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(21 Days)
For Classes 11th & 12th
(Commerce & Humanities)

(Academic Year 2024-2025)

Instructions for Students
Dear students, this Bridge Course has been prepared for you with the objective of
reviewing the previous year's syllabus at the beginning of the present academic year and
helping youto prepare for this year's syllabus.
1. The bridge course to lasts for a total of 21 days and consists of three tests
after a certain period of time.
2. The bridge course will help you to understand exactly what you have learned in
the previous academic year and to understand the curriculum for the next class.
3. This bridge course should be studied on a day-to-day basis.
4. It consists of day-to-day worksheets. You are expected to solve the worksheet
on your own as per the given plan.
5. Seek the help of a teacher, parent or siblings if you have difficulty solving
the worksheet.
6. Solve the tests provided along with as planned.
7. Get it checked with the teacher after completing the test.
8. Seek the help of teachers to understand the part that is not understood or
seems difficult.
Instructions for Teachers
Various efforts have been made by the teachers in the last two academic year to impart
education to the students through online mode. Accordingly, the Bridge Course has been
prepared with the dual objective of reviewing the studies done by the students in the previous
academic year and helping them to learn the curriculum of the present class in this academic
1. The bridge courses to lasts for a total of 21 days and consists of three tests after acertain
period of time.
2. The bridge course is based on the syllabus of previous class and is a link between the
syllabi of previous and the current class.
3. This bridge course has to be prepared class wise and subject wise. It is related to the
learning outcomes and basic competencies of the previous class’ textbook and is
based on its components.
4. The bridge course includes component and sub-component wise worksheets. These
worksheets are generally based on learning outcomes and basic competencies.
5. The structure of the worksheet is generally as follows.
Part One - Learning Outcomes/Competency Statements.
Part Two - Instructions for teachers
Part Three - Instructions for Students
Part Four - Learning Activity
Part Five - Solved Activity
Part Six – Practice
Part Seven - Extension Activity/Parallel Activity/Reinforcement
Part Eight – Evaluation
6. This bridge course will be very important from the point of view to revise and
reinforce the learning of the students from the previous class and pave the way to
make their learning happen in the next class.
7. Teachers should help their children to complete this bridge course as per day wise
8. Teachers should pay attention to the fact that the student will solve each worksheet on
his/her own, help them wherever necessary.
9. The teacher should conduct the tests of the students after the stipulated time period,
assess the test papers and keep a record of the same.
10. Having checked the test papers, teachers should provide additional supplementary
help to the students who are lagged behind.
SUBJECT: Economics/Accountancy/Bus.Std./Geography/History/Pol. Sci./Sociology


The module will be prepared by taking into consideration the following parameters:
1) Identification of learning gaps – Student’s point of view
2) Identification of learning outcomes – Teacher’s point of view
3) Module will be prepared concept wise/skill wise/competency wise.
4) Core concepts from syllabus of previous class of each chapter will be taken and linked with the
present class.
5) The module will be prepared for 3 weeks duration.
6) After every week one test will be taken to analyses the progress of the students.
7) Day to day worksheets can be prepared by the subject teachers and to get it solved.
8) Example of day to day work to be done by the teacher is given below:




DAY – 1

TOPIC: Geography as Discipline

SUB TOPIC: Geography as an Integrating discipline

Learning Outcomes:
• Co-relationship of Physical Geography and Natural sciences

Teacher’s Activities:

• To discuss interface with Natural science.

• How Geography is linked with the study of astronomical locations.
• The teacher will explain that the term Geography was first coined by
Eratosthanese, a Greek scholar (276 – 194 B.C.).
• The teacher must explain that the word Geography has been derived from two
roots from Greek language – geo (earth) and graphos (description).

Students’ Activities:

• Students will learn how Geography is associated with other Social sciences.
• How has Geography changed the pattern of the living of the people in
different parts of the world?
• Students may ask how is Geography then study of earth’s science?
• The students may learn Geography is concerned with the description of the
areas differentiation of the earth’s surface.


