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7/27/23, 9:44 PM 4 DAYS TO $400 WRITING CHALLENGE!

Hurry! This special offer

expires in just…

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Enroll Now

Still Dream of Being a Well-Paid Writer?

STOP DREAMING and Make It REAL With AWAI’s 1/39
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It’s Easier Than Ever to Start Getting PAID as a Writer TODAY Than Ever Before in History…

And We’re Going to PROVE It to You… With Just 4 Days of Mind-Blowing Training… 2/39
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Okay, writers, it’s crunch time!

Rebecca Matter here…

I’m excited to have you as part of the AWAI community…

But, I’ve yet to see you take advantage of any of our trainings… or hear any success stories from you!

So, I have a serious question: 3/39
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Is the desire to be a well-paid, “write-from-anywhere” writer still inside you?



Because I’m ready.

I’ve got my team ready…

And we’re 100% committed to helping you become a paid writer — NOW!

Our timing could NOT be better.

There has never been a better moment in the history of paid writing to secure your future by becoming a skilled copywriter
than right now.

Why now?

Over the past few months, there’s been a MASSIVE and POSITIVE development in the writing world that makes it even
easier and faster to have success as a writer…

 Easier and faster to generate great ideas… 4/39
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 Easier and faster to do amazing research…

 Easier and faster to write incredible copy…

 Easier and faster to edit to perfection…

I’m talking, of course, about the mind-blowing emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) programs like ChatGPT…

Programs that writers can now use to not only make the writing process more fun , but vastly more efficient too…

By slashing hours off the time it takes to research and produce the online content that businesses and clients need now
more than ever.

All you’ve heard about AI replacing writers?


And we’re going to PROVE it to you.

You see, when it comes to marketing and business messaging, the content AI generates is only as good as the writer using it.

You STILL have to know the motives and intentions behind the copy clients need… 5/39
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You STILL need to know the needs and desires of the people you’re writing to… and “speak” to them in a caring and
empathetic way that no machine can…

You STILL need to infuse a level of emotion that’s appropriate for the subject matter you’re writing about.

THAT is what we’ll teach you!

So despite everything you might have heard, AI is not going to replace writers…

It’s simply going to make our jobs easier and faster…

No More Putting Your Writing Dream Off for Another Day…

Let’s Do This!
That’s why I’m writing to you today.

You love to write.

You’ve been sitting on the sidelines long enough…

The time has come for you to join the thousands of your fellow AWAI members now living the writer’s life … 6/39
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The life YOU are still only dreaming about!


A life with no set hours…

No time clocks…

No daily commutes…

Nowhere you have to be on any given day. 7/39
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Want to live where the air is cleaner?

Where there are no crowds and life is more laid-back?

How about a beautiful lake or mountain view as you write?

We know of writers taking entire months in Paris, Italy, and tropical paradises — where they write a few hours in the
morning… and spend the rest of their time exploring!

That’s the future that awaits you.



Unlimited income potential…

Incredible freedom.

A new life!

And it all starts with AWAI’s 4 Days to $400 Writing Challenge. 8/39
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Your Exclusive Invitation

After 26 years of teaching new writers, we know that all it takes to get you up and running is one simple skill.

One financially valuable skill that pays you money over and over again…

That’s what we’ll give you in just four days.

We’ve got an in-high-demand writing project waiting for you…

We have an amazing Pre-Challenge Writer’s Resource Kit, which we’ll get to you immediately …

We’ve got four amazing sessions of virtual training set up.

You can take one session a few hours each day and let all the amazing information soak in …

Or, if you really want to power ahead — set aside a full day and do them all!

We’ve made the experience 100% flexible!

You’ll learn the secrets behind great copy … 9/39
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You’ll Craft Copy Under the Guiding Hand of AWAI’s Lead Copy Instructor, Pam

And before I go on, let me just say — you are going to LOVE Pam!

She’s a highly successful freelance writer herself, with over 25 years of experience writing for clients — including clients
she’s worked with for decades!

These days she splits her time between her own writing and helping AWAI members, like you, launch their new careers…

And as you can see from the comments throughout this letter — she’s absolutely beloved by members here at AWAI.

Your virtual lessons with Pam will be fun and highly informative.

She’ll answer any questions you have.

You’re going to experience firsthand just how much Pam loves working with new writers… 10/39
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How committed she is to your success…

And just how “safe” she’ll make you feel while learning this brand-new skill.

As one member told me, once you meet with Pam — even online — it’s like you’ve been friends for years!

The four days Pam and the AWAI team have put together for you are nothing short of amazing.

