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Chelonian Conservation and Biology, 2024, 23(1): 000–000

Ó 2024 Chelonian Research Foundation

Morphometric Variation in the Red-Cheeked Mud Turtle (Kinosternon cruentatum) and its
Taxonomic Implications


Department of Biology, Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana 47374 USA [];
Department of Biology, The Citadel, Charleston, South Carolina 29409 USA

Downloaded from by Earlham College, John B. Iverson on 12 May 2024

*Corresponding author

ABSTRACT. – The Scorpion Mud Turtle (Kinosternon scorpioides) has been recognized by most recent
authors to be a single species (3 subspecies) ranging from Tamaulipas, Mexico, to northern
Argentina. However, recent molecular analyses have demonstrated that it is not monophyletic, but
rather paraphyletic relative to other Neotropical Kinosternon. Based on extensive genetic sampling
across the range of this species, a recent paper elevated the 3 subspecies (albogulare, cruentatum, and
scorpioides) to species status, confirmed the divergence of Pacific and Atlantic versant populations of
K. cruentatum, and recommended that both be given species status. However, the type locality of
K. cruentatum is imprecise, making the allocation of the name problematic. Our study sought to deter-
mine the provenance of the type using morphometric analysis of specimens from across the range.
That analysis demonstrates unequivocally that the type of K. cruentatum was collected on the Atlantic
versant, likely from an eastern population. Furthermore, the analysis also revealed that the type of K.
mexicanum, previously synonymized with K. cruentatum, was collected from along the Pacific versant.
Hence, the name K. cruentatum should be restricted to populations in Atlantic drainages, and the
name K. mexicanum should be restricted to Pacific drainages. Our analysis also indicated diver-
gence among the 3 allopatric Atlantic versant populations, but future genetic work will be needed
to determine whether they merit taxonomic recognition.
KEY WORDS. – Kinosternidae; Kinosternon mexicanum; Kinosternon scorpioides: Mexico; taxonomy

Over more than 50 yrs, the Scorpion Mud Turtle (as proposed earlier by Wermuth and Mertens 1961 and
(Kinosternon scorpioides) has been considered by most Alvarez del Toro 1973, 1982). That analysis also found the
authors to be a single species ranging from Tamaulipas, remaining 3 subspecies to be paraphyletic, but made no
Mexico, to northern Argentina, the greatest distribution of other taxonomic recommendations for the group pend-
any living turtle (Turtle Taxonomy Working Group [TTWG] ing further research. Two subsequent molecular phylo-
2021). Fifteen synonyms of K. scorpioides (sensu lato [s.l.]) genetic analyses relying on 14 to 17 nuclear markers
were subsequently described, but only 4 have been recog- (Spinks et al. 2014; Thomson et al. 2021) did not
nized as subspecies in the recent literature, based on Berry’s include abaxillare among their samples, but also found
(1978) morphometric analyses: K. s. scorpioides from Pan- K. scorpioides to be paraphyletic, although they also
ama to Argentina; K. s. albogulare from Panama to Guate- made no taxonomic recommendations.
mala; K. s. abaxillare from the Central Valley of Chiapas, More recently, Hurtado-Gómez et al. (2024) undertook
Mexico, and western Guatemala; and K. s. cruentatum another molecular analysis of the genus Kinosternon using 3
from northern El Salvador, Guatemala, and Belize to mitochondrial and up to 17 nuclear markers, but with exten-
Oaxaca and Tamaulipas, Mexico (Berry and Iverson sive geographic sampling within K. scorpioides (and
2001; Legler and Vogt 2013; TTWG 2021; Fig. 1). Kinosternon leucostomum). That study clearly revealed
However, some authors have recognized cruentatum that K. scorpioides (s.l.) was polytypic, and supported
and/or albogulare as full species (Schmidt 1941; Davis the recognition of K. cruentatum, albogulare, abaxillare,
1953; Duellman 1965; Wermuth and Mertens 1977; and scorpioides as full species. Hurtado-Gómez et al.
McCranie 2018), but without substantive morphometric (2024) also identified several additional lineages in
or genetic data to support those actions. South and Central America that may eventually merit
Based on 3 mitochondrial and 3 nuclear DNA taxonomic recognition.
markers, Iverson et al. (2013) discovered that K. scor- Their analysis also revealed that populations of both
pioides (s.l.) was not monophyletic, and because K. K. cruentatum and K. albogulare on the Pacific versant were
s. abaxillare was allopatric relative to the other subspe- highly divergent from those on the Atlantic (e.g., 2.9% uncor-
cies, as well as morphometrically and genetically dis- rected p distance for the mitochondrial cytochrome b frag-
tinct, they recommended its elevation to species level ment for the K. cruentatum populations). Hurtado-Gómez

