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Level 3 Extended Diploma Unit 12 Project Proposal Proforma

Name Fern Huckle

Pathway Level 3 Diploma Unit 8 Project Proposal pro forma

Project A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Section 1: Rationale (Yr 1 approx. 100 words) Yr 2- 150 words

 What have I learnt from the projects I've done so far?

From my Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons duologue, I learnt the importance of
learning lines early to maximise time rehearsing more experimentally with more focus on acting
expressively than on the lines themselves.

 What does all the work I have completed/ learnt so far on the course mean to me?
The work I’ve done so far has broadened my creative abilities beyond what they were. I’ve
worked at lot on making sure my gestures are meaningful and in character, which is really
important to my progression in acting. Our focus on Stanislavski and naturalism has helped me a
lot with this, as we talked a lot about focusing on physicality.

How has this helped me to think about my skills as a creative/performer?

I have been particularly Mindful of movement and gesticulation which will help for the next
Shakespeare project.
I need to work on passive acting and staying in character while not actively portraying something
to an audience.
 What are my strengths and weaknesses from my last project?

Experimenting with a variety of emotions in my surrealism project and my duologue from Lemons
Lemons Lemons Lemons Lemons revealed my unique expression of emotion, particularly facially
and vocally, however, I generally struggle to portray characters in unremarkable moments.

Section 2: Project concept (Yr 1 approx. 200 Yr 2- 200 words


 What are my interests and ideas that I want to explore in my final project?
I want to explore how I could put great amounts of energy into the character of Nick Bottom and
how this could affect my portrayal of him. I would also like to insert comedy wherever possible.

 What will I research?

I will research previous portrayals of Bottom. I will watch performances, read articles, and look at
interviews. I will research donkey noises so I can attempt to recreate them.

 Why do I want to explore this?

It will help me understand the text and portray Bottom in a more enjoyable and comedic way to
watch. It will also give me more bases and different sources to see what works best for how I
want to show Bottom.
 How will you use this research to help you shape your practical work?
I will mimic the way other actors have presented Bottom and see what I can incorporate into my
performance, looking at what works, what doesn’t, and how potential aspects of my performance
can interact.
Section 3: Evaluating the Process (Yr 1 Yr 2- 150 words
approx. 50 words)

 How will I check that I have achieved my personal aims within the project?
I will track my goals from now and note it down in my practical skills and reflection videos
when I achieve them.
 How will I know when all this has been achieved?
When I have achieved all my goals, I will have ticked them all off my list and I will hopefully be
able to see the improvement in my performance.
 How will I measure my own progress?
I will have my list to check my progress with, and I will notice my progression in my acting
throughout the project.
 How will record high and low points of the process?
I will record my progress in my reflection videos and note when I have particularly bad or good
weeks in terms of achieving my goals.
 How can I best evidence and show my skills in decision making?
I will write down all the decisions I make for research and my character in my practical skills and
talk about how they have affected my performance.
 How can I best evidence and show my skills in collaboration?
I will write about the different choices we have made together and what the outcome has been
from our group work in my practical skills.

Proposed research sources and bibliography (Harvard format)

 What sources of material will I look into?
Other productions of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, the story of Pyramus and Thisbe, articles
about other actors portrayals of Bottom, interviews with actors
 Why do I think these will be helpful?
They will provide me with a wide research basis for elements I can include in my portrayal of

Project action plan and timetable

Week Date week Activity/what you intend to Resources / what you will need to
beginning do - including independent do - including access to resources
26/02 Monday: Character I will need a script to rehearse, as
discussions and analysis (Act well as the internet and books for
3 1, Scene 1) Research: researching the play, characters, and
Encourage actors to
independently research the
historical context of the play
and its characters, providing
insights during character
discussions. · Tuesday:
Blocking Act 1, Scene 1 ·
Wednesday: Blocking Act 1,
Scene 2 · Friday session:
UAL Level 3 Diploma
grading criteria Reflection:
Discuss the importance of
professional communication
and perceptive analysis during
rehearsals. Encourage actors
to reflect on their character
interpretations and decision-
making processes. Students
can write notes for reflection
4/03 Monday: Blocking Act 2,
Scene 1 · Tuesday: Blocking
Act 2, Scene 2 Practical
Skills: Encourage actors to
apply imaginative skills
extensively while blocking
scenes, exploring various
movement choices and stage
dynamics. · Wednesday:
Blocking Act 3, Scene 1 ·
Friday session: Understanding
performance assessment
criteria for acting, directing,
and production roles
Research: Provide resources
and guidance for actors to
conduct research on acting
techniques and methods,
encouraging insightful
interpretation and application
in rehearsals
11/03 · Monday: Blocking Act 3,
Scene 2 · Tuesday: Blocking
Act 4, Scene 1 Practical
Skills: Conduct exercises
focusing on developing
imaginative solutions to scene
challenges, encouraging
actors to think critically and
creatively. · Wednesday:
Blocking Act 4, Scene 2
Friday session: Reflection:
Facilitate discussions where
actors can engage in
perceptive analysis of their
character motivations and
interactions, fostering mature
decision-making to progress
scenes effectively.
18/03 · Monday: Blocking Act 4,
Scene 3 Research: Encourage
actors to independently
identify and research themes
present in their scenes, using
the information to develop
nuanced character
interpretations. · Tuesday:
Blocking Act 5, Scene 1 ·
Wednesday: Blocking Act 5,
Scene 2 · Friday session:
Individual feedback sessions
based on rehearsal
observations and alignment
with UAL criteria Reflection:
Provide structured feedback
sessions where actors can
engage in professional
communication, offering
perceptive analysis of their
own performances and
receiving constructive
criticism from peers and
25/03 · Monday: Blocking Act 5,
Scene 3 · Tuesday: Run-
through of Acts 1-3 Practical
Skills: During run-throughs,
emphasize the application of
in-depth understanding and
imaginative skills to address
any performance challenges
and refine character
portrayals. · Wednesday: Run-
through of Acts 4-5 · Friday
session: Group workshop on
performance techniques and
strategies for achieving higher
grades Research: Conduct a
workshop exploring different
performance techniques and
methods, encouraging actors
to apply insights gained from
research to enhance their

15/04 Running scenes that need

work all week. Theory
sessions: students to ensure
that they are completely up to
date with Portfolios.
22/04 · Monday: Rehearsal focusing
on refining scenes and
character motivations
Reflection: Encourage actors
to engage in reflective
discussions, demonstrating
professional communication
skills as they analyse their
progress and make mature
decisions to further develop
their characterisations. ·
Tuesday: Dress rehearsals
with a focus on technical
elements (lights, sound,
costumes, props, etc.) ·
Wednesday: Final review and
reflection on progress,
addressing any remaining
areas for improvement in
relation to UAL Level 3
Diploma criteria Practical
Skills: During the final review
session, emphasize the
application of imaginative
skills in addressing technical
challenges and refining
performances to meet
professional standards.
29/04 Dress rehearsals and
performance. Show nights:
01/05/24 02/05/24

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