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Cogn Tech Work (2015) 17:219–236

DOI 10.1007/s10111-014-0297-8


Development and Implementation of a Safety Management

System in a Lean Airline
Pernilla Ulfvengren • Siobhán Corrigan

Received: 7 February 2014 / Accepted: 14 September 2014 / Published online: 22 October 2014
 Springer-Verlag London 2014

Abstract All stakeholders within the aviation sector are change to support implementation. This case contributed to
currently facing immense system changes due to implica- the multi-case study in MASCA in which a framework for
tions from the future Single European Sky concept and the evaluating change emerged, called the Structured Enquiry
new requirement for a Safety Management System (SMS). (SE). The SE was applied to provide complementary rec-
At the same time, the airline industry is under great ommendations to the proposed enhanced SMS. The SE
financial pressure. So, there are no margins for failure to provided support to the fact that, even if all the pieces are
adapt and comply with these system changes. Yet, the in place required for a compliant SMS, many other
reported success rate of organisational change in industry is essential areas need to be addressed to make all the pieces
low. The MAnaging System Change in Aviation (MA- work together, such as information and knowledge cycles
SCA—EU FP7 2010–2013) project addressed these and social relations building teams and trust. Results show
industrial needs. MASCA was driven by industrial-based benefits of combining SCOPE and SE in system change in
case studies. The change case reported on in this paper is aviation in order to encompass identified essential com-
an ongoing development and implementation of an SMS in ponents for safety performance and increasing the chances
a major European Airline. The overall objective in this for a successful change.
industry case was to develop a SMS that will demonstrate
safety performance to comply with new regulations. A new Keywords Aviation  Safety  Change management 
approach for human factors and safety was developed in Safety performance  Safety Management System (SMS)
earlier research. As part of this a system and process ana-
lysis, a concept called the System Change and Operations
Evaluation (SCOPE) model was developed. The approach 1 Introduction
taken in this case was to apply the SCOPE to enhance core
functionalities and further develop the airline SMS. Taking All aviation stakeholders in the world are facing
an action research approach, researchers worked closely immense system changes as a result of implications from
with the airline’s safety department to support their the future Single European Sky (SES) concept and, more
development of the SMS and to study that system change. urgent, new requirements for Safety Management Sys-
The MASCA research objective was to develop a theory tems (SMS). The whole airline industry is at the same
for change which included a methodology to evaluate time under great financial pressure. For many, their key
priority is survival. So, there are no margins for failure
to adapt and comply with these new technical and reg-
P. Ulfvengren (&)
Department of Industrial Economics and Management, ulatory requirements. Yet, the academic literature indi-
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden cates that only a minority of major change initiatives
e-mail: have a positive outcome (Dent and Goldberg 1999;
Kotter 1995). Due to this, there is an industrial need to at
S. Corrigan
Centre for Innovative Human Systems (CIHS), least improve chances for successful change (McDonald
School of Psychology, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland 2014). In addition, the SES concept needs to become

220 Cogn Tech Work (2015) 17:219–236

operational without compromising safety. Although avi- 1.2 Objective

ation is an ‘‘almost totally safe transportation system’’
(Amalberti 2001), an analysis of the safety trend shows The overall objective in this industry case is to develop
that it is no longer getting safer (Learmont 2009). This an SMS with core functionalities that will demonstrate
implies that the methodologies for safety management safety performance. These functionalities should be
across the system that brought aviation to this level are integrated with the existing airline structures and pro-
not going to take the air transportation system (ATS) cesses and ensure compliance with the new regulations.
beyond this plateau and that a new approach to safety In addition, another research objective is to apply an
and change is needed. The European Commission has set initial framework intended to support a successful
a target to reduce accident rate by 80 % (EC 2011), and implementation of a system change including an evalu-
the new regulatory requirement of a SMS is intended to ation of the change occurring and suggest direction
contribute to this goal. In this paper, research from the towards increased chance for a success. The objective
MAnaging System Change in Aviation project (MA- was also to study the changes occurring during the
SCA—EU FP7 2010–2013) is presented. MASCA development both in research and in-house initiatives as
addressed the industrial need to manage system change, a contribution to the MASCA multi-case study for
including risk and performance, in an integrated way. In building a theory of change.
MASCA, a theory of change was developed based on a
multi-case study among aviation industrial partners. This
paper presents one of those industrial-based case studies. 1.2.1 Core functionalities of an SMS
The case reported on here focuses on an ongoing
development and implementation of a SMS in a major The new regulation was effective from October 2014. The
European Airline. In this research, it is argued that avi- new regulation is based on ICAO’s safety management
ation safety in the future depends both on the organisa- manual (SMM) (ICAO 2012), which is intended to provide
tional capabilities to adapt to the ongoing system changes guidance to develop a regulatory framework and guidance
as well as the industry and research communities’ ability material for the implementation of a SMS. Airlines will
to develop and successfully implement new approaches need to apply for renewed Airline Operations Certificate
for safety management. (AOC), based on their new SMS. Compliance will initially
be based on a checklist, called the Compliance Checklist
1.1 Industrial partner objectives and needs
The basic framework of the SMS consists of four main
The goal of this ongoing work is to develop and to
implement a SMS that enables the airline to allow reliable • Safety policy and objective
and relevant indicators drive sustainable change to improve • Safety risk management
the operational process and demonstrate safety perfor- • Safety assurance
mance. The airline’s objectives in MASCA were: • Safety promotion
Allow safety performance indicators (SPIs) to drive
The SMS shall, as a minimum:
actual and sustainable change
• identify safety hazards
• Develop a process for change linked to SPIs.
• ensure the implementation of remedial action necessary
• Develop a methodology for developing SPIs.
to maintain agreed safety performance
• Align a SPI-driven change process with existing risk
• provide for continuous monitoring and regular assess-
management process.
ment of the safety performance
Develop a Safe-Lean concept for the airline. • aim at a continuous improvement of the overall
performance of the SMS
• Improve ways to control and balance safety with
production. A SMS is part of the strategy towards the new per-
• Integrate Lean with SMS structures and processes, formance-based regulatory environment in aviation.
where appropriate. Safety performance is defined as the ‘‘effectiveness of
• Develop an integrated risk model for data analysis for the SMS, how well it performs and manages to improve
integrated performance monitoring. the system’’ (ICAO 2008). SPIs reflect safety perfor-
mance measurement exclusively. The SPIs of an SMS
The top priority is that it all needs to work well should not reflect safety measurement. ‘‘The safety per-
together! (Head of Safety in Airline 2012). formance of an SMS is not directly related to the

