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Sample 5.

Write a paragraph
SUBJECT: TECHNOLOGY Thanks to the advancement of technology,
teachers can use a variety of tools to adapt to
1. Narrow to a topic that will be of the interest to
different learning styles of students. First and
your audience
foremost, technology helps to create a system of
Benefits of technology in education learning that benefits visual learning students. For
example, teachers can use Microsoft Power Point
2. List at least 5 details about our topic that outlines key points of the lesson and includes
- Increase collaboration and communication pictures, diagrams and charts. By using this, visual
among teachers and students learners can easily focus and understand the
- Adapt to different learning styles material better. Students also respond well to
- Improve teacher productivity and efficiency helpful Youtube videos where often include many
- Improve accessibility for learners with special graphics and pictures about various subjects.
needs or remote locations Secondly, many applications enhance the
- Encourage continuous learning experience for auditory learning students who
3. State the main idea of the paragraph in your better comprehend and remember information
topic sentence through listening and speaking such as: Skype,
Technology provides different learning tools to adapt Zoom meeting, Google Meet. Accordingly,
to different types of students. students can connect with classrooms around the
world in order to develop conversational skills.
4. Make a simple outline Thirdly, technology offers many ways of
A. For visual learners who prefer pictures, accommodating the kinesthetic learning style. For
diagrams, charts instance, many universities produce educational
a. Microsoft Power Point games to help students with math and science. As
b. Youtube videos a result, kinesthetic learners learn best when
B. For auditory learners who prefer listening and information is presented as an interactive game. In
speaking a nutshell, as teachers integrate technology into
a. Skype their lesson plans, they can use various
b. Zoom technological tools to reach all types of
c. Google Meet students.
C. For kinesthetic learners who need interactive
Educational games
Sample 5. Write a paragraph
SUBJECT: ONLINE LEARNING/ UNIVERSITY/ Nowadays, online learning brings benefits to
HIGH SCHOOL students, teachers and environments. Firstly, there
are many benefits that online learning brings
5. Narrow to a topic that will be of the interest to
individuals. With the development of technology,
your audience
many schools all over the word offer online
Benefits of online learning ( in university / in high courses with lower cost than traditional ones;
school ) therefore, students can save a quite large amount
of money. Besides, teaching online allows teachers
6. List at least 5 details about our topic to take advantage of a variety of teaching tools that
- Time saving are available online such as:, images, videos to
- Cost saving make their teaching easier and more interesting.
- Easily saving printed documnets Secondly, there are also many other benefits of
- Easily access to internet online learning on enviroments. For example,
- computing skills online learning helps cutting down commute from
home to school. This helps to lower the number of
7. State the main idea of the paragraph in your vehicles on the roads which contributes to the
topic sentence decrease of both air polution and traffic jam. To
online learning brings benefits to students, teachers sum up, individuals and enviroments recive many
and environments. benefits from online learning.
8. Make a simple outline
D. Benefits for individuals
a. For students
b. For Teachers
E. Benefits for enviroments
a. Decreasing air pollution
b. Decreasing traffic jam
Sample 5. Write a paragraph
SUBJECT: CITY LIFE/ MY COUNTRY/ POLLUTION There are many resons of air pollution in my
9. Narrow to a topic that will be of the interest to
your audience Firstly, outdoor air pollution is caused by emissions
from various factories. For example, exhaust
Environments pollution in my country.
fumes come from vehilces or gas emissions come
10. List at least 5 details about our topic from factories.
- Air pollution
Secondly, indoor air pollution is caused by other
- Water pollution
factories. For example, the smoke from cigrarettes
- Sound Pollution
is one of the most common indoor air pollutants.
- Light pollution
Another, indoor air pollutants is from cooking
- Noise pollution
11. State the main idea of the paragraph in your
topic sentence To sum up, air pollution in my hometown is a result
of many resons.
Main causes of air pollution in my country..
12. Make a simple outline
F. Outdoor air pollutions
a. Vehilces
b. Factorys
G. Indoor air pollutions
a. Smoking cigarettes
b. Cooking stoves
Sample 5. Write a paragraph
SUBJECT: UNIVERSITY Today, a lot of teenagers find it difficult to choose
between getting a job or continuing their education
13. Narrow to a topic that will be of the interest to
after graduating from high school. Even though
your audience
there are some benefits of working straight after
Some people belive that studying at university is best school, I believe that going to university is the
route to a successful career, while others belive that it better option.
is to get a job straight after school
14. List at least 5 details about our topic
There are several reasons why people believe that
- Start earning money and become independent
getting a job is the better choice. First, if They start
from your family
to work at the age of 18, they could earn money on
- Have opportunities to gain experience and
their own and be able to live independently without
learn skills their parents’ financial support. Second, people who
choose to start their career early instead of going to
- Some jobs require academic qualifications
university or college can have more opportunities to
- Gain knowledge and be more competitive in gain real experience and learn exclusive skills for
their jobs. Therefore, this may bring out a good
the job market
chance of getting promoted to higher positions such
15. State the main idea of the paragraph in your as managers or executives.
topic sentence
After graduating from high school, deciding
On the other hand, I strongly believe that students
whether to continue studying at university or find
would gain more benefits if they continue their
a job can be challenging.
studies. Firstly, a plenty of employers might ask for
16. Make a simple outline high academic qualifications from people applying
H. They start to their work early for some professional jobs. . Secondly, today job
a. Earn money market is more competitive and a bachelor’s degree
b. Financilly independent or master’s degree in your resumé can be a huge
advantage compared to other applicants. Employers
I. They continue their studies would prefer a person who has an adequate amount
a. high academic qualifications of knowledge to work efficiently with less training
b. a bachelor’s degree or master’s degree time.
J. They have a lot of knowledge
For the above reasons, it seems to me that students
No training required
with higher academic background are likely to be
more successful in pursuing their dream jobs.
Sample 5. Write a paragraph
SUBJECT: POLLUTION Environmental problems have been caused by
humans’ forces, we need to act responsibly to
17. Narrow to a topic that will be of the interest to
reduce the damage that we are doing to the Earth.
your audience
Two of the threats to the environment are air
Enviroment pollution
pollution and waste. Global warming, which is well-
18. List at least 5 details about our topic known as a global issue because of its devastating
- Air pollution effect on the environment, is a result of gas
- air waste emissions from factories and exhaust fumes from
- Global warming vehicles. In addition, the increase in human
- gas emissions population comes along with a huge quantity of
- increase in human waste, which contaminates the Earth and pollutes
19. State the main idea of the paragraph in your rivers and oceans.
topic sentence
On one hand, governments could reduce air
Environmental problems have been caused by pollution in many ways. First, they could introduce
humans’ forces, we need to act responsibly to laws to put a limit on factories’ gas emissions or
reduce the damage that we are doing. force companies to use renewable energy in
production. Second, they could also innovate the
20. Make a simple outline public transport system to become more
A. Governments could reduce pollution convenient and greener. By this way, governments
a. Limited emissions can encourage people to take public transport
b. Use renewable energy instead of driving, therefore reducing emissions.
c. Take public transport
B. Individuals responsibility to lower down On the other hand, individuals should also be
pollution responsible to lower down pollution level in their
a. Take buses surroundings. They can take buses and subways
b. Take Subwways or other means of public transportation rather than
c. Use products that can be recycled or driving, which could reduce the amount of exhaust
reused fumes from vehicles. Also, people should purchase
reusable products and recycle as much as possible
to avoid releasing too much waste. For example,
Vietnamese people are recommended to use
resuable or paper bags when going shopping
instead of plastic bags to cut down on plastic bags
In conclusion, both national governments and
individuals must understand the harmful impact
they have on the environment and be responsible
to ease damage.

