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1. What are the factors influencing in depth of exploration of subsoil?

The depth of exploration required, depends on the type of proposed structure, its totalweight, the size,
shape and disposition of the loaded areas, soil profile and the physical properties of the soil that
constitutes each individual stratum.
2. What are various methods of site exploration?
The methods commonly adopted for site exploration are:
Open Excavation - Test pits
Sub-surface sounding. (SPT & SCPT)
Geo-physical method.
3. Distinguish between representative sample and undistributed sample.
Disturbed soil samples do not retain the in-situ properties of the soil during the collection process.
Engineers do not consider these samples to be representative of underground soils except for geotechnical
testing that do not rely on the structure of the soil itself. Scientists commonly test disturbed soil samples
for soil type and texture, moisture content, and nutrient and contaminant analysis, among other
evaluations. Undisturbed soil samples retain the structural integrity of the soil and have a high recovery
rate within the sampler. Collecting a perfectly undisturbed sample is difficult and the sampler’s may
contain a small portion of undisturbed soil at the top and bottom of the sample length. Undisturbed
samples allow an engineer to determine the geotechnical properties of strength, permeability,
compressibility and fracture patterns among others.
4. List out the factor deciding the depth of soil exploration.
Type of structure
Load on structure
Size and shape of foundation
Position of loaded areas
Soil profile and its properties
5. What is the objective of soil investigation?
The objective of site investigation is to provide reliable, specific and detailed information about the soil
and ground water conditions of the site, economic design and execution of the engineering works.
6. Define standard penetration number.
The Standard Penetration Number (N) is equal to the number of blows required for300mm of penetration
beyond a seating drive of 150mm. Useful for determining the relative density and angle of shearing
resistance of cohesion less soils and UCC strength of cohesive soils.
7. Differentiate thick walled and thin walled sampler.
Samplers are of two types, Thick and thin wall sampler. Thick wall sampler Thin Wall Sampler It is used
for obtaining disturbed but representative soil sample it is used for obtaining undisturbed soil sample Area
ratio is greater than 10% Area ratio is less than 10%
8. When do you apply dilatancy correction in soils?
Dilatancy correction is applied to silty fine sand and fine sand below water table which develop pore
pressure that is not dissipated and affects the resistance of soil. Nc = 15 + ½ (N R -15), if NR >15
Where Nc = corrected N value NR= Observed N value
9.What are the information obtained in general exploration?
The following are the information obtained from the general exploration

The planning of the site exploration program: It involves location and depth of borings, test pits or other
methods to be used and methods of sampling andtests to be carried out.

The purpose of the exploration program: It is to determine within practicallimits, the stratification and
engineering properties of the soils underlying thesite.


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Differentiate disturbed and undisturbed samples. (May/June 2016)Disturbed soil sample:

Natural structure of soils get partly or fully modified anddestroyed.
Undisturbed soil sample:
Natural structure and properties remain preserved.
What are the limitations of static cone penetration test? (May/June 2016)

This test is unsuitable for gravelly soil & soil for having SPT N value greater than50. Also in dense sand
anchorage becomes to cumbersome & expensive & for suchcases Dynamic SPT can be used.

This test is also unsuitable for field operation since erroneous value obtained due to presence of brick
bats, loose stones etc.

Soil sample will not be collected by the Static Cone penetration test

If a small rock piece is encountered, resistance shown is erratic & incorrect.

Involves handling heavy equipment.

Write the uses of borehole report. (Nov/Dec 2015)


Gives the description or classification of various strata encountered at differentdepths


Used to record the water level


Used to record the water quality in deeper level

It recommends the suitable type of foundation, allowable soil pressure andexpected settlements

What is meant by significant depth of investigation? (April/May 2017, Nov/Dec 2014)

Exploration in general should be carried out to a depth up to which the increase in pressure due to
structural loading is likely to cause perceptible settlement or shear failure.Such a depth is known as
significant depth.

What are the functions of drilling mud? (April/May 2017, Nov/Dec 2014)
The main functions of drilling fluids include:i)

Providing hydrostatic pressure to prevent formation fluids from entering into thewell bore,ii)

Keeping the drill bit cool and clean during drilling,iii)

Carrying out drill cuttings, andiv)

Suspending the drill cuttings while drilling is paused and whenthe drilling assembly is brought in and out
of the hole.

Differentiate: Non-representative and undisturbed samples. (Apr/May 2015, Nov /Dec2016)Undisturbed


An undisturbed sample is that in which the natural structure and

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properties remain preserved. However

impossible to get truly undisturbed sample.Undisturbed samples are used for determining the engineering
and index properties of soil.
Non-Representative samples

In addition to alteration in the original soil structure, soilsfrom the other layers gets mixed up or the
mineral constituents gets altered.

Write short notes on water boring. (Nov/Dec 2016)

It is a popular method due to the use of limited equipments. The advantage of this is theuse of
inexpensive and easily portable handling and drilling equipments. Here first an openhole is formed on the
ground so that the soil sampling or rock drilling operation can bedone below the hole. The hole is
advanced by chopping and twisting action of the light bit.Cutting is done by forced water and water jet
under pressure through the rods operatedinside the hole.

How do you decide the depth of soil exploration? List the factors you will consider.(Apr/May 2010,
The depth of exploration required,i)

depends on the type of proposed structure,ii)

its total weight, the size, shape and disposition of the loaded areas,iii)

depth of influence zone,iv)

soil profile in horizontal and vertical directions andv)

the physical properties of the soil that constitutes each individual stratum.

What are the importances of site investigation? (May/June 2014)

Site investigations are generally important to obtain information useful for following purposes

To select the type and depth of foundation for a given structure


To determine the bearing capacity of soil


To establish maximum settlement


To establish ground water level and predict lateral earth pressure


How the depth of borehole is decided for various projects? (May/June 2014)

The depth of boreholes should be driven is governed by the depth of soil affected bythe foundation
bearing pressures.

The standard practice is to take the borings to the significant depth.


The depth the borehole as per this practice works out to be about 1.5 times the leastwidth of the
foundation from the base level of the foundation for square footing.Where strip or pad footings are
closely spaced which results in the overlapping,acts as raft foundation.

Hence the depth of boring should be at least 1.5 times the width of the entireloaded area. In pile
foundations, the depth of bore below the tip of bearing pile is


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taken as 1.5 times the width of pile group and for friction pile the depth of borefrom the lower third point
is taken as 1.5 times the width of pile group.

What is site reconnaissance? (May/June 2012, 2016, 2013)

Site reconnaissance is the first step in a sub-surface exploration programme. It includesi)

the inspection of the site and study of topographical features,ii)

the soil and ground water conditions andiii)

in deciding the future programme of exploration.iv)

Visit to the site, study of maps and other relevant records are done in this step.
What is the objective of site exploration? (May/June 2013)
The objective of site investigation is to provide reliable, specific and detailedinformation about the soil
and ground water conditions of the site, economic design andexecution of the engineering works.

List the field tests used in subsurface investigations. (Nov/Dec 2013)


Standard penetration test


Cone penetration test


Insitu vane shear test


Seismic test

Electrical Resistivity

What is meant by inside and outside clearance? What is its use? (Nov/Dec 2013)
Inside clearance, C = (D

x 100%Where, D
- Inner diameter of cutting edge D
- Inner diameter of sample tubeThe inside clearance is given to reduce the friction between the tube, by
allowing for theelastic expansion of the soilOutside clearance C


x 100%

Where, D
- Outer diameter of cutting edge;D
- Outer diameter of sample tubeThe outside clearance will help in reducing the friction while the sampler
is being drivenand when it is being withdrawn after the collection of the sample.

What are the factors affecting quality of a sample? (Nov/Dec 2010)

The following are the factors affecting quality of the sample.Cutting edge Inside clearanceOutside
clearance Inside wall friction Non-return valves

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Define Chunk samples. (May/June 2009)

Chunk samples are the hand carved samples obtained from the exposed portion of test pit, shafts and

What is Standard Penetration Number (N)?

The Standard Penetration Number (N) is equal to the number of blows required for300mm of penetration
beyond a seating drive of 150mm. Useful for determining therelative density and angle of shearing
resistance of cohesionless soils and UCC strength ofcohesive soils.

Define Area ratio. (April/May 2004)

Area ratio = (D

x 100Where D
= Inner diameter of cutting shoeD
= Outer diameter of cutting shoe

How will you reduce the area ratio of a sampler? (Nov/Dec 2005)
Generally samples will area ratio less than 15% are said to be undisturbed. Soarea ratio is reduced by
reducing the thickness of the cutting shoe.

What are the limitations of hand augers in soil exploration? (May/ June 2012)

Hand augers are not suitable for sands and gravels above the water table.ii)

The sample is disturbed and suitable for identification purpose only.

PART - B1.