Cogn Tech Work (2015) 17:219–236 221

quantification of high-consequence outcomes (safety 1.2.2 Integrated management

measurement) but rather to the quantification of the low-
consequence process (safety performance measurement)’’ The previous generation of safety regulation was based on
assumed to reduce latent conditions (ICAO 2012). Safety the requirement for an independent quality or safety system
performance for service providers is proposed to be with separate accountability to the manager accountable for
expressed in terms of compliance to set safety require- the operational organisation. The new SMS is supposed to
ments, safety performance targets and SPIs. This needs become the management system, integrated with other
to be agreed between authorities and each provider. dominant management structures and processes. In a brief
As prescribed in the SMM, the safety risk manage- from the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), the SMS was
ment process (in the SMM, the term safety risk man- changed to MS only (EU-Ops 1.035 and 1.037), and the
agement is meant to differentiate this function from the transition from a Quality Management System simply to a
management of financial risk, legal risk, economic risk Management System. There are a number of clear benefits
and so forth) is essential and the core functionalities are of an integrated management listed in the SMM (ICAO
to: describe the process (operational process description), 2012):
identify hazards (hazard list), make risk analysis (risk
• reduction of duplication and therefore of costs
analysis methods), assess risk (risk matrix or the like)
• reduction of overall organisational risks and an increase
and finally take action for required risk mitigations
in profitability
(reduce risk). The last step of the safety risk management
• balance of potentially conflicting objectives
is risk mitigation which ultimately should improve the
• elimination of potentially conflicting responsibilities
system. If this intended change is successful, the process
and relationships
demonstrates safety performance and a full cycle of
change. Hence, safety performance depends on change There are two novel approaches in ICAO’s latest ini-
capability. However, it has been shown in earlier aviation tiative. The first is the integration of the management of
research (McDonald 1999, 2001; McDonald et al. 2000) safety into the overall management system of the organi-
that a full cycle of change is rarely demonstrated. Risk sation, and second that this should be a performance-based
management often ends with risk assessment and sug- regulation, capable of demonstrating its implementation
gested recommendations from safety and quality area and effectiveness in terms of measurable operational out-
representatives for each production area or from the comes, which are related to safety. This creates a paradox
safety department. The risk mitigation strategy is decided for regulation. It has to prescribe what has to be done to
by higher level area management and short-term or assure that safety is properly addressed. But, actually
simple solutions are sometimes prioritised over complex assuring this requires a broader focus than just safety-
analysis and long-term benefits. related functions. Since safety performance depends on the
One new requirement is to have a Safety Review integrated performance of the whole system, regulators
Committee (SRC). The SRC function is to ensure resource cannot prescribe what is beyond their remit, which relates
allocation and assessment of the effectiveness and effi- to those aspects that are (specifically) related to the safety
ciency of risk mitigation strategies (ibid). In this group, of the system (Ulfvengren et al. 2009).
strategic decision-making is made. So aligned with an The envisioned regulatory SMS is still clearly advo-
integrated management approach, information on safety cating an integrated approach (ICAO 2008). Hence, the
risk needs to be integrated and presented as one common aviation industry needs to manage system change with
picture of the safety performance. This is argued to facil- maintained safety, including aspects of risk and perfor-
itate a holistic view and systemic strategic decision-making mance in an integrated management system. This requires
(ibid.). high level safety knowledge and understanding of how
It is recommended to have a safety information system safety is produced by the overall complex socio-technical
supporting the SRC. The available risk data need to be system (Rasmussen et al. 1994). Understanding how a
analysed in order to produce relevant and accurate safety socio-technical system works is the key to manage it more
information. The following risk analysis methods have effectively. But this understanding is something that safety
been suggested to enhance the functionality of using indi- research is still struggling with: What builds and improve
cators in safety performance improvement according to the safety? How can safety be measured? What does safety
SMM (ibid.): statistical analysis, trend analysis, normative cost? An indication of this may be that ICAO has published
comparisons, simulation and testing, expert panel and cost- three versions of the SMM (2006, 2008, 2012). It has taken
benefit analysis. years only to develop a manual, describing only the theory.

222 Cogn Tech Work (2015) 17:219–236

The theory is based on traditional Human Factors (HF) a continuously changing world long before aviation. Lean
models. Most traditional HF models, like the SHELL production is a frequently used term for describing indus-
model (Hawkins 1972; Hawkins and Orlady 1993), focus trial strategies with common underlying principles and
on the individual operator and identification of what affects concepts such as TQM (Total Quality Management),
the human performance that may contribute to human Concurrent Engineering, JIT (Just In Time) or Kaizen.
errors (Norman 1993; Reason 1990; Wickens et al. 2004). Along with these principles or concepts, there are tools and
However, none of the traditional approaches is adequate to methods, for example: Six Sigma, 5S and standards like
address complex service operations like aviation and what ISO 9000 (Bessant 2003; Ward and Brito 2007). One of the
really impacts on system safety. As argued earlier, a new key objectives is continuous improvement. Just as safety
approach is needed to move beyond the current safety management, the logic of quality, Lean production, ideas
plateau. behind continuous improvement and the tools are all easy
The logic of the new regulation for an SMS (ICAO to understand but proven really difficult to implement
2012) has been derived from systems engineering and (Bessant 2003).
quality management (Stolzer et al. 2008). To apply the Lean includes local workplace improvement and per-
quality management approach and process control to safety sonal safety, but it is not comprehensive for the demands of
management may seem logical, but it is an oversimplifi- an SMS and system safety (Rasmussen et al. 1994). Lean
cation in many ways. In practice, the integration between holds many tools, processes and methods essential for
quality and safety is a real challenge, not only for every change. Common tools are the PDCA (Plan, Do, Check,
airline in the world, but also for researchers in this field. Act) wheel as a change process, continuous improvement,
Quality models are based on manufacturing industry, and people involvement, a visual scoreboard, process model-
most aviation processes are service production. Quality ling and Ishikawa diagram to support problem identifica-
models are based on high failure rate and lots of opera- tion and solutions generation, etc. But, as has been argued,
tional data whereas safety data are extremely rare in an Lean is not developed as a comprehensive approach for
ultra-safe system. Safety models are loosely described and aviation or other similar complex safety–critical socio-
lack description of the underlying system and process technical systems where people play the key coordination
mechanism. For any performance management, it is role in the process. Lean initiatives do not have safety or
essential to have capabilities for measuring and monitoring human factors perspective (Womack and Jones 2003;
the process performance, but safety does not lend itself Womack et al. 1991). In this current research, the‘‘com-
easily to traditional indicators or performance measures pleteness’’ of Lean for sustainable system change in avia-
compared to, i.e. manufacturing industry. tion (and elsewhere?), and its lack of inclusion of Human
An indicator is an observable measure that provides Factors and safety models is questioned.
insights into a concept that is difficult to measure directly In another EU-project called HILAS, there was an
(Harms-Ringdahl 2008), such as safety. It is very difficult industrial-based case study (Ward et al. 2010) where such
to develop new measures and indicators for safety or safety an approach was taken and integrated with a Lean initia-
performance (Mawdsley 2010; Rignér et al. 2009a, b). tive. It was proven to be more effective as a Performance
Existing safety models do not support how to measure and Management initiative than a Lean approach alone. The
confirm safety (Reiman and Pietikäinen 2012). The reason for this was argued to be that Lean analyses tend to
model(s) of safety in an organisation reflect the under- be weak in relation to people and safety functions in
standing of how safety emerges and will also determine complex systems. The most essential HILAS complement
what indicators that are identified to be essential for to this Lean initiative was the implementation of the HI-
improved safety (Wreathall 2008). If an indicator is valid LAS developed OPM/KSM (operational process model/
or not, it has more to do with the causal model that is being knowledge space model) (Leva et al. 2011).
assumed than with the indicator per se (Hopkins 2008). If
relevant measures are not identified, the danger is that SPIs 1.3.1 A process and system analysis approach to safety
will be monitoring that do not adequately reflects the state performance
of the system. Without a good safety model and numerous
data, it is doubtful whether measures will support antici- In earlier EU funded research (e.g. ADAMS, Human
pation and prevention of complex system failures. Factors in Aircraft Dispatch and Maintenance, 1994–1999)
projects (a summary accounting for this evidence can be
1.3 Lean quality management in safety management found in McDonald 1999, 2001; McDonald et al. 2000),
four key issues were identified that raised serious questions
Performance-based management systems in other indus- to the traditional Human Factors models and how they
tries have been developed driven by the need to compete in dealt with safety: (1) Double standard describing the gap