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Figure 1. Distribution of Kinosternon cruentatum (sensu stricto; red shading) and Kinosternon mexicanum (blue shading) in
Mexico and Central America, demonstrating the allopatry of the Pacific, eastern Atlantic, Veracruz, and Tampico embayment
populations. Open circles are verified locality records (TTWG 2021). Green star is the restricted type locality of both K. mexi-
canum (and K. cruentatum sensu lato; see text); yellow star is our newly restricted type locality of K. cruentatum.

et al. (2024) made no taxonomic recommendations regarding populations hinge on determining on which versant the
lineages within K. albogulare, but recommended that the types were collected.
Atlantic and Pacific populations of K. cruentatum were The purposes of this study were 1) to examine mor-
divergent enough to warrant species recognition. Interest- phometric variation within K. s cruentatum to determine
ingly, Legler and Vogt (2013) recently mentioned that K. s. whether the Pacific and Atlantic populations differed
cruentatum from Pacific populations have larger, and rela- significantly (i.e., do these populations corroborate the
tively wider and higher shells than those on the Atlantic. genetic data of Hurtado-Gómez et al. 2024); and if so, 2)
Nevertheless, if the recommendation of Hurtado-Gómez to identify taxonomic characters that diagnose the 2 pop-
et al. (2024) to split Atlantic populations of K. cruentatum ulations (proposed species); and 3) to attempt to estab-
from the Pacific population is confirmed by morphometric lish the versant origin of the types of K. cruentatum and
analysis, this will result in a complication of nomenclature. K. mexicanum and thus restrict the correct names to the
Two of its current synonyms (K. mexicanum and K. trilira- appropriate population(s).
tum) lack precise type localities, a situation made even
more complex because Smith and Taylor (1950a, 1950b) METHODS
restricted the type localities of all 3 taxa to San Mateo del
Mar, Oaxaca, Mexico, without published justification. The following measurements for specimens of K. (s.)
Hence, the appropriate names for the Pacific and Atlantic cruentatum from Berry’s (1978) doctoral dissertation
IVERSON AND BERRY — Kinosternon cruentatum Morphometrics 0

et al. 1975,), but concordance of the statistical results

Table 1. Comparisons of body size (carapace length [CL]) by
sex for subpopulations of Kinosternon cruentatum (sensu lato) based on ratios vs. size-standardized residuals on these
based on data from Berry (1978) and additional specimens very data was established by Berry (1978).
measured by Iverson (J.B.I., unpubl. data). Based on the lack of significant morphometric varia-
Mean CL 6 Range tion across Atlantic drainages revealed by Berry (1978),
Versant Sex n 1 SD (mm) (mm) all Atlantic data were initially lumped into a single sam-
Pacific Male 46 122.0 6 8.5 102–143 ple for our initial analyses. Similarly, all Pacific drainage
Pacific Female 71 122.9 6 9.3 97–145 data were lumped into a single sample. These prelimi-
East Atlantic Male 80 111.7 6 6.6 94–134 nary analyses revealed substantial variation across the 3
East Atlantic Female 111 114.3 6 9.9 94–156