Explain wash boring method of advancing borehole with a neat sketch and highlight thelimitations of the
(April/May 2019) (Nov/Dec 2017, 2014, May/June 2016)


Describe the principle and procedure of conducting subsoil exploration study using seismicrefraction
(April/May 2019) (Nov/Dec 2017)


Describe with neat sketch different types drilling adopted exploration works.

Write detailed notes on: (i) Soil samplers (ii) Bore log ' (iii) Geophysical methods of soilexploration (iv)
Factors deciding number and depth of boreholes.
(Nov/Dec 2018)


Explain static cone penetration test in detail.

(April/May 2018)


Describe the salient features of good sub-soil investigation report.

(Apr/May 2018)


Briefly discuss about the various types of boring with neat sketch.
(April/May 2017)


(i) Write short notes on bore log report with neat sketch.
(April/May 2017, 2016)
(ii) Explain in detail about the test procedure of static cone penetration test.

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Explain any two methods of soil exploration in detail.

(Nov/Dec 2016)


Explain in detail about the geophysical method of site exploration with neat sketch.
(Nov/Dec 2015, Nov/Dec 2016)11.

Explain various types of samples. Also discuss various factors affecting quality of samples.
(April/May 2017, 2014, 2013)


Explain with neat sketches about SPT and SCPT

(Nov/Dec 2016)


Assume that the blown count shown in Table 1 is an uncorrected blow count profileobtained for a silty
sand. Assume further that the energy recorded during these SPT test was332J, that the ground water level
was at the surface. Create the corrected profile for energylevel N
, the corrected profile for stress level N
and the corrected profile for silt content N'. Then create combined corrected profile for energy, stress
level, and silt content N

Assume relevant γ
(May/June 2015)
Table 1SPT ValuesDepth (m) 1.5 3 4.5 6 N measured 15 20 17 12Energy (J) measured 332 332 332 332

(i) Compare standard penetration test with dynamic cone penetration test.
(Nov/Dec 2014)
(ii) Distinguish between non-representative, representative and undisturbed samples andname the various
laboratory tests that could be conducted in each of these samples.(iii) Explain the terms inside clearance
and outside clearance for a sampler.
(Nov/Dec 2014)PART - C1.

Describe the salient features of good sub-soil investigation report.

(Nov/Dec 2016)2.

Write short notes on:

(Nov/Dec 2015, May/June 2013)

Selection of foundation based on soil condition


Disturbed and undisturbed soil sample

Uses of soil exploration

(i) Discuss briefly the methods of taking undisturbed samples in non-cohesive and cohesivesoils.
(April 2015)
(ii) A 70 storey building has an imprint of 35mx25m and will be supported on a matfoundation located at
a depth of 10m. How many boring would you propose and to whatdepth? Where would you place the
borings on the building plan view.
(May/June 2015)4.

Explain in detail the standard penetration test. State also the corrections to be applied on theobser
ved SPT ‘N’ value.
(April/May 2017, 2014)


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(i) Why SPT ‘N’ values recorded in sand at different depths are corrected for overburden
and submergence? How these corrections are applied?
(May/June 2016)

Explain the arrangements and operation of stationery piston sampler. State itsadvantages over other

Define net pressure intensity. (Apr/May 2019) (Nov/Dec 2016, April/May 2017, 2014,2013)
It is defined as the ultimate pressure per unit area of the foundation that can besupported by the soil in
excess of the pressure caused by the surrounding soil at thefoundation level.

Where q
= Ultimate pressure, q = net pressure, γ = unit weight of soil , D = depth of

List out the methods of computing elastic settlements.

(Apr/May 2019)

(Nov/Dec 2016)

Elastic settlement based on the theory of elasticity.


Janbu et al., (1956) method of determining settlement under an undrained condition.


Schmertman’s method by using CPT


What is meant by zero settlement foundation?

(Nov/Dec 2018)
A floating foundation is a type of foundation constructed by excavating the soil in sucha way that the
weight of structure built on the soil is nearly equal to the total weight of thesoil excavated from the
ground including the weight water in the soil before theconstruction of structure. Floating foundation is
also called balancing raft and causes zerosettlement to the structure.

State the requirements of good foundation.

(Nov/Dec 2018)

The design and the construction of the foundation is done such that it can sustain aswell as transmit the
dead and the imposed loads to the soil. This transfer has to becarried out without resulting in any form of
settlement that can result in any form ofstability issues for the structure.

Differential settlements can be avoided by having a rigid base for the foundation.These issues are more
pronounced in areas where the superimposed loads are notuniform in nature.

Based on the soil and area it is recommended to have a deeper foundation so that itcan guard any form of
damage or distress. These are mainly caused due to the problem of shrinkage and swelling because of
temperature changes.

The location of the foundation chosen must be an area that is not affected orinfluenced by future works or


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In what way the local shear failure differs from general shear failure?(Apr/May 2018)

General shear failure:1. It has well defined failure surfaces, reaching up to ground surface.2. Failure is
accompanied by tilting of the footing3. Load-settlement curve is clear4. Failure is sudden, with
pronounced peak resistance

Local shear failure:1. Failure pattern is clearly defined only immediately below the footing2. Failure is
not sudden & there is no tilting of footing3. Load-settlement curve is not clear


Define coefficient of settlement.

Coefficient of settlement is defined as the settlement taking place over a long period oftime.

Mention the important factors affecting bearing capacity of soils. (Nov/Dec 2017)

Nature of the soil and its Physical and engineering properties.


Size and shape of the foundation.


Total and differential settlements that the structure can withstand without functionalfailure.

Location of ground water table.


Initial Stresses, if any


Determine the immediate settlement under the foundation of dimension 12m x 24mthat exerts a pressure
of 150 kN/m
in sand. The value of E for sand is 60 x 10
.Take I

=1 and poisson’s ratio as 0.5.

(Nov/Dec 2017)
Given: B= 12m, q = 150 kN/m
, E = 60 x10
=1, µ =0.5Immediate Settlement =S
= qB (1-µ
= 150 x12 (1-0.5
)/ 60 x10
x 1= 0.0225 m = 22.5mm

Write down the components of settlement. (April/May 2017, 2016, 2014, 2013, Nov /Dec 2016)
The settlement of foundation base is (a) Elastic / Immediate settlement (b)Consolidation Settlement (c)
Secondary Consolidation Settlement

+ U ΔH
+ ΔH
ΔH = total settlement, ΔH
=immediate settlement,
= consolidation settlement,


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= secondary compression, U = average degree of consolidation.Generally, the final settlement of a
foundation is of interest and U is considered equal to 1(i.e. 100% consolidation)

Draw the contact pressure distribution diagram below rigid footing resting on clayand sand. (April/May
2017, 2016, 2010, Nov/Dec 2016 )
A rigid foundation has infinite stiffness and will not deform or bend, so it movesdownwards uniformly.
This would apply to a thick, relatively small reinforcedconcrete pad foundation.

What are the modes of failure of shallow foundations? (May/June 2016, Nov/Dec 2011)
Punching shear failure

Local shear failure


General shear failure


List various methods of minimizing total and differential settlement. (May/June 2016)
I. Differential Settlement:

Use raft foundation with a thick slab


Deeper underground space to reduce pressure on soil.


Transfer load to the stronger and not easily compressible soil with the foundationapplied such a piles,
caisson etc.

Method of repair of soil

increase in soil strength.

What is the allowable maximum settlement of commercial, industrial and warehousebuilding? (Nov/Dec
Allowable maximum settlement for

Commercial building - 25mm,

Industrial building - 38mm &

Warehouse - 50mm

What is the ultimate bearing capacity of a circular footing of 1.5m diameter resting onthe surface of
saturated clay of unconfined compressive strength of 100 kN/m
. TakeN
=5.7, N
=1, N
=0, D=0, σ =0 (Nov/Dec
Given: Diameter = 1.5m, Saturated clay,


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Unconfined compressive strength = q
= 100 kN/m
Depth =D = 0, σ = γD= 0
Cohesion=c= q
/2=100/2=50 kN/m
earing capacity = q
+ D =1.3x50x5.7 + 0 = 370.5kN/m


What is meant by ultimate bearing capacity? (April/May 2017, 2014, 2013)

The ultimate bearing capacity is defined as the minimum gross pressure intensity at the base of the
foundation at which the soil fails in shear.

What is the influence of size on bearing capacity of a surface continuous footingresting on a purely
cohesive soil as per IS 6403. (Nov/Dec 2014)
When C = 0, q
where N
=5.14Continuous footing = Sc = 1Surface footing = = dc = 1, ic = 1 for vertical load,q
= 5.14 cSo, bearing capacity of a surface continuous footing is independent of size.

What factors determine whether a foundation type is shallow or deep? (Nov/Dec 2016)April/May
2015)S.No Factors
1. Transmission of load2. Depth

width ratio3 Type of soil4 Load from structureShallow foundation - If the depth is equal to less than
depthDeep foundation - If the depth is greater than the width.