Cogn Tech Work (2015) 17:219–236 223

between strategic management views of operations and the

real ‘‘normal’’ operations as performed by operators, (2)
WIPIDO, meaning Well Intended People In Dysfunctional
Organisations, describes how operators do their best to
overcome an actual or perceived lack of support in oper-
ations, (3) a strong professional culture seems to com-
pensate for weaknesses in the organisation and (4) cycles of
stability describes that even after failures, organisations do
not easily learn and change. It was shown that the reasons
for completing tasks were humans ability to coordinate:
tasks, dependencies between processes and process uncer-
tainty, and by coping and compensating for suboptimal
conditions. The operational process was central, and in
order to improve operations, a better understanding of an
improved process control was needed.
The whole idea with process control is to identify
undesired outcome, produced by the process, by measuring
its output and improve the process input until the desired
outcome is achieved. Modelling of the process is com-
monly used in industry to identify influencing mechanisms
and variables on the outcome. Hence, the first step in Fig. 1 Schematic model of process analysis (McDonald 2014)
gaining control over an organisation is to know and
understand the basic process for production (Juran 1988; In relation to safety, another HILAS research effort
Deming 1986). In aviation, the production is delivered by a focused on the development of a prospective risk analysis.
complex socio-technical system. If safety is to be main- It was developed for anticipating the effect of change and
tained, or even improved, relevant mechanisms influencing to explore risk of operations in advance of the occurrence
these processes need to be identified and improvements of incidents so that the reduction in risk may be achieved
may be accomplished only by changing the processes’ proactively (Cooke and McDonald 2009). In aviation, it is
functionality. Process modelling is the process of collecting essential for understanding both current and future risk in a
information about the activities that an organisation needs more proactive safety management. To explore risk, it was
to perform in order to achieve a certain goal (ibid.). It is suggested to involve the analysis of data along with the use
used to identify and define the activities and events that of the SCOPE process model for anticipating the effects or
constitute the production process and further to highlight outcomes of the operational processes. This combination of
deficiencies and weaknesses in the flow of information and a process model and data would also support a direct link
resources, ‘‘as-is’’ in order to rectify these. The modelling between the low level measures and the high level KPIs
needs to be able to project to a future system, a ‘‘to-be’’ (Key Performance Indicators) of the organisation. Data
state. This enables current performance to be compared to would also need to flow between departments aligned with
projected demands, benefits as well as anticipating poten- interdependent operational processes from various pro-
tial risks in the new system design. duction areas, delivering value to a common operational
One main concept in MASCA is the System Change and process. What this emphasises is the need for the integra-
Operations Evaluation (SCOPE) process model which in a tion of all performance data and the avoidance of data silos.
generic but systemic manner describes process activities These components are believed to be underlying and clo-
and models their underlying causal logic (Bunderath et al. sely linked to many of the core functionalities in the SMS
2008; Morrison 2009; Leva et al. 2011). It is a tool which discussed. It is argued that a functional process analysis of
allows an analyst to interrogate operational processes using socio-technical systems like the SCOPE model process
a series of questions designed to highlight the most analysis (Fig. 1) is required to enhance current SMS
important relating to information, material and human functionalities.
inputs. It describes the relationship between different tasks Many of the discussed functionalities for safety man-
in the process, the goals, contextual factors and key process agement discussed so far depends on human and social
enablers. The core of the SCOPE model (Fig. 1) is the processes, i.e. like trust for information and data sharing
ability of the operator to coordinate: tasks and resources, across departments, developing a common holistic risk
task and process dependencies, as well as uncertainty in the picture, data analysis used to produce risk information and
process. competence for understanding what produces safety. So,

224 Cogn Tech Work (2015) 17:219–236

to draw inferences about current status and prospects for

the future. Such inferences should be powerful enough to
drive recommendations that are sufficiently cogent and
authoritative to seriously influence the plan for the next
stage of the initiative. The close link between system
change and safety performance makes such a framework
relevant not only for implementation of any system but,
especially, for further development of functionalities in a

2 Methods

The approach taken in this research is to apply the new

system and process analysis (1) to further develop the core
functionalities of the airline’s SMS by applying the SCOPE
model and (2) to increase the chances for a successful
Fig. 2 Schematic architecture of overall system analysis (McDonald system change, by applying the SE to provide comple-
2014) mentary recommendations to the proposed enhanced SMS
and company objectives.
This chapter presents the approaches adopted to ensure
even though the model for process analysis (Fig. 1) illus- an ongoing process of enquiry and participatory research
trates relevant mechanisms in the process, it needs to be (i.e. action-based research) within the airline over a period
complemented by other system components essential for of 10 years. This approach allowed the researchers to
supporting underlying mechanisms for system change, see develop a rich picture narrative of the change as it evolved
more in McDonald (2014) in this issue. In MASCA, the that could be analysed together with other cases in the
SCOPE process analysis tool and method was further MASCA project for developing a theory of change.
developed into an overall system analysis framework
(Fig. 2). The developed theory of change in MASCA 2.1 Action research
(McDonald 2014) argues that without addressing the full
scope of both technical system processes and human pro- Service operators like airlines do not have research and
cesses in a systematic way, chances for successful system development departments like large design and manufac-
change is not better than average (Dent and Goldberg 1999; turing companies. Researchers in academia do not have
Kotter 1995). According to the MASCA, framework ana- easy access to industries like airlines due to lack of internal
lysis of complex socio-technical processes needs to address research activities or resources. Airlines also have reasons
three complementary systems (Fig. 2): System 1 is the for strong integrity, especially in relation to sensitive
functional processes (operational and management), Sys- information on safety issues. However, in order to combine
tem 2 is the knowledge and information system and System research and practice in this field, collaboration is required.
3 is the social relations and cohesion (team and trust). Collaborative research and development can provide an
In MASCA, the Structured Enquiry (SE) has also been effective innovation process. However, for this to work, the
developed to make an evaluation of change that encom- collaboration has to deliver benefits to meet the short-term
passes the overall system in Fig. 2. This framework is part operational or organisational goals of the participating
of the overall SCOPE concept. The purpose of the SE is to industry, as well as the medium to long-term research goals
synthesise analysis from the three key system levels that of a research project. The challenge is to develop longer-
can derive a suggested strategy and recommendations term collaboration between research institutes and opera-
aligned with the organisations’ objectives. The framework tional organisations around more strategically formulated
is structured around these seven concepts (McDonald 2014, goals. These are reasons for the methodological choice for
in this issue): the goal of the system change initiative, this case study. The approach adopted is action-based
operational processes, management processes, teams, trust, research. Even though this paper primarily focuses on the
information and knowledge cycles. The enquiry structure is MASCA project, the foundations of the research/industry
not a simple question and answer process. It is to be collaboration was established at the commencement of the
applied to a dossier of knowledge built up about the ini- HILAS project in 2005. In HILAS, a mix of researchers
tiative under evaluation at its current state of play in order and industrial partners became over time organised in

Cogn Tech Work (2015) 17:219–236 225

clusters, called HILAS centre of excellences. One core and one responsible for training of safety office. The last of
team of these constellations was the same airline safety the four interviews had a new role responsible for change
department and researchers from two universities. There- management in the airline.
fore, this case study is the culmination of almost 10 years
of research collaboration with this airline. In this, research
2.2.1 Workshops and observations
has been identifying challenges, developing interventions
to deal with those challenges (e.g. training, safety semi-
As part of the first phase of the project, two workshops
nars), providing scientific rigour to understanding some of
were conducted with the purpose of gathering information
those challenges and building up a working relationship
on ongoing change initiatives linked to the development
based on mutual trust and respect. An excellent relationship
and implementation of the SMS. One was with the Human
of research and industry collaboration was established over
Factors project group, with representatives from all pro-
the project where the lead researcher developed a role of
duction areas and safety and training. The need for a
mentor and advisor to the safety management team (e.g. by
common human factors model was discussed as well as
taking part in critical meetings, facilitating high level
the need for particular human factors theory and appli-
strategic safety seminars, undertaking joint presentation at
cation directed to the various production areas. The other
industry and academic conferences). In time, the long
was an initial meeting with the safety office group
collaboration led to relations in the team that allowed
responsible for working with and developing various SMS
informal discussions to take place on a needs basis, by
functionalities and supporting technologies. MASCA
email, phone, on Skype or face to face. This type of rela-
researchers received access to review a range of safety
tionship is of vital importance particularly when working in
documents and safety reports and were given training on
the domain of safety management and risk. Due to the
and direct access to the IT-support under development.
nature of this methodological approach which has been
Field studies consisted of using the new IT, studying
ongoing and evolving, it is beyond the scope of this paper
documents with descriptions of data and risk index
to highlight all of the methods and interventions under-
structures. Enquiries were made in discussions with the
taken. Therefore, the following provides an overview of the
developers of the IT-system, as well as with the people
key methodological approaches applied as part of the
responsible at the safety office. These activities made it
MASCA project (2010–2013).
possible to observe how new processes were developed
and how different users slowly gained knowledge on the
2.2 Interventions
development that had taken place. This provided the
researchers with an invaluable insight into everyday safety
In this MASCA case, a total of 34 interviews were con-
and risk management as well as organisational processes
ducted with key staff (some repeated) from operational
linked to this tool. The second half of the project included
level staff (10), to middle management (12) through to
a series of ten work meetings and/or workshops with the
senior management (8). The objectives of the various semi-
particular focus on SPI-driven change, integrated risk,
structured interviews changed as the research evolved. In
both linking the airlines SMS development to the need for
the first phase, 17 interviews were conducted in the airline
a process model to identify a common operational process
with top managers for safety, quality and operations
delivering outcome of relevance to flight safety and
development, as well as nominated persons (NP) for
identifying SPIs.
ground, technical, flight and security operations. An initial
MASCA template was designed with the basic concept of • Annual report
change management focusing primarily on the airlines • Organisational Charts
overall strategic approach, the process of change, compe- • Manuals: Airline Operation System (AOS), Airline
tence and human resources. Special interest was how to Operation Procedures (AOP)
manage change due to external demands such as regula- • List of responsibilities, standards regulatory require-
tions. This initial phase provided clarification of key stra- ments, safety programme
tegic goals, current change initiatives in the airline, lessons • Lean description/workshop material
learnt from previous change initiatives and readiness for • Airline operational concept
change. Another four interviews were directly focused on • Leader seminar presentations including SPI/KPI’s,
change management and the Lean initiative for under- vision, strategy, Goals.
standing how the Lean structure within the airline could be • Human Factors group project final report
integrated with an SMS. Three specially trained and • Training material
selected people, so called Lean navigators were inter- • ICAO manuals
viewed, one from ground, one from technical operations • EASA-Ops regulatory documents

