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ek di Luodluch on, oy fompules, udhedt—__is ae Compuit is on elec \uonic_clevtce — fos. SHoatag ancl ‘puocessia \g—dalas pecaily ta binas kad glen 4 ae vowioble fohaty, Ot __given ps $4. ___—_| chaua feuistte a famp hex T Racy and _pyecision. __—- Beliabilifg engineenia |stomage = & Memos. ase | t __ el king slloaie d _ putex. Netewosk. Trapoutan. % Com puleu Mowe ven , it can stnive huge amount. % deta init: TL Aetes. Mm doing . Some. elec dxonte Ltansactton [Such making! paymendy Pun chasing ond othe, u | | | | v ( | ay Compaley % f de 2 ee de__some_caleulatouss mobile— phoness—aokbooks ——Woukstakiont_and___embedded___system.s.smalley —_| etry xamecom prctey Stepes compat cy LesO.Compudey Saiasgh 2 tee 2 Common ‘ny'cxo Com pukes include laptops —an desktops. Beyond _stanelayd__Pes y—miieHo cConr pu bens —.also—____ ~| ales] ——— then _a__mainf tame on min Yeon puker, aq sSenrf T | tondluedost chip jou—ils—Centual Puneet \Uait (cpu). inicomp uber i s ‘, LAL minitompubed is a type oy fomputey that ay ta ‘po essed most oy on fed buses and capahi ik ae i L teal i2e- S pei Ua is | Mains san forapu ben i r f fews 24 with lage amount wy andl punces sox te at__puocess billions a Aimpl ‘alculations ond _juansacheus tn sual tem | ee ~ Super Compukert i at ast “ eee pe Supetiempube’ rs the faskst tomputen ‘that oan: puncess asia niicant amount —y dato Bes tuickly ‘The supercomputer (on SSIS ty ten: Op €SSOM tit A LSet um. billvons ancl | tui lion gy calenlation peu Secor Ou you can say that supeicamantey Cun le reves. uph* weoul ox —hunduedl _quedutiitan 2 Lines The wood Computes ome fuam aod 8 compute" t yghich means ty calculate. ence le use “the on icles cr Computer io _b l cat dlevice trot a : : : high speed. wre can depen a OmNute as 0 device that pbevabes spon_data. Data Can he ‘ann thing Itke bfodata a applicants th (omputew ts acct Fox bout listing canardate gos ueesmitment mauke ohtain by student En “vowiou ub ect veiled Jost pucpaiuing detail ij tnlone , age) oy POsrengews uthen ure fou nauk fn afselin. oy atlua. Mevenuation ay “numb eu | —clipewent pouametues udhen ure fos | soluh enki’ “chin i} f Z j fame fn Vawrous sh pes and Size —clrpending. upon the Compubew apple tation. i ‘a (Compute can louie, punce and sirbuteve daa. los on then clestste. The fact thot tompufe——_ Lpuocess data ts Ao flunclamental that —many— Menenation y Compaten Mist Wenenaton= Clad 4- 1965) vaccum lube. Second (eneation = 61956 ~ (964) IMans-ts lon misc tue eration. Cie togg) Fein ei lout tu encvahion= (19715- , 05)__ Mt no puocesson th_luen eration =~ (1985 = Ll) fa tue) AT. a t Tt || fHeneta fon —tp—tomputen talk tsa _lechnolegy : Ttispuoutde 0 “fam ewok fos tne GIO ty ay Corn putes Tadirstsy + Owtoinally the ~ Let, | 8 genenahon was ured 9 to Avante te bnology. Wbet fi his ex kee to “hots inclucle of Hn ca land haweduwaxe thot dogethen make: uj a | Computes iy Stec Foust (uenenation (1948-1455) Weorisihtaiie's nuseatlir disross fruet *.cenewabinh fomptutes (EAUAC, EDVAC, TRA IOL, UwlvAc_)) The machine Othe oy tme wired > “tho usonal oy Mertumiubes. A vaccumtube uaa Lunghi! gla leuice Arch use filament a a OUsuce Clectwonic — Suritchi' vice avatlahle fn thas clay The 1 um tube — Compukes Cruel fompetibonally in ' mtllin Seconcl