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Topics to cover

• Languages and language learning

• Education
• Changes
• Time management
• Books, reading and jokes
• Animals and plants
• Manner and behaviours
• Travelling
• Internet
• Gadget (phone)
Sample questions in final exam
Topic: Books and reading
1. What are the benefits of reading?
2. What kind of books should children read? Why?
Topic: Language learning
Activity 1. Read the passage and answer these questions.
1. What is the passage about?
2. What is the first main benefit?
3. What is the second benefit?
Learning foreign languages offers numerous benefits .
One of the most significant benefits of learning a foreign language is the ability
to communicate with people from different parts of the world. When we learn
a new language, we can interact with native speakers in their own language,
which can deepen our understanding and create stronger connections.
Whether it's traveling to foreign countries, making new friends, or
collaborating with international colleagues, knowing another language allows
us to express ourselves more effectively and break down barriers to
Learning a foreign language can open doors to new opportunities and
experiences. It can enhance our academic and professional prospects, making
us more competitive in today's globalized world. Many employers value
language skills, especially in fields such as international business, tourism, and
diplomacy. Additionally, speaking another language can enrich our personal
lives by allowing us to connect with people from different backgrounds, travel
more confidently, and engage with a wider range of media and entertainment.
In conclusion, learning a foreign language offers numerous benefits that extend
beyond just speaking another language.
Practice. Take notes and get prepared for speaking.
Q: Why is learning foreign languages important?
Intro: learning foreign languages - significant/has a lot of benefits
Main idea 1. Supporting idea 1. Linking. Supporting idea 2. Main idea 2.
Supporting idea 1. Linking. Supporting idea 2.
Conclusion: Optiona
Activity. Answer this question
Is learning E important to you? Why ( not)?
Topic: Education
Activity 1. Read the passage and answer these questions.
1. What is the passage about?
2. What is the first problem?
3. What is the second problem?
University life is an exciting and transformative experience for many
students, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges.
One common challenge for university students is managing academic
workload. University courses can be demanding, requiring students to juggle
multiple assignments, projects, and exams simultaneously. This can lead to
feelings of stress and overwhelm, especially for those who are not accustomed
to the rigorous pace of university studies. Additionally, some students may
struggle with time management skills, leading to procrastination and last-
minute cramming, which can negatively impact their academic performance.
Another significant problem students often face is adapting to the new learning
environment. University classes are typically larger and more impersonal than
those in high school, making it harder for students to receive individualized
attention from professors. Furthermore, university coursework tends to be
more self-directed, requiring students to take greater responsibility for their
learning. This shift in academic autonomy can be challenging for some
students, especially those who are used to more structured and guided
learning environments.
In conclusion, university life presents a myriad of challenges for students,
ranging from academic pressures to social adjustments.
State schools and private schools are two distinct types of educational
institutions, each with its own set of characteristics and differences.
One significant difference between state schools and private schools is their
funding sources. State schools, also known as public schools, receive funding
from the government and are typically free for students to attend. On the other
hand, private schools are funded through tuition fees paid by students and
other private sources, such as donations or endowments. This difference in
funding often results in variations in resources, facilities, and extracurricular
offerings between the two types of schools.
Another notable difference between state schools and private schools is their
governance and administration. State schools are overseen by government
education authorities and adhere to national or state educational standards
and regulations. In contrast, private schools have more autonomy in their
governance and administration, allowing them to develop their own curricula,
policies, and procedures tailored to their specific mission and philosophy.
Additionally, the student population at state schools and private schools can
differ significantly. State schools are typically more diverse in terms of
socioeconomic background, ethnicity, and academic ability, as they are open to
all students within their designated catchment area. In contrast, private schools
often have more homogeneous student populations, with students coming
from higher-income families and potentially having more privileged
Practice. Take notes and get prepared for speaking.
Q: What problems do students often have at university ?
Intro: university life- exciting >< students - deal with some problem
Main idea 1. Supporting idea 1. Linking. Supporting idea 2. Main idea 2.
Supporting idea 1. Linking. Supporting idea 2.
Conclusion: Optional
Activity 2. Answer the question below.