Why are bearing capacity equations for clay usually the undrained shear strength?(April/May 2015,
Nov/Dec 2016)
Skempton's equation is widely used for undrained clay soils:q
where, N
= Skempton's bearing capacity factor, which can be obtained from a chartor by using the following
expression: N

= γD (i.e. density x depth)

where, s
is a shape factor, undrained shear strength, s
and d
is a depth factor As perIS 6403Where undrained shear strength, c

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Say true or false and justify your answer: In Terzaghi’s bearing capacity theory, as
the shearing resistance above the base of the footing is ignored, the bearing capacity isindependent of
depth of footing.(Nov/Dec 2014)
False, Even though shearing resistance is ignored, the soil above the above the base ofthe footing is taken
as a surcharge (


What is spread footing? (May/June 2012, May 2014)

It is a type of shallow foundation used to transmit the load of isolated column, or that ofwall to sub soil.
The base of footing is enlarged and spread to provide individualsupport for load. Spread footing is a
foundation which transmits the load to the groundthrough one or more stepped footings. One spread foot
is pad. Two or more spread step isstepped footing.

What is cantilever footing? (May/June 2012)

Cantilever footing consists of aneccentric footing for the exterior column anda concentric footing for the
interior columnand they are connected by a strap or acantilever beam. Such footings are usedwhen it is
not possible to place a footingdirectly below a column because oflimitations of boundary or eccentric

What is the effect of rise of water table on the bearing capacity and the settlement of afooting on sand?
(Nov/Dec 2013)
The pressure of water affects the unit weight of soil. Hence bearing capacity is affecteddue to the effect of
water table. For practical purpose it is more sensitive when the watertable rises above depth 13 m from

What are the major criteria to be satisfied in the design of a foundation? (Nov/Dec2013)

Foundation design is based on providing a means of transmitting the loadsfrom a structure to the
underlying soil without

A soil shear failure, shear failure means that, it is a plastic flow and/ or alateral expulsion of soil from
beneath the foundation.

Causing excessive settlements of the soil under the imposed loads.


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Define punching shear failure. (Nov/Dec 2012)

Punching Shear failure occurs when there is relatively high compression of soil underthe footing,
accompanied by shearing in the vertical direction around the edges of thefooting. Punching shear may
occur in relatively loose sand with relative density.

Define safe bearing capacity (Nov/Dec 2010)

Safe bearing capacity is the maximum intensity of loading that the soil will safely carrywith a factor of
safety without risk of shear failure of soil irrespective of any settlement thatmay occur.

A footing was designed based on ultimate bearing capacity arrived for the condition ofwater table at the
ground surface. If there is a chance for raise in water level muchabove the ground level do you expect any
change in the bearing capacity, why?(Nov/Dec 2010)
The raise in water level above the ground level would not change the bearing capacityof the soil. Because
the soil under submerged condition when the water reaches the groundsurface. Therefore the water above
the ground level does not affect the unit weight of soil.

What are the allowable maximum and differential settlements for reinforced concretestructure transferring
load through isolated foundation resting on sand and plasticclay respectively. (Nov/Dec 2011)Isolated
foundation resting on(i) Sand
*Maximum settlement-50mm *Differential settlement-0.0015L [L-column spacing]
(ii) Plastic clay
Maximum settlement-75mm Differential settlement-0.0015L

Compare general and local shear failure.S.No General Shear Failure Local Shear Failure1
Well defined failure patternWell defined wedge and slip surfaces only beneath the foundation
A sudden

catastrophic failureaccompanies by tilting offoundationThere is no tilting of foundation. Slipsurface not
visible beyond the edges of thefoundation.
Bulging of ground surface adjacentto the foundation.Slight bulging of ground surface adjacent tothe
The load

Settlement curveindicates the ultimate load clearly.The load

Settlement curve does notindicate the ultimate load clearly.


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What are the limitations of Terzaghi's analysis. (May/June 2011)

As the soil compresses,
ϕ changes slight down ward movement of footing may not
develop fully the plastic zones. Error due to assumption that the resultant passive pressureconsists of three
components is small.
PART - B1.

(i) Determine the ultimate bearing capacity of a strip footing, 1.5m wide with its base at a
depth of 1m, resting on a dry sand stratum. Take γ = 17 kN/m
; Ф = 38
. Use IS Code
method. For Ф = 38
, Nq = 48.9 and Nγ = 56.2
(Apr/May 2019)(May/June 2016)
(ii) The following data was obtained from a plate load test carried out an a 60 cm squaretest plate at a
depth of 2m below ground surface on a sandy soil which extends upto a largedepth. Determine the
settlement of a foundation 3.0 m x 3.0 m carrying a load of 1100 kNand located at a depth of 2m below
ground surface.
(Apr/May 2019) (May/June 2016)
Load intensity, kN/m
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400Settlement, mm 2 4 7.5 11 16.3 23.5 34 45
(i) A strip footing of 1.5 m wide, resting on a sand stratum with its base at a depth of 1m.The properties
of the sand
are γ = 17 kN/m

= 20 kN/m

, Ф = 38

and c’=0. Determinethe ultimate bearing capacity of the footing using Terzagh’s theory of the ground
water table islocated at a depth of 0.5m below the base of the footing. For Ф = 38
, assuming general shearf
ailure Nq=60 and Nγ = 75
. (Apr/May 2019)(May /June 2016)
(ii) Find the net allowable load on a square footing of 2.5 m x 2.5 m. The depth offoundation is 2 m and
the tolerable settlement is 40mm. The soil is sandy with StandardPenetration number of 12. Take a factor
of safety of 3. The water table is very deep.
(Apr/May 2019)(May /June 2016)3.
With the help of a neat sketch, describe how plate load test can be performed? How bearingcapacity and
settlements of foundation are arrived in? What are the limitations of this test?(
Nov/Dec 2018)

Compete the safe bearing capacity of a circular footing 2.6 m diameter, located at a depth of2.0 m below
the ground level in a soil with unit weight
19.5 kN/m
, cohesion c = 22.5kN/m
, angle of shearing resistance
= 26°, factor of safety 2. 5. Bearing capacity factors for
=26°a as NC = 22.604, Nq = 12. 208 and Nr = 13.182. Find the permissible load per meterrun when the
water table 13 at great depth, at footing level and at ground level Use IS 6403 procedure. (
Nov/Dec 201


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A footing foundation of 3 m x 3 m is to be constructed at a site at a depth of 1.5 m belowground level.
The water table is at the base level of foundation. The average static cone penetration resistance obtained
at the site is 20 kg/m
. The soil is cohesive determine the safe bearing capacity for a settlement of 40 mm.
(Apr/May 2018)6.
Explain in different modes of failure of foundation soil.
(Apr/May 2018)7.
In the field, a soft normally consolidated clay layer exists for a thickness of 20 m the naturalwater
content, specific gravity of solids and the liquid limit of the clay are 40%, 2.7 and 60%respectively. The
ground water table is at the surface and the saturated unit weight is19.81kN/m
. The vertical stress increment at the centre of the clay layer due to the foundationload is 10kN/m
. Estimate the settlement of the foundation.
(Nov/Dec 2017).
(ii). Explain the factors governing the location and the depth of foundation. (
Nov/Dec 2017)8.
A strip footing 2m wide carries a load intensity of 560 kN/m
at a depth of 1.2m in sand. Thesaturated unit weight of sand is 18 kN/m
and unit weight above water table is 16.8kN/m
. The
shear strength parameters are c=0 and Ф=35° de
termine the factor of safety with respect toshear failure for the following cases of location of WT

WT is 3m below ground level, (ii) WT is at GL itself, (iii) WT is 4m below GL


WT is 0.5m below GL
(Nov/Dec 2015)9.
(i) A rectangular footing of size 1.5m x 3 m rests on a clayey layer at a depth of 1.5 m below ground
level. The load acts at an angle of 5
to the vertical and eccentric in the directionof width by 100 mm. The unconfined compressive strength of
the clay is 150 kPa. Determinethe safe load the footing can carry without the risk of shear failure. Adopt a
factor of safety of3. Use IS 6403 recommendations.
(April/May 2017)

Distinguish between Net Safe Bearing Capacity and Allowable Bearing Capacity.
(April/May 2017)10.
(i) A building undergoes a settlement of 20 mm in 2 years and the ultimate settlement ofthe building is
estimated to be 60 mm. Another building has a compressible layer underneath itsimilar to the other
building except that it is 25% thicker. Assuming that the average pressureincrease in both the cases is
alike, find the ultimate settlement of the second building. Also,compute settlement of this building in 2
(April/May 2017)
(ii)Enumerate the factors governing the selection of permissible settlement.
(April/May2017, Nov/Dec 2014)

Discuss in detail about the plate load test by reaction truss method with suitable sketch.
(April/May 2017, 2014)

(i) Differentiate : Safe Bearing Capacity, Allowable Bearing Capacity, Allowable BearingPressure.
(April/May 2017)
(ii) A circular concrete pier of 3m diameter carries a gross load of 3500 kN. The


