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Technology for Teaching and Learning II

Name: Mark Lianne A. De Aquino Date Started: May, 06, 2024

Course & Section: BTLED HE Date Submitted: May, 07,2024
Activity No. : 1 Rating:

OBE Framework

Instruction: In your own perception, discuss the given framework below in not less than 300
words. You may use separate sheet of paper if necessary.

The framework shown above begins with the identification of institutional learning
outcomes (ILOs). These are the broad goals that the institution wants its students to achieve.
The ILOs are then broken down into program learning outcomes (PILOs), which are the specific
goals that students are expected to achieve in a particular program of study. The PILOs, or
program intended learning outcomes, are further broken down into course learning outcomes
(CILOs), which are the specific goals that students are expected to achieve in a particular course.
Then, once the learning outcomes have been identified, the next step is to develop learning tasks
that will help students achieve those outcomes. The learning tasks should be designed to be
engaging and challenging, and they should provide students with opportunities to practice and
apply what they are learning. And the final step in the OBE framework shown above is the
assessment. The assessment should be used to measure how well students have achieved the
learning outcomes. The assessment should be fair and reliable, and it should provide students
with feedback on their progress. The OBE framework shown above is a valuable tool for
educators who want to ensure that their students are learning what they need to know. It
Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity |
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provides a clear and systematic approach to curriculum design, instruction, and assessment.
And also, in my opinion, the OBE framework is a sound approach to education. It focuses on the
student and what the student is able to do, rather than on the teacher and what the teacher is
able to do. It also emphasizes the importance of assessment, which is essential for ensuring that
students are learning what they are supposed to be learning. I also believe that the OBE
framework shown above can be used to improve education at all levels. It is a framework that is
based on research and best practices, and it has been shown to be effective in improving student

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