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Veracruz Male 5 121.0 6 9.9 110–135 allopatric Atlantic subpopulations of K. cruentatum (Fig.
Veracruz Female 11 120.8 6 7.4 107–131 1): the Yucatan region (from Belize across the Yucatan
Tampico Male 10 130.5 6 9.9 120–151
Tampico Female 12 126.5 6 21.9 93–148 peninsula), the central Veracruz region, and the Tampico
embayment. Our subsequent analyses examined morpho-
metric variation among these 3 subpopulations.
Population comparisons of character ratios were
were examined in this study: maximum carapace length, made with t-tests and Mann-Whitney U-tests (i.e., Pacific
maximum plastron length, maximum carapace width, vs. Atlantic) and employed the STATVIEWtm statistical
maximum shell height, bridge length, gular length, inter- package (Abacus Concepts, Berkeley, CA). These statisti-
humeral seam length, interpectoral seam length, interab- cal analyses were used primarily to identify taxonomically
dominal seam length, interfemoral seam length, and useful characters that demonstrated statistically significant
interanal seam length. Most measurements were taken to differences among populations. Mean ratios (6 1 SD) were
the nearest millimeter by J.F.B. (see Berry 1978 for pre- calculated by sex and subpopulation. Hence, initial vari-
cise methods of measurement), although those for an ables (character states) identified as differing between
additional 25 specimens from the Atlantic versant were Pacific and Atlantic populations were recombined into
measured by J.B.I. (listed in Supplemental Data S1; all new character-state ratios that were useful in diagnosing
supplemental material is available at the 2 populations. Bivariate plots of these character
10.2744/CCB-1589.1.s1) and included in our analyses. states by sex were produced to clarify the population
Our analysis did not include data from populations of differences and facilitate the taxonomic diagnosis of
the Rio Lempa basin in San Salvador, Honduras, and future specimens.
Guatemala that Berry (1978) considered as potential Discriminant function analyses (DFA; SPSS BASE
intergrades with albogulare. The full morphometric v.10.0) were performed (males and females separately) on
data sets used in this study are included in the Supple- the 10 size-standardized ratio variables at 3 levels. First,
mental Data S1. The latter 10 variables were standard- the Pacific population was compared to the 3 Atlantic
ized for size by dividing each by carapace length. We populations collectively; second, all 4 allopatric subpopu-
are well aware of the controversy surrounding the use of lations identified above were compared, and third, only
ratios in statistical analyses (e.g., Atchley 1976; Atchley the 3 Atlantic versant subpopulations were compared.

Table 2. Character comparisons of Pacific and Atlantic populations of female Kinosternon cruentatum.

Pacific populations East Atlantic populations Veracruz population Tampico population