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supporting soil is a clayey sand having the following properties C= 5 kN/m
γ = 18.5kN/m
. Find the depth at which the pier is to be located such that a factor of safetyof
3.0 is assumed. The bearing capacity factors for Ф =30
are Nc =30.1, Nq =18.4 and N
(Nov/Dec 2016, May/June 2015)13.
Draw Terzagh’s bearing capacity failu
re surface with all details.
(Nov/Dec 2016,

May/June 2015)
(ii)The results of a plate load test conducted on a 300 mm square plate at a depth of 1m on adry sand is
given below.Unit applied pressure, (kN/m
) 50 100 150 200 250 300 350Settlement (mm) 3 5 98 13 19 28 65Determine the ultimate bearing
capacity, the safe bearing capacity (F.S=3). The size ofsquare footing to be placed at the same depth and
to carry a load of 2500 N and thesettlement of the footing.
(Nov/Dec 2016,

May/June 2015)
(i).A rectangular footing of size 1.5mx3m rests on a clayey layer at a depth of 1.5m belowground level.
The load acts at an angle of 5° to the vertical and eccentric in the direction ofwidth by 100 mm. The
unconfined compressive strength of the clay is 150kPa. Determine thesafe load the footing can carry
without the risk of shear failure. Adopt a FOS of 3. Use IS6403 Recommendations.
(Nov/Dec 2014)
(ii) A raft foundation 10.5m wide and 12.30m long is to be constructed in a clayey soilhaving shear
strength of 11.40 kN/m
. Unit weight of soil is 15 kN/m
. If the groundsurface carries a surcharge of19.50 kN/m
, calculate the maximum depth of foundation toensure a FOS of 1.20 against base failure. N
for clay is 5.70.
(May/June 2013)PART - C

A strip footing 2 m wide carries a load intensity of 400 kN/m2 at a depth of 1.2 m in sand.The saturated
unit weight of sand is 19.5 kN/m and unit weight above water table is 16.8kN/m3. The shear strength
parameters are c = 0
and Ф =
35°. Determine the factor of safetywith respect to shear failure for the following cases of location of water
table. Determinethe ultimate bearing capacity of the footing, if the ground water table is located (a) at
adepth of 0.5 m below the ground surface, (b) at a depth of 0.5 m below the base of thefooting, (c) at the
base of footing, (d) at the ground level. Use Terzaghi theory.


Derive the expression of determining the ultimate bearing capacity of strip footing by
Terzaghi’s met
(Nov/Dec 2017)

Explain the Terzaghi’s analysis for determining the safe bearing capacity of the soil with
their assumptions.
(April/May 2017, Nov/Dec 2016)


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Explain different types of shear failures of soil with neat sketch.

(Nov/Dec 2016)

Explain in detail about IS code for computing the bearing capacity of soil with varioustypes of failure and
shape factor.
(Nov/Dec 2015)UNIT


Define contact pressure. (April/May 2019) (Nov/Dec 2017)

Contact pressure is the distribution of normal stress over the contact surface of two bodies.A foundation is
the interface between a structural load and the ground. The stress q applied by a structure to a foundation
is often assumed to be uniform. The actual pressure thenapplied by the foundation to the soil is a reaction,
called the contact pressure p and itsdistribution beneath the foundation may be far from uniform. This
distribution dependsmainly on:

stiffness of the foundation, i.e. flexible ~ stiff ~ rigid


compressibility or stiffness of the soil loading conditions - uniform or point loading.


What is floating foundation? (April/May 2019) (Nov/Dec 2017)

A building support on soft soil that consists of a stiff reinforced concrete slab whichdistributes the
concentrated loads by columns to the soil so that the pressure intensity onthe soil is nowhere more than
the acceptable amount.


Furnish the situations under which combined footing will be adopted. (Nov/Dec2018)
Following Situations can lead to use of combined footing preferred over isolatedfooting:-

When the columns of buildings are spaced very closely or the bearing strength ofsoil is less, this is done
to leave out differential settlement in building.

When the isolated footing cannot be provided due to less area, this generallyhappens in exterior part of

In high rise buildings combined footing is more preferred in some cases than theisolated one.

Calculate the efficiency of nine member square pile group u put Conversela
barre’s f
ormula if the centre to centre spacing in 2.5 times that of diameter ofpile. (Nov/Dec 2018)


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Explain the procedures for the SPT,SCPT and Plate Load Test. (Apr/May 2018)
The test uses a thick-walled sample tube, with an outside diameter of 50.8 mm and aninside diameter of
35 mm, and a length of around 650 mm. This is driven into the groundat the bottom of a borehole by
blows from a slide hammer with a mass of 63.5 kg (140 lb)falling through a distance of 760 mm (30 in).
The sample tube is driven 150 mm into theground and then the number of blows needed for the tube to
penetrate each 150 mm (6 in)up to a depth of 450 mm (18 in) is recorded. The sum of the number of
blows required forthe second and third 6 in. of penetration is termed the "standard penetration resistance"
orthe "N-value".

What are the circumstances necessitating combined footing?(Apr/May 2018)

In some cases, a column is to be provided near the edge of property and it may not be permissible to
extend the footing beyond a certain limit. In such a case, the load on thefooting will be eccentric and
hence this will result in uneven distribution of load to thesupporting soil. Combined footings under two or
more columns are used closely spaced,heavily loaded interior columns where individual footings, if they
were provided would beeither very close to each other or
overlap each other. This footing is called “combinedfooting”


What are the advantages of combined footing? (April/May 2017)

A combined footing supports two columns.

When a foundation is built close to an existing building or the property line, theremay not be sufficient
space for equal projections on the sides of the exterior column.

This results in an eccentric loading on the footing. It may lead to tilting of thefoundation.

To counteract the tilting tendency, a combined footing is provided which joins theexterior column with
interior column.

A combined footing is also required when the two individual footings overlap.

A combined footing may be rectangular or trapezoidal in plan.


Where mat (Raft) foundation is used? (April/May 2011, 2017, Nov/Dec 2016)

When the structural loads are heavy and the supporting soil is very weak or highlycompressible.

If the soil has very low bearing capacity.


In the bridging over weak spots or loose pockets in the underlying soil.
To minimize differential settlement.

If the individual footings cover more than half of the area then use of raft is moreexponential.


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In high compressible soil, if the settlement under individual footings are quite high.

What are the assumptions made in combined footing? (Nov/Dec 2016)


The footing is rigid and rests on a homogenous soil to give rise to linear stressdistribution on the bottom
of the footing.

The resultant of the soil pressure coincides with the resultant of the loads,then it is assumed to be
uniformly distributed.

When does strap footing preferred? (May/June 2016, 2015, 2010)

When the distance between the two columns is so great, so that trapezoidal footing isvery narrow and so it
is uneconomical. It transfers the heavy load of one column to othercolumn.

List out the types of footing. (Nov/Dec 2015)


Isolated footing

Spread footing or pad footings


Stepped footingII.

Strip / continuous footingIII.

Combined footing

Rectangular combined footing


Trapezoidal combined footing


Strap footingsIV.

Raft or mat foundation


What is meant by spread footing? (April/May 2017, 2016, 2014)

It is a type of shallow foundation used to transmit the load of isolated column, or that ofwall to sub soil.
The base of footing is enlarged and spread to provide individual support forload.

List and sketch different types of mat foundations. Which type of raft commonlyused?(Apr/May 2016,
2015, Nov/Dec 2016)

Flat plate

Flat plate thickened under column


Beam and slab construction


Flat plates with pedastals


Slab with basement walls as a part of the matThe commonly used one is Flat plate thickened under


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Indicate the circumstances under which combined footings are adopted. (April/May2015)
In some cases, a column is to be provided near the edge of property and it may not be permissible to
extend the footing beyond a certain limit. In such a case, the load on thefooting will be eccentric and
hence this will result in uneven distribution of load to thesupporting soil. Combined footings under two or
more columns are used closely spaced,heavily loaded interior columns where individual footings, if they
were provided would beeither very close to each other or overlap each other. This footing
is called “combinedfooting”.


Plate load test is not applicable for heterogeneous soils. Why? (Nov /Dec 2014)
If the soil is heterogeneous the bearing capacity calculated is either over estimated orunder estimated.

What is meant by partially floating foundation? (Nov /Dec 2014)

To execute a floating foundation, excavation is to be carried out till a depth D is reachedwhere the weight
of the excavated soil equals to the weight of the structure. In this case, theexcess superimposed load at the
foundation level is equal to zero and the foundation suffersno settlement.

If the full weight of the building = Q


Weight of the soil excavated = Ws


Excess load at the foundation level = Qe


In case of floating foundation Q =WsIn case of partially floating foundation, Qe has a certain value which
when divided byfoundation area gives the allowable bearing capacity of the soil. Qe /A =q

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What is safe bearing pressure? (May/June 2013)

It is the intensity of loading that will cause a permissible settlement or specifiedsettlement for the

What are the footings comes under shallow foundation? (Nov/Dec 2015)

spread footing or pad footings


strap footings

combined footings

raft or mat foundation


What are the footings comes under deep foundation?