What are some problems that students often have during their first week at
Homework. Answer the questions.
1. How is a state school different from a private school?
2. Is exam a good way to test students' knowledge?
3. What are some good ways for revising for exams?
Topic: Changes
Activity 1. Read the passage and answer these questions.
1. What is the passage about?
2. What is the first main idea in the body?
3. What is the second main idea in the body?
Eating habits have undergone significant changes compared to the past.
In the past, traditional and homemade meals were predominant, with families
often cooking meals from scratch using fresh ingredients. However, with the
rise of convenience foods and fast-food culture, there has been a shift towards
processed and pre-packaged foods. Busy lifestyles and increased urbanization
have led to a greater reliance on ready-to-eat meals, takeout, and fast food,
which are often high in calories, sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats.
Modern food processing techniques have enabled the mass production of a
wide variety of processed foods, including snacks, sodas, and ready-to-eat
meals. These foods are often high in additives, preservatives, and artificial
ingredients, which may have negative impacts on health when consumed in
excess. Additionally, portion sizes have increased over time, contributing to
overeating and obesity rates.
Globalization has led to greater cultural exchange and culinary diversity,
resulting in the incorporation of new ingredients, flavors, and cooking
techniques into mainstream diets. People have greater access to a wide range
of cuisines from around the world, leading to more adventurous eating habits
and a willingness to try new foods. However, globalization has also contributed
to the spread of fast food and unhealthy eating patterns in some regions.
In recent years, there has been growing awareness of the importance of
healthy eating and nutrition for overall well-being. This has led to increased
interest in organic, natural, and whole foods, as well as a focus on dietary
guidelines and nutrition labels. Many people are now more conscious of their
food choices and seek out options that are lower in calories, sugar, and
processed ingredients.
Advances in technology have revolutionized the way we produce, distribute,
and consume food. The development of refrigeration, transportation, and food
preservation techniques has made it easier to access a wider variety of foods
year-round. Additionally, the rise of smartphones and food delivery apps has
made it more convenient than ever to order food online and have it delivered
to your doorstep.
Overall, eating habits have changed significantly compared to the past, with a
shift towards processed foods, increased culinary diversity, greater awareness
of health and nutrition, and the influence of technology shaping modern
dietary patterns.
Practice. Take notes and get prepared for speaking.
Q: Is the food that people eat today different from what they ate decades ago?
Main idea 1. Supporting idea 1. Linking. Supporting idea 2. Main idea 2.
Supporting idea 1. Linking. Supporting idea 2.
Conclusion: Optional
Activity 2. Answer this question.

Is eating healthy food important?

Homework. Answer these questions.

1. How have you changed since your childhood?

2. How has your hometown changed recently?

Topic: Time management

Time is a precious resource so good management of our time is very crucial.

First and foremost, effective time management allows us to make the most of
our limited time. By prioritizing tasks and allocating time to important activities,
we can ensure that we use our time wisely and accomplish our goals efficiently.
This not only enhances our productivity but also reduces stress and prevents
procrastination, as we are less likely to feel overwhelmed by an ever-growing
to-do list.
Furthermore, good time management skills are essential for achieving success
in both personal and professional endeavors. Whether it's meeting deadlines at
work, studying for exams, or pursuing personal projects and hobbies, effective
time management enables us to stay focused and organized, leading to better
outcomes and greater satisfaction with our accomplishments.
Moreover, managing time effectively allows us to maintain a healthy work-life
balance. In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to become consumed by work or
other obligations, neglecting our personal lives and well-being in the process.
By setting boundaries, scheduling time for relaxation and leisure activities, and
prioritizing self-care, we can avoid burnout and ensure that we have time for
the things that truly matter to us, such as spending time with loved ones or
pursuing hobbies and interests.
In addition, good time management skills contribute to overall stress reduction
and improved mental health. When we feel in control of our time and are able
to manage our responsibilities effectively, we experience less anxiety and
overwhelm. This allows us to approach challenges with a clear mind and a
sense of confidence, leading to greater resilience and emotional well-being.
In conclusion, managing time effectively is of great significance.
Practice. Take notes and get prepared for speaking.