As I was saying, you’ll learn the writing skill that will launch your career…

You’ll get the inside scoop on a project every client needs…

You’ll write…

You’ll discover how AI can help you research, write, and generate ideas, making it the best writing assistant you could ever
ask for…

You’ll have a great piece of writing for your portfolio…

We’ll show you how to reach out to clients…

And we even have a way for you to earn your first $400 payday! 11/39
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All you need to get started is…

 A computer, laptop, or tablet…

 A decent internet connection…

 And two hours a day with Pam and her expert guests — for four days — so we can teach you the “five legs” to this
fun, simple writing project… and get you tapped into clients.

And please don’t worry…

We’re not going to ask you to write the next “Great American Novel.”

What you’ll learn to write is as short as a few pages… typically no longer than three or four.

Writing that follows a formula and, once you know it, flows from mind to paper fast (faster than ever, in fact, with AI as your
personal assistant!).

And the most exciting part is…

Millions of businesses need these! 12/39
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“I’ve used what I learned from Pam to both get

clients and support clients — since 2011… It
definitely helped me get my first clients!”

— Lane Sennett

They pay writers anywhere between $250 and $1,000 to write them, depending on the subject and the length.

And they never need just one…

Most need two, three, or four every single month …

Which means that once you get going, you’ll have a LIFELONG SKILL that could earn you an extra $3,200 per month — with
just a few clients… writing two $400 projects a week… that’ll take you roughly five hours in total, give or take!

Sound exciting?


Here’s How Our 4-Day Writing Challenge Works

We’ve made it all about simplicity. 13/39
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One skill.

One project.

We’ll start by sending you the Pre-Challenge Writer’s Resource Kit I mentioned earlier.

That will make sure you get the very most out of our four amazing days together…

It contains everything you need to know about the project you’re going to learn how to write:

 A complete Project Overview showing you what the project is… why they’re so important to every company or
entity that does business online… how companies use them… and your role as a writer in writing them.

 A 20-minute Pre-Event Research Assignment that’ll open your eyes and show you just how fun and easy this
writing is.

Now, don’t worry. This isn’t about going to the library, sifting through boring data, conducting surveys, or anything
like that…

All we want you to do is plug in a few specific Google search terms that we’ll give you — and make a note of what
comes up. 14/39
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 We’ll also send you a meticulously Curated “Swipe File” containing 24 prime examples of the simple project you’ll
be writing — along with “writer’s liner notes” on each one.

 We’ll send you a Writing Template we’ve created for this event — so you can know exactly “what goes where” in
each of the “five legs” of the project you’ll be writing…

 As well as a Copy Checklist you can use every time you write to make sure everything that needs to be in your copy
project is there.

Keep these tools within reach whenever you write, because, I promise — it doesn’t get any more “plug and play”
than this!

 I also want you to see a special presentation on generating ideas I recently did for a group of writers wanting to
learn the exact writing project we’ll teach you.

“Thanks Pam! You just helped me kick-start my

freelance career.”

— Tressa Putnam

You Get ALL of It — Before Your Training Even Begins! 15/39
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Now, you may be asking — with everything in my Pre-Challenge Writer’s Resource Kit do I even need those four “daily”
sessions of virtual training?

In a word — yes!

Because not only is this where we show you how to WRITE the assignment that could put your first $400 in your pocket…

But 26 years of experience tells us new writers learn better and faster when materials like this are discussed and given
context through real-world examples and applications…

Here’s a quick overview of how each session will unfold. And don’t forget, you’ll have immediate access to all four “daily”
sessions — so you can complete them at a pace that’s perfect for you!

Session One is all about giving you the “big picture” opportunity… building upon the project overview you’ll get in your Pre-
Challenge Writer’s Resource Kit … getting to know who you’re writing to and what they want to read.

Why is this important?

Simply because you can’t write without understanding the goals and objectives of the project you’re writing…

What your client is trying to accomplish with it…

Where your copy will be used and seen… 16/39
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Where your reader is on the “customer journey” when they see your copy…

And what makes them want to read it.

Now, just so you know — none of this is rocket science!

And when you hear it, you might think, Really, it’s that simple?

Yes, it is!

“Oh my goodness Pam! Thank you so much for

going into so much detail! You will never know
how much I appreciate the help. Your
confidence in me is astounding. I can do this
and change my life!”

— Kimberly Grow

But hearing an expert confirm it’s “that simple” is often all you need to get over any obstacles in your way.

And the great thing about our Day One lesson is that you’ll not only learn about the many purposes and uses of the project
you’ll be writing, but… 17/39
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You’ll get an amazing overview of how digital marketing works in today’s era!

