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Benefits of music therapy in the workplace in reducing employee stress.

Student Name:

CIOT Campus, Portage College

COMM: 131 Business Communication

Professor’s name

Due date





Subject: Benefits of music therapy in the workplace in reducing employee stress.


Music therapy sessions have become part of the organizational secret weapons for

handling work-related stress. Stressed workers need attention to meet their demands at the

workplace. Companies need to find out ways to help workers cope with stressful situations

such as tight deadlines and relationship issues while discharging their duties. Music therapy is

effective in the countering of stress at work. The music therapy session can assist workers in

exploring their emotions and regulating mood, reducing their levels of anxiety aiding in

relaxation as well as enhancing their communication and social skills. Furthermore, therapy is

helpful in the improvement of coordination and the quality of life of an individual.


The purpose of the paper is to research the benefits of music therapy in reducing workplace

stress among employees. The significance of the topic arises from the fact that work-related

stress continues to impact the performance of most workers and management needs to

address the same.

Work Plan:

The research paper will cover the following concepts:

 Executive Summary

 Introduction

 Exploring emotions and regulating mood

 Reducing anxiety and aiding in relaxation


 Enhancement of communication and social skills

 Improving coordination

 Improving quality of life

Completion date & request for feedback. Thank you.


Table of contents

Executive Summary…………………………………………………………...5.


Exploring emotions and regulating mood………...…………………………...6

Reducing anxiety and aiding in relaxation………...…………………………...7

Enhancement of communication and social skills………...……………………...8

Improving coordination………...…………………………...............................8

Improving quality of life………...………………………….............................8


Executive summary

Organizations operating in different niches are embracing music therapy programs to

help their staff handle work-related stress. Managers understand that stress can cause massive

negative effects on their workforce and learning how to deal with the same professionally is

important for the growth of the brand. When it comes to music therapy, both active and

receptive experiences are adopted to ensure impressive outcomes from the process. Thorough

therapy can contribute to improved cognitive, educational, sensory as well as social changes

in a stressed employee. The pressure of meeting deadlines, complex duties, and other issues

are likely to make an individual become stressed. Music intervention, which involves the

adoption of various intentional music-related activities can assist in the engagement of the

various elements for the betterment of the condition of the employees. Through music

therapy, the management can assist its workforce to remain at the top of their game despite

the massive challenges they face from time to time. The management can embrace regular

music therapy sessions for their workers to keep them mentally, physically, and emotionally

fit to achieve their desires in line with their duties.



Stressed workers performed dismally when assigned various duties at the workplace.

At times stress can overwhelm a worker to the point that he or she becomes completely

unproductive. Music therapy is considered one of the solutions to handling work-related

stress. According to Colin et al., (2023), music is a form of communication and expression

that trends individual or societal language barriers. It not only boosts the listener's mood but

also brings back sweet memories and soothes a restless mind of the employees to turn them

into productive persons. Therapy can be described as the process aiming at healing and

improvement of the overall well-being of the individual. Through music therapy, one can

heal, and grow socially, physically, and emotionally. During a music therapy session, a

trained and qualified music therapy of takes his or her time in understanding the unique needs

of the client before determining the best approach to the same. The therapist then goes ahead

to tailor their needs so that they can tailor the different music activities to assist in dealing

with various issues including management of stress and improvement of communication

skills. Engaging with music can assist in healing and growing a person to become better.

Whether an individual is listening to music or actively making music and reflecting on the

same, these different music types will assist in the enhancement of the overall well-being of

the individual. This report examines the benefits of music therapy in reducing stress among

employees at the workplace (Matthew et al., 2022).

Exploring emotions and regulating mood

Music therapy has a wide range of effects on the human body (Finnerty et al., 2022).

The immediate effect of music therapy is always on the emotions of an individual. If an

individual is stressed, it means that his or her emotions are not stable and there is a need to

address the same. Sometimes, the feeling can be very complex to the point that we cannot

understand but with music therapy, we can realize a safe environment worth exploring and

expressing emotions at different levels especially when it is difficult to understand emotions.

