and regulations while undertaking certain tasks. It is important to adhere to some of these rules

if I desire to achieve the desired outcome. Breaking rules can cost me in so many situations hence the

need to rethink about the same. For instance, when working as a group, there is need to follow certain

rules and I think I have not performed well in this area

Being the dominant person in a group: Dominance at times is helpful in a group. However, I noted

that I am the kind of person who prefers keeping a low profile in public. I believe that striving to be

outspoken and dominant in a group could assist me reap more from the same in the long run (Cheng

Zheng, 2022).

Being effective at initiating projects and innovative ideas: Planning is vital whenever working on

any project. I noted that I am not very effective as far as initiating projects as well as innovation of

ideas. Achieving desired goals is not easy if one lacks the knowledge and effectiveness in the

innovation of new ideas on the different aspects of life. I am confident that I will become a better

version of myself If I learn to initiate projects and innovate.

b. Comparing assessment findings to True Colours style.

i. Compare what you learned from the behaviour profile survey results to your True

Colours style.

Based on the behavior profile survey results, I noted that I lean more towards the greens. I fall in the

category because I value communication in every aspect of my life. I must also mention that I am the

kind of person who focuses on the future more than I do to the past. Once something is in the past

then I do not consider it as part of my life anymore but instead focus on the future. Furthermore, I

also realized that I strive towards perfection in everything I do. Perfection enables me to stand out

from others whenever I am undertaking certain tasks. Unlike other people who only perform certain

acts because they were them completed, I always ensure that each of the events or engagements I am

involved work for the best. I believe in refining things to realize the best outcome possible from each


ii. Where were the survey findings most consistent with your True Colours style?

How do you explain this? Where were the survey findings most inconsistent with

your True Colours style? How do you explain this?

The areas where the survey was consistent with my True Colours Style is communication. The survey

showed that I value communication and the Greens always ensure that they value communication in

different ways. Secondly, the survey was also consistent in the area of seeking to understand the

world. I am the kind of person who is ever committed to exploring new ideas and improving myself

in different ways. Exploration of new ideas helps me become better each day in life.

c. Compare the way that others rated you on the behaviour profile survey with how

you rated yourself.

i. Summarize what the others indicated in their ratings of you.

Others indicated that I value communication in my daily dealings. They listed communication as one

of my areas of strength. They also showed that I am very resourceful in coming up with the possible

ways of handling problems. Furthermore, they also showed that I am very honest in providing

feedback whenever involved in any situation. Feedback is important especially when one is dealing

with a team. Through the feedback, the team members will be better-placed to determine the way

forward or rather decision making.

ii. In what two categories (A-E on chart) were the ratings similar? How do you

explain this? (Support your findings with at least one citation)

The two categories where the ratings were similar is having the ability to communicate in a clear,

concise, and persuasive manner. The rating showed that I am an excellent person in terms of communicating

with others. I pass messages in a clear and concise manner to the intended audience or individual.

Communication is among the most crucial attributes of an individual in different setups ( Bell et al.,2021).

iii. In what two categories were the rating most different? How do you explain this?

(Support your findings with at least one citation)

The areas where the ratings were more different included noticing and following appropriate rules.

My friends ranked me highly in this area but from my assessment, I scored lowly in the same. I

understand that I am the kind of person who does not follow rules and regulations when doing

anything. Seeking ideas from others is another area where the rating was different. My friends felt

that I am strongly aligned towards seeking ideas from others but the score from my assessment shows

that am average in this area. Sharing ideas helps in building us to become better persons in handling

life situations (Haryanti et al., 2021).

d. Summarize what you gained from this assignment.

i. What did you learn about yourself that was new?

One of the new things I learned from the assignment about myself is my ability of analyzing

situations carefully before taking actions. I realized that I am good when it comes to working out

courses of actions before I undertake anything. It is common for people to rush in their decisions only

to make wrong moves. In-depth analysis of certain scenarios or situations is important to achieve the

desired outcome from the entire process. Secondly, I learned that understanding other people’s mood

and feelings is important in different situations. I realized that I am truly excellent in this area based

on my assessment as well as the outcome of other persons.

ii. What did you learn about yourself that confirmed what you believed about


I learned that I value communication and indeed confirmed the same to be true because of the

similar rating with my friends. Communication is a key element as far as working with others is

concerned and having a strong element of the same is key to building strong relationships at the end

of the day. I also learned that understanding other people’s feelings and mood is among my pillars of

strength and the same was observed by friends from their ratings or assessment.


Bell, N. R., Dickinson, J. A., Grad, R., Singh, H., Kasperavicius, D., & Thombs, B. D. (2018).

Understanding and communicating risk: Measures of outcome and the magnitude of benefits

and harms. Canadian Family Physician, 64(3), 181-185.


Chen Zeng, T., Cheng, J. T., & Henrich, J. (2022). Dominance in humans. Philosophical

Transactions of the Royal Society B, 377(1845), 20200451.

Haryanti, D. A., Margianti, E. S., Prihantoro, E., & Ohorella, N. R. (2021). The Effect of Knowledge

Sharing and Benefits on Sharing Intentions Through Social Interaction in Social Media

Groups. Int. J. Sci. Res. Sci. Technol, 8, 310-324.

Mizner, W. (2015). A good listener is not only popular everywhere, but after a while he knows

something. Listening: Attitudes, Principles, and Skills (Subscription), 3.

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