sew. tefen aa —fad “gene ation _lomputen the _m thse ompultt se electtanic magnetic selatler: and att dintacvednel -trstyielfons | g po ———and__assem bls low jucr t_hecause high leuet P2togpicimmin lan - wesc Fatrioducedt oben Computer “lanquas ALE = oie _callea tne language +—_Since— —mMenfre and___assembly i lng uc ont tomy dips lt wlth only a Snceaph ae Laue index stond . Hoo fo psegxcem these ance ca ‘emput 4 nf a Vacuum tube jo)25 a foes Some wie as I 7 chasacienisiies of fist ten enation —compubler | i iL ai they sexe the fost colulating deytce- | wulon lang € uoom 2. They exe bulk in si ye: Linstaltaliim- “ty used ‘thousand ay _utrectuns “fihe “hak ammi Lied “ene Ane sioom rohich “the fompul bi shove —_locakd a i io. cB Compute yore mone pot daenenadion (1986-1464) ———— The Seconcl__bren ererbion..Com puker—_wrie—- manularts, tes —_-btansts fot -veceum —kube alte —to— the -paepouk 4 —lataasi sfoat—Iisted oot —these » mone —teltable, less expenstu \_smallen anol _coblen —fo__spoenate. ay antl cooler bo opewake that the faust —gencuation | - Pe use __magnelt coe fos nem. O244 ancl a IPinch _caud wes Hill populas and widely. used fox _puenaning andl fer ding. pesto pasa a ~alota— to te Com pul es AU sof koa, fscon t hugh Jewel Progucmnnaing longue, Like “t fostan , pascal, cohol ) and _haich _o} i 4s fem. du sang concl qe uation. Transistor Lope a EL | 2 The were. mone Than benim er_fastor than the (ion i - chanaclonis We oy Second. biener alion I fist — ee Compu Meh fester me See, They wee Smalley 4 (than fas! generation iepilar = and. aeguidte mauley space. || They —ureme mane ucl’able and less to haweluson wef e Thon tne frst geneueton tempubty. ___ d 4llThey hod faster and Lawge pinoy andl Secondasy age —0 tome fast dacnalon tpl a x They udene ¢arsii g : d (Coser t qin Hon (no pute . Thistol Caen ewabion Computey Ha 1958, Jock st _colan bilby invented dhe Frag inkgrakd cineuit au Tc. Citi Consist ap eurual _¢lecluonic fom ponent [ke teansistosy” Hecistoy and 6 i sili elimikd wine intew tonnethion ~ bekoeen _Comaponents. The I. kechnology mos alin Known as mi'cnoelectyon: technology becouse ft made ft pos tbl to. inte gra kel Lam ge rium bes 3 Ciucuit Com ponent tn be Mes moll (less than Gmm. qudne uspdce ¢ silico known a4 chip. T Chawarleuist¢ Thy ol encuaton computer,” They arent _mowe porous (than Second _geneuiation l Leodhe Lewy they aren able oy peso simi a’ ¢ caps lead fe mi iion tn 4 unebion piu Se ond 3. They wene smalley than cond gen ction fesnpuy, 4:| They had fase dnd lawoe: Bons racl d Secanda wy Siuaai —2s__{(ampauc do" ssecand — tuentyalion _Comdubex - Se teas oe “3 an qentuobion made Cons putes oppo j—Amallen Companies. ie y uses moxe uelinhle — and “le puone hosdwase foilusie ‘than serand Hi f qentua. On a liga get eck Inuvem maintenance. | | [foweth Generation — (die ~ 19187) i | muses -y—tleedaion tc tomponent_ parked __on Jo_silicen chip. —double each coop ben 165 This ee —led__io__‘the_anea y—1sT_(lovge | | Seat Ir squad) When Tt woas.s__passib] bo i La pehtp Th sessed fo in aie gsicrls —_auen 30a uscd elec Lwonte Compo | 8 ingle chips follow by very Jawa cole | itn list) when ft was possihle Jo inkeg wake about million elec tuont — lee tan ic__tompo 9 ment ¢straton a, meeps Sob pry

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