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Eulalia Chapter 28: Multiple Intelligence

Chapter 28: Multiple Intelligence

How do I put this... I said at the direct question from Eulalia. I wanted to confess my feelings for Eulalia alone and in some heartfelt fashion. On the other hand, thanks to the conversation between her and Etchi, I started rethinking about my decision. It was obvious that Eulalia would never return my feelings when she felt so strongly toward Etchi. In front of Jake, I pretended to act fearless and claim that as long as she knew my feelings, it was fine with me. But a secret part of me was afraid. I had never been rejected in my life because I never had the guts to leave myself so vulnerable in the first place. This time though, everything was out of my control. Whether Jake could tell I was faltering in my decision or not, he single-handedly pushed me to confront Eulalia directly. I was not ready, but I sort of knew I would never be ready. You don't look surprised, Eulalia said, shifting her attention from me to Etchi. Etchi glanced away. Really... You tend to overreact a lot, Eulalia said to her boyfriend. This is so unlike you, Ken-Ken. Fine, since I have nothing to hide anymore, I'll admit it, Etchi said, keeping his eyes away from both Eulalia and I. I knew about Brice's feelings for a long time now. I'm disappointed. At her comment, Etchi whirled back to her, In me, Layla? In both of you, Eulalia said, merciless. I'm slow, not stupid. You two have been fighting over me for a long time now. Since that was the truth, both Etchi and I were speechless. I'm very disappointed. Shouldn't you be happy? I asked, unable to hold all the feelings building up in my chest. For the majority of your life, no one gave a damn about you. Etchi threw me a shocked look. And now that you're in college, there is always someone sending you gifts. Brice, Etchi interrupted, upset. Shut the fuck up. No, I told him. Is it wrong of me to like her? These are my goddamn feelings. No one gives a fuck about your feelings, Etchi said, grabbing a hold of my collar now. I tried to push him away, but his grip on me was strong. You can't say such crap to my girlfriend. Even if people like her now, she can't erase her horrible past. Even if she can't erase it, I said sternly. She should be grateful for her current life. Why? Because of stalkers like you? I am not disappointed because of Brice's feelings for me, Eulalia said, forcing Etchi and I to look at her. I am disappointed at the fact that Ken-Ken and Brice would hurt each other this much because of me. At her remark, Etchi released his grip on me. I don't like this one bit. I'm sorry, Layla, Etchi said quickly.

We're cool, really, I said, feeling ashamed for some reason. If someone should remain alone, it should be me, Eulalia said, gazing at us sadly. I've always been alone and I like being alone. It doesn't bother me. But Ken-Ken needs a best friend to keep him in line. Etchi lowered his eyes. And Brice also needs someone to understand and stay by his side. I clenched my jaw. Why don't you two understand that you need each other more than I would ever need either one of you? Cold as always, Etchi said under his breath. That's Eulalia for you, I said in agreement with Etchi. But Layla, Etchi said. I promise myself that I will never leave you alone anymore. I also never want to see you miserable again, I said right after Etchi. Too bad, Eulalia said, turning her back to us. I choose and prefer to be alone until you two can resolve your differences. What differences? I cried in disbelief. Friendship is very important to me, Eulalia said under her breath. Like you said, Brice, I went through most of my life with no friends. But because of that, I know how wonderful having friends are. Now that I have friends, I never want to lose them. I also never want you and Ken-Ken to break off your friendship over a girl like me. Eulalia paused and sighed. So please don't take your friendship so lightly. Wait, Layla, Etchi said, grabbing her arm. Eulalia brushed him off and left the shop right without another word. I had never seen her so serious about anything before. There was no doubt about itshe wanted Etchi and I to decide for ourselves whether we wanted to remain friends or not. For the longest time, we were so stuck in between that it must have hurt all three of us at the same time, including Eulalia. Damn it Eulalia! This confession was supposed to be about us, not my friendship with Etchi! This was not what I was expecting to happen at all when I finally revealed my feelings to you! On the contrary, I didn't even explicitly explained my feelings at all! Someone else gave away what I wanted to say for me. There was no doubt about it- I failed big time. I had never failed this badly before but... This is dumb, Etchi voiced my thoughts out loud. Yeah, it is, I groaned. What a shitty day, Etchi said as we left the shop together. Hey, I said, frowning at him. At least your feelings weren't disregarded completely. I might lose my girlfriend, said Etchi with an incredulous look on his face. This isn't the 'Who got more fucked over by Eulalia' game, I said in reminder. Etchi laughed and said, We can't blame anyone but ourselves though. It's our own damn faults for liking someone like her. Yeah, I said in agreement as we headed back to USC on foot. I don't even know what's wrong with me. Etchi lifted a brow at me. I know that confessing and maybe even dating Eulalia is no good. We won't work out at all. Brice actually makes sense for once, Etchi said, shocked. I glared at him. You never change, do you?

