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Mini-Project-II Report

Online Rental

1. Shinde Shubham Vitthal (2162701242115)

2. Deshmukh Tejas (2262701242507)

3. Yadav Nishant (2162701242108)

4. Sonawane Abhishek Ravindra (2162701242086)

Under the guidance of

Mrs. Priyanka Salunkhe

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil College of Engineering, Satara
Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Technology University, Lonere

This is to certify that the project report entitled “Online Rental System.” by

1. Shinde Shubham Vitthal (2162701242115)

2. Deshmukh Tejas (2262701242507)

3. Yadav Nishant (2162701242108)

4. Sonawane Abhishek Ravindra (2162701242086)

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of

Technology in Program of the Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere,
during the academic year 2023-24 is a bonafide record of work carried out under our guidance
and supervision.


Place: Satara

Guide H.O.D. CSE Deptt.

Mrs.Priyanka Salunkhe Mr.G.D.Dangat

 Nowadays many people are shifting from one city to another for education purpose or for jobs. This
has resulted in the creation of a complex and multiorganizational system of management that
includes food, cars, books, furniture and other accessories. Current scenario presents you the system
for rentals or buying as a very strenuous work. With the massive expansion of Internet and e-
commerce technology, Internet platform is providing a lot of services and advantages for online
businesses, especially for online shopping portal.
 Online shopping has expanded in business more effectively and online services are collaborating
with customers and other associations. This study uncovered the needs and expectations of current
and potential users of virtual marketplaces of the products on temporary basis. This paper constructs
the measurement of four-dimensional models that are appropriate for measuring customer
satisfaction of online rentals information platform's security.
 This paper also conducts the factor and multiple regression analysis to verify the measurement
model. There has been a long standing debate of whether to buy or rent, there are many applications
in today’s competitive digital environment. Existing service performance which provides various
rental platforms, starting with MagicBricks,, RentMojo, OLx, Furlenco and this list is
 These applications are domain specific like MagicBricks is concerned with only renting out
property, estate or ZoomCar is concerned with renting cars ,OLx is concerned with buying or selling
the products or objects used on a daily basis. So, we have added a new dimension, and come up with
an application which will deal with the entire gamut rather than a particular category.


 Online Rental System is an application which is based on very simple ideology, we as humans tend to
believe more on what we see rather than what is told to us. This is the same ideology used here, this
application has two main characters the seller and the buyer, these are two individuals located at
different locations who don’t know each other, and it provides a common platform for them the seller
and buyer to interact. The seller can put up any product on rent, the buyer will view the product, its
specifications and will then contact the seller for further information.
 Our Website allows creation of a unique account for every individual buyer and seller, the buyer can
directly contact the seller through email or over a phone call or meet in person. The need for such an
application has become very crucial, time value of money is a concept greatly accepted by majority of
the target audience, and money received in the present time is worth more than the same amount
received in the future due do the potential earning capacity, wherein money can earn interest. In the
evolving market where we are fascinated with brands and tag names we too need to consider the price
tags that come with it, the buzzwords like Digitalization, Online Marketing, Sale, Discounts, Trends
have completely taken over the market, we wish to have the best of all but going on buying things and
stocking them up as One Time Use products or show pieces isn’t viable instead we rent out.
 Renting is like a win-win situation for both the buyer and seller, products which aren’t used much but
SSinvestment for the seller and the buyer too gets to switch his tastes and the major problems like time,
space and money have been solved efficiently. Our Web Application is a mobile based android
application with which easy monitoring and renting tasks can be performed in an efficient and
centralized manner
1.Login/Registration Module
Login/Registration Module The login module authenticates the user and once the authentication is done, the user can
post or view the products. The login page will provide users with three separate options to login via Google account,
phone number or email id. If user is new to the service, and if he/she wants to register via app registered email-id,
there is an option “New User? Register here...” There user can enter email id and password, then REGISTER USER
button, the user will be registered to the app.