1. What is Geography?
2. Who is known as the Father of Geography?
3. What do we study in Geography?
4. Name the major natural sciences.
5. Give an account of Regional Geography.
DAY – 2

TOPIC: Geography as Discipline

SUB TOPIC: Branches of Geography

Learning Outcomes:
• To learn different branches of Geography such as Physical geography, Human
geography, Climatology, Hydrology, Soil geography, Cultural geography,
Economic geography, Population, and Settlement geography.

Teacher’s Activities:

• To discuss Geography is the mother of all sciences.

Students’ Activities:

• With the help of different examples given by the teacher, students will try to
differentiate between different branches of Geography.


1. Differentiate between Physical Geography and Human Geography.

2. What are the different branches of Physical Geography?
3. What are the different branches of Human Geography?
4. Students will make flow chart of the branches of Geography.
DAY – 3

TOPIC: Geography as Discipline

SUB TOPIC: Nature and Scope.

Learning Outcomes:
• To understand new dimensions of Geographical study, Dualism in Geography
Determinism, Possibilism and Neo-determinism.

Teacher’s Activities:

• The teacher will place various examples of ancient times in which human
being was totally dependent on nature.
• The teacher will discuss that humans suffered from serious limitations
imposed by nature because nature was overpowering.
• How did human adjust themselves to natural environment as they did not try
to transgress the dictates of the nature?

Students’ Activities:

• Students will be divided in two groups to debate on the topic – “Is man victim
of circumstances?”
• The will place various examples of advancement proving that now man is not
a puppet in the hands of nature.
• They can place the example of air conditioning, flying of aeroplanes,
construction of skyscrapers buildings etc.


1. Differentiate between Determinism and Possibilism.

2. In an outline map of world locate and label the names of countries where
more developments in Human Geography took place.
3. What do you mean by ‘Stop and go’ determinism?
DAY – 4

TOPIC: Minerals and Rocks.

SUB TOPIC: Types of minerals and rocks.

Learning Outcomes:
• To know the various types of elements by which earth is made up of.

Teacher’s Activities:

• To explain the basic concept of minerals and rocks.

• To describe the process of formation of different types of rocks.
• The teacher will discuss different types of minerals.
• The teacher must discuss that the minerals such as coal, petroleum and
natural gas are organic substances found in solid, liquid and gaseous forms
• Rock cycle is continuous process through which old rocks are transformed
into new ones.

Students’ Activities:
• To collect various types of minerals for identification.
• On the outline map of India locate the important minerals deposits.
• Students will learn the characteristics of minerals.
• They will also learn why is the variations in the location of different types of
rocks at different places.

1. Draw a diagram of the rock cycle.
2. What is Petrology?
3. How many elements are there for most of the earth’s crust?
4. What is rock? What are the types of rocks?
5. What is mineral? What are the types of minerals?
DAY – 5

TOPIC: Climate

SUB TOPIC: Factors affecting climate of a place.

Learning Outcomes:
• Basic concept of atmospheric activities like Weather and Climate, Rainfall,
Humidity and Pressure of a place.

Teacher’s Activities:

• The teacher will discuss various aspects of Weather like why sometimes rainy,
hot, moist and dry situations occur at certain places. Why some of the places
are very cold?

Students’ Activities:

• Group discussion on Climatic diversity both in global and Indian context.


1. On the outline map of India locate the place which receives highest amount of
rainfall in the world.
2. On the outline map of India locate the area of high, moderate and low rainfall.
3. What is Western cyclonic disturbance?
4. What do you mean by burst of monsoon?
5. What is inter tropical convergence?
6. Differentiate between Diurnal range of temperature and Annual range of
DAY – 6
TOPIC: Climate

SUB TOPIC: Distribution of rainfall in India.

Learning Outcomes:
• Students will learn in detail about the causes and pccurance pf rainfall.

Teacher’s Activities:

• The teacher will discuss the factors which cause rainfall in India.
• The teacher will divide the rainfall regions of India into heavy, medium and
rainfall regions.
• The teacher will discuss the rainfall during the winter season also.
• The causes and consequences of winter rainfall.