Why should I? asked Etchi, smirking. Anyways, I said in an emphasized tone. I can't help myself. I'm so drawn to her. Enough to try to steal her from me, said Etchi, grumbling. I threw him a wary look. If it were that easy, I would have done so a long time ago. You would have done so a long time ago if you have what it takes. Etchi, I said, sighing. We're arguing again. It's not my fucking fault that my best friend wants my girlfriend for himself, Etchi said, annoyed. I stopped walking. I can do whatever I like, all right? It's none of your business. Etchi rolled his eyes. That's the excuse homewreckers use to justify their actions. Forget this, I said, unable to argue against how true his words rung in my head. It's all Jake's fault anyways. You're right, Brice, Etchi said, surprising me. Someone like you would never have the guts to tell Layla your feelings in the first place. I glared at him, remembering all too well how easy it was for him to make fun of me. It's all that guy's fault for making Layla mad at us. When I tried to place the blame on Jake, it sounded all right in my head. After Etchi said it like that though, I felt bad for even suggesting it in the first place. Anyways, I texted Jake once I remembered that I had his number on that one business card he handed me earlier. Ever since I broke up with my exgirlfriend, I was allergic to texting in general. There were a lot of things I was still allergic to thanks to her, but I decided to move on from this one at least. I'm going to tell her how I feel, came the reply. When Etchi read that off my phone, he asked, Who is he talking about? My cousin-in-law who really isn't my cousin-in-law. His boss, Etchi said automatically. The one with supermodel good looks, I said in agreement. I want to work for someone like her, Etchi smirked at the thought. Anyone would want to work for someone like that, but that isn't the point, I said, picking up my pace. We need to stop him. Why? asked Etchi, running along my side. Good for him, I say. He might lose his job if this doesn't work out and that lazy bum can't afford to lose this job, I said with a frown. That is bad, Etchi decided. Where is she? With Vivien and Jordan, I assume, I answered. A few seconds later, Etchi said proudly, Done. Texted Jordan. Good idea, I said, tossing him a rare smile. And quick reply, Etchi said, checking his phone again. He said they are currently in your room. Perfect, I said as Etchi and I changed directions and ran toward where my dorm was at. Since Etchi and I ran all the way back, I was busy panting in front of m y room while he knocked on the door impatiently. It took a while for any reaction from inside, but soon enough, Jordan opened the door and gawked at the sight of

