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Dear :Mr Bishop


I hope this letter finds you well. It is with a heavy heart that I write to you, but at the same time,
I feel a sense of hope and relief that you, as an elder, will understand my situation. I am Haitian
and have lived all my life here, but unfortunately, my country has not provided me with any real
opportunities for development or growth.As I am getting older and weaker, I am increasingly
worried about my son's future. He recently graduated from high school and has no hope of
continuing his education to build a better life for himself. As his father, I fear for him, and I don't
want him to lose his values and ambitions due to the stagnation in our Haitian society.I have
worked at Quisqueya Christian School for about three decades now and am reaching out to you
for help. My son graduated from TeacHaiti School of Hope, where he learned English and
developed the skills necessary to be a positive force in any community. During his high school
years, he participated in community initiatives such as caring for TeacHaiti's Eco-farm and
serving as treasurer of TeacHaiti's Interact Club, inspired by Rotary to do good works in our
Haitian communities.Despite his hard work and dedication, life in Haiti is not fair for young
people like him. I am writing to you in the hope that you can use your expertise, connections,
and compassion to help my son pursue his dreams. His biggest dream is to study computer
science abroad, but any opportunity to attend college on a scholarship would be a blessing. I am
willing to do whatever it takes to support him, but as someone who doesn't like to make
demands, I am with my head low to ask for help.

I don't know where your compassion will lead you, but I pray that you can provide my son with
the chance to become the best possible version of himself. If you could serve as a reference for
him or connect him with any institution that would accept him and provide him with growth and
development, it would mean the world to us. Any help for him to study abroad will freshen him
up and free him from the stagnation, insecurity, and underlying chaos in Haiti.

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. I appreciate any help or guidance you can


Belony Jean Michel

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