226 Cogn Tech Work (2015) 17:219–236

2.2.2 Safety management seminars series, the MASCA management; they are everyone’s responsibility and can
approach only be addressed by working together. The final training
resulted in a 2-h programme that was highly interactive and
Four seminars were held around each of the four pillars of guided the trainees (operational management) to firstly
the SMS as described by ICAO (2012). In the first seminar look at the current safety and human factor related chal-
on Safety Policy, the focus was an integrated management lenges they face and how to work together with the com-
system, safety production models and the MASCA new pany to improve safety operations.
approach to address Human Factors issues. The second
seminar was more generally on Safety Risk Management 2.3 Narratives and structured enquiry
and included state of art from the MASCA on process
descriptions relation to hazards identification, SPIs, reac- The overall purpose of the vast information collected
tive versus proactive, contributory factors and antecedents during the interventions was to understand both the change
were discussed. The third seminar on Safety Assurance initiatives and to identify factors that may have facilitated
focused on the MASCA change management system and success and to document past and current experiences of
the proposed process view of the airline’s SMS as a full change, how things happen. Stories were written iteratively
cycle of change. In the final seminar, Safety promotion was along the project. The first narrative, in MASCA, was
addressed including safety culture, training and commu- written halfway into the project using a first version of a
nication. The safety seminars as such were discussed as change evaluation framework. This task was based on the
part of the SMS training required, and the process views researchers’ experiences so far. This was also validated
was proposed as the way of visualising the process and with four extra complementary interviews. These were
identify each and everyone’s role in this process for conducted with the head of safety and head of quality and
understanding and supporting implementation of SMS. two persons in the safety office which were main contacts
These safety seminars provided a very useful platform for in the airline during the project. The interview discussed
management to further explore a more integrated approach the MASCA project and change cases progression
to SMS. according to a simple template for a story builder, a nar-
rative. The second version of the narrative updated the
2.2.3 Training the trainers for ground safety initial one of latest progress in the company developments
but also most recent MASCA findings and current devel-
In a later phase, a particular initiative on safety training for opment of the evaluation framework. The SE was used as a
ground operations was performed. In preparation, six template and the narratives already documented as well as
interviews consisting of three ground handlers and three current understanding of the change case formed the bases
ground operations managers were conducted. The purpose for the evaluation.
of the interviews was to gain domain knowledge on ground
operations processes and risk to understand the particular
needs for safety training in this context. MASCA 3 The airline case study
researchers then participated in the development of a
ground handling safety training. The development of the The airline has followed the guidelines from EASA/ICAO
training programme was an iterative process of develop- and spent years in preparation and has a compliant SMS
ment and implementation involving MASCA researchers and is in an ongoing implementation phase. The airline is
and safety and training personnel from the airline. Access known to have a generally flat hierarchy and just culture
was given to previous safety trainings for ground opera- which also supports the idea of an SMS. For the airline, an
tions, and the objective was to integrate this with the the- essential part of their progress has been their ability to
oretical and conceptual framework from MASCA and state continuously develop and implement in-house systems and
of art knowledge on Human Factors and SMS as well as the apply contributions from research projects like HILAS and
operational requirements from the ground handling section MASCA. This became an iterative process which addres-
of the airline. The key objective of the training programme sed the challenges in ongoing industrial and theoretical
for the ground handling section of the airline was to developments as well as academic support to these chal-
improve airside safety by supporting a collaborative and lenges. Many of the tools and organisational structures
‘‘common’’ safety mindset between the staff and manage- required for SMS functions exist in the airline today as a
ment. From the outset, the most important learning objec- result of many years development. Below follows a
tive that the training focused on was—ensuring that description of the various change initiatives, mainly during
everyone needs to work together—safety challenges are MASCA, in which researchers participated and studied to
not the responsibility only of quality, front-line staff or learn about change.

Cogn Tech Work (2015) 17:219–236 227

3.1 In-house change initiatives for developing an SMS 3.1.2 Safety review committee: FSQB

Within the course of MASCA, the airline’s SMS devel- The VMA application was developed to support both the
opments have been reviewed, and the overall logic has safety department but also operations management. The
improved where applicable, based on the theoretical airline implemented an organisational structure compliant
framework of consolidated knowledge from earlier to the safety review committee, SRC (ICAO 2012), called
research. When the MASCA project commenced in 2010, the Flight Safety Quality Board (FSQB). The objective was
the airline had just introduced a prototype indicator to initiate integration at a management level for strategic
matrix for integrated safety that was developed as part of decisions based on common risk information. This is a step
the previous research project HILAS (2005–2009). This towards an integrated management system approach. The
established an initiative to use data in an integrated way functionality of the FSQB was clearly enabled by the
both across the different production areas, but also VMA. The FSQB is a group consisting of the head of
between safety and quality. The airline started a simple safety and the top managers from the main production
development of a new safety information system, con- areas: Flight Operations, Technical Operations, Ground
sisting of 13 files of data from various sources. The air- Operations and Security. They meet every 4 weeks to
line’s existing IT-systems were not suited for other discuss safety issues. This is supported by a bottom-up
analysis purposes than for the specific use it had been process for safety information aggregation, from data
developed for originally. Technology was fragmented due sources and up through Safety Action Group (SAG) and to
to data set characteristics, industrial domain and various the FSQB. With this integrating process, the SPI’s and Key
production areas. This meant that, in addition to numerous Performance Indicators (KPI’s) from the various depart-
data sources, there were several different platforms and ments are openly presented and discussed.
data formats in the company. This made it time-con-
suming to collect a sample data for analysis (Rignér et al. 3.1.3 How VMA and FSQB developed into improved
2009a). functionality

