Key Basic Listening

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Unit 1 Pictures describe people

Unit 2 Pictures describe landscape

Unit 3 Pictures describe people and things

Part 1 Photographs

Check-up #020

1–4. Listen and fill in the blanks.

They’re having a conversation at the



There are some chairs and a table

alongside the van.


Some customers have stepped up to the



She’s typing up a document.


Check-up #021

1–4. Listen and fill in the blanks.

They are gathered together on the steps.


A flowerpot has been placed on a stair by the wall.


Plants are being watered.


The fruit has been piled high in the vehicle.


1-person PICTURES
µ Analyze the example, mark O when the answer is right and X for the wrong answer. 🎧

Point 1. Main action and location

He’s painting a picture. (O)
He’s performing at the park. (X)
He’s watering plants. (X)

Point 2. Eyes, limb movements/ postures

He’s holding a paintbrush. (O)
He’s removing a lid from a paint can. (X)
He’s standing near a picture. (O)

Point 3. Status
He’s trying on a hat. (X)
He’s wearing a long-sleeved shirt. (O)
He has his sunglasses on. (O)

Analyze the following example and choose the right answer. $027

(A) He’s holding a chair.

(B) He’s sitting indoors.

(C) He’s standing behind the car.

(D) He’s leaning against the wall.

µ Exercise: Listen, choose the best answer and fill in the blank. 🎧

(A) She's reading a book.

(B) She's putting on some jewelry.
(C) She’s raising one arm in the air.
(D) She’s closing her notebook.

2-or-more-people PICTURES
µ Analyze the example, mark O when the answer is right and X for the wrong answer. 🎧

Point 1. Mutual behavior

Some people are shopping for groceries. (O)
Some women are entering a store. (X)
Two women are facing each other. (O)

Point 2. Individual behavior

A woman is purchasing some products. (O)
The customer is paying for her purchases. (O)
One of the women is carrying a shopping basket. (O)
A sales person is looking around the store. (X)

Analyze the following example and choose the right answer. $030

(A) They’re having a conversation.

(B) They’re looking at a painting.

(C) They’re walking toward the door.

(D) They’re buying glasses.

µ Exercise: Listen, chose the best answer and fill in the blank. 🎧

(A) Some people are watching a movie.

(B) Some people are walking to the front of the room.
(C) Some people are playing instruments.
(D) Some people are shaking hands.


Listen to the questions, choose the right answer in parentheses.


(A) The men are fixing a bicycle.

(B) The men are painting a fence.
(C) One of the men is carrying a toolbox.
(D) One of the men is cutting some wood.

(A) They’re shaking hands across the table.
(B) They’re both facing the window.
(C) They’re sitting across from each other.
(D) They’re staring at the monitor.

(A) She’s listening to the radio.
(B) She’s playing a musical instrument.
(C) She’s turning a key in the door.
(D) She’s paying for a piano.

Choose the sentence that best describes the picture and fill it in below.

(A) They’re climbing a tree.

(B) They’re writing letters.
(C) They’re walking up stairs.
(D) They’re working on a house.

(A) The boy is putting on his coat.
(B) The boy is looking out the window.
(C) The woman is examining the boy’s arm.
(D) The woman is turning on the lights.

(A) She’s paying a cashier.
(B) She’s eating a meal.
(C) She’s buying something from a machine.
(D) She’s putting money in her wallet.


1. 2.

(A) One of the women is reaching into her bag. (A) She is tidying a display case.
(B) The women are waiting in a line. (B) She is trying on some glasses.
(C) The man is leading a tour group. (C) She is drinking out of a glasses.
(D) The man is opening a cash register. (D) She is walking into a store.

3. 4.

(A) The man is leaning against the doorway. (A) The woman is hanging up some posters.
(B) The man is opening up a package. (B) The woman is writing on a document.
(C) One of the women is plugging in a printer. (C) A laptop is being put away.
(D) One of the women is wearing glasses. (D) A flower pot is being stored on a shelf.

5. 6.

(A) They are facing each other. (A) A man is polishing the floor.
(B) They are painting the wall. (B) A man is unzipping a suitcase.
(C) They are looking at artwork. (C) A man is picking up a cushion.
(D) They are framing pictures. (D) A man is drinking from a bottle.

7. 8.

(A) The presenter is closing a window. (A) He is parking the vehicle.

(B) The presenter is standing behind the (B) He is closing the doors.
podium. (C) He is crossing the street.
(C) The audience is facing a screen. (D) He is at the back of the vehicle.
(D) The audience is seated in a circle.

9. 10.

(A) He is setting up some equipment. (A) She is fixing her sunglasses.

(B) He is pushing in his chair. (B) She is resting her hand on a bench.
(C) He is looking at a television screen. (C) She is reaching into a handbag.
(D) He is speaking to a group. (D) She is talking on the phone.

11. 12.

(A) One of the women is typing on a

(A) She is wearing a hat.
(B) She is holding a coffee mug.
(B) One of the women is lifting a cup.
(C) She is washing her hands.
(C) They are arranging some chairs.
(D) She is putting up a sign.
(D) They are looking at a document.

µ Analyze the example, mark O when the answer is right and X for the wrong answer. 🎧

Point 1. Position and state of center objects/ overall landscape

Some reading materials have been placed in front of a sofa. (O)
An carpet is being rolled up. (X)
Some cushions are piled on the floor. (X)
Point 2. Position or state of objects in the background
The lamp is positioned in the corner of the room. (O)
Some curtains have been closed. (X)
There is a television hanging on the wall. (X)
There is a window behind the sofa. (O)

Analyze the following example and choose the right answer. $036

(A) There are books on the shelf.

(B) There is a television on the desk.

(C) There are people working at computers.

(D) There are people reading at a table.

µ Exercise: Listen, chose the best answer and fill in the blank. 🎧

(A) The apples are being sliced.

(B) Food is cooking on the stove.
(C) Some baskets are filled with food.
(D) The fruits are being placed in bags.


Listen to the questions, choose the right answer in parentheses.

(A) The truck’s door is open.
(B) The truck is parked.
(C) The man is unloading the truck.
(D) There are packages on the ground.

(A) There’s a cargo ship on the water.
(B) Passengers are getting off a ship.
(C) The ship is under a bridge.
(D) There are many boats along the river.

(A) The cakes are arranged in a circle.
(B) The desserts are being sliced.
(C) The trays at the bottom are empty.
(D) The larger desserts are on the upper shelves.

Choose the sentence that best describes the picture and fill it in below.

(A) Some bicycles are parked outside.

(B) Some umbrellas are being installed.
(C) A building is being painted.
(D) A walkway is covered with leaves.

(A) Some trucks are driving on the street.
(B) Some trees are lining a walkway.
(C) Some vehicles are stuck in traffic.
(D) Some benches are being installed in a park.


(A) Some chairs are arranged in a circle.

(B) Some stairs are being cleaned.
(C) A roof is being repaired.
(D) A tree is being trimmed.

1. 2.

(A) Some curtains have been laid out on the (A) A sign is hanging on a door.
floor. (B) A cabinet has been stocked with
(B) Some plants have been placed outside. supplies.
(C) Some artwork has been hung on a wall. (C) Some shelves are being assembled.
(D) Some chairs have been stored in a closet. (D) Some tools have been scattered on the

3. 4.

(A) The shopkeeper is cleaning the display

(A) A desk is covered with papers.
(B) Some chairs are stacked in a corner.
(B) Some merchandise has been hung
(C) Two computers are set up next to each
outside the store.
(C) The salesclerk is taking coats off the
(D) The office is being painted.
(D) Some baskets have been stacked on top
of the jackets.

5. 6.

(A) Airport workers are handling the suitcases. (A) Some customers are leaving a shop.
(B) Handbags are being made in а workshop. (B) A seating area is decorated with plants.
(C) Various types of luggage are being (C) A worker is repairing some light fixtures.
displayed. (D) A bench is being moved into a corner.
(D) Briefcases are piled up in а garage.

7. 8.

(A) AII the windows are оn the first floor.

(A) Items have been placed in a shopping cart.
(B) Firewood is stacked beside the house.
(B) Some vegetables are on display in a
(C) The tree is taller than the house.
(D) The house is flat оn the top.
(C) Ceiling lights are being installed.
(D) Flowers are being planted in pots.

9. 10.

(A) The baggage is being loaded onto the

(A) There's а lamp between the plants.
(B) The airplanes are flying over the treetops. (B) The curtains have been pulled back.
(C) There are two sofas in the corner of the
(C) The passengers are boarding the airplanes.
(D) Several small airplanes are lined up in а
row. (D) The tables are stacked on top of each

11. 12.

(A) A building is under construction.

(B) A street is being paved. (A) А vegetable has been sliced.
(C) Some cars are stopped at a traffic light. (B) Some vegetables are being cooked.
(D) Some cars are parked side by side. (C) А vegetable is being washed.
(D) Some vegetables are being weighed.

µ Analyze the example, mark O when the answer is right and X for the wrong answer. 🎧

Point 1. Location and state of objects/overall landscape

The platform is empty. (X)
The train is entering the station. (O)
A car has stopped at a service station. (X)
The doors of the train are open. (X)

Point 2. Activities of people

Some people are waiting on the platform. (O)
Passengers are boarding the train. (X)
Some people are crossing the tracks. (X)

Analyze the following example and choose the right answer. $042

(A) A hat has been placed on the railing.

Analyze the following example and choose

(B) the right
A man answer.
is sitting on a bench. $053

(C) A man is fishing from a dock.

(D) A pole is lying on the ground.

µ Exercise: Listen, choose the best answer and fill in the blank. 🎧

(A) A man is clearing one of the tables.

(B) There are plants on the balcony.
(C) Some men are standing in front of the café.
(D) Patrons are seated on both sides of the doorway.


Listen to the questions, and choose the right answer in parentheses.

(A) The notebook is open on the desk.
(B) The man’s glasses are on the shelf.
(C) The pen is lying on the floor.
(D) The man is writing on the board.

(A) The stairway is straight.
(B) A person’s coming down the stairs.
(C) Railings are being installed.
(D) The steps are being swept.

(A) The boat has been pulled out of the water.
(B) The man is standing on the deck of the boat.
(C) The boat is being loaded with cargo.
(D) The man is rowing a boat across the harbor.

Choose the sentence that best describes the picture and fill it in below.

(A) The woman is buying a book.

(B) The lights are оn overhead.
(C) The woman is taking а picture.
(D) The people are a waiting at а counter.

(A) Some ladders are leaning against a building.

(B) Some people are lined up at the mailbox.
(C) Some workers are trimming the trees.
(D) Some people are waving flags.

(A) One painting has been hung above another on the wall.
(B) A sculpture has been positioned in the middle of the room.
(C) A woman is walking through a doorway.
(D) A woman is painting the walls of the gallery.


1. 2.

(A) The man is reading а sign оn the street. (A) The conductor is collecting the tickets.
(B) The bike is leaning against the bench. (B) Some passengers are exiting the bus.
(C) The bike is loaded with bags. (C) People are waiting at а bus stop.
(D) The man is taking а nар оn the beach. (D) Several cars are parked in front of the

3. 4.

(A) There are some mountains in the

(A) The woman is setting the tаblе. distance.
(B) The papers are spread in front of the (B) There's а restaurant on the roof of the
woman. building.
(C) The woman is ordering some tea. (C) Fences are being constructed around а
(D) The tаblе is covered with а cloth. building.
(D) The residents are leaning out their windows.

5. 6.

(A) The patrons are checking out books at а

library. (A) Some people are riding bicycles.
(B) The publications are displayed against а (B) Some people are seated at a café.
wall. (C) Some people are being served coffee.
(C) The shoppers are waiting to рау for their (D) Some people are removing their coats.
(D) The bags have been filled with magazines.

7. 8.

(A) Athletes are running around the track. (A) The women are deciding which juice to
(B) There are passengers waiting оn the buy.
platform. (B) There is а pile of sandals outside the
(C) The training room is empty. store.
(D) There is а hillside next to the train. (C) There are several people gathered in the
(D) The men are trying on pairs of shoes.

9. 10.

(A) The woman is entering a warehouse. (A) He's walking along the shore.
(B) The woman is pushing a cart. (B) He's swimming in the sea.
(C) The woman is closing a package with tape. (C) He's holding a fishing pole.
(D) The woman is wearing a safety vest. (D) He's getting into a boat.

11. 12.

(A) One of the men is placing branches into a (A) The traffic is moving in а single direction.
container. (B) Construction workers have closed off the
(B) One of the men is planting a tree. road.
(C) The men are working near each other. (C) Different kinds of vehicles are sharing
(D) The men are carrying a ladder. the road.
(D) Drivers are waiting for pedestrians to cross.

Part 1 ETS #046

1. C 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. A

1. 2.

(A) She is closing the door. (A) They are walking on a path.
(B) She is lying on the sofa. (B) They are cutting the grass.
(C) She is holding a piece of paper. (C) They are looking at their maps.
(D) She is writing a letter. (D) They are sitting in a circle.

3. 4.

(A) A ship is passing under the bridge. (A) They are looking at the screen.
(B) Water is flowing out of a pipe. (B) They are sitting next to each other.
(C) The bridge has many vehicles on it. (C) They are organizing the desk.
(D) Some people are standing on the (D) They are decorating the walls.

5. 6.

(A) The office is stocked with supplies.

(A) She’s opening some shoe boxes.
(B) Someone is working at the computer.
(B) She’s holding a shoe.
(C) Supplies are being unloaded in the
(C) She’s putting up a shelf.
(D) She’s carrying a handbag.
(D) The shelves in the office are empty.

Unit 1 Who

Unit 2 Where

Unit 3 When

Unit 4 What

Unit 5 How

Unit 6 Why

Unit 7 Which

Unit 8 Indirect Questions

Unit 9 Yes/No Questions

Unit 10 Negative/Tag Questions

Unit 11 Suggestions

Unit 12 Request Permission

Unit 13 Alternative Questions

Unit 14 Statement Sentences

Part 2 Question - Response

m Câu hỏi Wh

Check up #047

1–4. Listen and choose the right answer.

1. (What/ Which) can I do for you?
2. (Why/ Where) did Mr. Rodriguez postpone the department meeting?
3. (What/ When) should I turn in my travel expense receipts?
4. (Who/ How) left these files in the meeting room?

5–10. Listen and fill in the blanks.

5. Q. What happened to the report you were working on?
A. I asked Sara to review it.

6. Q. Who will lead the workshop this afternoon?

A. One of the regional managers.

7. Q. Where does Ms. Chen take her gardening class?

A. At Mark's Garden Supplies.

8. Q. Which computer software do you recommend?

A. The one we're using now.

9. Q. How do I start this equipment?

A. Press the green button on the side.

10. Q. Why won’t Jerry come to the party tonight?

A. He has other plans.

m Câu hỏi Yes/ No

Check up #048

1–4. Listen and choose the right answer.

1. (Do/ Does) Caroline need the revised brochure?
2. (Is/ Are) there extra binders in the cabinet?
3. (Have/ Has) you tried the pizza place down the street before?
4. (Should/ Will) I give the final draft to the editor?

5–10. Listen and fill in the blanks.

5. Q. Have you heard anything about the new restaurant?
A. It's supposed to be really good.

6. Q. Should I ask Ms. Okuda to sign this contract?

A. No, she's not in today.

7. Q. Is it possible to get someone to come and fix my computer?

A. Why, is there a problem with it?

8. Q. Will you be checking in any luggage at the airport?

A. No, I only have one carry-on bag.

9. Q. Does Ms. Rose know the shipping day has been changed?
A. She's been notified.

10. Q. Is there anyone filling in for you while you're away?

A. That's what I was told.

m Các câu hỏi khác

Check up #049

1–4. Listen and choose the right answer.

1. It (is/ isn't) supposed to rain tonight, (is/ isn't) it?
2. (Do/ Don't) you have a big presentation coming up next week?
3. You (will/ won't) remember to buy tickets, (will/ won't) you?
4. (Have/ Haven't) you spoken with the manager about the work schedule?

5–10. Listen and fill in the blanks.

5. Q. The stairs in this building are steep, aren’t they?
A. That's why I always take the elevator.

6. Q. Don’t we have a paper cutter in the office somewhere?

A. Yes, it's on Peter's desk.

7. Q.Wasn’t Susan invited to the reception party?

A. No, she's away on a business trip.

8. Q. The computer consultant has already left, hasn’t she?

A. Yes, she had another assignment.

9. Q. We can’t go on a picnic in this weather, can we?

A. It's supposed to clear up this afternoon.

10. Q. Hasn’t the newsletter already been completed?

A. It will be done soon.

µ Practice. Look at these Vietnamese sentences and listen to fill in the blanks 🎧
1. The accounting department handles employee paychecks.
2. Who is the keynote speaker at the conference?
3. Do you know who the new employee in the training room is?

µ Practice. Listen, choose the right answer then listen again and fill in the blanks 🎧
1. Who won the Best Employee award this year?
(A) Ms. Park did.
(B) Congratulations!
2. Who called while I was out of the office?
(A) Sure, see you tomorrow.
(B) I don’t think there were any calls.
µ Exercises 🎧
Listen to the questions, choose the right answer then fill in the blanks
1. Who is responsible for filing the invoices?
(A) The executive secretary.
(B) Sorry, I will talk more quietly.
(C) By noon on Friday.
2. Who's the man in the picture holding up the trophy?
(A) That’s my uncle.
(B) It was taken last year.
(C) It’s made of pure gold.
3. Who has seen my reading glasses?
(A) I saw them by the telephone.
(B) A glass of water, please.
(C) No, they weren’t.

Choose the right answer for each question

4. Who’s making the travel arrangements?
(A) Have а great time!
(B) No, it's nо trouble.
(C) Jim's supposed to.
5. Who has the service contract for the fax machine?
(A) lt's out of order.
(B) The service is great.
(C) lsn't it in the file cabinet?
6. Who called while I was out?
(A) Because it's empty.
(B) Only Mr. Goldstein.
(C) For а little while.

1. Who is helping George with his presentation?
(A) Yes, I enjoyed it.
(B) He is very helpful.
(C) I can help him.
2. Who wants to organize the patient files?
(A) Min-Su would like to.
(B) Our phone number has changed.
(C) A well-run organization.
3. Who managed the flower store last year?
(A) No, a monthly order.
(B) Some yellow roses, please.
(C) Marta did it.
4. Who’s scheduled to clean the kitchen?
(A) By the sink.
(B) Yes, every day.
(C) Jack is.
5. Who authorized that purchase?
(A) Within an hour or so.
(B) Yes, about the budget.
(C) Someone in the accounting department.
6. Who came up with the idea for the new commercial?
(A) Just a few.
(B) One of our marketing assistants.
(C) Probably next month.
7. Who was the message for?
(A) By telephone.
(B) Ms. Wong in Beijing.
(C) On your desk
8. Who’s taking the clients out this weekend?
(A) Yes, he’s one of our clients.
(B) The new sales representative.
(C) To the theater downtown.
9. Who will be making a speech at the convention?
(A) Everyone was there.
(B) That hasn’t been decided yet.
(C) It begins Monday at noon.
10. Who’s going to meet us at the airport on Sunday?
(A) Yes, great weather.
(B) I don’t know yet.
(C) He’s not at the airport.

µ Practice. Look at these Vietnamese sentences and listen to fill in the blanks 🎧
1. There is a package in the mail bох.
2. The clinic is оn the second floor.
3. Is the museum close to the hotel?

µ Practice. Listen, choose the right answer then listen again and fill in the blanks 🎧
1. Where can I find the fruit section?
(A) Every morning.
(B) On the right.
2. Where are we supposed to meet for the training session?
(A) After the meeting.
(B) In conference room A.
µ Exercises 🎧
Listen to the questions, choose the right answer then fill in the blanks
1. Where are the invoices for the shelf orders?
(A) In a loud voice.
(B) In the top drawer.
(C) Two bookshelves.
2. Where саn I buy an umbrella?
(A) That’s a brilliant idea.
(B) By Wednesday.
(C) Try the department store.
3. Where will the new factory bе located?
(A) Early next year.
(B) On River Road.
(C) There’s more space.

Choose the right answer for each question

4. Where саn I file а complaint?
(A) On the first floor.
(B) On July thirtieth
(C) I don’t think so.
5. Where's а good place to buy а new coffeemaker?
(A) Yes, I’ll make some copies.
(B) There's а store across the street that sells them.
(C) Yes, I’ll have another cup.
6. Where's next year's research conference going to bе held?
(A) I think it's going to bе in Cairo.
(B) No, we didn't have one.
(C) Yes, we're all going there.

1. Where can I find the post office?
(A) She’s in her office.
(B) It’s down the street.
(C) The poster looks great.
2. Where are you going, Mr. Lee?
(A) To the conference room.
(B) I’m not at home.
(C) Yes, are you?
3. Where have you been all day?
(A) It was yesterday.
(B) At the dentist’s.
(C) Pretty good, thanks.
4. Where did they put the new copier?
(A) They copied the entire paper.
(B) It’s next to the printer.
(C) She delivers the newspaper.
5. Where can I find the number for the public library?
(A) Take the No.1 train.
(B) Try the telephone directory.
(C) Thanks, I found my books.
6. Where саn I get the bus to the art museum?
(A) No, it hasn't arrived yet.
(B) Не was there last week.
(C) lt stops at the corner.
7. Where can I go to get а suit cleaned in а hurry?
(A) She is going very fast.
(B) Yes, the color suits you.
(C) The place down the street is good.
8. Where is a good place for a quick lunch?
(A) Yes, I won the race.
(B) The sandwich shop next door.
(C) About four dollars.
9. Where do I board the train to Paris?
(A) On platform 4.
(B) To see a client.
(C) Six passengers
10. Where is the closet pharmacy?
(A) Her brother is a farmer.
(B) On the weekend.
(C) There is one by the bus station.

µ Practice. Look at these Vietnamese sentences and listen to fill in the blanks 🎧
1. The lecture starts at 2 o'clock.
2. The report is due nо later than Friday.
3. The hotel was renovated several years ago.

µ Practice. Listen, choose the right answer then listen again and fill in the blanks 🎧
1. When can we advertise the new position?
(A) At the end of the week.
(B) In the newspaper.
2. When do we have to have the cleaning finished?
(A) By 8 o’clock at the latest.
(B) It’s in the next room.
µ Exercises 🎧
Listen to the questions, choose the right answer then fill in the blanks
1. When is your mother coming into town?
(A) Tomorrow night.
(B) A nice town.
(C) I’ve met her.
2. When can I expect a phone call?
(A) That’s correct.
(B) At home.
(C) Later today.
3. When would be a good time to meet?
(A) I’m free next Tuesday.
(B) It was fun, wasn’t it?
(C) I met her a few years ago.

Choose the right answer for each question

4. When will my travel expenses be reimbursed?
(A) The trip was great.
(B) lt took me four hours to get there.
(C) ln about two weeks.
5. When did you get back from Argentina?
(A) Next year.
(B) Yes, I hurt my back.
(C) Two days ago.
6. When’s the doctor’s new office scheduled to open?
(A) So they have more space.
(B) Downtown near city hall.
(C) Не hasn't told us yet.

1. When would you like me to close up the store tonight?
(A) It’s too far away.
(B) About 7 P.M.
(C) Let’s store it later.
2. When are you showing your clients the house on Bell Street?
(A) On the third floor.
(B) Tomorrow afternoon.
(C) It’s playing at the downtown theater.
3. When are applications due?
(A) They might do that.
(B) Ву the end of April.
(C) On my desk.
4. When did you get back?
(A) I bought it yesterday.
(B) Late last night.
(C) Downtown, bу the theater.
5. When do you think you'II finish checking the accounts?
(A) The accounting department is upstairs.
(B) I don't think so.
(C) I’ll bе done bу next week.
6. When will you start that project?
(A) No, it's not in my desk.
(B) As soon as I саn.
(C) The projector has а bасk finish.
7. When can I look at the apartment?
(A) On River Street.
(B) At 5:30.
(C) It has two bedrooms.
8. When can we take а break?
(A) We broke it bу accident.
(B) They took а while to get home.
(C) At one, for а half hour.
9. When is your interview with the vice president?
(A) Yes, it's а nice view.
(B) ln the conference room.
(C) Today at 3 o'clock.
10. When does the shop close?
(A) Yes, at the workshop.
(B) No, they’re new clothes.
(C) At 9 o’clock tonight.

µ Practice. Look at these Vietnamese sentences and listen to fill in the blanks 🎧
1. What’s the price of this bag?

2. What's wrong with the machine?

3. What is the local time in our headquarters region?

µ Practice. Listen, choose the right answer then listen again and fill in the blanks 🎧
1. What time will the plane arrive?
(A) It will arrive at terminal 4.
(B) At around midnight.
2. What is this book about?
(A) They’re all booked.
(B) Marketing strategies.
µ Exercises 🎧
Listen to the questions, choose the right answer then fill in the blanks
1. What hotel is Theresa staying at?
(A) Just for two days.
(B) On the third floor.
(C) The one on First Avenue.
2. What kind of juice would you like?
(A) Let me introduce myself.
(B) Orange, please.
(C) Yes, I’d love one.
3. What time is our plane?
(A) It’s a non-stop flight.
(B) I think it’s a jet.
(C) In half an hоur.

Choose the right answer for each question

4. What’s the quickest route to the conference center?
(A) It's а business conference.
(B) Krager Street is рrоbаblу fastest.
(C) Send it to her later.
5. What is the status of this bill?
(A) We need better reception.
(B) Не has а sore throat.
(C) lt's already been paid.
6. What should I do with the new promotional brochures?
(A) Не was promoted to manager.
(B) Send them to the customers оn our mailing list.
(C) Wear the old shirt.

1. What floor is the seminar on?
(A) The fifth.
(B) About marketing.
(C) At nine thirty tomorrow.
2. What time does the train from Milan arrive?
(A) Yes, in the training manual.
(B) Two large suitcases.
(C) It should be here soon.
3. What does the holiday package include?
(A) No, it's not.
(B) It includes your flight and hotel room.
(C) From the main post office.
4. What time would you like to go to lunch?
(A) There are three of them.
(B) Whenever you’re ready.
(C) I really enjoyed it.
5. What's оn the schedule for this afternoon?
(A) Three forty-five Р.М.
(B) l'd like to change my appointment.
(C) А seminar оn health issues.
6. What color should we paint the front door?
(A) I like that painting.
(B) Blue would look nice.
(C) There's space in the back.
7. What's the main requirement for the new job in publishing?
(A) No, that isn't а requirement.
(B) For almost five years.
(C) Some experience with layout and design.
8. What was the name of the man who spoke about the tax laws?
(A) About the tax forms we have to fill out.
(B) Yes, somebody from the government is coming.
(C) I don't remember but Mary might.
9. What did you think of the training video?
(A) No, it wasn't raining.
(B) I thought it was very helpful.
(C) In the manager's office.
10. What's the price of this item?
(A) Five euros.
(B) At around eight P.M.
(C) Yes, it does.

µ Practice. Look at these Vietnamese sentences and listen to fill in the blanks 🎧
1. We should answer in writing.
2. It’s one week behind schedule.
3. The shirts are twenty dollars each.

µ Practice. Listen, choose the right answer then listen again and fill in the blanks 🎧
1. How did you finish the project so quickly?
(A) Call her back soon.
(B) I had some help.
2. How many people are coming to the reception tonight?
(A) Yes, they are nice people.
(B) There could be several hundred.
µ Exercises 🎧
Listen to the questions, choose the right answer then fill in the blanks
1. How long is John going to work here?
(A) At the corner.
(B) About a year.
(C) Two-and-a-half meters.
2. How much is the bill?
(A) It comes to 7,000 yen.
(B) I’ll have five, thanks.
(C) Take two pills each morning.
3. How far is the airport from the office?
(A) Yes, it’s a very nice place.
(B) It takes thirty minutes by car.
(C) No, it’s not that far.

Choose the right answer for each question

4. How's Konrad's name spelled?
(A) Only а pen and paper.
(B) With а "K."
(C) lt smells nice.
5. How саn we finish this repair bу tomorrow?
(A) Just about an hour or so.
(B) Sorry, it's broken.
(C) Саn we get someone to help us?
6. How many people applied for the position?
(A) The director of marketing.
(B) At least thirty.
(C) I’ll apply for а loan.

