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Name : Danin Husniya Fadillah

Class : X-7
Book Tittle : Kita Pergi Hari Ini
Author : Ziggy Zezsyazeoviennazabrizkie
Publisher : PT. Gramedia Pustaka Utama
Total Pages : 182

No Day/Date Conclusion Teacher’s

1. Tuesday, Ma is a daughter. According to Mr. Mo and Mrs.
January 2nd Mo, as well as her older sister, Mi, the eldest Mo,
2024 Ma is a fussy girl. Fussy Girls are girls who like to
sulk, butt heads and poke
2. Wednesday, Usually, fussy girls have messy hair, namely hair
January 3rd that is very curly and messy. But, all girls, even
2024 fussy girls, are very sweet
3. Thursday, Ma wakes up early among her other siblings. He
January 4th made his bed, he took a shower early in the morning,
2024 without complaining that the morning air was very
cold. Ma always approved of the clothes that Mrs.
Mo chose, and always sat quietly while her hair was
being done.
4. Tuesday, Because Ma is really cute, Mrs. Mo decided to take
Janurary 9th Ma to the New Neighbor's house today. "Why don't
2024 Mo and I come?" asked Mi, even though she didn't
really want to come.
5. Wednesday, "Because, the children who are allowed to come to
January 10th the New Neighbor's house have to be really cute
2024 children. Children have to act really cute when they
are at the New Neighbor's house," explained Mrs.
Mo, while wearing her green coat
6. Thursday, But, because boys are made of race car tires, dragon
January 11th tails, and tapir snorts, boys can't be truly cute. Of
2024 course, they act totally cool. Mr. Mo was also not
invited because he is not a girl.
7. Tuesday, Mrs. Mo held Mo's hand all the way, because they
January 16th had to cross. The New Neighbor's house is right in
2024 front of Mrs. Mo's house. The walls, like all the
houses located on Red Road, are red.
8. Wednesday, The house is number 16. In the yard there is a tree,
January 17th and on one of its branches, a tire is hanging tied with
2024 a rope. The New Neighbors kept it because they
needed it if they ever wanted to have a boy.
9. Thursday, Mrs. Mo knocked gently on the door of the New
Januay 18th Neighbor's house three times, the one who opened
2024 the door was the New Neighbor's mother. Mrs. New
Neighbor smiled very, very sweetly. And he said,
"Please come in."
10. Tuesday, Mrs. Mo brought home-made cookies as a gift for
January 23rd New Neighbor's Mom, and said, "Welcome," then
2024 introduced herself. New Neighbor's mother has
children named Fifi and Fufu.
11. Wednesday, When Fifi and Fufu came, Ma knew that they were
January 24th really strange children. The first is because Fifi is a
2024 really sweet boy and Fufu is a really cool girl.
12. Thusday, Ma, Fifi, and Fufu wander off while New Neighbor's
January 25th mother and Mrs. Mo go off to chat. But, Fufu, being
2024 a really cool kid, didn't want to play with really cute
kids, so he took his toy truck and went to the
13. Tuesday, Ma and Fifi were left in the playroom, "Are you a
January 30th boy?" Ma asked Fifi. “They said so," Fifi said "Why
2024 are you really cute?" Mo asked, from outside the
plastic palace, to Fifi.
14. Wednesday, "Someone accidentally mixed in Garut dodol when
January 31st making it," said Fifi, "and they also forgot about the
2024 tapir snort." They played then decided to roll around
the house.
15. Thursday, Finally, Mrs. Mo called the two of them and they got
February 1st another cake made by Mrs. Mo, Mrs. Mo's jam cake
2024 is very delicious. The cake tastes of fragrant fresh
butter, and the jam is made from red fruit mixed with
lemon and sugar.
16. Tuesday, They were also allowed to drink a cup of tea and lots
February 6th of milk. Ma glares at Fifi while gnawing on a jam
2024 cake. He stared for a long time, until finally Fifi
asked, "Why am I being glared at?" Mrs. Mo touched
Ma's head and said, "It's not good to stare at people."
17. Wednesday, Knowing that everyone was eating cake, Fufu came
February 7th in and started eating cake without permission or
2024 washing her hands. Fufu sat next to Fifi, and they
both looked so equally defensive that Ma, inevitably,
had to put the spotlight on them.
18. Tuesday, Last Tuesday, Miss Gigi read a story about a snow
February 13th woman. Snow White runs away from home to live
2024 together in the middle of the forest. Snow White has
snow white skin.
19. Thursday, Fifi and Fufu's appearance is almost like Snow
February 15th White. They have white skin, almost like snow.
2024 Their lips are pink.
20. Tuesday, Fufu's hair is shoulder length. It was longer than
February 20th Fifi's hair. That's the only thing that differentiates the
2024 two of them. That, the clothes they wear, and the
way they eat cake. Fifi, being a really cool kid, ate
the cake with a fork and set it on a plate.
21. Wednesday, Ma likes Fifi who eats cake using a fork and a plate.
February 21st Apart from himself and his mother, there was no one
in the house who ate cake with a fork and set it on a
22. Thursday, Ma asked Mrs. Mo for permission to invite Fifi to
February 22nd play at home. Mrs. Mo smiled gently at Ma and said,
2024 "Of course you can, darling." Then it was Fifi's turn