Initially, the system was introduced during a financial crisis

3.1.1 Safety information system: VMA in the company. This put additional pressure and stress on
the managers. A strong and trusted position of the head of
The excel files soon became a prototype for the new safety safety had fostered enough support in quite influential
information system. The airline teamed up with Vision group to get the development approved. The SMS devel-
Monitor and developed an aviation application, VMA. The opments were initially considered sensitive, in example
development of VMA, IT-tool, was not only providing a regarding sharing data and visualising data openly in
solution to the data management problem but also allowed FSQB. This group was initially not open to new ideas or
for data management originating from a large number of critiques from others with respect to comparing operations
different sources throughout an organisation to deliver real- and risk information. Despite the Lean introduction, the
time data and safety information for management. It pro- idea of continuous improvement at a management level and
vided a dashboard view of current and historical safety management processes were not considered analogue to
performance data. The data and underlying systems are the Lean initiatives in their own operations. This has been
same as before but VMA enabled communication by critiqued and seems like very un-Lean thinking. SMS goals
visualisation of a common picture for managers from dif- for an integrated management do not appear to be shared
ferent departments. The more holistic picture of risk in by all top managers and commercial units. SMS is still
operations is presented using a spider diagram for both the much the safety office system. There was little under-
whole airline’s and for each production area’s SPIs and risk standing of the benefits to show ‘‘my data’’ to others.
indexes. The trends of each indicator and it target values Managers protected their area and workers from any
are also available. The tool fulfils many of the requirements questioning of ‘‘outsiders’’. One contributing factor was
for a safety information system described in the SMM that the tool initially did not fit each production area’s need
(ibid.). It has a user-friendly interface for data entry and for indicators equally well. For example, Flight operations
query; it monitors and measures safety trends or perfor- had more than 40 indicators for safety and ground had only
mance to ascertain latent factors underlying safety defi- 5. The developments was like following a moving target of
ciencies; it provides the capability of transforming large IT-developments, learning from users and increased
amounts of safety data into useful information that supports understanding of SMS functionalities as it took form. But
decision-making both for strategic decisions as well as for as the VMA improved and the use of it increased, the
operations management. stakeholders understanding grew, and with this, their desire

228 Cogn Tech Work (2015) 17:219–236

anticipating risk due to the suggested change in operations.

Even a simple simulation or process walk-through may
reveal unanticipated knock-on effects like conflicting tasks
or competing resources.

3.2.2 SCOPE model applied for hazard identification

and indicator development for VMA

SCOPE may add value to SMS functionalities such as

hazard identification and safety performance indicator
development. The development of indicators needs to be
derived from an understanding of the underlying mecha-
nisms influencing the functionality of the process deliver-
ing the desired outcome. A performance measure such as
an indicator is logically an outcome from some related
Fig. 3 Safety risk management process of the SMS visualised as a
full cycle of change required for demonstrating safety perfor- process. SCOPE modelling and analyses of these processes
mance and sustainable change may support identifying high risk processes and possible
indirect measures of safety indicators. When changes are
made in processes, then SCOPE modelling will support
for further developments and adaptation for their particular identification of potential bottlenecks and identification of
needs also grew. Involvement and suggestions for influencing factors that should be monitored to make sure
improvements increased. This gave highly relevant new the change is an actual improvement of the process as well
design requirements for, i.e. processes supporting new as to monitor the effective new process. SCOPE ideally
functionalities. The IT-development enabled the develop- will support validation of existing SPIs/KPIs and devel-
ment of SMS core functionalities. An example is that opment of new indicators as well as defining the logic
Ground Operation today has 15 indicators linked to their behind existing SPIs and KPIs. When need for improve-
operations. ment is identified using these indicators, the root cause
analysis may also start from the common understanding of
3.2 SCOPE applied to SMS core functionalities partly shared processes as well as anticipating possible
contributors to the problem. When solutions are designed,
The general core functionalities in an SMS should follow these changes may be introduced in the model and used as
the cycle of change (Fig. 3): to describe the process a proactive anticipation of knock-on effects and propaga-
(operational process description), identify hazards (hazard tion of these in the system and distributed across various
list), make risk analysis (risk analysis methods), assess risk production areas’ processes. Indicators need to be inter-
(risk matrix or the like) and finally take action for required preted with people that have expertise in the real processes
risk mitigations (reduce risk). The last step of the safety and that understand what may have influenced the indica-
risk management is risk mitigation which ultimately should tor. Therefore, stakeholders need to collaborate in cases of
improve the system. Delimitation was that risk analysis and identified need of change and participate in the modelling.
risk assessment methods were not part of this case. The Dependencies of risk and causal links will become trans-
airline uses Airline Risk Management Solutions (ARMS) parent in a collaborative learning effort. This integrative
as their methodology for risk assessment. Focus related to approach using SCOPE would also enhance the integrating
risk management has been on performance management initiative and functionality of the already implemented
and SPIs. FSQB and their use of VMA.
The main airline’s operations are Flight Operations,
3.2.1 SCOPE for system description Technical Operations, Ground Operations and Security.
These operations are interdependent for the overall safety
As a first step, in a risk management process is to under- production process and outcome within the airline. Ways to
stand the process delivering safety-related outcomes. In the combine safety risk after identified dependencies between
SMM, this core functionality is called a system description. production areas as well as various safety production
SCOPE process model makes it possible to map the current models for person and system safety need to be developed.
situation (AS-IS) and identify the weaknesses as well as to To understand, the respective logic has been discussed as
propose, in the model, improvements to the process. When fundamental to all process control. For improved aviation
this future system (TO-BE) is modelled, it allows for safety, it is the operational processes that need to deliver

Cogn Tech Work (2015) 17:219–236 229

desired outcome. The main production areas have different to area managers to solve it as they see appropriate. The
logic, and main influences that affect risk due to the dif- SRC, here FSQB, meet regularly and discuss risk infor-
ferences in operations globally. This emphasises the need mation available. The role of the FSQB is to ensure
for integrating performance data from various production resource allocation and assessment of the effectiveness and
areas with a common operational process model in which efficiency of risk mitigation strategies. In this group, stra-
propagation of risk from one area to another could be tegic decision-making is made. It is part of manager’s task
analysed. to be able to ‘‘go fix it’’ and work strategically for system
and operational improvements in their production area.
3.2.3 SCOPE integrated with Lean for safety This was true before SMS and before Lean. However, there
is still an outspoken industrial need for a systematic change
The airline in this case study is today Europe’s most process, responding to strategic decisions and SPIs. One
punctual airline and a very good example for others in the early initiative in MASCA was to support a structure and
airline business with their many safety activities. But at the process that may be triggered by an SPI exceedance, when
same time, they are struggling for survival and were at one trends and boundaries being routinely monitored are
time literally only hours from filing bankruptcy. One of the observed to go beyond acceptable levels. This initiative
airlines core business strategies to survive has been to included a mix of applying both competence of the airline
implement ‘‘Lean’’ quality management company wide, Lean process modelling and the MASCA SCOPE
primarily as a cost-cutting measure. It is anticipated that approach. This resulted in the SPI action process and is
when Lean has been fully implemented, it will also develop linked to the functionality and use of the VMA by the
into a continuous improvement culture. At the same time, FSQB and other managers. The logic of the SPI action
the safety department developed and implemented tools process linked to VMA is in short:
and organisational structures, for managing safety perfor-
1. Identify an owner for each SPI for all production areas.
mance. The airline’s SMS is directed towards safety per-
2. Each SPI owner then need to understand the process
sonnel and senior managers of the main production areas
producing the SPI and identify factors affecting the
and the safety office. The Lean strategy has been imple-
process as well as a SPI process timeframe.
mented top-down across the whole organisation. They were
3. SPI owners identify levels of data ‘‘upstream’’ for
developed in parallel which means that the Lean initiative
antecedents for each main process.
is not part of the safety initiative, and the Lean initiative is
not concerned with system safety. The process is linked to a VMA email service when the
Lean includes local workplace improvement and per- SPI action process needs to activated. A remaining and
sonal safety, but it is not comprehensive for the demands urgent issue is to develop an improvement process for each
of an SMS and system safety (Rasmussen et al. 1994). It SPI so that SPI’s actually may drive change.
is argued, in this paper, that an integration of Lean (pro-
cess-oriented approach) and Human Factors (human-ori- 3.2.5 Challenges to support strategic decision-making
ented approach) could provide aviation stakeholders with
a better management approach, which would achieve the The previous SPI action process is triggered when an SPI
dual objectives of operational effectiveness and flight exceeds a threshold. This needs to be developed further
safety. To keep balance between protection and produc- given the risk that managers run on everything and that the
tion, the airline should be able to manage Lean and safe FSQB has no way of determining what is urgent and what
performance in an integrated system. This research sug- is not. Despite domain knowledge and understanding of
gests an integration of Safety and Lean to address system one’s production area and possibly enhanced understanding
safety performance. Mediating models and methodologies of others with integrating initiatives like VMA, it is not
still need to be developed. A first step for integrating always sufficient for strategic decisions. The availability of
Safety and Lean could be to apply SCOPE modelling rich and a large amount of data is a prerequisite for data
instead of existing process maps and waste reduction analysis. Even if the amount of data is rich, the analysis of
strategy towards safety performance. Lean structures and collected data may still not be utilised to its full potential.
processes could be applied to general change management By allowing know-how from operations and from domain
in the processes. knowledgeable managers in FSQB in using SCOPE mod-
elling in combination with VMA, much of these approa-
3.2.4 SPI action process ches may be applied. The challenge here is related to the
very few risk data produced. It is difficult to get significant
Within the VMA, there is a functionality that triggers a results. This could be resolved by using normal operational
change process. The current change process is to delegate data, directly from flight data monitoring as well as other