Students’ Activities:
• The students will understand and difference between precipitation and
• They will learn inter tropical convergence.
• The division of south-west monsoon into two parts – Arabian sea branch of
monsoon and Bay of Bengal branch of monsoon.
• Why is the decreasing trend of rainfall fall from north-eastern [art pf the
country towards the north western part pf the country?


1. What do you mean by mango shower or pre-monsoon?

2. Why Mumbai receives very high rainfall where as Pune receives moderate
3. Why is rainfall very scanty in Rajasthan?
4. Tamilnadu receives rainfall during winter. Give reasons.


DAY – 7

TOPIC: Climate
SUB TOPIC: Seasons in India.

Learning Outcomes:
• Basic concept of the revolution of the earth on its elliptical path, Summer
solstice, Winter solstice, Spring equinox and Autumn equinox.

Teacher’s Activities:
• The teacher will first discuss rotation and revolution.
• Discussion on Aphelion and Perihelion.
• The teacher has to clearly explain about Cold weather season, Hot weather
season, the season of Advancing monsoon and the season of Retreating
• Important terms like calamity of Baishakh, October heat, Loo, Western
disturbances must be discussed.

Students’ Activities:
• Student will collect data of temperature and rainfall of different places.
• They will draw the diagram of important positions of the earth on its elliptical
• They will also learn the advancement of monsoon.
• The students will learn monsoon as an unifying bond.
• The students must learn that the word monsoon is enough to understand
Indian climate.


1. Why do Mawsymram receives highest amount of rainfall in the world.

2. Differentiate between windward side of the mountain and leeward side of the
3. Why is Shilong rainier than Kolkata?
4. Why does Delhi receive more rain than Jodhpur?
5. Explain monsoon climate.
6. Which state experiences mango shower?
DAY – 8

TOPIC: Location of India.

Learning Outcomes:
• Basic concept of the location of the country in global context. Its
advantages and disadvantages

Teacher’s Activities:

• With the help of the map of the world and India location will be understood.

Students’ Activities:

• On the map of the world students will locate India and in the map of India,
they will locate all the neighbouring countries.


1. To locate all the states of India with their capitals on the map of India.
2. How is India benefitted by its central location on the globe?
3. What is the commercial importance of location of a country?
4. The difference of time from the eastern part of the country to the western pf of
the country is two hours. Explain the reason.
DAY – 9

TOPIC: Structure and Physiography of India.

SUB TOPIC: Geographical history, Understanding

endogenic and exogenic changes which
form different physical divisions.

Learning Outcomes:
• To understand present physical divisions wit historical perspectives.

Teacher’s Activities:

• To discuss different divisions with the help of power point presentation.

Students’ Activities:

• With different colours students will shade the map of India showing different
physical divisions.


1. Differentiate between Endogenic and Exogenic processes.

2. Why is peninsular India the oldest landmass of the earth?
3. What do you mean by geomorphological features?
4. What are the three geological divisions of India?
5. What are the three divisions of the peninsular plateaus?
DAY – 10

TOPIC: Structure and Physiography of India.

SUB TOPIC: Physiography of India.

Learning Outcomes:
• To understand in detail about the formation of physical divisions of India.

Teacher’s Activities:

• Power point presentation to understand the process of formation and

appearance of the entire country at a glance.

Students’ Activities:
• Students will make a list of major Himalayan peaks from the west to the east
with the help of an atlas.

• They will identify the major landforms of the state of student from where he or
she belongs to.


1. Why are Himalayas called the young fold mountain of the world?
2. What do you mean by Delta?
3. What is Atoll?
4. Explain the physical divisions of India.
5. Give an account of Purvanchal Himalayas.
6. Differentiate between Indus basis and Ganga basin.
DAY – 11

TOPIC: Drainage System.

SUB TOPIC: Drainage pattern, Drainage system of India, Interlinking
of rivers.

Learning Outcomes:
• Rivers are the lifeline of the economy of a country, hence students must
learn in detail about the river system.

Teacher’s Activities:

• It will be very interesting for the students if the teacher shows the flowing of
the rivers through power point presentation.
• The origin of the rivers and their termination will be discussed.
• What is river basin will be discussed by the teacher?
• The teacher must discuss that why most of the rivers discharge their water
into Bay of Bengal?