1. How long have you been working here?
(A) lt's brand new.
(B) Yes, I think so.
(C) Since November.
2. How much are photocopies here?
(A) Both photos and videos.
(B) Color or blасk and white?
(C) About ten pages.
3. How often do the attendants check the parking meters?
(A) With а paper and pencil.
(B) Every few hours.
(C) Nearly two meters tall.
4. How long саn I keep this book?
(A) Fifty pages.
(B) Reserve seats.
(C) For two weeks.
5. How will the shipment bе transported?
(A) Next to the hospital.
(B) Sometime next week.
(C) It’ll go bу air.
6. How long does it take to get to the ferry terminal?
(A) About twenty minutes.
(B) I left it оn the bus.
(C) Downtown, near the museum.
7. How do you know Mr. Morano?
(A) For about five years.
(B) Не won't bе аblе to соme.
(C) We live in the same building.

8. How many revisions need to bе made to the manuscript?

(A) Му vision is fine.
(B) As soon as possible.
(C) There aren't too many.
9. How will we get to the hotel from the airport?
(A) We'll take a taxi.
(B) About 45 minutes.
(C) Will that be everything?
10. How was the fund-raising event yesterday?
(A) Yes, at eight o'clock.
(B) It was very successful.
(C) The Wilson Hotel.

µ Practice. Look at these Vietnamese sentences and listen to fill in the blanks 🎧
1. The event was canceled due to bad weather.
2. I didn’t send the e-mail because my computer broke down.
3. These air tickets are for а business trip.

µ Practice. Listen, choose the right answer then listen again and fill in the blanks 🎧
1. Why is there no parking on this street?
(A) Yes, fifteen of them.
(B) Because it’s too narrow.
2. Why was the meeting location changed?
(A) It was hard to get to.
(B) Here is your change.
µ Exercises 🎧
Listen to the questions, choose the right answer then fill in the blanks
1. Why did the accountant resign?
(A) Yes, he signed it.
(B) In the afternoon.
(C) He found a new job.
2. Why is Mountain Road going to be closed?
(A) All the time.
(B) They’re repaving it.
(C) Yes, it’s very close.
3. Why do you recommend that painting contractor?
(A) We were satisfied with his work.
(B) I’ll sign it now.
(C) No, I don’t recognize it.

Choose the right answer for each question

4. Why did you decide to move?
(A) The cost of living is too high here.
(B) Yes, l'm changing jobs.
(C) She decided it yesterday.
5. Why was the train late?
(A) Yes, it's а high rate.
(B) He's been training for month.
(C) There were mechanical problems.
6. Why didn't you ask me to help you?
(A) Because I didn't want to bother you.
(B) Yes, the receptionist can help you.
(C) No, I haven't been asked.

1. Why didn't Miranda shut down the computers yesterday?
(A) Yes, my new laptop.
(B) Outside of office 101.
(C) Because she left early.
2. Why's the cafeteria closed?
(A) Down this hallway.
(B) For about an hour.
(C) It’s being repainted.
3. Why aren't those workers wearing their uniforms?
(A) Because they just finished their shift.
(B) I did work in manufacturing.
(C) A green shirt and jacket.
4. Why is the road blocked?
(A) For two days.
(B) lt's under construction.
(C) I rode my bicycle.
5. Why can't we replace the computers?
(A) The copies are in black and white.
(B) Because the budget's not big enough.
(C) On the table is fine.
6. Why hasn't Angela set up the meeting yet?
(A) Yes, it's оn my calendar.
(B) She has to speak to Мr. Alvarez first.
(C) l'd prefer the conference room.
7. Why is the cafeteria closed?
(A) Because it's being cleaned.
(B) Thanks, but I already ate.
(C) No, it's not too far.
8. Why was the computer class canceled?
(A) Yes, it's for sale.
(B) There weren't enough students.
(C) You саn register online.
9. Why is the legal department having а party?
(A) То welcome some new employees.
(B) Yes, I finished that part.
(C) l'm sorry, but I can't make it.
10. Why do you think so many customers postpone their appointments?
(A) Рrоbablу because of the weather.
(B) А little earlier than expected.
(C) Sometime in the coming weeks.

µ Practice. Look at these Vietnamese sentences and listen to fill in the blanks 🎧
1. Ms. Joo will lead today’s training workshop.
2. Tina manages the new department.
3. Our team will prepare the surveys.

µ Practice. Listen, choose the right answer then listen again and fill in the blanks 🎧
1. Which film should we see?
(A) Three firms are interested.
(B) It doesn’t matter to me.
2. Which model did you decide to purchase?
(A) By credit card.
(B) I think either would bе okay.
µ Exercises 🎧
Listen to the questions, choose the right answer then fill in the blanks
1. Which side of the road is the supermarket on?
(A) I think it’s on the left.
(B) It should be open.
(C) Yes, you’re right.
2. Which training course did you register for?
(A) Register by the twentieth.
(B) The one about budgeting.
(C) That’s a good career choice.
3. Which of you approved this loan application?
(A) I can lend you some.
(B) John okayed it.
(C) It was hard to prove.

Choose the right answer for each question

4. Which marketing reports do you need?
(A) At the outdoor market.
(B) I’ll send you the list.
(C) Не reports to Mr. Wu.
5. Which orders still need to bе processed?
(A) Order а new one.
(B) Не wasn't.
(C) Those over there.
6. Which packages need to bе sent?
(A) AII of them.
(B) Yes, especially the packages.
(C) Express delivery, please.

1. Which type of computer do you prefer?
(A) This one is fine.
(B) lt's not very accurate.
(C) I like that style too.
2. Which of these notebooks is yours?
(A) At the library.
(B) The blасk one's mine.
(C) Thanks, it is.
3. Which printer should we order?
(A) Let's get the latest model.
(B) Print your name here.
(C) ln two more days.
4. Which stores are open late tonight?
(A) They were delayed bу the storm.
(B) None of them except the supermarket.
(C) We store them in plastic containers.
5. Which of these computers needs to bе repaired?
(A) l'd like а pair.
(B) The one on the left.
(C) А technical support representative.
6. Which restaurant did Mayumi recommend?
(A) I don't think so.
(B) Dinner at eight o'clock.
(C) The French one.
7. Which shoes are on sale this weekend?
(A) That's a good choice.
(B) The ones on this table.
(C) I checked her résumé.
8. Which desk is mine?
(A) At noon on Wednesday.
(B) My computer works.
(C) The one next to the printer.
9. Which flavor ice cream would you like?
(A) Yes, in a bowl.
(B) I'll take chocolate, please.
(C) The booth over there.
10. Which food supplier do you use?
(A) In the vegetable aisle.
(B) On a weekly basis.
(C) We use E and G Food Company.

µ Practice. Look at these Vietnamese sentences and listen to fill in the blanks 🎧
1. We need to replace the toner in the copier.
2. Be sure to bring your notebook to the meeting.
3. Please include your account number with your payment.

µ Practice. Listen, choose the right answer then listen again and fill in the blanks 🎧
1. May I ask who’s calling, please?
(A) This is Nancy Lau.
(B) Tomorrow morning, at nine.
2. Excuse me, do you know where Marie LeDuke’s office is?
(A) I’m sorry, I’ve just started working here.
(B) No, I don't think she is.
µ Exercises 🎧
Listen to the questions, choose the right answer then fill in the blanks
1. Can you tell me why there’s an additional charge on my account?
(A) That’s our service fee.
(B) Yes, the battery is low.
(C) Up to three times.
2. Do you know when we can visit the factory?
(A) A group of fifteen visitors.
(B) Yes, that’s a fact.
(C) They’ll call to let us know.
3. Do you know who's going to be hired as the new assistant?
(A) It hasn’t been decided yet.
(B) No higher than last week.
(C) That’s good news.

Choose the right answer for each question

4. Мау I ask why you're canceling your subscription?
(A) Yes, next week will bе fine.
(B) We're moving out of the country.
(C) lt's а very effective medicine.
5. Саn you tell me where the nearest bus stop is?
(A) lt's just around the corner.
(B) Every 20 minutes.
(C) No, l'm sorry, you can't.
6. Do you know why the company's decided to use another travel agent?
(A) They arrive early next week.
(B) The new one gives us а better rate.
(C) You'II need а travel expense report.

1. Do you know who will bе taking over after Claudia retires?
(A) l'm not tired.
(B) We don't know yet.
(C) ln her office.
2. Do you know why I need to apply in person?
(A) I don't believe we've ever met.
(B) No, I don't need help.
(C) Мауbе you need to show identification.
3. Саn you tell me when the play starts?
(A) How about another time?
(B) lt begins at eight.
(C) She started at а young age.
4. Could you show me where the closest bank is?
(A) l'm sure it's open.
(B) Yes, it's just across the street.
(C) How many would you like?
5. Мау I ask why you're interested in this job?
(A) Well, l've been an architect for two years.
(B) She told me so.
(C) That's а good reason.
6. Excuse me, can you tell me what time it is?
(A) lt's а digital clock.
(B) Do one at а time.
(C) А little past noon.
7. Do you know who requested technical support?
(A) Sorry, I just got into the office.
(B) The sports team is doing well.
(C) Two years of technical school.
8. Do you know where Keiko's office is?
(A) That's the official logo.
(B) To reserve a room.
(C) It's on the second floor.
9. Could you show me where the electronics department is?
(A) The show starts at eight P.M.
(B) Replace the batteries.
(C) Sure, follow me.
10. Саn you tell me which computer I should buy?
(A) We called а technician.
(B) l'd recommend а laptop.
(C) А two-year warranty.

µ Practice. Look at these Vietnamese sentences and listen to fill in the blanks 🎧
1. Visitors need permission to enter the factory.
2. Lisa signed the contract yesterday.
3. We need to buy a new copier soon.

µ Practice. Listen, choose the right answer then listen again and fill in the blanks 🎧
1. Is Ms. Yoshida feeling better today?
(A) Tomorrow at noon.
(B) Yes, she’s just a bit tired.
2. Did you bring the book on Marketing?
(A) Sorry, I totally forgot.
(B) The market hasn’t opened yet.
µ Exercises 🎧
Listen to the questions, choose the right answer then fill in the blanks
1. Will Denise give a presentation at this year’s conference?
(A) The convention center is larger.
(B) Thanks for the invitation.
(C) Yes, she plans to.
2. Are we missing anybody today?
(A) John’s not here yet.
(B) Yes, we missed it.
(C) I’ll be back in a week.
3. Do you have the résumé of the person we’re interviewing this afternoon?
(A) That’s a good reason.
(B) It should resume working soon.
(C) No, I think Mr. Parker has it.

Choose the right answer for each question

4. Did you drive to work today?
(A) He's due at ten o'clock.
(B) lt arrived yesterday.
(C) No, I took the train.
5. Will they bе serving food at the conference?
(A) Thanks for your help.
(B) Yes, they will bе.
(C) lt was beautiful.
6. Do you have this shirt in а different color?
(A) You look different today.
(B) I bought two.
(C) Let mе go check.

1. ls this your wallet?
(A) No, the wall is brown.
(B) lt wasn't me.
(C) Yes, where did you find it?
2. Did you consider applying for а job at the hotel?
(A) Do they have an opening?
(B) Apply it twice а day.
(C) Check-in is at ten.
3. Did you see anything good on television last night?
(A) No, that's the last one.
(B) Yes, there was а great movie оn.
(C) Okay, that sounds good.
4. ls your computer working?
(A) No, it won't turn оn.
(B) About three hours ago.
(C) lt's Mr. lbrahim's.
5. Did you turn off the lights?
(A) She's very bright.
(B) No, I couldn't find the switch.
(C) I'll turn it in tomorrow.
6. Do you want me to ask Jake about the report?
(A) Yes, that's a good idea.
(B) Somewhere on your desk.
(C) How was the conference?
7. Are you free for coffee later?
(A) They'II start it soon.
(B) Five cents per page.
(C) Around three would bе perfect.
8. Do you think it'll rain tomorrow?
(A) Yes, probably.
(B) Let me show you how.
(C) No, he can't.
9. Have you been to the new museum yet?
(A) No, but I plan to go.
(B) Yes, I had it last week.
(C) Next to the public library.
10. Can I start the videoconference now?
(A) No, let's wait a few minutes.
(B) It was very popular.
(C) That candidate won.

µ Practice. Look at these Vietnamese sentences and listen to fill in the blanks 🎧
1. We should make а сору of this report.
2. The package was delivered to the wrong address.
3. The book is due on January 22nd.

µ Practice. Listen, choose the right answer then listen again and fill in the blanks 🎧
1. It doesn’t look like anyone is in the store, does it?
(A) Yes, I like it a lot.
(B) I don’t think it’s open yet.
2. Didn’t Ms. Thompson inform you that the presentation was canceled?
(A) No, she didn’t tell me.
(B) The forms are all filled out.
µ Exercises 🎧
Listen to the questions, choose the right answer then fill in the blanks
1. Isn’t that the man who was on the magazine cover?
(A) Yes, we should put the cover on.
(B) It looks like him.
(C) Because they sold out.
2. You can work late tonight, can’t you?
(A) No, have you seen him?
(B) Sorry, not tonight.
(C) Yes, this morning.
3. Didn’t you like the food there?
(A) No, I didn’t forget them.
(B) He’s on the telephone.
(C) It wasn’t that special.

Choose the right answer for each question

4. lsn't Ms. Sato the editor of the magazine?
(A) No, that's Ms. Ono.
(B) I haven't finished reading it yet.
(C) lt isn't my newspaper.
5. You didn't leave your keys in the car, did you?
(A) No, I have them here.
(B) That's а nice car.
(C) No, I don't live here.
6. You like working on big projects, don't you?
(A) No, l'm а little cold, actually.
(B) I’ll call them right away.
(C) Yes, I enjoy the challenge.

1. Mark gave а great presentation at the conference, didn't he?
(A) Не was pleased with the present.
(B) No, I can't go to the conference.
(C) Yes, I really enjoyed it.
2. lt was а very productive meeting, don't you think?
(A) I think you should meet him.
(B) I placed the order yesterday.
(C) Yes, I learned а lot.
3. Haven't you received the book I sent you?
(A) Yes, you саn.
(B) No, when did you mail it?
(C) Мауbе I’ll leave tomorrow.
4. Your airline has an overnight flight to Delhi, doesn't it?
(A) The nearest train station.
(B) Yes, it departs at eight P.M.
(C) Usually at a hotel downtown.
5. Wasn't the office furniture shipped last month?
(A) The delivery's been delayed.
(B) Ms. Martinez does.
(C) A more modern design.
6. The storage closet is locked, isn't it?
(A) Yes, but I'll give you the key.
(B) There should be more in there.
(C) Please close it.
7. Isn't Takeshi coming to the concert with us?
(A) In the front row.
(B) No, he's too busy.
(C) I have your ticket right here.
8. The store has another location in Brentwood, doesn't it?
(A) It's on the top shelf.
(B) A twenty percent discount.
(C) Yes, there's one in the historic district.
9. That was a short movie, wasn't it?
(A) The theater on Glenn Road.
(B) You're right–It was only an hour!
(C) I must have misplaced it.
10. You're going to Melbourne soon, aren't you?
(A) Yes, I leave at 3:00 P.M.
(B) Because it's too expensive.
(C) No, they weren't.

µ Practice. Look at these Vietnamese sentences and listen to fill in the blanks 🎧
1. If it’s not too much trouble.
2. Let me think about it.
3. I’m sorry, they’re sold out.

µ Practice. Listen, choose the right answer then listen again and fill in the blanks 🎧
1. Let’s not make plans until we find out about the weather.
(A) Oh, I’m sure it will be warm enough.
(B) I don’t know how to make that.
2. Why don't you finish that tomorrow when you’re not so tired?
(A) Whenever you have a minute.
(B) That’s probably a good idea.
µ Exercises 🎧
Listen to the questions, choose the right answer then fill in the blanks
1. Let’s meet to discuss the contract.
(A) OK, I’m available early next week.
(B) It was nice to meet you, too.
(C) No, they didn’t contact him.
2. Why don't you ask Ms. Xiao for help with this project?
(A) That was the cause.
(B) I like helping others.
(C) I’ll go ask her now.
3. Would you like to go out for dinner after the meeting?
(A) Yes, how about Korean food.
(B) I’ve been there before.
(C) Yes, last week.

Choose the right answer for each question

4. How about meeting downstairs in the lobby?
(A) ОK, see you there.
(B) I wasn't at the meeting.
(C) I didn't bring any more with me.
5. Why don’t you apply for the new opening in personnel?
(A) l'm not sure l'm qualified.
(B) But I closed the window.
(C) Yes, we received his application.
6. Can I help you bring those boxes upstairs?
(A) Thanks, they're hard to carry.
(B) No, оn the bottom shelf.
(C) I sent it yesterday.

1. Why don't you rent an apartment for а year?
(A) l'm only staying for 6 months.
(B) Because this саr is mine.
(C) She is in another department.
2. Do you want me to set the alarm?
(A) No, it's not broken.
(B) No, I’ll do it myself.
(C) Okay, set them up right here.
3. Would you like to join us for lunch?
(A) I would, but l've got to finish this.
(B) Не wants to join а gym.
(C) А bunch of us saw the presentation.
4. Why don't we meet in the cafeteria?
(A) Not since lunch.
(B) That's а good idea.
(C) lt was а long meeting.
5. Should we go to the Mexican restaurant?
(A) No, we shouldn't have.
(B) lt doesn't go.
(C) Sure, l'd love to.
6. Let's sit somewhere else. lt's so crowded in here.
(A) The weather was cloudy all day.
(B) ОK. Let's go outside instead.
(C) Someone else will do it.
7. Would you like to come to the movies with us tonight?
(A) Yes, I moved them into storage.
(B) Usually at 8 o'clock.
(C) I’ll definitely join you.
8. Would you like cream with your coffee?
(A) No, just sugar please.
(B) lt's open now.
(C) Yes, it's а little like that.
9. Why don't you go to the seminar and then take the train to work?
(A) Because she enjoyed the seminar.
(B) I’ll have to check the schedule.
(C) No, there's no special training.
10. Let's take а break until after lunch, okay?
(A) lt's delicious.
(B) There's one right here.
(C) That sounds like а good idea.

µ Practice. Look at these Vietnamese sentences and listen to fill in the blanks 🎧
1. I’d love to.
2. I can manage, thanks.
3. I have other plans.

µ Practice. Listen, choose the right answer then listen again and fill in the blanks 🎧
1. Do you mind if I use your phone?
(A) Not at all.
(B) Yes, the meeting was called off.
2. Can I get you anything to drink?
(A) That’s OK, I’m not thirsty.
(B) I think he’s a waiter.
µ Exercises 🎧
Listen to the questions, choose the right answer then fill in the blanks
1. Could I look at the new catalog?
(A) Yes, I knew that.
(B) Because I bought some furniture.
(C) Yes, it’s on my desk.
2. Would you shut the door, please?
(A) Sure, no problem.
(B) They open early on Monday.
(C) I’ll have some cheese, thanks.
3. Could you fax me a copy of your insurance card?
(A) He seemed pretty sure about it.
(B) Sure, what's the fax number?
(C) Yes, I really liked the card you sent.

Choose the right answer for each question

4. Could you turn the volume down, please?
(A) Sure, sorry about that.
(B) Yes, it's а good value.
(C) I returned that book already.
5. Do you mind waiting in the reception area until Mr. Mendoza arrives?
(A) We'II put it over there.
(B) They arrived on Tuesday.
(C) I саn wait а little while.
6. Would you please send us а сору of the specifications?
(A) When do you need it bу?
(B) Не wasn't specific.
(C) No thanks. I don't need any.

1. Could you give me а hand with these boxes?
(A) lt's on the left-hand side.
(B) Yes, l've read them.
(C) Sure, no problem.
2. Could you pick up the mail for us while we're gone?
(A) Sure, I’ll take саrе of it.
(B) Yes, that's our address.
(C) lt was in Мау last year.
3. Could I have а сору of last year's sales figures?
(A) Angela has all the data.
(B) Sorry, we don't sell photocopiers.
(C) Sure, here's your coffee.
4. Саn you take notes at tomorrow's meeting?
(A) How did you meet him?
(B) I didn't notice.
(C) I’ll bе happy to.
5. Would you mind updating the meeting notes?
(A) I think the buе one is mine.
(B) We've already picked one out.
(C) Sure, how soon do you need them?
6. Мау l leave the meeting early?
(A) That's fine.
(B) l'm meeting him next Tuesday.
(C) ln the lunch room.
7. Can you recommend а good place to eat?
(A) I can't recommend you for that position.
(B) Yes, I need а place to keep this.
(C) Sure, there are several good restaurants nearby.
8. Could you drive Mr. Kim to the airport?
(A) Joe саn give him the report.
(B) What time does he have to leave?
(C) А different route.
9. Can I borrow that book after you're finished with it?
(A) Louise asked me first.
(B) At the public library.
(C) I checked it twice.
10. Could you work my shift on Monday night?
(A) Did you ask the manager first?
(B) It's working fine now.
(C) Last week, I think.

µ Practice. Look at these Vietnamese sentences and listen to fill in the blanks 🎧
1. The party will start at seven tonight.
2. They will weigh your luggage at the airport.
3. Let’s take а break in the afternoon.

µ Practice. Listen, choose the right answer then listen again and fill in the blanks 🎧
1. Do you prefer a window or an aisle seat?
(A) It doesn’t matter to me.
(B) I’d rather not.
2. Can you go to the show tonight, or do you have to work late?
(A) I hope to be able to make it.
(B) Yes, I enjoyed it very much.
µ Exercises 🎧
Listen to the questions, choose the right answer then fill in the blanks
1. Are you going to leave tonight or tomorrow?
(A) For a week at the beach.
(B) My flight's in the morning.
(C) He’s been gone an hour.
2. Do we have enough paper, or should I buy some more?
(A) I can’t find the newspaper.
(B) We still have plenty.
(C) This one is greater.
3. Are you taking a bus, or can I give you ride home?
(A) I’d like a ride, thanks.
(B) Write it here.
(C) At this bus stop.

Choose the right answer for each question

4. Are you going to label those file folders or should I?
(A) The tаblе and chairs.
(B) Yes, the file is full.
(C) I’ll do it later.
5. Should I order you plastic cups, or paper ones?
(A) Yes, it should bе paid for.
(B) l'm not thirsty, thanks.
(C) Either would bе fine.
6. Would you like me to mop the floors or sweep the stairs first?
(A) lt's on the fifth floor.
(B) Please sweep first.
(C) The map is in the closet.

1. Would you like а cup of tea or coffee?
(A) Теа sounds lovely.
(B) He's wearing а tie.
(C) She's likely to go.
2. Should we go into town for lunch or go to the cafeteria downstairs?
(A) Let's try the Chinese restaurant in town.
(B) Those go out once а week.
(C) They served coffee and cake.
3. Should we send this shipment out today or wait until tomorrow?
(A) I waited for several hours.
(B) Better do it as soon as possible.
(C) While you were gone.
4. Would you rather walk or take а taxi?
(A) That would bе nice.
(B) Let's walk. I could use the exercise.
(C) Yes, l'm working today.
5. Саn you fix this computer, or should I call the service center?
(A) I don't think it can bе repaired.
(B) Thanks, I’ll call back later.
(C) Usually between 10 and 6.
6. Do you work in marketing or public policy?
(A) It's open to the public.
(B) I don't like the new policies.
(C) Neither, actually.
7. Do you want to sit here, or over there?
(A) Yes, I saw her over there.
(B) Неrе will bе fine.
(C) lt's very good, thank you.
8. Will we hire one delivery driver or two?
(A) Where's the license bureau?
(B) His brother works here.
(C) We really need two.
9. Are you reading this article right now, or саn I borrow it?
(A) As much as you want.
(B) lt starts at eight.
(C) Go ahead and take it.
10. Should we go straight to the office, or stop by the hotel first?
(A) There's room in the taxi.
(B) Either is fine with me.
(C) Yes, you're right.

µ Practice. Look at these Vietnamese sentences and listen to fill in the blanks 🎧
1. It’s almost finished.
2. I heard all the tickets are sold out.
3. I can't seem to locate my key.

µ Practice. Listen, choose the right answer then listen again and fill in the blanks 🎧
1. I think the paint's still wet.
(A) OK, I won't touch anything.
(B) Yes, it’s going to rain.
2. The weather is so nice, it’s a good day for the beach.
(A) I wish it would.
(B) You’re right. It is.
µ Exercises 🎧
Listen to the questions, choose the right answer then fill in the blanks
1. Please join us tomorrow for dinner.
(A) Thanks, but I’m afraid I can’t.
(B) I had chicken for dinner.
(C) Yes, I’m quite hungry.
2. You were supposed to be here an hour ago.
(A) They’ll hear it together.
(B) I’m sorry.
(C) Only a little.
3. I’m not sure where to put this box.
(A) Right over there.
(B) It isn’t?
(C) I read it, too.

Choose the right answer for each question

4. I’ll take questions from the audience after the presentation.
(A) I have some answers to your questions.
(B) That's а good idea.
(C) Yes, it's а front-row seat.
5. Hi, I would like to cancel my hotel reservations for next week.
(A) Мау I have your name, please?
(B) This tаblе is reserved.
(C) AII the rooms are booked.
6. I don't like this hot weather.
(A) lt's the humidity that bothers me.
(B) I don't know whether he came.
(C) lt looks like а pot.

1. The table should be set before the guests arrive.
(A) No, twelve people at seven o'clock.
(B) How was the party?
(C) I'll do it right now.
2. I really need the updated expense report.
(A) The trip to London.
(B) It wasn't that expensive.
(C) I'll send it as soon as possible.
3. The registration deadline is on Friday.
(A) Where did you hear that?
(B) They arrived already.
(C) Yes, I'd like to.
4. Let's discuss the building designs this morning.
(A) We can do it this afternoon instead.
(B) The sign on the wall.
(C) Does he work in that building, too?
5. This paragraph might bе better without this sentence.
(A) I just ordered the book.
(B) I have two.
(C) That's а good suggestion.
6. The package I ordered six weeks ago finally arrived.
(A) Why was it late?
(B) Perhaps it will.
(C) Yes, that's final.
7. Let's meet in front of the theater at five.
(A) OK, I'll see you there.
(B) I thought it cost six dollars.
(C) It's nice to meet you.
8. Kim's going to bе transferred to our Barcelona office.
(A) Yes, but not until next month.
(B) Bank transfers only.
(C) No, this is а direct train.
9. We should bе leaving soon.
(A) I hope it doesn't.
(B) We have another few minutes.
(C) No, to а bigger one.
10. I haven't heard from Nancy in weeks.
(A) lt's been fixed.
(B) Neither have I.
(C) They heard the recording.

Part 2 ETS

7. B 12. C 17. C 22. C 27. A

8. A 13. B 18. B 23. C 28. C
9. A 14. A 19. C 24. C 29. C
10. B 15. A 20. A 25. B 30. B
11. C 16. C 21. B 26. A 31. B

7. Do you want some coffee while you wait?

(A) No, we don’t need the copies now.
(B) Yes, that’d be great.
(C) It was scheduled for ten o’clock.
8. Where will the conference be held this year?
(A) In Düsseldorf, Germany.
(B) Tuesday or Wednesday.
(C) Yes, I met him there.
9. Who did you contact at the bank for your business loan?
(A) Her name was Leslie.
(B) Sorry, I can’t lend it to you.
(C) Yes, I opened an account.
10. Would you like juice or water?
(A) Water the plants every day.
(B) I’m not very thirsty right now.
(C) Twenty-four bottles in a case.
11. What’s the membership fee at the fitness center on Oak Street?
(A) They were highly recommended.
(B) The shop’s on Washington Way.
(C) Twenty euros a month.
12. Where can I store my luggage?
(A) You can check out now.
(B) It’s no trouble at all.
(C) At the service desk over there.
13. Who’s managing the production line?
(A) In about two weeks.
(B) It’s Lisa’s shift.
(C) From the warehouse.
14. How can we meet the project deadline?
(A) We’ll have to work extra hours.
(B) Can you turn on the projector?
(C) The meeting went too long.
15. The chair in my office is very uncomfortable.
(A) Let me find you another one.
(B) It’s a difficult decision.
(C) There’s room for six at the table.