Pile foundation

Pier foundation

Caissons (well foundation)


What is meant by proportioning of footing?

Footings are proportional such that the applied load including the self-weight of thefooting including soil
action are not exceeding the safe bearing capacity of the soil.

What are the criteria for allowable bearing capacity?

In conventional design, the allowable bearing capacity should be taken as the smaller ofthe following two

The safe bearing capacity based on ultimate capacity


The allowable bearing pressure on tolerable settlement.


What is allowable bearing pressure?

It is defined as the net loading intensity at which, neither the soil fails in shear nor thereexcessive
settlement detrimental to the structure.
When trapezoidal combined footings are provided? (Apr/May 2016)

When the projection parallel to the length of the footing is restricted on both thesides.

When the length of the footing is restricted.


What is the use of plate load test and write down the systems of loading on the plate?

Plate load test is a field test which is conducted to determine the settlement offooting at site and bearing
capacity of the soil.

Gravity loading system and reaction truss system are the systems of loading on the plate.

What is the function of strap beam in a strap footing?

The strap connects the two isolated footing such that they behave as one unit. The strapsimply acts as a
connecting beam.


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What are the methods of design for raft foundation?
Conventional method, Elastic method or soil line method

State the design requirement of a foundation.


The pressure coming on the soil from the superstructure should be below the safe bearing capacity of soil

The foundation must not settle more to damage the structure


The foundation is located such that loose fill, etc., are avoided.

The foundation is located such that any future influence does not adversely affect its performance

The foundation should be located below the depth of frost penetration


The foundation should be located below the constant moisture zone in highlyexpansive and swelling soils

The foundation should be located below the depth of scour.


What is a strip footing?

A strip footing is provided for a load bearing wall. A strip footing is also provided for arow of columns
which are so closely placed that their spread footings overlap or nearlytouch each other. In such a case
that is more economical to provide a strip footing than to provide a number of spread footings in one line.
A strip footing is also known ascontinuous footing.

List the limitations of plate load test.


Size effect

Scale effect

Time effect

Interpretation of failure load


Reaction load

Water table

Define modulus of subgrade reaction?

The ratio of soil reaction (p) to the deflection (y) at any point is defined as themodulus of subgrade
reaction Es or soil modulus.
PART - B1.
A trapezoidal footing is to be provided to support two square columns of 30 cm and 50 cmsides
respectively. Columns are 6 m apart and the safe baring capacity of the soil is 400kN/m
. The bigger column carries 5000 kN and the smaller 3000 kN. Design a suitable sizeof the footings so
that it does not extend beyond the faces of the columns.
(Apr/May 2019)(Apr/May 2018)


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Write the IS codal provision for design of raft foundation.

(Apr/May 2019)


Critically discuss the choices of different shallow foundations with different site conditions.State the
merits and demerits of each foundation type.
(Nov/Dec 2018)


Two adjacent columns are to be supported by a trapezoidal combined footing. The heaviercolumn carries
a load of 5000 kN and size of 500 mm x 500 mm. The lighter column carriesa load of 3500 kN with a size
of 350 mm x 350 mm. The columns are 6.30 m c/c. Takeallowable bearing capacity as 320 kN/m
. Assume the heavier column is on the property line.Proportion a suitable foundation.
(Nov/Dec 2018)


Explain the procedure for dosigning the P.C.C. strip footings.

(Apr/May 2018)


Design a square footing to carry a load of 1000 kN on a column 300 x 300 mmallowable soil pressure 200
kN/m2. Permissible stress 500 kN/m Use M20and Fe115 steel.
(Apr/May 2018)


Discuss briefly the various types of shallow foundation with simple sketches and under
whatcircumstances these foundation types are preferred?
(Nov/Dec 2017)


Proportion a strap footing for the following data. The allowable soil pressure for dl=reducedll is
150kN/m2 and for DL+LL is 250 kN/me. Centre to centre distance between the columnsis 5m and the
projection beyond column A is not to exceed 0.5m. The column loads aretabulated below.
(Nov/Dec 2017)

Loads Column A Column BDL 600 kN 750 kNLL 400 kN 880

(i)Explain the design procedure of a combined footing.
(April/May 2017)
(ii) List out the various factors consider in earthquake area.
(April/May 2017)
(ii) Explain with neat sketch different types of shallow foundations.
(May/June 2016,

Nov/Dec 2016)
(i) Explain the conventional method of proportioning of raft foundation.(ii) Proportion a rectangular
combined footing for two columns 5 m apart. The exteriorcolumn of size 0.3 m x 0.3 m carries a load of
600 kN and interior column of size 0.4 m x0.4 m carries a load of 900 kN. The allowable soil pressure is
100 kN/m
(May/June 2016)
10.Column loads on Column A and B are 1920 kN and 1500 kN respectively. Column B is a boundary
column. Proportion a trapezoidal footing. The allowable soil pressure is 200 kPa.
(April/May 2017, 2015)
11.(i)What is meant by floating foundation? List the different types. List the problems that
areencountered during executions. Also brief how they are manages.?
(April/May 2017)


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(ii) It is decided to provide a strap footing for two columns A and B as detailed below.Column loads: load
on a = 1500 kN, Load on B = 1450kN. Size of column = 0.5m, centereto centre of column = 5.8 m ,
allowable soil pressure = 370 kN/m
(April/May 2017, 2015)
12.Explain the design procedure of rectangular combined footing.
(April/May 2017, 2013,Nov/Dec 2016)
13.Explain the design procedure of mat footing.
(April/May 2017, 2014, 2013, Nov /Dec2016)
14.Describe the procedure of design of trapezoidal footing.
(Nov / Dec 2016, May/June 2014)
15.A combined footing is to support two columns 250mmx250mm and 300mmx300mmcarrying loads of
300kN and 450kN respectively. The columns are spaced at 4 m c/c. Theallowable bearing capacity of the
soil is 150kPa. Find the plan dimensions of the footing if(i)

The first column alone is on the boundary line 2.Both the columns are on the boundaryline(ii) Draw the
contact pressure distribution diagram for flexible and rigid footings restingon sand and clay respectively.
(Nov/Dec 2014)

PART - C1.

Discuss briefly the various types of shallow foundation with simple sketches and under
whatcircumstances these foundation types are preferred?
(Nov/Dec 2017, April/May 2017)


Discuss in detail about the design procedure for rectangular combined footing andtrapezoidal combined
footing with suitable sketches.
(Nov/Dec 2015)


Write brief notes on: 1.Mat foundation 2.Floating foundation, 3.Seismic force considerationin footing
(Nov/Dec 2015)4.

Draw the contact pressure distribution below flexible and rigid footing resting on sandydeposits. Also
draw the settlement pattern also. Explain.
(April/May 2017, 2015)


What are methods to determine the load carrying capacity of a pile?

(April/May 2019)(Nov/Dec 2016, 2015)


Dynamic formulae

Static formula

For a pile designed for an allowable load of 400 kN driven by a Steam hammer(Single acting) with a
energy of 221 t-cm, what is the approximate terminal ofpile?

(April/May 2019)


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Define negative Skin Friction. (Nov/Dec 2018) (April/May 2017, 2014)
When the soil layer surrounding a portion of the pile shaft settles more than a pile, adownward drag
occurs on the pile. The downward drag is known as negative skin friction. Negative skin friction force for
a single pile is equal to the sharing resistance times thesurface area of the pile. Therefore the negative skin
friction on a pile group isF
n = τLp + γLA for
Fn = n τ L ԓ d for

Define group efficiency. (Nov/Dec 2018)

The efficiency of a pile group r\g is defined as the ratio of the actual capacity ofthegroup to the
summation of the capacities of the individual piles in the group when testedas single piles.Generally,
higher efficiencies occur with an increase in the number of piles inthe group.

What is modulus of sub grade reaction (Ks)? (Apr/May 2018)

The modulus of subgrade reaction (k) is used as a primary input for rigid pavementdesign. It estimates the
support of the layers below a rigid pavement surface course (thePCC slab). The k-value can be
determined by field tests or by correlation with other tests.


State the methods of pile driving. (Apr/May 2018)

By drop hammer,

By Steam hammer,a. Single acting, b. Double acting,c. Differential acting,

By water jet boring,

By boring.

How does a pile group behave in cohesionless and cohesive soils?

(Nov/Dec 2017)
Behaviour of pile group in cohesionless soil:
Ultimate bearing capacity is equal to numberof piles times the ultimate bearing capacity of an individual
Behaviour of pile group in cohesive soil:
Bearing capacity of pile group may be equal toor less than number of piles times the bearing capacity of
individual pile.