Session Two is when the rubber meets the road.

This is where you learn your first copy skill as a writer — including those all-important five “legs” of your writing project:

 How to get your reader’s attention from the get-go…

 How to find and deliver the information they’re looking for…

 How to back up what you’re saying with proof and credibility…

 AND… the clever secret to writing your project so it gets found online…

 And the simple “call to action” every project you’ll write needs to have.

“Pam has some of the best organized, paced,

and applicable tips in her presentations. She
provides very practical, real examples for us
to learn better copywriting skills.”

— Pat Casello-Maddox 18/39
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It’s also where you learn how to use the Writing Template and Copy Checklist that’s a part of your Pre-Challenge Writer’s
Resource Kit — so everything that should be in every project you write is there.

It’s here you’ll meet Nick Usborne, who’ll show you all the ways you can use AI and programs like ChatGPT — as an idea
generator… a research assistant… a “copy starter”… and more.

Now, especially, you’re going to love Nick’s session!

That’s because you’re going to walk away knowing MORE about how AI and how to use it than 99% of the world — not only for
writing but in your daily life as well!

Then — we give you your writing assignment …

Which you’ll be writing to someone you probably know pretty well: aspiring writers — like you!

With marching orders in hand, you’ll have the rest of Day Two to “get creative” and start on your draft…

Be sure to check out my bonus presentation on “ideas” — and start writing!

Session Three is a deeper dive into what great copy is all about! 19/39
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“Pam knows her stuff. I loved the way she

presented this program. It was very

— Yvonne Audi

This is when we’ll dig into a handful of the writing samples from your swipe file… really go deep… line by line… so you’ll know
exactly what the writer was aiming to achieve with every paragraph… and can apply it to the draft you’re working on.

We’ll show you how to edit your writing, so that it’s “speaking” to your reader in the voice great copy should… sincerely,
empathetically — and that the content is true and accurate.

And if this amazing exercise doesn’t clarify everything for you — you’ll find included in the training a special Q&A where we
answer the most common questions new writers have!

The rest of the day is yours — to finish out your writing project, check it against our multiple “self-assessment” techniques,
and, if you choose to, send it to us so we can consider publishing your work once you’ve finished.

And don’t forget — AWAI publishes multiple dozens of the content pieces we’ll be teaching you to write every month.

So if you complete your assignment, follow the “self-grading” technique we’ll share with you, and submit it, and we believe
it’s strong enough… 20/39
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We’ll offer you $400 and a byline to publish it!

Session Four is all about “next steps.”

Specifically… next steps to your first payday!

You now have a valuable skill that businesses need.

Will you need to keep practicing and improving?


“Pam was so knowledgeable. She was open,

friendly, and supportive throughout. We were
encouraged to participate, ask questions,
provide input and you came away knowing that
she was genuine in caring that participants
"got it" and would succeed.”

— Judith Blaeske

Even the best copywriters are constantly honing their craft… and we’ll show you how to do that using the many free
resources AWAI offers… 21/39
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But is it too early to think about landing that first client?

Absolutely not!

And there’s no one better to show you how than Pam’s special guest for this session, Ilise Benun — one of the most
respected, in-demand, and, yes, expensive business coaches for freelancers.

Her specialty: showing new writers — even those with zero experience and zero samples — their value in the marketplace.

And believe me — after your time with Pam and Ilise, you’ll know exactly the type of clients that are PERFECT for new
writers… how to reach out to them… and a method for landing your first writing project that, when properly presented,
works 90% of the time!

So, between Ilise’s guidance… Pam’s time spent training and writing with you… our Q&A sessions… and everything in your
Pre-Challenge Writer’s Resource Kit…

You’ll not only have a skill that can pay you for life and a “roadmap” for getting better, but…

You could be well on your way to landing your first client… and your first check as a writer!

I’ll say it again… 22/39
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We’re holding nothing back when it comes to getting you what you need to finally make your dreams of living the writer’s life
come true…

And that includes giving you powerful resources from literally thousands of dollars’ worth of our best training programs…

Giving you access to — and having you learn alongside — top writers… experts many AWAI members pay as much as
$10,000 to work with….

Plus, I still haven’t mentioned more bonuses you’ll get that I’ll share with you shortly — valued at nearly $400!

But here’s the amazing thing…

We don’t want ANYTHING standing between you and this life-altering four days together…

Including the cost to join us!

So what will you pay for four days’ worth of amazing training with Pam and her expert guests …

To learn a highly lucrative writing skill that millions of businesses need …

Launch what could easily become a life-altering six-figure writing career …

All in as little as a day if you choose to “binge” all four day’s worth of training? 23/39
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Much less than you could ever imagine …

AWAI’s 4 Days to $400 Writing Challenge Costs Only $47 to Join!

