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Welcome to Autokroma BRAW Studio version 1.4.1, aimed at enabling Blackmagic RAW (.BRAW) footage import
into Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2017 / 2018 / 2019 and Adobe Media Encoder CC 2017 / 2018 / 2019. Please read
this whole notice to know how to install, license, use and warnings !

Find all information about our plug-ins on our website and Facebook page

Please send us your feedback by mail at

Table of contents

How to install BRAW Studio

Importing a BRAW File

How to access the Settings Popup

In Premiere Pro
In Media Encoder

How to access the Source Settings

In Premiere Pro
In Media Encoder

How to license
How to get your license
How to enter your license

Using BRAW Studio

The "Decode Using" behavior
The BRAW Studio Panels

Supports and Feedbacks

Generate Logs
Contact Us
How to install BRAW Studio
By downloading BRAW Studio you will have a zip file. Unzip it, and just follow the .pkg Package Installer in the
folder in order to install BRAW Studio.

If you want to copy the plugin yourself, please copy paste the “Autokroma BRAW Studio” folder found inside the
“Manual Installation BRAW Studio” folder into the Adobe Common MediaCore folder. This folder can usually be
found at this path :

“/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Common/Plug-ins/7.0/MediaCore”

This BRAW Studio folder has two plugins (.plugin and .bundle) and the Blackmagic RAW library (.framework) : if
one of these files is missing it won’t work, or miss features. You should also install BRAW Studio Panels, more on
this at the end of this document.

After these steps, BRAW Studio will be installed in TRIAL Mode, and you will need to license it in order to get
the full plugin available. Licensing is available from the BRAW Studio Settings Popup. See next section below to
see how to get license en enter it in BRAW Studio.

Note : we also develop AfterCodecs, an exporter plugin for PPro / AME / AEfx, if you don’t want it installed please
untick the checkboxes in the installer ! More info on

Importing a BRAW File

Go to File (top left) → Import (or CTRL+I) to import a file (there should be a new option for extensions .braw now ! If
not the plugin wasn’t installed or loaded).

The media will be added to the project with a new “Source Settings” attached to it, containing RAW imports

This “Source Settings” are global to the imported media, so if you want two different interpretations of the same file
you will need to import it twice.
How to access the Settings Popup
BRAW Studio Settings Popup is where the plug-in can be licensed, where the logs can be enabled (in case of
troubles) and where other general settings about the plug-in will be available.

In Premiere Pro
1. Import a BRAW file.

2. Open the BRAW Studio Source Settings (see next part on how to do).

3. In the BRAW Studio Source Settings, just click on the "Settings & Licensing" button or on the little button at
the top (see image below).

In Media Encoder
1. Add a BRAW File to the render queue.

2. Right click on the top (where you can see the filename) and click on "Source Settings".

How to access the Source Settings

In Premiere Pro
You will need to display the Effect Controls in Premiere Pro. Then you have 2 choices :

Double click on the imported media in the project panel, it will open the "Effect Controls" panel / window
(unless the "Source" panel is a tab next to the "Effects Control" panel)
Add the Clip to a timeline, then go to Effect Controls panel, and you will see two tabs at the top. Source
Settings will be on the first tab (See image below).
In Media Encoder
Sadly, it's not possible to access the BRAW Studio Source Settings in Media Encoder. Clicking "Source Settings"
is useful only to enter your license or change global BRAW Studio settings.
How to license BRAW Studio
In the TRIAL Mode, only the 500 first frames will be imported. To be able to import the whole braw file, you need to
license it.

How to get your license

In order to get your license, you will have to purchase BRAW Studio at OR
studio/, they are two different resellers. If you bought it on then on the confirmation page and by
email you'll get your licenses keys :

You can copy paste everything that is in red bold into the Settings popup !

If you bought on then :

1. Go to

2. Log in

3. Go to your account page

4. On the left, click on "My Downloads and Licenses"

5. Copy the license under "License Code"

How to enter your license
1. Go to the BRAW Studio Settings Popup (see how to in a section above)

2. Paste your license in the field under "License". On OSX you cannot Paste with COMMAND+V so you can use
the new "Paste Clipboard" button or right-click -> Paste

3. Click on the "Activate License" button

If everything is correct, a popup will confirm you which product has been activated (you can license any Autokroma
product here, if you licensed another plugin or host a popup will warn you !)
Using BRAW Studio
The "Decode Using" behavior
BRAW Studio is replicating the decoding behavior of DaVinci Resolve : the "Decode Using" dropdown list at the
top of the Source Settings is similar to DaVinci Resolve’s "Decode Using".