2. User Dashboard Module

Here, the user will be able to put products on rent or can take products on rent. That means user can view products or
can put products on rent. They will also have access to camera in order to click pictures of the products within the

3. Owner
This module is operated by the user who is the owner of the property and wants to give it for rent. The owner should
register with an application which will be authorized by the client. The owner can upload room details, pictures,
location, rent ..etc. which comes under owner module. The owner can view the house and add house form his module.

4. Customer
This module is operated by a customer who needs to register with the application. A customer is a person
who is looking for rent. The customer is activated by client and customer can search based on specifications
and get results about rent details.

5. Hardware Interfaces
In terms of hardware interfaces, the system should be able to function on any device with a working operating system
that supports Java and JavaScript. We can abstract out our system by directly communicating with the hardware and
use the FIREBASE server as a means of communication to both backend of the system, which is a centralized server
or database, and to the device itself. The communication between the applications and the backend servers will be
done through JSON script. In the ANDROID mobile device, the application can be started through a respective native

6. View Products.

The buyer would be able to see the products which could be currently rented out. The main advantage for the buyer
is the product category, which helps him or her to set filters and get the desired product with minimum clicks. Once
the buyer has decided on which product is to be bought, he can directly contact the seller, a call service has been
provided and location sharing is made available.

7. Upload Products.
The buyer would be able to upload the specifications of the products to be rented out. Once a specific product has
been selected, the buyer and seller can decide on further information like renting amount, renting duration and place
to meet. A brief product history can be viewed by both the buyer and seller. A delete option has been provided, in
order to remove the product, this can be done by the seller.

8. location
The Location interface represents the location (URL) of the object it is linked to. Changes done on it are reflected on
the object it relates to. Both the Document and Window interface have such a linked Location, accessible via
Document. location and Window .location respectively.
Currently the most property managers manage property and tenants’ details on papers. With the current
system recording the details of various activities of user is completely manual and entails a lot of paper
work. Each house has a file that contains the house: number, size, rent per month, expected deposit,
occupant and status. Rent payment table contains tenants: first name, last name, phone number, date of
payment, amount and balance if any. The existing system only provides text based interface which is not as
user friendly as Graphical user interface. Since the system is implemented manually, the response is very
slow. Hence, there is need of reformation of the system with more advantages and flexibility. The system
eliminates most of the limitations of the existing system.

This will include Baseline Study Methodology and Software Design Methodology.

1. Baseline Study Methodology :-

Landlords will upload the data regarding their property and the tenants can check the available rooms
according to their comfort. Structured Query Language (SQL) and PHP will be used to collect data and store
in databases.

2. Software Study Methodology :-

The software/website will be developed for common users by using web designing languages like html,
CSS, bootstrap etc. It consists of 3 parts: Client Web Server Database Server.

The traditional car rental industry has long been plagued by various challenges and inefficiencies, such as
limited accessibility, cumbersome booking processes, and restricted vehicle choices. These issues have
hindered the overall customer experience and inhibited the industry's growth potential. To address these
limitations, online car rental systems have emerged as a promising solution. However, despite their
advantages, several problems and obstacles persist within the realm of online car rental systems,
necessitating further investigation and improvement

Create a web-based system that allows consumers to register and reserve automobiles online while also
allowing the firm to manage its car rental business efficiently. To make the process of renting an automobile
easier for consumers. The project's goal is to automate vehicle rental and reservation so that clients don't
have to waste time calling and waiting for a vehicle. To convert the manual car rental procedure into a
digital method. A customer satisfaction test was used to validate the rental automobile system. As a system
development reference, create documents such as Software Requirement Specification (SRS) and Software
Design Description

They continually strive to provide the best possible marketing, administration, training, and operational
systems through the synergy of our team to ensure the profitable operation of the franchises. Rental Home
Appliances Management System provided in the application with various items. And to save the time and
effort from the hectic schedules of individuals, an android application has developed namely ‘On Rent,’
which provides different services on a single platform. This platform equips the user to borrow and lend
equipment like books and electrical appliances on rent. It also facilitates users to take accommodation on
rent according to their needs.

