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Water availability

India accounts for 2.45% of land area and 4% of water resources of the world but
represents 16% of the world population. Water is one of the most critical resources for
ensuring sustainable development. Many Developing countries are facing a water crisis
due to increasing urbanization. Most of the Sources used for drinking water are getting
polluted due to the discharge of untreated or Partially treated effluent. This discharge of
untreated/ partially treated wastewater Contributes to improper sanitation, which causes
many diseases.

History of sewage treatment

Before the late 1800s, the general means of disposing human excrement was the outdoor
privy while the major proportion of the population used to go for open defecation. Sewage
treatment systems were introduced in cities after Louis Pasteur and other scientists
showed that sewage-borne bacteria were responsible for many infectious diseases. The
early attempts, in the 1900s, at treating sewage usually consisted of acquiring large farms
and spreading the sewage over the land, where it decayed under the action of micro-
organisms. It was soon found that the land became 'sick'. Later attempts included the
discharge of wastewater directly into the water bodies, but it resulted in significant
deterioration of the water quality of such bodies. These attempts relied heavily on the self-
cleansing capacities of land and water bodies and it was soon realized that nature couldn’t
act as an indefinite sink.

Methods of wastewater treatment were first developed in response to the adverse

conditions caused by the discharge of wastewater to the environment and the concern for
public health. Further, as cities became larger; limited land was available for wastewater
treatment and disposal, principally by irrigation and intermittent filtration. Also, as
populations grew, the quantity of wastewater generated rose rapidly and the deteriorating
quality of this huge amount of wastewater exceeded the self-purification capacity of the
streams and river bodies. Therefore, other methods of treatment were developed to
accelerate the forces of nature under controlled conditions in treatment facilities of
comparatively smaller size.

In general, from about 1900 to the early 1970s, treatment objectives were concerned with:

- The removal of suspended and floatable material from wastewater,

- The treatment of biodegradable organics (BOD removal), and

- The elimination of disease-causing pathogenic micro-organisms.

From the early 1970s to about the 1990s, wastewater treatment objectives were based
primarily on aesthetic and environmental concerns. The earlier objectives of reduction and
removal of BOD, suspended solids, and pathogenic micro-organisms continued, but at
higher levels. Removal of nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus also began to be
addressed, particularly in some of the streams and lakes. Major initiatives were taken
around the globe to achieve more effective and widespread treatment of wastewater to
improve the quality of the surface waters. This effort was a result of:

- An increased understanding of the environmental effects caused by wastewater

discharges, and

- A developing knowledge of the adverse long-term effects caused by the discharge of

some of the specific constituents found in wastewater.

Since 1990, because of increased scientific knowledge and an expanded information base,
wastewater treatment has begun to focus on the health concerns related to toxic and
potentially toxic chemicals released into the environment. The water quality improvement
objectives of the 1970s have continued, but the emphases have shifted to the definition
and removal of toxic and trace compounds that could possibly cause long-term health
effects and adverse environmental impacts. As a consequence, while the early treatment
objectives remain valid today, the required degree of treatment has increased significantly
and additional treatment objectives and goals have been added.

Sewage/Wastewater treatment involves the breakdown of complex organic compounds in

the wastewater into simpler compounds that are stable and nuisance-free, either physio-
chemically and/or by using micro-organisms (biological treatment).

The adverse environmental impact of allowing untreated wastewater to be discharged in

groundwater or surface water bodies and/or land is as follows:

- The decomposition of the organic materials contained in wastewater can lead to the
production of large quantities of malodorous gases.
- Untreated wastewater (sewage) containing a large amount of organic matter, if discharged
into a river/stream, will consume the dissolved oxygen for satisfying the biochemical
oxygen demand (BOD) of wastewater and thus, deplete the dissolved oxygen of the stream;
thereby, causing fish kills and other undesirable consequences.