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Give the classification of piles based on their functions. (Nov/Dec 2017)


Compaction pile

Tension Pile

Anchor Pile

Fender Pile

Sheet Pile

End bearing Pile


Friction pile

Compute the safe bearing of a pile of 550 mm diameter and 12 cm long driven in claysoil having
unconfined compressive strength of 140 kN/m
. Take = 0.55, FOS = 3.(April/May 2017)
Given: m =

=0.55, C= q /2 = 140 /2 = 70kN/m
Safe Bearing capacity = Ultimate bearing capacity / FSUltimate bearing capacity = Qup =mCAs +
9CpApAs =
πDl = π x 0.55 x 0.12 = 0.21 m

Ap = (π x D
)/4 = (
π x 0.55
) /4 =0.238 m
Qup = (0.55 x 70 x0.21) + (9 x 70 x 0.238) =158.025Safe Bearing capacity = 158.025 /3 =52.675 kN

What is meant by group settlement ratio? (Nov/Dec 2016)

The settlement of pile group is found to be many times that of a single pile. The ratio ofthe settlement of
the pile group to that of a single pile is known as the group settlementratio.

What is under reamed pile? When is it preferred? (April/May 2016)

These are boreed cast in-situ, concrete piles with one or more bulbs formed byenlarging the pile stem.
They are suitable for loose and filled up sites or where soils areweak or expansive like black cotton
soil.They are also effective in resisting the downward drag due to the negative skin frictionthat arises in
loose or expansive soils. Bulb spacing should not exceed 1.5 times the bulbdiameter.

State Feld’s rule for determining group capacity of pile groups. (April/May 2016)

The use of Feld's rule is probably the simplest. It states that the load capacity ofeach pile in a group is
reduced by 1/16 on account of the nearest pile in each diagonalor straight row.


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2 piles 3 piles
η = (16
1) / 16 x 100 = 94% η = (16
-3) / 16 x 100 = 87%

For a pile designed for an allowable load of 400 kN driven by a steam hammer (singleacting) with a
energy of 221 t-cm, what is the approximate terminal set of pile? (Nov /Dec 2015)
Qa = WH / (6(S+0.25))= 0.67 CM

What type of piles would you recommended for the following types of soil and siteconditions?(i) For a
multi-storeyed building in the central part of a city surrounded by existingbuildings, (ii) For a harbor
structure (April/May 2017, 2016, 2015)
(i) The sub-structure of city centre projects tends to be complex because of the high loadsthat are
supported, the need to avoid affecting the foundations of neighbouring buildings,and to avoid obstructions
and services in the ground contiguous concrete bored pilefoundation may be adopted for this type.(ii)
Fender piles may be adopted as they need to protect the structure against impact fromships or other
floating objects.

Does the choice of a pile hammer have any relevance to the type of piles/ give reasons.

(April/May 2017, 2015)

Yes the choice of a pile hammer has relevance to the type of pile.i)

Steel pile has high modulus of elasticity thereby reducing elastic deformation losses.This pile has a low
driving resistance due to its small cross sectional area. Thereforelight hammers tend to operate
Concrete pile has low modulus of elasticity thereby higher elastic deformationlosses. This pile has allow
driving resistance due to its small cross sectional area.This type of pile of pile will usually require a larger
heavier hammer of low impactvelocity.iii)

Timber piles are similar to concrete piles in their hammer requirements.


What are Anchor piles? (Nov /Dec 2016, May /June2013)

Anchor piles are the type of the piles which provide anchorage edge against horizontal pull from the sheet
piling or other pulling forces.


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What are fender piles? (Nov /Dec 2016, May/June 2013)

Fender piles are the type of the piles which are used to protect water front structuresagainst impact from
ships or other floating objects.

How do the location of site and type of soil encountered influence the selection of thetype of piles?
(Nov /Dec2014)

Cohesive soil

bored pile

Cohesionless soil

bored piles or cast-in-situ concrete piles.

Can you design a driven pile using dynamic formulae? Justify your answer. (Nov /Dec2014)
Yes, driven pile can be designed using dynamic formula.i)

Engineering News formula - used for wood piles driven with drop hammers and forshort pile s driven
with steam hammers.ii)

Hiley's formula: used for piles driven in cohesionless soil.


What are friction piles? (May /June 2014)

Friction piles do not reach the hard stratum. These piles transfer the loads through skinfriction between
the embedded surface of the pile and the surrounding soil. Friction piles areused when a hard stratum
does not exist at a reasonable depth.

Define group efficiency of pile.(May/June 2011)

The ratio of resting capacity of a pile group to the sum of individual capacities of pilesin the group is
termed as group efficiency.Group efficiency,
/ (N
)Where, Q
- Group capacity Q

Pile load on single pile N

Number of piles

What are the conditions where a pile foundation is more suitable than a shallowfoundation?

Huge vertical load with respect to capacity


Very weak soil


Huge lateral loads


For fills having very large depth


Uplift situation

Urban areas for future and huge construction near the existing building.

For identical soil conditions, the load permitted on bored pile is lesser than driven pileof identical shape
and dimensions, why?
The load carrying capacity of bored cast in situ pile will be much smaller than that of adriven pile in sand.
The angle of shearing resistance of the soil is reduced by 30, to accountfor the loosening of the sand due
to the drilling of the hole.


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List out the type of pile based on material used?


Timber pile

Concrete pile

Steel pile
Composite pile

What are the factors governing selection of pile? (Nov/Dec 2011)


Soil condition

Type of structure or building


Adjacent site condition


Construction techniques availability


Location of ground water table


Durability etc.

What is mean by group settlement ratio? (Apr/May 2016)

The settlement of pile group is found to be many times that of a single pile. The ratio ofthe settlement of
the pile group to that of a single pile is known as the group settlement ratio.

What are the types of hammer?

The types of hammer available for the erection of pile foundation arei)

Drop hammerii)

Diesel hammeriii)

Double acting hammeriv)

Single acting hammerv)

Vibratory hammer

What is pile driver?

Piles are commonly driven by means of a hammer supported by a crane or by aspecialdevice known as a
pile driver.

What is meant by single and multi under ream?

When the piles has only one bulb ,it is known as single under

reamed pile, whilethe pile with more than one bulb is known as multi-under

reamed bulbs is kept equalto2.5 times the diameter of pile stem.
PART - B1.

Discuss in detail about the method of estimating the individual and group capacity of piles.
(April/May 2019) (April/May 2017)

Define pile foundation. Briefly discuss about the type of pile and their functions.
(April/May 2019) (April/May 2017)


Design a pile group to carry a load of 4200 kN including the weight of the pile cap at asite where the soil
is uniform clay to a depth of 25 m, underlain by rock. Average UCC


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strength of the clay is 68,1N/m

. The factor of safety may be assumed as 3 against shearfailure. Also compute the settlement of the group
assuming the load to be transferred at2/3 length of pile.
(Nov/Dec 2018)


Describe with neat sketch, the procedure for pile load tent and explain how pile capacity can be
determined using the test.
(Nov/Dec 201

Explain the dynamic formulae for estimating the load carrying capacity of asingle driven pile.
(Apr/May 2018)


Design a square pile group to carry 400 kN in clay with an unconfinedcompressive strength of 60 kN/m2.
The piles are 300 mm diameter and 6 mlong. Adhesion may be taken as 0.6.
(Apr/May 2018)


A square group of 25 piles extends between depths of 3 m and 10m in a deposit of 20 mthick stiff clay
which is undrained by rock. The diameter of the pile is 0.5m and the c/cspacing of piles is 1m. The
undrained shear strength of clay at the pile base level is 150 kPaand the average value of the undrained
shear strength over the depth of the pile is 100 kPa.Calculate the capacity of the pile group if Nc=9,

= 0.7 and factor of safety is 3


Write explanatory notes on the following

(Nov/Dec 2017)

Under reamed piles2)

Drag down phenomenon.

A group of 16 piles of 50cm diameter is arranged with a center to center spacing of 1.0 m.The piles are
9m long and are embedded in soft clay with cohesion 30 kN/m. Bearingresistance may be neglected for
the pile. Adhesion factor is 0.6. Determine the ultimate loadcapacity of the pile group.
(Nov/Dec 2016)


Explain the method of determining the load carrying capacity of a pile.

(Nov/Dec 2016)


(i) Classify the pile foundation based on (1) method of installation (2) load transfermechanism.
(April/May 2016)
(ii) It is proposed to provide pile foundation for a heavy column; the pile group consisting 4 piles, placed
at 2 m centre to centre, forming a square pattern. The underground soil is clay,having Cu at surface as 60
and at a depth 10 m, as 100 kN/m
. Compute theallowable column load on the pile cap, if the piles are circular having diameters 0.5 m
eachand length as 10m.
(April/May 2016)


A group of nine piles, 12 m long and 250 mm in diameter, is to be arranged in a square formin a clay soil
with an average unconfined compressive strength of 60 kN/m
. Work out thecentre to centre spacing of the piles for a group efficiency factor of 1. Neglect bearing at
thetip of the piles.
(April/May 2016)

Discuss the method of obtaining ultimate load and also allowable load on a single pile from


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pile load test.