 Registered users can upload properties for rent.

 This system has been designed and developed to attempt to overcome all the stated problems.
 Since it is an online system, there is accurate information on the property, and you can view all
material information from anywhere.
 It will also benefit the employees whose posting is outside their residential districts or cities.
 The main goal of our website is to help the students who get admitted in colleges far away from their
homes to find the best environment for their studies by just looking in their phones.
 Cost Saving: This project will save the students from paying too much rent. They can easily compare
prices and choose the best accommodation.
 Time Saving: The students can easily search available rooms on their phones and saving their
precious time.
 No Travelling: There is no need to travel and visit different locations in search of rental rooms. This
will be a one minute job.


On a single vendor rental website, there are two key entities facilitating the rental operations. These
entities are:
 The business owner (admin)
 The customer
In more technical terms, we can address the business owner as the admin who will be managing the
entire rental platform, including product listings, setting up web pages, payment methods and
more. Once, all the prerequisites are set up, the customer would be able to place a rental order in
the following workflow:
 The customer browses the listings on the store
 After selecting a product, the customer selects the rental dates to place an order
 After selecting the dates, the website takes the customer to a payment portal
 Through this payment portal, the customer makes the rental payment to the admin, which includes
rental security
 The admin dispatches/delivers the product via the selected delivery method
 On return, the admin inspects the product for any damages and deducts reimbursement from the
customer’s rental security, in case damage is found.
 In case of no damages, the entire rental security is refunded to the customer in full
Note that the aforementioned workflow is only for representational purposes, the actual business
model and workflow can differ from business to business.
Being an eCommerce website, an online rental store comes with several revenue generation channels.All
these channels are easy to set up and help the business owner earn more (in readymadrental ecommerce
solutions, many of these revenue channels are already set up or pre-integrated.

 Rental fees
 Rental add-ons
 Display advertisements
 Subscription packages
 Gift cards
 Delivery/pickup charges
 Late return/cancellation charges


1. Location Wise Filtering :-

This is the next add on we are currently working on, wherein using Google Maps services we would be
connecting buyers and sellers staying in the same or nearby locality, this would the process of renting out.
This way we target to mainly saving on travelling time and enhance the process of renting out amongst the

2. Validity Extension :-
When the seller keys in the product details, there is an option stating for how long does he wish to rent out
his/her product, the buyer and the seller agrees upon a fixed time and price, sometimes the buyer may like to
keep the product a little longer than the time agreed upon, in this scenario we would be adding new
functionality of validity extension. Here, the buyer can notify the seller through a text message or an email
that he or she would be renting the product a little longer than expected, the renting prices would now be
negotiated accordingly.

3. Recommendation :-
We would be extending our domain knowledge in the field of information filtering system, we would be
studying the user profile, product profile, past rental purchase, the products mostly rented, its duration and
make a suggestion to the buyer regarding the best deals. For this we would be using content-based filtering

4. Comparisons :-
Another new feature which would compare the buyers filtered out product with different seller options, and
provides the buyer with the best deal.

Through this paper we conclude that: With web-based rental management information system, hassle free
renting can be provided. There is efficiency in paper procurement for charging the product. The data of all
the products is stored in a centralized manner and the costs can be controlled and monitored by the
operational manager and owner thus avoiding the over-budgeting. Data storage which is already
computerized will ease the process for companies and the users for performing preprocessing, recognizing
the buying patterns and maintaining the integrity of the data and use this information to a personal benefit.
Through this application we are trying to promote renting out products used on a daily basis instead of
buying and discarding them. Our application is user-friendly, open source and is Free to use. It positively
impacts the environmental situation by using fewer products more number of times. Hiring products
provides a simple way of collecting useful information to measure this service.
Concentrating on customer satisfaction and the four dimensions,
“Reliability”, “Responsiveness”, “Tangibles” and “Quality” helps us to serve the users in a better manner
and thus give us a competitive edge over the others.











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