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Concept statement for Oral Health and overall health

Smile Bright, Live Healthy: A Summer Campaign Highlighting the

Connection Between Oral Health and Overall Wellness
Aim: To promote the multi-faceted nature of oral health, convey and raise
awareness about the intricate link between oral health and overall wellbeing and
general health: A happy mouth is a happy body
Behind Every smile there’s teeth – Confucius
Concept Statement:
This summer, Smiline Dental Hospital is launching a campaign titled "Oral
health & Overall health" to raise awareness about the crucial link between oral
health and overall well-being.
Our goal is to educate and raise awareness among people with special focus on
kids and senior citizens about the importance of preventive oral care and regular
check-ups and its impact on a healthy life. By understanding and prioritizing
oral health, we empower individuals to safeguard their overall health and
quality of life. Oral diseases can produce serious functional limitations,
discomfort, and pain leading to disability (physical, psychological, or social and
Primary target (s): Kids between age group of 5 to 16 years and senior citizens
Secondary target: 30 to 45 year old corporate professionals where we are
conducting the cororate BTL events because of their disposable income and thei
responsibilities of kids and ageing parents.
End goal: To have at least 10 new walk-ins every day (including all the
Expected Outcomes:
1) A significant rise in walk-in appointments for children's dentistry specifically
and other patients in general.
2) Strengthened reputation for Smiline Dental as a leader in preventive and
comprehensive oral healthcare.
3) Increased awareness about Smiline dental hospitals – Brand building
Precampaign Period: April 19th to 29th – Developing campaign materials,
ideating for creatives, videos, social media strategy.
Campaign period: May -July (During the summer holidays). Implement
activities across all channels, monitor performance, and make adjustments as
Post campaign: August. Analyze results, gather feedback, and prepare a
campaign report.
Campaign Message: "Healthy Smiles, Healthy Lives: Build a Smile that Lasts
a Lifetime"
Focus: We will emphasize the two-way connection between oral health and
overall health. The campaign will highlight the benefits of preventive care,
especially for children, and showcase Smiline Dental's expertise

How to showcase the connection and build the campaign?

Campaign Strategy:
Activities: Social media campaign
Engaging Content: Develop creative and informative content (videos,
infographics, contests) that showcase the connection between oral health and
various aspects of well-being.
BTL (Below the line) activities: Kiosks, informative brochures, standees, gate
branding, Adonmo screens

Tasks Before the camp:

Idetification of our clientele from the above residential communities and send
them whatsapp messsages inform about the camp. Request them to record a
video and send us about smiline,their association/experience with us which we
can post it on screens in these communities and on social media before the
Identification of potential influencers (who are our clients from above
communities) who can speak few lines about Oral Helath and Overall Health.
It is important to create fever about the concept of conducting the camp and
showcasing our technology (like the scanners) and the qualtiy of our services
Create Jingles for the campaign and make it viral
 Interactive Activities: Host engaging contests and giveaways (e.g., free
children's check-ups) to generate interest and encourage audience
 Influencer Partnerships: Collaborating with parenting bloggers, or other
social media influencers to reach a wider audience and leverage their
 Targeted Advertising: Utilising social media platforms' and Smiline
dental database to send targeted messages
Reels Promoting general awareness about oral problems and quick home
remedies by chosing a person (as of now RK sir) as the face to make 30
seconds to 1 minute videos to gain traction.
 Social media advertising.
 Promotional materials (brochures, posters, giveaways).

Ideas curated from doctors from the following:

Critical connection: Oral health and Overall health
Beyond the realm of aesthetics, a healthy mouth plays a vital role in our overall
well-being. Research has established a clear connection between oral health and
various aspects of our physical health. Beyond the Mouth: The Ripple Effect
of Oral Health. These oral health problems have far-reaching consequences,
impacting overall health in several ways:
The Mouth: A Gateway to Health
The mouth is more than just an opening for food intake; it's a breeding ground
for bacteria. While some bacteria are harmless, poor oral hygiene allows
harmful bacteria to flourish, leading to a variety of oral health issues like gum
disease and tooth decay.
 Bacterial Invasion: Gum disease allows harmful bacteria to enter the
bloodstream, potentially leading to systemic infections in the heart, lungs,
and other organs.
 Cardiovascular Risks: Research suggests a link between gum disease
and increased risk of heart disease and stroke.
 Diabetes Management: Diabetes and gum disease have a two-way
street. Diabetes makes individuals more susceptible to gum disease, and
gum disease can make it harder to control blood sugar levels.
 Respiratory Issues: Oral bacteria can be inhaled, increasing the risk of
respiratory infections like pneumonia.
 Pregnancy Complications: Gum disease during pregnancy can raise the
risk of premature birth and low birth weight babies.
 Inflammation and Chronic Conditions: Chronic oral infections can
contribute to systemic inflammation, linked to various conditions like
arthritis and osteoporosis.
 Weakened Immunity: Persistent oral infections can strain the immune
system, making individuals more vulnerable to other illnesses.
Safeguarding Your Health: Preventive Measures
The good news is that you can significantly reduce the risk of these
complications by prioritizing oral hygiene:
 Brushing & Flossing: Consistent brushing (twice daily) and flossing
(once daily) remove plaque and bacteria.
 Regular Check-ups: Visit your dentist for regular check-ups and
cleanings to detect and address problems early.
 Healthy Diet: Limit sugary and acidic foods to minimize tooth decay and
gum disease.
 Lifestyle Choices: Quit smoking, limit alcohol consumption, and manage
stress to promote overall health and a strong immune system.
 Prompt Treatment: Seek immediate dental care for any signs of oral
 Special Considerations for Pregnancy: Pregnant women should
prioritize oral health due to increased vulnerability to infections.
 Regular Self-Examinations:
Be aware of changes in your oral health, including swelling, persistent
bad breath, or unusual sores. If you notice any concerning symptoms,
seek dental care.
Reels Promoting general awareness about oral problems and quick home
remedies by chosing a person (as of now RK sir) as the face to make 30
seconds to 1 minute videos on this that include the following

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