(April/May 2016)


Explain in detail about the various types of pile foundation with neat sketch and write theirfunctions.
(Nov/Dec 2015)


(i) Group the pile foundation based on method of installation and its effect on ground.
(April/May 2015)
(ii) In a two-layered cohesive soil, bored piles of 400 mm are installed. The top layer has athickness of
5m and the bottom ones is of considerable depth. The shear strength of the topclay layer is 45 kN/m
and that of the bottom is 100kN/m
. Determine the length of the bored pile required to carry a safe load of 380 kN, allowing FOS 2.5.
(April/May 2015)

(i) What is meant by under-reamed pile. When and where they are used. Why? Discuss.(ii) A 4x3 pile
group has the following details: Diameter of each pile, d=350mm, Centre-to-centre spacing of
pile=1050mm Capacity of a single pile=400kN Determine the efficiencyof the free-standing pile group.
(April/May 2015)


(i) A group of 9 piles arranged in a square pattern is used a s foundation for a column insand of angle of
internal friction of 30°. Piles 300mm in diameter and 10m in length are placed at a spacing of 750mm in
each direction. Calculate the load carrying capacity of the pile group adopting a FOS of 2.5. Assume the
unit weight of the soil as 18 kN/m
. The Nq
and Nγ values are 26 and 22.4 respectively.
(Nov/Dec 2014)
(ii)The results of the pile load test conducted on one of the above mentioned piles are given below:Load
kN 0 150 200 250 300 400 500 600Settlement mm 0 1.45 2.35 2.75 3.6 5.75 10.75 30Make an estimate of
settlement of pile group, if the calculated safe load were applied on it.
(Nov/Dec 2014)18.

A pile group of 3 rows with 3 piles in a row is made in a uniform clay deposit extending fora large depth
with an unconfined compressive strength of 150kPa. The diameter and lengthof the piles are 500mm and
12m respectively. The c/c spacing of the pile is 1.5m in both thedirections. The adhesion factor can be
taken as 0.4. Find the load carrying capacity of the pile group by Converse Labarre's formula and
Terzaghi's approach.

Write explanatory notes on the following: (a) Under

reamed piles. (b) Drag down phenomenon.
(Nov/Dec 2017)

Discuss in detail about the method of estimating the individual and group capacity of piles.
(April/May 2017).


Explain the pile load test to determine the load carrying capacity of pile


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2012,2013, 2014)4.

Explain the various stages involved in the construction of under reamed pile

Draw the variation of lateral earth pressure with wall movement. (Apr/May 2019) (April/May 2016) 2.

Draw the force polygon for lateral active pressure on wall retaining cohesion less soil
according to Coulomb”s wedge theory.
(Apr/May 2019) (April/May 2016)3.

What are the stability conditions should be checked for the retaining wall?(Nov/Dec 2018) (Apr/May

The wall should be stable against sliding

The wall should be stable against overturning

The base of the wall should be stable against bearing capacity failure

Enumerate the assumptions made in Rankine's theory. (Nov/Dec 2018) (Apr/May2018)

The soil mass is semi-infinite, homogeneous, dry and cohesionless.

The ground surface is a plane which may be horizontally inclined.

The back of the wall is smooth and vertical.


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What is critical depth? (Nov/Dec 2017, Apr/May 2015)

Due to negative pressure, a tension crack usually developed in the soil near the top of thewall, upto to a
depth Z
. Also, the total pressure upon a depth 2Z
is zero. This means that acohesive soil should be able to stand with a vertical face upto a depth 2Z
without any lateralsupport. The critical height Hc of an unsupported vertical cut in cohesive soil is thus
given by,Hc = 2Z

= 4 C tanα


Distinguish between active and passive earth pressure. (Nov/Dec 2017)Active Earth Pressure Passive
Earth Pressure
Active earth pressure occurs Whenretaining wall moves away from the backfill leading to
stretching.Passive earth pressure occurs whenretaining wall moves towards the backfillthus compressing
the soilCo-efficient of active earth pressureKa = (1-
sin ϕ /1+sin ϕ)
Co-efficient of active passive pressure
Kp = (1+sin ϕ / 1
sin ϕ)

Write the assumptions of Coulomb’s Theory.
(Apr/May 2017, 2011, Nov/Dec 2016)

The backfill is dry, cohesionless, isotropic, homogenous,

The slip surface is plane which passes through the head of the wall

Calculate the active earth pressure give that C = 20 kN/m

and unit weight of soil being20 kN/m
for a vertical cut of depth 3m the soil is cohesionless soil. (April/May 2017)
γ = 20kN/m
Active pressure = pa
= 1/2 ka γ H
= 1/2 x 0.172 x 20 x 3
= 15.48 kN/m


Distinguish Coloumb’s wedge theory from Rankine’s theory? (Apr/May2010,

Rankine’s theory

Coulomb’s theory

The intensity of earth pressure ateach depth is known. So point ofapplication of the earth pressure
isknown at any depthOnly the total earth pressure value acting on theretaining structures can be
calculated. The pointof application of earth pressure can be calculated
from Coulomb‟s assumption that all points on
the back of the retainingwall are essentially considered as feet of failuresurfaceWall is smooth and
vertical Wall is rough and slopedWall moved sufficiently so soil isa plastic failure massWallis rigid,
straight failure plane and rigidfailure wedge


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Define surcharge angle. (Nov/Dec 2015, April / May 2014, 2013)

The angle of surcharge of a material is the angle to the horizontal, which the surface ofthe materials
assumes, while the material is at rest on a moving conveyor belt. Thesurcharge angle is generally 5
to 15
less than the angle of repose.

What force is acting on retaining wall? (Nov/Dec 2015)

The forces acting on the retaining wall are

Lateral force: Earth pressure due to backfill and surcharge

Vertical Force: Self weight of the retaining wall, weight of soil above heel slab andweight of soil below
base slab.

Why retaining walls are usually designed for active pressure? (April/May 2017)
From Rankine's assumption, no-existence of frictional forces at the wall face, theresultant pressure must
be parallel to the surface of the backfill. The existence of frictionmakes the resultant pressure inclined to
the normal to the wall at an angle between the soiland the wall.

What is meant by the critical depth of vertical cut for a clay soil? (April/May 2017,2015)
Due to negative pressure, a tension crack usually developed in the soil near the top ofthe wall, upto to a
depth Z
. Also, the total pressure upon a depth 2Z
is zero. This meansthat a cohesive soil should be able to stand with a vertical face upto a depth 2Z
without anylateral support. The critical height Hc of an unsupported vertical cut in cohesive soil is
thusgiven by, Hc = 2Z

= 4 C tanα

Write any three assumption of Rankine’s theory.

(Nov/Dec 2016)

The soil mass is semi-infinite, homogeneous, dry and cohesionless


The ground surface is a plane which may be horizontally inclined


The back of the wall is smooth and vertical.


Write down the types of retaining wall. (Nov /Dec 2016)

The earth retaining walls are of following types:

Gravity wall

Mass concrete or masonry wall


Wall on wells

Precast block wall


Two row sheet pile wall


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Crib wall

Reinforced concrete wall


Cantilever type T wall or L wall


Counterforted or butteressed wall


Sheet pile wall


Cantilever sheet pile wall


Anchored sheet pile wall or Anchored bulkhead.


Why granular materials are preferred for the backfill of a retaining wall?(Apr/May2015)
Granular materials are preferred for backfill since they maintain an indefinite activestate of stress and
have free drainage. Clay backfills tend to creep and have a very low permeability. They should be
avoided as climatic changes are likely to cause successiveswelling and shrinkage of the soil.

State the direction and magnitude of wall movement required for the mobilization ofactive and passive
earth pressure respectively. (Nov/Dec 2014)Active case: Wall moves away from the backfill
Ka = (1-
sin ϕ /1+sin ϕ) = Ka γ H
Passive Case: Wall moves towards the backfill
Kp = (1+sin ϕ / 1
sin ϕ) = Kp γ H

If the ratio between coefficient of passive earth pressure and of active earth pressure is9, find the angle of
internal friction of the soil. (Nov/Dec 2014)
Co-efficient of active earth pressure = Ka = (1-
sin ϕ /1+sin ϕ) = tan
Co-efficient of active passive pressure = Kp = (1+si
sin ϕ) = tan
(45+ ϕ/2)
Kp /Ka =
(45+ ϕ/2) / tan
ϕ/2) =9

ϕ = 30

What is earth pressure at rest? (May / June 2014, 2013)

The earth pressure at rest is defined as the intensity of lateral earth pressure when thelateral strain is zero
and it is expressed as P

.γ . Z, where K

coefficient of earth pressure.

How do you check the stability of retaining walls? (Apr/May 2010)


The wall should be stable against sliding


The wall should be stable against overturning

The base of the wall should be stable against bearing capacity failure

What is passive earth pressure?