us. I scanned the group quickly and noticed that Vivien and Carmen were sitting on top of Jordan's bed. No sign of Jake at all. Long time no see, Etchi, Jordan said in greeting. Yo, Etchi said in reply. He probably noticed Jake wasn't here either. Brice forgot something. Yeah, I said quickly, going along with Etchi's story. I left something here. Oh, Jordan said, confused why we were so out of breath. It's your room, Brice. You don't have to tell me anything. What did you forget, Cousin? asked Carmen, interested. Something, I said vaguely. How secretive, Carmen said with a sweet smile. Er, I said, walking in and shuffling under my bed as if I were looking for something. Carmen, you know that one high school classmate of yours... Which one? she asked me gently. I thought of something quickly. The one with dirty blonde hair and good at stalking people. That's scary, Vivien said, gasping. Oh, him, Carmen said, reacting the total opposite of Vivien. What about him? Have you seen him around? I haven't heard from him recently, Carmen said. Oh, great, I said with a laugh. I grabbed a book under my bed. Anyways, I got my book. I'll leave you three alone now. One second, Brice, Carmen said, stopping me in my tracks. Do you know where he is currently? This high school classmate of mine? No, I said honestly. I'm not sure where he is. Oh, okay, Carmen said, not worried at all. If you see him, tell him to text me. Sure, I said before I left the room and closed the door. Etchi lifted a brow at me. Maybe he was bluffing? Would he really confess his feelings through an e-mail or phone call? I asked myself more than Etchi. I have a hard time believing he wouldn't do that in person... Why are you so worried about him? Etchi demanded. I blinked, not realizing it either. I'm not worried about him. I just want to get him back for what he did to me earlier. Etchi snickered at me. Whatever you say. Let's figure out where he is. Wait a second, I said, turning to Etchi. Why are you with me? Layla wants us to settle our differences, right? Etchi asked with a carefree shrug. I'm just tagging along until you're done with your business so we can talk it out. Don't you have work? I asked in disbelief. Yes, I do, Etchi said. In two hours, I have to play at a pub. That's your third job, I said with a nod. The pay's decent, Etchi said as we left the building. I got a couple of gigs after this. That's good. Etchi threw me a suspicious look. That's all?

Listen, Etchi, I said, sighing. I don't like you because you're an asshole. Etchi laughed. But somewhere in the back of my head, I always knew that the real reason of my attitude had always been how much better you were than me at everything. Etchi was slightly taken back by this. I was happy at your misfortune because I thought that finally, the world was being fair. The truth finally comes out, Etchi said under his breath. Yeah, all this time, I would find every little reason to not like you. Why are you telling me this now? Etchi asked, still defensive. Because there's a chance we might not be friends anymore so I thought might as well. Good enough, Etchi grinned. I had an animosity toward you this entire time. I noticed, I said. It's because you came into the picture after Eulalia and I went our separate ways the first time, Etchi said, making me turn to him with wide eyes. You tried so hard to befriend her and help her out in your twisted Brice way. Oh, yeah, I said, remembering those days. You mentioned all this to me before. Yeah, so I was annoyed and jealous, Etchi said, shaking his head. I hated the fact that she had gotten so popular once the semester started. Boys from her classes kept bothering her with gifts and I thought I had to do better than all of them. Etchi laughed at himself. You thought I was acting the way I did because I saw you as a threat to my relationship with her. No, like I mentioned once before, that wasn't it at all. Etchi bit his lip. I knew from the day I met her that Layla was the one for me and I was afraid of losing her to anyone else. The whole world was a threat, then, I said. Exactly, He said. He looked miserable. I never felt this strongly romantically toward anyone before. It scared me. I even tried my best to make her believe that no one else was right for her but me. Etchi clapped a hand over his eyes. I really am an asshole. While you helped her make friends, I only thought about my pitiful self. If there are so many threats out there, why me? I asked. I must know the truth. I was so close. Ah, Etchi said, removing his hand. You mean why I kept my worst enemy closest? That, I said. You never stood a chance against me if you approached her as a love interest, Etchi explained. But if you were to somehow become her best friend... That might have happened between Eulalia and I, I said in realization. Everything was starting to make sense. Because it took me the longest time to even figure out I had feelings for her. I think the rest of us saw it before you, Etchi said, amused. Yeah, I said, slightly bothered. Jordan kept telling me that Eulalia and I were more like best friends than anything. Etchi nodded in agreement. But of course, it never happened because you stole that spot and I shifted half of my focus on you instead. My master plan worked, Etchi said proudly. You're such a bastard, I laughed.