230 Cogn Tech Work (2015) 17:219–236

operations performance systems, not necessarily linked to

risk data. With support from the SCOPE process model,
potential links between normal operations data and risk
data may be identified. In the SCOPE supported indicator
development process, it would be possible to identify also
antecedent data that could be more frequent and numerous
as well as more proactive. If this was resolved and VMA
got the statistical functionality to give information on
significant trends, declining and improved, it would greatly
enhance the performance management aspect of safety
performance and also for regulators to assess if targets have
been met or not.

3.3 A safety management process delivering safety


The main functionality of the SMS is to demonstrate safety Fig. 4 A simple representation of a Safe-Lean performance man-
agement process. Strategic decision making in the Safety Review
performance. The SMS primarily requires a risk manage- Committee (SRC) is enabled by a Safety Information System, Lean
ment and safety assurance process. The safety assurance and SCOPE model for system and process analysis. These are
process includes safety performance measurement and together supporting a Risk information production (1–4) as well as a
monitoring, change management and continuous System change and evaluation process (5–8)
improvement of the SMS. The risk management process
• List of indicators, targets, risk index, definitions,
includes description of the process, hazards identification,
logic and risk models, policies.
risk analysis, risk assessment and finally action for required
risk mitigations. The safety assurance requirement inte- The procedural part builds on the safety risk manage-
grates performance management and change management. ment process. The overall process (Fig. 4) integrates a SRC
In order to review and analyse this functionality and (FSQB), a safety information system (VMA), SCOPE and
identify gaps, the core functionalities and recent develop- Lean to support the Integrated Safety Management process
ment is mapped out as a performance management from step 1–8. The process may be divided into two main
framework. It may be described in terms of both a struc- functionalities for safety performance which are the Risk
tural and a procedural part (Folan and Browne 2005). The information production and the Change and evaluation
proposed framework is a consolidation of existing func- process.
tionalities in the airline as well as parts developed within
MASCA using SCOPE. The structural part, with a typo- 3.3.1 Risk information production
logical performance measurement framework, includes
organisational structures. The procedural part is described 1. Data is collected and risk assessed (operations and
with a step-by-step process. Aligned with the SCOPE systems data sources, safety personnel in production
approach and the notion that also an SMS has a function, areas and safety department).
the procedural part will be visualised as a full cycle of 2. Data is aggregated to appropriate level of decision-
change (Fig. 3) and represents a functional process that making (various levels available in VMA).
delivers safety performance in operations. 3. Strategic decision-making using VMA in SRC/SAG.
The structural part of the performance management Allocation of resources and appointments of responsi-
framework includes: ble group.
4. Data is disaggregated downstreams in an SPI action
• Enabling technologies
process and as feedback to operations (use of an
• Data collection tools, VMA data management tool, integrated system consisting of VMA and SCOPE.
risk assessment tools and models, statistical models
and SCOPE process modelling tool.
3.3.2 System change and evaluation process
• Organisational structures
5. An integrated safe-Lean initiative using SCOPE
• FSQB, SAG, SPI action process, SCOPE SPI process.
modelling to analyse process as well as to anticipate
• Data and information structures effects of change including Lean initiatives.

Cogn Tech Work (2015) 17:219–236 231

6. Identify solutions and prepare change implementation. next regulatory, audit regulators may have to delay audit,
7. Coordinate and evaluate change with other ongoing or even worse, to lower requirements for compliance when
change initiatives. it comes to a defining a fully functioning SMS.
8. Evaluation of change and continuous improvement of Recommendations for change are to: discuss priority
the performance management framework including with top managers in relation to what expectations they and
revising and developing SPIs in VMA using SCOPE. regulators may have on the future SMS; prioritise and
apply sufficient resources for development of a training
concept and conduct SMS training company wide; develop
3.4 Structured enquiry of the development
a plan to reach that expectations and goal; continue to
and implementation of SMS
develop an integrated management process that is capable
to demonstrate safety performance.
This section provides a summary of the most pertinent out-
comes of the SE applied to the ongoing and suggested
3.4.2 Operational processes
development of the SMS with respect to what has been
learned in the case study. Much of the background in this
There are three main production processes, in relation to
Enquiry has been reported on here already, Sects. 3.1–3.3.
operational safety performance: Flight Operations, Tech-
The framework is structured around the seven concepts: the
nical Operations (Part-145 and Part-M) and Ground
goal of the system change initiative, operational processes,
Operations. Since all areas contribute both to their own
management processes, teams, trust, information and
process quality and also share risk contribution to the
knowledge. The findings have been structured under these
overall flight safety, the integrated risk need to be under-
same areas.
stood in addition to the particular risk in a single produc-
tion area. A common weakness in many organisations is
3.4.1 Goals with Safety Management System that different production areas work in ‘‘silos’’. This may
foster perceived conflicting interests and cultural differ-
A non-negotiable goal for the airline was to be compliant to ences between ‘‘us and them’’. In aviation, this is more than
the new regulation, EASA-OPS, by fulfilling the compli- a cultural aspect since the main production areas contribute
ance check list (CCL) for an SMS by October 2014. The to the overall flight safety. In addition, if the relative
meaning of compliance may be discussed. At this early contributions from the different areas are not understood, it
stage of implementation of the new regulation, the will also be difficult to prioritise resources for safety.
approval of new AOC for providers is based on submitted Recommendations for change:
SMS documentation according to the compliance check
• Support each production area and its operators by
list, CCL. The CCL is not the same as proven safety per-
providing well-functioning processes, i.e. conditions
formance as discussed in this research nor in the SMM
for coordinating tasks.
(ICAO 2012). Regulators and providers have not yet
• Develop appropriate human factors and safety logic as
agreed on exactly what to assess in terms of ‘‘safety per-
well as process understanding for each production area,
formance’’ (i.e. indicators, targets and requirements) the
if relevant.
effectiveness of the SMS meaning how well it performs
• Develop safety training and SMS training for enabling
and manages to improve the system or when this is to be
participation in process improvement and safety
done. It is reasonable to believe that the long-term goal
from both regulators and providers are to reach the func-
• Develop a process model representing common oper-
tional objectives of the SMS which ultimately is to improve
ational processes, describing interdependent opera-
safety performance in airlines and other providers.
tional processes from different operations for common
The airline needs to take seriously the fact that the CCL
may not be sufficient in the long run and develop an
• Participate in process modelling to support the SMS
integrated management system that may demonstrate
functions for understanding shared and propagated risk.
safety performance when operationalised. If not enough
resources are put into the implementation of the SMS, it
will be an isolated system for the safety department with 3.4.3 Management processes
little engagement form others in the organisation. This will
not develop into a fully functioning integrated management The whole case of the SMS is management process
system. In addition, regulators seem to lag behind in the development and implementation. SMS is a management
airlines SMS development. If there is a gap between the system and intended to become ‘‘the’’ Management System
understanding of compliance and what will be assessed at (MS) (ICAO 2012). To work in silos may be even more

