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Name: John Billy M.

Avestruz Date: April 24, 2024

Course, Year&Section: BS Info Tech 1-A
1. Do you think that the Philippines is harmed as the other countries transfer their
activities to us through outsourcing?
2. In what ways do International Organizations help out country’s economy?
3. Does the position of rich countries as giants in the economic chain threaten the status
of less developed countries in the global market?
Benjie Pecayo Profession:Teacher
1.No. In fact, the Philippines benefits from it. When a certain company in other countries
involves itself in An outsourcing normally it brings harm locally than any other countries
outside. And given that the Philippines has outsourcing companies, this means that the
act of companies involving in outsourcing Opens up works for the Filipinos. Hence, the
Philippines benefits to it
2.Their functions include maintaining standards to ensure safety, helping developing
countries achieve Economic security, and establishing norms regarding how countries
make trade agreements and resolve Conflicts.
3.Yes, in some ways it can be problems to the less developed countries status, for the
title itself of being a Developed country is a high status compared to the very living or
the normal system and progression from Other countries who were not yet or not
1. What is the impact of global flows on the global south?
2. Examine the gap between rural and urban areas across the globe. How is the gap
affected by globalization?
3. What do you think is the impact of urbanization and the rise of global city in the rise of
agricultural sector?
Name: Marlo Jake Jalayajay Course, Year&Section: BS Info Tech 1-C
1. Global flows may have a significant impact on the world south, which includes
movements of goods, capital, human beings and information. On the one hand,
countries in the global South, such as through foreign investment, trade and access to
new technologies, can benefit from global flows.
2. The gap between rural and urban areas across the globe varies based on factors
such as access to resources, infrastructure, education, and employment opportunities.
This gap has been affected by globalization in many ways. On the one hand, the
migration of people to cities in search of better economic opportunities has led to an
increase in urbanization. As resources and investments are often concentrated in urban
centers, this may widen the gap between rural and urban areas. In contrast, the spread
of technology and information that could benefit remote areas as a result of better
access to markets, education or health care has also benefited from globalisation.
However, disparities in infrastructure and access to global markets can still contribute to
the gap between rural and urban areas.
3. The resource shift from rural to urban areas leads to higher economic growth in the
country, as urban areas provide the advantage of higher productivity. Demand and
supply side economics have a significant role to play at this stage of development.
1. In the case of the Philippines, how much do you think we are involved in the
global economy? What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of
being a part of such?
2. How can we “upgrade” our economy given the strength of the global economy,
especially the giant economies like the United States and Japan?
3. How do we examine economic globalization considering our colonial history
1. For me I think we are deeply involve because we are strictly related to modern
world system because we obtain income by importing nations resources for other
countries to enjoy. Based on my research, the Philippines is exporting a lot of
commodities like bananas, coconuts, petroleum and especially coconut oil that
dominate export markets. Commodities aren’t the thing we export, we also export
workers and local services mostly to Middle East and other parts of Asia. We were
also colonized twice already first by the Spanish colony and subsequently US
colony. The advantages of being part of the modern world system are that we
remain economically dependent on the core in a number of ways, which tend to
reinforce each other, but the downside is that there is no equality because there are
countries with high income and wealth.
2.upgrading the economy by adopting strategies used by the United States and
Japan, such as focusing on manufacturing, technology, agriculture, railroads, and
eliminating corruption, could be beneficial. It also recommends other measures like
promoting innovation, ending the war on drugs, reducing healthcare costs, reforming
immigration, and engaging unemployed workers in volunteering. The passage notes
that the country was once rich in natural resources and economically strong but has
declined due to exploitation and mismanagement. Efforts to revitalize the economy
have been unsuccessful, partly due to lack of support from other government
officials, leaving the country lagging behind others that were previously less
3. Economic globalization is a form of neocolonialism that primarily benefits the
shareholders of large corporations and financial institutions that benefit from
outsourcing operations to countries with looser regulations. While third countries are
benefitting from additional income and seeing some improvements in living
standards, they receive very little benefit compared to the wealth of multinational
firms. The Filipinos influenced by a long history of colonialism and a colonial
mentality, are somewhat resigned to this imbalance. It acknowledges that
globalization is an established system that is likely to endure and expresses hope for
future equity, but recognises the current reality of an unfair global economic

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