Students’ Activities:
• Students will make a comparative bar diagram on a graph paper to show the
length of the course of the rivers.
• The students will learn the difference between Himalayan rivers and
peninsular rivers.
• They will learn that why ancient civilisations developed along river valleys.
• The students will locate the main rivers and their tributaries.


1. Rivers should be interlinked. Do you agree with this statement?

2. What are the advantages of rivers?
3. Give a description of Ganga river system.
4. Describe the Indus river system.
5. Describe the drainage patterns of the river.
DAY – 12

TOPIC: Natural Vegetation

SUB TOPIC: Types of Natural Vegetation

Learning Outcomes:
• To understand the importance of flora and fauna.
• To know about ecological balance and ecosystem.

Teacher’s Activities:

• To discuss the important aspects of flora and fauna.

• Interrelationship between plant kingdom and animal kingdom.
• To discuss green house effects.
• To discuss international convention on conservation of flora and fauna.

Students’ Activities:

• Student will learn about the diversity of flora and fauna.

• They will learn that why particular flora and fauna occur at a particular place.
• The students will learn that why conservation of flora and fauna is important?
• They will learn about National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries.


1. Why has India diverse type of flora and fauna?

2. Explain the types of natural vegetation of India.
3. What do you mean by endangered species?
4. How should be flora and fauna be conserved.
5. Which steps were undertaken by the Government to conserve flora and


DAY – 13

TOPIC: Distribution of Oceans and Continents.

SUB TOPIC: Continental drift. Evidences in support of
continental drift.

Learning Outcomes:
• To know whether the present position of continents and oceans are from
the beginning of the origin of earth or attained in a later period.

Teacher’s Activities:

• With the help of world map, the teacher will explain how the fossils and
minerals in one part of South America and another part of Africa are similar
which proves that earlier both the continents were joined together.

Students’ Activities:
• Students will juxtapose the map of Africa and South America to each other by
making model with the help of thermo coal.


1. Explain the evidences given by Alfred Wegner to prove his theory.

2. Give an account of the characteristics of plates.
3. What are the causes of plate movement?
4. Explain the plate tectonic theory.
5. What is the basis pf continental drift theory?
DAY – 14

TOPIC: Distribution of Oceans and Continents.

SUB TOPIC: Sea floor spreading, Plate tectonic,

Major and minor plates.

Learning Outcomes:
• To make the students understand that the floor of the sea is still
spreading due to continuous flow of lava.

Teacher’s Activities:

• By burning a candle, the teacher can explain that how sea floor is spreading
due to uprising of lava from interior of the earth.
• To discuss spreading subduction, collision and transformation.
• To discuss mid oceanic ridges.
• To discuss about Placer deposits.

Students’ Activities:
• With geographical models of convergent and divergent plates students may
learn Plate tectonics.
• The will draw the diagram of convergent, divergent and transformed plates,


1. Bring about the basic differences between the drift theory and plate tectonics.
2. What is Fold mountain?
3. What do you mean by Panthalasa?
4. What do you mean by Jig-saw fit?
5. What is convectional current theory?
DAY – 15

TOPIC: Atmospheric circulation and Weather system.

SUB TOPIC: Atmospheric pressure, Geographical
circulation of atmosphere

Learning Outcomes:
• To know in detail about the weather system and blowing of wind and air

Teacher’s Activities:
• The teacher will discuss the basic concept of weather, climate, temperature
and air pressure.
• The teacher has to discuss the rotation of the earth.
• To let the students learn about Coriolis Force.
• Relationship between temperature and pressure.

Students’ Activities:
• Collect weather information over media such as newspaper, tv and radio for
understanding the weather system.
• The students will learn about Isobar and Isotherm.
• In the map of world and India, they will study and draw Isobar and Isotherm.


1. Make a list of weather information of a week with the help of newspaper.

2. With help of tv estimate that how many days in a week was the forecast
3. What do you mean by Geostrophic wind?
4. What is Southern oscillation?
5. What is pressure gradients?
DAY – 16

TOPIC: Atmospheric circulation and Weather system.