As research into the characteristics of wastewater has become more extensive, and as the
techniques for analyzing specific constituents and their potential health and envi-
ronmental effects have become more comprehensive, the body of scientific knowledge
has expanded significantly. Many of the new treatment methods being developed are
designed to deal with health and environmental concerns associated with findings of
recent research. However, the advancement in treatment technology effectiveness has not
kept pace with the enhanced constituent detection capability. Pollutants can be detected
at lower concentrations than can be attained by available treatment technology. Therefore,
careful assessment of health and environment effects and community con- cerns about
these effects becomes increasingly important in wastewater management. The need to
establish a dialogue with the community is important to assure that health and
environmental issues are being addressed.

Water quality issues arise when increasing amounts of treated wastewater are dis- charged
to water bodies that are eventually used as water supplies. The waters of the Mississippi
River and many rivers in the eastern United States are used for municipal and industrial
water supplies and as repositories for the resulting treated wastewater. In southern
California, a semiarid region, increasing amounts of reclaimed wastewater are being used
or are planned to he used for groundwater recharge to augment existing potable water
supplies. Significant questions remain about the testing and levels of treat- ment
necessary to protect human health where the commingling of highly treated waste- water
with drinking water sources results in indirect potable reuse. Some professionals object in
principle to the indirect reuse of treated wastewater for potable purposes; oth- ers express
concern that current techniques are inadequate for detecting all microbial and chemical
contaminants of health significance (Crook et al., 1999). Among the lat- ter concerns are
(1) the lack of sufficient information regarding the health risks posed by some microbial
pathogens and chemical constituents in wastewater, (2) the nature of unknown or
unidentified chemical constituents and potential pathogens, and (3) the effectiveness of
treatment processes for their removal. Defining risks to public health based on sound
science is an ongoing challenge.

Because new and more sensitive methods for detecting chemicals are available and
methods have been developed that better determine biological effects, constituents that
were undetected previously are now of concern (see Fig. 1-2). Examples of such chem-ical
constituents found in both surface and groundwaters include: -nitrosodimethylamine
(NDMA), a principal ingredient in rocket fuel, methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), a highly
soluble gasoline additive, medically active substances including endocrine dis-ruptors,
pesticides, industrial chemicals, and phenolic compounds commonly found in nonionic
surfactants. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals are a special health concern as they can
mimic hormoncs produced in vertebrate animals by causing an exaggerated response, or
they can block the effects of a hormone on the body (Trussell, 2000). These chemicals can
cause problems with development, behavior, and reproduction in a variety of species.
Increases in testicular, prostate, and breast cancers have been blamed on endocrine-
disruptive chemicals (Rocfer et al., 2000). Although treatment of these chemicals is not
currently a mission of municipal wastewater treatment, wastewater treatment facilities
may have to be designed to deal with these chemicals in the future.Other health concerns
relate to: (1) the release of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and toxic air contaminants
(TACs) from collection and treatment facilities,(2) chlorine disinfection, and (3) disinfection
byproducts (DBPs). Odors are one of the most serious environmental concerns to the
public. New techniques for odor measure-ment are used to quantify the development and
movement of odors that may emanate From wastewater facilities, and special efforts are
being made to design facilities that minimize the development of odors, contain them
effectively, and provide proper treat-ment for their destruction.

### Wastewater Constituents

The physical, chemical, and biological components present in wastewater, as well as the
constituents of concern in wastewater treatment, are briefly discussed below.

### Components Found in Wastewater

Wastewater is characterized by its physical, chemical, and biological composition. The

main physical properties, chemical, and biological constituents of wastewater, along with
their sources, are listed in Table 2-1. It is important to note that many of the physical
properties and chemical and biological characteristics mentioned in Table 2-1 are
interrelated. For instance, temperature, a physical property, influences both the amounts
of gases dissolved in the wastewater and the biological activity within it.