16. Which printer did you buy?
(A) Unless we have more paper.
(B) The publisher’s on Madison Avenue.
(C) I ordered the cheapest one.
17. How do I enter your contest?
(A) No, I didn’t have time.
(B) The winner receives fifty dollars.
(C) The instructions are on our Web site.
18. I can make a list of the candidates for the receptionist position.
(A) Yes, they’ll probably receive it soon.
(B) Thanks, that would be very helpful.
(C) When was Ms. Chen hired?
19. Is this enough food for everyone who’s coming?
(A) He’d prefer pizza.
(B) That should solve the problem.
(C) Well, some people are bringing their lunch.
20. What did Ms. Sato say about the budget proposal?
(A) She approved it.
(B) About five more.
(C) At the staff meeting.
21. Could you give me a ride to work tomorrow?
(A) For the Ritterson firm.
(B) My car’s still in the shop.
(C) They’re on my desk.
22. Who’s the new public relations manager?
(A) On the third floor.
(B) A pool of five applicants.
(C) Someone from the London branch.
23. You said the financial report would be done this week, didn’t you?
(A) No, he didn’t pay for it.
(B) The keys are in the supply drawer.
(C) I did, but there’s been a delay.
24. Can I place an international call from my hotel room?
(A) Gate six is on your right.
(B) The cashier is open.
(C) There will be an extra fee.
25. Who can show me how to set up the projector?
(A) I just saw this month’s figures.
(B) I can in a few minutes.
(C) A new project.
26. Do you mind reviewing this presentation for me?
(A) Oh–I was just about to head home.
(B) How many copies do you need?
(C) It’s a different view from here.

27. Did the clients like the advertisement we designed?
(A) They’ll call back later today.
(B) In next month’s issue.
(C) A few more designers.
28. Who has the lab test results?
(A) First thing tomorrow morning.
(B) Thirty questions, I think.
(C) Let’s check the file.
29. What time are we meeting with the architect?
(A) No, but they usually do.
(B) The new sports arena.
(C) Right after lunch.
30. I think my interview at the television station went well.
(A) My favorite show.
(B) I didn’t know they were hiring.
(C) It’s on the application form.
31. The storage room is locked, isn’t it?
(A) Mostly boxes of books.
(B) Yes, but Ms. Kim has a key.
(C) There should be plenty of room.

Unit 1 Office

Unit 2 Human Resource

Unit 3 Conference/Business trip

Unit 4 Conversation at Work

Unit 5 Entertainment

Unit 6 Traffic

Unit 7 Shopping/Eating

Unit 8 Utilities

Unit 9 Order/Delivery

Unit 10 Customer Service

Part 3 Short Conversations

m Understand the questions

Part 3 gồm 39 câu hỏi, tương đương với 13 đoạn hội thoại. Mỗi đoạn hội thoại là những câu đối đáp
giữa 2-3 người, bao gồm 3 câu hỏi. Hãy đọc câu hỏi và lướt qua 4 đáp án của mỗi câu hỏi trước khi
đoạn audio phát để dễ tìm thông tin.

1. What are the speakers talking about?
2. When does the man want to meet?
3. Who are the speakers?

Check up

1–2. Find the key words for the questions

1. When is the man going оn а vacation?

Why is the woman late for the meeting?

How does the man get to the convention?

2. What does the woman say about the new office?

Where does the man suggest holding the party?
What is the man's problem?

m Paraphrasing
Trong Part 3, thỉnh thoảng có dùng hình thức paraphrasing, đó là trong đáp án đúng sẽ dùng các từ
hoặc cụm từ đồng nghĩa với những từ xuất hiện trong đoạn hội thoại.

1 Words " words

Conversation Question
W1: Debbie, you have a client waiting in the What does Ms. Weissman
conference room. want to do?
W2: That would be Ms. Weissman. She wants to open (A) Travel to Europe
a travel agency, and she needs a loan to pay for (B) Attend a conference
startup costs. (C) Pay for a room
W1: Do you mind if I sit in on the meeting? I'd like to (D) Obtain a loan
learn more about loans.

* Paraphrasing: need " obtain

Check up

1–5. Choose the best answer

1. fix (A) break (B) repair
2. delay (A) postpone (B) cancel
3. coworker (A) client (B) colleague
4. He was approved for a transfer to the London branch.
(A) call (B) relocation
5. They are setting up the snacks and drinks in the conference room.
(A) refreshments (B) grocery store

2 Words " phrases

Conversation Question
M: Dr. Brown, we are all out of tranquilizers for the How will the man order the
horses. medicine?
W: Then send а fax to Vet Supplies Service and (A) Through the mail
order three months' supplies. (B) By fax
M: They don't carry the medicine anymore. I’ll have (C) Over the Internet
to order online instead. (D) By telephone

* Paraphrasing: online " over the Internet

Check up

1–5. Choose the best answer

1. install (A) set up (B) hand out
2. return (A) turn around (B) go back
3. register (A) fill in (B) sign up
4. If you have your receipt, we can give you a refund.
(A) put back (B) get money back
5. Are you planning on attending the annual Medical Convention next month?
(A) once a year (B) once a month

3 Phrases " words

Conversation Question
W1: Did you hear that Mr. Singh is leaving Why is Mr. Singh leaving?
next month? (A) He is retiring.
W2: No, I didn’t. Did he find another job? (B) He is being transferred.
W1: No, he’s going into retirement. He’s (C) He is moving to another company.
been here thirty years. (D) He is going on vacation.

* Paraphrasing: go into retirement " retire

Check up
1–5. Choose the best answer
1. in charge of (A) cost (B) responsible for
2. take care of (A) handle (B) cover
3. turn in (A) submit (B) apply
4. I don’t think we can afford to eat at the restaurant down the street.
(A) crowded (B) expensive
5. I just need someone to look at the materials I prepared.
(A) find (B) review

Các dạng lưu ý trong Part 3

1 Câu hỏi ngụ ý

Đôi khi một câu nói có thể thay đổi ý nghĩa tùy thuộc vào ngữ cảnh. Để làm được loại câu hỏi này,
bạn cần nghe được các thông tin liền trước và liền sau câu nói để hiểu được tình huống và ngữ
cảnh của câu nói đó.

Q. Why does the man say, “I’m on vacation next week”? #149
(A) To request assistance (B) To correct a time frame
(C) To express excitement (D) To decline an invitation

W: Takumi, I’m planning to attend the company health fair on Monday. Would you be interested in
going together?
M: Oh, I’m on vacation next week. I did go last year – it was really great. I learned some exercises and
stretches that are helpful for office workers like us. I still do them every day.
W: Oh – hopefully they’ll have that presentation again… My back often aches after sitting at my desk all
day. It would be nice to learn some techniques to make my back feel better.

2 Đoạn hội thoại có 3 người
Phần lớn trong Part 3 là các đoạn hội thoại có 2 người nói (11 đoạn), tuy nhiên sẽ có 2 đoạn hội thoại
xuất hiện 3 người nói: M1 – M2 – W hoặc W1 – W2 – M.
Chú ý phần giới thiệu khi đoạn hội thoại phát, ví dụ: Questions 41-43 refer to the following
conversation with three speakers, thì đoạn đó sẽ là 3 người nói.

Q. What type of company do the men work for? #150

(A) An architectural firm (B) An engineering firm
(C) A construction company (D) An electronics manufacturer

M1: Hello, Ms. Wilson? This is Oliver Lewis calling from Kardack Engineering. I reviewed your
application for the mechanical engineer position and would like to interview you.
W: Oh, I'm happy to hear that.
M1: Good. I'll transfer you to my administrative assistant. He'll make the arrangements for the interview.
W: Great!
M2: Hello, Ms. Wilson. This is Mr. Lewis' assistant, Martin. I'm wondering if Wednesday at nine A.M.
works for you.
W: Yes, that's perfect. Now, I've never been to your office complex before. Where can I find directions?
M2: I’ll e-mail those to you.

3 Câu hỏi kêt hợp hình ảnh, biểu đồ, bảng biểu
Trong Part 3, có 3 đoạn xuất hiện hình ảnh, biểu đồ, bảng biểu, yêu cầu người nghe phải liên kết
thông tin trong bài nghe và hình ảnh đó mới chọn được đáp án đúng. Vậy nên, với đoạn hội thoại có
kết hợp với biểu đồ và bảng biểu, ngoài việc đọc nội dung 3 câu hỏi để trả lời thì trước khi bắt đầu
nghe audio, ta còn cần chú ý đến nội dung trong biểu đồ, bảng biểu nữa.

Q. Look at the graphic. In what location does the
woman suggest displaying the bags?
(A) Display area 1
(B) Display area 2
(C) Display area 3
(D) Display area 4

M: Good news. The Eddie Jacobs supplier just called and said the bags we ordered should arrive
this morning.
W: That's а relief. Customers have been asking for them for almost а week now.
M: Yes, I'm sure they'll sell out very quickly. We want them to bе easy to find, so where do you think
we should display them?
W: How about directly in front of the entrance? We want everyone that walks bу to bе аble to see

µ Practice. Look at these Vietnamese sentences and listen to fill in the blanks 🎧
1. His computer is not working properly.
2. Our department will be responsible for training employees.
3. It won’t be posted until about 15 minutes before the train is ready to leave.
4. My replacement computer was supposed to be set up today.
5. I’ve received a box of office supplies from your company.


1. B 2. B 3. C 4. C

Listen to the questions, choose the right answer then fill in the blanks
1. Where is the inventory sheet?
(A) In the copy machine
(B) On Ms. Grillo’s desk

M-Am1 I don’t know where the inventory sheet went.

W-Am2 I thought I saw it on Ms. Grillo’s desk.
M-Am1 Oh, that’s right. I gave it to her to make copies, but the copier has been down and she
was waiting for it to get fixed.
2. When did the woman order the manuals?
(A) Yesterday
(B) A month ago

M-Am The new users’ manuals came in the mail yesterday.

W-Am It’s about time! It’s been a month since I placed that order!
M-Am They included a letter of apology - they had some problems with their equipment

Find the keywords, listen and choose the answers

3. Why did the man go to San Antonio?
(A) To visit a store
(B) To meet a client
(C) To attend a conference
(D) To apply for a job
4. Look at the graphic. Which company did the man previously work for?
(A) Nielsen & Cline LLC (C) Green Label Production
(B) Plasticate Technology (D) Gregson Metalworking.

Question 3-4 refer to the following conversation and handout.

W-Am Hi Charlie, welcome back. 3How was your trip to San Antonio?
M-Cn The conference was OK. What happened here while I was gone?
W-Am There was a meeting about some new sales leads. Here’s a copy of the
information we got.
M-Cn Thanks. Wow, 4Rick Santorini is on this list! I cant’ believe he’s still at the same
company. We used to work together there.

1. C 4. D 7. D 10. A 13. B
2. A 5. C 8. D 11. D 14. A
3. A 6. A 9. A 12. B 15. D

Questions 1-3 refer to the following conversation.
W-Br Mark, could you finish the meeting 1. What does the woman ask the man to do?
minutes today in stead of tomorrow? We (A) Change the time of the meeting
need them earlier than I thought. (B) Find an office building
M-Cn I think so, because l'm almost finished, but (C) Finish some work early
I need to check one thing with you. ln the (D) Call the building manager
meeting, we discussed the office move to 2. What does the man want to know?
the city's business district. But 2I don’t (A) A building name
remember the name of the new office (B) A meeting location
building. (C) The time of a move
(D) The reason for a move
W-Br Actually, we didn't decide on the exact
location, but we agreed that our main 3. When does the man expect to finish the
target area is around the Bridgewater minutes?
Tower. (A) Later today
(B) Tomorrow morning
M-Cn OK, I see. That's all the information I need.
(C) Tomorrow evening
I should be able to complete the minutes (D) Next week
before the end of the day.

Questions 4-6 refer to the following conversation.
W-Am Hi, Xavier. 4Good job planning the
business luncheon fоr the finаnсе 4. Where most likely do the speakers work?
company. I heard it went really well. (A) At a culinary school
(B) At a finance corporation
M-Cn Yes, it did. ln fact, when I spoke to some of
(C) At a national bank
the finаnсе company employees after the (D) At a catering company
luncheon,4,5they told me how pleased they
5. What part of the luncheon were the finance
were with оur catering service's healthy
company employees satisfied with?
food options.
(A) The location
W-Am That's great. Did you tell Ian? (B) The cost
M-Cn Yes, he was so pleased because he was (C) The food
the one who suggested most of those (D) The decorations
nutritious meals. 6. What will most likely happen during the
next monthly meeting?
W-Am 6You should share the customers’
(A) Positive feedback will be shared.
comments during our monthy meeting. l'm
(B) Employee benefits will be explained.
sure everyone would benefit from hearing
(C) A corporate party will be announced.
them. (D) A customer’s complaint will be
M-Cn That's а good idea. discussed.

7. What does the woman want to discuss with
the man?
Questions 7-9 refer to the following conversation.
(A) A travel budget
W-Am Nathan, do you have time this afternoon (B) A meeting location
around two or three o'clock? 7I’d like to talk (C) A deadline date
to you about my project proposal–my idea (D) A project idea
for а new travel арр. 8. Why is the man unable to talk to the
M-Au Yes, about the арр–I read your report last woman that day?
week, and I was impressed with your idea. (A) He has to finalize and sign a contract.
Unfortunately, this week is really busy. 8,9I (B) He has not finished writing a report.
have client meetings all day today, and (C) He has not read a proposal yet.
every afternoon the rest of the week. What (D) He has to meet clients.
about Friday at 10 o’clock? 9. What does the woman mean when she
W-Am I саn wait until next week. says “I can wait until next week”?
(A) She cannot meet on Friday.
M-Au Great. That works for me.
(B) She does not want to rush a deadline.
(C) She can postpone some training.
(D) She has not submitted a form yet.
Questions 10-12 refer to the following
conversation. 10. What is the topic of the conversation?
M-Au Hana, 10
what should we do with the empty (A) Office space
office downstairs? I was thinking we could (B) Computer training
turn it into another meeting room. We (C) Vacation schedules
really could use the additional space for (D) Business supplies
small groups. 11. How many interns have been hired?
W-Br Well, we might have to keep it as office (A) Two
space. We've hired more summer (B) Three
employees than usual. 11I don't know if five (C) Four
(D) Five
interns’ll fit up here.
M-Au Oh, 11
five interns–that is а lot. Мауbе they 12. What will the speakers probably do next?
would bе more comfortable downstairs. (A) Hold a training session
Let’s go аnd check how big that office (B) Look at an office
really is. (C) Reschedule a meeting
(D) Meet some new employees


Questions 13-15 refer to the following

conversation and schedule.
M-Cn Guess what? 13The IT team just completed
the upgrades to our company Web site.
The site even has а new chat forum for
W-Br Ah, it's up and running already?... how
does it look? 13. What did the speakers’ company do
M-Cn lt looks great. From the forum I noticed...
(A) Opened a branch office
there's а lot of interest in our upcoming
(B) Upgraded a Web site
workshops. Won't we need more space?
(C) Started a sales contest
We could rent а reception room, or...
(D) Launched a new product
W-Br We'II bе ОK. 14I’ll stream the workshop live
14. What does the woman plan to do?
in additional meeting rooms. That way,
(A) Show the workshop in several rooms
everyone can attend.
(B) Rent a larger meeting space
M-Cn Great idea. (C) Post a digital video online
W-Br Now, uh… 15
We’ll have to make а change (D) Schedule another workshop
to the schedule. The presenter of the last 15. Look at the graphic. Which workshop
workshop said hе needs more time. He’ll needs a time change?
go to 3:30. (A) Sales Plus
(B) Teamwork
(C) Market Trends
(D) Leadership

µ Practice. Look at these Vietnamese sentences and listen to fill in the blanks 🎧
1. Louise has been with the company for over 30 years.
2. You’re going to transfer to our research laboratory in London next month.
3. I’m very glad you applied for our magazine’s open position as a journalist.
4. She is away on vacation right now and won’t be back until next week.
5. Mr. Jackson was promoted to sales manager last week.


1. B 2. B 3. B 4. D

Listen to the questions, choose the right answer then fill in the blanks
1. Where will the woman work next year?
(A) In South America
(B) In Europe

W-Am We’re opening a new branch in Europe and I’ll be reassigned there next year.
M-Am Great! You’ve already worked in Asia and Africa, right?
W-Am Yes, and South America, but never Europe. I’m really looking forward to this.

2. Who is Daniela?
(A) The new vice president
(B) The new plant manager

M-Am Hi, Sally. Did you hear that the vice president chose Daniela for the plant manager
W-Am Yes, that’s great news. I heard about it yesterday from my secretary.
M-Am We need someone like her – managing the plant is a challenging job.

Find the keywords, listen and choose the answers

3. What are the speakers discussing?
(A) A job application’s qualifications (C) A new employee’s training
(B) A colleague’s retirement (D) A client’s request
4. What does Mr. Cho plan to do next month?
(A) Write a book (C) Transfer to another office
(B) Travel overseas (D) Open a new business

Question 3-4 refer to the following conversation.

W-Br I heard Mr. Cho is retiring from the sales department next week. Is that true?
M-Cn Yes. I can't believe it. Our overseas clients are really going to miss him. No one
in the industry understands their medical supply needs better than he does. But,
after 30 years in sales, 4I hear he plans to open up his own business next month.
W-Br Oh really? What kind of business?
M-Cn А bookstore. He's always loved reading.

1. B 4. D 7. B 10. B 13. A
2. C 5. B 8. B 11. D 14. A
3. D 6. B 9. A 12. C 15. B

1. What news does the man mention?
Questions 1-3 refer to the following conversation. (A) His team developed a new product.
M-Br Jane, did you hear the news? 1Toshi’s just (B) A coworker was promoted.
been promoted! (C) His department won an award.
W-Br That's wonderful news! What's his new
(D) A proposal was approved.
position? He's in the sales department, 2. What department does Toshi work in?
isn't he? (A) Human resources
M-Br No, 2he’s in the accounting department –
(B) Computer technology
(C) Accounting
he’ll be the new team leader of the
(D) Sales
accounting group. The official
accouncement will be made at next 3. When is the meeting?
Friday’s meeting. (A) On Monday
(B) On Tuesday
(C) On Thursday
(D) On Friday
4. What is the main topic of the conversation?
(A) A doctor’s appointment
Questions 4-6 refer to the following conversation.
(B) A lunch meeting
M-Au So, Jackie, have you heard back yet (C) An accounting seminar
about the accounting job you applied for? (D) A job interview
W-Br Yes, I just got а phone call yesterday. 4,5I’m 5. When will Jackie meet with the supervisor?
scheduled to have an interview with the (A) In a day
accounting supervisor a week from today. (B) In a week
M-Au That’s great! Where's the interview? (C) In two weeks
(D) In three weeks
W-Br At the company headquarters, just down
the street from your office. 6Let’s meet for 6. What will Jackie do after her meeting with
lunch afterward and I’ll tell you all about it. the supervisor?
(A) Visit the department secretary
(B) Have lunch with a friend
(C) Go to the human resources office
(D) Visit her friend’s office

Questions 7-9 refer to the following conversation.
M-Cn So, Sharon, 7I heard you got а job at а 7. In what industry does the woman most
market research firm. How do you like it? likely work?
W-Br Yes, it's called Central Fieldwork (A) Accounting
Associates. l'm developing surveys to help (B) Market research
(C) Event planning
client companies learn about consumer
(D) Real estate development
preferences in various regional markets.
Then I get to work on а team to develop 8. Why does the woman say, “I hear we’re
the advertisements. expanding”?
(A) To explain changes in a sales contest
M-Cn Great to hear. 8l'm still looking for work
(B) To inform the man about possible job
myself. openings
W-Br Well… I hear we're expanding. (C) To show surprise at her recent job
M-Cn Really? Good to know. I’ll keep that in
(D) To seek additional client referrals
9. What does the woman offer to do for the
W-Br Yeah, let me know if I can help you out. man?
M-Cn Sure. For now, 9
I should rewrite my (A) Review a document
résumé… (B) Analyze survey results
(C) Summarize a presentation
W-Br ... After you do that, 9I can look it over and
(D) Order office supplies
give you feedback.

Questions 10-12 refer to the following
M-Au 10
Deanna, do you know who was hired for 10. What type of job opening are the speakers
the management position? I thought they discussing?
wanted someone to start this week. (A) A sales position
(B) A management position
W-Am They chose Mr. Simon. He's bееn а (C) A computer technician position
manager in the marketing department for (D) An accountant position
the past three уears.12But he couldn’t start
11. According to the woman, why was Mr.
until next week. Simon hired?
M-Au Oh, I was hoping they were going to hire (A) He was recommended.
Ms. Long. She had such great (B) He is well educated.
recommendations. l've never worked with (C) He is well known in his field.
Mr. Simon. (D) He has enough experience.
W-Am Well, Ms. Long had no experience in 12. When will Mr. Simon start work?
management, and Mr. Simon's had his (A) Today
position for а few years now. 12I guess (B) This week
we'II see if they chose the right реrsоn (C) Next week
nехt week. (D) In two weeks


Questions 13-15 refer to the following

conversation and chart.
M-Cn Jane, because the sales team you led
had such good results in June, I want to
ask your advice about an important
decision I need to make.
W-Am Of course, Мr. Akamu. What саn I help you 13. What most likely is the woman’s job?
with? (A) Sales team leader
M-Cn Next year, to launch our new line of (B) Accounting manager
software, we're starting another sales (C) Computer technician
team. We want one of the salespeople (D) Human resources director
from your team to lead it. Can you 14. According to the conversation, what will
recommend anyone? happen next year?
W-Am Certainly. lf you look at my team member's (A) A new product will be sold.
results, you might think Marius is the best (B) A new employee will be hired.
(C) A new Web site will open.
choice. But 15the реrson with the lowest
(D) A new policy will begin.
sales did а great job helping the others оn
the team. She's the one to lead уоur nеw 15. Look at the graphic. Who does the woman
team. recommend for a promotion?
(A) Chris Webb
(B) Louna Sylvia
(C) Marius Albert
(D) Laci Marcela

µ Practice. Look at these Vietnamese sentences and listen to fill in the blanks 🎧
1. I can’t make it to this afternoon’s meeting.
2. They signed a five-year contract with us yesterday.
3. You’ll have the book in time for training session on Friday.
4. Mr. McGill is on his way to the meeting to go over the budget.
5. I was at the conference in London and didn’t get back in town until yesterday.


1. B 2. A 3. B 4. A

Listen to the questions, choose the right answer then fill in the blanks
1. How does the woman suggest the report be delivered?
(A) By express mail
(B) By messenger

M-Am I’m finally done writing our annual report. Shall we mail it to the printer? I can use express
mail if you like.
W-Am Express mail… that’s too expensive. We’ll send it over by messenger this afternoon.
M-Am I would take it over there myself, but I have an appointment meeting at two.

2. Why does the woman want to reschedule her meeting?

(A) She cannot get to the meeting location this week.
(B) She is going on vacation for two weeks.

W-Am I’m having trouble getting transportation to Kyoto for our meeting this week. Can we
change it to sometime next week?
M-Am Well, I’m starting a two-week vacation on Friday, so it would have to be after I return.
W-Am Why don’t I call you when you get back to schedule a new time?

Find the keywords, listen and choose the answers

3. What does the woman want to do?
(A) Prepare an accounting report (C) Reschedule an upcoming seminar
(B) Ask a coworker to give a presentation (D) Hire some new staff member
4. What are the speakers concerned about?
(A) The lack of preparation time (C) The ability of a presenter
(B) The availability of a meeting room (D) The location of a seminar

Question 3-4 refer to the following conversation.

W-Am I’d like to ask James to make a presentation at the corporate accounts seminar.
We still need more presenters and I think he'd do а good job.
M-Au Sure, I agree. His presentation at last month's staff development meeting was
great. 4But l'm worried he might nоt have enough time to prepare.
W-Am Yeah, I’m worried about that, too. The seminar's in less than two weeks. 66
M-Au Well, let's give him а call and see what he thinks.

1. B 4. B 7. A 10. D 13. B
2. C 5. A 8. B 11. A 14. C
3. A 6. D 9. B 12. C 15. A

Questions 1-3 refer to the following conversation.
W-Br Hello. l'm Rose Tilmore. I have an 1. According to the man, why is Ms. Kim not
appointment with Ms. Kim at ten o'clock. available?
(A) She is out of the office.
M-Au l'm sorry, 1she's оn the telephone with аn
(B) She is speaking with a client.
overseas customer right nоw. She should (C) She is presenting a report.
bе finished in about five minutes. 2Perhaps (D) She is working on new project.
you'd like to look at our brochure while you
2. What will the woman probably do next?
wait to see her.
(A) Order new brochures
W-Br Тhаnk you! The information in this (B) Have coffee in the cafeteria
brochure is actually very relevant to what (C) Look at a company brochure
Ms. Kim and I will be discussing this (D) Cancel a finantial service
3. What does the man say about the
M-Au Oh, good. 3It's just bееn updated to reflect company?
our recent expansion. We're nоw the (A) It has become larger.
largest financial соmраnу in the city, as (B) It creates advertisements.
you mау already know. (C) It is based in another country.
(D) It is moving to a new location.

Questions 4-6 refer to the following conversation.
W-Am Welcome back, Tony. How was the
conference iп Lоndоn? Did you get а good 4. Why did the man go to London?
turnout? (A) To look for a space to live
(B) To participate in a conference
M-Cn Yes, I did! I was worried about low
(C) To lead a group tour
attendance. But in fact, the room was full. (D) To visit his family
W-Am Terrific. Actually, l'm going to London
5. What does the man imply when he says,
myself in the summer. l'm planning to tour "I could’ve stayed there a long time”?
the city with my family. So I was (A) He likes his accommodation.
wondering–how were the hotel (B) He was invited to extend his stay.
accommodations we booked for you? (C) He has a long wait for his return flight.
M-Cn I could've stayed there а long time. 5We (D) He makes frequent trips to London.
should book it for nехt year's conference 6. What does the man say he will do next?
too! Oh, that reminds me–6I have to write (A) Schedule a meeting
up а report оn the other speakers' (B) Give a presentation
presentations. l've got to start оn that right (C) Take a lunch break
now. Let's talk more during lunch. (D) Work on a report

Questions 7-9 refer to the following conversation.
7. Who most likely is the man?
W-Am Hi, Jeff, 7have you submitted уоur article
(A) A researcher
on seabirds to any science journals yet?
(B) A book editor
7, 8
M-Cn Yes, in fact, I just heard yesterday that (C) A news reporter
Science Monthly will publish my рареr in (D) A physician
the next issue. 8. Why does the woman congratulate the
W-Am 8Congratulations! I have а subscription to man?
that journal–I can't wait to read your article (A) He has received an award.
when it comes out. 7This must bе а big (B) His article will be published.
step for уоur research project. (C) He has been promoted.
(D) His project is completed.
M-Cn lt's definitely good news. People will bе
аblе to read about my work. Then, 9when 9. What does the man plan to do this
we meet at the summer conference, we
(A) Change jobs
саn have some good discussions about
(B) Attend a conference
the project.
(C) Teach a class
(D) Write a book

Questions 10-12 refer to the following
conversation with three speakers.
W-Am Hi, Judy and Paul. I was going through the
documents from your business trip ...
10. What does Ms. Delaney ask for?
W-Br And you need the receipts for оur
(A) A travel itinerary
expenses, right?
(B) A tracking number
W-Am 10Yes. Do you have them? (C) Presentation slides
W-Br I’ll let Paul answer that. (D) Financial documents
M-Cn Sorry, Ms. Delaney, but 11
the receipts аrе 11. What problem does the man mention?
in the briefcase I accidentally left at the (A) A bag was left behind on a trip.
hotel. l've phoned the hotel to have them (B) A package was lost in the mail.
mail the briefcase back to me. (C) A hotel reservation was cancelled.
(D) A flight was delayed.
W-Am That's ОK. But when can I expect the
receipts? 12. Why should Judy return to the office after
M-Cn They mailed it this morning, so maybe
(A) To review an itinerary
Wednesday? (B) To check an invoice
W-Am ОK. Please bring them in as soon as (C) To discuss a report
possible. And 12Judy, саn you stop bу after (D) To plan a delivery
lunch? I have some questions about your
report, too.