Sample 5. Write a paragraph

SUBJECT: FESTIVAL Tet holiday is of great importance in Vietnamese
21. Narrow to a topic that will be of the interest to culture. It’s an occasion to welcome and celebrate
your audience the Lunar New Year with our friends and family.
Tet holiday takes place in early February and
Activity Tet Holiday usually lasts for about 2 weeks. There are many
22. List at least 5 details about our topic activities during Tet holiday in my country
- Going pagoda
Firstly, people will do house cleaning such as
- Making square cakes
cleaning a floor and collecting old items. By doing
Sample 5. Write a paragraph
SUBJECT: SPORT Jogging is not only improves overall health and
wellbeing but also provides various social and
24.Narrow to a topic that will be of the 5. Write a paragraph
psychological advantages
interest to your audience
Firstly, Jogging promotes physical health. For
Benefits of running
example, regular running can improve
25.List at least 5 details about our topic cardiovascular health, strengthen bones and
- Weight loss muscles, and reduce the risk of obesity, heart
- Improved mental heath disease and other chronic diseases.
- Entertainment
- Strength and Function
- Secondly, jogging also has a positive impact on
26.State the main idea of the paragraph in the mind. For example, when you jog, your
your topic sentence body releases endorphins, natural chemicals that
help enhance mood ,reduce stress and anxiety.
Jogging is not only improves overall health and
By do this, it also improves memory.
wellbeing but also provides various social and
psychological advantages .
27.Make a simple outline Finally, sports provide social benefits. For
example, running with friends and groups
K. Physical benefits allows individuals to interact with each other,
a. improve cardiovascular health develop social skills and create lasting
b. strengthen bones friendships. That way, they learn to work
c. muscles, and reduce the risk of obesity together with common goals and communicate
L. Mental benefits effectively
a. Enhance mood
b. Reduce stress and anxiety
c. improves your memory In conclusion, sports provide many benefits to
individuals, including maintaining health,
M. Social benefits improving psychological health and creating
a. improve communication skills social interaction.
b. Improve work skills