to ask, "Can I play at Ma's house, Mom?" Mrs. New
Neighbor said, "Of course you can darling", "and,
you can too, Fufu.”
23. Tuesday, "I don't want to. I don't want to. Just don't want to,"
February 27th said Fufu, because that's what really cool kids always
2024 say when their parents offer or invite something.
However, when Mrs. Mo told him about the two cool
kids at her house, Mi and Mo. Fifi enthusiastically
wants to play.
24. Wednesday, Mrs. New Neighbor also promised to take Fifi and
February 28th Fufu to Mrs. Mo's house, Another Day, Ma didn't
2024 stop asking when the Other Day that Mrs. New
Neighbor meant was.
25. Thursday, Mrs. New Neighbor should have given Ma a certain
February 29th amount of time so that Ma wouldn't keep asking and
2024 demanding, what Ma did was just wander around
while waiting for their arrival.
26. Tuesday, Ma sulks and refuses to bathe. Ma had the best trick
March 5th to get what she wanted, which was to put on her best
20224 clothes and get into the clothes hamper, then refuse
to shower so that she and her best clothes got very
27. Wednesday, Miss Gigi said, I wouldn't call Miss New Neighbor if
March 6th Ma didn't take a shower. So, Ma took a shower, he
2024 got two rubber ducks as his bathing companions.
28. Thursday, Miss Gigi poured vanilla, butter and strawberry
March 7th scented oil, because those were the ingredients Mrs.
2024 Mo used in her jam cake. When it comes out, Ma
will smell like jam cake fresh out of the oven.
29. Thursday, Ma doesn't like princess, she refuses to be a
March 14th mermaid. But he likes fish, and he likes swimming
2024 with his friends, so manatees are a better career
choice, according to Ma. "I have four friends," said
Ma, namely Pup, Pip's younger brother, Le, Bu Le's
son, then Cin and Cau.
30. Tuesday, This is Another Day in question, Ma is already
March 19th wearing her best play clothes. The color is brown, so
2024 it's not easy to notice if there are splashes of mud or
dry dirt stuck to it.
31. Wednesday, Her shoes had no laces, so she wouldn't accidentally
March 20th step on the laces and fall on the street. And the most
2024 important thing is that he has brushed his teeth
thoroughly, so that his breath doesn't smell and his
teeth doesn’t grind
32. Thursday, Mi and Mo were also ready, although they weren't
March 21st very enthusiastic. Mi deliberately doesn't brush her
2024 teeth, so she can chase away the new neighbors' kids
if he doesn't like them. Мо has no plans of its own.
33. Tuesday, When the front door bell rang in Another Day, Mo
March 26th almost jumped out of his chair, but Miss Gigi got her
2024 out of the chair nicely like a truly sweet child.
34. Wednesday, Mrs. New Neighbor left Fifi and Fufu with Miss Gigi
March 27th then said goodbye and went to the other side. Fifi
2024 and Fufu were invited into Mr. and Mrs. Mo's house,
which was colored red and numbered 17.
35. Thursday, Mi and Mo are amazed to see Fifi and Fufu who
March 28th resemble each other. Mi, who still doesn't believe it,
2024 holds Fifi and Fufu's heads one by one.
36. Wednesday, Miss Gigi wants to take them to a great place,
April 10th namely the Extraordinary Floating Cat City. The city
2024 is in the middle of the ocean around the
Extraordinary Cat Floating City. The children then
started to get excited
37. Thursday, Miss Gigi answered all the questions asked by the
April 11h children. "We're going there now", "Take the train",
2024 "The contents of the picnic basket are beef sausage,
sandwiches and French bread typical of the city of
38. Tuesday, Among the answers, the most interesting is the
April 16th second answer. They will take the train - they took
2024 the train all the way to Sound City from their old
home. Mi, Ma, and Mo have never been on a train.
39. Wednesday, Miss Gigi handed out small bottles of milk to the
April 17th children. He said it was a train ticket for the train
2024 they were going to take.
40. Thursday, Miss Gigi lifted her picnic basket from above the
April 18th kitchen. They took the train from the breakfast table,
2024 it was the best place to wait for the water train
41. Tuesday, He made sure all the kids were in their seats, then
April 23rd took his own place at the end of the table. Today,
2024 they will ride the water train, people today may not
know about the water train, but the people of the past
knew it very well.
42. Wednesday, The sound of the water train is very quiet and makes
24th April us keep pressing our ears in the direction of its
2024 arrival, even when it is speeding by. The sound was
like silver bells and the cry of a praying mantis.
43. Thursday, Miss Gigi stood on her chair. This was the most
April 25th impolite thing that Miss Gigi had ever done before,
2024 so that Mi, who was shocked, slumped from her
chair and fell to the floor.
44. Tuesday, May But instead of a painful thud, Mi sank up to her
7th 2024 chest, before she grabbed the chair leg and stopped
her sinking process.
46. Wednesday,
May 8th 2024
47. Tuesday, May
14th 2024
48. Wednesday, .
May 15th
49. Thursday, .
May 16
50. Tuesday, May
21st 2024

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