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Group no.

• Cell structure
• Biological energy transformation
• Cellular chemical reaction
• Oxidation reduction reaction
• enzymes
Intro. To Bioenergetics
 Metabolism:
‘Chemical reactions occuring throughout the body
during each minut a day.’
• Anabolic rxns:Synthesis of molecules.
• Catabolic rxns:breakdown of molecules.
• Bioenergetics:
Chemical pathways that convert food
stuffs(carbs,protiens,fats) into usable form of energy.
Cell Structure:
 Discovered by:
• Robert hooke in 17th century,4 main elements cover 95%
of the body.
1) Oxygen (65%)
2) Carbon(18%)
3) Hydrogen(10%)
4) Nitrogen(3%)
Elements link by chemical bonds to form molecules or
compounds.Compounds containing carbon are called
Organic compounds whereas those that doesn’t contain
carbon are called Inorganic compounds.
Continued . . .
 Cell membrane:
The cell membrane (also called sarcolemma in skeletal muscle
fibers) is a semipermiable barrier that seperates the
extracellular enviornment.
• Nucleus:
Nucleus is a large round body that covers the genetic
• Cytoplasm:
Cytoplasm (called sarcoplasm in muscle cells) is the fluid
portion of the cell b/w nucleus & the cell
membrane.Contains organelles such as mitochondria,called
the power house of the cell.
 All energy on earth comes from the sun.plants use light
energy to drive chemical rxns forming carbs, fats &
protiens.Energy exists in several forms,which are
 Cellular chemical rxns:
Energy transfer in the body occurs via the release of energy
trapped within the chemical bonds of various molecules.
1. Exergonic rxns release energy as a result of chemical
2. Endergonic rxns require energy for the rxn procedure.
3. Coupled rxns :that’re linked with the liberation of free
energy in one rxn being used to drive a second rxn.
 Oxidation: process of removing e-.
 Reduction: addition of e-.
 Oxidation & reduction rxns are always
Coupled rxns ,because a molecule can’t be
oxidized until it donates e- to another atom.
 Oxidizing agent:molecule that accepts e-
 Reducing agent:molecule that donates e-.
 The speed of cellular chemical rxns is
regulated by catalysts called
enzymes.enzymes are proteins that play an
important role the regulation of metabolic
pathways in the cell.Enzymes reduce
activation energy for the cells.
 Activation energy: Energy required to
initiate chemical rxns.Activation energy is
greater in non catalyzed rxns as compared to
catalyzed rxns.
Continued. . .
 Classification of enzymes:
Enzymes are named on basis of chemical rxns
they catalyze,(exception of some older
enzymes such as pepsin,trypsin & rennin)
enzymes name end with suffix ‘ase’.Such as
enzyme Isomerases rearrange within their
substrate molecules to form structural
Continued. . .
 Factors that alter enzyme activity:
1. pH:
 Change of pH leads to the ionization of amino acids atoms
and molecules, changing the shape and structure of
proteins, thus damaging the function of proteins.
 Very high or very low pH will lead to the complete loss of
the activity of most enzymes.
 Accumulation of large quantities of H+ ions during intense
exercise results in a decrease in pH.(increased acidity)&
vice versa.It leades to decreased ATP production required
for muscular activity,hence acts as a limiting factor in
various types of intense exercise.
Individual enzymes have an optimum temprature at which
they are most active.A small rise in body temprature above
normal(37 C)increases enzymes activity.An exercise-induced
increase in body temp. (40 C)results in temprature-induced
increase in enzyme activity.

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