Q: Do you plan everything for a day to do? Why (not)?



Main idea 1. Supporting idea 1. Linking. Supporting idea 2.

Main idea 2. Supporting idea 1. Linking. Supporting idea 2.

Conclusion: Optional

Homework. Answer this question.

What do you often do to remember things?

Topic: Books and reading

Activity 1. Read the passage and answer these questions.
1. What is the passage about?
2. What is the first main idea in the body?
3. What is the second main idea in the body?
Books have been a fundamental part of human civilization for centuries and
thus play a vital role in our lives in myriad ways.
First and foremost, books are invaluable sources of knowledge and learning.
Whether it's textbooks for academic studies, non-fiction books on a wide range
of subjects, or literary classics that explore the human condition, books provide
us with access to a wealth of information and ideas. They offer insights into
diverse cultures, perspectives, and experiences, expanding our horizons and
fostering empathy and understanding.
Furthermore, books are essential tools for personal development and self-
improvement. Through books, we can learn new skills, gain practical
knowledge, and cultivate personal growth. Whether it's books on leadership,
mindfulness, or personal finance, reading allows us to explore different
approaches to life and discover strategies for overcoming challenges and
achieving our goals.
Moreover, books have the power to ignite our imagination and stimulate
creativity. Fiction books transport us to fantastical worlds and allow us to
experience the lives of fictional characters, evoking a range of emotions and
sparking our imagination. They inspire us to think creatively, dream big, and
explore new possibilities, fostering a sense of wonder and curiosity about the
world around us.
In addition, books provide a form of entertainment that is both enriching and
fulfilling. Whether it's getting lost in a gripping mystery novel, immersing
oneself in a thought-provoking memoir, or enjoying the escapism of a fantasy
epic, books offer a unique form of enjoyment and relaxation. They provide a
respite from the stresses of everyday life, allowing us to unwind, recharge, and
find solace in the pages of a good book.
In conclusion, books are indispensable assets that enrich our lives in countless
Activity 2. Answer this question.
What kinds of books should children read? Why?
Homework. Answer this question.
Why do some people prefer paper books and others like electronic ones?
Topic: Jokes
Laughing is a universal language that transcends cultural boundaries and
brings numerous benefits for individuals and communities.
First and foremost, laughing is essential for maintaining physical health and
reducing stress. When we laugh, our body releases endorphins, often referred
to as "feel-good" hormones, which promote relaxation and alleviate feelings of
tension and anxiety. Additionally, laughing stimulates the production of
immune cells and antibodies, strengthening our immune system and reducing
the risk of illness. By incorporating laughter into our daily lives, we can boost
our resilience to stress, improve our overall health, and enhance our quality of
Furthermore, laughing has profound effects on our emotional well-being,
fostering positive emotions and enhancing our ability to cope with adversity. In
moments of laughter, we experience a sense of connection and camaraderie
with others, breaking down barriers and fostering social bonds. Laughing also
provides a release valve for pent-up emotions, allowing us to express ourselves
freely and let go of negative feelings such as anger, sadness, or frustration. By
embracing laughter as a form of emotional expression, we can cultivate greater
emotional resilience and inner peace.
Moreover, laughing strengthens social relationships and enhances
interpersonal connections. Shared laughter creates bonds of friendship and
camaraderie, fostering a sense of belonging and mutual trust among
individuals. Whether it's sharing a joke with friends, enjoying a funny movie
with family, or laughing with colleagues at work, moments of laughter
strengthen social ties and create lasting memories. Additionally, laughter
promotes open communication and fosters a positive atmosphere in social
interactions, making it easier to navigate conflicts and build strong, supportive
In conclusion, laughing is an essential aspect of human experience that is
essential for a happier life.
Practice. Take notes and get prepared for speaking

Q: What are the benefits of laughing?