SUB TOPIC: Global pressure belts and Planetary winds
convection cell.

Learning Outcomes:
• To understand Trade wind, Westerlies, Easterlies, Local wind like Land
breeze and Sea breeze, Seasonal wind like Monsoon.

Teacher’s Activities:

• The teacher may explain planetary wind through power point presentation. To
explain the relationship between temperature and pressure Coriolis force and
deflection of wind.
• The teacher will draw the diagram of showing global pressure belt.
• Blowing of planetary wind will be explained.
• Different convection cell will also be discussed by the teacher.
• Different types of cyclones also should be discussed.

Students’ Activities:
• Students will draw the diagram of global pressure belt and show the blowing
of planetary wind.
• On black board they will draw the diagram of global pressure belt.
• They will learn why the blowing of wind in a particular direction.
• Relationship between temperature and pressure.
• They must know what is Doldrum?


1. Differentiate between and breeze and sea breeze.

2. What is mechanism of Monsoon?
DAY – 17

TOPIC: Movement of ocean water.

SUB TOPIC: Global pressure belts and Planetary winds
convection cell.

Learning Outcomes:
• To understand various types of disturbances and turbulences in ocean

Teacher’s Activities:

• The teacher will clearly differentiate between all the movements of ocean
• With help of power point presentation tides can be easily understood.
• Factors causing ocean currents will be discussed.
• It will also be discussed that why ocean water always moving?
• Through different diagrams wave crest, wave length, wave amplitude, wave
frequently will be discussed.

Students’ Activities:
• Visit a lake or a pond and observe the movements of waves. Throw a stone
and notice how waves are generated.
• The students have to practise diagram on the black board to understand
different types of movements.
• Through different colours they can show warm and cold current on the globe.
• The students will make list of cold currents and warm currents.


1. Take a globe and a map showing the currents of the oceans. Discuss why
certain currents are warm or cold and why they deflect in certain places and
examine the reasons.
2. Distinguish between cold and warm current.
3. What are the types of tides?
4. Why is the moon more important in the formation of tides?
5. Explain the characteristics of ocean currents.
DAY – 18
TOPIC: Water in the Atmosphere.
SUB TOPIC: Hydrological Cycle.

Learning Outcomes:
• To make the students learn about different forms of water available in
the atmosphere.
• Importance of different forms of water.

Teacher’s Activities:

• To explain different aspects of hydrological cycle, i.e. evaporation,

condensation and precipitation.
• By giving examples through day to day life.
• How essential is hydrological cycle must be discussed.
• Through diagram evaporation, condensation and precipitation can be

Students’ Activities:
• Student will place the example of evaporation, condensation and precipitation
from the proximity.
• They will draw the diagram of hydrological
• They will learn the difference between absolute humidity and relative humidity.
• They will learn how the level of ocean water is always maintained.


1. What is hydrological cycle?

2. What do you mean by condensation? What are the different forms of
3. What is precipitation? What are the different forms of precipitation?
4. Explain different types of clouds?
5. Differentiate between fog and mist.


As Per Revised
CBSE Curriculum
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(As per revised CBSE Curriculum– 2024-25)


Class 1 EVS(EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for playlist
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Class 1 EVS (HindiLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 1 Mathematics(Hindi Language)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 2 EVS (EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 2 Mathematics (EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 2 EVS(HindiLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 2 Mathematics (Hindi Language)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 3 Mathematics (EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 3 EVS (EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 3 EVS (HindiLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 3 Mathematics (HindiLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 4 Mathematics (EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 4 EVS(EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 4 Mathematics (HindiLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 4 EVS (HindiLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 4 General Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 5 Mathematics (EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 5 Science (EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 5 Mathematics(HindiLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 5 Science (HindiLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 5 General Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 5 EVS (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 6 Mathematics (EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 6 Social Science (EnglishLanguage)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 6 Science (EnglishLanguage) (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 6 Mathematics (Hindi Language)(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 6 Science All Chapters (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 6 Mathematics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 6 Social Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 6 Sanskrit (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 6 Hindi (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 6 Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 7 Science(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 7 Mathematics(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 7 Social Science(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 7 Mathematics(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 7 Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 7 Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 7 Hindi (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 7 Sanskrit (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 7 Social Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 7 Mathematics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 8 Science(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 8 Mathematics(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 8 Social Science(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 8 Mathematics(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 8 Science(CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 8 Hindi (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 8 Sanskrit (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 9 Biology(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 9 Physics(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 9 Chemistry(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 9 Social Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 9 Mathematics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 9 Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 9 Social Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 9 Mathematics(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 9 English (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 9 Hindi (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 10 Biology (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 10 Physics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 10 Chemistry (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 10 Social Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 10 Mathematics(CBSE) (English Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 10 Mathematics(CBSE) (Hindi Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 10 Science(CBSE) (Hindi Language) Click here for Playlist


