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Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2008) 37:250–255

DOI 10.1007/s00170-007-0981-4


Multi response optimization of machining parameters

of drilling Al/SiC metal matrix composite using grey
relational analysis in the Taguchi method
A. Noorul Haq & P. Marimuthu & R. Jeyapaul

Received: 12 December 2006 / Accepted: 12 February 2007 / Published online: 10 March 2007
# Springer-Verlag London Limited 2007

Abstract This paper presents a new approach for the 1 Introduction

optimization of drilling parameters on drilling Al/SiC metal
matrix composite with multiple responses based on orthog- Metal matrix composites (MMC) are materials which
onal array with grey relational analysis. Experiments are combine tough metallic matrix with a hard ceramic
conducted on LM25-based aluminium alloy reinforced with reinforcement with superior properties like high strength
green bonded silicon carbide of size 25 μm (10% volume to wear ratio, high modulus, superior wear resistance and
fraction). Drilling tests are carried out using TiN coated corrosion resistance. These materials are widely used in
HSS twist drills of 10 mm diameter under dry condition. In various fields like aerospace, automotive, electronics and
this study, drilling parameters namely cutting speed, feed metallic industries and are very difficult to machine
and point angle are optimized with the considerations of material due to the presence of hard ceramic particle [1–5].
multi responses such as surface roughness, cutting force Most of the researches on the machining of Al/SiC
and torque. A grey relational grade is obtained from the MMC have focused on turning and facing while drilling has
grey analysis. Based on the grey relational grade, optimum received less attention. Davim [1] investigated the study of
levels of parameters have been identified and significant drilling metal matrix composites of type A356/20% SiC-T6
contribution of parameters is determined by ANOVA. based on the Taguchi technique with the objective of
Confirmation test is conducted to validate the test result. establishing the correlations between cutting velocity, feed
Experimental results have shown that the responses in rate and cutting time with the evaluation of tool wear, the
drilling process can be improved effectively through the specific cutting pressure and the hole surface roughness
new approach. using PCD drill. Tosun et al. [2, 3] investigated the effect of
the various cutting parameters on the surface quality and
Keywords Drilling . Al/SiC metal matrix composite . microstructure on drilling of Al/17% SiC particulate MMC
Orthogonal array . Grey relational analysis . by using various drills. They have suggested that TiN
ANOVA . Optimization coated HSS drills can be used for drilling Al/SiC-MMC
rather than solid carbide tools. The quality of the drilled
A. N. Haq (*) : R. Jeyapaul part is greatly influenced by the cutting conditions, tool
Department of Production Engineering, geometry, tool material, machining process, chip formation,
National Institute of Technology,
Tiruchirappalli 620 015, India
work piece material, tool wear, vibration during cutting, etc.
e-mail: Thus in material removal processes, improper selection of
R. Jeyapaul
cutting conditions will result in rough surfaces [6].
e-mail: Moreover, it is necessary to optimize the cutting parameters
to obtain an extended tool life and better productivity,
P. Marimuthu which are influenced by cutting force and torque [7].
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Sona College of Technology,
Bhattacharyya [8] used the Lagrangian function method
Salem 636 005, India in searching for optimum cutting parameters. Ermer [9]
e-mail: used the geometric programming method. Lin [10] inves-
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2008) 37:250–255 251