You're taking this in good humor, Etchi said with a lift of his brow. Because I should thank you, I said with a nod toward him. If it weren't for you, I probably never figured out my feelings for Eulalia. If it weren't for you, I would probably stayed the same passive prick I was. If it weren't for you, I paused and noticed Jake sitting on a patch of grass with a sketchbook. I would probably be stuck where Jake's at right now. Oh, we found him, Etchi said, approaching the older man from behind. Yo. Jake, I called out, running over. Oh, it's you two, said Jake, not looking up from his sketchbook. He was busy sketching the sunset. I stood in front of that door for a good fifteen minutes before I pulled myself back and left. That's what happened, I said, relieved. How did you know they were there? Etchi asked, curious. I always know where she is, Jake said solemnly. Etchi was about to say something, but I motioned for him to sit down instead. The two of us sat next to Jake on both side as he continued to sketch the sky as well as all the buildings in sight. There was a long period of silence where I watched the sun set in silence while Etchi checked his cell phone. He was as popular as always. As for Jake, he finished the sketch of the scenery before he wrote in this elegant handwriting USC at the top. I appreciate the company, Jake said, closing his sketchbook. But why? I'm not sure, but I have to leave soon, said Etchi, blinking. Jake, I said directly to him. Eulalia knows how I feel now, thanks to you. What happened after that? Jake asked, giving me a serious look. I gulped at being confronted like this. Er, she got mad at Etchi and I for fighting over her when we're supposed to be best friends. She's not speaking to either of us, Etchi said in an accusing voice. Have you two resolved your differences yet? Jake asked calmly. Etchi frowned. I guess. We talked a bit before we came here. Yeah, I said quickly. We know why we were so hateful toward one another. Good, Jake said, sitting up straight. Because I personally believe you two have more relationship issues than either of you with her. Etchi and I tossed each other a look. She has her own demons to fight as well and she can't exactly do that when you two cause so much problems for her. I sighed before Jake continued, I personally believe she's a more fascinating case than Vivien Landry. Is there anything I can do to help her? Etchi asked. I know she's still obsessed over her father, I said. I want to help her, too. Then, Jake said, standing up. He turned to Etchi. Be a caring and loving boyfriend, Etchi. Then, he shifted his focus to me. Be an understanding and supportive best friend, Brice. I lowered my eyes. Ah... Easier said than done, right? asked Jake, giving me a sad smile. I know how you feel. Yeah, you're like me, I said, standing up and feeling awful all of a sudden. It's a tough place to be, Jake said as Etchi climbed up to his feet as well. From my understanding of her situation, she has already considered herself a

