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25 March 2024, Seoul

UN Geospatial Information
for a Better World
외교부 UN 인사초청 간담회
2024. 3. 25.
Retired Chief UN GIS
CEO Smart GeoLab

25 March 2024, Seoul

United Nations
We the people of the United Nations determined to save
succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which
twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind

- To maintain International Peace and Security

- To promote Economic and Social Development
- To promote and protect Human Rights
Peace and Security

25 March 2024, Seoul

2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

25 March 2024, Seoul

UN Geospatial Requirements

25 March 2024, Seoul

UN Geospatial Vision

Universal use of geospatial information to underpin and support

all mandates and operations of the United Nations for a better world

25 March 2024, Seoul

Who we serve

Member States Security Council Leadership

Secretariat Specialized agencies General public

25 March 2024, Seoul


Monitor, analyze and visualize support during

Security Council’s consultation including the
official deployment maps, satellite imagery and
tactical operations analysis related to
international peace and security

25 March 2024, Seoul


Data and tools to collect, document, analyze and

visualize evidence to ascertain human rights
violation and atrocities

25 March 2024, Seoul


Promote and avail global geospatial data on common

geographies data from Member States on subnational units
to integrate geospatial and statistical data to monitor, report,
analyze and visualize the Sustainable Development Goals
for effective decision-making and data for action

Monitoring situation, impact assessment

analysis during disasters identify priority areas and
to support logistics and deployment of relief

25 March 2024, Seoul


Support to mediation efforts and peaceful

resolution of conflict in the context of
territorial integrity and sovereignty, by
providing surveying, mapping, analysis,
geographic knowledge and understanding
through visualization, particularly on
international boundaries.

25 March 2024, Seoul

Seoul Declaration
We, the participants of the FOSS4G-Asia 2023 held in Seoul, therefore resolve:
- to express our support in preparation of the establishment of an “Open Geospatial
Platform (to be named)” for effective synergy with United Nations operations to collectively
overcome the global and regional challenges in coordination and collaboration with United
Nations Geospatial Network and United Nations Open GIS Initiative (UN Open GIS);

- to take actions to foster and strengthen national, regional and global cooperation and
collaboration with the aim of developing an interconnected global network to formulate
and adopt best practices on open geospatial technology and open data (such as capacity
building and technology transfer, joint pilot projects, etc.);

- to contribute with open geospatial technology, open data, open analysis, open applications
and services to the realization of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development;

- to advance the use of open geospatial technology in alignment with United Nations Global
Compact, achieving collective impact through information sharing, collaboration, policy
advocacy, and international cooperation.
Smart GeoLab
㈜ 스마트 지오랩
Serving the World
Be Part of United Nations
 Does making a difference in the world motivate you?
 Are you driven to be a part of a bigger purpose in the
service of humanity?
 Are you driven by public interest rather than personal
 Are you the type of person who will travel to and work
anywhere at a moment’s notice?

 Do you thrive in an environment that:

 is truly international and multi-cultural?

 respects and promotes diversity?

 functions at its best through team efforts?

25 March 2024, Seoul

Who is UN Staff?
 We are international civil servants.
 Our work
 touches lives in every corner of the globe
 is complex and multifaceted
 extends directly and indirectly to our
193 Member States.
 In the last decade, the United Nations has increased
its field-based operations
 Over 50 % of over 41,000 staff work in field locations
all over the world
 Approx. 100,000 personnel in 12 peacekeeping and
15 political missions

25 March 2024, Seoul

UN Job Profiles
• Audit • Logistics
• Administrators • Procurement
• Aviation • Medical
• Conference and Language Staff • Programme/Project Management
• Drug Control & Crime Prevention • Security
• Demographics • Humanitarian Affairs
• Economic Affairs • Human Rights
• Electoral Affairs • Legal Affairs
• Engineering • Political Affairs
• Geospatial, Cartography • Public Administration
• Information and Communications • Public Information, Radio & TV
Technology • Rule of Law
• Information Management • Social Affairs
• Library Science • Statistics

25 March 2024, Seoul

UN career starting points
• Internationally-Recruited
o Individual /Generic Vacancies
o Language Competitive Examination
o Young Professional Programme (YPP) Recruitment Examination
o Associate Expert Programme /Junior Professional Officer (JPO)
• Locally-Recruited
o National Professional Officer
o General Service
• Temporary
o Temporary professional and general service staff
o Individual/Institutional Consultants/Contractors
• Other
o Internship Programme
o United Nations Volunteers (UNV) (
o International UN Volunteers
o On-line Volunteers (
o Youth Volunteers

25 March 2024, Seoul

Professional Jobs

• Usual experience requirements in addition to

a degree:
• P-2 = No experience required: YPP or Language
recruitment examination
• P-3 = 5 years
• P-4 = 7 years
• P-5 = 10 years
• D-1/D-2 = 15 years
• Add 2 years if only have Bachelor’s degree

25 March 2024, Seoul

Young Professional Programme (YPP)

• Entry level (P-2): filled through competitive

• Held annually based on a country’s representation
among staff
• YPP applicants must be:
• National of participating Member State
• No more than 32 years old as of 31 December of exam year
• Hold at least a first-level university degree relevant to an
occupational group offered
• Proficient in either English or French

<For more information :>

25 March 2024, Seoul

Pay and Benefits
• Competitive Salaries
• Annual & Sick Leave
• Home Leave
• Maternity & Paternity Leave
• Education Grant & Travel
• Rental Subsidy
• Defined-benefits Pension at age 65
• Health Insurance
• Installation, Shipment & Repatriation
• Pay for Additional Official Language
• Mobility and Hardship Pay
• Rest and Recuperation
• Mentoring Programme for New Staff
• Development & Learning opportunities
25 March 2024, Seoul
Internship Programme
• Offers opportunity to familiarize yourself with the United Nations
• Unpaid and full-time
• Requirements:
o University student or within one year after graduation
o Duration: minimum 2 months, up to 6 months
• Apply to the duty station of choice
• No. of interns world-wide: over 4,000 per biennium

<For more information :>

25 March 2024, Seoul

25 March 2024, Seoul

25 March 2024, Seoul

25 March 2024, Seoul

Job Opening
• Posting Title: Geospatial Information Officer, P-4 (Unit Chief)
• Department/Office: Geospatial Information Section, Office of Information &
Communication Technology (OICT)
• Duty Station: New York
• Posting Period: 28/02/2024 – 12/04/2020
• Job Opening ID: 226873

• Organizational Setting & Reporting:

• Responsibilities: [Job profile]
• Competencies: Professionalism, Planning and Organizing, Client Orientation, Leadership
[Competency Based Interview] past behavior and experience is the best indicator of
future performance.
• Qualifications: Education, Experience (required, desirable), Language:
• Assessment Method: (1) PHP review/assessment, (2) written test, and (3) Competency
based interview
• Special Notice:

25 March 2024, Seoul

Personal History Profile (PHP)
• User Profile
• Cover Letter for this Application
• General details, Address, Relations
• Preferences
• Education
• Employment
• Languages
• UN Training
• Licenses/Certificates
• Publications
• Skills Required for this Job Opening
• Responses to Screening Questions for this Job Opening

For more information :

25 March 2024, Seoul

Thank you!


25 March 2024, Seoul

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