That’s right…


All those writing resources… four amazing sessions with our top experts… a skill you’ll have for life… and a shot at your first
$400 as a writer.

How much of a no-brainer is this?

These days it’s tough to fill your gas tank for $47…

You can’t have a nice dinner out for $47…

You can’t take the family to a movie and share a bag of popcorn for $47…

Yet for $47…

You’ll learn a skill that can pay you over and over again… for life! 24/39
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You’ll know exactly how to write the short, fun content millions of companies rely on to attract new customers.

You’ll know how to improve your writing day after day, so you see measurable results…

You’ll get a mind-bending crash course in how to put the power of AI to work for you when it comes to any kind of writing…

You’ll have a roadmap for landing your first client… including a special technique writers use that “seals the deal” 90% of the

You’ll even have a chance to get “published” with AWAI — and land a $400 payout.

Again, all for $47!

Now, I know no amount of money is “insignificant.”

But $47 is such a minuscule amount when you consider two things:

1. The skills you’ll learn will give you the power to earn thousands of dollars per month — literally for the rest of your life,

2. In the past, members have paid well over $1,000 for this very same kind of multiday training with our top experts!

We’re doing this because we want to blast through whatever might be holding you back. 25/39
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We’re doing this because we love teaching new writers…

Hearing your success stories…

Hearing the excitement in your voices when you tell us you’ve landed that first check! 26/39
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And we know how MASSIVE the opportunity is right now — and how EASY it is to break in once you have your first skill and
just a little bit of confidence… 27/39
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Especially now that you can use AI to do much of the “heavy lifting” copywriters once had to do by themselves!


The $47 “tuition” we’re asking you to pay? Truth be told, we’d do it for free…

But we’ve learned that people don’t value “free.”

And for this to work, you need to be invested in our experience together… with “skin in the game,” as the saying goes.

Signup Today!

That said, we don’t want your money if you’re not 100% happy.

So, we’re offering you…

The Strongest “No-Nonsense” Guarantee You’ll Ever See!

The terms could not be simpler or clearer:

If at any time over the 365 days following our 4 Days to $400 Writing Challenge … 28/39
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 You don’t think our time together was anything but life changing…

 And you don’t see any chance at landing at least $400 as a writer in the coming weeks… even after giving it your
best shot…

 Or you’ve decided writing just isn’t for you after all…

Simply let us know…

We’ll give you back your $47!

No fine print…

Nothing to prove…

No ifs, ands, or buts.

No questions asked.

If it’s not great for you… you don’t pay.

“Pam's positive energy and encouragement came

through in every lesson. I thoroughly enjoyed 29/39
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having her as an instructor and hearing about

her career experiences. I also think she was
exceptionally patient when sometimes asked to
answer questions that got asked in almost
every session.”

— Joan Pollock

This is all about YOU!

Again, let me reiterate our intentions.

This 4 Days to $400 Writing Challenge is all about you.

It’s about reaffirming what you already believe.

You are part of the AWAI family because at one point you told us you have an interest in — maybe even a love for — writing

And you wanted to be well paid to do it.

That’s the only reason we have your name and email address on file… and the only reason I’m writing to you today.

If you still feel that way — you should join our challenge, without a doubt. 30/39
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I promise you — this will be exactly what you need to reignite that desire and jump-start your writing career FAST!

If that interest truly no longer exists, then — and please don’t take this the wrong way…

Feel free to “unsubscribe” from AWAI’s content.

Because otherwise, we’re only going to keep sending you insights, emails, and invitations to events like this under the assumption you
want to be a writer!

Frankly, though, I don’t believe that’s the case.

I believe that desire is still inside you.

You’re still a part of the AWAI community because you know you love to write…

You’re intrigued by the freedom and money you hear about copywriters having…

And you know your life could be better.

If that’s still accurate, our 4 Days to $400 Writing Challenge is a “must attend” for you.

Aside from walking away with a valuable writing skill you can start using to get paid immediately, here are six more reasons
it’s important you do this NOW: 1 31/39
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To be a writer, you have to WRITE!

Sounds simple, but the biggest problem new writers have is getting started.

As part of our 4 Days to $400 Writing Challenge — you WILL write and know if your writing is on point with the self-
grading techniques we’ll share with you.

The result — your first “portfolio” piece will be great… and it could earn you $400!

We’re making it EASY.

No sense starting you out on a writing project that’s harder and less intuitive, and will only frustrate you.