Questions 13-15 refer to the following
conversation and list.
W-Am Hi, Hank. I’m back from оur Product
Development Lab. Тhеу'rе wondering how
the taste-test surveys for our nеw flavors
of juice drinks are coming along.
M-Cn Oh, our market research firm sent us 30
completed surveys from another
supermarket testing site, just this morning.
W-Am Great. 14
Why don't you get in touch with 13. Where most likely do the speakers work?
our advertising аgеnсу? lf the survey (A) At a food manufacturing plant
results are positive, they can bе used in (B) At a beverage company
our new ads. (C) At a supermarket
(D) At a market research firm
M-Cn Sure–so far the feedback seems good.
These 30 surveys came from the Medford 14. What does the woman suggest the man
Park supermarket. So we're just waiting on
(A) Arrange a display shelf
one more set of results.
(B) Obtain product samples
W-Am ОK. Which supermarket still hasn't sent (C) Contact an advertising agency
us their surveys? (D) Proofread a document
M-Cn That would bе Burnside, but they 15. Look at the graphic. How many surveys are
received their product samples late. They the speakers waiting to receive?
expect to send us all the surverys (A) 15
tomorrow. (B) 20
(C) 25
(D) 30

µ Practice. Look at these Vietnamese sentences and listen to fill in the blanks 🎧
1. You should just go and ask the manager if you could leave early today.
2. They are expected to attend the meeting this time.
3. I just stopped bу your office to thank you for planning the department picnic.
4. I’m calling to register for the finance conference.
5. A number of the presentations will focus оn new production processes.


1. A 2. B 3. B 4. C

Listen to the questions, choose the right answer then fill in the blanks
1. Why does the man apologize to Ms. Patel?
(A) He was late for work.
(B) He has to leave early tonight.

M-Cn I’m sorry I wasn’t on time, Ms. Patel. I had a flat tire on the freeway.
W-Am Oh… business has been very slow this morning, so it wasn’t a problem.
M-Cn Well, I’ll stay late this evening to make up the time.

2. How do the speakers plan to rearrange the furniture?

(A) By hiring an outside moving company
(B) By having the maintenance staff do the work

W-Am We need to move these desks and filing cabinets to make room for the new furniture.
M-Cn Right. Maybe we should ask the maintenance staff to do the moving.
W-Am The furniture does look pretty heavy. Okay, let’s have them do that.

Find the keywords, listen and choose the answers

3. Where do the speakers most likely work?
(A) At an advertising agency (C) At a furniture store
(B) At an electronics shop (D) At an assembly plant
4. Why does the woman say, “We’ve already sold out”?
(A) To ask for help (C) To express agreement
(B) To refuse a request (D) To show concern

Question 3-4 refer to the following conversation.

M-Cn Hey, Janet, what a long day...3we've had so many customers. 3, 4The new
Techno computer tablet sure is selling well, isn't it?
W-Am We've already sold out! We purchased 200 of them... I thought we'd be
overstocked. This is great for business.
M-Cn Yeah, they really are popular... I wonder why so many people are buying this
W-Am I think it's because of all the good reviews on the Internet. Most of the reviews
gave the tablet five stars out of five! 70

1. C 4. D 7. B 10. B 13. B
2. A 5. D 8. C 11. A 14. C
3. D 6. A 9. B 12. B 15. A

Questions 1-3 refer to the following conversation. 1. What are the speakers discussing?
W-Am 1Great news! Last month we sold over (A) A digital camera
10,000 units of our new С-12 mobile (B) A laptop computer
(C) A mobile phone
phone model!
(D) A compact stereo
M-Cn That's wonderful! I guess the consumers
2. According to the survey, what led to an
like the new features, like the digital
increase in sales?
camera and lnternet access on their
(A) An attractive design
(B) A reduced price
W-Am 2Actually, our survey indicates that it's the (C) Good advertisement
phone's nеw slim design they like. lt's (D) New product capabilities
really attractive. 3. What will Sarah Luzón receive?
M-Cn 3I heard Sarah Luzón is getting а niсе (A) A pay raise
bonus. That whole design was her idea. (B) An award
(C) A promotion
(D) A bonus
Questions 4-6 refer to the following conversation.
W-Br Hi, Naveen. 4Did you have а сhаnсе to 4. Where most likely do the speakers work?
look at the draft of the nеw book cover? (A) At a bookstore
M-Cn Yes, I looked it over, and I think it's really (B) At a public library
good. I do have one suggestion though. 4I (C) At a photography studio
think our publishing company's logo is very (D) At a publishing company
small compared to the other information. 5. What suggestion does the man make about
How about making it larger so people саn the logo?
see it better? (A) Fixing position
(B) Adding a picture
W-Br That's а good idea. Also, I was thinking of
(C) Changing the color
adding Mr. Navarro's picture next to the
(D) Increasing the size
information about the author. What do you
think? 6. What will the woman most likely do next?
(A) Revise a design
M-Cn lt would bе nice for the readers to know
(B) Buy a camera
what the author looks like. (C) Talk to Mr. Navarro
W-Br ОK. 6I’ll make those changes. Thanks for (D) Change a date
all your help.

Questions 7-9 refer to the following conversation. 7. What type of event will the woman attend?
W-Br 7
David, here are the details of my trip to the (A) A branch opening
(B) A trade show
trade show. l'm sure you can handle
(C) A board meeting
everything in the office while l'm gone, but
(D) A company banquet
feel free to contact me if you need to.
8. What does the woman say about her
M-Au What's the best way to reach you at the mobile phone?
trade show? lt might bе hard for you to (A) She might not bring it with her.
hear your phone in that huge conference (B) It has many features.
center. (C) It may have poor reception.
W-Br That's true. 8And I might not have very (D) She received it from the company.
good reception on my phone. 9lt's рrоbably 9. How does the woman ask to be contacted?
best to e-mail me. I’ll bе checking my e- (A) By fax
mail regularly while l'm away. (B) By e-mail
(C) By text message
(D) By phone call
Questions 10-12 refer to the following
W-Br Good morning. 10I’d like to check out–I was
in room 205. Here’s my room key. 10. Where is the conversation most likely
M-Cn Certainly. I’ll just print out a copy of the taking place?
charges that’ll be billed to your credit (A) At a supermarket
card… All right, here it is. I hope you (B) At a hotel
(C) At an auto shop
enjoyed your stay.
(D) At a travel agency
W-Br Yes–it was great to have a room right in
11. What problem does the woman mention?
the downtown area. Oh wait, 11I didn’t
(A) A bill is not correct.
order any room service last night, but
(B) A repair is not finished.
there’s a charge for it here.
(C) A reservation was not available.
M-Cn I’m very sorry about that. I can fix that and (D) A staff member was not polite.
print a new bill for you.
12. Where will the woman go next?
W-Br Actually, I need to get to the airport. My (A) To a client’s office
flight leaves in an hour. Can you e-mail it (B) To the airport
to me? (C) To a shopping center
M-Cn Absolutely. Have a good flight. (D) To a museum


Questions 13-15 refer to the following

conversation and chart.
W-Am Mr. Stenvens, about our new digital
camera–you may remember that we asked
two consumer focus groups to try it out and
tell us what they liked and didn’t like. The
feedback is in! Take a look. 13. What product are the speakers discussing?
M-Cn Thes are great results! 14
I’m particularly (A) A laptop computer
happy that so many people were satisfied (B) A digital camera
with the camera’s user manual. (C) A mobile phone
(D) A video game system
W-Am So what’s the next step? Do we need to
get more feedback? 14. Look at the graphic. What percentage is the
man especially happy about?
M-Cn We have plenty of time before the camera
(A) 69%
launch. 15Let’s have a group of (B) 75%
photographers test it. The opinions of (C) 88%
actual professionals will help. (D) 95%
15. What does the man suggest?
(A) Asking professionals for their opinions
(B) Switching to a new battery vendor
(C) Changing the product’s launch date
(D) Redesigning a carrying case

µ Practice. Look at these Vietnamese sentences and listen to fill in the blanks 🎧
1. I’m calling to make а dinner reservation for three people on Monday July 9th.
2. You adjusted the tour itinerary by removing the visit to the botanical garden.
3. The woman’s portrayal of the main character was wonderful.
4. I’d like to confirm my room reservation for October 20th.
5. I’ve decided to extend my trip to do some sightseeing.


1. B 2. B 3. C 4. B

Listen to the questions, choose the right answer then fill in the blanks
1. When did the man go to the theater?
(A) On Saturday afternoon
(B) Yesterday evening

M-Am I wish I'd had time to get some coffee before I came in. It's so hard to focus on doing the
inventory this early in the morning.
W-Am Oh, that's right! You went to the theater last night. Did the play end late?
M-Am Yes, but it was a wonderful performance. Next time, though, I'll try to go on a Saturday.

2. Why is the man going to Los Angeles?

(A) To meet Kate
(B) To visit his wife's parents

M-Am We're going to Los Angeles next weekend to visit my wife's family.
W-Am I didn't know that Kate was from California.
M-Am She isn't. Her parents moved there when they retired.

Find the keywords, listen and choose the answers

3. Where did the woman just return from?
(A) Business conference (C) A vacation trip
(B) An anniversary party (D) An overseas meeting
4. What does the man ask the woman to do?
(A) Reserve a hotel room (C) Reschedule a meeting
(B) Check some seating arrangements (D) Purchase some plane tickets
Question 3-4 refer to the following conversation.
M-Cn Well, hello, Elizabeth! 3How was уоur vacation last week?
W-Br Oh, it was great! I flew to California and spent most of the week at the beach.
The weather was perfect for swimming.
M-Cn That must have been lovely. Well, we're glad to have you back! There is still
quite а bit of planning to finish up for the company's tenth anniversary party.
Could you start by checking seating arrangements?
W-Br Oh, I just finished doing that, and they look fine. l'm going to fax them over to the 74
conference center right now.

1. D 4. A 7. D 10. D 13. D
2. C 5. B 8. A 11. B 14. A
3. A 6. D 9. B 12. A 15. B

Questions 1-3 refer to the following conversation. 1. What does the woman want to do?
W-Am Oh, l'm so frustrated. 1I was really hoping (A) Go to a movie
to buy tickets for this concert nехt month. (B) Watch a sporting event
(C) See a dance performance
Му favorite band is going to bе performing,
(D) Attend a concert
but I don't think I’ll bе аblе to go now.
2. What is the woman's concern?
M-Cn Why? ls it sold out already? I thought the
tickets just went on sale yesterday. (A) The line for tickets is too long.
(B) There are no tickets available.
W-Am No, it’s not that. 2It’s just that they’re really (C) The tickets are too expensive.
expensive. Tickets start at a hundred (D) Tickets are not available by phone.
3. What does the man recommend doing?
M-Cn 3Тhеn, why don't you try the lnternet? I (A) Looking for cheaper tickets
know а Web site that has discount concert (B) Visiting the ticket office another day
tickets. You might bе ablе to find а better (C) Going to a different event
price there. (D) Placing an advertisement in the

4. When is Anne leaving on her trip?
Questions 4-6 refer to the following conversation. (A) On Thursday
(B) On Friday
M-Cn So Anne, you're taking time off next week?
(C) On Saturday
Are you going anywhere? (D) On Monday
W-Br Yes. I’m going to Roxbury lsland оn
5. What activity is Anne looking forward to?
Тhursdау. 5l'm really looking forward to
(A) Jogging
going bicycle riding. I hear they have great (B) Biking
bike trails there. (C) Swimming
M-Cn They do–6I went there last уеar. l'd (D) Sailing
recommend visiting Victoria City, too. lt's а 6. What does the man say about Victoria
fascinating old city. City?
W-Br Thanks, l'm going to bе in Victoria City оn (A) It has good sports facilities.
Friday, so maybe I’ll take а city tour. (B) Its scenery is attractive.
(C) It has good weather.
(D) It is an interesting old city.

Questions 7-9 refer to the following conversation.
7. What does the woman imply when she
M-Cn Hi, Amal. I heard you attended an says, "Two hours wasn't enough"?
orchestra concert with Miguel over the (A) A deadline has been extended.
weekend. How was it? 7I heard it's long... (B) A project took longer than expected.
about two hours, right? ls it worth checking (C) She was late arriving to an event.
out? (D) She enjoyed the performance.
W-Am Two hours wasn't enough! 8. Why has the man been busy?
M-Cn Really? Hmm... l've been busy for the last (A) He was preparing for a presentation.
month working on the product design (B) He was designing a brochure.
presentation, so I haven't had а lot of time. (C) He was reporting on customer
l'd like to see it with а friend. comments.
(D) He was reviewing a performance.
W-Am Actually, Angie wanted to see it with us,
but she felt а little sick that day. 9Мауbе 9. What does the woman suggest the man
you should ask her to go with you? She
(A) Arrive early
should bе at her desk now.
(B) Invite a coworker
(C) Test a new product
(D) Recommend some medicine


Questions 10-12 refer to the following

10. Where most likely does the conversation
take place?
W-Am 10Hello. l've just arrived in town , and I saw (A) At a convention hall
уоur visitor's information center. 11I want to (B) At a train station
visit the City Tower. Саn you tell mе the (C) At an antique shop
best way to get there? (D) At an information center
M-Au Certainly. lt's а popular place for tourists to 11. What does the woman inquire about?
visit, so there's а free shuttle bus that goes (A) Registering for an event
from the visitor's center directly to the City (B) Getting to a tourist site
Tower. (C) Finding hotel accommodations
(D) Rescheduling a trip
W-Am That sounds great. And it'II stop right in
front of the tower? 12. What does the man offer to give the
M-Au Yes. If you like, I саn give you the bus
(A) A bus schedule
schedule, so you саn see what time it
(B) A discounted ticket
(C) A list of prices
(D) A city map

Questions 13-15 refer to the following
conversation and list.
M-Cn This business ехро is absolutely amazing.
I саn't believe it's already fоur o'clock.
W-Br I know! We haven't seen half the booths
M-Cn I think we have time to visit оnе more
booth before we leave today. Which one
should we choose? 13. Why are the speakers unable to visit all the
W-Br Well… How about Keeper booths?
lncorporated? I heard their marketing (A) They did not make appointments.
directoг, Thomas Lin, will be stationed at (B) They have not paid all the fees.
the booth. (C) They cannot find all the companies.
14,15 (D) They do not have enough time.
M-Cn Yes, I heard that too. I want to find out
more about theiг nеw line of merchandise. 14. Look at the graphic. Which booth will the
I heard they are made of entirely organic speakers visit next?
materials. But before we go, сап we drop (A) 12
bу the Aimee lnitiative booth again? I (B) 13
(C) 14
forgot to grab their business card.
(D) 15
W-Br Don't worry. I already got one for both of
15. Why do the speakers want to talk to
us from their representative.
Thomas Lin?
M-Cn Oh, that's great. ОK. Let's go. (A) To ask for marketing advice
(B) To learn more about his company's
(C) To congratulate him on a successful
(D) To discuss a potential partnership

µ Practice. Look at these Vietnamese sentences and listen to fill in the blanks 🎧
1. I’ve just missed mу flight back to Seoul.
2. The sign says the parking garage is already full.
3. I’ve just heard that our guest speakers are stuck in rush hour traffic.
4. I’m planning to take the train to the city tomorrow morning.
5. Mary usually gives mе а ride to work.


1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A

Listen to the questions, choose the right answer then fill in the blanks
1. How will the speakers get to their destination?
(A) By bus
(B) By car

W-Am If we take the bus, we have to change buses twice.

M-Am Well then, maybe we should drive. It’ll cost a bit more, but it will also be much quicker.
W-Am We can take my car. I’ll walk over and get it out of the garage.

2. What time is the woman’s flight?

(A) At 6:00
(B) At 8:00

W-Am My plane leaves tomorrow evening at eight. Can you give me a ride to the airport?
M-Am Sure. What time should we leave?
W-Am It should only take about thirty minutes, but let’s leave at six.

Find the keywords, listen and choose the answers

3. What kind of experience does the man say he has?
(A) Advertising (C) Delivery driving
(B) Customer service (D) Marketing
4. Look at the graphic. Which day will the man be interviewed?
(A) On Tuesday (C) On Thursday
(B) On Wednesday (D) On Friday

Question 3-4 refer to the following conversation.

W-Br Hi, this is Emiko from ShipHub International. I received your application to be one
of our specialty drivers. You have a lot of experience.
M-Cn Yes, 3I drove a delivery truck for several years.
W-Br Great. I'd like to set up an interview this week. I see that you indicated you're free
on Friday morning, but there are no open interview times that morning. 4Could
you come in tomorrow at nine A.M.?
M-Cn Sure, I can meet at nine.

1. B 4. C 7. D 10. A 13. C
2. D 5. A 8. B 11. C 14. A
3. A 6. B 9. C 12. A 15. A

Questions 1-3 refer to the following conversation.
W-Am Hi, David. 1
Аrе you going to the sales 1. What are the speakers discussing?
seminar оn Friday? (A) Scheduling a telephone conference
(B) Attending a sales seminar
M-Cn Well, l'm not sure. 2The problem is that my
(C) Locating a repair shop
car's in the auto shop being repaired, so I (D) Making restaurant reservations
don't know how l'd get to the conference
2. What is the man’s problem?
center. lf I take the bus from home, I
wouldn't get there until after nine, and l'd (A) A meeting time has been changed.
(B) His business lunch has been canceled.
miss the breakfast reception.
(C) The bus schedule is not available.
W-Am 3Why don't you ask Michael if he саn give (D) His automobile is being repaired.
you а ride? He's taking mе and another
3. What does the woman suggest the man
coworker. l'm sure he wouldn't mind. do?
M-Cn That's а good idea. That way I won't miss (A) Ride with a coworker
any of the morning activities. I’ll give him а (B) Ask for technical assistance
call right now to check. (C) Check a telephone number
(D) Reschedule the meeting

Questions 4-6 refer to the following conversation.
4. Why does the man say, “The train leaves in
W-Am Hello. 4Саn I still buy а ticket for the 9:05 one minute”?
train to Amsterdam? lt's not too late, is it? (A) To urge a quick decision
M-Cn l'm sorry. The train leaves in one minute. (B) To announce an early departure
However, there are trains at 10:50 А.М. (C) To deny a ticket purchase
аnd 12:30 Р.М. There are seats available (D) To assure the woman that she has
arrived in time.
on both.
W-Am I’ll take the first one. Also, I need to get
5. What does the man say is available on the
some work done on my laptop during the
(A) A power socket
trip. Will there bе places to charge my
(B) Some meal options
(C) An Internet connection
M-Cn Yes, 5all оur seats come with individual (D) Storage space
electric sockets, so you don't have to worry 6. What does the man ask the woman about?
about that. Your total is eighty-five euros.
(A) An arrival time
Would уou like to рау with cash or а credit (B) A payment method
card? (C) A seat selection
(D) A travel date

Questions 7-9 refer to the following conversation.
W-Am Hello, Mr. Hernandez. This is Fatima from 7. Why most likely is the woman calling?
the front desk. (A) To confirm a reservation date
M-Cn Hello. (B) To offer a voucher for the business
W-Am 7I just wanted to remind you the airport lounge
shuttle bus will leave tomorrow morning at (C) To notify the man about late check-out
eleven o'clock. Our checkout time is at ten,
(D) To remind the man about airport
but you саn have а late check-out free of
charge, or relax in the lobby while you wait.
8. What does the man say he needs to do?
M-Cn Actually, 8I need to print out some e-mails
(A) Send some e-mails
before I go to the airport. ls there а printer
(B) Print a document
in this hotel? (C) Book a flight
W-Am Yes, 9we have а business lounge located (D) Change a breakfast meeting
оn the fifteenth floor. lt has complimentary 9. What does the woman say the man can do
lnternet for you to use оn your laptop. on the 15th floor?
M-Cn Great. When does it open? (A) Use a vending machine
W-Am At seven.
(B) Make international calls
(C) Access free Internet
M-Cn Terrific. Thank you so much. (D) Enjoy complimentary coffee

Questions 10-12 refer to the following
10. What is the problem?
W-Br Excuse me, officer. I see that the road is (A) A road is closed.
closed up ahead. l'm headed to Saratoga, (B) Traffic is heavy.
and I only know how to get there bу taking (C) A parking area is full.
this road north. ls there any way I can get (D) A vehicle has stopped working.
through? 11. Where is the woman trying to go?
M-Cn I’m sorry, but а pipe burst, and there's (A) To her house
some flooding. The repair crew is fixing the (B) To her office
pipe, but it'II рrоbаblу take а few hours. (C) To a conference center
W-Br l'm already late for the workshop. 11ls there (D) To a shopping complex
аnother wау to get to the Calico 12. What advice does the man give the
Convention Center? woman?
12 (A) Follow some signs
M-Cn Route 87 is рrоbаblу the fastest. Just
(B) Purchase a map
follow the signs for the соnvеntiоn center,
(C) Listen to a traffic report
and you shouldn't have any trouble.
(D) Use public transportation


Questions 13-15 refer to the following

conversation and map.
W-Am Kevin, how do you get to work so early
every morning? 13We both live in West
Plains, but you're always here before me.
M-Au Well, which way do you drive to work?
W-Am I take Biltmore Lane the whole way. 13. According to the woman, what do the
According to my navigation device, it's ... speakers have in common?
M-Au Oh, don't follow your device's directions! (A) They can walk to work.
(B) They came to work late.
W-Am Why not?
(C) They live in the same area.
M-Au Biltmore Lane has too much traffic. 14If you (D) They both use navigation devices.
take Sherman Way, you саn skip а busy 14. Look at the graphic. Where does the man
lntersection. Plus, you саn stop at а great most likely eat breakfast?
breakfast place оn the way go there every (A) At Tinsley Café
day. (B) At Blueleaf Coffee
W-Am ОK. I’ll have to try that way. (C) At Len’s Diner
15 (D) At Greenbelt Bagels
M-Au You should. If you want, we саn mееt in
the morning sometime so you саn follow 15. What does the man offer to do for the
me to work. woman?
(A) Show her a route
(B) Repair her vehicle
(C) Stop by her office
(D) Give her a ride

µ Practice. Look at these Vietnamese sentences and listen to fill in the blanks 🎧
1. Let me mе refund you the difference now.
2. Why don’t I just take an order for the cake right now?
3. I’ll check out our database to see if we have that shampoo in stock.
4. We specialize in South African cuisine.
5. I’ll put the boots aside for you.


1. B 2. A 3. D 4. D

Listen to the questions, choose the right answer then fill in the blanks
1. Who most likely is the man?
(A) A salesman
(B) A waiter

M-Am Would you care for some dessert or coffee today?

W-Am No, thank you. I’d just like the check, please.
M-Am Certainly. I’ll bring it back to your table and you can pay the cashier whenever you’re

2. Where does this conversation probably take place?

(A) At a bookstore
(B) At a travel agency

M-Am1 Can I help you?

M-Am2 Yes, I can’t seem to find the new biography of Indira Kumar.
M-Am1 It’s been very popular. I’m afraid that all of our copies of the book have been sold.

Find the keywords, listen and choose the answers

3. What is the conversation mainly about?
(A) A warehouse address (C) An equipment repair
(B) A recent shipment (D) An out-of-stock item
4. What does the woman offer to do?
(A) Look for a manual (C) Ship an item
(B) Place an order (D) Contact a customer

Question 3-4 refer to the following conversation.

W-Br I'm sorry, l've just called our warehouse, and the brand of photo printer рареr you
wanted is out of stock. We рrоbаblу have something similar over in aisle two, though.
M-Cn Well, I prefer the specific brand that I requested. Will you bе getting а new shipment
W-Br Yes, it should bе delivered sometime next week. 4I could call you when it comes in.
M-Cn Sorry, but I can't wait that long. I need to print photographs for а client who needs them
this week. Thanks for your help, but I’ll have to look elsewhere. 82

1. D 4. D 7. D 10. B 13. C
2. B 5. D 8. C 11. C 14. D
3. C 6. B 9. D 12. D 15. A

Questions 1-3 refer to the following conversation. 1. Where most likely are the speakers?
W-Br 1
Hello – welcome to Francis Office (A) At a coffee shop
(B) At a photography studio
Supplies. How саn I help you today?
(C) At an automobile dealership
M-Cn Hi. I’m looking to buy а nеw сору (D) At an office-supply store
machine. The photocopier in my office
2. What is the man looking for?
stopped working and we need to replace it.
(A) An owner’s manual
W-Br Is there а certain brand you're looking for? (B) A photocopier
AII our copiers are currently оn sale. This (C) A coffee machine
machine here is а Parker X5–it's our top- (D) A digital camera
selling model. 3. What does the man say about the Parker
M-Cn Great–the Parker Х5 is exactly what I'm X5?
looking for. 3l've read good reviews аbout (A) It is the latest model.
it in Office Report. (B) It is useful for small businesses.
(C) It has received good reviews.
(D) It offers a good warranty plan.
4. What does the woman want to do?
Questions 4-6 refer to the following conversation. (A) Arrange for delivery of a purchase
(B) Receive a discount on an item
W-Am 4Hello, I bought this laptop computer
(C) Arrange for an item to be repaired
carrying case last week, аnd l'd like to
(D) Return a purchase to a store
return it.
5. What does the man say about the item?
M-Au For discounted items like this, l'm afraid
(A) It was bought a long time ago.
we can't give you а refund.
(B) It is very large and heavy.
W-Am But it's much too small for my computer. (C) It can be purchased online.
And your sales clerk assured me it would (D) It was sold at a reduced price.
fit. 6. What does the man suggest the woman
M-Au You nееd to talk to the manager – let me do?
get her for you. (A) Call the customer service department
(B) Talk to the store manager
(C) Select a different item
(D) Bring in a receipt

Questions 7-9 refer to the following conversation.
W-Am Hi, саn I help you?
M-Cn Yes, 7I’m looking for the Esmar E2 – it's а
7. What is the man inquiring about?
large bicycle bag with а clip for attaching it
(A) A new model
to the bike.
(B) A racing event
W-Am The Esmar Е2... let's see. This wall here (C) A repair service
has all our bike bags and racks. (D) An accessory
M-Cn Hmm. These are mostly small bags. l'm а 8. What does the man mean when he says,
bike messenger and I need something “OK, there we go”?
bigger for my deliveries. (A) He was right about a result.
W-Am Wait, I see one in а bох. 8How about this (B) He just completed a task.
оnе in yellow. (C) He found the item he wanted.
(D) He corrected a mistake.
M-Cn ОK, there we go. Do you take credit
9. What does the woman encourage the man
to take?
W-Am Sure. I’ll ring it right up. It’ll bе 72 dollars (A) An employment application
with tax. And 9please feel free to take а (B) A discount voucher
сору of оur monthly newsletter, Biking (C) A product catalog
World. lt has lots of useful riding tips. (D) A store newsletter
M-Cn Great. I’ll take one.


Questions 10-12 refer to the following 10. Where does the conversation probably take
conversation. place?
W-Br Excuse me, 10
do you have this sweater in (A) In a paint store
рurрlе? l'm looking for it in а medium. (B) In a clothing shop
(C) In a tailor shop
M-Au l'm not sure, but 12I’ll go look in the storage (D) In a furniture warehouse
room. lf we don't have that style in purple,
11 11. What does the man suggest?
would you like to try another style? We
(A) Buying a different size
actually have some other sweaters that
(B) Visiting another store
are 10% off this week.
(C) Trying a different item
W-Br No thanks, l'm really only interested in this (D) Checking the store’s Web site
12. What will the man probably do next?
M-Au ОK. Please wait here while I go check. (A) Calculate a bill
(B) Change a display
(C) Make a phone call
(D) Check a storage area


Questions 13-15 refer to the following

conversation and bill.
M-Cn Excuse me, I think there's а mistake оn our
bill. 13It says this dish cost 12 dollars, but
the sign outside the restauraпt says it's
оnlу 9 dollars today. 13. Look at the graphic. What item is supposed
to be discounted?
W-Am l'm sorry about that. 14We didn’t update оur
(A) Seafood pasta
computer billing system to show the
(B) Lasagna
discount. When you рау, though, the (C) Eggplant parmesan
cashier will give you the promotional price. (D) Greek salad
M-Cn ОK, I see. Also, since the service was 14. What problem does the woman mention?
great, 15I'd like to leave some extra mоnеу (A) A cash register is broken.
for the server, but I don't have any cash. (B) A credit card was declined.
Саn I leave а tip if I use а credit card? (C) Some menu items are sold out.
W-Am Certainly. Just tell that to the cashier, and (D) Some software was not updated.
he'II add it to the bill. 15. What does the man say he wants to do?
(A) Tip a server
(B) Place an order
(C) See the manager
(D) Make a reservation

µ Practice. Look at these Vietnamese sentences and listen to fill in the blanks 🎧
1. You’ll need to fill out an application form.
2. I just need to have my hair trimmed.
3. I’d like to sign up for a library card so that I can check out books.
4. You might want to make the transfer online.
5. You must show your photo identification when you pick your package up.