reject of society for a long time. That's exactly right, Etchi said. Instead of people telling her that she can do the impossible, she's been put down by both her guardian and her teachers, Jake said, shaking his head. There are thousands of children in this country who are going through what Eulalia went through every day. I noticed a pained expression on Jake's face. Consider yourselves lucky that you haven't lost her already. What does that mean? I asked, frowning. When children are hated on my their parents and teachers, they grow up to become problematic adults, Jake said. It's not like they have a choice in the matter. No one really took the time to understand them. But for some reason, Eulalia's special. She likes people and herself. It means she hasn't given up on herself or the people around her and now, Jake gave Etchi and I a thankful look. People finally notice how special she is and reach out to her in college. Some even fight over her. Etchi was visibly unhappy to hear all this, but who wouldn't? Do you work with these types of people at your center? he asked. That's right, Jake said firmly. My pretty boss lady grew up in a strict world; the complete opposite of what these kids are going through. How? I asked, curious. Basically, Jake answered. She grew up in a world where everyone around her told her she could do anything as long as she put her mind to it. And that she must master everything because she was capable of doing so. Etchi had this stunned look on his face. Although it was not a healthy lifestyle in general, think of what the world would be like if we took a piece of it. Instead of putting people down... I started. We encourage them, Etchi ended. We would have a completely different Vivien, I said, chuckling. A different Eulalia as well, Etchi said in response to my comment. She would have had countless friends back in elementary school. Her teachers and principal would love her instead of shun her. Yeah, I agreed. She wouldn't be so fixated in believing that everyone who doesn't agree with her views is out to put her down. Like you, Etchi laughed at me. Shut up, I said out of amusement instead of annoyance. But how do we let her know all this? asked Etchi to Jake. It's been so long. How can we hope to fix what has already been embedded in her life for years? I'm not even supposed to say all this in the first place, Jake said, scratching the back of his head and moaning at what he accidentally told us. My boss always gets on my case because I blab when I should be getting paid for blabbing. If I work for your center, Etchi said quickly, remembering. I can help my own girlfriend. Yeah, sure, Jake said, returning to his apathetic voice. My boss will train you and you will know exactly how to handle cases like your girlfriend's. I want to work there as soon as possible, then, Etchi said, determined. But Etchi, I said to him. You still have less than two months left of this semester.

You should finish first, Jake said, agreeing with me. You're both right, Etchi said quickly. Sorry. I was getting way into this. Since I already fucked up, Jake said, sighing. I might as well finish what I started. Both Etchi and I lightened up. Thanks to Jake, we both felt inspired to help Eulalia, even if it meant putting aside our differences. It's simple. Let's say you go on a date with her, Etchi. Etchi nodded, taking mental notes. Ask her where she wants to go and what she wants to eat. Let her take charge. That's it? asked Etchi, surprised. Always talk things out, Jake said in a stern voice. If say she has a bad habit or trait you believe she is better off changing, I thought of my previous relationship with Eulalia immediately. Do not chastise or lash out on her. It will make her feel horrible and probably discouraged. Damn, I said to myself. Explain to her calmly why you believe she should change it and how it's not in her best interest to stay like that, Jake continued. Make sure she knows that you still love her no matter what despite this bad habit or trait. She has to understand that it's the habit that's bad, not the person. It sounds like common sense, Etchi said in disbelief. Common sense is not so common, Jake said after a loud yawn. And don't let my words fool you. It's not that easy to pull this off. It takes an immense amount of effort and discipline for both parties. Most people can't do it unless they're a trained professional like me. Jake tossed me a look for whatever reason before he returned to Etchi. Thankfully for you, your girlfriend is highly selfdisciplined already. You got it off easy. Jake groaned at a thought. Think about all those other girls in the world who would probably lash out or refuse to listen to anyone. I shivered. Yeah... Thanks for your advice, Etchi said with a smile. I have to run now. I have a gig this evening. Sure, anytime, Jake said. What about us? I asked him before he left. Let's put Layla's recovery before our bickering, Etchi said, smiling at me. I agreed. We can talk about our own relationship problems later. All right, I said. I'm fine with that. Later, then, Etchi said, leaving in a hurry. Now that he's gone, Jake said, heading toward the hotel. I'm going to go sulk now. Wait, I said as I walked by his side. Sulk? I was acting all cool and professional in front of him because I felt like I was on the job, Jake answered me. I could see that. I had to make a good impression or else he might not want to work for One Heart. That would screw up Carmen's plans. But why are you sulking? I demanded. Why do you think? asked Jake incredulously. You always ask me questions you already know the answers to. You're a funny guy, Brice. I glared at him before I said, It's Carmen-related, isn't it? It's always Carmen-related. You really love her, don't you? I asked, feeling sorry for him.

