F&B Booth Confirmation Form JJF'24

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Jakarta International Java Jazz Festival 2024

Nama Perusahaan :
Company Name
Nama Merk Dagang :
Brand Name
Nama Pada Papan Fascia Event :
Fascia Signage Naming
Alamat Perusahaan :
Company Address
Nomor NPWP Perusahaan :
Company Tax ID

Nama Perwakilan Perusahaan Penandatangan :

Contact Person of Authorized Signatory
No. Telepon (Handphone)/Fax :
Phone (Mobile)/Fax Number
Alamat E-Mail :
E-Mail Address

Nama Penanggung Jawab Acara :

Person In Charge for the Event
No. Telepon (Handphone)/Fax :
Phone (Mobile)/Fax Number
Alamat E-Mail :
E-Mail Address

Termin Pembayaran Yang Dipilih : Non Refundable Down Payment (50%) ( ) / Full Payment ( )
Selected Payment Term


(Unit) (Rp.)

Sub Total

PPn 11%

Grand Total

* Termin Pembayaran / Payment Terms
- Dengan melakukan pengembalian Booth Confirmation Form yang sudah ditandatangani dianggap sudah menyetujui peraturan terkait dengan F&B
di Jakarta International Java Jazz Festival 2024.
By returning the signed Booth Confirmation Form, it is understood that you agree to the regulations regarding F&B at the Jakarta International
Java Jazz Festival 2024.
- Batas pengembalian Booth Confirmation Form adalah maksimal 3 hari kerja setelah form dikirimkan JFP ke tenant yang bersangkutan.
The Booth Confirmation Form must be returned within a maximum of 3 working days from the date it is dispatched by JFP to the respective
- Apabila pengembalian form dilakukan setelah tenggat waktu ditentukan, JFP berhak untuk menjual spot booth yang sudah dipilih kepada penyewa
If the form is returned after the specified deadline, JFP reserves the right to sell the selected booth spot to another tenant.
- Surat Perjanjian Kerjasama dan Invoice penagihan akan dikirimkan maksimal 7 hari kerja setelah Booth Confirmation Form diterima oleh JFP.
The Agreement Letter and billing invoice will be dispatched no later than 7 working days after JFP receives the Booth Confirmation Form.
- Jika Termin Pembayaran yang dipilih adalah dengan Non Refundable Down Payment (50%), pembayaran harus dilakukan maksimal 7 hari
kerja setelah invoice dikirimkan ke masing-masing tenant ybs, dan pelunasan dapat dilakukan maksimal 30 hari sebelum Event diselenggarakan.
If the selected payment term is a Non-Refundable Down Payment (50%), payment must be completed within a maximum of 7 working days after
the invoice is sent to the respective tenant, and the full settlement can be made up to 30 days before the scheduled event.
- Jika Termin Pembayaran yang dipilih adalah Full Payment (100%), pembayaran harus sudah diselesaikan maksimal 14 hari kerja setelah
invoice dikirimkan ke masing-masing tenant yang bersangkutan
If the selected payment term is Full Payment (100%), the payment must be settled within a maximum of 14 working days after the invoice is sent
to the respective tenant

* Penambahan listrik yang menyebabkan biaya tambahan adalah optional (additonal items) .
Additional electricity which will result in additional cost is optional.
* Untuk form fasilitas tambahan paling lambat diserahkan kembali pada tanggal 01 Mei 2024.
Additional fasilities form must be submitted latest by 01 May 2024.
* Untuk fasilitas tambahan paling lambat dibayarkan secara lunas 100% pada tanggal 06 Mei 2024.
Additional fasilities must be paid 100% the latest by 06 May 2024.
* Listrik standar / Standard electricity :
-3mx3m : 300 watt
- Food Truck : 1000 watt
Surat loading akan dikirimkan kepada masing-masing tenant apabila semua administrasi sudah diselesaikan, baik biaya sewa ataupun fasilitas
The loading letter will be sent to you once all administrative matters, including rent and additional facility payment, have been settled.
* Design-design yang berkaitan dengan booth atau Food Truck harus mendapat persetujuan tertulis terlebih dahulu dari PT. Java Festival
Production, dan paling lambat diserahkan tanggal 30 April 2024.
Booth or Food Truck related designs have to have prior written approval by PT. Java Festival Production and the designs are to be submitted
the latest by 30 April 2024.


Nama : Nama : Nama : Nama : Nama :

Tanggal : Tanggal : Tanggal : Tanggal : Tanggal :

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