Chapter II Literature Review CD

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2.1 Script
Writing is a process of expressing ideas and thoughts using written words
in order to communicate with the readers. This is supported by Kurnia (2015), states
that writing is a way of thinking; expressing ideas in written form to create an act
of communication between the writer and the reader. It is a way to create
information and images in a reader’s mind. In addition, Yunus (2014) states that
writing is an activity of systematically pouring thoughts into written form.
Alternatively, it is the process of contemplating, exploring, and developing an idea
and expressing it in written form.
In addition, Nunan (2003) states that writing is an intellectual activity of
finding the ideas and thinking about the way to express and arrange them into a
statement and paragraph that is clear to be understood by the people. Moreover,
White and Arndt (1991) as citied in Hammad (2013), writing is a thinking process
which demands intellectual effort and it involves generating ideas, planning, goal
setting, monitoring, evaluating what is going to be written as well as what has been
written and using language for expressing exact meanings.
Scripts are very helpful in making videos and also a good video script will
produce a good video. Jakacaping (2018) lists four elements when creating a good
1. Hook
In this step the narrator must find interesting words or sentences to attract
the audience to keep watching the video. This depends on the content of your video.
In this case, the video content will be about information related to the Palembang
Bird Park.
2. Introduction
In this step you have to tell about your content and also introduce yourself
first because the audience has not known you before. For example, about
Palembang Bird Park information. You should provide some information about
your video content. Tell the viewers why they should watch the video.


3. Content
In this step you should explain what your video content is about as this is
the main point that has supporting details about the content. This element makes
the audience curious about your video.
4. Closing
If your video content is about telling historical information, make sure to
provide the audience with information related to it. And also, in this video, it will
provide information to the audience regarding the history, location and
accessibility, uniqueness and philosophy, facilities provided, and attractiveness of
the Palembang Bird Park.
In details, Ranga and Koul (2017) stated different stages of making script.
There are nine stages of writing video script. The stages are as follows:
1. Finding idea
At this stage, the writer needs to think and discuss about the idea and main
message that will be applied in the video script.
2. Creating outline
After the writer finds the ideas and main message, the writer should arrange
and select them and put them into brief or outline. That can be the title,
objectives, audiences, and duration.
3. Researching
During this stage, the writer may find any supporting materials regarding
the topic will be written. It can be from, observation field, journals, interviewee
and experts.
4. Selecting material
At this stage, the writer arranges and selects the supporting material that
already collects in the research stage and chose the most relevant material that
will be presented on the video.
5. Planning message
It is important to know a good strategy to deliver the message that contains
on the video. The writer should provide a creative and interesting way to deliver
the message.

6. Arranging structure
The writer has to arrange the script which one is the opening, the body and
also the closing of the script.
7. Making storyboard
Storyboard is related to the visual and spoken words on the video. This stage
can help the script writer to think visually and develop the script.
8. Drafting script
In this stage, the writer can write the whole script.
9. Testing script
The last stage is to test the effectiveness of the script. The writer can apply
the scripts on the video to test comprehensibility of the content, language, and
relevance of the material. If the scripts are not perfect, the text can be revised
again at this stage.
A good script will lead to a good video. These are the tips how to make a
good script according to Ramdan (2018)
1. Make title page. The script will need title page. This includes the title and name
of the writer.
2. Image titled. Use fonts, borders, and separations of pages or parts (breaks) that
are correct. Can use courier fonts (size 12) when writing scripts this type of font
will not only make the display more professional but as important to make the
script easier to read.
3. Give good details about the information and messages. Use information that
explains the topic in more detail about scene before the script applied on the
4. Use correct formatting for the way or presentation that the writer wants. If the
writer wants to write a video script, the writer must write the script in that
format. Although the writing of the scripts is mostly similar, but there are some
differences and to learn all that takes a long time.
5. Make sure the writer doesn't too much. Script usually only last about one minute
per page, although of course there is an allowance for adjustments.

6. Scripts are not like books where the number of words influences, which is a
surefire way to measure the length. Use sentences that are easy to understand.
In making a script, use sentences that are short, concise, and easy to understand.
Avoid using negative sentences, because negative sentences can reduce or even
obscure the meaning you want to convey.
In addition, Cockerham (2016) gives some tips for making good scripts in
the video. The tips are as follows:
1. Writing a brief first
To write a script that drives the results you want, you definitely need to write
a short video. This not only helps you understand your goals, but also helps you to
understand your audience and you want to show them.
2. Turning your message into a story
For each video content that you want to communicate (your brief will help
you identify this). The trick is to translate these core messages into simple stories
for your script to follow.
3. Speaking in a language understood by your audience
When writing your script, always speak the language of your audience and
not your language. Your script must match the sound of your brand, but not to the
detriment of the audience. If you can conclude real words and phrases your audience
uses on their way to great video scripts.
4. Keeping its short and simple
When it comes to writing scripts, less is always more. Say what you need to
say and keep it as short as possible.
5. Don't use words
You make videos, not write novels. You have more than words to play with
your script.
6. Doing some script reading
Once you get the concept of a video script that can be applied, you should
start reading it.
7. Checking your brief
You must have several revisions rounds to do with any video script

2.2 Script Functions

Script is required for video production because by writing the script the
video will be more organized. The producer will generate the video based on the
video script. Ayu (2019) stated that “Ada beberapa fungsi utama dari naskah dalam
sebuah video”. It means that there are some main script functions in the video.
First, the function is a "Basic concept" script as the basic concept means that
the quality of the script will determine the final result of the video making process
over time. This is because the script usually contains material that is essential to
producing a video like this: ideas, details or messages. Those items will be
transmitted through the news line, characters, settings, equipment and used camera
types. For this reason, the script serves as the basic concept of the video.
The second, “Direction” is the script that is used as a guide for video
production. The video will be more organized with the script because it will prevent
the video from being in the content. In this case, the writer needs to create content
and sequence based on the script created. The video will be more edited due to the
video script.
The third, “Reference” script will act as a reference which means that the
script is being used by the writer as a reference for making a video. All single tasks
related to the video production process should be based on the script created.
It can be concluded that the function of the script is the basic concept, the
direction and the reference, so the writer made a copywriting of Palembang Bird
Park as a Tourism Destination as a reference for making a video.

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