Class 10 English (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 10 Hindi (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 10 Mathematics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 10 Social Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 10 Magical Science Board Exam Preparation in 1 min (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 10: Science (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 11 Physics (CBSE) (English Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Chemistry (CBSE) (English Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Biology (CBSE) (English Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Mathematics(CBSE) (English Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Accountancy (CBSE) (English Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Business Studies (CBSE) (English Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Statistics (CBSE) (English Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Biology (CBSE) (Hindi Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Mathematics (CBSE) (Hindi Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Physics (CBSE) (Hindi Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Chemistry (CBSE) (Hindi Language) Click here for Playlist
Class 11Micro Economy (CBSE) (English Language) Click here for Playlist


Class 11Mathematics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Accounts (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Business Studies (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Hindi (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Psychology (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Economics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
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Class 11 Chemistry (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 English (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Biology (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 11 Biology Shorts (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 12 Physics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Chemistry (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Biology(CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Macro Economy (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12Economic (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Mathematics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Accountancy (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Business Studies (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Physics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Mathematics (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Biology (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Chemistry (CBSE) Click here for Playlist


Class 12 CHEMISTRY (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Business Studies (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 Hindi (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
NEET Biology in 1 min Click here for Playlist
Class 12 History (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
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Class 12 Biology (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
Class 12 : Accounts (CBSE) Click here for Playlist
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financial constraints.
• Instant Access to Educational Content: SOE WhatsApp groups are a platform where students&
teachers can access a wide range of educational content instantly. This includes study materials,
notes, sample papers, reference materials, and relevant links shared by group members and
• Timely Updates and Reminders: SOE WhatsApp groups serve as a source of timely updates and
reminders about important dates, exam schedules, syllabus changes, and academic events.
Teachers &Students can stay informed and well-prepared for upcoming assessments and activities.
• Interactive Learning Environment: Teachers &Students can engage in discussions, ask questions,
and seek clarifications within the group, creating an interactive learning environment. This fosters
collaboration, peer learning, and knowledge sharing among group members, enhancing
understanding and retention of concepts.
• Access to Expert Guidance: SOE WhatsApp groups are moderated by subject matter experts,
teachers, or experienced educators. Students can benefit from their guidance, expertise, and
insights on various academic topics, exam strategies, and study techniques.
• Sharing of Study Tips and Strategies: Group members often share valuable study tips, exam
strategies, and time management techniques that have proven effective for them. Students can
learn from each other's experiences and adopt helpful strategies to optimize their study routines
and improve their academic performance.
• Availability of Practice Materials: SOE WhatsApp groups frequently share practice questions,
quizzes, and mock tests to help students assess their understanding and practice exam-oriented
questions. This allows students to gauge their progress, identify areas of improvement, and refine
their exam preparation accordingly.
• Peer Support and Motivation: Being part of an SOE WhatsApp group provides students with a
supportive community of peers who share similar academic goals and challenges. Group members
can offer encouragement, motivation, and moral support to each other, especially during stressful
periods such as exams.
• Convenience and Accessibility:SOE WhatsApp is a widely used messaging platform accessible on
smartphones, making educational content and discussions easily accessible anytime, anywhere.
Students can review study materials, participate in discussions, and seek help conveniently from
their mobile devices.

Join the School of Educators WhatsApp Group today and unlock a world of resources, support, and
collaboration to take your teaching to new heights. To join, simply click on the group links provided
below or send a message to +91-95208-77777 expressing your interest.