(n ¼ 70) (n ¼ 111) (n ¼ 11) (n ¼ 12)
Ratioa Mean 6 1 SD Range Mean 6 1 SD Range Mean 6 1 SD Range Mean 6 1 SD Range
PL/CL 0.953 6 0.022 0.902–1.008 0.972 6 0.031 0.908–1.103 0.971 6 0.021 0.941–1.000 0.978 6 0.024 0.994–1.028
GL/CL 0.163 6 0.021 0.117–0.228 0.162 6 0.017 0.101–0.208 0.168 6 0.015 0.139–0.187 0.165 6 0.018 0.139–0.200
IH/CL 0.145 6 0.023 0.092–0.194 0.139 6 0.020 0.083–0.180 0.143 6 0.024 0.106–0.189 0.143 6 0.018 0.093–0.166
IP/CL 0.023 6 0.018 0.0–0.072 0.020 6 0.015 0.0–0.064 0.015 6 0.013 0.0–0.039 0.037 6 0.013 0.020–0.062
IAB/CL 0.264 6 0.019 0.208–0.299 0.283 6 0.016 0.243–0.330 0.290 6 0.013 0.269–0.314 0.288 6 0.016 0.259–0.320
IF/CL 0.045 6 0.020 0.008–0.088 0.040 6 0.021 0.0–0.134 0.044 6 0.018 0.025–0.072 0.057 6 0.016 0.033–0.084
IAN/CL 0.313 6 0.018 0.268–0.367 0.328 6 0.018 0.244–0.375 0.324 6 0.015 0.302–0.350 0.313 6 0.021 0.274–0.356
SH/CL 0.477 6 0.024 0.417–0.532 0.457 6 0.036 0.367–0.546 0.496 6 0.022 0.466–0.532 0.479 6 0.025 0.439–0.531
BL/CL 0.309 6 0.027 0.231–0.364 0.307 6 0.016 0–0.134 0.320 6 0.012 0.293–0.336 0.310 6 0.014 0.288–0.334
CW/CL 0.734 6 0.022 0.656–0.777 0.671 6 0.023 0.244–0.375 0.718 6 0.031 0.662–0.775 0.715 6 0.033 0.647–0.768
CW/PL 0.771 6 0.028 0.692–0.819 0.691 6 0.030 0.620–0.756 0.740 6 0.030 0.694–0.788 0.732 6 0.040 0.654–0.793
IAB/SH 0.554 6 0.039 0.438–0.648 0.622 6 0.052 0.492–0.793 0.586 6 0.032 0.540–0.643 0.602 6 0.023 0.576–0.654
IAN/SH 0.656 6 0.041 0.545–0.773 0.720 6 0.054 0.603–0.864 0.655 6 0.048 0.584–0.748 0.654 6 0.047 0.601–0.745
CL ¼ maximum carapace length; PL ¼ maximum plastron length; CW ¼ maximum carapace width; SH ¼ maximum shell height; BL ¼ bridge length;
GL ¼ gular length; IH ¼ interhumeral seam length; IP ¼ interpectoral seam length; IAB ¼ interabdominal seam length; IF ¼ interfemoral seam length;
IAN ¼ interanal seam length.

Table 3. Character comparisons of Pacific and Atlantic populations of male Kinosternon cruentatum. See Table 2 footnote for char-
acter abbreviations.

Pacific populations East Atlantic populations Veracruz population Tampico population

(n ¼ 46) (n ¼ 80) (n ¼ 5) (n ¼ 10)
Ratio Mean 6 1 SD Range Mean 6 1 SD Range Mean 6 1 SD Range Mean 6 1 SD Range
PL/CL 0.919 6 0.023 0.884–0.984 0.939 6 0.026 0.890–1.032 0.944 6 0.037 0.896–1.000 0.954 6 0.022 0.921–0.987
GL/CL 0.154 6 0.015 0.120–0.190 0.158 6 0.018 0.109–0.194 0.151 6 0.024 0.119–0.186 0.159 6 0.015 0.128–0.175
IH/CL 0.146 6 0.027 0.064–0.236 0.131 6 0.019 0.086–0.173 0.132 6 0.022 0.097–0.154 0.144 6 0.017 0.111–0.172
IP/CL 0.025 6 0.015 0.0–0.061 0.025 6 0.011 0.0–0.048 0.038 6 0.010 0.027–0.052 0.031 6 0.015 0.00–0.055