### Constituents of Concern in Wastewater Treatment

The key constituents of concern in wastewater treatment are listed in Table 2-2. Secondary
treatment standards for wastewater focus on the removal of biodegradable organics, total
suspended solids, and pathogens. Many of the stricter standards developed recently
address the removal of nutrients, heavy metals, and priority pollutants. When wastewater
is to be reused, standards typically include additional requirements for the removal of
refractory organics, heavy metals, and, in some cases, dissolved inorganic solids


1. Suspended solids (physical particles that can clog rivers or channels as they settle under

2. Biodegradable organics (e.g. BOD) which can serve as "food" for microorganisms in the
receiving body. Microorganisms combine this matter with oxygen from the water to yield
the energy they need to thrive and multiply; unfortunately, this oxygen is also needed by
fish and other organisms in the river. Heavy organic pollution can lead to "dead zones"
where no fish can be found; sudden releases of heavy organic

loads can lead to dramatic "fishkills". 3. Pathogenic bacteria and other disease causing
organisms These are most relevant the receiving water is used for drinking, or where people
would otherwise be in close contact with it; and

4. Nutrients, including nitrates and phosphates. These nutrients can lead to high
concentrations of unwanted algae, which can themselves become heavy loads of
biodegradable organic load Treatment processes may also neutralize or removing industrial
wastes and toxic chemicals. This type of treatment should ideally take place at the
industrial plant itself, before discharge of their effluent in municipal sewers or water
courses. Widely used terminology refers to three levels of wastewater treatment: primary,
secondary, and tertiary (or advanced).

Primary (mechanical) treatment is designed to remove gross, suspended and floating

solids from raw sewage. It includes screening to trap solid objects and sedimentation by
gravity to remove suspended solids. This level is sometimes referred to as "mechanical
treatment", although chemicals are often used to accelerate the sedimentation process.
Primary treatment can reduce the BOD of the incoming wastewater by 20-30% and the
total suspended solids by some 50-60%. Primary treatment is usually the first stage of
wastewater treatment. Many advanced wastewater treatment plants in industrialized
countries have started with primary treatment, and have then added other treatment
stages as wastewater load grown, as the need for treatment has increased, and as
resources have become available.

Secondary (biological) treatment removes the dissolved organic matter that escapes
primary treatment. This is achieved by microbes consuming the organic matter as food,
and converting it to carbon dioxide, water, and energy for their own growth and
reproduction. The biological process is then followed by additional settling tanks
("secondary sedimentation", see photo) to remove more of the suspended solids. About
85% of the suspended solids and BOD can be removed by a well running plant with
secondary treatment. Secondary treatment technologies include the basic activated
sludge process, the variants of pond and constructed wetland systems, trickling filters and
other forms of treatment which use biological activity to break down organic matter.

Tertiary treatment is simply additional treatment beyond secondary! Tertiary treatment can
remove more than 99 percent of all the impurities from sewage, producing an effluent of
almost drinking-water quality. The related technology can be very expensive, requiring a
high level of technical know-how and well trained treatment plant operators, a steady
energy supply, and chemicals and specific equipment which may not be readily available.
An example of a typical tertiary treatment process is the modification of a conventional
secondary treatment plant to remove additional phosphorus and nitrogen. Disinfection,
typically with chlorine, can be the final step before discharge of the effluent. However,
some environmental authorities are concerned that chlorine residuals in the effluent can
be a problem in their own right, and have moved away from this process. Disinfection is

Wastewater use/ disposal:

Insufficient capacity of waste water treatment and increasing sewage generation pose big
question of disposal of waste water. As a result, at present, significant portion of waste
water being bypassed in STPs and sold to the nearby farmers on charge basis by the Water
and Sewerage Board or most of the untreated waste water end up into river basins and
indirectly used for irrigation. In areas like Vadodara, Gujarat, which lack alternative sources
of water, one of the most lucrative income-generating activities for the lower social strata is
the sale of wastewater and renting pumps to lift it (Bhamoriya, 2004). It has been reported
that irrigation with sewage or sewage mixed with industrial effluents results in saving of 25
to 50 per cent of N and P fertilizer and leads to 15-27 % higher crop productivity, over the
normal waters (Anonymous, 2004). It is estimated that in India about 73,000 ha of (Strauss
and Blumenthal, 1990) per-urban agriculture is subject to wastewater irrigation In peri-
urban areas, farmers usually adopt year round, intensive vegetable production systems
(300-400% cropping intensity) or other perishable commodity like fodder and earn up to 4
times more from a unit land area compared to freshwater (Minhas and Samra, 2004).