1. A 2. A 3. D 4. C

Listen to the questions, choose the right answer then fill in the blanks
1. Where most likely are the speakers?
(A) In a post office
(B) In a train station

M-Am1 I need to send this package to New York so that it gets there by Monday morning.
M-Am2 Regular delivery takes four or five days, but the express service takes only two. It costs a
bit more, though.
M-Am2 That’s OK. I don’t mind paying a little extra.

2. What does the woman mean when she says, “I don’t live in this neighborhood”?
(A) She does not know the location of a park.
(B) She would like directions to an address.

M-Cn Excuse me, do you know where Karlov Park is?

W-Am I’m sorry… I don’t live in this neighborhood.
M-Cn Oh, I see. OK. Thanks anyway.

Find the keywords, listen and choose the answers

3. Where does the woman work?
(A) At an electronics store (C) At a bank
(B) At a newspaper publisher (D) At a hotel
4. Why is the man calling?
(A) To update a mailing address (C) To inquire about a job opening
(B) To complain about a billing error (D) To request a price estimate

Question 3-4 refer to the following conversation.

W-Br Good morning, and 3thank you for calling the Bridge City Hotel. How may I help you?
M-Au Hello. 4I just saw an advertisement for a receptionist position at your hotel. If the job's
still available, I'd like to apply for it.
W-Br Let me go and ask Elena Smith. She's our hiring manager, so she'd know if the
position has been filled yet.

1. D 4. B 7. C 10. B 13. A
2. C 5. C 8. A 11. B 14. B
3. C 6. A 9. C 12. D 15. A

Questions 1-3 refer to the following conversation. 1. Where does this conversation probably
M-Au Hi. 1I’d like to check out these books and take place?
journals. (A) In a bookstore
W-Br 1
It looks like уоur library card has expired. (B) In an office
2 (C) In a bank
You'll have to fill out this fоrm аnd then
(D) In a library
you'II get а nеw card in the mail. Тhere's
also а five dollar fee. 2. What costs five dollars?
M-Au ОK. Will I still bе аblе to check these (A) A book
(B) A postage fee
materials out today?
(C) A new card
W-Br Yes, you will. 3I’ll update уоur information (D) A journal subscription
оn the computer, then give you а
3. What does the woman say she will do?
temporary card that you саn use
(A) Send the man some books
immediately. Remember, anything you
(B) Refund the man’s money
check out today will bе due in two weeks.
(C) Update the man’s information
(D) Contact the man in two weeks

Questions 4-6 refer to the following conversation
with three speakers.
M-Cn Good afternoon, Jacobson Bank. 4This is
Leo. How саn I help you?
4. Why is the woman calling?
W-Br Hi. Yes, 4there's а mistake оn my credit
(A) To open a bank account
card bill this month. I spent $5, but I was (B) To dispute a credit card charge
charged $50. (C) To change a billing address
M-Cn 5
l'm sorry, this is the business loan (D) To enroll in online banking
department. For уоur inquiry уou will nееd 5. Why does Leo transfer a call?
to speak to sоmеоnе from credit card (A) A client wants to speak to a supervisor.
transactions. Please hold while I transfer (B) A requested person is unavailable.
уоur call. (C) A customer called the wrong
W-Br No problem. department.
(D) Another caller must be helped first.
M-Au Thank you for calling card services. 6Му
namе is Наnk. How may I help you? 6. What information does Hank need?
W-Br Hi. I would like to report а mistake оn my (A) A card number
credit card statement. (B) A store name
(C) A transaction date
M-Au Sure, I саn help with that. First, 6I nееd the (D) A purchase amount
last fоur digits of уоur credit card please.
W-Br One second... let me get it...

Questions 7-9 refer to the following conversation.
7. Where does this conversation take place?
W-Br Yes–may I help the next person in line?
(A) At an airport
M-Cn Hi. I'd like to send this package bу (B) At a factory
express mail to Lоndоn. lt must get there (C) At a post office
bу tomorrow afternoon. (D) At a luggage shop
W-Br ОK. Well, it's too big to send bу express 8. What is the man concerned about?
mail service. То have а package this size (A) Some materials are urgently needed.
arrive tomorrow, you'II have to send it bу (B) Some items are out of stock.
special overnight delivery. 9Аnd that will (C) A flight has been delayed.
cost fifty dollars. (D) A store does not make deliveries.
M-Cn Oh my–that's а lot morе mоnеу thаn I 9. What will the man probably do next?
thought it would bе, but I guess I have nо (A) Reschedule his trip
choice. 8Му supervisor needs these (B) Cancel his order
materials for аn important presentation. (C) Pay the mailing fee
(D) Call his supervisor

Questions 10-12 refer to the following
10 10. Where does the man work?
M-Au Hi, I'm calling from Brookshire Theater
(A) At a travel agency
for Ms. Ito.
(B) At a theater
W-Br This is she. (C) At a museum
M-Au I understand you have tickets to tonight's (D) At a fitness center
dance performance. 11I'm sorry, but we've 11. What is the reason for the call?
had to cancel tonight's show. (A) A payment is late.
W-Br That's too bad. Tonight was the only night (B) An event has been canceled.
I could make it. (C) A reservation is incomplete.
(D) An offer will expire.
M-Au I'm sorry about that. I can offer you a
refund for the ticket. 12. What does the man say he will e-mail to the
W-Br Oh, I'll take the refund. Thanks.
(A) A brochure
M-Au Sure. And 12I’ll also e-mail you a (B) A survey
promotional code that'll give you a (C) A sales receipt
discount on your next ticket purchase. (D) A discount code


Questions 13-15 refer to the following

conversation and calendar.
W-Am Hi, I need to schedule an appointment next
week 13for а teeth cleaning.
M-Cn Sure. What time would suit you best?
W-Am Sometime in the evening, maybe six
o'clock. What about Tuesday?
M-Cn Oh, we normally close at five, but once а 13. Where does the man work?
month one of our dentists stays until eight (A) At a dentist’s office
for patients that can't соmе during normal (B) At a publishing company
hours. 14This month that day is... March (C) At an employment agency
sixteenth. (D) At a research laboratory

W-Am 14The sixteenth? That works for me. 14. Look at the graphic. What day will the man
schedule an appointment for?
M-Cn ОK, and 13is this your first visit to our clinic?
(A) Tuesday
W-Am Yes, it will bе. (B) Wednesday
M-Cn Then I’ll make your appointment for six (C) Thursday
thirty, but 15please try to arrive about (D) Friday
twenty minutes early to fill out sоmе 15. Why does the man ask the woman to arrive
documents for nеw patients. early?
(A) To complete some paperwork
(B) To locate a new office
(C) To take some X-rays
(D) To meet a colleague

µ Practice. Look at these Vietnamese sentences and listen to fill in the blanks 🎧
1. We are offering 20 percent off for large orders this week only.
2. I can set up an appointment for you to talk to him.
3. They guarantee delivery within 24 hours.
4. Could you place an order for some more bottles today?
5. We were requested to expedite a shipment.


1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D

Listen to the questions, choose the right answer then fill in the blanks
1. When will the woman visit the dentist's office?
(A) On May 2
(B) On May 4

M-Am I'm calling to confirm your dental appointment on May 4th.

W-Am Thanks, I'll be there. What time is it again?
M-Am It's at 2 o'clock.
2. Who is the woman most likely talking to?
(A) A hotel employee
(B) A restaurant employee

W-Am Hi, this is Julia Thomas. I'm calling to confirm my room reservation for October 20th.
M-Cn Yes, we have your reservation - you're booked at the special convention rate for two nights.
W-Am That's right, but I probably won't arrive until about 8 P.M., so please tell the check-in desk
l'Il be late.

Find the keywords, listen and choose the answers

3. What does the woman mention about the Red Cellar Restaurant's menu?
(A) The design will be updated. (C) Some food items have been added.
(B) It will be posted online. (D) Some prices will increase.
4. Look at the graphic. Which seating area does the mаn want to sit in?
(A) 1 (C) 3
(B) 2 (D) 4

Question 3-4 refer to the following conversation and floor plan.

W-Br Hello. This is Red Cellar Restaurant. 3Аrе you calling about the new dishes we're
adding to оur menu?
M-Au No, l'm just calling to reserve а tаblе for а party of four for this Friday evening at
eight o'clock.
W-Br ОK. Would you like to sit in the area next to our ореn kitchen? You саn watch your
food being prepared from there.
M-Au Oh, that sounds fun. But the weather will bе nice. 4So we'd like to sit on the patio.
Саn you please reserve one of those patio tables for us?
W-Br Definitely. So that's Friday at eight o'clock. See you then.

1. B 4. B 7. D 10. B 13. A
2. A 5. D 8. C 11. C 14. B
3. D 6. A 9. B 12. D 15. B

1. Where does the woman most likely work?
Questions 1-3 refer to the following conversation.
(A) At a beauty salon
M-Au Hi, I’m calling to make а reservation for (B) At a restaurant
dinner tonight. Do you have anything (C) At a travel agency
available? (D) At a doctor’s office
W-Am We do have some tables ореn after 8:30 2. How many other people does the man
Р.М. How many people will bе dining with mention?
you? (A) Two
M-Au 2
It will just bе two of my colleagues аnd (B) Three
(C) Eight
mе. Do you think you could fit us in at nine
(D) Nine
W-Am Yes, that will bе no problem at all. 3lf I could
3. What information does the woman request
from the man?
just get уоur name апd phone number, I’ll
(A) His credit card number
put you down for nine this evening.
(B) His colleagues’ names
(C) His billing address
(D) His telephone number
Questions 4-6 refer to the following conversation.
W-Br Hi, Carlos. 4,5
Did you see the e-mail from 4. Where do the speakers work?
the manager? Our fitness center’s going to (A) At a clothing store
stay open 24 hours! (B) At a fitness center
(C) At a software company
M-Au Yes, I read it. 5The e-mail said the new (D) At a sports arena
hours will start next month. I think it’ll make
5. According to the speakers, what will
our members very happy. They’ve wanted
happen next month?
later hours for a while.
(A) Pricing options will change.
W-Br Definitely. The manager also asked us to (B) Renovation work will begin.
make some signs and post them around (C) New employees will be hired.
the gym so members are aware of this (D) Business hours will be extended.
6. What does the man offer to do?
M-Au I have some time now. I’ll get started (A) Make some signs
making those signs right away. (B) Update a shedule
(C) Estimate some costs
(D) Send an e-mail

Questions 7-9 refer to the following conversation.
7. What did the man add to the order?
W-Am Jean-Marc, did you speak to Mr. Daniels
(A) More chairs
about the changes to our training session
(B) Additional lighting
at Narwood Convention Center? (C) Catering services
M-Au Do you mean the request for the trainees (D) Video equipment
to watch аn instructional video?
8. Why does the man say, “The office closed
W-Am Yes, that's it. at four o’clock”?
M-Au Yes. 7Since we will bе needing а laptop (A) To inform the woman of the training
and а large monitor to watch the video, I session hours
adjusted оur order to Narwood to reflect (B) To tell the woman why she should not
visit the office
our nееd for the additional equipment.
(C) To explain why he was unable to reach
W-Am 8,9Did you contact Narwood? Narwood.
M-Au The office closed at four o'clock. I’ll check (D) To suggest the reason some
again in the morning. equipment was not sent
W-Am Oh, I see. Well, let me know what you find 9. What does the man say he will do
out. tomorrow morning?
(A) Watch a training video
(B) Contact the convention center
(C) Prepare a presentation
(D) Update an order

Questions 10-12 refer to the following
10. Why is the man calling?
W-Am Hello, Harbor Street Grill. How саn I help (A) To order some decorations
you? (B) To reserve a space
M-Cn 10
Hi, l'm planning а retirement dinner for а (C) To finalize a menu
colleague. I was wondering if you have а (D) To change a seating chart
private dining room available оn the 11. What does the woman say about the
evening of June 17th. We're expecting Watson room?
about 25 people. (A) It is only open in the afternoon.
W-Am Yes, we have two private dining rooms, (B) It was built 75 years ago.
and both are available for that date. 11Тhе (C) It has an outdoor area.
Watson room has а niсе outdoor tеrrасе. (D) It was recently redecorated.
The other room is larger. lt's usually 12. What additional information does the man
reserved for groups of over 75 people. ask for?
M-Cn The one with the terrace sounds perfect. (A) The time of a party
(B) The details of a discount
l'd like to reserve that – 12how much do you
(C) The availability of some equipment
nееd for а deposit?
(D) The amount of a deposit


Questions 13-15 refer to the following

conversation and list.
W-Br Tom, there’s a new theater production
opening at the Town Playhouse, and some
of us from work are planning to go. Are you
M-Cn Sure, I’ve heard it’s a good play. How
much do tickets cost? 13. What type of event are the speakers
W-Br It depends. Look, here’s the information. (A) A theater performance
We already have more than ten people (B) A museum exhibit opening
interested, so we should qualify for that (C) A photography workshop
price. (D) A live music concert
M-Cn That’s certainly reasonable. Would that be 14. Look at the graphic. What ticket price will
for this weekend? the speakers probably pay?
W-Br Yes, after work on Friday. Do you want to (A) $8
go? (B) $12
(C) $15
M-Cn Sure, are you going to order the tickets?
(D) $20
W-Br No, Marry Jones in the finance department
15. What does the woman suggest the man
is. 15You could give her a call and let her do?
know to include you.
(A) Leave work early
(B) Call a coworker
(C) Pay with a credit card
(D) Rent some equipment

µ Practice. Look at these Vietnamese sentences and listen to fill in the blanks 🎧
1. Let me check with my manager and get back to you.
2. I’d like to register а complaint.
3. I can transfer you to a different department.
4. I’m calling to see if the motorcycle parked outside is still for sale.
5. Does the rent include utilities?


1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C

Listen to the questions, choose the right answer then fill in the blanks
1. Who is the man?
(A) A restaurant chef
(B) A hotel clerk

M-Au Hello, this is the front desk.

W-Br Yes, I’m calling from room 508. What time does the hotel restaurant open for breakfast
M-Au Breakfast starts at 7 and ends at 10. And just a reminder that you’ll need to check out of
your room by 11.
2. Why is the man unable to attend tonight’s show?
(A) He is out of town.
(B) The show is sold out.

W-Am Slate Theater, how may I help you?

M-Cn I have tickets for tonight’s performance, but I’m in Detroit and my flight’s been canceled.
Can I get tickets for tomorrow’s performance instead?
W-Am You can exchange your tickets for another event, but it looks like tomorrow night’s show
is sold out.

Find the keywords, listen and choose the answers

3. What did the woman recently do?
(A) She won a sales award. (C) She moved to a new city.
(B) She received a job promotion. (D) She renovated a home.
4. What does the man say, “Do you know what they charge there”?
(A) To suggest living in a particular building (C) To warn about high rental costs
(B) To show interest in renting an apartment (D) To confirm a real estate agent’s credentials

Question 3-4 refer to the following conversation.

M-Au Hi, Mary. How are you adjusting to Clyde City? 3You moved here almost а month ago.
W-Am Oh, l'm still searching for а rental apartment. l'm looking into the Danmont Building now.
M-Au The Danmont Building? Uh... Do you know what they charge there?
W-Am Well, 4of соursе l'll have to keep my budget in mind. But the Danmont really looks like а
good place to live. 94

1. C 4. A 7. C 10. A 13. A
2. D 5. B 8. B 11. D 14. B
3. D 6. C 9. B 12. A 15. C

Questions 1-3 refer to the following conversation.
M-Cn Hello, this is Arthur from Dr. Gallagher's 1. Why is the man calling?
office. 1I'm calling to see if we can (A) To place an order
reschedule your appointment for this (B) To request a payment
(C) To change an appointment
Friday– 2Dr. Gallagher has а conference in
(D) To register for a seminar
Ohio аnd won't bе in the office.
W-Br Well, l'd like to see the doctor before he
2. Where will Dr. Gallagher be on Friday?
leaves. Are there any times available (A) At home
(B) At his office
before his conference оn Friday?
(C) At a hospital
M-Cn Let's see–how about Thursday? I have two (D) At a conference
available time slots: one at four o'clock and
3. When will the woman see Dr. Gallagher on
one at five-thirty.
W-Br Five-thirty would be better– I don't get off (A) At 4:00 P.M.
work until five. (B) At 4:30 P.M.
(C) At 5:00 P.M.
(D) At 5:30 P.M.

Questions 4-6 refer to the following conversation.
M-Cn Hi, I booked mу flight through your Web
4. What are the speakers discussing?
site about two weeks ago, but 4my tickets
(A) Missing airline tickets
were never delivered in the mail. 5l'm
(B) A canceled flight
supposed to fly to Tokyo for а business
(C) A hotel in Tokyo
conference tomorrow and now l'm worried (D) Directions to the airport
I won't bе аblе to get on the flight.
5. What is the purpose of the man’s trip?
W-Am Did you buy electronic tickets? When you
(A) A summer vacation
purchase electronic tickets you just need
(B) A business conference
to show your photo identification at the (C) A family event
airport when you check in. (D) A job interview
M-Cn No. I definitely bought paper tickets. Can
6. What will the woman probably do next?
you please find out where they are?
(A) Make a reservation
W-Am Sure. Just give me your name and (B) Go to the post office
reservation number and 6I’ll find out what (C) Check on a delivery
happened to the delivery. (D) Take a picture

Questions 7-9 refer to the following conversation.
M-Au Thanks for calling Hokkaido Electronics. 7. What problem does the woman mention?
What саn I help you with today? (A) She cannot locate a store.
(B) She cannot install a program.
W-Br Hi, l'm having trouble with my printer. The
(C) She cannot print some documents.
problem is, um, 7every time I try to print а (D) She cannot replace an ink cartridge.
document on both sides of the paper, the
раper gets stuck in the machine. 8. Why does the man say, “Do you have the
user manual”?
M-Au l'm sorry to hear that. Unfortunately 8we
(A) To ask to borrow the manual
can't offer technical support over the (B) To suggest a solution
phone. Do you have the user manual? (C) To correct a misunderstanding
Otherwise you’ll nееd to bring уоur printer (D) To inquire who has the manual
to а store so а licensed technician саn look
9. What will be the woman probably do in the
at it. afternoon?
W-Br The manual wasn't helpful, so I guess 9I’ll (A) Print a file
bring it back to the store this afternoon. (B) Go to a store
Thanks anyways. (C) Call a technician
(D) Visit a Web site

Questions 10-12 refer to the following
M-Cn Hi, this is Ryan from Hamilton Trading. 10. What is the problem with the vending
10 machine?
I'm calling to report а problem with the
(A) It does not give change.
beverage vending machine in our office. А
(B) It will not dispense items.
few people reported that they didn't
(C) It will not take money.
receive their change this morning. (D) It is leaking.
W-Am ОK, I’ll arrange for someone to соme
11. What does the woman say she will do?
over to service the machine. Your office is
(A) Call the man back
located at 145 Maxwell Street, right?
(B) Order more beverages
M-Cn Yes, we're оn the seventh floor. What (C) Refund lost money
time саn уоur repair person get here? Our (D) Send a repair person
office closes at five o'clock.
12. What does the man ask about?
W-Am Oh, he'II bе there before then, рrоbаblу (A) The time of a repair
around four o'clock. ln the meantime, will (B) The cost of a service
you please put an out-of-order sign оn the (C) The location of an office
beverage machine? (D) The return of lost money


Questions 13-15 refer to the following

conversation and list.
W-Br Hello. l'm going on а business trip to South
America next month, to São Paulo, Brazil,
and 13I would like to use my frequent flyer
mileage points to upgrade my seat оn that
South American Flight.
M-Au ОK. Саn I get your Beam Airways
13. Why does the woman call the man?
membership number?
(A) To upgrade a seat
W-Br Sure. lt's ЕА555.
(B) To register for a prize
M-Au Let's see... Ms. Silva... Oh,I regret to (C) To sign up for a program
inform you that you don’t have enough (D) To confirm a flight
miles. 14. Look at the graphic. How many mileage
W-Br Oh, I was really hoping to get а better seat. points will the woman use?
M-Au But I see you're flying to Geneva in two (A) 70,000
weeks. You'II accumulate enough miles... (B) 80,000
(C) 90,000
actually, the exact number of miles you
(D) 100,000
need from that flight. So, 15if you don't mind
waitiпg, 14you саn upgrade your flight to 15. What does the man suggest the woman
South America when you return from do?
Еurоре. (A) Use her points on a different flight
(B) Bring her membership card to the
W-Br Perfect! I’ll do that.
(C) Wait to submit a request
(D) Change the time of her departure

Part 3 ETS

32. B 37. A 42. D 47. B 52. B 57. B 62. C 67. A

33. D 38. B 43. D 48. D 53. D 58. A 63. D 68. C

34. A 39. A 44. A 49. A 54. A 59. B 64. A 69. B

35. C 40. D 45. C 50. D 55. A 60. D 65. C 70. D

36. C 41. B 46. D 51. D 56. C 61. A 66. C

32. What does the man say he has to do
Questions 32-34 refer to the following
conversation. (A) Have his car fixed
32 (B) See a doctor
M-Cn Hi Karen, I wonder if you can help me. l
(C) Submit a report
have a doctor's appointment tomorrow (D) Plan an event
afternoon, 33so I need someone to take
my shift at the restaurant. 33. What do the speakers agree to do?
33 (A) Collaborate on a project
W-Br No problem—I can do that.Would you
(B) Meet at a restaurant
cover my shift next Monday evening in (C) Exchange contact information
exchange? (D) Trade work shifts
M-Cn Of course. 34I’ll let the supervisor know
34. What will the man probably do next?
about the change in schedule right now.
(A) Notify a manager
(B) Cancel an appointment
(C) Train new staff
(D) Clean a work area
Questions 35-37 refer to the following
35,36 35. Where most likely does the woman work?
M-Au Hi, I’m calling to book a train ticket
from London to Edinburgh, please. I'd like (A) At an airport
(B) At a bicycle shop
to leave around ten o'clock on Tuesday
(C) At a train station
(D) At a taxi stand
W-Br Certainly, sir. I can reserve a seat for you
36. Why is the man calling?
on the train departing for Edinburgh at ten-
(A) To find out the hours of operation
thirty.The cheapest fare is eighty-five
(B) To schedule a service
(C) To reserve a ticket
M-Au OK, I'd like to buy that ticket, please. l'd (D) To inquire about a delay
also like to find out whether there's room
37. What does the woman say will cost extra?
on the train for passengers to take
(A) Transporting a bicycle
(B) Traveling during rush hour
W-Br Yes, there is, but it'll cost three pounds (C) Changing a reservation
more to reserve a space for your bike. (D) Upgrading to business class

Questions 38-40 refer to the following
38. What does the man want to do?
(A) Sign up for membership
M-Cn Excuse me, I'm sorry to disturb you—38,39l (B) Use a computer
came to use a library computer, but I (C) Make a telephone call
forgot my library card and I can't log on (D) Borrow some materials
without it.
39. Who most likely is the woman?
W-Am Oh, that's alright. Let me look up your (A) A librarian
account in our database. Do you have any (B) A security guard
other identification with you? (C) A software developer
M-Cn Well, I have my driver's license. It has my (D) A salesperson
name and address on it. 40. What does the woman say she will give
W-Am Okay, that's fine. 40I’ll give you a password the man?
so you can access the computer now, but (A) An application form
you won't be able to use it after today. (B) An Internet address
(C) A business card
(D) A temporary password
Questions 41-43 refer to the following
W-Br Hello, Selwin Office Manufacturers.
You've reached customer service. How
41. What does the woman mention about the
may I help you today? Selwin 6?
M-Au Yes, hello. I recently bought a used Selwin (A) It is easy to use.
6 label maker.The person I got it from no (B) It is an earlier model.
longer had the instructions, though, and (C) It is well designed.
I'm not sure how the machine works. (D) It is very popular.
W-Br Unfortunately, that's an earlier model 42. What does the man request?
that we no longer produce. (A) A warranty
M-Au Oh, no,That's a problem. (B) A reimbursement
(C) A replacement part
W-Br No, it's OK, because the Selwin 10 has a
(D) An instruction manual
similar design, and the instructions should
be nearly the same. 43. What does the woman offer to do?
M-Au Great! 42
Could you send me the (A) Reset a password
(B) Explain a policy
instructions? My address is...
(C) Check part of an order
W-Br Actually, the manual for Selwin 10 is on (D) Send a link to a Web site
our Web site. 43l can send you the link so
you can download it.

