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Preliminary Tests

1 Colour and Appearance

a) Colour of the substance is noted. Colourless Absence of Copper end
iron salts.
b) Appearance ofthc salt is noted Powdery May be Sulphide
Carbonate. (expect
Ammonium Carbonate)

2 Solubility
A little of the substance is shaken well with water Insoluble May be Sulphide
Carbonate. (expect
Ammonium Carbonate)

3 Action of heat.
A small amount of the substance is taken in a dry The salt tums yellow when Maybe Zinc.
test tube and heated gently. hot, white when cold.

4 Flame test.
A small amount of the substance is made into No characteristic coloured Absence of Barium
a paste with concentrated hydrochloric acid flame and Calcium.
in a watch glass and introduced into the non
— luminous bunsen flame.

Ash test.
A filter paper is soaked into a mixture of salt Green ash Presence of Zinc
solution containing a drop of con. nitric acid
and cobalt nitrate solution and introduced into
the bunsen flame and ignited.

Identification of acid radical

6 Action or dilute hydrochloric acid.

To a small amount of the substance, dilute Colourless rotten egg Presence of sulphide
hydrochloric acid is added. smelling gas turning lead is confirmed
acetate paper into
7 Copper turnings test.
A small amount of the substance is heated with No reddish brown gas. Absence of Nitrate
copper turnings and few drops of
concentrated sulphuric acid.
8 Action of Sodium hydroxide.
A small amount of the substance is heated with No pungent smelling Absence of
sodium dioxide solution Ammonium salt.
9 Chromyl chloride test.
To a small amount of the substance, a No red orange vapours. Absence of Chloride
pinch of potassium dichromate is added
and heated with a few drops of
concentrated sulphuric acid
Preparation of Sodium Carbonate Extract
A small amount of the substance is mixed with twice the amount of sodium carbonate in a
beaker. 20 ml of distilled is added and the solution is boiled for 10 minutes. cooled and then filtered.
The filtrate is called as Sodium carbonate extract.
1 Silver Nitrate test.

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