Music therapy sessions can assist in energizing us whenever we feel down as well as assist us

in calming down whenever we are agitated because of different reasons and we need ultimate

support for our emotional wellness or well-being (Mofredj et al., 2016).

Reducing anxiety and aiding in relaxation

Music therapy contributes to the reduction of stress by reducing anxiety and assisting

in relaxation. The rhythm and the structure of the right kind of music can assist in slowing

down the breathing as well as heart rate. The sessions can also prove to help lower our levels

of cortisol and calm down chaotic feelings. Music therapy is considered a powerful tool in the

treatment of various health-related complications that workers can face at the working

stations including anxiety and depression. The sessions are ideal for distracting individuals

from their anxious thoughts as well as lifting their moods, which can be very beneficial after

an employee experiences a stressful and long day for one reason or another. For stressed

workers, music therapy can be an excellent source of emotional support and comfort during

such tough times. Music therapy can also assist in reducing the level of anxiety and stress that

comes with tight deadlines, complex work duties, and other work-related pressures at the

workplace. Through calming rhythmic sounds and calming melodies, music therapy has been

proven to offer not only a peaceful escape to employees but also help promote a relaxed

mood from the tough working conditions we are likely to be subjected to regularly (Mao,


Enhancement of communication and social skills

Some workers leave with stress for months because they do not want to share with

their colleagues. Through the music therapy sessions, workers' communication and social

skills will be improved hence they are more bound to share any stressful moments or

encounters with others at their workplace for solutions. Individual workers who struggle

when it comes to articulating their emotions benefit from music therapy and they can turn

around their lives and productivity. Through group music therapy sessions at the workplace,

the workers will build strong relationships with each other and then improve their

performance in the long run. The workers can also take advantage of the sessions to cultivate

empathy, encourage cooperation as well as listen to each other for the betterment of their

work life. Workers with relationship challenges can immensely benefit from music therapy

sessions if they adhere to the programs provided by their management.

Improving coordination

According to Diaz et al., (2019), stressed work shows a wide range of signs including

poor coordination when it comes to the delivery of duties at the workplace. If the manager

notices a lack of coordination among the staff members during the delivery of their duties,

then there is a need for music therapy to change the narrative. Through music therapy,

workers can improve their motor and coordination skills to realize the best outcome in the

long run.

Improving quality of life

Poor quality of life can be a source of stress for a worker. Music therapy can lead to

the improvement of the quality of the life of a worker and hence reduce their levels of stress

to promote their productivity to a large extent. The far-reaching benefits of music therapy

cannot be ignored in a stressful work environment.



Colin, C., Prince, V., Bensoussan, J. L., & Picot, M. C. (2023). Music therapy for health

workers to reduce stress, mental workload, and anxiety: a systematic review. Journal

of Public Health, fdad059.


Diaz Abrahan PhD, V., Lemos Jaramillo Lic, A., & Justel PhD, N. (2019). Benefits of music

therapy in the quality of life of older adults. Revista Ciencias de la Salud, 17(3), 9-19.


Finnerty, R., Zhang, K., Tabuchi, R. A., & Zhang, K. (2022). The use of music to manage

burnout in nurses: a systematic review. American Journal of Health Promotion, 36(8),


Mao, N. (2022). The role of music therapy in the emotional regulation and psychological

stress relief of employees in the workplace. Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2022.

Matthew, J., Mike, L., Huang, H. C., Wang, C. H., Shih, C. Y., Chen, Y. C., & Chiu, H. Y.

(2022). Effects of personalized music intervention on nurse burnout: A feasibility

randomized controlled trial. Nursing & Health Sciences, 24(4), 836-844.

Mofredj, A., Alaya, S., Tassaioust, K., Bahloul, H., & Mrabet, A. (2016). Music therapy, a

review of the potential therapeutic benefits for the critically ill. Journal of Critical

Care, 35, 195-199.

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