Together, let's empower ourselves & Our Students and inspire the next generation of learners.

Best Regards,

School of Educators
(For Teachers Only)
You will get Pre- Board Papers PDF, Word file, PPT, Lesson Plan, Worksheet, practical tips and Viva
questions , reference books , smart content , curriculum , syllabus , marking scheme , toppers answer
scripts , revised exam pattern , revised syllabus , Blue Print etc. here .Join Your Subject / Class WhatsApp

Kindergarten to Class XII (For Teachers Only)

Kindergarten Class 1 Class 2 Class 3

Class 4 Class 5 Class 6 Class 7

Class 8 Class 9 Class 10 Class 11 (Science )

Class 11 (Commerce) Class 11 (Humanities) Class 12 (Science) Class 12 (Commerce)

Class 12 (Humanities) Artificial Intelligence

Subject Wise Secondary and Senior Secondary Groups (IX & X)
Secondary Groups (IX & X)

SST Mathematics Science English

Hindi Information Technology Artificial Intelligence

Senior Secondary Groups (XI & XII)

Physics Chemistry English Mathematics

Biology Accountancy Economics BST

History Geography sociology Hindi Elective

Hindi Core Home Science Sanskrit psychology

Political science Painting vocal Music Comp. Science

IP physical Education APP. Mathematics IIT/NEET

Legal studies Entrepreneurship French Teachers Jobs

Artificial Intelligence
(For Students Only)

Class 1 class 2 class 3 class 4 class 5

class 6 class 7 class 8 class 9 class 10

Class 11(Science) Class 11(Com) Class 11(Hum) Class 12 (Sci) Class12 (Com)

Class 12 (Hum) Artificial Intelligence


Subject Wise Secondary and Senior Secondary Groups (IX & X)

Secondary Groups (IX & X)

SST Mathematics English


Hindi IT Artificial Intelligence

Senior Secondary Groups (XI & XII)

Physics Chemistry Biology English

Accountancy Business Studies Economics Mathematics

History Geography Sociology Hindi Elective

Hindi Core Home Science Sanskrit Psychology

Political Science Painting Music Computer Science

IP Physical Education App. Mathematics IIT/NEET

Legal Studies Entrepreneurship French CUET

Artificial Intelligence

Rules & Regulations of the Group

• No introduction
• No Good Morning/Any wish type message
• No personal Chats & Messages
• No Spam
• You can also ask your difficulties here.

Just get learning resources & post learning resources. Helpline number only WhatsApp: +91-95208-77777
SOE CBSE Telegram Groups (Kindergarten to Class XII)


All classes Class 1 Class 2 Class 3

Class 4 Class 5 Class 6 Class 7

Class 8 Class 9 Class 10 Class 11(Sci)

Class 11 (Com) Class 11 (Hum) Class 12 (Sci) Class 12 (Com)


Principal Professional Teachers Professional Project File Group

Group Group

SOE CBSE Telegram Channels (Kindergarten to Class XII)

Kindergarten Class I Class II Class III

Class IV Class V Class VI Class VII

Class VIII Class IX Class X Class XI (Sci)

Class XI (Hum) Class XI (Com) Class XII (Sci) Class XII (Hum)


Rules & Regulations of the Groups & Channel

• No introduction
• No Good Morning/Any wish type message
• No personal Chats & Messages
• No Spam
• You can also ask your difficulties here.

Just get learning resources & post learning resources. Helpline number only WhatsApp: +91-95208-77777
Available Resources on YouTube

 Enjoy animated videos covering all subjects from Kindergarten to Class 12, making learning fun for
students of all ages.
 Explore classroom teaching videos for grades 6 to 12, covering various subjects to enhance
understanding and knowledge.
 Access the most important questions and previous year's question papers (PYQ) to excel in exams and
 Stay up-to-date with the latest CBSE Curriculum for 2023-24 with our videos aligned to the current
 Get informed about CBSE updates and circulars through our dedicated videos.
 Improve pronunciation skills and expand vocabulary with our "Word of the Day" series and other
language-related content and many more……….

Don't miss out on these valuable resources; subscribe to our channel now!

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