tigated the tool life, surface roughness and burr formation cutting point angles (90, 115 and 140 degrees), coated by TiN
in high speed drilling of stainless steel using TiN-coated are used throughout the experimental work.
carbide drill. Mohan et al. [11] studied the influence of The average surface roughness (Ra), cutting force (Fc)
process parameters on cutting force and torque during and torque (T) are considered as responses for this study. The
drilling of glass-fiber polyester reinforced composite using surface roughness is measured at three positions spaced at
Taguchi technique with the objective of minimization of 120° intervals around the hole circumference. The surface
cutting force and torque. Tosun [12] used the grey relational roughness of each hole is taken as the mean of three
analysis for the determination of optimal drilling parameters circumferential readings. The cutting force and torque for
with the objective of minimization of surface roughness and each trial is measured by using strain gauge dynamometer.
burr height. Lin et al. [13] used the grey relational analysis
method for optimization of the EDM process. Most of the 2.2 Plan of investigation
applications of Taguchi method concentrate on the optimi-
zation of single response problems [15]. The factors and their levels considered in this study are
The grey relational analysis based on grey system theory shown in Table 1. Experiments are conducted with three
can be used for solving the complicated interrelationships factors each at three levels and hence a three level
among the multi responses [14, 15]. A gray relational grade orthogonal array (OA) is chosen. Degrees of freedom
is obtained to evaluate the multiple responses. As a result, (Dof) required for the design are six. The OA, which
optimization of the multiple responses can be converted satisfies the required Dof is L9. The experiments are
into optimization of a single relational grade. In short, there conducted using L9 OA and the response values obtained
is an ample scope of applying the proposed methodology of are given in Table 2.
grey relational analysis and Taguchi method with the
multiple responses for the optimization of drilling param-
eters of Al/SiC MMC using the economic tool of TiN- 3 Optimization steps using grey relational analysis
coated HSS twist drill.
In the present study, experimental details using the Step 1 Calculate S/N ratio for the corresponding responses
Taguchi method of parameter design have been employed using the following formula.
for optimizing multiple performance characteristics such as
i Larger - the - better
surface roughness, cutting force and torque for drilling of
Al/SiC-MMC. Grey relational analysis has been considered 1 n 1
S=N ratio ðηÞ ¼ 10 log10 ð1Þ
for optimization of multiple response characteristics. Final- n i¼1 y2ij
ly analysis of variance (ANOVA) and confirmation test
have been conducted to validate the test result. where n=number of replications yij =observed response
value where i=1, 2, ....n; j=1, 2...k
This is applied for problem where maximization of the
quality characteristic of interest is sought. This is referred
2 Experimental works as the larger-the-better type problem.

2.1 Description of experimental setup and measurements ii Smaller - the - better

1X n
In this work, LM 25-based aluminium alloy(Cu: 7.15%, S=N ratio ðηÞ ¼ 10log10 y2 ð2Þ
Mg: 0.49%, Mn: 0.11%, Fe: 0.47%, Ni: 0.002%, Ti: n i¼1 ij
0.064%, Zn: 0.017%, Pb: 0.003%, Sn: 0.005%) reinforced This is termed as the smaller-the-better type problem
with green bonded silicon carbide particle of size 25 μm where minimization of the characteristic is intended.
with 10% volume fractions manufactured through stir
casting route is used for experimentation.
The drilling tests are carried out on radial drilling machine Table 1 Factors and levels
under dry condition. In order to conduct experiments, the
Parameters Unit Levels
work materials are cut into plates of 150×50×20 mm and
faced in a lathe to obtain flat surface. Then the plate is fastened 1 2 3
to the rigid fixture attached to the strain gauge dynamometer
Cutting speed (V) m/min 35.18 56.54 87.96
which is mounted on the table. Equal spacing is maintained
Feed (F) mm/rev 0.050 0.125 0.20
between successive drilled holes in the plate. The cutting point
Point angle (PA) degree 90 115 140
of a standard HSS twist drills of 10 mm diameter with various
252 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2008) 37:250–255

Table 2 L9 Orthogonal array with factors and responses Normalization is a transformation performed on a single
Trial No. V F PA Responses data input to distribute the data evenly and scale it into an
acceptable range for further analysis.
Ra in μm Fc in N T in Nm
Step 2 yij is normalized as Zij (0≤Zij ≤1) by the following
1 1 1 1 7.83 107.87 0.88
2 1 2 2 4.01 254.96 2.06 formula to avoid the effect of adopting different units and to
3 1 3 3 2.22 470.67 2.26 reduce the variability. It is necessary to normalize the
4 2 1 2 6.70 186.31 1.96 original data before analyzing them with the grey relation
5 2 2 3 5.80 539.33 1.28 theory or any other methodologies. An appropriate value is
6 2 3 1 6.09 1186.53 3.24 deducted from the values in the same array to make the
7 3 1 3 6.01 274.57 0.69 value of this array approximate to 1. Since the process of
8 3 2 1 8.27 1078.66 2.55
normalization affects the rank, we also analyzed the
9 3 3 2 6.20 1274.78 2.16
sensitivity of the normalization process on the sequencing
results. Thus, we recommend that the S/N ratio value be
iii Nominal - the - best adopted when normalizing data in grey relation analysis.
μ2 yij  min yij ; i ¼ 1; 2; :::::n
S=N ratio ðηÞ ¼ 10 log10 ð3Þ Zij ¼    
σ2 max yij ; i ¼ 1; 2; ::::::n  min yij ; i ¼ 1; 2; :::::n
Where μ ¼ n (To be used for S/N ratio with Larger the better manner)
ðyiyÞ2 max yij ; i ¼ 1; 2; :::::n  yij
σ2 ¼ Zij ¼    
n1 max yij ; i ¼ 1; 2; ::::::n  min yij ; i ¼ 1; 2; :::::n
This is called nominal-the-best type of problem where ð5Þ
one tries to minimize the mean squared error around a
(To be used for S/N ratio with smaller the better manner)
specific target value. Adjusting the mean on target by any
means renders the problem to a constrained optimization

