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Nature Reviews Drug Discovery | AoP, published online 20 February 2009; doi:10.1038/nrd2836

D R u G M E tA b O L I S M

Seeking the soft spots

Metabolic stability is crucial in information on the most likely soft
allowing drugs to reach therapeutic spots of compounds from MetaSite,
concentrations, and so highly the authors’ procedure predicts their
labile compounds are often filtered metabolites in microsomal assays,
out early in the discovery process which are then searched for using
using metabolic clearance assays. sensitive liquid chromatography–
However, such assays do not provide tandem MS analysis.
information on the ‘soft spots’ on To test this procedure, 95 drug
the compound that underlie rapid candidates from diverse research
metabolism, limiting rational design programmes that showed high
to overcome this issue. A paper in the clearance in microsomal assays
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry now were investigated. Around 55% of
describes how in silico prediction MetaSite’s predictions for the top
of soft spot location coupled with metabolite based on the most likely
mass spectrometry (MS) data from soft spot were confirmed experimen-
high-throughout clearance assays can tally, and in another 20% of cases the
allow the identification of soft spots top prediction was not detected but
much faster and earlier in the drug the second most likely was found. In
discovery process. a further 9% of cases, the third most
Data on metabolism mediated by likely metabolite was detected.
cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes So, in this case, the addition of
— the major contributors to drug experimental validation of the top
metabolism — are typically obtained three predicted metabolites increases could aid in the development of in
using high-throughput microsomal the likelihood of identifying the silico models that not only identify
assays early in the compound corresponding soft spot from 55% soft spots with high success rates, but
optimization process. Zimmerlin to 84%. It therefore seems that also suggest chemical strategies for
and colleagues set out to use such incorporating this procedure in early stabilization.
data by linking it with information drug discovery could considerably
Peter Kirkpatrick
derived from a novel tool known as increase the likelihood of focusing
MetaSite, which can predict sites of optimization efforts most appro- ORIGINAL RESEARCH PAPER Trunzer, M. et al.
CYP-dependent metabolism on the priately to improve the metabolic Metabolic soft spot identification and compound
basis of computed three-dimensional stability of compounds. Furthermore, optimization in early discovery phases using
MetaSite and LC-MS/MS validation. J. Med. Chem.
compound structures and the gathering information on structure– 52, 329–335 (2009)
structure of CYP enzymes. Using metabolism relationships in this way

nATUre revIewS | Drug Discovery volUMe 8 | MArCH 2009

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