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IAB/CL 0.242 6 0.019 0.205–0.296 0.263 6 0.011 0.246–0.309 0.265 6 0.016 0.248–0.285 0.265 6 0.011 0.254–0.287
IF/CL 0.061 6 0.018 0.032–0.112 0.049 6 0.016 0.010–0.103 0.059 6 0.017 0.037–0.083 0.057 6 0.017 0.039–0.087
IAN/CL 0.291 6 0.018 0.256–0.333 0.302 6 0.016 0.266–0.346 0.303 6 0.019 0.274–0.325 0.307 6 0.017 0.280–0.334
SH/CL 0.428 6 0.028 0.342–0.483 0.405 6 0.024 0.361–0.486 0.473 6 0.043 0.430–0.545 0.431 6 0.016 0.397–0.461
BL/CL 0.286 6 0.026 0.214–0.355 0.291 6 0.014 0.255–0.324 0.301 6 0.043 0.292–0.317 0.296 6 0.012 0.284–0.319
CW/CL 0.685 6 0.030 0.630–0.759 0.643 6 0.022 0.587–0.697 0.678 6 0.018 0.663–0.697 0.665 6 0.014 0.638–0.685
CW/PL 0.745 6 0.037 0.687–0.853 0.685 6 0.029 0.611–0.744 0.719 6 0.042 0.697–0.740 0.698 6 0.025 0.657–0.732
IAB/SH 0.568 6 0.067 0.446–0.822 0.650 6 0.053 0.538–0.733 0.562 6 0.033 0.522–0.604 0.616 6 0.037 0.577–0.700
IAN/SH 0.683 6 0.053 0.567–0.789 0.768 6 0.063 0.618–0.884 0.643 6 0.042 0.597–0.690 0.713 6 0.039 0.653–0.786

Data from the holotypes of K. mexicanum and K. cruenta- from the Pacific and Atlantic versants differed signifi-
tum (measured by J.B.I.) were included in all sex-appro- cantly in morphometric hyperspace (Fig. 5). The DFA for
priate analyses, but without a drainage designation, for a males grouped the male type of K. mexicanum with turtles
posteriori classification. The type of K. triliratum has from the Pacific slope with a probability of 100%, and the
been lost (Malnate 1971), and hence could not be DFA for females grouped the female type of K. cruenta-
included in this study. tum with turtles from the Atlantic slope with the same
RESULTS The second set of DFA analyses (comparing the 4
allopatric populations) again demonstrated the morpho-
Character ratio analyses (Tables 1–5) demonstrated metric divergence between Pacific and Atlantic popula-
considerable difference between the Pacific and Atlantic tions, but also revealed substantial variation across the
populations. Turtles from Pacific slope populations Atlantic versant populations (Figs. 6–7). With 100%
have, on average, longer carapace and plastron lengths, probability the DFA again placed the male type of K.
greater carapace widths and height, and shorter interab- mexicanum with Pacific coast turtles, and the female
dominal and interanal seams than turtles from Atlantic type of K. cruentatum with the Atlantic coast turtles,
slopes (Tables 1–5; Figs. 2–4). Furthermore, this analy- specifically within the eastern Atlantic subpopulation.
sis indicated that the female type of K. cruentatum was Finally, the third set of DFA analyses of just the 3 allo-
nested among Atlantic coast females (Table 5; Figs. 2– patric Atlantic subpopulations revealed that the eastern
3), and that the male type of K. mexicanum was nested Atlantic subpopulation was the most divergent of the 3
among Pacific coast males (Table 4; Fig. 2–3). (especially for females; Figs. 8–9), and again placed the
For the initial Pacific vs. Atlantic DFA analyses of holotype of K. cruentatum among the eastern Atlantic
both males and females, 100% of the variance was specimens.
explained by the first canonical axis. The canonical plots Bivariate plots of the most discriminating charter
clearly demonstrated that populations of K. cruentatum ratios (Fig. 10–11) also suggest that the Veracruz and

Table 4. Character ratios most useful in discriminating Pacific versus Atlantic populations of male Kinosternon cruentatum, along
with measurements of the male holotype of K. mexicanum. Comparisons made with Student’s t-test (t) and Mann-Whitney U test
(Z). See Table 2 footnote for character abbreviations.