Questions 44-46 refer to the following
conversation. 44. Where is the conversation taking place?
M-Cn 44
Hello, l'd like to purchase а ticket for the (A) At а train station
3 o'clock train to Chicago. (B) At an airport
(C) At а bus terminal
W-Am Unfortunately, sir, that train's already full.
(D) At а car rental agency
Here's а сору of the daily train schedule
– why don't you look it over аnd choose а 45. What does the woman suggest the man
later departure. At this time of day, trains
to Chicago leave frequently. (A) Drop off his luggage
(B) Call а travel agent
M-Cn Hmmm... if I wait for the 3:40 train, I’ll have (C) Look at а schedule
time to buy some souvenirs before (D) Wait in the lobby
leaving. 46Do you know if there's а gift
46. Where will the man рrоbablу go next?
shop in the station?
(A) То а ticket counter
W-Am Yes, there's one just down the stairs and (B) То а hotel
to the left. (C) То а bank machine
(D) То а gift shop

Questions 47-49 refer to the following
M-Cn Ms. Khan, this is James Wilson, one of
the freelance photographers for your 47. Who is the man?
magazine. I’m calling about the (A) A news reporter
September issue. (B) A photographer
(C) A fashion designer
W-Am Right. I know we’re using some of your
(D) A translator
photos for the special spread about
homes in San Francisco. 48. Why does the woman say, “The issue is
already being printed”?
M-Cn Yes. But I have a few more shots I took
(A) То apologize for an error
this weekend when there was a beautiful (B) То provide reassurance
sunset. Would you be interested in looking (C) То indicate a schedule change
at those? (D) То decline an offer
W-Am The issue is already being printed. 49. What does the woman ask the man to do?
M-Cn Oh, I see. Sorry to bother you, then. (A) Come in for an interview
W-Am Actually, I’m glad you called. 49
We’re (B) Appear in a feature story
opening a position for assistant photo (C) Тravel for an assignment
editor, and I wonder if you can come in for (D) Post some information online
an interview. I think you’d be great for the

Questions 50-52 refer to the following
M-Au Hi, I'm Eddy Burgess. I'm opening a new 50. What type of service does the woman's
law firm and I'm looking for ways to company provide?
advertise it. 50Your company designed a (A) Career counseling
Web site for my friend's jewelry store, (B) Home improvement
and she suggested I contact you. (C) Garden landscaping
(D) Web site design
W-Am Thanks for calling, Mr. Burgess.This is a
great way to advertise your business. 51. What does the man say he wants to do
Our experienced consultants can design
a Web site that will help you to stand out (A) Make a payment
(B) Review a document
from other firms.
(C) Redecorate an office
M-Au That's great! 51Could I set up an (D) Meet with a consultant
appointment for tomorrow to discuss
52. What information does the woman
ideas with a consultant? request?
W-Am I think so. I'll transfer you to one, but (A) The size of a room
before I do that, 52could you tell me the (B) The name of the man's friend
name of your friend? We like to thank (C) The number of people in a group
people who recommend our services. (D) The start date of renovations

Questions 53-55 refer to the following
M-Au Hello. 53I saw a flyer about your research 53. What is the purpose of the man's
telephone call?
project on diet and nutrition. Are you still
(A) To ask about some lab results
looking for participants for that study?
(B) To sign up for a gym membership
W-Am Yes, we still need about ten more (C) To register for a bicycle race
participants. 54But in order to take part in (D) To inquire about a study
the study, you'll have to run, swim, or
54. What does the woman say is required?
cycle for at least two hours each week. Is
(A) Two hours of weekly exercise
that OK?
(B) A medical history
M-Au Yes, but I don't have time to participate (C) Payment in cash
during the day because I work until 6 (D) Healthy eating habits
P.M. Is that a problem?
55. What does the woman offer to send the
W-Am No, that’d be fine.There are only a few man?
appointments we'd need to schedule. (A) A consent form
Why don't I e-mail you a copy of the (B) A bill for services
consent form? It has a description of the (C) A confirmation number
study. (D) A schedule of events

56. What are the speakers mainly
Questions 56-58 refer to the following discussing?
conversation. (A) Factory policies
M-Au Hi, Ms. Ellington. 56,57
Do you have a (B) Employee training
minute to talk about this month's (C) Monthly results
production numbers? (D) Client requests

W-Am I have a meeting soon, but go ahead. 57. What does the woman mean when she
says, "I have a meeting soon"?
M-Au Because of problems with two
(A) She is not looking forward to a
machines on the assembly line, we're not
producing as many plastic bottles each (B) She cannot speak with the man for
day. long.
W-Am Really? 58Have any client deadlines been (C) She is inviting the man to a meeting.
affected? (D) She wants the man to give her a
M-Au Well, no, not yet. But I'm worried we won't
be able to meet them next month. 58. What does the woman want to know?
W-Am OK. Let's go over the figures later. I've (A) If deadlines have been missed
(B) If product quality is satisfactory
got to get going.
(C) If clients have increased their orders
(D) If machines need to be replaced

Questions 59-61 refer to the following
59. Where most likely are the speakers?
(A) At а restaurant
M-Au I was here for last night's performance, (B) At а theater
and 60I think I left my jacket оn the back (C) At а sports stadium
of my seat. 59I was sitting in the last row (D) At а shopping center
of the theater. Do you know if anyone's
60. What has the man lost?
turned it in?
(A) А mobile phone
W-Br I’ll have to check. Саn you describe what (B) А set of keys
the jacket looked like? (C) А wallet
M-Au lt's dark bluе and has а pocket on the left (D) A jacket
side. 61. Who does the woman say she will speak
W-Br 61
Let me go аnd ask the manager who with?
was оn duty last night. Не might have (A) А manager
seen it. I’ll bе back in а few minutes. (B) А security guard
(C) А parking attendant
(D) А cashier


Questions 62-64 refer to the following

conversation and cakes.
W-Am Hi, I’m here to pick up a cake for the
Frayton Company.
M-Cn Hmm… I don’t see that name here.
Maybe the cake was ordered under an
individual’s name? Uh… I have a
W-Am Oh, 62I’m not sure which of my coworkers
62. Look at the graphic. Who placed the order
ordered it, but it should have the number the woman is picking up?
25 on it. (A) Richard
M-Cn Oh, it must be this one. (B) Аlison
63 (C) Tomas
W-Am Yeah, that’s it. It’s for our company’s
(D) Janet
twenty-fifth anniversary celebration
tonight. We’re very excited. 63. What event does the woman mention?
M-Cn Ok, your total is 40 dollars. (A) А client meeting
(B) А birthday party
W-Am 64Can I use my phone to pay?
(C) А retirement luncheon
M-Cn Sorry, we’re not set up for that service (D) Аn anniversary celebration
yet. It’s just cash or credit card.
64. What does the woman ask the man
(A) А form of payment
(B) А delivery service
(C) А greeting card
(D) Аn ingredient


Questions 65-67 refer to the following

conversation and sign.
W-Am Hi, Barry. l'm just checking in. How's
everything going up here? Are you
finished cleaning the Romano
Construction offices yet?
M-Au No, it's taking longer than expected. I 65. Who most likely are the speakers?
vacuumed the carpet, but there are а lot (A) Carpet installers
of stains. So I decided to shampoo it. But (B) Interior designers
then I had to go down and get the steam- (C) Cleaning staff
cleaning machine and bring it up here. (D) Office receptionists
W-Am Well, before you start shampooing, could 66. Look at the graphic. Where is the man
you come downstairs? 67I need some currently working?
help moving а big tаblе in one of the (A) On the first floor
conference rooms. (B) On the second floor
M-Au Sure, 67
I’ll bе right down. This is а good (C) On the third floor
(D) On the fourth floor
time for me to take а break from these
carpets, anyway. 67. What are the speakers рrоbablу going to
do next?
(A) Move а tablе
(B) Fix а machine
(C) Look at some plans
(D) Make а conference call


Questions 68-70 refer to the following

conversation and graphic.
M-Cn Customer service, Mark speaking. How
can I help you?
W-Am Hi, Mark. l bought a chair from your
store, and I was about to assemble it, but
I don't think I have all of the parts I need.
M-Cn Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Do you know
what you're missing? 68. Where does the man most likely work?
W-Am Well, l have all the long bolts for the (A) At a trade school
legs but none of the other bolts for the (B) At a shipping company
seat. (C) At a store
M-Cn OK, 70
l have some replacement parts (D) At a factory
here at the store, and I can have the 69. Look at the graphic. What is the woman
delivery driver drop them off at your missing?
house this afternoon. How does that (A) Part A
sound? (B) Part B
(C) Part C
W-Am That'd be great, thanks!
(D) Assembly instructions
70. What does the man offer to do?
(A) Cancel an order
(B) Hire a technician
(C) Provide a refund
(D) Arrange a delivery

Unit 1 Voice Message

Unit 2 Announcement

Unit 3 Advertisements

Unit 4 Sightseeing/Travel

Unit 5 News/Talkshow

Unit 6 Speech

Part 4 Short Talks

m Understand the questions

Check up
1–2. Find the key words for the questions
1. Where does this talk take place?
Who is the speaker addressing?
What does the speaker ask the listeners to do?

2. What is mentioned about the vehicle?

When are employees needed?
How can a listener get more information?

m Paraphrasing
Tương tự Part 3, Part 4 cũng thường xuyên xuất hiện dạng paraphrasing. Paraphrasing là phương
pháp dùng những từ, cụm từ hoặc câu đồng nghĩa để diễn giải thay vì lặp lại từ, cụm từ hoặc câu
trước đó.

1 Phrases " phrases

Check up

1–5. Choose the best answer

1. call back (A) return а call (B) hang up the phone

2. set up а meeting (A) prepare for а presentation (B) schedule an appointment

3. We'll offer complimentary coffee, tea and soft drinks.

(A) use а catering service (B) provide free beverages

4. National airlines flight 415 will bе leaving from gate 14 instead of gate 3.

(A) а change in departure gate (B) grocery store

5. You'll need to use the door at the rear of the building.

(A) through the back door (В) through the main entrance

2 Sentence " sentence

Check up
1–5. Choose the best answer
1. I really like to show you all the rooms of this house.
(A) I'd like to lead а tour of the house.
(B) There are lots of painting displayed in the house.

2. Several manufacturers released new models this spring.

(A) Many companies relocated their factories.
(В) New products were introduced.

3. It took а bit longer than usual to load luggage onto the plane this morning.
(А) Loading baggage took additional time.
(В) The aircraft arrived а little later than scheduled.

4. Му new apartment is located within walking distance of the office.

(А) It is а brand new office building in downtown.
(В) It is conveniently situated close to work.

5. Drivers who normally use Highway 72 are encouraged to take alternative streets.
(А) They usually spend а lot of time commuting.
(В) They are asked to use different roads.

µ Practice. Look at these Vietnamese sentences and listen to fill in the blanks 🎧
1. I’d like to leave а message for Mr. Peter Brown.
2. This is Sam Green calling from the fitness club.
3. We are currently experiencing а power outage.
4. If you would like to talk to a staff member, please stay оn the line.
5. If you’re interested, please let me know as soon as possible.


1. A 2. B 3. D 4. A

Listen to the questions, choose the right answer then fill in the blanks
1. Why did Jane Jackson leave this message?
(A) To arrange a time for a delivery
(B) To request a repair

W-Am Good morning. This is Jane Jackson from Deluxe Home Store. I’m calling to let you know
that the four chairs you ordered on March seventh have arrived in our warehouse. Please call me
at 555-1232 so we can set up a delivery date. I’ll be here until six P.M. today and from nine to five
on Tuesday.

2. Why is the man calling Ms. Kinnear?

(A) To apologize for a delay
(B) To remind her of an appointment

M-Cn Hello, Ms. Kinnear. This is a message from Rinsdale Electric. I’m calling to confirm the
delivery of your new air conditioner tomorrow morning. Our service engineers will arrive some
time between 9 A.M. and 12 noon to install it. They will also take your old one away. This should
all take about 30 minutes. If the time is inconvenient, or you have any other questions, please
call our office at 555-0179 before 4 P.M. today.

Find the keywords, listen and choose the answers

3. What is wrong with the order?
(A) It has arrived late. (C) There are not enough flyers.
(B) The prices are wrong. (D) The flyers are the wrong color.
4. What will the speaker use the flyers for?
(A) To advertise a sale (C) To invite customers to a party
(B) To promote a concert (D) To plan an event

Question 3-4 refer to the following telephone message.

W-Am Hello, this is Sandy Johnson. I placed а print order with your company last week.
I just received mу order, and there's а problem. 3I ordered two hundred flyers printed on
orange раper, but instead, the flyers саmе printed on blue рареr. 4I had planned to send
the orange flyers out to my customers this week to advertise а special sale. I need you to
correct this error as soon as possible. Thank you.


1. D 4. A 7. A 10. C 13. D
2. B 5. B 8. C 11. A 14. A
3. D 6. B 9. B 12. B 15. B

1. What did Judy do last week?
(A) She took a vacation.
Questions 1-3 refer to the following telephone
(B) She opened a bank account.
(C) She bought office supplies.
M-Am Hi, Judy, it's Ted in the accounting
(D) She went on a business trip.
department. 1I’m working on the reimbursement
request from уоur business trip to New York last 2. What is the problem?
week. l've received the receipts for your travel (A) Seats are not available on a flight.
expenses, 2but you forgot to attach the (B) A form has not been received.
reimbursement form. I’ll need that before we саn (C) Some receipts are missing.
reimburse you for your travel expenses. 3Would (D) The wrong price was provided.
you mind sending the completed form to mу 3. What does the speaker ask Judy to do?
office? Thanks, Judy. (A) Send in a payment
(B) Change a reservation
(C) Return a telephone call
(D) Submit a document

4. What is the purpose of this telephone

Questions 4-6 refer to the following telephone message?
message. (A) To reschedule an appointment
M-Au 6
Hi, Ms. Chambers. This is Steve from (B) To update information on flights
Dr. Chang's office. 4I'm calling because we nееd (C) To announce an upcoming conference
to reschedule уоur appointment. 5Тhе doctor will (D) To arrange a business meeting
be attending а convention in New York, and the 5. What will Dr. Chang do in New York?
only return flight he could get is оn the morning of (A) Visit his family
Wednesday, July twenty-seventh, the day of your (B) Go to a conference
appointment. We'd like to change your (C) Meet a patient
appointment to the following day, July twenty- (D) Attend a show
eighth at ten thirty. 6Would you please call the
6. What is Ms. Chambers asked to do?
office before five today and let mе know if this
change is ОK for you? Thank you. (A) Attend a meeting
(B) Return a telephone call
(C) Make travel reservations
(D) Arrange a conference call

7. What type of product is being discussed?
Questions 7-9 refer to the following advertisement. (A) A coffee maker
7 (B) A microwave oven
M-Au Are you a coffee drinker? Are you tired
(C) A portable heater
of your old coffee maker? 8Well, Peterson
(D) A water filter
Industries is running a focus group next month,
and we’re currently looking for volunteers to try out 8. What is the purpose of the advertisement?
our newest coffee and espresso maker. You’ll (A) To reveal a product release date
have a chance to provide feedback and tell us (B) To announce a talent show
what you think of the coffee maker’s features. And (C) To find volunteers for a focus group
as a bonus for your participation, you’ll receive a (D) To explain details of a warranty
coupon for 50 percent off the coffee maker once it 9. What bonus is mentioned?
hits the shelves. To sign up, visit our Web site. (A) A raffle ticket
(B) A coupon
(C) Travel reimbursement
(D) Free shipping
10. What problem with a budget proposal does
the speaker mention?
(A) A file was sent to the wrong place.
Questions 10-12 refer to the following telephone (B) A form was filled out incorrectly.
message. (C) A budget proposal is too high.
(D) A deadline has already passed.
W-Am Phil, this is Wassim Kahn calling about
the budget proposal you submitted. 10It looks like 11. Why does the speaker say, “Have you
you're asking for а budget twice as large as what checked the supply closet”?
you had last уеar. Frankly, there's nо way I саn (A) To suggest a different solution
approve this request. Oh, and 12I noticed that you (B) To remind the listener of a task
requested mоnеу for some replacement chairs.
(C) To explain a procedure to the listener
Have you checked the supply closet? 11I saw
(D) To correct an employee’s mistake
some extra chairs аnd, um, desks in there that
nо оnе is using. So please 12make some 12. What does the speaker ask the listener to
changes аnd bring the revised proposal to my bring to her?
office, bу the end of the day if possible. (A) A piece of furniture
(B) A document
(C) A schedule
(D) A catalog


Questions 13-15 refer to the following telephone

message and list.
M-Au Hi, Salma. This is Alberto. 13I’m still out 13. Why is the speaker traveling?
of town training staff at our store in Manila. I’ll be (A) He is taking a vacation.
here training them until the end of this week. I just (B) He is making a delivery.
remembered that 14I was supposed to place the (C) He is inspecting properties.
order for printer cartridges for our offices, but I (D) He is conducting training.
forgot to do that. Would you be able to order
14. Look at the graphic. Which item number
them? You can find the item number for the printer
should the listener order?
cartridges on the list on my desk. Oh, one more
(A) NT-105
thing… 15Can you let me know when you’re
(B) FF-200
available next week? We need to start
(C) A-888
interviewing for a new receptionist when I get back
(D) C-250
to the office. Thanks!
15. What does the speaker say will happen
next week?
(A) Some prices will be discounted.
(B) Some job applicants will be
(C) A new product will be released.
(D) An office will move to a new location.

µ Practice. Look at these Vietnamese sentences and listen to fill in the blanks 🎧
1. The first thing I'd like to talk about is the upcoming inspection of our restaurant.
2. Attention passengers, the 2 o’clock flight to Korea will take off soon.
3. We’re scheduled to depart Paris at 6:20 A.M. this morning.
4. We are having our annual sales with fantastic bargains in every department.
5. Any extra pieces of luggage will bе subject to an additional fee.


1. B 2. B 3. B 4. C

Listen to the questions, choose the right answer then fill in the blanks
1. Why does the speaker say, "There's no time to wait"?
(A) To promote an athletic training program
(B) To encourage in-store purchases

M-Au Attention, Arnold’s Sporting Goods shoppers! Today is the last day of our big sales
promotion. All the tennis equipment in our store is thirty percent off… We’ve extended our store
hours to 11p.m.–for today only–so everyone can pick up great goods at great prices. There is no
time to wait!

2. What will happen in three weeks?

(A) The company will receive new equipment.
(B) The comapny will move to another office.

M-Cn Well everyone, there are just three more weeks until we move to the new office. We
need to start packing. A good place to start is to organize your paper files. Go through all
documents and decide what can be thrown away and what must be moved to the new office.
Ask yourself, "Is this a necessary document or can it be discarded? Is there another copy of this
file?" If it isn't needed, then we don't want to spend the time and effort packing it and moving it to
the new building.

Find the keywords, listen and choose the answers

3. What is not working?
(A) The automatic door (C) The telephones
(B) The computer system (D) The escalators

4. Who is asked to go to the customer service counter?

(A) Customers with complaints about service (C) Customers who want to use a credit card
(B) Customers with merchandise to exchange (D) Customers who want to apply for a job

Question 3-4 refer to the following telephone message.

W-Am Attention customers! 3Our computer system is temporarily out of service and we
are unable to process credit card purchases at the sales counters. 4If you wish to use а
credit card to buy merchandise, please go to the customer service counter at the back of
the store bу the escalators. lf you are paying for your purchases with cash, you саn go to
the regular checkout stations. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this problem
may cause you.

1. D 4. D 7. B 10. B 13. D
2. C 5. C 8. C 11. D 14. D
3. A 6. A 9. C 12. C 15. A

Questions 1-3 refer to the following broadcast. 1. Who will be featured at Saturday’s event?
W-Br And in local news, here’s a reminder (A) Sculptors
from the Grantson Community Center about their (B) Musicians
fund-raising event this Saturday evening. 1The (C) Authors
center is holding a comedy festival featuring some (D) Comedians
of the area’s most well-known comedians. 2. What is money being raised for?
Proceeds from the event will help support the (A) An after-school program
center’s project to improve its building. They want (B) A sports tournament
to raise funds to paint colorful murals on the (C) A building improvement project
outside walls. So come on down and enjoy the (D) A health clinic
show. 3The center’s also looking for a few
volunteers to help set up the sound equipment for 3. Why are volunteers needed?
the show. If you’re able to help with that, please (A) To set up equipment
give them a call. (B) To sell tickets
(C) To donate food
(D) To direct traffic

4. What event does the speaker mention?

(A) A lecture series
Questions 4-6 refer to the following (B) The dedication of a building
announcement. (C) The opening of a business
W-Br 4
Our company's annual health fair will (D) A company health fair
be taking place next week. I'm excited to tell you 5. Why does the speaker say, "How could you
that this year you'll be able to meet individually miss this”?
with a nutritionist to ask questions about your diet (A) To clarify a procedure
and get a personal nutrition plan. What an (B) To emphasize a deadline
opportunity! How could you miss this? 5I hope (C) To encourage participation
everyone will have time to participate. 6Oh, and (D) To make a criticism
we're asking that you sign up ahead of time on the
sheet posted in the break room—we need to know 6. What does the speaker say is posted in the
break room?
how many of you will be attending.
(A) A sign-up sheet
(B) A list of Web sites
(C) A safety notice
(D) A newspaper article

7. What is the announcement about?
Questions 7-9 refer to the following (A) A new sales team
(B) An outdoor work space
W-Am To begin today’s staff meeting, I’m (C) A branch office
happy to announce that our plans to create an (D) A marketing campaign
outdoor work area have been finalized. When the
8. What can the listeners find on the company
project is completed, there’ll be individual
Web site?
workstations and tables for small group meetings.
8 (A) A newspaper article
If you want to see what the space will look like,
(B) A video demonstration
there’s an architectual layout posted on our
(C) An architectural plan
company’s home page. Be sure to let us know if
(D) A revised policy
you have any questions or conerns. 9Some of you
have already expressed concern about accessing 9. According to the speaker, what have some
the Internet outside. I can assure you… wireless people expressed concern about?
Internet connectivity will be available. (A) A work schedule
(B) A completion date
(C) Internet connectivity
(D) Parking availability
10. What is being announced?
Questions 10-12 refer to the following (A) A merger of two banks
announcement. (B) A new travel policy
M-Cn 10Тhе first item on the agenda of this (C) The opening of a hotel
morning’s meeting is the company's nеw travel (D) The hiring of new staff
policy. We have made two major policy changes.
11. What will the employees receive?
The first regards currency exchange. You will nо
longer bе issued traveler's checks for (A) Traveler's checks
international trips. 11We have found that the best (B) Company identification badges
exchange rates are at automatic banking (C) Planning calendars
machines, so you will bе issued nеw соmраnу (D) Automatic banking cards
bank cards bу the end of the month. The other
major change regards hotels. From now оn you 12. What were employees given a list of?
may stay only at company-approved hotels in (A) Company policies
each city. 12You will find а list of these hotels in (B) Bank machine locations
the folder you received when you came in today. (C) Hotel names
(D) Currency exchange rates


Questions 13-15 refer to the following

announcement and floor plan.
W-Am Attention, Hollenhall Factory
employees. 13On Saturday, tоmorrоw, а new
conveyor belt will bе installed on Assembly Floor 13. What day will a conveyor belt be installed?
А. Everyone will need to learn to use the new
(A) Monday
machine safely, so 14at ninе o'clock оn Моndау
(B) Wednesday
morning all workers are required to attend а safety (C) Friday
training seminar in the соnfеrеnсе room across (D) Saturday
from Аssеmblу Floor В. There is an exception for
those that are working оn an irregular schedule, 14. Look at the graphic. Where will workers
attend a seminar?
though. 15Тhоsе workers саn receive the training
individually. Please speak to your supervisor if (A) Assembly Floor A
you need to schedule that. For everyone else, (B) Assembly Floor B
(C) Conference Room 1
have а good weekend, and we'II see you in the
(D) Conference Room 2
conference room оn Monday.
15. Why does the speaker tell some
employees to speak to a supervisor?
(A) To schedule a training session
(B) To request overtime work
(C) To report broken machinery
(D) To order safety equipment

µ Practice. Look at these Vietnamese sentences and listen to fill in the blanks 🎧
1. Are you looking for new drinks?
2. Apples are on sale at 15% off the regular prices.
3. This week only our store is offering discounts оn sporting goods.
4. Our store is known for excellent customer service.
5. For more information or to sign up for a course, call us at 555-6666.


1. B 2. A 3. B 4. B

Listen to the questions, choose the right answer then fill in the blanks
1. What position is being advertised?
(A) Marketing executive
(B) Office assistant

W-Br Are you looking for a summer job? This radio station is seeking an energetic office
assistant to fill a two-month contract. The successful candidate must have experience with
computer word processing systems. If this sounds like you, then we’d like to meet you. Just e-mail
your résumé to This job begins soon, so don’t delay. Contact us today.

2. What kind of business is being advertised?

(A) A restaurant
(B) A hotel

M-Cn Looking for fresh and inventive cooking? Come to Adrian’s! Located on the top floor of
the Metford Building, Adrian’s offers breathtaking views of the entire city. Along with the stunning
view, we feature many authentic Italian dishes you won’t find anywhere else. Best of all, our
carefully prepared entrees are surprisingly affordable. In fact, for five years in a row, we’ve
been on The Daily Times’ list of “Best Bargain Restaurants.” So come to Adrian’s today for an
unforgettable dining experience.

Find the keywords, listen and choose the answers

3. In what type of business does the speaker most likely work?
(A) A magazine publisher (C) A cleaning service
(B) A paper supply company (D) An accounting firm
4. Look at the graphic. Where will the group have dinner?
(A) At Roma Italian Palace (C) At Susanna’s Southern Foods
(B) At Adobe Mexican Restaurant (D) At City Vegetarian Café

Question 3-4 refer to the following telephone message and restaurant reviews.
M-Au Hi, Linda. It’s Joseph. 3I just got a call from a potential client. They’re looking for
a new paper supplier and might be interested in doing business with us. 4I invited their two
managers out to dinner tomorrow to discuss the possibility of using us as their paper
supplier. 4There’s a restaurant near the office that has a four-star rating, so I made us a
reservation there. This client would be very important for us, so I think we should go over
our sales presentation before the dinner. Can we meet tomorrow morning at ten to pratice?


1. B 4. B 7. A 10. B 13. B
2. D 5. D 8. D 11. D 14. D
3. A 6. C 9. C 12. A 15. B

1. What is the speaker mainly discussing?
(A) Company goals
Questions 1-3 refer to the following excerpt from a
meeting. (B) A software program
(C) A vacation policy
W-Am Hello everyone, and thank you for
(D) Salary increases
joining me this morning. First, 1I want to make sure
you’re all aware that our company will begin using 2. What improvement does the speaker
a new time-reporting software program next mention?
month. 2This software is an improvement over the (A) Employees can work from any location.
one we’ve been using because it will allow you to (B) More staff will be assigned to a project.
more accurately indicate the time you spend on (C) Department budgets have increased.
specific projects each day. 3I invited Michaela (D) Time on projects will be reported
from the payroll department here to give a accurately.
demonstration. She’ll explain how to report your 3. What will Michaela do next?
time using this new system. Welcome, Michaela! (A) Give a demonstration
(B) Present survey results
(C) Explain a project timeline
(D) Answer employee questions

4. Where does the speaker most likely work?

Questions 4-6 refer to the following radio (A) At a department store
advertisement. (B) At a fitness center
M-Cn Do you want to get in better shape? (C) At a newspaper
Good-day Gуm has great news for you. 5We're (D) At a bank
offering half-price membership for the first three 5. What will happen early in the year?
months of the year for nеw subscibers. lf you sign (A) A winner will be chosen.
up now, you саn use our fitness center seven days (B) Applications will be accepted.
а week for only twelve dollars а month! That's less (C) New positions will be announced.
than half the usual price – and you'II enjoy the (D) A discount will be available.
convenience of early-morning and late-evening
6. What is the listener asked to do?
hours. 6lf уou'd like to take advantage of this offer,
call 555-0176 аnd ask for Denise. (A) Use a coupon
(B) Visit a Web site
(C) Make a phone call
(D) Fill out a questionnaire

7. What is the workshop about?
(A) Searching a database
Questions 7-9 refer to the following excerpt from a (B) Improving writing skills
workshop. (C) Editing digital photographs
W-Br Welcome to Maple Library. 7During (D) Creating a Web page
tonight's community workshop, I'll show you how 8. According to the speaker, what do the
to use the library's databases. Before we get listeners need to access a computer?
started, 8you'II need your library card to log on to (A) A driver’s license
our network. 9Now, on the computer in front of (B) A receipt
you, enter your card number to log in. Next, I'll (C) A credidt card
show you how to enter search terms. It's OK if you (D) A library card
can't remember each step. Keep in mind, I'm at 9. Why does the speaker say, “I’m at the
the information desk every evening. information desk every evening”?
(A) To provide a correction
(B) To reject an invitation
(C) To offer assistance
(D) To request a change
10. What is the main purpose of the
(A) To announce new prices
Questions 10-12 refer to the following (B) To recruit new workers
advertisement. (C) To promote a new product
M-Cn 10,11Are you looking for аn exciting nеw (D) To describe an office location
career in the banking industry? Premier National
11. What is suggested about the organization?
Ваnk is ореning seven nеw locations in the area
over the nехt twelve months, аnd we are looking (A) It is closing.
for dynamic people with good communication (B) It is being sold.
аnd management skills. We have openings (C) It is changing its name.
ranging from entry-level tellers to managerial (D) It is expanding.
positions in our loan and small business
departments. 12If you arе interested in а job with 12. According to the advertisement, how can a
great аdvаnсеmеnt potential, visit оur Web site listener get more information?
for morе information today. (A) By visiting a Web site
(B) By calling the organization
(C) By reading a brochure
(D) By watching a video


Questions 13-15 refer to the following telephone

message and work schedule.
M-Cn Hi Paul. 13This is Hans Schmidt at
Jayline Clothing. I’m going over the advertising 13. Where does the speaker work?
campaign your firm is doing for our new line of (A) At a catering company
women’s casual clothing, and 14I have some (B) At a clothing manufacturer
questions about the budget. I want to see if there’s (C) At an accounting firm
a way to bring down the cost of the campaign. (D) At a magazine publishing company
Would you be available to meet tomorrow 14. What does the speaker want to discuss
afternoon at one o’clock? My schedule just with the listener?
changed, and that would be the best time for me (A) Revising a deadline
to discuss this with you. Let me know if that’ll work (B) Developing a new product
for you. (C) Hiring more staff
(D) Reducing costs
15. Look at the graphic. What changed on the
speaker’s schedule?
(A) Lunch with new clients
(B) Sales department appointment
(C) Design deadline
(D) Project review

µ Practice. Look at these Vietnamese sentences and listen to fill in the blanks 🎧
1. I’d like to welcome you all to the art museum.
2. My name is Steve, and I will be your guide for the next two hours.
3. This garden is famous for various flowers from all over the world.
4. Let me point our the safety procedures.
5. The book is available in the gift shop.


1. B 2. A 3. B 4. D

Listen to the questions, choose the right answer then fill in the blanks
1. What is the speaker about to do?
(A) Show a film
(B) Lead a tour

M-Au Good morning, and welcome to the Blanchell Museum. I’m Akash, and I’ll be your guide
today as we tour our featured exhibit on Mexican art. We have many fascinating pieces in this
exhibit, and I’ll only have time to discuss a few of them in detail. But afterwards, I’ll be giving each
of you a brochure about the whole exhibit so that you can learn about it on your own. And don’t
forget to come back in November, when our featured exhibit will change to prints from our
permanent collection.

2. What does the speaker say about Cedarton’s shopping district?

(A) It is in the oldest part of town.
(B) It is popular with students.

W-Am Today we’re going to visit the town of Cedarton. We’ll be starting in the oldest part of
town. The area was once residential, but now it’s the town’s commercial district. You’ll have the
morning to look at the historic buildings and do some shopping. Then, after lunch, we’ll head over
to Cedarton University. As you’re strolling around the campus, don’t be surprised if you feel like
you’ve been there before. Because it’s so beautiful, this campus has been used as the setting for
a number of famous movies.

Find the keywords, listen and choose the answers

3. What does the speaker mean when he says, “we have a lot of materials to cover today”?
(A) He is upset about an assignment. (C) He is too busy to attend a meeting.
(B) He wants to begin immediately. (D) He needs assistance with a presentation.
4. What is the topic of the workshop?
(A) Effective communication skills (C) Improving productivity
(B) Managing department finances (D) Choosing job applicants

Question 3-4 refer to the following excerpt from a workshop.