Major crops being irrigated with waste water are:

Cereals: Along 10 km stretch of the Musi River (Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh) where
wastewater from Hyderabad is disposed-off, 2100 ha land is irrigated with waste water to
cultivate paddy. Wheat is irrigated with waste water in Ahmadabad and Kanpur.

Vegetables: In New Delhi, various vegetables are cultivated on 1700 ha land irrigated with
wastewater in area around Keshopur and Okhla STPs. Vegetables like Cucurbits, eggplant,
okra, and coriander in the summers; Spinach, mustard, cauliflower, and cabbage in the
winters are grown at these place. In Hyderabad, vegetables are grown in Musi river basin all
year round which includes spinach, amaranths, mint, coriander, etc.
Flowers: Farmers in Kanpur grow roses and marigold with wastewater In Hyderabad, the
farmers cultivating Jasmine through wastewater.

Avenue trees and parks: In Hyderabad, secondary treated wastewater is used to irrigate
public parks and avenue trees.

Fodder crops: In Hyderabad, along the Musi River about 10,000 ha of land is irrigated with
wastewater to cultivate paragrass, a kind of fodder grass.

Aquaculture: The East Kolkata sewage fisheries are the largest single wastewater use
system in aquaculture in the. world.

Design network using sewerGEMS

Sewerage systems are a crucial component of any society's infrastructure. Their primary
purpose is to transport sanitary waste from municipal areas in a manner that prevents
public health issues. These networks convey wastewater from residential, commercial,
and industrial sources to treatment facilities, eventually returning treated water to the
natural environment. The establishment of such systems is costly, but this challenge can
be mitigated with the use of advanced software like SewerGEMS.

### Case Study: Wastewater Management in Dolarana Vasana Village

An analysis of wastewater management for Dolarana Vasana village has been conducted,
considering current population data, population forecasts, and the total wastewater
collection according to zoning criteria. A sewer network has been designed with
appropriate manhole provisions using AutoCAD software.

### Role of SewerGEMS in Sewer Network Design

SewerGEMS software significantly streamlines the process of designing an economical
sewer network. The program automatically selects pipe diameters by considering flow
velocity and gradient requirements within the pipes. It calculates essential parameters
such as:

- **Discharge:** The flow rate of wastewater through the pipes.

- **Velocity:** The speed at which wastewater moves through the system.

- **Ground Level:** The surface level of the land where the sewer network is installed.

- **Invert Level:** The lowest point inside the sewer pipe, which determines the depth of
the pipeline.

- **Depth of Cut:** The vertical distance from the ground level to the invert level, indicating
the amount of excavation required.

### Advantages of Using SewerGEMS

Using SewerGEMS provides substantial advantages over manual methods, including:

- **Optimized Cost Solutions:** The software helps in finding the most cost-effective
design by considering various parameters and constraints, reducing the overall expenditure
on the sewer network.

- **Efficient Layouts:** SewerGEMS can handle extensive networks, ensuring that the
layout is practical and can accommodate future expansions or changes in population

- **Enhanced Reliability:** The software's precision in calculations ensures that the

designed sewer network is reliable and can function efficiently under various conditions.

- **Time-saving:** By automating many of the design processes, SewerGEMS saves

significant time compared to manual methods, allowing for quicker implementation of
sewerage projects.
- **Feasibility Analysis:** Designers can use SewerGEMS to conduct comprehensive
feasibility studies, ensuring that the proposed sewer network is viable and sustainable for
long-term use.

### Conclusion

The implementation of sewerage systems is essential for maintaining public health and
environmental integrity. Advanced tools like SewerGEMS play a crucial role in designing
efficient and economical sewer networks. By leveraging these tools, municipalities and
engineers can ensure that sewer systems are well-planned, cost-effective, and capable of
meeting the demands of growing populations. The case study of Dolarana Vasana village
exemplifies how modern software can facilitate the development of robust infrastructure
solutions, providing a model for other regions to follow.

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