Body: Main idea 1. Supporting idea 1. Linking. Supporting idea 2.

Main idea 2. Supporting idea 1. Linking. Supporting idea 2.

Conclusion: Optional

Homework. Answer this question.

What is your favourite comedian or TV program that makes you laugh?

Topic: animals and plants

Activity 1. Read the passage and answer these questions.

1. What is the passage about?

2. What is the first main idea in the body?

3. What is the second main idea in the body?

Human activities have a profound impact on wildlife.

Firstly, habitat destruction and fragmentation are among the most significant
threats to wildlife populations worldwide. Urbanization, deforestation,
agriculture, and infrastructure development have led to the loss and
degradation of natural habitats, depriving wildlife of crucial resources such as
food, water, and shelter. As habitats shrink and become fragmented, wildlife
populations become isolated, making them more vulnerable to extinction and
reducing genetic diversity. This loss of habitat not only threatens individual
species but also disrupts entire ecosystems, leading to cascading effects on
biodiversity and ecosystem functioning.
Furthermore, pollution from human activities poses serious threats to wildlife
health and survival. Pollution from industrial discharge, agricultural runoff, and
plastic waste contaminates air, water, and soil, poisoning wildlife and
disrupting delicate ecological balances. Marine pollution, in particular, poses a
grave threat to marine life, with plastic debris and chemical pollutants causing
entanglement, ingestion, and habitat degradation for marine species such as
seabirds, turtles, and marine mammals. Additionally, pollution contributes to
climate change, which further exacerbates habitat loss and alters natural
ecosystems, putting additional pressure on wildlife populations.
Moreover, human activities such as overexploitation, poaching, and illegal
wildlife trade pose significant threats to endangered species and biodiversity
conservation efforts. The demand for wildlife products, including ivory, rhino
horn, and exotic pets, drives illegal hunting and trafficking, pushing many
species to the brink of extinction. Unsustainable fishing practices, such as
overfishing and destructive fishing methods, also threaten marine biodiversity
and jeopardize the livelihoods of coastal communities dependent on marine
In conclusion, the impact of human actions on wildlife is profound which
should be well considered for better protection.
Practice. Take notes and get prepared for speaking.

Q: What is the impact of human actions on wildlife?



Main idea 1. Supporting idea 1. Linking. Supporting idea 2.

Main idea 2. Supporting idea 1. Linking. Supporting idea 2.

Conclusion: Optional

Topic: animals and plants

Activity 3. Brainstorm ideas for these questions.

1. Why is having gardens where you live important?

2. Are more women who enjoy growing flowers than men?

3. Why are trees important? 4. What do you think about deforestation nowadays?

Topic: Manner and Behaviour

Brainstorm ideas for these questions.

1. Kinds of behaviours considered impolite in Vietnam?

2. Ways to show politeness to other people?

3. Kinds of behaviours considered polite in Vietnam?

4. Is maintaining eye contact during conversation necessary?

Topic: Travelling Brainstorm ideas for these questions.

1. Advantages of travelling by plane

2. Is travelling by plane common in Vietnam?

3. Changes of travelling, compared to several decades ago?

Topic: Internet Brainstorm ideas for these questions.

1. Is all information on the internet true?

2. How the Internet has changed the way we live?

2: Do you think all the information on the internet is true?

Answer: I believe without an authentic source, we should be wary of information we

see or find online. The Internet is an astonishing source of information but the fake
news and fabricated information are all around there. Thus, I would not believe
everything I see online except they are from an authoritative source. For instance, if I
find a piece of information on a website like, from the official
government website or from a prominent and mainstream online newspaper, I would
believe it. However, any news found on a social networking website like Facebook, or
from a dubious website should always be verified before believing it to be true.