Pacific populations (n ¼ 46) Atlantic populations (n ¼ 96)

Ratio mexicanum type Mean 6 1 SD Mean 6 1 SD t/Z p
CW/PL 0.723 0.746 6 0.036 (0.687–0.853) 0.689 6 0.028 (0.610–0.743) 9.5/7.6 , 0.0001
IF/CL 0.077 0.061 6 0.018 (0.032–0.112) 0.051 6 0.016 (0.010–0.103) 3.5/3.3 0.0002/0.001
IAN/CL 0.286 0.291 6 0.018 (0.256–0.333) 0.311 6 0.016 (0.266–0.346) 6.3/5.6 , 0.0001
SH/CL 0.459 0.428 6 0.028 (0.342–0.483) 0.412 6 0.030 (0.361–0.545) 3.1/3.7 0.0012/0.0002
IAB/SH 0.559 0.568 6 0.067 (0.446–0.822) 0.644 6 0.045 (0.523–0.734) 8.0/6.8 , 0.0001
IAN/SH 0.459 0.683 6 0.053 (0.567–0.789) 0.758 6 0.062 (0.596–0.884) 7.0/6.1 , 0.0001
IVERSON AND BERRY — Kinosternon cruentatum Morphometrics 0

Table 5. Character ratios most useful in discriminating Pacific vs. Atlantic populations of female Kinosternon cruentatum, along
with measurements of the female holotype of K. cruentatum. Comparisons made with Student’s t-test (t) and Mann-Whitney U-test
(Z). See Table 2 footnote for character abbreviations.

Pacific populations (n ¼ 70) Atlantic populations (n ¼ 135)

Ratio cruentatum type Mean 6 1 SD Mean 6 1 SD t/Z p
CW/PL 0.683 0.771 6 0.028 (0.693–0.819) 0.698 6 0.035 (0.619–0.793 14.9/10.4 , 0.0001
IF/CL 0.042 0.045 6 0.020 (0.008–0.110) 0.042 6 0.021 (0–0.134) 1.1/1.0 0.03/0.32
IAN/CL 0.322 0.313 6 0.018 (0.268–0.367) 0.326 6 0.018 (0.244–0.375) 4.8/4.9 , 0.0001
SH/CL 0.498 0.477 6 0.024 (0.417–0.532) 0.462 6 0.036 (0.367–0.546) 3.2/3.0 0.0009/0.003

Downloaded from by Earlham College, John B. Iverson on 12 May 2024

IAB/SH 0.595 0.553 6 0.039 (0.439–0.649) 0.617 6 0.049 (0.492–0.793) 9.4/8.3 , 0.0001
IAN/SH 0.647 0.656 6 0.041 (0.545–0.772) 0.708 6 0.058 (0.571–0.863) 6.7/6.4 , 0.0001

Tampico embayment subpopulations are morphometrically and that of the male K. mexicanum as originating from
similar (despite being separated by the eastern terminus Pacific drainages. Given the genetic data provided by
of the Transverse Volcanic Arc in north-central Vera- Hurtado-Gómez et al. (2024) showing the reciprocal
cruz), but that they are distinct from the eastern Atlantic monophyly of turtles from those 2 versants, an estimated
populations. divergence time of 2.4 million years, and an uncorrected
p distance of 2.9% for the cytochrome b marker, the spe-
DISCUSSION cies recognition of K. cruentatum from the Atlantic and
K. mexicanum from the Pacific is strongly supported.
Our morphometric results support the recognition of Future phylogenetic work will be necessary to evaluate
separate species for the Pacific and Atlantic populations whether K. cruentatum (sensu stricto) exhibits subspecific
variation in the Atlantic versant. However, because Vera-
previously referred to under the name K. cruentatum, as cruz has been a major trade center at least since it was
recently proposed by Hurtado-Gómez et al. (2024). In founded by Hernán Cortez in 1519, market specimens
addition, our analyses also identified the female holotype should not be included in those analyses (as some were in
of K. cruentatum as originating from the Atlantic versant this study).

Figure 3. Bivariate plot of character ratios useful in discrim-

Figure 2. Bivariate plot of character ratios useful in discrim- inating Pacific from Atlantic populations of Kinosternon
inating Pacific from Atlantic populations of Kinosternon cruentatum (males above; females below). Abbreviations
cruentatum (males above; females below). Abbreviations are are IAB (interabdominal seam length), SH (shell height),
IAN (interanal seam length), SH (shell height), CW (cara- CW (carapace width), and PL (maximum plastral length).
pace width), and PL (maximum plastral length). Male type Male type (0.72, 0.56) is Kinosternon mexicanum (see also
(0.72, 0.62) is Kinosternon mexicanum (see also Table 4); Table 4); female type (0.68, 0.60) is K. cruentatum (see also
female type (0.68, 0.65) is K. cruentatum (see also Table 5). Table 5).