yij  Target  min yij  Target; i ¼ 1; 2; ::::::n
Zij ¼         ð6Þ
max yij  Target; i ¼ 1; 2; :::::n  min yij  Target; i ¼ 1; 2; ::::::n

(To be used for S/N ratio with nominal the best manner) 6. K is the distinguishing coefficient, which is defined in
the range 0≤K≤1 (the value may adjusted based on the
Step 3 Calculate the grey relational co-efficient for the practical needs of the system)
normalized S/N ratio values.
Δ min þξΔ max Step 4 Generate the grey relational grade.
γ ðyo ðk Þ; yi ðk ÞÞ ¼ ð7Þ
Δoj ðkÞ þ ξΔ max
1X m
gj ¼ g ð8Þ
where k i¼1 ij
1. j=1,2...n; k=1,2...m, n is the number of experimental
data items and m is the number of responses. where g j is the grey relational grade for the jth experiment
2. yo(k) is the reference sequence (yo(k)=1, k=1,2...m); and k is the number of performance characteristics.
yj(k) is the specific comparison
3. Δoj ¼ yo ðkÞ  yj ðkÞ ¼ The absolute value of the Step 5 Determine the optimal factor and its level
difference between  yo(k) and yj(k)
4. Δ min ¼ min minyo ðkÞ  yj ðkÞ is the smallest value The higher grey relational grade implies the better
8j2i 8k
of yj(k)   product quality; therefore, on the basis of grey relational
5. Δ max ¼ max maxyo ðkÞ  yj ðkÞ is the largest value grade, the factor effect can be estimated and the optimal
8j2i 8k
of yj(k) level for each controllable factor can also be determined.
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2008) 37:250–255 253

For example, to estimate the effect of factor i, we calculate the optimal level of the design parameters can be calculated
the average of grade values (AGV) for each level j, denoted as the following:
as AGVij, then the effect, Ei, is defined as: X
η ¼ ηm þ ð ηi  ηm Þ
Ei ¼ max AGVij  min AGVij ð9Þ
If the factor i is controllable, the best level j*, is determined ηm ¼ Average SN ratio
by ð11Þ
η¼ Average SN ratio corresponding to ith
j ¼ maxj AGVij ð10Þ significant factor on jth level
q ¼ Number of significant factors
Step 6 Perform ANOVA for identifying the significant
The main purpose of the analysis of variance (ANOVA)
is the application of a statistical method to identify the 4 Implementation of the solution methodology
effect of individual factors. Results from ANOVA can
determine very clearly the impact of each factor on the Step 1 Calculate the S/N ratios for a given response and
process results. The Taguchi experimental method could predicted S/N ratios of the starting conditions using one of
not judge the effect of individual parameters on the entire the Eqs. (1), (2) and (3) depending upon the type of quality
process; thus, the percentage of contribution using ANOVA characteristics. The computed S/N ratios for each quality
is used to compensate for this effect. The total sum of the characteristic are shown in Table 3.
squared deviations SST is decomposed into two sources: the
sum of the squared deviations due to each process Step 2 Normalize the S/N ratio values by Eqs. (4), (5) and
parameter and the sum of the squared error. The percentage (6). The results are given in Table 3.
contribution by each of the process parameter in the total
sum of the squared deviations SST can be used to evaluate Step 3 Perform the grey relational analysis. From the data
the importance of the process-parameter change on the in Table 3, calculate the grey relational co-efficient for the
performance characteristics. Usually, the change of the normalized S/N ratio values by using Eq. (7). The value for
process parameter has a significant effect on the perfor- ξΔmax is taken as 0.5 in Eq. (7). Since all the process
mance characteristic when the F value is large. parameters are of equal weighting [12]. The results are
given in Table 4.
Step 7 Calculate the predicted optimum condition.
Once the optimal level of the design parameters has been Step 4 Next, the grey relational grade can be computed by
selected, the final step is to predict and verify the quality Eq. (8). Finally, the grades are considered for optimizing
characteristic using the optimal level of the design the multi response parameter design problem. The results
parameters. Here we have used the factor levels obtained are given in the Table 4.
by using Eqs. (9) and (10). The estimated S/N ratio using