Have you ever watched an action movie but found it boring compared to your work life? Jake asked me. Judging by the distant look on his face and the fact that I haven't worked yet, I knew he wasn't really asking for an answer from me. I was right. Have you ever listened to a love song and laughed at how dumb it sounded? Yet, it reflected your pitiful life. Er, yeah, I said, not knowing what to say. With his eyes forward, Jake kept walking and continued, There are days when I can't write poetry because life is so much better than what I'm able to write. Jake stopped and nodded to himself. Then, there are days when I can't sleep because I hate my feelings and my inability to think of anything else. Sorry, I said sadly. I haven't been through this before. I can't relate. You don't want to be, Jake said quickly. You can't even taste the food you eat. My eyes widened. Really? Yeah, Jake said. Food stopped having taste for me for a while now. I'm only eating for the sake of eating now. How long has it been going on? I asked. I lost track, Jake said honestly. I probably have it recorded somewhere on my laptop, but yeah. Jake chuckled, shaking his head. I really should get away from her sometime. Oh, yeah, I said, remembering what Carmen told me earlier. She told me to ask you to text her. Sure, he said in a tired voice. Thanks. I wasn't able to say this in front of Etchi, but thanks for the extra push. Anytime. Pushing's my specialty. I laughed. Yeah. For everyone but myself that is, Jake said, amused. He seemed to have relaxed after letting his thoughts out. I was glad for him. If you ever need help or advice, text me. Thanks to my boss, I rarely sleep at night anymore so I'm available anytime. I'll take your words seriously, then, I said as we stopped in front of the hotel. I might be a lazy bum, but I don't blow people off, Jake said in reassurance. Give my number to Etchi. I'm expecting a phone call or text from him. After I departed from Jake, I spent my time studying in the library with only a short break for dinner. Thanks to Jake's story about how much he suffered from his unrequited feelings, I decided once and for all that I would tell Eulalia my feelings for her properly. I wanted to say it with my own words. If she never wanted to see or speak to me again, fine. If she wanted to be friends instead, I was okay with that, too. None of it would compare to being in endless agonies where I couldn't even eat or sleep. On my way back to my room, I noticed Sandara doing the same. I called out her name. It didn't take her long to return my greeting as we stopped and chatted for a bit. After all, I hadn't spoken or seen her in a really long time and I always felt connected to Sandara out of my group of friends. I heard about Jordan and Vivien, she said with a carefree laugh. I'm happy for them.

I'm glad to hear that, I said, relieved. I've seen him dating countless girls before, Sandara said, amused. It's no big deal whether it's Vivien or Eulalia or whoever as long as she's nice. Besides, I said. You have too much going on to worry. I'm still a long way from becoming one of the first Mexican surgeons in the country, but I'll get there, said Sandara, full of her usual confidence. Eulalia is already figuring out plans for her future, I said. That's wonderful! Sandara cried. How about you, Brice? I shook my head. I'm still the same. Except for pursuing my major in history, I have no idea what I want to do with my life. You're still young, Sandara said in this encouraging voice. I'll probably be the next RA after Casey graduates though. Oh, really? I smiled at her. I want to be someone others can feel safe talking to. I don't want anyone to feel rejected. I thought about that fine day Eulalia introduced herself in front of us thanks to Casey. I hate to say this, but Casey is a great RA. Sandara laughed. Yeah, she is. She just doesn't seem like it. Right after my conversation with Sandara, I went ahead and approached Casey about the topic. I waited long enough to give her my reply. With that out of the way, she was set on training me next semester. I honestly couldn't wait to see what type of training she would make me go through. At the thought of next semester, though, I finally admitted to myself that Etchi would be missed. I would have no one to argue with or spend my free time with. My group would lack someone so lively and talkative. But of course, I would never admit any of this out loud to that arrogant guy. What happened with you and Jake? Jordan asked me when I returned to my room at last. Stalking Etchi. And you? Multiple intelligence. Multiple intelligence? I repeated, confused. It was something Carmen talked about that Vivien seemed fascinated about. I was fascinated, too. I'd like to know what that means. Basically, it's the idea of intelligence measurement, Jordan said, putting down the book he was reading on top of his bed. As Carmen puts it, it's not how smart you are, but how you are smart. She also applies the idea to self-worth- it's not how important you are, but how you are important. Huh, I said, repeating the line in my head. Vivien started breaking down right after she heard that line, Jordan said with a content expression on his face. When I heard it, I immediately thought of Jin and how he used to help me with words alone. I used to be suicidal. My eyes widened. You probably never knew. Nope, I said, speechless. But you're Jordan... Jin used to tell me that it's not how society measures my worth that determines whether I'm worthy of living or not, Jordan said. Instead, because I am worthy of living like everyone else, I should bring my own unique worth to society. I can see why he's working for Carmen now. Vivien probably thought she was worthless for a really long time.