M-Cn OK, everyone. 3Thank you for coming to today's workshop. It's eight o'clock and
we have a lot of material to cover today. I'm Sanjay, the executive director of Human
Resources, and 4today we'll be talking about selecting job applicants. As managers, it can
be quite overwhelming for us to go through a large number of job applications to figure out
who to interview. So to start off, I'd like you to turn to the person sitting next to you and take
about five minutes to list both positive and negative aspects of a résumé and cover letter –
what stands out to you as a potential candidate to contact.

1. B 4. C 7. D 10. C 13. C
2. C 5. C 8. C 11. D 14. A
3. D 6. B 9. B 12. A 15. D

1. What is being celebrated this month?
Questions 1-3 refer to the following excerpt from а
talk. (A) The opening of a store
(B) The anniversary of a company
M-Cn Welcome to Sarvieto's Pottery and
(C) The introduction of a product
Ceramics. l'm Marcus Kendall, and l'm leading
(D) The birthday of an artist
you оn our factory tour today. 1This month,
Sarvieto's is celebrating its 80th anniversary! This 2. According to the speaker, what is unique
makes it one of the oldest ceramic factories in the about the factory’s products?
region. 2Our tоur will begin with а video that shows (A) They have a distinctive color.
why оur pottery is unique: we use clay оnlу from (B) They are displayed in a famous
this area of the country. After the video, we'II walk museum.
into the plant and you'II see how the clay is (C) They are made from a local material.
shaped and decorated bу our artisans. 3At the (D) They have an unusual design.
еnd of the tоur, we'II visit оur pottery shop where, 3. Where will the tour end?
in honor of our anniversary, we'II offer you special (A) In a theater
discounts оn our products. (B) In a pottery studio
(C) At a factory entrance
(D) At a gift shop

4. Where does the talk take place?

Questions 4-6 refer to the following talk. (A) At a supermarket
M-Au 4
Welcome to Vandermark Farms! We're (B) At a bakery
happy you can work for us this summer. Each of (C) At a farm
you will be assigned to a team responsible for (D) At a restaurant
different tasks on our farm. Like last summer, you 5. According to the speaker, what is a new
may be assigned to be in the fields or to care for task this summer?
the animals. 5We do have a new task this year–a (A) Organizing a festival
food cart. We'll need people to run it and sell our (B) Coordinating with a charity
fresh products around town. Although these are (C) Managing a food cart
seasonal positions, we always have openings for (D) Leading cooking classes
year-round work. If you're interested, 6just e-mail
6. What can the listeners receive from Anya?
Anya, and she'll give you a listing of all our
(A) A map of the facility
available twelve-month positions.
(B) A list of open positions
(C) A reimbursement form
(D) A letter of recommendation

Questions 7-9 refer to the following tour
7. Where does the speaker most likely work?
information. (A) At a photography studio
W-Am 7
We will nоw bе entering the gallery (B) At a bookstore
named Gold Hall. For this nехt part of оur tоwn, I (C) At a gardening center
ask that you please refrain from taking pictures. (D) At an art museum
Тhе first paintimg, here оn оur right, is Тhе Look, 8. What does the speaker imply when she
arguably the most famous painting bу Esmeralda says, “I get asked this question a lot”?
Blanchard. Now, I get asked this question а lot. (A) She doesn’t know the answer.
What exactly is the wоmаn in the painting looking (B) She wants people to refrain from
at? Well, if you guessed the gardener bу the роnd, asking this question.
you are correct. 9Historians have recently (C) She knows people are curious.
confirmed this through а letter Blanchard wrote to (D) She is the only person who can provide
her sister. You саn read more about the an answer.
соrrеsроndеnсе in Blanchard's Gaze, а souvenir 9. What is Blanchard’s Gaze?
book which is available in the gift shop, and gives (A) A song
details оn all the paintings in our collection. (B) A book
(C) A painting
(D) A poem
10. What type of tour is this?
(A) A boat tour
Questions 10-12 refer to the following information. (B) A walking tour
M-Au Ladies and gentlemen, as а longtime (C) A bus tour
resident of Black Ridge City, l'd like to welcome (D) A bike tour
you to our town. 10On today's bus tоur, we will bе
11. At which stop will there be a guest
driving to all the key sites that you've соmе here
to see, like the historic city hall building, Black
Ridge Pass, and the new aquarium. The bus tour (A) The city hall building
will leave from and return to Morrison Street, and (B) Black Ridge Pass
the entire trip will last approximately four hours. (C) Morrison Street
At the aquarium а marine biologist will join us to (D) The aquarium
speak about some of the creatures you will see
there. Also, 12there are free cold drinks at the 12. What is free for visitors taking the tour?
front of the bus for all of оur passengers. Now, (A) Cold drinks
let's get going! (B) Breakfast and coffee
(C) An exhibit at city hall
(D) A souvernir key chain


Questions 13-15 refer to the following tour

information and brochure.
W-Am Welcome to the Megahurst Art
Gallery. You've chosen а very exciting time to visit
our museum because 13we just joined the Geater 13. What did the Megahurst Art Gallery
recently do?
Еurореаn Art Union. Our membership in this
union means our galleries will regularly feature (A) It opened a new location.
new exhibits from private and public art collections (B) It began offering art classes.
(C) It joined an art organization.
around Europe. То see а complete list of where
(D) It stopped permitting photography.
our various exhibits are from, take а look in your
brochure. Also, 14notice that there is а twenty 14. What is included with the brochure?
percent off coupon in your brochure that you саn (A) A discount coupon
use at the Megahurst food court or gift shop. (B) A restaurant menu
Now, let's start our tour аnd enter the first (C) A schedule of events
exhibit, which is on loan to us from the Amsterdam (D) A membership application
Collection. Please, follow me. 15. Look at the graphic. What exhibit will the
tour group visit first?
(A) Painting Achievements
(B) Modern Printing
(C) Swiss Photography
(D) Dutch Sculpture

µ Practice. Look at these Vietnamese sentences and listen to fill in the blanks 🎧
1. Today’s forecast calls for partly cloudy skies.
2. The bridge is backed up about one mile.
3. High temperatures should drop down to around 10 degrees.
4. The acquisition should be completed by the end of the month.
5. ARC Company announced that they will release a new product soon.


1. A 2. B 3. D 4. B

Listen to the questions, choose the right answer then fill in the blanks
1. Look at the graphic. What road does the speaker suggest avoiding?
(A) Rogers Way
(B) 12th Avenue

W-Am Big news for shoppers! The Silver Peaks Shopping Center will finally open this Saturday.
The opening will be celebrated with live music and special sales. The celebration is expected to be
very popular, so traffic will be heavy. Try to avoid the shopping center’s entrance, if possible, if you
are going elsewhere this weekend.

2. When did the man say the rain will stop?

(A) This morning
(B) This afternoon

M-Cn Good morning, this is Tim Woods with today’s weather. The rаin, which began yesterday
evening, should stop a little afternoon today. A high-pressure system will set in, so it’ll be clear and
dry, but it’s going to be quite a bit cooler as well. Be sure you wear a sweater or jacket tomorrow if
you’re going to be outside. It’s going to be chilly.

Find the keywords, listen and choose the answers

3. Where do the listeners most likely work?
(A) At a delivery company (C) At an appliance store
(B) At a repair shop (D) At a restaurant
4. What does the speaker say will happen tomorrow?
(A) The hours of operation will be extended. (C) An anniversary party will be held.
(B) Some new equipment will be installed. (D) A building inspection will take place.

Question 3-4 refer to the following excerpt from a meeting.

W-Am As you all know, our restaurant's dishwasher has been leaking water for the past
couple weeks. And we've had to hand wash dishes and utensils to serve our customers.
So, I've decided to upgrade–4a new dishwasher's coming tomorrow. The new model works
much quicker than the old one, so we'll be able to wash dishes in half the time! One last
thing, there are some extra shifts open at the end of the month. If you'd like to take any of
them, please use the sign-up sheet posted on the refrigerator.


1. A 4. A 7. D 10. C 13. B
2. B 5. B 8. C 11. A 14. B
3. D 6. D 9. B 12. B 15. D

1. What is the main purpose of the message?
Questions 1-3 refer to the following telephone (A) To complain about parking
message. (B) To confirm a move-in date
M-Cn Hello, this is Conrad. I rent apartment (C) To discuss a rent increase
306. 1I'm calling to complain about the people in (D) To report a broken appliance
the apartment next to me. For a while now, they've 2. What does the speaker say he did
been parking in my parking space. 2Yesterday I yesterday?
tried talking to them, but they were uncooperative. (A) He started a new job.
I sometimes come home late at night, and I need (B) He talked to his neighbors.
to know my space is available. This problem has (C) He helped a friend move.
to be fixed, and I'd like to discuss this in person. (D) He went to a party.
So 3I’ll come to your office after I finish work 3. What does the speaker plan to do
tomorrow. Thank you. tomorrow?
(A) Attend a music concert
(B) Borrow a vehicle
(C) Pay a late bill
(D) Stop by an office
4. What does the speaker say she did last
Questions 4-6 refer to the following excerpt from a
(A) She stayed late at the office.
(B) She installed some new software.
W-Am As office manager, I’ve been asked to (C) She attended an investor meeting.
talk about reducing our expenses here at the (D) She presented at an enviromental
office. For example, 4I worked late last Friday conference.
night. And there were a lot of desks with the lamps
left on. Honestly, I’ve done that myself. 5I think it 5. What does the speaker request that the
listeners do?
might help reduce our bill if everyone remembered
to turn off the lamps on their desks when leaving (A) Keep their work spaces clean
(B) Turn off their lamps
the office at the end of the day. On a more positive
(C) Read a list of suggetions
note, 6our recycling program has been working
(D) Participate in a video conference
very well. So, congratulations for doing such a
great job! 6. Why does the speaker congratulate the
(A) For meeting sales goals
(B) For a product launch
(C) For completing a difficult project
(D) For a successful recycling program

7. Who is Yumiko Watanabe?
Questions 7-9 refer to the following introduction. (A) A teacher
W-Am Good evening, Vancouver. This (B) A scientist
evening we'II bе speaking with 7Yumiko (C) A musician
Watanabe, whose latest collection of short stories, (D) A writer
entitled Birds of а Feather, recently won the 8. Where does the interview take place?
Marigold Prize. Her stories are based on her own (A) In Sydney
experiences as the child of а famous musician (B) In Tokyo
and а brilliant scientist. Ms. Watanabe was born (C) In Vacouver
in Tokyo, but her parents' remarkable careers took (D) In Los Angeles
the family all over the world–and viewers who saw
9. What does the speaker suggest about Ms.
her last appearance on our show heard some Watanabe?
wonderful stories of the years she spent growing (A) She is visiting the show for the first
up in Los Angeles and Sydney. 8,9Tonight, I’ll bе time.
inviting оur Vancouver audience to ask her more (B) She will answer questions from the
questions about those childhood experiences. audience.
(C) She has just returned from a trip.
(D) She is appearing on the show with her
10. What type of business did Andrea Shin
Questions 10-12 refer to the following radio (A) A camping equipment company
broadcast. (B) A software design company
M-Au Good afternoon and welcome to our (C) A travel agency
popular program, Business Talk. Today, we'II bе (D) A book publishing firm
talking with 10Andrea Shin, who has started аn
11. What gave Andrea Shin the idea of starting
online travel аgеnсу focused оn outdoor
her business?
adventure. 11Andrea has always enjoyed hiking,
rock climbing, аnd rafting, but she has often had (A) Her personal experience
difficulty making travel arrangements. 10,11So (B) Requests from friends
she's set up а travel аgеnсу that helps people (C) A magazine article
find exciting places to go and arranges for (D) A networking event
guided tours and equipment rental. 12But before
we talk about her business, I want to ask Andrea 12. What will Andrea Shin most likely talk
about her recent visit to the rainforest in Costa about first?
Rica! We'II bе right back after this commercial (A) Her marketing strategy
break. Stay tuned. (B) A recent trip
(C) Her volunteer experience
(D) A competitor’s business


Questions 13-15 refer to the following

advertisement and price list.
W-Am Would you like to add something
special to your company's celebration or business
function? Then Eco-Events may be just right for
you. 13We offer a large variety of environmentally 13. What kind of business is being advertised?
friendly rental products for any occasion. Our (A) A clothing store
most popular rentals are our tables and chairs, all (B) A rental company
made from sustainable materials. They're (C) A convention center
beautiful and functional! Our tables come in four (D) A furniture manufacturer
sizes, allowing you to arrange a gathering any
way you'd like. And for a limited time, 14our most 14. Look at the graphic. Which table package
is available at a discounted price?
popular table, which seats eight to twelve people,
can be rented for just ten dollars per day! 15To take (A) Silver
(B) Deluxe
advantage of this limited offer, just enter the
(C) Gold
promotional code TENDISCOUNT when you go to
(D) Premium
our Web site.
15. How can the listeners obtain a discount?
(A) By watching a brief video
(B) By visiting a store location
(C) By speaking with a manager
(D) By entering a promotional code

µ Practice. Look at these Vietnamese sentences and listen to fill in the blanks 🎧
1. Welcome to the annual scientific research conference.
2. Following the talk, copies of Mr. Boyds’ cookbook will be оn sale in the lobby.
3. A lot of people made it to the meeting despite the short notice.
4. We decided to expand into Europe to keep up with the increasing demands.
5. I’d like to extend a special welcome to those who came from overseas to attend.


1. B 2. B 3. D 4. C

Listen to the questions, choose the right answer then fill in the blanks
1. What is the purpose of the talk?
(A) To welcome a new staff member
(B) To honor a retiring employee

W-Am Thank you all for coming. It’s my pleasure to host this retirement party for Frank Thomas.
For 25 years, he’s been a devoted employee of our company, and today we show our
appreciation. It’s because of his organizational skills that our advertising campaigns run so
smoothly. We’ll be grateful long after he leaves.

2. What occasion is being celebrated?

(A) The opening of a new school
(B) The anniversary of an organization

M-Am Ladies and gentlemen, today we come together to celebrate the 25th anniversary of our
organization. It was 25 years ago today that our founder opened the first of our schools
dedicated to training young men and women in the technological skills they would need in the
workplace. Back then, the most popular areas of study were automobile repair and airplane
maintenance, whereas today most of our students study computer programming. However, the
mission of the Song Lee Institute has not changed, and, like all of you, I look forward to our next
25 years.

Find the keywords, listen and choose the answers

3. What is the purpose of this announcement?
(A) To describe changes to a schedule (C) To announce a workshop
(B) To introduce a speaker (D) To conclude a conference
4. What anniversary is the conference celebrating?
(A) 2 years (C) 10 years
(B) 5 years (D) 20 years

Question 3-4 refer to the following talk.

M-Au Good afternoon, colleagues. 3Before you leave, I want to thank you all for coming
to this year's symposium. 4lt has bееn the best-attended conference in our 10 year history.
I would also like to thank our workshop coordinators, Cynthia Deevers and Tom Scallon. I
hope you learned as much from them as I did. Finally, thanks to our keynote speaker, Dr.
Marta Anders, who gave us some insightful ideas for conducting research оn topics in
economics. Congratulations to all for making this our best conference yet.

1. D 4. B 7. B 10. D 13. B
2. A 5. C 8. B 11. B 14. C
3. B 6. B 9. C 12. C 15. D

1. According to the speaker, what type of
Questions 1-3 refer to the following event will take place next month?
announcement. (A) A job fair
M-Au Good morning, everyone. I called this (B) A press conference
staff meeting because 1there’s going to be a film (C) A graduation ceremony
festival in town at the beginning of next month, (D) A film festival
and over 5,000 people, including many actors and
2. Where does the speaker most likely work?
actresses, will be attending it. 2Since the hotel is
(A) At a hotel
so close to the convention center, all of our
(B) At an airport
standard rooms and suites have already been
(C) At a restaurant
booked. This is great for business, but it does
(D) At a taxi company
mean there’ll be more work for us to do than usual.
So 3if you could work extra hours during the dates 3. What does the speaker ask the listeners to
of the festival, I’d really appreciate it. do?
(A) Park in a different garage
(B) Work extra hours
(C) Order additional supplies
(D) Rearrange some furniture
Questions 4-6 refer to the following excerpt from a 4. According to the speaker, what will take
meeting. place on Saturday?
M-Au OK, let's get the monthly staff meeting (A) A retirement party
started. First off, 4this Saturday is the annual (B) A holiday parade
holiday parade. And as many of you know, the (C) A business workshop
parade goes right down our street. 5It's always one (D) A company picnic
of our busiest days... lots of people will stop by for 5. Where do the listeners work?
lunch, and the line can get quite long. So we'll (A) At a bank
need a few extra cooks and servers, and (B) At an amusement park
everyone who works that day'II get overtime pay. (C) At a restaurant
Let me know soon if you're able to work on (D) At a police station
Saturday. Oh... and 6I strongly recommend taking
6. What does the speaker suggest that the
the bus or train if you can. Remember that it'll be listeners do?
very difficult to park on Saturday during the event.
(A) Wear warm clothing
(B) Use public transpartation
(C) Pack a lunch
(D) Bring identification

7. What does the speaker say about
Alameda’s Print House?
Questions 7-9 refer to the following excerpt from а (A) It will go out of business.
meeting. (B) It provides high quality printing.
M-Cn The last thing on today's meeting (C) It offers discounted printing.
agenda is to discuss the cost of using 7Alameda's (D) It moved to a new location.
Print House to publish оur magaziпe. I know they
8. What does the speaker mention about the
do а good job, and we've used them for а long
magazine’s subscribers?
time, but they're also very expensive. We could
(A) They requested reduced subscription
reduce costs if we used а printer further outside
the city, but that would increase delivery costs,
(B) They mostly live in a city.
since 8most of оur subscribers live inside the city.
(C) They work in publishing.
I had а thought, though. Why are we payiпg (D) They did not receive a delivery.
someone to print our magazine? 9We could buy а
printing press аnd print it ourselves. lt would bе аn 9. Why does the speaker say, “Why are we
expensive investment, but it would cost less in the paying someone to print our magazine”?
long run. What do you think? (A) To recommend a free service
(B) To complain about the quality of a
(C) To propose a new plan
(D) To inquire about a budget
10. What type of event are the listeners
(A) A museum opening
(B) An outdoor festival
Questions 10-12 refer to the following talk. (C) An awards ceremony
(D) A club meeting
W-Br 10Welcome to the June rneeting of the
Maplewood Film Club. The film we're showing 11. Who is Charlotte Blake?
this month is the award-winning Evening Rain. (A) An actor
The club is especially happy to have 11Ms. (B) A writer
Charlotte Blake, the film's screenwriter, here with (C) A film director
us today. After the movie, you'II bе аblе to ask
(D) An event organizer
her about the challenges of writing for film. 12We
hope you'II stay for the discussion. 12. What are listeners invited to do?
(A) Renew their memberships
(B) Write a review
(C) Join a discussion
(D) View an exhibit


Questions 13-15 refer to the following excerpt from

а meeting and garden layout.
M-Au Thanks for attending this planning
meeting for the new neighborhood garden. I'm 13. Who is the speaker?
Chao, and 13I'm coordinating this project. Here's
(A) A security guard
the layout for the new garden. We'll mostly be
(B) A project coordinator
planting vegetables, but we will have a herb (C) A course instructor
garden, too, and we're going to plant that first. (D) A news journalist
The herbs are going to go in the plot between
the picnic area and the toolshed. Also, 15I need 14. Look at the graphic. Where will herbs be
volunteers to help me on Saturday. I'd like to put
up a fence around the perimeter of the garden. (A) Plot 1
The wood for the fence will be delivered that (B) Plot 2
(C) Plot 3
(D) Plot 4
15. What does the speaker plan to do on
(A) Lead a tour
(B) Attend a picnic
(C) Take some photographs
(D) Install a fence

Part 4 ETS

71. C 75. A 79. C 83. C 87. A 91. A 95. D 99. A

72. B 76. B 80. A 84. A 88. C 92. D 96. D 100. A

73. B 77. D 81. B 85. D 89. C 93. B 97. B

74. C 78. C 82. C 86. D 90. D 94. C 98. A

Questions 71-73 refer to the following telephone
message. 71. Who most likely is the speaker?
M-Am Good morning, Ms. Yang. 71lt's Mike (A) A computer technician
Lee with Capital Auto Sales. l'm calling to give you (B) A postal worker
an update оn the delivery of the vehicle you (C) An auto salesperson
bought from us. 72Due to the heavy snowstorm in (D) A construction worker
the area, mаnу of the mаin roads were closed and
72. What does the speaker say about Ms.
some deliveries from оur main factory, including Yang's order?
the оnе with уоur vehicle, have bееn delayed.
(A) It is lost.
According to the information I have оn the
(B) It is delayed.
computer, your order was supposed to arrive (C) It is incomplete.
today, but it actually won't bе here until tomorrow (D) It is damaged.
morning at 8:00 А.М. 73Please call me to let mе
know what time you’ll bе аble to соmе bу 73. What information does the speaker need
from Ms. Yang?
tomorrow to pick up уоur vehicle. We want to
make sure we have the keys and final paperwork (A) A reservation code
ready for you when you arrive. The number here (B) A pick-up time
(C) A telephone number
is 555-3298. Thank you.
(D) A delivery address


74. Who is sponsoring a contest?

(A) A community center
(B) A bookstore
Questions 74-76 refer to the following broadcast
(C) A magazine
(D) A radio station
M-Au Моntrеаl Fiction Magazine is pleased
to announce its 5th annual amateur short story 75. What are participants competing for?
contest. Participants саn submit up to three short (A) An opportunity to be published
stories that have not been previously published, (B) Feedback from a famous author
and 75winners will have their writing published in (C) A magazine subscription
the magazine's January issue. 76For contest rules, (D) A gift certificate to a store
please visit оur Web site. Good luck, and we look 76. Why are listeners asked to visit the Web
forward to seeing your work! site?
(A) To participate in a survey
(B) To get contest rules
(C) To cast a vote
(D) To sign up for event updates

77. What type of product does the store sell?
Questions 77-79 refer to the following
(A) Jewelry
advertisement. (B) Cosmetics
77,79 (C) Coats
W-Am Come to Endwell Shoes this
(D) Footwear
weekend for оur аnnuаl winter sale! 79Friday
through Sunday, we're taking twenty percent off 78. What did style experts say about Ella
our entire inventory as we make room for our new Bancroft's products?
styles. 78Тhе discount even applies to Ella (A) They are being promoted by a famous
Bancroft designer boots, which style experts on actor.
the Forward Fashion television network say are (B) They are more affordable than similar
this season's most popular line of footwear. You'II brands.
bе sure to find something you like – and at а price (C) They are popular this season.
that can't bе beat. Remember, 79the sale ends (D) They are made from natural materials.
Sunday, so соme take advantage of these great 79. When will the promotion end?
deals while they last! (A) On Friday
(B) On Saturday
(C) On Sunday
(D) On Monday

80. What event is taking place?

(A) A technology conference
(B) A product demonstration
(C) A company fund-raiser
Questions 80-82 refer to the following speech.
(D) A training workshop
W-Am Welsome to Branson Tech’s second
annual conference on computer security. 81We 81. Why does the speaker say, “And over 300
decided to try something different to publicize the people are here”?
event this year. We advertised primarily through (A) To propose moving to a larger venue
social media rather than by e-mail newsletters or (B) To indicate that some advertising was
on company Web sites. And over 300 people are successful
here! The first presentations will begin in fifteen (C) To emphasize the important of working
minutes. The talks will take place in different quickly
(D) To suggest more volunteers are
rooms throughout the buliding, so 82please be
sure to check your programs for the list of topics,
speakers, and locations. 82. What does the speaker ask the listeners to
(A) Provide feedback
(B) Silence mobile phones
(C) Review an event program
(D) Enjoy some refreshments

Questions 83-85 refer to the following traffic
83. What is causing delays along Carter
W-Br And now for а look at Brooktown's
(A) Bad weather
roads. There's actually very little to report this
(B) A broken traffic light
morning, which should bе good news for all of you
(C) Bridge construction
оn your way to work. Most roads are clear;
(D) A disabled vehicle
however, there is one trouble spot оn Carter
Highway. 83Тhis is the fifth day of construction оn 84. What does the speaker suggest?
the Carter Highway Bridge, which is being (A) Taking a different route
expanded to four lanes. Due to the work, officials (B) Using public transportation
have closed оnе of the two southbound lanes. (C) Canceling a trip
With only one lane open, drivers in that area (D) Leaving early
should expect long delays. 84lf you рlаn оn 85. What will listeners probably hear next?
traveling south, I recommend taking Dairy Road (A) A report on building construction
or Valley Drive instead. 85Now over to Аnn for the (B) An automobile advertisement
weather report. (C) A travel and tourism program
(D) An update on the weather


86. What is the talk mainly about?

Questions 86-88 refer to the following talk. (A) A mobile phone model
M-Cn Good afternoon. My name is Lawrence (B) An office security system
Wilson, and 86I’ll be conducting the training on (C) High-speed Internet service
how to use our company's new scheduling (D) Business scheduling software
software–Spark Schedule. 87The reason we 87. Why did the company choose the product?
chose this particular software is because it makes (A) It makes arranging meetings easy.
it easy for you to schedule meetings with people (B) It is reasonably priced.
in different time zones. That way we can conduct (C) It has good security features.
business with our increasing number of clients all (D) It has received positive reviews.
over the world. And best of all, 88there's a mobile
88. What does the speaker say is offered with
phone application that you can download for free.
the product?
This will allow you to check your schedule from
(A) An annual upgrade
any location.
(B) A money-back guarantee
(C) A mobile phone application
(D) A customer-service help line

89. Where is the talk taking place?
Questions 89-91 refer to the following (A) At an awards ceremony
introduction. (B) At an exhibit opening
M-Cn Thanks for coming to this month’s (C) At a club meeting
meeting of the Emery Bird Watching Club. 90I’m (D) At a national park tour
very excited to welcome our guest speaker,
90. What did Kentaro Nakamura recently do?
author Kentaro Nakamura. He recently led a
(A) He published a book.
project in the Canadian wilderness where he
(B) He started a conversation society.
spent six months researching bird migration
(C) He won a photography contest.
patterns. In his lecture tonight, he’ll talk about the
(D) He conducted a research project.
dangers of light pollution to migrating birds and
what we can do to help. 91After the presentation, 91. What are the listeners invited to do after the
please join us in the library for some drinks and event?
treats. (A) Enjoy some refreshments
(B) Sign up to volunteer
(C) Purchase some souvenirs
(D) Take some maps

92. What most likely is the purpose of the call?

Questions 92-94 refer to the following telephone (A) To postpone a meeting
message. (B) To suggest a job transfer
W-Br Hi, Kevin? lt's Jane. lt was great to see (C) To report on a project
you when I visited my old office at Research Мах (D) To ask for a phone number
last week. I still prefer my new home-based job,
93. What does the speaker mention about a
though. So 92l'm calling because I misplaced the cleaning service?
phone number and e-mail address for the (A) The business closed.
company you always hire to clean the office (B) The business does excellent work.
carpets. 93I remember they do excellent work. (C) The business changed its location.
Remember how their cleaning crew somehow got (D) The business has a new Web site.
all the stains out of the old rugs in the two client
lounges at Research Мах? 94When they were 94. What does the woman imply when she
says, "I need them to come over soon"?
done, the carpets looked like nеw. Anyway, I need
(A) A service was not properly completed.
them to соmе over soon. 92Could you text or call
(B) A company has not returned her calls.
back with that information? Thanks.
(C) She has carpets that need to be
(D) She needs help with a client meeting.