232 Cogn Tech Work (2015) 17:219–236

common in management than in operations, since opera- management and performance management in relation to
tions actually need to work together to get the job done. safety.
Management must have their own strategy and resources
and perceive conflicting interests which may duplicate 3.4.4 Team structure
costs and sub-optimise an overall goal. In the SRC using
the VMA, there has been an improvement of integrating There are various groups and teams linked to the organi-
people and data from various production areas. However, sational structure and role. The safety department and
there is still no common operational concept (operational production areas have different roles and have both divided
process description) representing integrated risk. Interde- and shared reports and risk analysis tasks responsibilities.
pendencies between processes and intersections of pro- The safety office is a focused group that works towards all
cesses are not fully understood. There is a risk that the new national bases and operations. Nominated persons see the
VMA system has little impact and that indicators will be whole operations, not only safety information. Nominated
monitored as now, but when it becomes required to persons often delegate the actions that need to be taken
improve one or the other, there is going to be local solu- when an SPI exceeds a limit. Operators at various levels
tions within production areas without a clear understanding and in the different areas are experts groups of their
of how the system change will affect other areas where the operations.
operational processes involved interact. There will be no If the SMS is to function as a whole, the roles in the
effective drive from indicators to improve the overall SMS need to be clear. Implementing an SMS will change
operations successfully. roles and accountabilities and stretch knowledge bases. For
Since Lean was implemented, there is support for pro- example, there will be new relationships between safety,
cess improvement in operations. However, no formal production areas, and change initiatives like Lean, new
change process linked to the particularities of safety per- accountabilities for outcomes of change initiatives, and
formance has been implemented. It is argued in this new know-how to manage change process.
research that Lean is not encompassing system safety nor The safety office is a team and the SRC has an estab-
have sufficient process model methodologies for complex lished meeting structure of accountable persons. External
socio-technical systems. There has been no integration of experts are invited openly, i.e. MASCA researchers. The
Lean and safety management other than at local safety airline has a flat organisation, and the SMS requires
level. There is also a risk that Lean management is driving intensive transverse coordination. There is no team struc-
change rather than safety management. ture per indicator standing ready to act on its related safety
The integrated management processes suggested in information. The existing groups of people have potential
MASCA is recommended. It has a shared critical path of a to become functional (mix) teams in an SMS with new
full cycle of change. This full cycle of change may be constellations.
described as a 8-step process (see Fig. 4). This process is Potential risk or impact is that if people do not have an
designed and centred around the risk information produc- understanding of their role in the SMS or even lack a sense
tion unit of the flight safety quality board (SRC) using of the purpose and benefits of the SMS, it will be very
Vision Monitor and SCOPE methodology for a common challenging to get people to work together to solve issues
operational concept. It supports integration of Lean and that easily falls outside the shared or integrated functions.
Safety where appropriate. To strengthen the strategic Functions and roles are evident, but cross department teams
decisions and capability to prioritise among needs for have not been clearly defined in the SMS. Without clear
improvement, VMA should also be upgraded with statis- teams, there is always risk for duplication of work that goes
tical analysis capability (significant trends, variance and on in parallel. In safety critical systems, the lack of func-
correlations). tional teams may also contribute to less communication or
Another recommendation is to further develop a change learning which may block safety information.
process that links SPIs to process and teams to deal with It is recommended that each person in the SMS full
this from process analysis and solution identification as cycle of change should be mapped in the 1–8 steps to
well as anticipating the process after making changes and identify their role and also identify who should be in teams
finally evaluation of the change implemented building on to deliver service from one step to another. The mapping
Lean training they have and complement with safety would also support analysis of where there are people
management and human factors. missing due to either lack of person, competence or
Finally, it is recommended to develop support and information. With this mapping and gap analysis, effective
training for managers and teams involved in taking actions transverse team structure could be formed for safety per-
after an SPI has exceeded a threshold. Training should formance and change in the SMS. This mapping of people
contain elements of both risk management, change and teams along critical paths is as relevant in the

Cogn Tech Work (2015) 17:219–236 233

integrated management as well as in shared or interde- to VMA. VMA allows all in SAG and SRC to share a
pendent operations. common view of risk and discuss openly their relations,
priority and resource allocation. There is an ongoing
3.4.5 Trust iterative user centred development of the VMA, especially
revising SPIs used in the application (to match the oper-
Relations between departments were at a low point during ations considered relevant in relation to production area’s
near bankruptcy when there was, for example, fear over risk and flight safety). VMA may collect data from any
losing jobs and reduction in funding. The airline’s ambi- variety of data sources for further improvements. VMA
tious change management programme required cuts for will deliver information that directs attention to one or
many levels of staff, but yet a few managers still received several areas with an SPI exceeding a limit or has a rapid
their bonuses. This resulted in a climate of mistrust among change rate.
operational staff. Most people in the airline have known There is no formal process developed for validating the
each other and worked alongside each other for quite a long existing SPIs or their targets as well as indexes. If the
time. There are several nationalities in the airline that airline risk index is very constant, is it good or bad? To
sometimes will have very different cultures which affect control for business driven change, commercial and safety
trust. The head of safety that introduced SMS was very data should be analysed jointly. How should Lean KPIs be
trusted and known to make things happen. As reported in compared or prioritised with SPIs? What is Lean enough in
the development of the FSQB and introduction of VMA, relation to safety? VMA is available to all airline person-
trust has not always been strong. nel, but the information produced is so far only used by
There is a risk that people central to the SMS process VMA developers and FSQB. For example, the ground
may not buy into the need for further development and operations safety office representatives are not yet using
commitment in order to implement SMS successfully and VMA. They report events from operations independently to
efficiently. This may affect other essential mechanisms: To CAA. There is still room for improvement in the overall
share risk information is essential for identifying systemic risk information production field.
risk. To collaborate is essential to come up with holistic With insufficient risk information, there is a risk that
solutions. To allow weaknesses to show is the only way to strategic decisions may be made based on inadequate or
support improvement with relevant stakeholders to mini- incomplete information. Resources may be allocated to an
mise unanticipated risk following a weaker local change. SPI area that did not need ‘‘fixing’’, i.e. since its’ deviation
Training could reduce competence gaps and increase a from threshold was only temporary and not significantly
common understanding and buy-in. Training should consist deteriorated from normal operations. If initiatives are
of both understanding operational and management pro- directed based on SPI but without understanding of how
cesses and their relation to safety performance. This may that SPI is produced or what the contributing and depen-
include explicit training on safety models and SMS as a full dent processes are, there is risk that changes will miss their
cycle of change, i.e. step 1–8 and try to agree upon the targets and only make local change without fixing the
process. It is recommended to continue to allow influence problem.
from production areas to form their VMA and SPIs so they It is recommended to develop processes for improved
are working in their environment so that benefits and good risk information production to enhance the quality of the
examples increase. It has been shown that as the VMA risk information. There is for example a lack of support for
usage mature, it is also being questioned and users come up prioritisation among several SPIs. Better support from
with ideas for further adaptation and improvements. It is statistical functionalities in the SMS would facilitate
also recommended to continue to improve the SAG and comparable values and define thresholds for significant
SRC functions when it comes to apply decisions into trends. This may require increased statistical competence
operational improvements. in management and the safety office.