Jordan nodded. She pretty much learned that since she was a weak human being and not worthy of anyone's time, she should also learn to accept abuse. She feels that she deserves the attention of abusive men for being so pathetic and powerless in the first place. Even if those type of men are attracted to her because she acts like that, I said, upset. It's not her fault. It's their fault. But that's how she thinks and feels, Jordan said. No one should have to think and feel that way. Yeah, I said, sighing. It's nice that Carmen is really making a break through with Vivien. We still have a long way to go, Jordan said with a wide grin. But I'll be there to support Vivien every step of the way. All of this explains why she always looked up to Eulalia, I said, thinking of Vivien's roommate. Eulalia might have been rejected by everyone around her before she came to this school, but she showed no signs of acting or talking like a reject. Eulalia had always decided everything for herself. She preferred not to carry her luggage to her room. She'd rather stay home and play games when she should be attending classes instead. She chose not to do homework even back in elementary school. Sure, Eulalia's lazy and selfish, but she knows exactly who she is and what she wants- something Vivien couldn't figure out. Brice, Jordan said, gaping at me. Do you ever tell Eulalia these things? Er, I thought about it for a second. Not really. But I mentioned it to other people. Why don't you tell her? I blinked. It never came up. Jordan laughed at me. You should tell her. I bet she'll appreciate it because that's the type of person she is. That's it, I said, opening the door. Thanks, Jordan. Jordan stared after me. Bye? Thanks to Jordan, I figured out how I was going to confess my feelings for Eulalia... the right way this time without Jake or Etchi interfering. They shouldn't be anyways. Etchi should still be playing his guitar at that pub. Jake should be meeting up with Carmen now that she left Vivien alone. Jordan retired to his room and Sandara should have also done the same. If I were to knock on Eulalia's door right now, chances were she would be in, either studying or working on one of her personal projects. When I knocked on the door though, it was none other than Vivien who answered the door. I glanced inside quickly and found no Eulalia in sight. This was highly unusual for her, especially at this hour in the evening. Still, I had better asked for her whereabouts, just in case Vivien knew where she was. Vivien's immediate response was a frown though. Lally is out somewhere, Vivien said after I asked her about Eulalia. Do you know where in particular? I pressured her further. She left with Sandara's roommate. Xara? I asked, not liking the sound of this. Who approached who first? Ten minutes ago, Xara came here and asked Lally for a chat in regards to Etchi. Lally agreed and they left together. Paling at the news, I cried, Do you know where they went?

I'm not sure, Vivien said with a torn look on her face. She must have thought she had done wrong by not stopping Eulalia. But they went in the direction of the Student Store. Thanks, I said quickly before I dashed off in that direction. A part of me knew that Xara would not harm Eulalia in any way since Xara never gave me that impression. But another part of me disliked the fact that Xara specifically called Eulalia out while Etchi was far away from campus. Even if there were no bloodshed, there might be tears involved. After everything I went through with Etchi and Jake, I would rather there not be any more unnecessary drama. More importantly, how was I ever going to confess my feelings for Eulalia if everything kept getting in the damn way? Damn the world.

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