Questions 95-97 refer to the following report and

weather forecast.
W-Am And now, 95an event we've all been
95. What event is being described?
waiting for since last year–Danville's Annual
Cook-Off. Held outside at City Park, the Cook-Off (A) A sports competition
(B) A government ceremony
always attracts a lot of participants. Competitors
(C) A music festival
prepare one dish, which they serve throughout the
(D) A cooking contest
day. A panel of judges will select the winners
based on taste, presentation, and uniqueness. 96. According to the speaker, what can the
This event is great fun for the whole family, and listeners find on a Web site?
entry and food samples are free! 96If you're (A) A city map
interested in participating, the contest registration (B) A list of vendors
form is available on the city's Web site. Now, (C) A demonstration video
keep in mind we're expecting a cloudy day for (D) An entry form
this year's event. We won't see any sunshine, so 97. Look at the graphic. Which day is the event
be sure to bring a jacket! being held?
(A) Saturday
(B) Sunday
(C) Monday
(D) Тuesday


Questions 98-100 refer to the following talk and

W-Am Thank you all for coming to Maller-
Tech's first conference of software developers. 98lf 98. What does the speaker remind listeners to
you haven't received your gift bag filled with реns
and а notebook yet, please make surе to pick that (A) A bag of supplies
up from the front desk where you got your (B) A visitor's badge
(C) A presentation ticket
соnfеrеnсе badge. Please bе aware that there is
(D) A free beverage
one change we need to make to the schedule in
the brochure, though. 99Our first speaker this 99. Look at the graphic. According to the
morning had а travel delay, so he will switch speaker, when will Ms. Eckhard present?
presentation times with the last speaker of the (A) At 10 A.M.
day, at fоur o'clock. 100Until the first presentation, (B) At 12 P.M.
everyone is invited to visit the Ashton Ball Room (C) At 2 P.M.
for аn informal networking session to get to know (D) At 4 P.M.
уоur colleagues. 100. Why are visitors invited to the Ashton
Ball Room?
(A) To meet people
(B) To attend a presentation
(C) To register for an event
(D) To eat breakfast


1. D 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. D 6. C

1. 2.

(A) He’s shutting the curtains.

(A) She's turning on the lamp.
(B) He's lifting the tаblе.
(B) She's opening а drawer.
(C) He's sitting on the sofa.
(C) She's taking а picture.
(D) He’s watering the plant.
(D) She’s typing on a keyboard.

3. 4.

(A) The man is washing the dishes. (A) He's handing out newspapers.
(B) The chairs are lined up in а row. (B) He's writing а report.
(C) The man is looking down at а (C) He's selling jackets.
plate. (D) He's working on а building.
(D) The cup is on top of the plate.

5. 6.

(A) There are boxes on the floor.

(B) The packages are being opened. (A) А musician is playing an instrument.
(C) The woman is filling the boxes. (B) Some equipment is being moved.
(D) The woman is writing down (C) Some guitars are standing upright.
information. (D) А man is speaking to an audience.

7. C 12. B 17. A 22. C 27. C
8. B 13. B 18. A 23. B 28. B
9. B 14. B 19. C 24. B 29. C
10. A 15. C 20. C 25. A 30. A
11. B 16. A 21. B 26. A 31. C

7. Where will the new employee sit?

(A) At eleven.
(B) Yes, he will.
(C) Near Mr. Allen.
8. Do you want to use the computer?
(A) l'd love some.
(B) Yes, I do. Thanks.
(C) I used to see him around.
9. What’s today's meeting about?
(A) At one-thirty.
(B) We'II bе discussing project assignments.
(C) Approximately ten dollars.
10. Why has Ms. Ruiz stopped coming to the department meetings?
(A) She works in another department now.
(B) lt's а nice apartment!
(C) I’ll go down there soon.
11. Did I receive аnу calls while I was out?
(A) I guess I should call him back.
(B) Your messages are on your desk.
(C) She received it yesterday.
12. Who do you think will win the award?
(A) lt wasn't playing.
(B) Рrоbаblу Martina.
(C) She didn't go.
13. How many copies of this document do you need?
(A) lt's too much.
(B) Five should bе enough.
(C) I need some coffee too.
14. Where would you like to go to celebrate your promotion?
(A) lt really is very challenging.
(B) Let's try the new Japanese restaurant.
(C) I promised you it would bе finished.
15. What's the quickest way to the train station?
(A) Around 30 kilograms.
(B) 10 minutes from now.
(C) Here, I’ll show you on the map.
16. Do you prefer а window or an aisle seat?
(A) lt doesn't matter to mе.
(B) l'd rather not.
(C) I can't see anything.
17. Why couldn't I log оn to our company Web site?
(A) I don’t really know.
(B) She's hiring one.
(C) Sorry, he can't.
18. How much is the bill?
(A) It comes to 7,000 yen.
(B) I’ll have five, thanks.
(C) Take two pills each morning.
19. I wish I had more time to exercise.
(A) I heard that one's really nice.
(B) А size larger, I think.
(C) You could take а walk at lunchtime.
20. When will my travel expenses bе reimbursed?
(A) The trip was great.
(B) lt took me four hours to get there.
(C) ln about two weeks.
21. Would you like to see а movie this weekend?
(A) No, I didn't enjoy it.
(B) Yes, let's go оn Saturday evening.
(C) I moved in last month.
22. Where саn I purchase а stereo at а reasonable price?
(A) lt only cost me thirty dollars.
(B) Yes, I really like my new one.
(C) There's an electronics store nearby.
23. Has Ms. Bridges received а key to the building?
(A) Yes, they just recently built it.
(B) Sorry, I forgot to give it to her.
(C) lt's the first door on the right.
24. When саn I make my presentation to the board?
(A) She should bе present to receive the award.
(B) There will bе time at the next meeting.
(C) Yes, he was very bored.
25. Shouldn't we wait for Ms. lto before we start the tour?
(A) Oh–she's not coming today.
(B) lt's а very old tower.
(C) One week in Paris.
26. Would you like to sign up for the company retreat?
(A) Sure, I’ll write my name down.
(B) Twenty people, maximum.
(C) Can I replace the sign?
27. Excuse me, could you tell me where I should go to pick up my luggage?
(A) Yes, all incoming flights are оn time.
(B) These are the largest suitcases we have.
(C) The baggage claim area is downstairs.
28. There's no coffee shop around here, is there?
(A) I just made two copies.
(B) There used to bе one.
(C) The coffee's too hot.
29. I’ll finish this project right after lunch.
(A) No, I can't.
(B) Yes, а little.
(C) That's fine.
30. lt's cold in this office today, isn't it?
(A) Would you like me to turn up the heat?
(B) Yes, later today would bе fine.
(C) l'd love to, thanks.
31. Why don't you ask Ms. Xiao for help with this project?
(A) That was the cause.
(B) I like helping others.
(C) I’ll go ask her now.

32. D 37. A 42. A 47. B 52. D 57. C 62. B 67. B
33. B 38. D 43. D 48. D 53. D 58. A 63. D 68. A
34. B 39. C 44. C 49. C 54. B 59. C 64. B 69. B
35. B 40. A 45. B 50. B 55. A 60. A 65. B 70. C
36. B 41. B 46. C 51. B 56. A 61. D 66. C

Questions 32-34 refer to the following
32. What is the woman preparing for?
(A) A move to a new city
32, 33
W-Br Hi, it’s Martina from Accounting. l’d (B) A business trip
like to reserve the main conference room (C) A building tour
for a meeting I’ll be leading on Friday with (D) A meeting with visiting colleagues
colleagues from our New York office.
33. Who most likely is the man?
M-Cn Sure, that shouldn’t be a problem. What (A) An accountant
time is the meeting? (B) An administrative assistant
W-Br It’s from nine to eleven A.M. (C) A marketing director
(D) A company president
M-Cn OK – 33I’ll block off that time slot for you.
Do you need any special equipment 34. What does the woman want to pick up on Friday
besides a laptop and projector? morning?
34 (A) A building map
W-Br No, but I’ll need a key so I can go in a
(B) A room key
little early and set up. Can I pick that up on
(C) An ID card
Friday morning?
(D) A parking pass
M-Cn Absolutely.

Questions 35-37 refer to the following 35. Where does the man work?
conversation. (A) At a travel agency
M-Cn 35
Hello, Ryerson Fitness Center. How can (B) At a fitness center
I help you? (C) At a sports stadium
(D) At a hotel
W-Am Yes, I’, wondering what your fitness center
has to offer. 36I just changed jobs, and my 36. What does the woman say she recently did?
new office is near your center. (A) She read a review.
M-Cn We have exercise equipment, aerobics (B) She changed jobs.
(C) She attended a conference.
classes, and a pool. And we also offer
(D) She received a gift certificate.
sessions with personal trainers.
W-Am That sounds great. 37Can I come in to
37. What does the man offer to do?
see your center? (A) Arrange a tour
(B) Update a reservation
M-Cn Sure. I’d be happy to arrange a tour for (C) Provide a meal voucher
you. Just let me know when you’d like to (D) Change a seat assignment

Questions 38-40 refer to the following
38. Why is the woman at Houseman Incorporated?
(A) To register for a class
W-Br Hi, l'm Petra Barlow.
I have аn interview (B) To have a business lunch
for а position in the accounting (C) To lead a seminar
department here at Houseman (D) To attend an interview
39. What does the man ask the woman to do?
M-Cn Hello, Ms. Barlow. Let mе check in the (A) Wait in the lobby
computer. While I do that, 39would you put (B) Update an application
on this visitor's badge so it's easy to see? (C) Wear a badge
W-Br Yes, of course. 40I'm supposed to meet with (D) Provide photo identification
Helen Wade in meeting room 2B. ls that 40. What does the man say has changed?
right? (A) The location of a meeting
M-Cn Actually, 40
it looks like there was а last- (B) The date of an event
minute change. You'II bе meeting in room (C) The length of a session
12А instead. lt's down that hallway and to (D) The number of participants
your left.
W-Br Thanks a lot!

Questions 41-43 refer to the following
41. Why does the man postpone the project?
(A) A permit is delayed.
M-Au Hi, Ms. Long. This is Jacob from the
(B) The weather will be bad.
landscaping company. l'm afraid we won't (C) A coworker is unavailable.
bе аblе to start working on your garden (D) Some materials have not arrived.
tomorrow. 41Тhе weather report's showing
42. What does the woman say she will do on
that there'II bе heavy rаin.
W-Am Well, you know I’m going to bе out of (A) Leave for a trip
town for two weeks starting this Thursday. (B) Start a new job
I wanted to give you а key to the gate, so (C) Meet with a supplier
you'd bе аblе to keep working while l'm (D) Volunteer at a public park
gone. 43. Why does the woman say, "If you wouldn't
M-Au OK. 43
Тhen what if I соme bу tomorrow mind"?
аnуwау, just to pick up the key? (A) To suggest a solution
(B) To ask for permission
W-Am lf you wouldn't mind. I’ll bе at home until (C) To make a complaint
ten-thirty in the morning. (D) To accept an offer

Questions 44-46 refer to the following
conversation. 44. Why does the man apologize?
M-Cn l'm sorry, Suzanne. 44
The morning traffic (A) He missed a meeting.
was worse than usual; I was stranded on (B) He lost his notes.
the highway for half an hour. 44You haven't (C) He thought he was late.
started yet? (D) He forgot to call a client.

W-Br 45
Not yet. Some of the attendees will bе а 45. When will the presentation begin?
little late arriving, too, so 45I've put а note (A) In 5 minutes
оn the door saying the presentation won't (B) In 10 minutes
start for another tеn minutes. Do you have (C) In 15 minutes
(D) In 30 minutes
the slides and graphics?
M-Cn They're at my desk. I’ll get them and 46. What will the woman probably do next?
meet you in the conference room in ten (A) Walk with the man to his office
minutes, then. (B) Distribute some slides
(C) Gо to a conference room
W-Br AII right–see you there. (D) Place an order for stationery

Questions 47-49 refer to the following 47. What are the speakers discussing?
(A) A fund-raiser
47, 48
W-Br Takumi, I planning to attend the (B) A health fair
company health fair on Monday. Would (C) A facility tour
you be interested in going together? (D) A business trip
M-Au Oh, I’m on vacation next week. I did go last 48. Why does the man say, “I’m on vacation
year–it was really great. I learned some next week”?
exercises and stretches that are helful for (A) То request assistance
office workers like us. I still do them every (B) То correct a time frame
day. (C) То express excitement
(D) То decline an invitation
W-Br Oh– hopefully they’ll have that presentation
again… 49My back often aches after sitting 49. What does the woman complain about?
at my desk all day. It would be nice to learn (A) Poor lighting
some techniques to make my back feel (B) Small desks
(C) Back pain
(D) Loud noises


Questions 50-52 refer to the following

conversation. 50. What are the speakers discussing?
M-Cn Yuki, will you bе in the office оn Friday? (A) A dinner menu
We're having а retirement party for Mr. (B) A retirement luncheon
Gupta that day. (C) A business trip
(D) A conference call
W-Am Yes, I’ll bе in, but I have а doctor's
appointment at three o'clock. When's the 51. When will the event begin?
party? (A) At 10:00
50, 51 (B) At 12:00
M-Cn lt starts at noon. l've reserved the
(C) At 2:00
conference room from twelve until two,
(D) At 3:00
and we're having lunch delivered.
52. Where does the woman have to go after the
W-Am That sounds great, Mark. Since my
appointment isn't until three, I’ll definitely
(A) To a party
bе there. (B) To a restaurant
(C) To Mr. Gupta's office
(D) To her doctor's office


Questions 53-55 refer to the following

conversation with three speakers. 53. What industry do the speakers work in?
M-Cn Maryam, 53
did you hear that our (A) Manufacturing
construction company won the bid to build (B) Agriculture
the river dam next to Burton City? (C) Transportation
(D) Construction
W-Br I did! This is such a major project for us…
the dam’s expected to produce enough 54. What does the woman say a project will do for a
electricity to power all of Burton.
(A) Increase tourism
M-Cn Righ. Say, do you know when construction
(B) Generate electricity
will begin? (C) Preserve natural resources
W-Br I don’t, but here comes the project (D) Improve property values
manager now. He may have a better 55. What does Gerhard say needs to be done?
idea… 55Gerhard, are there any updates (A) Permits need to be approved.
on the dam construction? (B) Employees need to be trained.
M-Au Well, 55
we’re going to have to wait until all (C) Materials need to be ordered.
the permits are approved. It’ll a while (D) Inspections need to be made.
before anything else can happen.

Questions 56-58 refer to the following
56. What is the woman concerned about?
conversation with three speakers.
(A) The rate of production
W-Am 56I’m worried about the production rate оn (B) The availability of staff
assembly line number three. The machine (C) The temperature of а room
that seals the mobile phone boxes isn't (D) The cost of shipping
running as fast as it should, and 56it's
57. What do the men suggest?
slowing down the whole process.
(A) Adjusting some controls
M-Cn Oh, we've had trouble with that machine in (B) Hiring а technician
the past. 57Instead of having it repaired (C) Replacing some equipment
again, I think we'd better just replace it. (D) Using different packaging
M-Au I agree. But we should try to get а new one 58. What does the woman say she will do?
put in as soon as possible, or we might (A) Check with а supplier
have to shut down that assembly line. (B) Place аn advertisement
58 (C) Conduct аn inspection
W-Am OK, I’ll call the соmраnу that supplies
(D) Revise а production schedule
that equipment.
M-Cn Yes, see how soon we саn get it installed.

Questions 59-61 refer to the following
W-Am 59Now on Radio Twelve, we’re talking with 59. Who most likely is the woman?
Wayfield Technologies CEO, Omar (A) A newspaper publisher
Rashad. Welcome! (B) A computer programmer
(C) A radio show host
M-Cn Thanks for having me.
(D) An airplane pilot
W-Am Absolutely. Let’s talk about Wayfield’s
60. What did Wayfield Technologies recently
recent announcement. You company is announce?
known for producing powerful laptop
(A) An additional to its product line
computers. But now you’ll be making (B) A merger with another company
mobile phones? (C) The launch of mentoring program
M-Cn Yes, we’ve been specializing in laptops for (D) The construction of a factory
quite some time and decided to put that 61. What does the man invite the woman to
same technology into mobile devices. do?
W-Am Who’s the target demographic? (A) Join a professional association
M-Cn We think that people who travel frequently (B) Tour a facility
(C) Apply for a job
for work will be interested in this phone,
(D) Attend a product demonstration
since it comes loaded with business-
related applications. In fact, 61a group of
our salespeople will be at the Toronto
airport on Tuesday, giving a product
demonstration. Perhaps you’d like to
come by.

Questions 62-64 refer to the following
conversation. 62. What is Мr. Thompson missing?
M-Au I just got an e-mail from Mr. Thompson. (A) А client's address
Не can't find the contract we sent him for (B) А contract
the computer maintenance services. (C) А budget report
63 (D) Аn e-mail
W-Br Why don't you call him and tell him I’ll
bring another сору bу later today? I’ll bе 63. Where is the woman planning to go?
in the аrеа аnуwау for а meeting at а (A) То the post office
client's office. (B) То а сору shop
(C) То а budget meeting
M-Au That'd bе great. When are you
(D) То а client's office
W-Br I have to finish this budget report first, but 64. When will the woman рrоbablу leave the
64 office?
I should bе аblе to leave here at оnе. Just
(A) Аt 12:00 noon
leave the contract on my desk and I’ll get it
(B) Аt 1:00 Р.М
to Mr. Thompson.
(C) Аt 2:00 Р.М
(D) At 3:00 Р.М


Questions 65-67 refer to the following

conversation and schedule.
M-Cn Excuse me, Ms. Wang. Can I talk to you
about my schedule for next week?
W-Br Sure, Alonso. What’s going on?
65 65. Why does the man need to take time off from
M-Cn Well… I can’t do my work shift next
Thursday. I have a dentist appointment in
(A) To take a vacation
the afternoon. It was the only time he (B) To go to the dentist
could see me. (C) To attend a conference
W-Br Hmm… 66we really need everyone to work (D) To pick up someone from the airport
because we have a store inspection next 66. What does the woman say will take place next
week. We have to make sure everything’s week?
organized. (A) An annual sale
M-Cn Ah… OK. (B) A training session
(C) A store inspection
W-Br Well, you know, I don’t have the schedule
(D) An anniversary celebration
in front in me, but 67why don’t you see
who’s working in the morning on 67. Look at the graphic. Who will the man most
Thursday? Maybe you can switch with likely contact?
them. (A) Reginald
(B) Leila
M-Cn Sure, I’ll do that now.
(C) Seo-Yun
(D) Mary


Questions 68-70 refer to the following conversation

and floor plan.
M-Au Hello, l'd like to register for this year's
garden show. 68I think it'II bе а good way to
market mу landscaping business.
W-Br l'm sure it will bе! We have four types of
vendor booths. I suggest one of the "Elite"
M-Au Hmm, those are the most expensive, right? 68. What most likely is the man's job?
But I will take оnе of the spots directly (A) Landscaper
across from the food court. l'm guessing (B) Chef
there'II bе а lot of foot traffic there. Do I need (C) Cashier
(D) Architect
to рау now?
W-Br 70
Just а deposit. And I’ll give you an 69. Look at the graphic. What type of booth does
the man reserve?
information packet in case you have other
(A) Elite
(B) Gold
(C) Bronze
(D) Silver
70. What requirement does the woman mention?
(A) Some information must be prepared.
(B) Some products must be inspected.
(C) A deposit must be made.
(D) A blueprint must be approved.

Part 4 ETS
71. D 76. C 81. A 86. C 91. D 96. D
72. B 77. B 82. B 87. A 92. B 97. C
73. B 78. C 83. C 88. B 93. C 98. C
74. D 79. B 84. A 89. C 94. D 99. D
75. B 80. D 85. B 90. B 95. A 100. B

Questions 71-73 refer to the following announcement. 71. What is the main purpose of the
W-Am Good evening, and 71, 72welcome aboard announcement?
Asia Express Airlines from Osaka, Japan to Seoul, (A) To introduce the airplane's pilots
Korea. Му name is Fumiko Tanaka and I will bе your (B) To explain the reason for a delay
flight attendant. The estimated length of this flight to (C) To describe a new airline service
Korea is approximately 1 hour and 50 minutes, and (D) To welcome passengers on an airplane
we are scheduled to land at nine-thirty. I will bе 72. What is the flight's destination?
serving complimentary beverages once we are safely (A) Australia
in the air. Blankets and pillows are available upon (B) Korea
request. We will be departing shortly, but 73first l'd like (C) Taiwan
to direct уоur attention to the overhead monitors to (D) Japan
watch а safety video.
73. What most likely will happen next?
(A) Headphones will be distributed.
(B) A safety video will be shown.
(C) Passengers will board the plane.
(D) Beverages will be served.


Questions 74-76 refer to the following introduction. 74. Where does the talk take place?
W-Br 74
Welcome to Hilltop Books. Му name is (A) In a theatre
Dominique Lopez and tonight I have the pleasure of (B) In a classroom
welcoming novelist Robert Berg and illustrator Maria (C) In a restaurant
Hart to my store. 75Robert аnd Maria have bееn (D) In a bookstore
collaborating for the past tеn уеars, and during that 75. How long have Maria and Robert been
time they've had fifteen children's books published working together?
and won numerous awards. Tonight 76they'II bе (A) Five years
telling us about their latest children’s book, The (B) Ten years
Magic Elephant, as well as sharing sоmе highlights (C) Fifteen years
of the last tеn уеars. After the talk, you'II bе аblе to (D) Twenty years
purchase signed copies of their new book. Also, 76. What will audience members probably do
coffee and dessert will bе served in the back of the next?
store, near the fiction section. Now, 76first to speak, (A) Ask questions
here is Robert Berg. (B) Make some purchases
(C) Listen to another speaker
(D) Have coffee and dessert

Questions 77-79 refer to the following report. 77. Who is the speaker?
W-Br 77
Good morning. Тhis is Stacy Romney (A) A tour guide
with radio WXYZ's weather report. lt's going to bе (B) A radio announcer
another extremely hot day today. The national (C) An appliance salesperson
weather service is advising everyone to stay indoors (D) A doctor
and to use fans or air conditioning, if possible. 78. What does the speaker recommend?
Temperatures are expected to reach 37 degrees (A) Leaving early
Celsius! 78Going swimming might bе another good (B) Drinking fluids
way to stay cool. The good news is that this heat isn't (C) Going swimming
going to last. 79Starting tonight, we're expecting rаin (D) Checking the newspaper
storms that should cool things down bу morning.
79. When will the situation start to change?
(A) This afternoon
(B) Tonight
(C) Tomorrow morning
(D) Tomorrow afternoon


Questions 80-82 refer to the following advertisement. 80. What kind of business is being advertised?
M-Cn Are you looking for a dependable company (A) An Internet provider
to keep your offices clean? Then turn to DBA (B) A moving company
Cleaning for top-of-the-line services. Our team will (C) A furniture manufacturer
come in after your business hours to clean your entire (D) A cleaning service
office. How can you be confident that your’re getting 81. What did Fairview Magazine recently write
the best? Well, 81Fairview Magazine recently named about the company?
us the most reliable cleaning company in the state! (A) It is reliable.
And right now, 82we’re offering a special promotion. (B) It has relocated.
When you sign up for three months of service, you’ll (C) It is innovative.
get an additional month for half price. This (D) It purchased another company.
exceptional discount is only available during the 82. What special offer is mentioned?
month of April, so call us today!
(A) A referral bonus
(B) A promotional discount
(C) An on-site consultation
(D) An exclusive membership

Questions 83-85 refer to the following voice mail 83. Where does the woman work?
(A) In a restaurant
W-Am Hi, Мr. Davis. This is Sherry Parker from (B) In an architectural firm
the Home Treasures store on Pine Street. 83I don't (C) In a furniture store
think we have enough dining room tables оn display (D) In a warehouse
here and 84I was wondering if you would bе аblе to
84. What does the woman want to have
deliver at least five more from the warehouse before
Wednesday? We've advertised а big sale that day,
(A) Tables
and we expect quite а crowd. But, please don't send
(B) Chairs
any more chairs, since we have more than enough of
(C) Packing materials
them in each design. 85l'm leaving at three today, but (D) Light fixtures
I’ll bе back in the office at nine tomorrow. Please call
me so we саn talk about the details. 85. What time does the woman say she is leaving
(A) At 2:00 P.M.
(B) At 3:00 P.M
(C) At 9:00 P.M.
(D) At 10:00 P.M.


Questions 86-88 refer to the following talk.

86. According to the speaker, what is special
about the restaurant?
M-Cn Good evening. My name's Mateo and I'll be
(A) It has private outdoor seating.
serving you tonight. Since this is your first time here,
(B) It has been recently renovated.
let me tell you about our restaurant. 86AII the
(C) It has a vegetable garden.
vegetable products you see on the menu come from
(D) It has weekly cooking classes.
our very own vegetable garden. 87The owner of the
café, Natasha, is a talented gardener who grows our 87. Who is Natasha?
fresh produce herself. Now, 88tonight we have a (A) A business owner
special entrée. It's poached salmon, caught fresh (B) An interior decorator
today. It's a simple dish, served with a lemon sauce (C) An event organizer
and a salad. I eat it all the time. So, while you read (D) A food writer
over the menu, can I bring you a beverage? 88. Why does the speaker say, "I eat it all the
(A) He wants to eat something different.
(B) He is recommending a dish.
(C) He knows the ingredients.
(D) He understands a dish is popular.


Questions 89-91 refer to the following talk. 89. What type of business does the speaker
W-Am Thank you for visiting our booth here at the work for?
trade fair. 89We’re so excited to show you our new (A) A computer company
patio furniture. You’re probably familiar with our (B) A construction firm
wooden outdoor tables and chairs, and 90we want (C) A furniture manufacturer
you to know that we’ve expanded that line to include (D) An office-supply distributor
plastic furniture. This furniture is very durable. It can 90. What does the speaker say is an advantage
withstand any kind of weather–and it needs no of the new material?
maintenance. 91I’m going to hand out a sample of the (A) It is expensive.
plastic material we use. Please pass it around after (B) It is durable.
you’ve had a chance to look at it. (C) It is lightweight.
(D) It comes in many colors.
91. What will the listeners do next?
(A) Sign up for a mailing list
(B) Watch an instructional video
(C) Enter a contest
(D) Look at a sample

92. Which department does the speaker work in?
Questions 92-94 refer to the following telephone
(A) Product Development
(B) Human Resources
W-Br This is Noriko, the human resources
(C) Legal
supervisor here in Albany. 93I’m calling about your (D) Accounting
request to transfer to our branch in Havertown… I
know your commute is difficult, and it takes you over 93. Why does the speaker say, “there is a need
for a skilled software engineer”?
an hour to drive to this office. So I’ve contacted the
manager at that location, and there is a need for a (A) To recommend an employee sign up for
more training
skilled software engineer. There are a few forms that
(B) To indicate that a project deadline will be
you’ll need to fill out, though, to complete the request. extended
Now we need to talk about your work schedule to (C) To approve a request to transfer
decide when you’ll start at the new location. Please (D) To suggest consulting with an expert
call me back.
94. What does the speaker want to discuss with
the listener?
(A) Some sales results
(B) Some client feedback
(C) An office renovation
(D) A work schedule

Questions 95-97 refer to the following announcement
and list.
W-Br Hello, Priceway Grocery shoppers. 95It's оur
fifth anniversary, аnd we're celebrating with а special
sale this week. You'II find savings оn everything from
canned goods to fresh fruits and vegetables. And
make sure you stop bу оur bakery, where you саn
find оur featured item–fresh-baked bread! You won't 95. Why is the store having a sale?
want to miss it! 97А full list of discounts for this week
(A) To celebrate an anniversary
is available at the doorway to the store. Thank you
(B) To promote a grand opening
for being our loyal customers over the past five years. (C) To compete with a nearby store
We hope to continue serving you for many years to (D) To introduce new products
96. Look at the graphic. What is the discount on
the featured product?
(A) 20%
(B) 25%
(C) 30%
(D) 40%
97. Where is a full list of discounts available?
(A) Near the bakery
(B) In the local newspaper
(C) At the entrance
(D) By each cash register
Questions 98-100 refer to the following excerpt from the
meeting and pie chart.
M-Cn 98At this staff meeting, I’d like to talk about
some changes we’ll be implementing here at
Helgen’s Music Shop. First, to attract more
customers, 99we’re going to host a small talent
contest in September. I’ve recruited several local
musicians to be the judges. Second, take a look at
this chart from our annual sales report. Now, I’m not 98. Who most likely is the speaker?
worried about the drums. But 100look at this (A) A jazz singer
instrument–we only sell twenty of them per year. That (B) A music teacher
isn’t very many, and they take a lot of time and effort (C) A shop manager
to maintain. So, after careful consideration, I’ve (D) A radio host
decided we’re going to stop selling them.
99. What event will take place in September?
(A) A music festival
(B) A press conference
(C) A charity dinner
(D) A talent contest
100. Look at the graphic. Which type of
instrument does the speaker focus on?
(A) Keyboards
(B) Pianos
(C) Drums
(D) Guitars 154

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