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Figure 4. Photographs of the plastron of a typical female Kinosternon cruentatum from the Atlantic versant (Manuel,
Tamaulipas; upper left; photo by J.B.I.), that of the holotype of K. cruentatum (MNHN 1759; upper right; courtesy of Roger
Bour), that of a typical male Kinosternon mexicanum (Suciate, Chiapas; lower left; courtesy of Eduardo Reyes-Grajales), and
that of the type of K. mexicanum (ANSP 90; lower right; photo by J.B.I.). Note the relatively longer interabdominal and
interanal seams of K. cruentatum (see text).

The collector and date of collection of the type of (1950a, 1950b). We propose that the type locality of
K. cruentatum (Museum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, K. cruentatum be restricted to Pueblo Nuevo X-Can,
MNHN-RA-0.1759, a female) are unknown, and its type Quintana Roo, Mexico (20 520 900 N, 87 360 1100 W), from
locality was reported as “Amerique septentrionale” (north- which at least 20 specimens are known (University of
ern America, presumably in contrast to South America; Utah 9563–80, 11874, and American Museum of Natu-
Berry and Iverson 2001; Bour 2004). Hence, as indicated ral History 93244).
above, the name cruentatum should be restricted to Atlantic The type of K. mexicanum (Academy of Natural
populations (the Atlantic Red-cheeked Mud Turtle). This Sciences Philadelphia 90, a male) was collected by Wil-
action invalidates the type locality restriction of cruentatum liam S. Pease on an unspecified date in “Mexico”
to San Mateo del Mar, Oaxaca, by Smith and Taylor (LeConte 1854). However, it was likely collected or
IVERSON AND BERRY — Kinosternon cruentatum Morphometrics 0

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Figure 5. Distribution of canonical discriminant function (DF) scores on the first canonical axis (representing 100% of the var-
iance) for female (above) and male (below) specimens of Kinosternon cruentatum from the Pacific and Atlantic drainages of
Mesoamerica, including the holotype of K. cruentatum among the males, and the holotype of Kinosternon mexicanum among
the females (both in green). Holotypes were unassigned a priori and classified a posteriori. DF equation for males:
Score ¼ 3 3 PL/CL þ 13 3 GL/CL þ 8 3 IH/CL þ 27 3 IP/CL þ 30 3 IAB/CL þ 15 3 IF/CL þ 47 3 IAN/CL  20 3 SH/CL þ 17 3 BL/
CL  24 3 CW/CL  10.605. DF equation for females: Score ¼ 24 3 PL/CL þ 23 3 GL/CL þ 25 3 IH/CL þ 25 3 IP/CL  12 3 IAB/
CL þ 1 3 IF/CL  18 3 IAN/CL þ 15 3 SH/CL  4 3 BL/CL þ 36 3 CW/CL  6.707. CL ¼ maximum carapace length; PL ¼
maximum plastron length; CW ¼ maximum carapace width; SH ¼ maximum shell height; BL ¼ bridge length; GL ¼ gular
length; IH ¼ interhumeral seam length; IP ¼ interpectoral seam length; IAB ¼ interabdominal seam length; IF ¼ interfemoral
seam length; IAN ¼ interanal seam length.