3.4.6 Information cycle 3.4.7 Knowledge cycle

The new VMA provides comprehensive risk information All relevant personnel have basic training in the principles
in near real time, compared to common quarterly reports. of EASA-ops and SMS. All relevant safety department
For some data, it may take up to 2–3 days to get risk personnel is getting basic familiarisation training with the
assessments of reports done and uploaded to VMA. Via new software system, VMA. The SRC or FSQB structure
VMA there is access to all non-normal data from the around data is designed to include domain knowledge and
production areas. VMA aggregates data to give overall subjective measures to complement data in VMA. When-
risk visualisation. All nominated persons have full access ever action is taken as a response to SPI values, the

234 Cogn Tech Work (2015) 17:219–236

production area experts are the ones that identify cause and to be a competition for power or influence that tempers
suggest solution based on the operators and their own collaboration, but above all, sharing information, or failure
expertise about the operations. Production areas have basic to do so, due to either trust or lack of methods, across
training and implemented Lean; process mapping knowl- organisational boundaries, is a major barrier to create an
edge and methods exist within the production areas since integrated management system. With an integrated
Lean has been implemented there and process mapping is a approach, a common operational picture could be devel-
common Lean tool. safety office have only had basic Lean oped. The particular context of safety critical systems
concept training in relation to their routines and not seems to have some positive influence of people’s moti-
incorporated Lean in SMS or Lean in the production areas, vation to share data, in the name of safety. But safety
which the safety department is supporting. science in itself is struggling with developing new
It is not clear that there is a common understanding approaches for safety management. So even if industry
among those playing a key coordination role in SMS. The were willing to do more, the knowledge is yet not easily
domain knowledge is key for safety performance, but there accessible for industry. In order to improve safety, also the
is no systematic approach to support analysis of operations organisational change capability need to improve since
and identifying solutions. There is no clear link between this is what demonstrated safety performance really
Lean and the SMS. In the Lean training, there is only very means.
general change management training. To make the link In this longitudinal case study, the reality of the chal-
between safety and quality is not easy for industry. It is still lenges of organisational change as well as safety manage-
a challenge for researchers both in Human Factors and ment challenges are clearly present. The approach to apply
Safety Science. state of the art research such as the SCOPE model and SE
Even if the domain knowledge may be excellent, but the to development and implementation of an SMS has given
holistic picture for complex problem solutions is hard to numerous new insights to the airline and raised new
acquire as an individual. There is a risk this results in research challenges from risk assessment and data man-
locally and short-term satisfactory solutions rather than agement to the need for training and knowledge creation.
sustainable change. Tasks may be duplicated in Lean and The functional process and system analysis capability
SMS (unnecessary time and money), and solutions may not that SCOPE and SE provide has been shown to have
be systemically solved. potential to contribute to essential enhancements for a
System Change and Operations Evaluation may be majority of the core functionalities in the SMS as well as
applied as a common process analysis methodology. This the airline’s objectives to allow SPIs to drive actual and
would increase understanding of relevant process steps and sustainable change and develop a Safe-Lean concept for
also give hints on who is involved where. It would mix the airline. In addition, the need for an integrated risk and
operational expertise with data. This could strengthen the performance framework was identified to support strategic
inference of results of statistical data analysis based on decision-making. This research also had the purpose to
statistics to validate process. SMS safety seminar series— develop a strategy for successful implementation of this
presenting integrated framework and functional change SMS. For this, the SE was applied to the case study and
focus—needs to be repeated and improved. Different many change initiatives that contributed to the Integrated
conceptualisation—from compliance to full cycle of Safety Management concept, directly or indirectly. Func-
change and safety performance concepts—needs to be tional process analysis requires a process. So, if SCOPE is
discussed and visualised. This could strengthen the well suited for the functionalities of the SMS to improve
understanding of a system that works well together and see operational process and control risk in those, a similar
the various roles everyone have and what and to who they framework should fit a functional process analysis also of
deliver in the process of the full cycle of change to dem- the organisational process of the SMS. The approach taken
onstrate safety performance. to conceptualise the SMS as an extended safety risk man-
agement process considered as a full cycle process; it
opened up for the possibility of making such analysis. The
4 Discussion SE is based on the same principles as SCOPE and is merely
an extension for the specific use of managing and evalu-
The majority of enabling processes for safety performance ating change in complex socio-technical systems.
improvement may be summarised in terms of developing Potential benefits of SCOPE in an SMS:
ways of integrating data and people for improved system
• SCOPE modelling supports the system description and
analysis. However a joined-up organisation is not easy to
identification of relevant indicators for performance
develop. Sectional or departmental interests mean that
priorities are not always fully shared; there often appears

Cogn Tech Work (2015) 17:219–236 235

• SCOPE supports analysis of root causes and proposed performance. This may include explicit training on
solutions with a broader and more both process and safety models and SMS as a full cycle of change.
human-centred analysis of socio-technical processes than • To strengthen the strategic decisions and capability to
regular process modelling and human factors models. prioritise among needs for improvement, VMA should
• For system change, SCOPE may be applied after also be upgraded with statistical analysis capability
indicators have triggered an alert, and an SPI action (significant trends, variance and correlations).
process is initiated. There is a defined link between the
The case study resulted in an integrated performance
measures to a process model that in turn links to the
management framework including new and existing tools
operations for identifying the problem and support
and structures, exceeding that what is required by authori-
solution identification.
ties and their CCL. Another part of the framework is the
• The suggested change, future state of the operational
supporting process, in which the structures and tools are
process may be modelled in SCOPE to anticipate
functions that together is argued to drive actual and sus-
knock-on effects on dependent processes or tasks.
tainable safety performance in a full cycle of change. As a
• In the evaluation of change, SCOPE may be used to
complement to improve the chances for a successful system
validate and revise SPIs as well as identifying targets
change and implementation of such SMS, the SE resulted in
for controlling safety performance.
a set of recommendation for further development and
• In the identification of need for change, SCOPE may be
implementation of the SMS. The SE provided support to the
used as a knowledge transformation method that support
fact that even if all the pieces are in place for an advanced
development of a common picture of needs and an
SMS functionality, required by authorities including a
agreement in a process of change among those involved.
conceptual process of how it should function, still many
• The knowledge transfer among different stakehold- other essential areas need to be addressed. To address also
ers has the objective to increase integration and information and knowledge cycles and social relations,
potential team building. building teams and trust is essential to make all the pieces to
• It also supports processes for knowledge transfor- work well together. This shows complementary benefits of
mation, learning across departments and different combining SCOPE and SE in system change in aviation.
levels of the organisation from production to This case contributes theoretically to industrial man-
management. agement by integrating traditional approaches in manage-
• This in turn may foster trust as well as relations ment and process control to human factors and safety
essential for successful change teams and imple- research in the development of tools for functional process
menting change. analysis of complex socio-technical systems.
The industrial contribution from this case is a conceptual
Main recommendations for suggested change:
framework for an integrated SMS, which has all the core
• Continue to develop an integrated process for risk functionalities of a compliant SMS. The concept includes
information production functionalities, supporting stra- existing structures and tools within the airline’s SMS as
tegic decision-making with regard to business, safety well as innovative functionalities developed using SCOPE.
and the balance of those information. In addition to this concept, the developed SE was applied
• Discuss with top managers and argue for SMS priority to the developments and implementation of the Safe-Lean
and the actual expectations regulators and managers concept SMS resulting in suggestions and recommenda-
have on future SMS. Plan a strategy to reach that goal. tions for the way forward.
• Supply sufficient resources for development of a training The SE is assessed to have captured the main experi-
concept and conduct the training company wide. ences from the development of the SMS and also provided
• Make contact and start dialogue with regulators to new insights that had not yet been identified in the past
develop a performance and compliance structure for ongoing research. The systematic approach and need to
safety performance assessment. consider all the seven areas relevant for system change in
• Each person in the SMS full cycle of change should be socio-technical system did address all outstanding issues,
mapped in the 1–8 steps to identify their role and also known to the MASCA researchers in the development and
who should be in teams to deliver service from one step implementation of the airline SMS including the developed
to another. Safe-Lean concept. This validates its’ use for others that
• Training could reduce competence gaps and increase a are implementing a SMS in a complex socio-technical
common understanding and buy-in. Training should industrial setting.
consist of both understanding operational and organi- The Safe-Lean concept needs to be complemented with
sational processes and their relation to safety an integrated risk model. Very few high-consequence data

236 Cogn Tech Work (2015) 17:219–236

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