If the retaining wall moves towards the backfill then the lateral pressure acting on thewall is called
passive earth pressure where the backfill soil wedge slides upward and the


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shear resistance acts downward towards the retaining wall and hence the wall experiencesmaximum
lateral earth pressure.

Define angle of repose (Apr/May 2015)

Maximum natural slope at which the soil particles may rest due to their internal friction,if left
unsupported for sufficient length of time

Define theory of plasticity?

The theory on which the condition of the stress is in a state of a plastic equilibrium iscalled as theory of
plasticity. A body of soil is said to be in plastic equilibrium, if every point of it is on the verge of failure.

Draw the lateral earth pressure diagram of clay depends for active and passivecondition.Active earth
pressure condition Passive earth pressure condition25.

What are the methods used for analysis of earth pressure?


Coulomb‟s wedge theory (Graphical


Poncelete theory ( based on Coulomb‟s wedge


Rehbann‟s theory (based on Coulomb‟s wedge theory & Poncelete


Culmann‟s theory ( based on Coulomb‟s wedge


Rankine‟s theory (Analytical


Draw the lateral earth pressure diagram of sand depends for active and passivecondition. For active earth
pressure conditionActive earth pressure condition Passive earth pressure condition


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How do tension cracks influence the distribution of active earth pressure in purecohesion?

(April /May 2015, 2016)

Tension cracks are developed in the soil near the top of the wall, due to negative pressure upto a height
of Zc. Also the net pressure upto a depth 2 Zc is zero. This meansthat the cohesive soil should be able to
stand with a vertical face upto a depth of 2Zcwithout any lateral support.For C-
ϕ : Pa=

Explain Culmann’s graphical method to evaluate active thrust.

(Apr/May 2019)

(Nov/Dec 2015, 2016, April/May 2017, April/May 2016)2.

Discuss in detail about the Rankines theory for the following cases of cohesion less soiland cohesive soil.
(i) Submerged back fill (ii) back fill with sloping surface.

(Nov/Dec 2015) (May/June 2013)


A retaining wall, 4 m high supports a backfill having cohesion 22 Kpa, angle of internalfriction 29
, and bulk unit weight 19.25 kN/m
mth horizontal top flushes with top of thewall. The backfill carries a surcharge of 25kN/m
. Draw the lateral earth pressuredistribution diagram and compute the total active and passive earth
pressure on the wall andtheir point of application.
(Nov/Dec 2018)


Describe in details about,

(i) Assumptions made in Coulomb’s wedge theory.(4)

(ii) Culmaan’s graphical method

. (5)(iii) Stability analysis of retaining wall.(4)

A retaining wall of 6m high has a saturated backfill of soft clay soil. The properties of the clay sol are
17.56 kN/m3, unit cohesion Cu 18 kN/mDeterminc (a) the expected depth of tensile crack in the soil (b)
the active earth pressure before the oecurrence of tensile crack, and (c) the active pressureafter the
occurrence of tensile.
(Apr/May 2018)


A rigid retaining wall of 6 m height has two layers of back fill. The top layerupto depth of 1.5 m is sandy
clay having p 30°C, c 0, 17.25 kN/m
(Apr/May 2018)


Compare coulomb’s theory and Rankine’s theory of earth pressure.
Nov/Dec 2017)
(ii) A concrete retaining wall of 5 m height supports sandy backfill and has been designed to


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resist a horizontal force of 150 kN/m. the propert

ies of backfill are Ф =32

and γ =
. Determine the height to which water can be allowed to rise before the allowableforce on the wall is
(Nov/Dec 2017)8.

Explain Culmann’s graphical method to evaluate active thrust.

(Nov/Dec 2017, Apr/May2016)


A retaining wall is 5 m high. It’s back is vertical and it has got sandy backfill upto it’s
top. The top fill is horizontal and carries a uniform surcharge of 80 kN/m
. Determine theactive earth pressure on the wall per meter length of the wall. Water table is 1.5 m below
top of the fill, γ
. Moisture content above water table is 13%,
, G=2.6and n= 30. The wall friction may be neglected.
(May/June 2017)
(ii) Write a short notes on type of retaining wall.
(May/June 2017)


Check the stability of a cantilever retaining wall of smooth vertical back of 6 m height and0.2 m thick at
top and 0.3 m at bottom. The foundation base of retaining wall of depth 0.6m projected on the left side of
0.5m and 0.2 m on the right side. It supports a sandy back fillwith unit weight 18kN/m
leveled to the top of wall. The angle of internal frictional of soilis 340. Use Rankine theory.
(May/June 2017)


What are the different methods of soil stabilization? Explain with neat sketches.
(April/May 2017,2016)

Explain the Rankine

s theory for various backfill condition to calculate active earth pressure Consider both presence and
absence of tension crack for active case.
(April/May2016, 2013, Nov/Dec 2016)13.

Explain the Rebhann

s graphical method for active earth pressure calculatio
n. (Nov/Dec2016)


A vertical retaining wall of height 6.5 m retains a non-cohesive level backfill weighing 19.2kN/m
, with the angle of friction being 18°. Compute the total thrust on the wall adoptingCulman's graphical
method. Later it is planned to place a piece of machinery weighing 30kN on the surface, parallel to the
crest of the wall. Find the minimum horizontal distancefrom the back of the wall at which the machinery
could be placed without increasing the pressure on th
e wall. Take Ф = 30
°. (May/June 2015)


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For a cantilever retaining wall shown in fig, determine the maximum amd minimum pressure under the
base of the cantilever. The relevant shear strength parameters of the
backfill and foundation soil are C’ =0, Ф
= 35
and unit weight of the soil = 17.5 kN/m
.Then unit weight of the wall material is 23.5 kN/m
. Find also the factor of safety against
sliding, considering the reduced value of base friction as 2/3 Ф.
(May/June 2015)
0.5 m 10
1 m0.7m4.8 m

The height of a retaining wall with smooth vertical back is 6 m. the cohesionless backfill hasa horizontal
top surface and carries uniformly distributed surcharge of 30 kPa. The angle ofinternal friction of soil is
30° and the water table is at a depth of 3 m below the top of thefill. Draw the active earth pressure
diagram if the unit weight of soil above and below watertable is 18 kN/m
and19.81 kN/m
(Nov/Dec 2014)17.

A retaining wall with a vertical back is 8 m high and retains a cohesionless soil of angle ofinternal friction
and unit weight of 30° and 18 kN/m
respectively. The angle of wall frictionis 20°. The backfill surface is horizontal. By Culmann's graphical
method, find the totalactive thrust, when there is (i) No surcharge (ii) A surcharge of 36 kPa.
(Nov/Dec 2014,May/June 2016)

A retaining wall, 4 m high support a back fill (C= 20 kN/m

Ф =30
= 20 kN/m
) withhorizontal top, flush with the top of the wall. The backfill carries a surcharge of 20kN/m
. Ifthe wall is pushed towards the backfill compute the total passive pressure on the wall and
it’s point application.
(Nov/Dec 2016)


etaining wall 6m high retains with Ф =30
and unit weight 24 kN/m
upto a depth of 3mfrom top. From 3 m to 6 m the materials is a cohesive soil with C=20 kN/m

and Ф = 20
.Unit weight of cohesive soil is 18 kN/m
. A uniform surcharge of 100 kN/m
acts on the topof soil determine the total lateral pressure acting on the wall and its points of application.
(Nov/ Dec 2016)


A smooth vertical retaining wall 8 m high retains a cohesive soil. The surface is level withthe top of the
wall and it carries a uniform pressure intensity of 20 kPa. The unit weight of


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the soil is 16 kN/m

. The soil has cohesion of 50 kPa and angle of internal friction is 10°.Determine Rankine's total active
earth pressure acting on the wall
. (May/June 2014)PART -C1.

Compute the active earth pressure distribution and the total force for a smooth vertical wallof 5m with
clay backfill(i) For the short term; C= 45kN/m

and γ= 18kN/m
(ii) For the long term : C= 5 kN/m
, Ф = 20

and γ =18kN/m
(Apr/May 2019)



Explain why the displacement necessary to produce the passive state is much more thanthat required to
produce the active state?
(Apr/May 2019)
Nov/Dec 2017)


The pile load test data of 5300 mm diameter and 15 m long pile is as follows. Design a pile group system
to carry a load of 4000 kN. Compute the settlement of the pile groupfor the designed load. (
Nov/Dec 2018)
Load in KN 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500Settlement in mm 0 8.5 16.5 25.5 38.0 60.0

Design a retaining wall for a 8 m sandy soil backfill with unit weight as 17.5kN/m
andangle of internal friction 30 degrees. Check the stability of the designed retaining wall.(
Nov/Dec 2018


Explain the Coulombs wedge theory of earth pressure with a next sketch
.(May/June2013, 2014)Faculty Incharge HOD Dean

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