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Figure 6. Distribution of canonical discriminant function scores Figure 8. Distribution of canonical discriminant function
on the first 2 canonical axes (representing 83.8% and 13.5% of scores on the first 2 canonical axes (representing 88.7% and
total variation, respectively) for male Kinosternon cruentatum 11.3% of total variation, respectively) for male Kinosternon
from the Pacific (1; red), eastern Atlantic (2; green), Veracruz cruentatum from the eastern Atlantic (2; red), Veracruz (3;
(3; dark blue), and Tampico drainages (4; magenta). Group cen- green), and Tampico drainages (4; dark blue). Group centroids
troids (large yellow squares) are numbered. The male type of (large magenta squares) are numbered.
Kinosternon mexicanum (light blue square) was ungrouped and
classified a posteriori with the Pacific turtles with 100% probability.
1848–1849; Pease 1848–1849, 1849). There is no evi-
dence that the expedition traveled to the Pacific coast,
purchased in 1847, when, on behalf of the Philadelphia but the holotype could have been purchased in a mar-
Academy of Natural Sciences, Pease accompanied the ket. Nevertheless, based on our morphometric data,
US military march from Veracruz to Jalapa and on to and pending genetic data from both holotypes, we recom-
Mexico City during the Mexican–American War (Cassin mend recognizing Pacific populations as K. mexicanum
(the Pacific Red-cheeked Mud Turtle), and retaining the
restricted type locality designated by Smith and Taylor
(1950a, 1950b).

Figure 7. Distribution of canonical discriminant function scores Figure 9. Distribution of canonical discriminant function
on the first 2 canonical axes (representing 66.3% and 31.8% of scores on the first 2 canonical axes (representing 91.1% and
total variation, respectively) for female Kinosternon cruentatum 8.9% of total variation, respectively) for female Kinosternon
from the Pacific (1; red)), eastern Atlantic (2; green), Veracruz cruentatum from the eastern Atlantic (2; red), Veracruz (3;
(3; dark blue), and Tampico drainages (4; magenta). Group cen- green), and Tampico drainages (4; dark blue). The female type
troids (large yellow squares) are numbered. The female type of of K. cruentatum was ungrouped and classified a posteriori
K. cruentatum (light blue) was ungrouped and classified a poste- with the eastern Atlantic turtles with 100% probability (coor-
riori with the Pacific turtles with 100% probability (and falls on dinates, 0.92, 0.72). Group centroids (large light blue
the plot with cluster 2; coordinates, 0.92, 0.72). squares) are numbered.
IVERSON AND BERRY — Kinosternon cruentatum Morphometrics 0

As noted by Hurtado-Gómez et al, (2024), the biogeo-

graphic history of the subgenus Kinosternon (including albo-
gulare, cruentatum, oaxacae, chimalhuaca, and integrum)
has been primarily along the Pacific versant of Central
America and Mexico. This suggests that the common
ancestor of K. cruentatum and K. mexicanum likely dis-
persed from the Pacific to the Atlantic versant, probably
across the relatively low Isthmus of Tehuantepec. From
there it apparently migrated northward to the Tampico

Downloaded from by Earlham College, John B. Iverson on 12 May 2024

embayment and eastward as far as the Yucatan penin-
sula and Belize. That extensive Atlantic range was
apparently subsequently fragmented (Fig. 1), perhaps
by the eastward orogeny of the Transverse Volcanic Arc
in north central Veracruz, and the Tabasco lowlands,
where it appears to be absent.

Iverson’s research was funded by the American
Philosophical Society, the American Museum of Natural
History, the Joseph Moore Museum of Earlham College,
and the National Science Foundation. The Paris Museum
Figure 10. Bivariate plot of character ratios useful in discrimi- and the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia
nating among Atlantic populations of male Kinosternon cruen-
tatum. Abbreviations are IAB (interabdominal seam length), generously loaned J.B.I. the type specimens over 40 yrs ago.
IAN (interabdominal seam length), SH (shell height), CW Berry’s research was funded by the University of Utah and
(carapace width), and PL (maximum plastral length). Elmhurst College. Curators of 19 herpetological collections
provided access to the material used in this study (full
details in Berry 1978). Anders Rhodin generously produced
the map of the current range of these populations, updated
from TTWG (2021). Eduardo Reyes Grajales and Roger
Bour provided photographs.

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