We’ve picked the simplest project for you to work on — one that’s short, based on one idea, has only five parts you
need to understand, and is perfect for honing your AI skills…

Yet it’s one of the most common writing projects businesses need today! 32/39
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And if you want to write bigger and higher-paying projects down the road… this is the perfect project to build off of
since it’s pretty much just a “mini-version” of everything you’ll ever write as a copywriter!

There will be NO JUDGMENT — this is a “safe place” experience.

Many AWAI writers who have gone on to greatness have told us they’d have started sooner but were afraid their
writing wouldn’t be good enough, and they’d be judged.

Nope… uh-uh… no way!

That’s NOT going to happen here — EVER.

We understand better than anyone…

No writer “nails it” the first time out. I didn’t. The greatest copywriters in the world didn’t. You won’t either…

But you WILL be amazed at how FAST you get better when you go through an experience like this and you’re excited
to learn… 33/39
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And you may even be surprised when you discover you don’t have to be “great” to start making money as a new

Learning about AI from Nick is a GAME CHANGER in itself!

The world is always changing, and right now, AI is a big part of those changes.

Rather than fear it, smart people — especially smart writers — are embracing it!

And when you attend our 4 Days to $400 Writing Challenge, your eyes will be forever opened to all the ways AI and
programs like ChatGPT will HELP you as a writer…

In fact, in the hour or so you’ll spend with Nick — you’ll know more about the power of AI and how to put it to work for you
than most of your friends and colleagues!

5 34/39
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We get to spend time TOGETHER…

Right now, we don’t know you… and you don’t truly know us… how passionate we are about our members’ success…
the lengths we’ll go to help you…

Let’s change that!

You’ll discover we’re not the big, “all-business” training company you might think we are…

And that we have a long (26-year!) history of building lasting friendships and professional associations with members
we get to meet and who are passionate about writing!

Finally, of course…

You can’t beat 47 bucks!

Again… this is not about the money, for us or for you.

This is about nudging you and a few of your fellow AWAI members off the fence and onto the path to a thriving writing
career! 35/39
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And because our success is based on a symbiotic relationship between writers (like you) and the industry that
desperately needs them, we benefit too.

The more skilled writers we train, the more the industry comes to us looking for writers. And the more this industry
turns to us, the more writers want to learn from us!

It’s a win for us…

And most of all… a win for you!

Again, the small amount we’re asking you to pay is so you value this life-altering learning experience.

But our ironclad guarantee also protects you:

We insist on NOT keeping your money if you don’t think the experience was worth every penny!

So, what do you say…

Are you ready for this? 36/39
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Before you go to sign up, here’s a brief recap of everything you will get — and everything that will happen:

Here’s What You Will Get When You Join Our 4 Days to $400 Writing Challenge…

 Your Pre-Challenge Writer’s Resource Kit — essentially a “crash course” in the writing project that can pay you
for life:

 Project overview

 Enlightening 20-minute pre-event research assignment…

 All-new “AI crash course” for writers…

 24-project swipe file…

 Writing template with instructions…

 And more!

 Four days of virtual training, coaching, and encouragement from one of our top experts… including a full day
dedicated to landing your first client …

 Access to all 4 Days of training IMMEDIATELY, so you can start and finish in a single day if you choose! 37/39
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 A shot at a $400 paycheck — and professional guidance on how to land clients going forward… from one of the
most sought-after freelance business trainers in the country…

 BONUS #1: My special “How to Generate Endless Ideas” presentation, where you learn secrets and shortcuts to
generating all the writing topic ideas any writer will ever need. (Invaluable!)

 BONUS #2: Now that you’re a writer — time to let the world know! So, we’re giving you — absolutely free of
charge — Ilise’s wildly popular program Create Your Own LinkedIn Profile in a Day: Your First Step Toward Attracting
Valuable Clients . (A $197 catalog value!)

 BONUS #3: More fun, easy, and natural business-building advice from Michael Katz, leading business coach and
friend of AWAI: 3-Minute Marketing: Bite-Size Strategies to Build Your Freelance Business in Just 3 Minutes per Day.
(A $297 catalog value)

So let’s do this!

Signup Today!

Just complete the form below and you’ll be a part of the 4 Days to $400 Writing Challenge. (Plus you’ll get your Pre-
Challenge Writer’s Resource Kit immediately.) 38/39
7/27/23, 9:44 PM 4 DAYS TO $400 WRITING CHALLENGE!

See you at The Challenge!

Rebecca Matter
President, AWAI

Signup Today!

American Writers & Artists Institute

220 George Bush Blvd, Suite D
Delray Beach, FL 33444
(561) 278-5557 or (866) 879-2924
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