SUBJECT: COMPUTERS In this digital age, computers have become an
integral part of our lives, especially for
1. Narrow to a topic that will be of the interest to
students in terms of providing essential tools
your audience
for their educational journey. First and foremost,
Benefits of using computers in education with computers, students have access to a vast
amount of information and resources from around
2. List at least 5 details about our topic
the globe. The internet serves as a gateway to
- Convenience
knowledge, enabling students to explore diverse
- Improved student performance
perspectives on various subjects. Students can
- Fast access to resources and information
make research for different cultures, historical
- Increased efficiency
events, scientific discoveries, and much more,
- Easy communication
expanding their horizons and broadening their
- Better opportunities
understanding of the world. Another significant
- Visualization tools
benefit of computers for students is the ability to
3. State the main idea of the paragraph in your
connect, communicate and collaborate with
topic sentence
experts from over the world. Through video
Computers offer various educational tools for conferences, emails, and online platforms,
students. students can interact with professionals, educators,
and researchers in order to seek guidance,
4. Make a simple outline mentorship or insights. Computers also have
A. Accessibility to resources and information significantly expanded learning opportunities for
a. Different cultures students. Online courses, virtual classrooms, and
b. Historical events educational platforms offer a diverse range of
c. Scientific discoveries subjects and courses beyond what traditional
B. Connect, communicate & collaborate through classrooms can provide. Students can explore
online platform niche topics, enroll in specialized programs, and
a. Educators learn at their own pace. This flexibility allows them
b. Researchers to pursue their passions and develop a well-
c. Professors rounded educational experience. In a nutshell,
d. Classmates computers play a crucial role in any student’s
C. Increased learning opportunities life.
a. Virtual classrooms
b. Online courses
c. Language learning app
d. Educational platform
Sample 5. Write a paragraph
SUBJECT: FESTIVAL Tet holiday is of great importance in
Vietnamese culture. It’s an occasion to welcome
28.Narrow to a topic that will be of the
and celebrate the Lunar New Year with our
interest to your audience
friends and family. Tet holiday takes place in
Activity Tet Holiday in Vietnamese early February and usually lasts for about 2
29.List at least 5 details about our topic weeks. There are many activities during Tet
- Going pagoda holiday in my country
- Making square cakes Prior to Tet, As a rule, every household is
- Tet jam cleaned ( such as cleaning a floor and collecting
- House cleaning ( to weep away the bad old items) in preparation for the upcoming year
luck of the bad year ) in hope of bringing prosperity and shooing bad
- Giving lucky money luck away. Then, they decorated their house ny
- State the main idea of the paragraph in buying new trees such as apricot blossom,
your topic sentence daisy; moreover, they bought some pictures to
There are many activities during Tet holiday in hang on the wall. And, making "bánh chưng"
my country and "bánh tét" in the pre-Tet period is also a
significant part of Vietnamese culture. On the
30.Make simple outline first day of the year, children are very excited to
E. Activities before Tet dress up, visit relatives' houses. The young give
c. Clean house adults good blessings in exchange for "lucky
d. Decorate house money" encased in a red envelope. Also,
e. Make “ Banh chung” and “ banh tet: visiting pagodas on the first day of the year is
F. Activities during Tet considered sacred and it is supposed to bring
f. visit relatives' houses good luck for the entire year. I believe that Tet
g. Receive “ lucky money” is a crucial festival because it is the time
h. visit pagodas; families can be united, love can be shared and
happiness can be spread throughout our
community .And everyone in Vietnam looks
forward to Tet holiday. It is the time they can
relax after a hard work year and give best
wishes to each other
Sample 5. Write a paragraph
SUBJECT: CITY LIFE/ MY COUNTRY/ POLLUTION There are many resons of air pollution in my
31. Narrow to a topic that will be of the interest to
your audience Firstly, outdoor air pollution is caused by emissions
from various factories. For example, exhaust
Environments pollution in my country.
fumes come from vehilces or gas emissions come
32. List at least 5 details about our topic from factories.
- Air pollution
Secondly, There are also many sources of indoor
- Water pollution
air pollution . For example, Tobacco smoke likes
- Sound Pollution
Smoking cigarettes, cigars, or pipes can release
- Light pollution
harmful chemicals into the air, including carbon
- Noise pollution
monoxide, formaldehyde, and benzene.
33. State the main idea of the paragraph in your
topic sentence Cooking and heating appliances such as Gas
stoves, ovens, and heaters can release carbon
Main causes of air pollution in my country..
monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and other pollutants
34. Make a simple outline into the air.
N. Cause of Outdoor air pollutions
Household cleaners and chemicals: Cleaning
a. Vehilces ( motorcycles, cars, buses,
products, pesticides, and other chemicals used in
trucks trains, ships)
the home can release volatile organic compounds
b. Factorys
(VOCs) that can be harmful when inhaled.
O. Cause of Indoor air pollutions
a. Tobacco smoke To sum up, air pollution in my hometown is a result
b. Tobacco smoke of many resons.
c. Household cleaners and chemicals

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