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Clarification regarding delay in commencement of examinations
Various mistakes and unbiased approaches in the attendance records that

determine the eligibility of students for appearing in the first semester exams for

the academic year 2023/2024 were identified by Science faculty Students' Union

and informed the Dean with complete evidences. We made a request to call an

immediate faculty board meeting to discuss these issues. Though, as our

request was denied, we were forced to resort to boycott our educational

activities to emphasize our demands. Next day the strike was come to a


Reasons for our strike

(1) Some students who have not been got approved medical certificates are

allowed to sit on the examinations on basis of excuse. Here according to the

regulations, such excuse should be given only for the approved medical

certificates. Hence it is unacceptable that this opportunity was given to only a few


(2) Responsible parties acted in a biased manner in assessing the attendances and

approving students to sit in the examination. It is a matter of non-neutrality that

some students who had less than 80% attendances are denied to admit while some

other students are admitted despite not maintaining 80%.

(3) Conducting lectures and completing them in less hours than the actual lecture

hours. We cannot accept the attendances calculated based on fewer hours of

lectures without considering the actual total hours to be covered.

We announced that we conclude our protest on 23.02.2024 and requested for

quick resolution of these issues. Next week, on Friday (01.03.2024) the faculty

meeting was held as per the regular schedule of the administration.

Efforts taken by SSU

01.03.2024 Friday

No any necessary decisions were taken in the faculty board meetings held after

the strike. When the errors found in the attendance matter were pointed out

in the faculty board meeting with proper evidences, the concerned parties

refused to accept them and said that false allegations were being imposed

against them.

Following these incidents a mini board meeting was conducted. Acting vice

chancellor requested to postpone the exams for a week and resolve all the

issues within that time. According to his request, we submitted the evidences to

the Vice-Chancellor. No decisive decisions were taken in another faculty board

meeting held on 05.03.2024

After the matter was brought to the consideration of the Vice Chancellor, he

requested to come to a conclusion in a gentle manner.

07.03.2024 Thursday

A special discussion was held with the Vice-Chancellor, Dean and Heads of

Departments. He requested both parties to resolve the issue amicably. Although

the SSU agreed to this, the administration of science faculty denied it.

Exams were postponed for one more week as no proper decisions were



Reasons for the delay

As the examinations were planned to start on 04.03.2024, we had requested

to hold a special board meeting immediately by the fourth week of February
with for getting the solutions much earlier. After submission of all proper
evidences, there were 3 faculty board meetings held in just 2 weeks. If our
request had been accepted earlier, no strike activities would have taken
place. The issue would have been resolved without delay and the
examinations would have commenced on 04.03.2024 as already scheduled.
The Science Students’ Union agreed with the compromising request
proposed by vice chancellor by considering the goodness of the students.
Every time we requested to solve the problem without delay. But the issue
dragged on further because some of the administrative members did
not agree. It doesn’t mean that here we mention all of the lecturers.

At the final meeting, the administration put forward some conditions

regarding allowing the students to appear for the examinations on the basis
of attendances. In the list of solutions that issued after the meeting, it is
mentioned that not to start the exams until the attendance related
issues are resolved.
The Science Students' Union does not want the issues to drag on further, as we
considered the impacts on students due to delays. We have agreed to the
conditions by keeping mind the goodness of all students. However, delay in the
commencement of examinations is caused by the delays in implementing
such conditions and bring the problems into a conclusion by the respective
administration. SSU can’t be responsible for the delay.

Stand of Science student’s union

The stand of SSU is, the attendance records of all students should be treated in a
correct approach and in a neutral manner. We request all the students to do not
believe the rumors regarding these matters which are not officially informed by
We have requested the administration to conduct the exams as soon as possible
by considering the wellbeing of all students. Further information about the
examinations will be announced by the Dean.
Thank you

Science Student’s Union

University of Jaffna.

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