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Wbat's Virgin Mean?

1hls ls anoLher shorL fllm creaLed by Lhe luLure ShorLs neLwork ln Lhls fllm Lhe llLLle glrl asks her
moLher a very dlfflculL quesLlon LhaL she flnds awkward Lo answer She uses meLaphors Lo answer
her quesLlon and aL Lhe end Lhe glrl undersLands 8uL she meanL vlrgln oll"

Medlum shoLs are used Lo represenL characLers
and from Lhls medlum shoL we can see a small
glnger halr
lrom her cloLhlng Lhe props (cosLume) we can
see she ls a small chlld who goes Lo prlmary
school 1he small chlld here ls represenLed Lo
be vulnerable small pure and dellghLful/ cuLe

We can see LhaL Lhe fllm Lakes place ln a
klLchen and we see many props LhaL add reallsm Lo Lhe facL LhaL lLs mornlng and Lhe moLher ls
maklng breakfasL Cn Lhe Lable we can see many frulLs and vegeLables whlch add Lhe sense of
reallsm LhaL lL's a klLchen
Pere are some more props and a close up was
used on Lhe props Lo once agaln show a sense
of reallsm

1he close up of Lhe glrl drawlng a ralnbow
represenLs her Lo be once agaln qulLe chlldlsh
Lherefore young and one who does noL
undersLand adulL Lhlngs

1hls shoL an over Lhe shoulder shoL shows Lhe
chlld ln Lhe background slLLlng down She ls
composed Lo be slLLlng down and below so lL
makes Lhe moLher seem powerful and
almlghLy compared Lo her young daughLer

1he moLher ls represenLed Lo be a
sLereoLyplcal moLher who ls [usL cooklng
breakfasL for her chlld

An esLabllshlng shoL ls used Lo seL Lhe scene
here we can see boLh characLers where Lhe
moLher ls cooklng and Lhe daughLer ls drawlng
We see Lhe seL deslgn of Lhe klLchen and lL's
your Lyplcal normal mlddle class klLchen
AL Lhls polnL Lhe daughLer askes Lhe quesLlon
AmblenL sound ls used ln Lhls exLracL we here
blrds chlrplng and naLural sounds LhaL add Lhe
sense of reallsm Lo Lhls fllm
A sequence of shoL reverse shoLs are used
where lL shows a mldshoL of Lhe woman
speaklng Lhen Lhe shoL cuLs Lo an over Lhe
shoulder shoL of Lhe chlld paylng aLLenLlon Lo
her moLher

Pere ls a vlsual example of Lhe cross reverse
shoL 1hese shoLs are used because lL makes Lhe
audlence feel as lf Lhey're ln Lhe drlver's seaL as
Lhey are behlnd Lhe llLLle glrl So Lhey are seelng
whaL she ls experlenclng
1he shoL reverse shoLs are also used Lo
compare boLh characLers We see Lhe moLher ls
an adulL and she ls all grown up where she has
an undersLandlng of Lhe adulL world We see a sLrong mlnded moLher buL when Lhe camera cuLs Lo
Lhe llLLle chlld we see a vulnerable small llLLle chlld/ glrl

Pere ls anoLher example of Lhe over Lhe shoulder
shoL we see Lhe moLher ls Lhe maln sub[ecL of Lhls
shoL slnce she ls Lalklng and Lhe camera ls focused
on her 8uL Lhe has been composed Lo be aL Lhe
Lop of Lhe frame whereas Lhe llLLle chlld ls on Lhe
rlghL 1hls makes Lhe female moLher seem more
powerful ln Lhls scene

Close ups are also used when Lhe characLers are
speaklng Lhls ls so we can see Lhelr faclal
expresslons Lo when Lhey Lalk
1he llghLlng ln Lhls fllm ls very llghL and naLural we
can Lell lLs mornlng due Lo Lhe naLural mornlng
llghL LhaL ls casLed lnLo Lhe room
1hls naLural llghL casLs naLural llghLs on Lhe
characLers where lL shows Lhem Lo be good pure
and lnnocenL
See how Lhe llghL hlLs her head and face Lhus
represenLlng Lhe young glrl as belng pure and

1he edlLlng used here are cuLs from cuLLlng Lo one
shoL Lo anoLher ln mosL fllms loglcal coherence ls
achleved by cuLLlng Lo conLlnulLy whlch
emphaslzes smooLh LranslLlon of Llme and space
Powever some fllms lncorporaLe cuLLlng Lo
conLlnulLy lnLo a more complex classlcal cuLLlng
Lechnlque one whlch also Lrles Lo show
psychologlcal conLlnulLy of shoLs

1he pace of Lhe edlLlng ls preLLy slow aL ln Lhe
beglnnlng Lhen as Lhe woman descrlbes Lhe
process of sex her dlalogue lncreases up wlLh her
acLlons along wlLh Lhls Lhe cuLLlng appears Lo be
fasLer unLll Lhe polnL of 'cllmax'
1he edlLlng becomes fasL paced because lL
represenLs how Lhe moLher feels

AfLer she descrlbes Lhe shooLlng of Lhe seeds Lhe
edlLlng becomes normal slow pace

8efore AfLer

We can see a comparlson of Lhese Lwo shoLs one was aL Lhe beglnnlng and Lhe oLher ln Lhe endlng
We see Lhe woman's faclal expresslon has changed

1here were many Lypes of shoLs used here such as close up shoLs Close up shoLs were used when
Lhe characLers were speaklng so we Lhe audlence knew Lhey were speaklng Medlum shoLs were
used ln Lhe beglnnlng Lo show Lhe characLers and Lhelr surroundlngs 1he moLher was composed ln
hlgher places when Lhe daughLer was ln Lhe shoL Loo Lo make her seem powerful 1hls made her
daughLer look vulnerable Plgh angle shoLs were used aL Llmes Lo make Lhe moLher seem powerful
Loo whereas low angle shoLs were used when Lhe daughLer was ln Lhe frame Lo make her seem

1here were many everyday lLems placed on Lhe Lable and seL Lhese are called props and add a sense
of reallsm Lo Lhe fllm rops such as cookery books klLchen Lools vegeLables and vlrgln oll boLLles
were used 1he movle Lakes place ln a klLchen and Lhls ls Lhe seL deslgn

1he daughLer had a prlmary ouLflL on whlch show lL's early mornlng and she's off Lo school whereas
ln conLrasL we see Lhe moLher was an adulL who was wearlng a dress adulL cloLhes 1he daughLer
was represenLed Lo be a school chlld who's pure and lnnocenL and does noL undersLand whaL vlrgln
means 1he moLher ls represenLed Lo be a Lyplcal moLher who has a llvely llfe
ulalogue wlse Lhe small chlld had a very chlldllke volce and Lhe Lone was very chlldllke 1he speed
of her volce was qulLe slow whlch lnforms Lhe audlence she's a small chlld who ls learnlng 1he
moLher's volce was more low plLched whlch Lells Lhe audlence she's a fully grown moLher 1he speed
of her volce lncreases when she's explalnlng Lhe process of love Lo her daughLer whlch Lells us

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