4: How has the internet changed the way we live?

Honestly speaking, the Internet has revolutionalised the way we live .In the past, it
would take days or even months to receive a letter from someone else. But with
internet connectivity, The Intenet allows us to work more proficiently at home, work
more productively at the office and let us communicate with anyone from the far
distance of the world. We make video calls to be in touch with our loved ones, do
online shopping, participate in meeting in another city and even drive our cars with
the help of the Internet. With this technology, we have amazing access to information
and they are just a few mouse clicks away. These days we even do banking online and
the need to travel to long distance for ordinary tasks are no longer required. Thus the
present era with the spectacular power and blessings of the Internet is truly

However,I think that there is a downside to this fabulous technology. Our

overreliance on the internet has made us home-centric and we prefer to stay at home
rather than going outside and socialising. This is detrimental for our social and
personal life that we often fail to realise.

2: Bạn có nghĩ tất cả thông tin trên internet là đúng sự thật không?

Trả lời: Tôi tin rằng nếu không có nguồn xác thực, chúng ta nên cảnh giác với những
thông tin chúng ta thấy hoặc tìm thấy trên mạng. Internet là một nguồn thông tin
đáng kinh ngạc nhưng những tin tức giả mạo và thông tin bịa đặt vẫn tồn tại khắp nơi.
Vì vậy, tôi sẽ không tin mọi thứ tôi thấy trên mạng ngoại trừ chúng đến từ một nguồn
có thẩm quyền. Ví dụ: nếu tôi tìm thấy một thông tin trên một trang web như, từ trang web chính thức của chính phủ hoặc từ một tờ báo trực tuyến
chính thống và nổi tiếng, tôi sẽ tin vào điều đó. Tuy nhiên, bất kỳ tin tức nào được tìm
thấy trên một trang web mạng xã hội như Facebook hoặc từ một trang web đáng ngờ
phải luôn được xác minh trước khi tin đó là sự thật.

4: Internet đã thay đổi cách chúng ta sống như thế nào?

Thành thật mà nói, Internet đã cách mạng hóa cách chúng ta sống. Trước đây, phải
mất vài ngày hoặc thậm chí vài tháng để nhận được một lá thư từ người khác. Nhưng
với kết nối internet, Intenet cho phép chúng ta làm việc hiệu quả hơn ở nhà, làm việc
hiệu quả hơn ở văn phòng và cho phép chúng ta liên lạc với bất kỳ ai từ xa trên thế
giới. Chúng ta gọi điện video để liên lạc với những người thân yêu, mua sắm trực
tuyến, tham gia các cuộc họp ở thành phố khác và thậm chí lái xe ô tô của mình với sự
trợ giúp của Internet. Với công nghệ này, chúng ta có khả năng tiếp cận thông tin
tuyệt vời và chỉ cần vài cú click chuột. Ngày nay, chúng ta thậm chí còn thực hiện giao
dịch ngân hàng trực tuyến và nhu cầu di chuyển đường dài để thực hiện các công việc
thông thường không còn cần thiết nữa. Vì vậy, thời đại hiện nay với sức mạnh ngoạn
mục và sự phù hộ của Internet thực sự đáng chú ý.

Tuy nhiên, tôi nghĩ rằng công nghệ tuyệt vời này có một nhược điểm. Sự phụ thuộc
quá nhiều vào internet đã khiến chúng ta coi gia đình là trung tâm và chúng ta thích ở
nhà hơn là ra ngoài và giao lưu. Điều này gây bất lợi cho đời sống xã hội và cá nhân
của chúng ta mà chúng ta thường không nhận ra.

As a resul, I belived that I internet is useful for our live

Topic: Phone Brainstorm ideas for these questions.

1. Your time spent on the phone?

2. Problems people have when they're on the phone

Topic: Books and reading

1. What are the benefits of reading?

2. What kind of books should children read? Why?

Topic: Changes

Activity 2. Answer this question. Is eating healthy food important?

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