Decode Using : BRAW Default

This choice decodes the BRAW file with default values. For Color Science, Color Space and ISO there is no
"Default Value", so this choice will use the "Camera Metadata" values for these parameters.

Decode Using : Camera Metadata

This choice decodes the BRAW file with the parameters inside the braw file (set when shot). If a sidecar file is
present next to the braw files, then "Camera Metadata" will use the parameters inside this sidecar. If the sidecar
file is modified after the BRAW file loading, the parameters inside will not be updated for "Camera Metadata"
before the next time Premiere Pro is opened.

Decode Using : Clip

This choice is for your custom Source Settings. The params are initialized with the "Camera Metadata" values at
import. You can update the values of "Clip" with the Sidecar File values by clicking on the associated button "Load
Sidecar" and you can update the Sidecar File values from the "Clip" values by clicking on the associated button
"Save Sidecar".

Copy / Paste Source Settings

You may want to copy the BRAW Parameters from one clip to another. From BRAW Studio 1.3.1 version, it is now
possible, but we have to say few words here about this feature.

The ISO list is not the same for every clip, it depends on the camera and also on the analog Gain set when shot.
If you copy Source Settings where ISO is for example 200 and if in the clip you paste this Source Settings the
available ISO List does not contain 200, then the ISO will be set at the highest available value inferior to target ISO
(100 for example) and a blue popup will be raised to warn you.

There are two different ways to copy/paste Source Settings. We recommend the following one : Go to the Effect
Control Panel, select the Source Settings effect of the first clip, then copy with Ctrl+C. After this, go the Source
Settings effect in the Effect Control Panel again but for your second clip, select the Source Settings effect and
paste with Ctrl+V.

We strongly recommend against using the other one (right click on the Source Settings effect and save the
effect as a preset, then apply a BRAW Source Settings preset into a clip which is inside the timeline or directly on
the Source Settings). It will involve unwanted behavior and some issues we are unable to fix.
The BRAW Studio Panels
Premiere Pro has a bug when interpreting .BRAW timecodes of NTSC framerates (23.98, 29.97 fps etc.). The
BRAW Studio Panels set both your footage metadata and fix this timecode. If you want to export your timeline in
XML (to be opened in DaVinci Resolve), you will for sure need the right timecodes, please use our panel.

There is a hidden panel which does the job automatically when you import a braw footage, but it works only from
CC 2019. For CC 2017 / CC 2018, we also added a visible panel. So with these versions, you will have to open the
panel (Top menu Window -> Extensions -> BRAW Studio Panel) and click on the button (See image below).

In order to be sure that your file has been processed by the panel, a blue popup should arise when the job is done. If
you don't see this popup, then it should be a problem in Panel Installation. Please contact us for support.

Important note : adding metadata to Premiere Pro takes time. If you import only one file, you will almost not notice
it, but if you import a lot of files at the same time, then the UI will be freezed for a bit during metadata
computation. So just be patient; Premiere Pro is not crashed!

This is the list of the medata automatically set to each BRAW clip. All are prefixed with "BR", in order to differentiate
them from the PPro ones :

BR Recorded Date
BR Camera Letter
BR Lens Type
BR Clip Name
BR Environment
BR Day/Night
BR Camera Name
BR Reel
BR Scene
BR Take
BR Good

If you want to see other metadatas in this list, contact us and we will add it !

In order to see these metadata :

1. Go to the Project Panel

2. Display the Clips with the "List View" mode (See image below)

3. Right click on the top on the category line, and click on "Metadata Display .."
4. Open "Premiere Pro Project Metadata" and go at the end of the list, then tick every item beginning by "BR "

After these steps, you will be able to see the BRAW Metadata directly into the Premiere Pro Project Panel !
Support and feedback
Generate Logs
On the BRAW Studio Settings Popup (see above how to open it), tick the "write logs" buttons. Then reproduce your

After this, go back to the BRAW Studio Settings Popup, and click on "Get Log Folder". It will automatically create a
zip file with the log files inside.

Also, plug-in will behave more slowly when you tick "write logs". So after generating and sending logs,
don't forget to untick the checkbox !

Contact us
For any issue / feedback / feature idea, please contact us at !

In order to help us to find what is going on with your issue, please attach the log zip !

Thank you for purchasing and using BRAW Studio !

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