Table 3 S/N ratio values and normalized S/N ratio values

Trial No. S/N ratios Normalized values of S/N ratios Zij

Ra Fc T Ra Fc T

1 −17.875 −40.658 1.110 0.958 0.000 0.157

2 −12.063 −48.129 −6.277 0.450 0.348 0.707
3 −6.927 −53.454 −7.082 0.000 0.597 0.767
4 −16.521 −45.405 −5.845 0.840 0.221 0.675
5 −15.269 −54.637 −2.144 0.730 0.652 0.400
6 −15.692 −61.486 −10.211 0.767 0.971 1.000
7 −15.577 −48.773 3.223 0.757 0.378 0.000
8 −18.350 −60.658 −8.131 1.000 0.932 0.845
9 −15.848 −62.109 −6.689 0.781 1.000 0.738
254 Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2008) 37:250–255

Table 4 Grey relational co-efficient and grey grade values

Trial No. Grey relational co-efficient Grey grade

Ra Fc T

1 0.923 0.333 0.372 0.543

2 0.476 0.434 0.631 0.514
3 0.333 0.553 0.682 0.523
4 0.757 0.391 0.606 0.585
5 0.650 0.589 0.454 0.564
6 0.682 0.945 1.000 0.876
7 0.673 0.446 0.333 0.484
Fig. 1 Factor effects on grade values
8 1.000 0.881 0.764 0.881
9 0.695 1.000 0.656 0.784
where, Fα (1, fe) is the F ratio at a significance level of α%,
α is the risk, fe is the error degrees of freedom, Ve is the
error mean square, neff is the effective total number of tests
Step 5 From the value of grey relational grade in Table 4, and R is the number of confirmation tests
by using Eq. (9), the main effects are tabulated in Table 5
and the factor effects are plotted in Fig. 1. Total number
of observations
neff ¼ 0 1
Step 6 Considering maximization of grade values (Table 5/ Total degress of freedom
Fig. 1), we can obtain the optimal parameter conditions 1 þ @ associated with itmes used A
V3F3PA1. in estimating μRa
Therefore 95% confidence interval of the predicted
Step 7 Using the grey grade value, ANOVA is formulated for optimum condition is given by the following model, where
identifying the significant factors. The results of ANOVA are μcgg =the Grey relational grade value after conducting the
given in Table 6. From ANOVA, it is clear that point angle confirmation experiments with optimal setting point, i.e.,
(43.21%) influences more on drilling Al/SiC MMC followed V3F3PA1
by cutting speed (28.64%) and feed (26.21%).
ð0:933  0:257Þ  μcgg  ð0:933 þ 0:257Þ
Step 8 Predicted optimum condition ð0:676Þ  μcgg  ð1:19Þ
In order to predict the optimum condition, the expected
mean at the optimal settings (μ) is calculated by using the
following model 5 Confirmation experiment
m ¼ V 3 þ F 3 þ PA1  2  T gg
The confirmation experiment is conducted at the optimum
where V3; F3 and PA1 , and are the mean values of the grey settings to verify the quality characteristics for drilling of
relational grade with the parameters at optimum levels and Al/SiC MMC composite by drilling process recommended
Tgg is the overall mean of average grey grade. by the investigation. The response values by the confirma-
The expected mean (μ) at the optimal settings is found to tion experiment trial at the optimal settings are Ra=7.6μm,
be 0.933. Fc=1765.08 N and T=3.16 Nm. The grey relational grade
Confidence interval (CI) is calculated as (μcgg) value as per above discussion is found to be 0.952.
h iffi This result is within the 95% confidence interval of the
Fα ð1; fe ÞVe neff þ R 1 1 predicted optimum condition and also grey grade value of
¼ 0:257
Table 6 Results of ANOVA on grey grade

Factor Dof Sum of Mean F- %

Table 5 Main effects on grey grades squares squares Test Contribution

Factors 1 2 3 V 2 0.059 0.030 15.00 28.64

F 2 0.054 0.027 13.50 26.21
V Cutting speed 0.527 0.675 0.716 PA 2 0.089 0.045 22.50 43.21
F Feed 0.537 0.653 0.728 Error 2 0.004 0.002 1.94
PA Point angle 0.767 0.627 0.524 Total 8 0.206 0.026 100
Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2008) 37:250–255 255

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