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Date:- __ /__/2023


Respected Sir,

Subject: Acceptance of the Trust Audit Assignment

In response to your appointment letter for the Trust Audit Assignment dated
_________, we as a member of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
(ICAI), do hereby confirm our acceptance for the Trust Audit assignment and assure
you of our full cooperation throughout the process.

We understand that the Trust Audit is being conducted as per the provisions of the
Bombay Public Trusts Act, 1950, and we are fully aware of the responsibilities and
professional standards expected of us as a chartered accountant.

We hereby declare that we possess the necessary expertise and competence to

perform the Trust Audit for the specified financial year, and we shall carry out the
audit in accordance with the relevant auditing standards, guidelines, and applicable
legal provisions. We shall exercise due professional care, integrity, and objectivity in
discharging our responsibilities.

We are committed to maintaining the confidentiality and privacy of all the client's
financial information and records that may be shared with us during the Trust Audit.
We shall only use the information for the purposes of the audit and will not disclose it
to any unauthorized parties without your consent unless required by law.
If there are any additional compliance requirements or procedures that we need to
adhere to, please inform us accordingly.

We assure you that we will diligently perform our duties as a chartered accountant
and will submit the audit report within the prescribed timelines. In case of any
queries or clarifications during the course of the audit, we will reach out to the
concerned authorities/management/Committee.

Thank you for considering us for this Trust Audit assignment. We appreciate the
opportunity to contribute to the profession and uphold its reputation. Please consider
this letter as our official acceptance of the Trust Audit request.

Yours faithfully,

M/s P G Hemani & Co.

Chartered Accountants


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